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Starter Unit 1--



5个元音字母:Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu









中国中央电视台:CCTV 联合国:UN ④可以独立成词的两个字母:I(我)和 A(一个)






(Hi!/ Hello!)

---Good morning!

---Good morning!---Good afternoon!---Good afternoon!---Good evening!

---Good evening!补充:Good night!(晚安!)

2、—How are you? 你好吗?

—I am fine, thanks.我很好,谢谢。

—And you? 你呢?

—I’m OK.我也很好。

I am = I’m

thanks = thank you

3、What’s this in English?(这个东西用英语怎么说?)

What’s that in English?(那个东西用英语怎么说?)What’s this?(这是什么?)What’s that?(那是什么?)

回答:It’s + a / an + 可数名词的单数形式.It’s + 英语字母的大写字母.注:in English:用英语

例:—What’s this ?

—It’s Y.—What’s that ?

—It’s an orange.4、—Spell it, please.= Please spell it.= How do you spell it?

—R-U-L-E-R.5、—What color is it?(它是什么颜色的?)

—It is yellow.(它是黄色的。)

—What color is the ruler?(这把尺子是什么颜色的?)

—The ruler is brown.(这把尺子是棕色的。)

6、a / an:一个...(泛指)It is a pen.the : 这个...(特指)The pen is red.7、必备对话:

A:Good morning!B:Good morning!How are you? A:I’m fine, thanks.And you? B:I’m OK.A:What’s this in English? B:It’s an orange.A:Spell it, please.B:O-R-A-N-G-E.A:What color is it? B:It is orange(橙色的).



七年级下册第三单元知识总结 1.乘坐交通工具的方式: ① take +a/an/the+(放句中)特殊的是自行交通工具车不能用take ② by+交通工具(放句尾)③ in/on+a/an/the+(放句尾)交通工具例如:我每天乘坐公共汽车去上班。用以上三种表达方式是: I go to work by bus.I take a/the bus to work.I go to work on a bus.She goes to school by car.She takes a/the car to school.She goes to school in a car.2.特殊的是

ride a bike 而不能说take a bike drive a car 也可以是take a car He rides a bike to school.He goes to school by bike.He rides to school.可以省略bike He drives to school.可以省略car ride名词一段路程的意思除了动词骑之外,还有

go for a ride去兜风 give me a ride 让我搭个便车 get sb.a ride打顺车 half an hour's ride路程

半小时的The bus ride takes me about 20 minutes.费我20分钟。公共汽车之旅花 3.步行到学校

Walk to school=go to school on foot on foot放到句末 4.对交通方式提问用how 如:I go to school by bike.对by bike提问用 How do you go to school?

5.三个到达:get to/arrive in/at /reach 只有reach后面不加介词 arrive in+大地点 arrive at+小地点 6.train ①火车②训练

7.take a walk=have a walk 散步 go out for a walk出去散步 8.What about =how about

doing 因为sth动词about?做某事怎么样呢?ing 是介词,后面用9.hundred百 thousand 千 million 百万 当前面加数字时它们都不加s


当前面没有数字,后面加of时他们加s 如:hundreds of 成百上千的 thousands of成千上万的 10.本单元有一个最重要的句型: It takes sb.+时间+to do sth.sb.用宾格 take译为花费 例如: It takes me ten minutes to go to school on foot.翻译的时候从后往前面翻译:步行去学校花费我十分钟 对以上句子中的ten minutes提问是本单元的第二个重点句型:

How long does it take you to go to school on foot?译为:步行到学校需要花费你多久? 对这个句型的回答一般用How long,但是因为在原句型中时间前面没有for,所以回答时不用for 比较以下两个句子: How long does it take you to go to school on foot? Ten minutes.How far is it from your home to school? Ten minutes' walk.译为:10分钟的路程。如果是骑车就用:Ten minutes' ride.如果是开车就用:Ten minutes' drive,因为drive也有名词的形式 take 有三种意思: 译为:带走,乘坐,花费 take sb.to +地点 带某人到某地

take sb.to do sth带某人去做某事 11.比较以下花费

a.take 主语是it 后跟to do,一般指花费时间

句型结构是:It takes sb.+时间+to do sth.b.spend 主语是人后跟doing,既可以花费时间,也可以花费金钱

句型结构是:Sb.+spend+时间或者金钱+(in)doing sth.Sb.+spend+时间或者金钱+on sth.c.pay 主语是人,与介词for连用,一般指花费金钱 句型结构是: Sb.+pay+钱+for+sth.d.cost主语是物,也可以是物,一般指花费金钱 句型结构是: It 或者sth cost sb.+钱 例如:

It takes me half an hour to watch TV every evening.七年级下册第三单元

=I spend half an hour(in)watching TV.以上句型不能换为pay和cost I paid(这里用pay过去式)100 dollars for the book.pay还有名词报酬,工资的意思

=The book cost me 100 dollars.at all costs不惜任何代价,无论如何

12.对一段距离提问用how far 如:对以下短语提问就用how far,译为 多远 five kilometers five minutes' walk ten minutes' ride 13.from····to··· 从···到··· 14.exercise 名词 锻炼 不可数exercise 只有做操类,练习题才可数 do morning exercises 动词,锻炼 do exercise=take exercise=do more exercise 15.live five kilometers from +地方 住的离某地有五公里 16.need+时间+to do sth.v需要时间做某事 need sb.to do sth.需要某人来做某事

need to do sth.需要做某事 17.stop to do sth.停下来去做另一件事(让做这件事)stop doing sth.停止做这件事(不让做这件事)stop ①停止 ②车站 bus station=bus stop



19.what ~ think of ~ 认为~怎么样?=How...like...?问的是对某件事情的看法 20.cross=go across

cross 是动词,across是介词 过街 cross the street=go across the street cross单三为crosses cross the river to school 过河上学

21.It’s+形容词+to do sth.做某事是怎样的 22.between~ and~ 在两者之间

23.no=not a/ not an/not any no后+名词(可名复或不可名/ 可多单)

I have no sister.=I don't have a sister.七年级下册第三单元

I have no friends.=I don't have any friends.I have no money.=I don't have any money.而not后不能直接跟名词,not必须加在be,can,助动词后面

24.run①跑 ②流淌③运营 The river runs very quickly.河水流得非常快。

25.quick 形容词,(放到名词前)→quickly 副词(放到动词后)26.on a ropeway 乘绳索 go on a ropeway乘索道去 27.an 8-year-old boy因为eight发音为元音 an 11-year-old boy 28.afraid 害怕的 be afraid to do sth.be afraid of sth.He is afraid to meet his headteacher.He is afraid of the dark.他怕黑。

29.He’s like a father to me


以上句子中like是介词像,只有当做介词才和be动词连用 30.many students = many of the students

some students=some of the students

most students=most of the students大多数学生 31.come ture 实现


My dream will come true.不能说 I will come true my dream.应该为:I will achieve my dream.32.penpal 笔友

33.Thanks for doing sth.为了做某事感谢某人 34.trip 旅途,旅游 take a trip /have a trip/ go on a trip/school trip 35.by plane= by air =fly to+ 地点=take a/the plane I fly a plane to Beijing.I take a plane to Beijing.I go to Beijing by plane.I go to Beijing by air.I go to Beijing by airplane.36.true adj.真的,真实的 副词truly I’m not sure.我不确定。37.leave 离开,留下 leave +地点 离开某地

38.village 村庄,villager 村民,countryside 乡村


Unit 1 Greetings

Unit 2 Beginning sounds Unit3 Dog, elephant, fish Unit4 Find the hidden Unit5 The falling letters.词汇宝藏


喂,你好 hi

嗨 morning

早上 good

好 monkey

猴子 panda

熊猫 dog

狗 cat

Teddy bear 泰迪熊 句子对对碰








--Good morning!早上好!--Good morning!早上好!

--Morning.早上好!--Morning.早上好!Say hello to…和…打招呼



apple 香蕉

banana 竹子

bamboo 蛋糕

cake 糖果

candy 熊

bear 一些

some 不

no 请

please 嘿

hey 句子对对碰

1、向别人要东西要礼貌的加上please.A banana, please!请给我一个香蕉。Some cakes,please!请给我些蛋糕。

2、询问别人是否要什么时,用升调读上面句子。Some cake? 要一些蛋糕么? Yes,please.好的,谢谢。No,thank you.不,谢谢。

and giraffe.词汇宝藏


duck 大象

elephant 鱼

fish 青蛙

frog 女孩

girl 长颈鹿

giraffe 欢迎

welcome 儿童(复数)children 世界

world 句子对对碰

1、在动物园,看到小动物会怎么说呢? Look!It’s a frog.看,它是一只青蛙。It’s an elephant。它是一头大象。Yes, it.is.是的,它是。

2、怎么招呼客人呢? Hello!welcome!你好!欢迎!Have fun!玩的开心点!I will!我会的!letters.词汇宝藏


house 马

horse 母鸡

hen 冰



ice cream 夹克衫

jacket 风筝

kite 树

tree 蜜蜂

bee 字母

letter 看

look 句子对对碰 Look at my kite!看我的风筝!It’s the letter K.它是字母K.A cat in the tree.一只小猫在树上。



lemon 台灯

lamp 芒果

mango 桔子

orange 菠萝

pineapple 西瓜

watermelon 鼻子

nose 能够

can 看见

see 句子对对碰

This is the letter L.这是字母L。I can see a lemon.我能看见一个柠檬。Please read after me.请跟我读。我来做总结


Unit6 Fun with letters.词汇宝藏


plane Unit7 Animal fun.词汇宝藏


rabbit Unit8 Play and score.词汇宝藏


umbrella Unit9 Write and colour the letters.词汇宝藏

Unit10 Let’s learn the alphabet.词汇宝藏


pen 女王

queen 气球

balloon 家

home 桌子

table 窗户

window 门

door 起立

stand up 坐下

sit down 到这里来

come here 回去

go back 句子对对碰


What is it? 他是什么?

It’s the letter Q.它是字母Q。

2、你能发出这些指令么 Stand up.起立。Sit down.坐下。

Come here.到这儿来。Go back.回去。

Run to the window.跑向窗户。

Hop to the door.单腿跳向门。

snake 尺子

ruler 海龟

turtle 太阳

sun 茶

tea 制作

make 他们

they 寻找

look for 句子对对碰

What are they? 它们是什么? They are turtles.它们是海龟。Rr is for rabbit.R是兔子的首写字母。What are they doing? 它们在干什么?

They are making letter Rr.它们在制作字母R。

Look for the hidden animals.把隐藏的字母找出来。


vest 窗户

window 蚂蚁

ant 果汁

juice 在。。后面

behind 云彩

cloud 我们来归类

同学们,我们已经学了20个字母了,今天我们把我们学过的单词按照含有相同开头字母的方法归下类吧!如: Aa:apple,ant,Amy…


colour 蓝色

blue 绿色

green 黄色

yellow 粉色

pink 红色

red 黑色

black 狐狸

fox 悠悠球

yo-yo 斑马

zebra 铅笔

pencil 老鼠mice(复)mouse(单)颜料

paint 猪

pig 刷子

brush 橡皮

eraser 尺子

ruler 句子对对碰

Colour it blue.把它涂成蓝色。I can read ABC.我能读ABC


arm 动物

animal 自行车

bike 书

book 公交车

bus 鸟

bird 小汽车

car 帽子

cap 奶牛

cow 课桌

desk 门

door 找到

find 玩

play 游戏

game 小的 small 句子对对碰

This is the small letter f.这是小写字母f。Come here quickly.快点到这来。Let’s play a game.让我们来做游戏。Please find A.请找到A。This is A.这就是A。

Unit11 Meeting new Unit12What is red and Unit13 Which and where Unit14 how many Unit 15 Word cheer game friends.词汇宝藏

高兴的glad 见面

meet 下午

afternoon 傍晚

evening 谁

who 你

you 他

he 她

she 句子对对碰

Good morning.早上好。

Good afternoon.下午好。Good evening.晚上好。

Glad to meet you.很高兴见到你。Who is he? 他是谁? He is Bill.他是比尔。Who is she? 她是谁? She is Sue.她是苏。

This is Zhang Fan.这是张帆。

what is black? 词汇宝藏

红色的red 黑色的black 橙色的orange 白色的white 果汁

juice 绵羊

sheep 花

flower 一些东西

something 圆圈

circle 句子对对碰

Show me something red.给我看些红色的。This is red.这是红色的。

Stand in a yellow circle.站在黄色的圈里。What is white? 什么是白色的? The sheep is white.绵羊是白色的。A white sheep.一只白色的绵羊。

The car and horse are orange.汽车和马是橙色的。An orange car and horse.词汇宝藏


which 在哪里

where 公园

park 农场

farm 花园



kindergarten 商店



bookshop 公共汽车站 bus stop 教室

classroom 海洋

sea 海滨

beach 街道



playground 句子对对碰

农场在哪里? Where is the farm? 在这儿。It is here.哪个是学校?

Which is the school? 这是一所学校。This is the school.白色的white 果汁

juice 绵羊




sheep 狮子



crocodile 山羊

goat 一

one 二

two 三

three 四

four 五

five 六

six 七

seven 八

eight 九

nine 十

ten 句子对对碰


How many pandas are there? 有六只。There are six.你能看见几只狮子? How mangy lions can you see?

我能看见3只。I can see three。


give 押韵

rhyme 有

have got 单词

word 蜘蛛

spider 排水管

spout 雨

rain 向上爬

climb up



Who can rhyme the word Bill?

是的,我可以!Bill.Yes!B-i-l-l.儿歌歌词 Incy wincy蜘蛛 爬到水管上 下雨喽 冲出了蜘蛛 太阳出来了 把雨水晒干了 Incy wincy蜘蛛 又爬上来了

Unit16 happy new year Unit16 happy new year Unit13 Which and where Unit14 how many Unit 15 Word cheer game 词汇宝藏


new year 玩具车

toy car 礼物

present 快乐的happy 洋娃娃

doll 镜子

mirror 手表

watch 骑自行车

go bike-riding 游泳

go swimming 滑冰

go skating 看电视

watch TV 玩电脑游戏

play computer games 句子对对碰

你在新年那天喜欢做什么? What do you like to do on New Year’s Day? 我喜欢骑自行车。I like to go bike-riding.新年快乐!

Happy new year!



new year 玩具车

toy car 礼物

present 快乐的happy 洋娃娃

doll 镜子

mirror 手表



go bike-riding 游泳

go swimming 滑冰

go skating 看电视

watch TV 玩电脑游戏

play computer games 句子对对碰

你在新年那天喜欢做什么? What do you like to do on New Year’s Day? 我喜欢骑自行车。I like to go bike-riding.新年快乐!

Happy new year!



which 在哪里

where 公园

park 农场

farm 花园



kindergarten 商店



bookshop 公共汽车站 bus stop 教室

classroom 海洋

sea 海滨

beach 街道



playground 句子对对碰

农场在哪里? Where is the farm? 在这儿。It is here.哪个是学校?

Which is the school? 这是一所学校。This is the school.词汇宝藏


sheep 狮子



crocodile 山羊

goat 一

one 二

two 三

three 四

four 五

five 六

six 七

seven 八

eight 九

nine 十

ten 句子对对碰


How many pandas are there? 有六只。There are six.你能看见几只狮子? How mangy lions can you see?

我能看见3只。I can see three。


give 押韵

rhyme 有

have got 单词

word 蜘蛛

spider 排水管

spout 雨

rain 向上爬

climb up



Who can rhyme the word Bill?

是的,我可以!Bill.Yes!B-i-l-l.儿歌歌词 Incy wincy蜘蛛 爬到水管上 下雨喽 冲出了蜘蛛 太阳出来了 把雨水晒干了 Incy wincy蜘蛛 又爬上来了

第四篇:仁爱英语七年级上册Unit3 单元知识总结

Unit3 Topic1 1.Excuse me ,could you please tell me your name ? Could/would you please do sth?(表示请求)


2.______________ 我会说点中文。



Speak 还有发言、演讲之意 _________________他明天要在班上发言。

What does he say in the letter?________________________


Kate saw a card in her table, it said:”Happy Birthday”!_______________________

Look!Our teacher is talking to(with)our parents._______________ talk 常与to/with/about等介词连用,表示一般的日常谈话

He will tell everyone the good news in our class.=__________________ 递给某个人或向别人讲述一件事一个故事 tell sb sth = tell sth to sb

3.I like it very much/a lot.(非常喜欢)

I like it a little.(有点喜欢)

I don’t like it at all(一点也不喜欢)not „„at all一点也不

我非常喜欢弹吉他。___________________ 我有点喜欢打篮球。___________________ 我一点也不赞同你的看法。____________________ 4.Could you help me with it?

help sb with sth.=help sb(to)do sth.帮助某人做某事 ___________________你能帮我做数学作业吗? 5.没问题______________ 6.But my Chinese is not very good._____________________ 7.Who is the letter from?_____________________

__________________是莉莉。8.But he knows a lot about China.Know(a lot)about„„ 对„„了解(很多)他了解很多历史知识。__________________ 9.He wants to visit Beijing.___________________ Visit +地点 参观某地

visit + 人 拜访某人


Want to do sth.想要做某事

我想马上买一瓶水。______________________ 10.He lives in Beijing.对加粗部分进行提问_______________________

Live in +大地点

live at+小地点

苏珊住在巴黎。________________________ 麦克住在小村庄里。____________________________ 11.We often help each other.___________________________ 12.These letters are in English.______________________

Unit3 Topic2 1.Glad to meet you.____________________ 相同意思的句子还有____________________________ Be glad/happy to do sth.很高兴做某事

tell指把一件事传 2.What does your mother do ?=What’s your mother ?=what’ your mother’s job? 她是一名家庭主妇。_______________ 模仿上面三个句子,翻译“你的父母是做什么的?” _________________________________________________ 3.She works ___ home/___ a hospital/___ a farm/ ___ a restaurant.(填介词)对加粗部分提问______________________ 4.Maria shows a photo of her family to KangKang.=Maria shows KangKang a photo of her family.Show sth to sb=show sb sth.向某人展示某物

玛利亚个我看了她的新铅笔盒。_____________________________ A photo of her family _____________________ 改成名词所有格:_____________________ 5.She teaches us English.Teach sb sth/to do sth.爸爸教我要诚实。_____________________ 6.那个穿着黄衣服的年轻女人是谁?(in+颜色)_____________________




7.Kangkang has a big family.此处family是“家庭”,看作一个整体。

His family like each other.这里family是集体名词“家人”,做主语谓语动词用复数。8.He likes to play with Kitty.=_____________________ Like to do sth = like doing sth.Unit3 Topic3 1.Help yourselves(to sth)!随便吃!2.I would like some eggs.对划线部分提问:______________________ Would like sth = want sth would like to do sth.3.How about you?=What about you ? 你呢? 4.I usually have milk and bread for breakfast.对加粗部分提问:_______________________ 5.May I take your order?_________________________ 6.Would you like something to drink? 是的,我要一杯橙汁。______________

不要了,谢谢。________________ 7.你想和我一起吃晚餐吗?________________________ Yes,I’d love to.I’d love to ,but„„(拒绝)

8.Why not = why don’t you„„用于提建议,为什么不„„

干嘛不和我们一起去看电影呢?(两种译法)____________________ 9.They’re all kind to me.Be kind/friendly to sb.对某人友好



七下Unit 1Can you play the guitar?

Victor and Cindy are in Green Music Club.Victor is twelve years old.He is English.He is good at playing the piano.He likes Beijing Opera.He often goes to see Beijing Opera on Sundays.Cindy is thirteen years old.She is an American girl.She is good at playing the guitar.She likes different kinds of guitars very much.七下Unit 2What time do you go to school?

My name is Li Hong.I study at No.6 Middle School.At school I have a friend.His name is Jim.We get up at six in the morning.We go to school at seven ten.Classes begin at seven thirty.We have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon.After school we play games.We often play football.We go home at about five.We do our homework in the evening.We go to bed at around nine fifty.七下Unit 3How do you get to school?

Getting to places can sometimes be difficult ,especially(特别)when you are going to a place for the first time.In big cities, many people take buses, trains or subways to get from one place to another.Buses are a popular mean of transportation.If you are using a bus, you need to know which bus to take and where you can get on.In the countryside, transportation can be much simpler(更简单的).In some places, people get to school or work by boat.Some children ride in long boats on the river to get to school.In other places, students walk to the school.七下Unit 4Don’t eat in class.We have different kinds of rules in our classroom.As a student we must follow them.Students cannot bring food into the classroom because our classroom is a place for us to study.The food may make our classroom dirty.And we can’t study well when one is eating.Don’t run or fight in the classroom.It’s quite dangerous because we may get hurt(受伤的).We need a quiet place for study.Don’t listen to music in the classroom.Listening to music may disturb(打扰)others.七下Unit 5Why do you like pandas?

My parents and I like animals.And we often go to the zoo to see them on weekends.We often take a bus to go there, because my home is kind of far from the zoo.Of all the animals, I like tigers best.Sometimes I want to give some meat tothem.But my parents don’t let me do it.Sometimes I think animals in the zoo may want to go back to the forest.But I also think zoos are good places for animals.People give them food, so they’re not hungry every day.Do you think so?

七下Unit 6I’m watching TV.There is a park near my home.People like to go to this park after work.Some of them go to the park every day.Look!That is Mr.King.He is sitting on a chair and watching the children.Some children are playing a game.Some boys are playing football.Lucy and Lily are standing under a tree.They are talking.There is a small river in the park.We can see boats on the water.Some children are sitting in the boats with their parents.Listen!A girl is singing.This is a really nice park.I come here after school every day.七下Unit 7It’s raining!

We often talk about the weather.If we want to know about the weather, We can turn on the radio and listen to the weather report.We can also turn on the TV and watch Weather Forecast.And we can ask other people in two different ways:” What’s the weather like today?” or “How’s the weather today?” Sometimes we can call at 121 for the weather.When it’s cold, we shiver and need to wear warm clothes and scarves.When it’s hot, we need a cool place and want a cold drink.七下Unit 8Is there a post office near here?

Dear Frank,I’m very glad you are arriving in my city at 3:00 p.m., this Saturday.Now let me tell you the way to the White Cloud Restaurant.I will(将要)meet you there.Take a taxi from the bus station and go down New Bridge Avenue.Go across the big bridge.When you see a bank, turn right and go through Bank Street.You will pass three one-way avenues: Sixth Avenue, Seventh Avenue and Eighth Avenue.When you see a big McDonald’s, turn left.Then go along Green Avenue until(直到)you see New Park.Turn left and go down Center Street.The White Cloud Restaurant is on your right.I hope you can have a good trip.Yours,Mike

七下Unit 9What does he look like?

I’m Tom.My best friends are John and Ann.We do many things together.John lives near my house and we are in the same class.He’s fifteen years old and he’s tall and slim.He has blond hair and blue eyes.He’s polite and very clever.He’s very good at math and he sometimes helps me with my homework.He usually wears jeans and a T-shirt.We also play basketball at a nearby(附近的)park together and sometimes we play video games at my house after school.Our friend Ann isn’t in our school.She’s short and slim with straight brown hair and brown eyes.She’s a little bit shy.We all have kung fu lesson every Tuesday and Friday afternoon.Ann is really good at kung fu.We call her the “kung fu kid”.She sometimes plays basketball with us, too.She often wears a dress, a T-shirt and a baseball cap.The three of us have great fun together.七下Unit 10I’d like some noodles.A Special gift

Alan is eleven years old.And it is his first time to come to China to visit his grandparents.Today is Sunday.It’s his eleventh birthday.He gets up early and he wants to buy some food for his birthday party in the afternoon.He sees a big bowl of noodles on the table when he comes out of his bedroom.It is a bowl of egg and tomato noodles.Alan usually eats bread for breakfast in America.He likes egg and tomato noodles, but he wants to know why Grandma cooks noodles this morning.“It is your birthday today,” says Grandma.“In China, eating noodles on your birthday means you can live longer.We call noodles changshou noodles.I hope you live a happy and healthy life.”

“Thanks, Grandma.I think it’s the first special gift I get for my birthday,” says Alan.七下Unit 11How was your school trip?

Mike’s summer vacation

On July 18th,2012, Mike and his parents went to Qingdao, a city in Shandong for summer vacation.Qingdao is a beautiful city with sea.It was about 12:00 when they arrived there on the first day.They found a hotel and had a short rest.It was really hot and they decided to go to the beach.At about 3:30 pm, they got to the beach.There were many people there.Some were lying on the beach and many children were playing in the water.Mike was playing with them and he was very happy.His parents also felt relaxed.About two hours later, they went back to the hotel.On the second day, it rained all day.Mike visited the history museum with his father and his mother went shopping.On July 20th, they went to Laoshan Mountain in the morning and took a bus home in the afternoon.They were tired but happy.七下Unit 12What did you do last weekend?

Tony’s Sunday

Tony got up at eight o’clock and then had his breakfast.His mother cooked his favorite food---chicken noodles for him.After breakfast, Tony began to do his homework.He didn’t have too much homework, because teachers wanted them to have a good rest during weekends.At thirty past nine, Tony read his favorite book Harry Potter.It was really a great book.After that, he listened to Jay’s songs.At eleven, he went to his friend Mike’s party at KFC.They were very happy because they ate their favorite food-hamburgers.Lunch was over at about one thirty in the afternoon.Then they all went to see a new movie.This was Tony’s Sunday.He really had a good time.



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