
时间:2019-05-12 13:05:30下载本文作者:会员上传









第二篇:teamwork TED 演讲

Several years ago here at TED, Peter Skillman introduced a design challenge called the marshmallow challenge.And the idea's pretty simple: Teams of four have to build the tallest free-standing structure out of 20 sticks of spaghetti, one yard of tape, one yard of string and a marshmallow.The marshmallow has to be on top.And, though it seems really simple, it's actually pretty hard because it forces people to collaborate very quickly.And so, I thought this was an interesting idea, and I incorporated it into a design workshop.And it was a huge success.And since then, I've conducted about 70 design workshops across the world with students and designers and architects, even the CTOs of the Fortune 50, and there's something about this exercise that reveals very deep lessons about the nature of collaboration, and I'd like to share some of them with you.1:01 So, normally, most people begin by orienting themselves to the task.They talk about it, they figure out what it's going to look like, they jockey for power.Then they spend some time planning, organizing, they sketch and they lay out spaghetti.They spend the majority of their time assembling the sticks into ever-growing structures.And then finally, just as they're running out of time, someone takes out the marshmallow, and then they gingerly put it on top, and then they stand back, and--ta-da!--they admire their work.But what really happens, most of the time, is that the “ta-da” turns into an “uh-oh,” because the weight of the marshmallow causes the entire structure to buckle and to collapse.1:44 So there are a number of people who have a lot more “uh-oh” moments than others, and among the worst are recent graduates of business school.(Laughter)They lie, they cheat, they get distracted and they produce really lame structures.And of course there are teams that have a lot more “ta-da” structures, and among the best are recent graduates of kindergarten.(Laughter)And it's pretty amazing.As Peter tells us, not only do they produce the tallest structures, but they're the most interesting structures of them all.2:18 So the question you want to ask is: How come? Why? What is it about them? And Peter likes to say that none of the kids spend any time trying to be CEO of Spaghetti, Inc.Right? They don't spend time jockeying for power.But there's another reason as well.And the reason is that business students are trained to find the single right plan, right? And then they execute on it.And then what happens is, when they put the marshmallow on the top, they run out of time and what happens? It's a crisis.Sound familiar? Right.What kindergarteners do differently is that they start with the marshmallow, and they build prototypes, successive prototypes, always keeping the marshmallow on top, so they have multiple times to fix when they build prototypes along the way.Designers recognize this type of collaboration as the essence of the iterative process.And with each version, kids get instant feedback about what works and what doesn't work.3:12 So the capacity to play in prototype is really essential, but let's look at how different teams perform.So the average for most people is around 20 inches;business schools students, about half of that;lawyers, a little better, but not much better than that, kindergarteners, better than most adults.Who does the very best? Architects and engineers, thankfully.(Laughter)Thirty-nine inches is the tallest structure I've seen.And why is it? Because they understand triangles and self-reinforcing geometrical patterns are the key to building stable structures.So CEOs, a little bit better than average, but here's where it gets interesting.If you put you put an executive admin.on the team, they get significantly better.(Laughter)It's incredible.You know, you look around, you go, “Oh, that team's going to win.” You can just tell beforehand.And why is that? Because they have special skills of facilitation.They manage the process, they understand the process.And any team who manages and pays close attention to work will significantly improve the team's performance.Specialized skills and facilitation skills are the combination that leads to strong success.If you have 10 teams that typically perform, you'll get maybe six or so that have standing structures.4:30 And I tried something interesting.I thought, let's up the ante, once.So I offered a 10,000 dollar prize of software to the winning team.So what do you think happened to these design students? What was the result? Here's what happened: Not one team had a standing structure.If anyone had built, say, a one inch structure, they would have taken home the prize.So, isn't that interesting? That high stakes have a strong impact.We did the exercise again with the same students.What do you think happened then? So now they understand the value of prototyping.So the same team went from being the very worst to being among the very best.They produced the tallest structures in the least amount of time.So there's deep lessons for us about the nature of incentives and success.5:21 So, you might ask: Why would anyone actually spend time writing a marshmallow challenge? And the reason is, I help create digital tools and processes to help teams build cars and video games and visual effects.And what the marshmallow challenge does is it helps them identify the hidden assumptions.Because, frankly, every project has its own marshmallow, doesn't it? The challenge provides a shared experience, a common language, a common stance to build the right prototype.And so, this is the value of the experience, of this so simple exercise.5:54 And those of you who are interested may want to go to MarshmallowChallenge.com.It's a blog that you can look at how to build the marshmallows.There's step-by-step instructions on this.There are crazy examples from around the world of how people tweak and adjust the system.There's world records that are on this as well.6:11 And the fundamental lesson, I believe, is that design truly is a contact sport.It demands that we bring all of our senses to the task, and that we apply the very best of our thinking, our feeling and our doing to the challenge that we have at hand.And sometimes, a little prototype of this experience is all that it takes to turn us from an “uh-oh” moment to a “ta-da” moment.And that can make a big difference.6:36 Thank you very much.



I do not like teamwork in most time.Because I think it is hard for the whole team to hold the same view.It is a waste of time to argue with each other then make a compromise.But recently I have really seen the great power of teamwork.Last week we had a play competition.Because of some reasons, we had not decided the play two days before the competition.Our monitor called the actors and actresses who had been decided together.Then they think about every plot together.To my surprise, it seemed that everybody had his or her good idea.They gave up their weekend to practice the play.Finally our team won good marks and were given the opportunity to participate in the final competition.Teamwork is really powerful.No matter learning in school or working in the future, we have to work in a team sometimes.So, try to establish the spirit of teamwork.It will surely help you achieve success.


I didn’t realize the importance of working in groups until I was chosen monitor of my class in my senior middle school.At first, I did most of the duties myself while other students care little about class activities.As a result, I was tired out and depressed.Then I turned to my teacher and he advised me to cooperate with others.Thus I began to recognize the strengths of my classmates and have everyone do their part in class.From my experience, I strongly feel that it is working in teams instead of on my own that has freed me of trouble and made my work more efficiently.So we need the spirit of team work in our life.I do not like teamwork in most time.Because I think it is hard for the whole team to hold the same view.It is a waste of time to argue with each other then make a compromise.But recently I have really seen the great power of teamwork.Last week we had a play competition.Because of some reasons, we had not decided the play two days before the competition.Our monitor called the actors and actresses who had been decided together.Then they think about every plot together.To my surprise, it seemed that everybody had his or her good idea.They gave up their weekend to practice the play.Finally our team won good marks and were given the opportunity to participate in the final competition.Teamwork is really powerful.No matter learning in school or working in the future, we have to work in a team sometimes.So, try to establish the spirit of teamwork.It will surely help you achieve success.3.The importance of Teamwork

As teamwork is increasingly important in modern society,everyone should train his ability to cooperate with others.Today's society is no longer a self-sufficient one,but one in which all the people depend on each other for existence.Only for existence,not to mention the pursuit and obtainment of happiness,one can't do without the ability to work harmoniously with others.In the highly developed society today,one can almost accomplish nothing without joint efforts.Every loaf of bread,every article of clothes,every house or apartment,every means of transportation is the product of cooperative efforts.We play with other children in kindergartens;we study with our classmates at schools;and we will work with our fellow workers or colleagues in factories or companies. What we have got through teamwork is not only selfimprovement,personal success, but also the satisfaction at both our devotion to common causes and the sense of collective honor.

To meet the needs of both personal improvement and the sophisticated [sə'fistkeitid] society,we should learn to cooperate with each other and adjust to each other.Only in this way can we achieve successes and satisfy ourselves as well as the society.

第五篇:英语演讲稿(teamwork or independence

Teamwork or Independence

Good evening ladies and gentlemen:

It’s an honor to give a speech here tonight.Before giving the speech,I want to ask you a question:Do you believe in superman?I believe everyone will say “NO” because there is no superman in the world.Everyone can be sick or tired sometimes.Too much work in our lives can even drive us crazy.That’s what I am talking about today.When you are really in trouble,what’s your choices,Teamwork or Independence?

In my opinion,it is hard for people to accomplish their tasks if they work alone.Because it is unavoidable to meet some difficulties during the process,and you have to find the solution and information all by yourselves.Of course it will take you plenty of time and energy.But if you work in a team,things will be changed obviously.We all know that two heads are better than one.Surely teamwork can gather more information than individual work.The teammates can exchange their experience and ideas often so that the efficiency of the work can be increased.Everyone will work in high spirit because they can be in charge of their favorite parts.It is just like this English speech.We work in team to prepare for it.You can look at the pictures on the screen.We were working together.Although the work was very hard but we were smiling,because we felt happy.Everybody did try his or her best,and we enjoyed working with each other.The power of teamwork kept the tiredness away from us.To tell you the trueth,we were just like playing a game when doing the work.And now I want to announce that:

We are a team.We are good friends now.Andwe will be good friends forever.Thank you very much.



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