
时间:2019-05-12 13:43:00下载本文作者:会员上传



1.Our earth and I

The earth is our home.And we have only one earth.So the earth is very important to us.But now people are polluting the earth seriously.It’s becoming dirter and dirter.So I think I must try to save the earth.I must stop polluting water.I should save all materials.And I must ask others to look after our home together.2.I have a dream

I’m Tom.I am 13 years old.I want to be a policeman when I grow up.My uncle is a policeman.He often tells me some stories about policemen.I think it is an exciting job.And policemen are very brave.They catch thieves and make our city a safe place.I want to learn from they.I must study hard to be a good policeman.3.A plan of a visit

I like travelling.I have been to many places.T his National holiday I am going to visit Beijing.Beijing is the capital of Cina.It is baeutiful and nice.I plan to stay there for one week.I will visit the Great Wall.It is very long and famous.I will go shopping in the huge departant stores.There are many things in them.I will go to Bejing by air.It takes about 3 hours.I will come back in a week.I think I will have a great time.4.Shanghai

Shanghai is the biggest city in China.It is in the east of the country.The Huangpu River runs through the city from west to east.There are many big bridges over the river.Shanghai is also a beautiful and modern city.You can see a loy of tall buildings,huge department stores and famous hotels there.Tourists like going shopping in Shanghai.They always visit the Bund and Yu Garden.There are about 13 milion people in Shanghai.5.A nice trip(过去时)

6.My Hobby

I enjoy swimming.It is my favourite hobby.Swimming is good for my heath.It can keeo me strong and active.I often go swimming with my parents.In summer, we go to the beach.In winter,we go to the swimming pool.We are all good at swimming.We swim for about one hour every time.Swimming is really great fun.I love swimming very much.7.My Parents

There are three people in my family,my father, my mother,and I.My mother is a nurse.She works in a hospital.She helps doctors to make sick people better.She loves her work.My father is a teacher.He works in a middle school.He is kind to students.All of his students like him.Both of them are busy and they work very hard.8.Water

Water is very important to us.If there is no water,all of the living things will die.People use water to cook food and to wash clothes.But now people are polluting and wasting water.So we must stop polluting it and we should do something to save water.We can save water by not playing water games.We can save water by not brushing our teeth under a running tap.9.Our Monitor

Mary is our monitor.She is thirteen years old.She is beautiful.She is 160 centimetres tall and weighs 48 kilograms.She has many hobbies.She enjoys skating and collecting stamps.She works hard.She is good at all the lessons and she can speak English fluently.She is friendly to others.She is also always ready to help others.All of us like her very much.10.Fire

Fire is important.People use fire in many different ways.At home,we use fire to cook food and boil water.In factories, workers use fire to melt metals to make different things.But fire can be very dangerous.People may be seriously injured or even lose their lives and homes in a fire.So we must be careful with fire.11.At weekends(区别“At the weekend”,at weekends用一般现在是,at the weekend用过去时)

At weekends I do not go to school.I can do many other things.Of course I aiways do my homework at first.I enjoy reading during the weekends because I can learn a lot from it.Sometimes I help my mother do some housework.Sometimes I play tennis or go swimming with my friends.I often fly kites in the park if there is a gentle wind.It is my favourite outdoor activity.My weekends are busy and colourful.]

12.School life in winter

Our school life in winter is very interesting.We have eight lessons every day.After class,there are many activities.We sometines play ball games, sometimes have races.We usually have a good time.Our library has an air-conditioner.It is a good place for us to read books.Our school life is both busy and interesting.I like it very much.13.How to protect the environment

The environment is very important to us.We need fresh air every minute.We need clean water to do a lot of things.But nowadays, people don't look after the environment well.They have polluted the environgment seriously.We must save our earth.We should stop cutting down forests, plent more and protect them well.We should put rubbish into rubbish bins.We should reuse shopping bags.In a word,we should keep the environment clean.14.Keeping healthy

Health is very important for us.But how to keep healthy? First, we should have healthy food.We should eat plenty of vegetable and ftuits.We should have a lot of rice and noodles.Second, we should do enough exercise.Enough exercise can keep us strong and active.Third, we should go to bed early in the evening and get up early in the morning.These are all good for our health.




If you knock into someone or get in his way, you should say, “()”.C.Excuse me, I’m sorry 2.第2题

My daughter is ill.I have to()her at home.B.take care of 3.第3题

He asked if there was()in that day’s newspaper.B.anything interesting 4.第4题

Can you tell me

? B.where he lives 5.第5题

In the old days my grandpa was made

or 13 hours a day.C.to work 6.第6题

Your rain coat is here.But where is()? D.his 7.第7题

Hangzhou is more beautiful than()city in China.D.any other 8.第8题


the east of South China.C.lies in 9.第9题

After a long walk, the old man

be tired now.B.must 10.第10题

Kate is()American school boy.B.an 11.第11题

I haven’t heard from him()he left home.B.since 12.第12题

“Must I finish my homework now?” “No, you().But you()finish it this evening.” B.needn’t…must 13.第13题 She’ll join us this evening()she hasn’t got important work to do.B.if 14.第14题


brother is three years

than I.D.elder, older 15.第15题

He’s never late for work,()he? B.is 16.第16题

I was late for school this morning because I

the first bus.A.missed 17.第17题

Speak to her slowly ______ she may catch you.B.so that 18.第18题

My uncle will go to visit London

next week.A.sometime 19.第20题

“Try to()who broke the window.” the Madam said to her son.B.find out 20.第21题

He usually

his hair cut once a month.C.has 21.第22题

Mother is

with her son’s scores.A.pleased 22.第23题

People in the west make ______ a rule to buy Christmas presents for their relatives and friends.B.it 第27题

The next day Helen got up()earlier than her brother.A.even 第28题

She was busy()to the husband when I came in.A.writing 25.第29题

He was born

the morning of March 1, 1970.C.on 26.第30题

He has been

for five years.A.in prison 27.第31题

If wet clothes are()up near a fire, they()easily.C.hung, will dry 28.第32题

When the little girl saw her mother out, she().D.couldn’t help crying 29.第33题

By the end of last month, three English songs().D.had been taught 30.第34题

Now it isn’t difficult to()a job in our city.A.find 31.第35题

The meat smells().A.terrible 32.第36题

Trains can

more passengers than planes.D.carry 33.第37题

When I went to see him, I saw him

the violin.C.playing 34.第38题

The speaker spoke so quickly that()of us could understand him.A.few 35.第39题

“Must I finish the work before supper?” “No, you().” B.needn’t


I like to()others play football.C.watch 37.第41题

Mr.Smith()his classmates now.C.is getting on well with 38.第42题

She is so kind that everyone here()her()their sister.C.looks on…as 39.第43题


me two hours to do my homework yesterday.A.took 40.第44题

Jack doesn’t jump so

as his classmates.A.high 41.第45题

______ needs further discussion whether we'll build a library or not.C.It 42.第49题

I’d like to

my dictionary to you.But Allen has it from m A.lend, borrowed 43.第50题

There are

books in our school library than in yours.C.many more 44.第51题

Jim arrived half an hour late, ______ made his boss unhappy.C.which 45.第52题

We go there every day

Sunday.D.except 46.第19题


The very people who used to support him are against him now.47.第24题

思想是通过语言表达的。(by means of)标准答案:

Thoughts are expressed by means of words.48.第25题


I wonder who he is, where he came from and why he came.49.第46题

这两家公司已就合同内容达成一致。(agree on)标准答案:

The two companies have agreed on the contract.50.第47题

自从她和市长结婚以后,就瞧不起以前的朋友了。(look down upon)标准答案:

After she married a mayor, she began to look down upon her former friends.51.第53题


Good manners are very important.If you are polite, you are always kind and helpful to others.52.第54题

那个女孩子等了又等,希望能够见到那位著名影星。(in the hope that)标准答案:

The girl waited and waited, in the hope that she would be able to see that famous movie star.1.第1题

English is spoken by()people.C.millions of 2.第2题

Don’t forget to()your English-Chinese dictionary with you when you come to class tomorrow.C.bring 3.第3题

Tian An Men Square

beautiful and magnificent.C.looks 4.第4题

He has been

for five years.A.in prison 5.第5题


eighty Yuan for an English-Chinese dictionary.D.paid 6.第7题

My son said the man had hit him().A.in the face 7.第8题

The doctor asked the man to

smoking.C.give up 8.第9题

Something is wrong with my watch.I’ll have it

soon.D.repaired 9.第10题

He()the army a few years ago.A.joined 10.第11题

Look, the little boy()a big dictionary from the shelf.A.is taking down 11.第12题

Hangzhou is more beautiful than()city in China.D.any other 12.第13题

I like to()others play football.C.watch 13.第14题

I was late for school this morning because I

the first bus.A.missed 14.第15题


me two hours to do my homework yesterday.A.took 15.第16题

The trip was

and people were enjoying themselves.B.pleasant 16.第17题

______ we all know, air is gas.A.As 17.第18题 I have ______ English book but he has two English books.A.one 18.第19题

Mary is fond of watching ______ TV while her sister is interested in listening to ______ radio.A./, the 19.第20题

______ needs further discussion whether we'll build a library or not.C.It 20.第26题

When the little girl saw her mother out, she().D.couldn’t help crying 21.第27题

She()me the teacher wanted to()with me the next day.B.told, talk 22.第28题

Let’s()out for a walk, shall we? B.go 23.第29题

The radio of this kind()in this shop.D.is sold 24.第30题

C.is getting on well with 25.第31题

There are about()workers in our factory.A.eight hundred 26.第32题

I have()much work to do that I can’t go with you.C.so 27.第33题

She is()younger than she looks.D.much 28.第34题

()is too difficult if you put your heart into it.B.Nothing 29.第35题

“Try to()who broke the window.” the Madam said to her son.B.find out 30.第36题

I wonder if your teacher is strict()you.B.with 31.第37题

A truck doesn’t run as()as a car.A.fast 32.第38题 The policeman()the thief and found the wallet.B.searched 33.第39题

Will you please

the word in the dictionary? D.look up 34.第40题

Your rain coat is here.But where is()? D.his 35.第41题

The students were busy()their lessons for the test.A.preparing 36.第42题

Kate is()American school boy.B.an 37.第43题

When I went to see him, I saw him

the violin.C.playing 38.第44题

If you knock into someone or get in his way, you should say, “()”.C.Excuse me, I’m sorry 39.第45题

The next day Helen got up()earlier than her brother.A.even 40.第46题

A new play will be()at the Capital Theatre next week.B.put on 41.第47题

You’d better()yourself to some food, or you will be worse.A.help 42.第48题


the little girl very clever.C.find 43.第49题

Jack doesn’t jump so

as his classmates.A.high 44.第50题

Speak to her slowly ______ she may catch you.B.so that 45.第52题

They usually have the traditional turkey

Christmas Day.D.on 46.第21题

自从她和市长结婚以后,就瞧不起以前的朋友了。(look down upon)标准答案:

After she married a mayor, she began to look down upon her former friends.47.第22题

思想是通过语言表达的。(by means of)标准答案:

Thoughts are expressed by means of words.48.第23题

你听说了那个令人激动的消息了吗?(hear of)标准答案:

Have you heard of that exciting news? 49.第24题

他无论做什么,都非常仔细。(no matter what)标准答案:

No matter what he does, he does it carefully.50.第25题

你认为你可以在六周内学好英语吗?(learn „well)标准答案:

Do you think you can learn English well in six weeks? 51.第51题

据说那个人想要我赔偿他的损失。(it is said, pay for)标准答案:

It’s said that the man wanted me to pay for his damage.52.第53题


I regret being unable to help(regret that I can’t help)you.1.第1题

I could hardly see any smoke()from the top of the mountain.A.rising 2.第2题

My daughter is ill.I have to()her at home.B.take care of 3.第3题

He was born

the morning of March 1, 1970.C.on 4.第4题

his surprise, the woman

C.To, with 5.第5题

Please give()a cup of tea.A.me 6.第6题

He asked if there was()in that day’s newspaper.B.anything interesting 7.第7题

a baby is his mother.Wuxi

the east of South China.C.lies in 8.第8题

Will you please

the word in the dictionary? D.look up 9.第9题

Look, the little boy()a big dictionary from the shelf.A.is taking down 10.第10题

Mr.Smith()his classmates now.C.is getting on well with 11.第11题

When Edison’s mother was ill, he()a doctor.A.sent for 12.第12题

When the parents were at work, they()to look after the baby.A.took turns 13.第13题

I won’t leave()you come back.C.until 14.第14题

How long()you()a member of the club? B.have……been 15.第15题

My bike has().I have to go there by bus.A.broken down 16.第16题

Mrs Black is a kind woman.She()others easily.A.gets on well with 17.第17题

The strike made the boss()the workers’ pay.D.raise 18.第18题

How much rice

there in the jar? A.is 19.第19题

Speak to her slowly ______ she may catch you.B.so that 20.第23题

There are

books in our school library than in yours.C.many more 21.第24题

My father often

newspapers after supper.B.reads 22.第27题

Look, a group of

are playing football.B.children 23.第28题

The doctor asked the man to

smoking.C.give up 24.第29题

If you have any questions, please()your hands.B.put up 25.第30题

When the little girl saw her mother out, she().D.couldn’t help crying 26.第31题

I have never seen

beautiful coat.D.such a 27.第32题

Will you

us for lunch? A.join 28.第33题

If wet clothes are()up near a fire, they()easily.C.hung, will dry 29.第34题

She()me the teacher wanted to()with me the next day.B.told, talk 30.第35题

The old woman had to depend()her daughter.B.on 31.第36题

There are about()workers in our factory.A.eight hundred 32.第37题

She is so kind that everyone here()her()their sister.C.looks on…as 33.第38题

The meat smells().A.terrible 34.第39题

He’s never late for work,()he? B.is 35.第40题

Peter doesn’t talk much.He is a man of()words.B.few 36.第41题

If a piece of ice is taken into a warm room, it will soon()water.C.turn into 37.第42题

When you come to Beijing, I’ll

you around the city.D.show 38.第43题

They had a dinner party()Saturday evening.C.on 39.第44题

I’d like to

my dictionary to you.But Allen has it from m A.lend, borrowed 40.第45题

I often visited the British Museum ______ I was staying in London.B.while 41.第48题

When he got home, he found the window open and something().B.stolen 42.第49题

The next day Helen got up()earlier than her brother.A.even 43.第50题

You’d better()yourself to some food, or you will be worse.A.help 44.第51题

The restaurant was()in 1983 by a woman cook.A.set up 45.第52题

The child was born()the night of October 14 last year.C.on 46.第20题


Good manners are very important.If you are polite, you are always kind and helpful to others.47.第21题

英语不仅在英国和美国使用,而且也在世界其他地区使用。(not only„but also)标准答案:

English is not only used in England and America, but also in other parts of the world.48.第22题

那个女孩子等了又等,希望能够见到那位著名影星。(in the hope that)标准答案:

The girl waited and waited, in the hope that she would be able to see that famous movie star.49.第25题

他没什么亲戚,生活很孤单。(lonely)标准答案: He has no relatives and his life is quite lonely.50.第26题

听他讲大学生活是一件很有趣的事情。(it is + adj.+ to do)标准答案:

It’s was interesting to hear him talk about his life at University.51.第46题

你听说了那个令人激动的消息了吗?(hear of)标准答案:

Have you heard of that exciting news? 52.第47题

他们完成家庭作业后就去游泳了。(with + n + pp)标准答案:

They went swimming with their homework done.



B、I am not forced to consider getting gun C、I am no longer fear for my safety

D、I sticks to my belief and won’t get a gun 5.The best title for the passage seems to be ______.A、Life in a Small Town

B、Would-be Assailant Arrested C、Arming Myself with a Gun is not the Answer

D、Constant Paranoia

Part II Translate Chinese into English

Directions: In the part, you are required to translate a paragraph from Chinese into English.You should write your answer on Answer Sheet.我和你母亲是1946年离开中国的,我们曾回过一次北京,又去了广州、上海。一路上,她每次看到与双胞胎姐妹差不多年龄的女孩子,总要多打量几眼。最后我们来到了美国,我想甚至在船上,她还幻想能找到她们,但自从我们到了美国,她就再不提她们了。我认为她已经死心了。

I and your mother left China in 1946, we have to go back to Beijing, and went to Guangzhou, Shanghai.Along the way, every time she sees a girl with the same age as the twin sisters, always look at a few more eyes.Finally, we came to the United States, I think and even on board, she also fantasy to find them, but since we came to the United States, she will not mention them again.I think she has lost hope.Part III Translate English into Chinese

Directions: In the part, you are required to translate a paragraph from English into Chinese.You should write your answer on Answer Sheet.Going to an amusement park or ball game, watching a movie or television, are fun activities that help us relax, temporarily forget our problems and maybe even laugh.But they do not bring happiness, because their positive effects end when the fun ends.去游乐园或球赛,看电影或电视,是有趣的活动,帮助我们放松身心,暂时忘却自己的难题,甚至放声大笑。但是它们并不能带来幸福,因为他们的正面效应当乐趣结束时。

Many people like Chinese food.In China, cooking is not only regarded as a skill but also an art.The well-prepared Chinese food is tasty and good-looking.The ways of cooking and ingredients selection vary greatly across China.However, good cooking has one thing in common, that is, to always concern colors, smell, tastes and nutrition.As food is vital for man’s health, good cooks are always making efforts to maintain balance between grains meats and vegetables.Thus, Chinese food is delicious and healthy.很多人喜欢中国菜。在中国,烹饪不仅被视为一个技能,也是一门艺术。精心准备的中餐好吃又好看。烹调和配料的选择方式差异很大,在中国。然而,好的烹饪有共同之处,有一件事是,总是要考虑到颜色,气味,味道和营养。由于食物对人的健康至关重要,好的厨师总是努力保持谷物、肉类和蔬菜之间的平衡。因此,中国的食物是美味和健康。

Part III Reading Comprehension(Reading in Depth)

Someone said to a man, “Travel and see the world.” He answered, “Why should I? People are the same everywhere.They are born.They are babies.They are children.They are adults.They grow old.They die.They have the same feelings.They feel love and hate, happiness and sadness, security and fear, pride and shame.That is why I do not want to travel.I can learn everything here.I’m going to stay home.”

The man was right.He was also wrong.People are the same, but people are also different.They all have the same pattern of life—birth, youth, old age, death.But these stages of life have different values in different cultures.Also, while all people have the same feelings, the causes of these feelings are different.A situation that may bring happiness in one place may not bring happiness in another place.For example, in many countries old age is a happy time.Young people in these countries show respect to the old people.In Korea, old people are honored and respected.When they are too old to live alone, they live with a son, daughter, or other relatives.When they become sixty-one years old, it is a very happy and important event.There is a big party with many guests.They receive many gifts.When people reach this time in life, the attitudes of their family and their community change toward them.Everyone looks forward to this time.In the United States, it is quite different for old people.Most old people do not live with their children or relatives.For many North Americans, old age is not a happy time.Most North Americans want to stay young.They try to act like young people as long as possible.They even try to speak the language of the young.They do not like to grow old because they will not get honor or respect or attention.Also, businesses do not want old people to work for them.So, old people usually live alone and they do not have many things to do.Old age can be a sad and lonely time for them.1.The reason why the man did not have the intention of traveling was that ______.A、He thought he already knew about people in other places

B、He was too old to travel any more C、He could not understand people in other countries since he was deaf D、He preferred to stay home to enjoy his leisure time 2.Which of the following statements is NOT true? ______ A、People all over the world are the same, but they are also different.B、Different values are reflected in different stages of life in different cultures.C、People react differently to the same situation.D、The reasons for the same feelings are also the same in different cultures.3.In Korea, people ______.A、think being young is the same as being old B、are afraid of old age C、are longing for the old age D、value their youth most 4.Compared with American old people, the old in Korea______.A、enjoy living alone and supporting themselves B、can lead an honored and respected life C、can act like the young D、are not respected and do not receive due attention 5.The word “businesses” in Paragraph 4 means ______.A、managers

B、consumers C、shops

D、busy people







1.I want nothing more than to find my way safely to my dorm room.我只想顺顺当当的回到宿舍。

2.He wants nothing more than to help her.他只想帮助他。3.No matter how mature I liked to consider myself, I was feeling just a bit first gradish.无论我自认为有多么成熟,我还是觉得像一年级的学生。

4.No matter how hard I tried, I could not change her mind.无论我怎么努力,都不能改变她的想法。

5.I spent the whole afternoon seeking out each of my classrooms so that I could make a perfectly timed entrance before each lecture.我花了一下午的时间摸清了我上的课的教室,这样我就可以在每节课之前掐准时间走进教室。

6.They spent the whole evening preparing the classroom so that the party would be held just as planned.他们花了一晚上的时间,为的是可以晚会可以如期举行。

7.I was heading for the salad bar when I stepped on a piece of cheese.我正朝着色拉供应台走去,却不料踩到了一片奶酪上。8.we are reading in the library when the electricity went off.我们正在图书馆看书,突然停电了。

9.perhaps three days was long enough for the campus to have forgotten me.也许三天的时间足以使全校的人把我忘了。10.this dictionary is good enough for you to study English.这本字典足够好,你可以用它学习英语。

11.and that’s when I realize I had been taking myself far too seriously.这时我才意识到之前我太天真了。

12.don’t take the failure too seriously , you will have other chances later.不要把失败看的太重,以后还会有机会的。二,1.at first, he was no one special in my life.Then he became my friend.In time, I felt he is my father too.起初,他在我的生命中并没有什么特别的,后来他是我的好朋友,最终,我感觉他是我的父亲。2.at first, the subject was nothing special to me, then gradually I became interested in it.In time, I found myself love with it.起初,这门课对我来说没有什么特别的,随后我逐渐对它产生了兴趣,最终,我爱上了它。

3。at first, our lawn was just a mud pile with some scattered grass„„开始,我们家的草地只是一堆土,上面长着些杂草 4.above us there is a bright moon, with some scattered stars.我们头上有一轮明月,还有几颗零散的星星

5.your mother wants flowers, she can plant them here, where there’s lots of sun„„ 你妈妈喜欢花,这里可以种花,阳光充足 6.you can park the car here, where there is a parking sign.你可以把车停在这里,这有停车的标志。

7.I was learning what it meant to have a father 现在我知道了父亲意味着什么

8.up till now she still doesn’t understant what it means to be a mother.知道现在她还不知道一个母亲意味着什么 9.but I , who had previously spent my childhood watching other families do these everyday activities, enjoyed them now with intense delight.但因为我小的时候都是看着别的家庭进行他们日常的活动,所以当我发现在做这些事情的时候,总是感觉很开心。

10.they spent the whole afternoon watching the football players training on the sports ground.他们花了一下午的时间观看足球运动员在运动场上训练

11.soon after we moved to the suburban, one of our new neighbors introduced herself to me.我们刚到了郊区不久,我们的一个新邻居就向我们介绍了她自己。12.after the young man entered the office, he introduced himself to us.年轻人走进办公室后,就向大家做了自我介绍。三,1.one small problem stood between me and my degree----statistics.It was a four-hour lab period each week that had to be taken in my junior year.可是我要拿到学位证有一个小障碍—统计学,这是三年级一门必修的实验课,每周四个学时。

2.something stands between me and the reward----the PE test.It is a test that I have to pass in my second year.有一件事情阻碍我得奖学金,体育考试,这是我必须在二年级通过的考试 3.this is where all of your determination pays off.你所有的决心都将得到回报。

4.this is where I found that book我就是在这找到那本书的 5.I never believe that I could do that well and probably wouldn’t have if it had not been for professor fine’s encouragement.我从来没想到我可以做这么好,要是不fine 教授的的鼓励,我也许根本不可能有此成绩。6.Had it not been for your help, I wouldn’t have caught the train on time.(虚拟)要不是你的帮助,我不可能及时赶上火车的。7.Despite what the professor had said, it was hard and took concentration and occasional help from friends.尽管教授是这么说的,但整个过程还是辛苦的,必须专心致志,偶尔还需要朋友的帮助。

8.despite what his wife had said, he still worked late into the night.不管妻子怎么说,他仍工作到深夜。

9.shortly after, I ran into one of the professor’s former students, who said, “congratulations!” professor fine tells

his really slow students that “second kind of mind” story.不久,我碰到了教授以前的一个学生,他对我说,恭喜,教授总是为他那些迟钝的学生讲“第二种头脑”的故事

10.last weekend, I ran into one of my middle-school teachers, who said to me, “congratulations!Finally you got into college”.上周末,我遇到我以前的一个中学老师,他对我说,恭喜你,你终于上了大学了。四,1.it makes you feel better to know you will get some medicine 知道你会得到些药,这会使你感觉到好受点

2.it makes him work harder to hear he would get a raise in salary 听到要加薪,他工作更加努力。

3.Even though they have no medicine in them, these things seem to make people well.虽然这些东西不含有药物但好像可以让人康复 4.Even though he has no superman’s power in him , Mr.Lee is always able to make people happy.虽然李先生身上没有超能力,但他总可以使人们开心。

5.it as if there was a doctor in each of us这就像我们身体里都有一个医生

6.It just as if you were sitting in a plane that is taking off.这就像你坐在一架正在起飞的飞机里

7.they say that the placebo makes the wish to get better become reality他们说安慰剂使得身体好转的愿望变为现实。8.The story tells us that hard working makes the wish to get rich become reality.这个故事告诉我们,努力工作可以把致富的愿望变为现实。

9.The success of this treatment seems to rest a lot with the relationship between the patient and the doctor.这种治疗的成功,在很大程度上取决于病人与医生的关系

10.The success of the play rests with the performance of all of us这部戏的成功取决于我们每个人的表演

11.and there was an experiment done to see if a placebo could help old people stay healthy and live longer

人们做了一个实验以检验安慰剂是否有助于老年人保持健康和长寿。12.an experiment was done to see is regular exercise would help people to stay healthy


五,1.as a teenager Gates boasted that he would be a millionaire by the time he was 20

十几岁的时候,盖茨就夸下海口,要在20岁的时候成为百万富翁 2.as president of this multi-national company, he has designed the development plan for the company for the next 20 years 作为这个跨国公司的总裁,他为公司制定了未来20年的发展计划 3.he had read the entire Word Book Encyclopedia by the age of nine他九岁的时候就读了全本的《世界百科全书》

4.we had studied the entire English book by the end of last year 我们已经在去年年底学完了整本英语书

5.Although he was retired, he proves to be an influential(有影响力的)figure.虽然他已经退休了,但他仍是有影响力的人物 6.but although he is clever, his social skills is proved to be inadequate虽然他很聪明,但是他的社交能力却有所不足 7.if being teased bothered young Bill, however, he didn’t show it 如果说被人嘲弄使比尔内心不胜烦恼的话,他却从来没有表现出来 8.if your often late for school has affected your classmates, you should apologize如果经常迟到影响到了你的同学,你必须道歉 9.Operators were required to learn complex computer languages before the machines could be used.操作者在使用机器之前必须先学会复杂的计算机语言

10.all passengers are required to show their tickets before entering the railway station.所有的乘客必须出示车票在进站之前 11.along with a group of older students , who had a similar interest in the machine, he set about learning every computer language and function there was.与一些年长的有电脑兴趣爱好的学生们在一起,比尔开始学习当时所以计算机语言及功能

12.along with some other students who share the same interest, he set about studying the beginning of the earth.与一些志同道合的同学们在一起,他开始研究地球的起源问题 六,1.如今许多产品在质量上和价格上都差不多

2.Generally speaking, twin brothers are almost the same in character and interest.3.也许我们不愿承认,但我们受电视和杂志中的广告的影响可能超出我们的想象。

4.Even if they don’t like to admit it, popular music influences the youth more than we can think it does.5.广告为消费者提供市场上新产品的信息

6.His words let us to believe that he was really born in the us7.我们仍然买Zoom牌牙膏,以免令人讨厌,失去朋友 8.The workers still did as the boss told them out of fear of losing their jobs


10.The teacher tried different teaching methods to get the students to accept new knowledge more quickly.



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