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初一英语下册 短语复习

1.你的笔友 your pen pal = your pen friend 2.这些国家

these countries 3.美国the United statedthe USA the US America 4 英国

the United kingdom 5.在图中

in the picture 6.看着这些东西

look at the things 7.来自

come from = be from 8.这些城市

these cities 9.乔恩的笔友

John’s pen pal 10.在巴黎

in paris 11.在悉尼

in Sydney 12.这些国家的名字 the names of the countries 13.在方格中

in the box 14.我的新笔友

my new pen pal 15.什么语言

what language 16.在美国 in the USA= in the US = 17.in the United States=in America 18.在澳大利亚 in Australia 19.她最喜欢的科目

his favorite subject 20.说英语

speak English 21.这些问题的简略答案

short answers to the questions 22.居住在加拿大的多伦多

live in Toronto, Canda 23.在中国

in China 24.一个非常有趣的国家

an interesting country 25.14岁

fourteen years old 26.在十一月 in November 27.一点法语 a little French 28.在英国和澳大利亚

in the United Kingdom and Australia 29.我喜欢和我的朋友们去看电影和做运动。

I like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports.30.在学校我最喜欢的科目

my favorite subject in school 31.太难

too difficult = too dear 32.你能尽快给我写信吗?

Can you write to me soon?


at school = in school 34.一部功夫片

an action movie 35.请写信告诉我你的情况。

Please write and tell me about yourself.1.邮局

post office


pay phone

3.在这附近near here = in the neighborhood 4.在中心街 on Center Street

5.在银行对面 across from the bank 6.在图书馆旁边

next to the library 7.在饭馆和超市之间

between the restaurant and the supermarket 8.在图书馆后面

behind the library 9.在邮局前面

in front of the post office 10.在第五林荫道 on Fifth Avenue 11.直走 go straight

12.沿着这条街直走。Go straight along this street.= Walk straight along this street.13.向左转 turn left

14.它在沿着桥街的右边.It’s down Bridge Street on the right.15.非常感谢。Thank you very much.= Thank you a lot.= Thanks very much.=Thanks a lot.16.不用谢。You’re welcome.That’s OK.=That’s all right.= It’s a pleasure.= Not at all.17.一个干净的公园

a clean park 18.一家旧旅馆 an old hotel

19.一条繁忙的街道 a busy street 20.欢迎到花园小区来

Welcome to the Garden District.21.欢迎到„„

Welcome to „.22.在第一林荫道向左转。Turn left on First Avenue.= Take the First Avenue on the left.23.在„„向„„转。

Turn ______(方向)at the ________(地点)。

Take the ______(地点)on the _____(方向)。例:第二个拐弯处向左转。

Turn left at the second crossing(turning).Take the second turning on the left.24.享受城市的安静街道

enjoy the city’s quiet streets


Come to visit Bridge Street 26.一个玩得高兴的地方

a place to have fun 阳光家教网 http://cq.ygjj.com 家教学习资料 更多家教学习资料下载


play the guitar 28.到我家的路

the way to my house 29.乘出租车 take a taxi=catch a taxi=by taxi 30.从机场

from the airport 31.通过一家银行 pass a bank

32.走过这座公 go through the park walk 17.在夜晚

at night 18.吃树叶 eat leaves 19.起get up Unit 4

1.想当„„ want to be„„ 2.店员 shop assistant through the park pass the park 33.歩行 talk a walk = walk 34.花园旅游的开始

the beginning of the garden tour 35.„„的开始

the beginning of the „„

这个故事的开始 the beginning of the story


the beginning of the class 36.沿着„„走 go along„„=walk along„„


go up „„.38.沿着„„向下走

go down„„.1.让某人做某事

let sb.do sth.例:让我们先看看熊猫吧。

Let’s see the pandas first.2.看一看

have a look = look


have a look at the book=look at the book 3.欢迎到„„来。Welcome to „„

例:欢迎到动物园来。Welcome to the zoo.4.想要做某事 Want to do sth.例:想要看狮子 want to see lions 5.有点有趣的 kind of interesting = a little interesting 6.一种„„

a kind of


a kind of animals 7.南非

South Africa 8.什么动物

what animal 9.其它的什么动物what other animal 10.十二岁

twelve = twelve years old 11.一个十二岁的女孩 a twelve-year-old girl 12.和某人玩

play with„„


play with her friends 13.喜欢做某事like doing=like to do=enjoy dong喜欢游泳 like swimming= like to swim=enjoy swimming 14.吃草

eat grass 15.请安静.Please be quiet.16.在白天

in the day=during the day 3.银行职员bank clerk 4.电视台 TV station 5.警察局 police station 6.校园剧

school play

7.给这些人编号number the people 8.在那家饭馆 in that restaurant 9.我与人和钱打交道。

I work with people and money.10.把他们的钱交给我

give me their money = give their money to me 11.从我这取走他们的钱get their money from me


a white uniform


talk with people = talk to people


every day

15.问他们问题 ask them questions 16.出去吃饭

go out to dinner 17.有点危险

kind of dangerous 18.在一家医院里in a hospital

19.谈论这些工作talk about the jobs 20.对„„感兴趣be interested in


We have a job for you as a waiter.22.打555-3937与艾尔的饭馆联系

Call Al’s Restaurant at 555-3937.23.写故事 write stories 24.想为一家杂志工作

want to work for a magazine 25.到我们这来作一名记者吧.Come and work for us as a report.26.打电话555-8823与卡伦联系

Call Karen at 555-8823.27.喜欢和其他年轻人一起工作

like to work with young people 28.想成为校园剧的一员

want to be in the school play

29.一所5-12岁的国际性质的学校 阳光家教网 http://cq.ygjj.com 家教学习资料 更多家教学习资料下载

an international school for children of 5-12 30.想要某人做某事

want sb to do sth


want a PE teacher to teach soccer 1.看电视 watch TV 2.看书

read a book/ read books 3.看报read a newspaper read newspapers 4.看电影 watch a movie / watch movies

see a movie / see movies 5.做家庭作业 do homework

do one’s homework

做家庭作do my homework do his homework 6.吃晚饭 eat dinner=have dinner 7.吃早餐eatbreakfast=have breakfast 8.吃午餐

eat lunch=have lunch 9.用电话交谈 take on the phone 10.想去看电影 want to go to a movie 11.电视节目 TV show 12.写信 write a letter / write letters 13.写信给某人

write a letter to „

14.咱们六点钟去吧。Let’s go at six o’clock 15.等候„„ wait for„

例:等我 wait for me

等公共汽车 wait for the bus 16.和某人交谈

talk with sb / talk to sb

17.谈论„„ talk about „ 18.打篮球

play basketball 19.感谢„„.Thank you for„


Thank you for your letter and the photo.20.我的一些照片

some of my photos 21.在第一张照片中 in the first photo 22.在池塘中

in the pool 23.在下一张照片中

in the next photo 24.在家 at home 25.在工作 at work 26.在最后一第照片中in the last photo 27.我和我的妹妹在一起。

I’m with my sister.28.一张我家的照片

a photo of my family 29.在这张照片中 in the picture 30.在图d中

in Picture d 31.看着„„

look at „ 32.跑开

run away


run back with his backpack


open his backpack 35.照相 take a photo/ take photos 36.照相

take a photo of„ 例:照两只鸟的像

take a photo of two birds(1)问天气:天气怎么样

What’s the weather like?

What does the weather look like?

How’s the weather?(2)问长相:他长什么样?

What’s he like? What does he look like? 2.在上海

in Shanghai 3.在北京 in Beijing

4.玩电子游戏 play computer games

5.问:情况怎么样How’s it going? It’s great./ It’s not bad./ It’s terrible.It’s pretty good.6.打电话时,常用语: 你是谁?

Who’s that? 我是鲍勃。

This is Bob.7.看望我的祖父visit my grandparent 8.开晚会,搞聚会

have a party

9.感谢你加入中央电视台的<环游世界>节目Thank you for joining CCTV’s Around The World show.10.在澳大利亚

in Australia 11.一个美丽的,晴朗的天气

a beautiful, sunny day 12.度假 on vacation

13.在沙滩上on the beach

14.看着正在打沙滩排球的这组人Look at this group of people playing beach volleyball 15.在这样热度中in this heat 16.一个非常有趣的地方

a very interesting place 一个有趣的地方

an interesting place 17.玩得很高兴,过得很快乐

have fun/

have a good time / have a nice time

18.听起来很可怕.That sounds terrible.问长相: be like=look like 例:(1)他长什么样?

What is he like?=What does he look like?(2)你长什么样? 阳光家教网 http://cq.ygjj.com 家教学习资料 更多家教学习资料下载

What are you like?=What do you look like? 2.注意区别:

(1)他长什么样? What is he like? 他长什么样? What does he look like? 他喜欢什么? What does he like?(2)你长什么样? What are you like? 你长什么样?What do you look like? 你喜欢什么?What do you like? 3.短发 short hair 4.卷发 curly hair 5.长发 long hair 6.直发 straight hair 7.中等个子 medium height 8.中等身材 medium build 9.其中一个人 one of the people 10.在五班

in Class Five 11.一条红色的裙子

a red dress 12.白色的鞋子

white shoes 13.篮球队的队长

the captain of the basketball team 14.短直发 short straight hair 15.黄色的短卷发 short curly blonde hair 16.有点安静(内向)a little bit quiet /

a little quiet / kind of quiet 17.喜爱讲笑话 love to tell jokes 18.漂亮的长黑beautiful long black hair 19.停止谈论

shop talking(停止正在做的事)停下来去谈shop to talk(停下来去做另外一件事)20.棕色的卷发curly brown hair 21.他喜欢读书和下棋。

He likes reading and playing chess.22.我最喜欢的音乐家

my favorite musician 他最喜欢的科目 his favorite subject 她妈妈最喜欢的运动 her mother’s favorite sport 23.又高又瘦tall and thin 24.棕色的短卷发

short curly brown hair 25.这个戴着滑稽的眼睛和留着长卷发的流行歌手

the pop singer with funny glasses and long curly hair 26.一个新外貌

a new look


Ruth from New York


go shopping 29.没人认识我。Nobody knows me.Unit 8


beef and tomato noodles


what kind of noodles 3.哪种分量的面条what size bowl of noodles 4.大份

a large bowl(of)


a large bowl of noodles 5.中份

a medium bowl(of)6.小份

a small bowl(of)7.注意区别:

(1)有几分/有点 kind of / a little / a little bit(2)一种

a kind of


this kind of


all kinds of

许多种many kinds of


three kinds of

和蔼的,友好的kind = friend 8.哪种尺码

what size 或what sizes 9.有什么需要帮忙的吗?(你要买什么?)

Can I help you? / May I help you?/

What can I do for you?

10.鸡肉白菜面 chicken and cabbage noodles 11.羊肉鸡蛋面

mutton and egg noodles 12.我喜欢饺子,鱼和橘子汁。

I like dumplings, fish and orange juice.13.他不喜欢洋葱,绿茶和稀饭。

He doesn’t like onions, green tea or porridge.14.在这家饺子屋

at the House of Dumplings 15.一些很棒的特色菜some great specials 16.第一道特色菜

Special One= the first special


Special 2 is only RMB 8 for 15.18.桔子汁饮料 orange juice drink 19.哪种甜食

what kind of dessert

20.什么分量的甜食 what size of dessert 21.一个中份面条a medium bowl of noodles 22.一个大份牛肉面 a large bowl of beef 23.一小份桔子汁a small orange juice Unit 9 阳光家教网 http://cq.ygjj.com 家教学习资料 更多家教学习资料下载

1.做家庭作业 do my homework 2.踢球 play soccer / play football 3.打扫房间clean the room 4.去沙滩

go to the beach 5.打网球

play tennis 6.去看电影 go to the movies 7.上个周末 last weekend 8.星期六上午 on Saturday morning 9.星期天下午on Sunny afternoon 10.看望我的姑姑 visit my aunt 11.为数学考试而学习study for math test 12.看电视

watch TV 13.你的周末怎么样?How was your weekend? 14.弹吉他

Play the guitar 15.学习地理

study geography 16.一张愉快的脸 a happy face 17.一张不高兴的脸 an unhappy face 18.过周末

spend the weekend 19.上周 last week 20.第三中学的十个学生

ten students at No.3 Middle School

ten students of No.3 Middle School 21.对大多数学生来说 for most students 22.看电影

watch a movie / see a movie 23.呆在家里

stay at home 24.在星期天

on Sunny 25.在星期天上午on Sunny morning 26.在上午

in the morning 27.在星期五晚上 on Friday night 28.一个繁忙的周末a busy weekend 29.为我煮饭

cook dinner for me 30.看一本关于历史的书

read a book about history 31.一个有趣的谈话节目

an interesting talk show 32.写一首新歌write a new song 33.练习我的吉他

practice my guitar 34.每个人喜欢他们的周末

Everyone enjoys their weekends.35.去散步go for a walk=walk 36.晴天a nice day / a fine day /

a sunny day / a beautiful day 37.坐下 sit down


watch Wang Wang play with a friendly cat 观看某人做某事 watch sb do sth 例:观看他们踢足球

watch them play soccer 39.该„„了。(„„的时间到了。)

It’s time to … / It’s time for…

例:该回家了。It’s time to go home.It’s time for home。

该上课了。It’s time to have a class.It’s time for class.40.寻找他的狗

look for his dog 注意区别:看着 look at 寻找look for 41.他没有狗和家人。

He has no dog and no family.=He doesn’t have a dog and family.42.看起来很累 look tired 43.在电脑上踢足球

play soccer on my computer 44.观看一部练习碟 watch an exercise video 45.听棒球比赛

listen to the baseball game 1.度假 on vacation 2.纽约市

New York City 3.去夏令营 go to summer camp 4.参观博物馆 visit museums 5.为考试而学习study for exams

study for tests 6.很棒的天气 great weather 7.整天 all day


We had great fun playing in the water.做某事过得很开心

have fun doing

例: 游泳过得很开心

have fun swimming 9.我发现一个小男孩正在拐角处哭。

I found a small boy crying in the corner.发现某人正在做某事

find sb doing sth


I find Jim cleaning the classroom.发现某人经常做某事

find sb do sth


I often find Jim clean the classroom.10.我帮助他找到他的父亲。

I helped him find his father.帮助某人做某事

help sb do sth help sb to do 阳光家教网 http://cq.ygjj.com 家教学习资料 更多家教学习资料下载

sth help sb with sth 例:帮助我学习英语

help me learn English help me to learn English help me with my English 11.那使我感到非常高兴。

That made me feel very happy.叫某人做某事/ 命令某人做某事

make sb 区别: 这个男孩十三岁。

This boy is thirteen years old.17.„„怎么样What about„?/ How about „?

18.煮饭是妈妈们收看的节Cooking is for moms.19.感谢加入我们的节目。do…


make me buy some meat 12.观看某人做某事 watch sb do sth 看见某人做某事

see sb do sth 看见某人正在做某事 see sb doing sth 听见某人做某事 hear sb do sth 听见某人正在做某事

hear sb doing sth 发现某人做某事

find sb do sth 发现某人正在做某事

find sb doing sth 13.走回旅店 walk back to the hotel 14.我们决定去打网球。We decided to play tennis.决定做某事

decide to do sth 例:决定买一本书

decide to buy a book 15.晚餐我们吃四川食物。We have Sichuan food for dinner.16.在你回家的路上 on your way home 17.想要出去

want to go out(1)你认为游戏节目怎么样?

What do you think of game shows? How do you like game shows?(2)想起,记起/ 对„„的看法

think of 2.谈话节目talk show 3.肥皂剧

soap opera 4.体育节目 sports show 5.情景喜剧 situation comedy 6.游戏节目sports show7.实际上 in fact 8.今日英语 English Today 9.体育新闻 Sports News 10.健康之路 Healthy Living 11.中国文化 Culture China 12.中国烹饪 Chinese Cooking 13.动物 Animal World 14.欢迎收看9点钟的周末谈话节目。

Welcome to 9 o’clock Weekend Talk.15.和某人交谈

talk to sb / talk with sb 16.一个十三岁的男孩

a thirteen-year-old boy

Thank you for joining us.感谢 / 谢谢„„

Thank you for „ 例:(1)感谢你的信.Thank you(very much)for your letter.谢谢你的笔。Thank you(a lot)for your pen.谢谢你的帮忙。Thanks(very much)for your help.(2)感谢你教我们数学。

Thank you(very much)for teaching us math.感谢你帮助我Thanks(a lot)for helping me.感谢你写信给我Thank you(a lot)for writing to me.20.实话实说Tell it like it is!21.每样东each thing


ask students about fashion 23.给每个学生看六样东西

show each student six things= show six things to each student

给某人看某物 show sb sth = show sth to sb 例:给我看一本书

show me a book=show a book to me 24.他们中的一些答some of their answers 25.他们的好恶 their likes and dislikes 26.适合于妈妈级的It’s for moms.27.她最好的 her best friend 28.最酷的东西

the coolest thing


I enjoyed reading your “What’s cool ” article.30.在学校杂志中

in the school magazine 31.问我这个问题

ask me the question


Can you please put my letter in next month’s magazine?


Can you please do „? 例:你愿意打扫教室吗? 阳光家教网 http://cq.ygjj.com 家教学习资料 更多家教学习资料下载

Can you please clean the classroom? 33.我不能忍受老年人不能漂亮这种看法。

34.I can’t stand the ides that old people 在工作日,在平时 at weekdays

25.洗我的衣服 wash my clothes

26.帮我妈妈做晚饭 help my mom make can’t be beautiful.35.我想年轻、漂亮。

I want to be young and beautiful 36.关于我的外貌我喜欢赞美的语言。

I enjoy nice words about my looks.37.我不介意年轻人怎样看我。

I don’t mind what young people think of me!38.哪种电视节目 what kind of TV shows 肯定祈使句:

Listen to music in the music room

Eat in the dining hall

Practice your guitar every day.否定祈使句:(1)Don’t arrive late for class.Don’t run in the hallways.Don’t eat in class.(2)No talking.=Don’t talk.No listening to music.No eating food.=Don’t eat food.2.课堂上,上课时 in class 3.上课迟 arrive late for school= be late for school„迟到

arrive late for „ =be late for„ 4.在走廊上 in the hallways 5.在外面听音乐 listen to music outside 6.在教室里 in the classroom 7.戴一顶帽子

wear a hat 8.在饭厅吃饭 in the dining ha 9.在你们学校

in your school 10.在学校 at school = in school 11.穿一件制服 wear a uniform 12.不得不,必have to = must 13.打扫教室clean the classroom 14.体育课 P.E.class = gym class 15.放学后 after school 16.出去

go out 17.上学期间晚on school nights 18.每天

every day 19.每天早上 every morning 20.练习你的吉他 practice your guitar 21.太多的规则 too many rules 22.在我家 in my house 23.十点钟之前我必须上床睡觉。

I have to be in bed by ten o’clock.24.在周末

on weekends



Later I have to go to the children’s palace to learn the piano.28.我从没一点快乐I never have any fun.29.我能干什么呢?

What can I do? 30.图书馆规章制度

Library Rules

31.在电话上大声交谈talk loudly on the phone 32.看电视到很晚watch TV late 33.骑我的自 ride my bike 1.帮助某人做某事help sb do sth help sb to do sth

help sb with sth 1.想要某人做某事want sb to do sth


want to do = would like to do

3.让某人做某事let sb do sth

4.要求某人做某事 ask sb to do sth

5.叫/喊/命令某人做某事 make sb do sth 6.把某物给某人

give sb sth = give sth to sb

7.给某人看某物 show sb sth = show sth to sb

39.欢迎参加这个节目。Welcome to the show.





四、请听下面一段短文,根据短文内容完成表格,短文读两遍。My friends Mike, Jack and I go to a restaurant for dinner.I’m medium build.My friend Mike has short straight hair.Jack is short and heavy.The waiter asks what we would like, I’d like chicken noodles.Mike doesn’t want noodles.He’d like some fish and orange juice.Jack dislikes fish.He likes mutton.So he’d like a Number 1.My sister is of medium build and she has long black hair.Number 2.My math teacher isn’t tall.He is a little heavy.Number 3.I’d like noodles and orange juice, please.Number 4.The dumplings are only 15 yuan.Number 5.On Saturday I studied for the math test.二、听下面5组对话,每组对话后有一个问题,请根据对话和问题从每题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳选项,每个对话读两遍,每个问题仅读一遍。

Number 6.W: Mike, do you have a sister?

M: Yes, she’s cute.She has long hair and big eyes.Question: What does Mike’s sister look like?

Number 7.M: What does your father do, Linda?

W: He was a teacher ten years ago.Now he is a reporter.Question: What is Linda’s father now.Number 8.W: Can I help you?

M: Yes, I’d like a medium bowl of noodles.How much is it?

W: 15 dollars.Question: Where is the boy?

Number 9.W: Tony, are you hungry?

M: Yes, Mom.W: Let’s have some mutton noodles.M: No, Mom.I want some beef and carrot noodles.I don’t like mutton noodles.Question: What kind of noodles does Tony like?

Number 10.W: Did you go to the beach last weekend, Mike?

M: No, I didn’t.I stayed at home and watched TV.Question: What did Mike do last weekend?


M1: Good afternoon.Can I help you?

M2: Yes, please.I would like a hamburger and some French fries.What about you, Lucy?

W: I’d like a hamburger, some chicken and a bowl of ice cream.I don’t like French fries.M1: Would you like something to drink?

W: Black tea, please.And you, Bob?

M2: I’d like green tea.W: OK.We’d like two hamburgers, some French fries, some chicken, a bowl of ice cream, a black tea and a green tea.M1: Sure.四、听短文,根据所听内容选择正确答案,短文读两遍。

Dear Brad,Thanks for your letter.Let me tell you about my last weekend.On Saturday morning I went to English class.I practiced English.In the afternoon I played the piano for two hours.Then I went to a sports club.In the evening I went to the movies.On Sunday morning, I went to the library.I read Harry Potter.Then I visited my grandparents.On Sunday evening I studied for a math test.That’s what I did last weekend.Please write and tell me about what you did last weekend.Love,Tom

七下英语期末测试卷large bowl of mutton soup and bread.Zehua Paper 2010.7


初一英语下册 短语复习

1.你的笔友 your pen pal = your pen friend 2.这些国家

these countries 3.美国the United statedthe USA the US America 4 英国

the United kingdom 5.在图中

in the picture 6.看着这些东西

look at the things 7.来自

come from = be from 8.这些城市

these cities 9.乔恩的笔友

John’s pen pal 10.在巴黎

in paris 11.在悉尼

in Sydney 12.这些国家的名字 the names of the countries 13.在方格中

in the box 14.我的新笔友

my new pen pal 15.什么语言

what language 16.在美国 in the USA= in the US = 17.in the United States=in America 18.在澳大利亚 in Australia 19.她最喜欢的科目

his favorite subject 20.说英语

speak English 21.这些问题的简略答案

short answers to the questions 22.居住在加拿大的多伦多

live in Toronto, Canda 23.在中国

in China 24.一个非常有趣的国家

an interesting country


fourteen years old 26.在十一月 in November 27.一点法语 a little French 28.在英国和澳大利亚

in the United Kingdom and Australia 29.我喜欢和我的朋友们去看电影和做运动。

I like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports.30.在学校我最喜欢的科目

my favorite subject in school 31.太难

too difficult = too dear 32.你能尽快给我写信吗?

Can you write to me soon?


at school = in school 34.一部功夫片

an action movie 35.请写信告诉我你的情况。

Please write and tell me about yourself.1.邮局

post office


pay phone 3.在这附近near here = in the neighborhood

4.在中心街 on Center Street

5.在银行对面 across from the bank 6.在图书馆旁边

next to the library


between the restaurant and the supermarket


behind the library


in front of the post office

10.在第五林荫道 on Fifth Avenue 11.直走 go straight

12.沿着这条街直走。Go straight along this street.= Walk straight along this street.13.向左转 turn left

14.它在沿着桥街的右边.It’s down Bridge Street on the right.15.非常感谢。Thank you very much.= Thank you a lot.= Thanks very much.=Thanks a lot.16.不用谢。You’re welcome.That’s OK.=That’s all right.= It’s a pleasure.= Not at all.17.一个干净的公园

a clean park 18.一家旧旅馆 an old hotel

19.一条繁忙的街道 a busy street 20.欢迎到花园小区来

Welcome to the Garden District.21.欢迎到„„

Welcome to „.22.在第一林荫道向左转。Turn left on First Avenue.= Take the First Avenue on the left.23.在„„向„„转。

Turn ______(方向)at the ________(地点)。

Take the ______(地点)on the _____(方向)。


Turn left at the second crossing(turning).Take the second turning on the left.24.享受城市的安静街道

enjoy the city’s quiet streets


Come to visit Bridge Street


a place to have fun


play the guitar


the way to my house

29.乘出租车 take a taxi=catch a taxi=by taxi 30.从机场

from the airport 31.通过一家银行 pass a bank 32.走过这座公 go through the park walk through the park pass the park

33.歩行 talk a walk = walk 34.花园旅游的开始

the beginning of the garden tour 35.„„的开始

the beginning of the „„

这个故事的开始 the beginning of the story


the beginning of the class 36.沿着„„走 go along„„=walk along„„


go up „„.38.沿着„„向下走

go down„„.1.让某人做某事

let sb.do sth.例:让我们先看看熊猫吧。

Let’s see the pandas first.2.看一看

have a look = look


have a look at the book=look at the book 3.欢迎到„„来。Welcome to „„

例:欢迎到动物园来。Welcome to the zoo.4.想要做某事 Want to do sth.例:想要看狮子 want to see lions 5.有点有趣的 kind of interesting = a little interesting 6.一种„„

a kind of


a kind of animals 7.南非

South Africa 8.什么动物

what animal 9.其它的什么动物what other animal


twelve = twelve years old

11.一个十二岁的女孩 a twelve-year-old girl


play with„„


play with her friends

13.喜欢做某事like doing=like to do=enjoy dong喜欢游泳 like swimming= like to swim=enjoy swimming


eat grass

15.请安静.Please be quiet.16.在白天

in the day=during the day


at night 18.吃树叶 eat leaves 19.起get up Unit 4

1.想当„„ want to be„„ 2.店员 shop assistant 3.银行职员bank clerk 4.电视台 TV station 5.警察局 police station 6.校园剧

school play

7.给这些人编号number the people 8.在那家饭馆 in that restaurant 9.我与人和钱打交道。

I work with people and money.10.把他们的钱交给我

give me their money = give their money to me

11.从我这取走他们的钱get their money from me


a white uniform


talk with people = talk to people


every day

15.问他们问题 ask them questions 16.出去吃饭

go out to dinner 17.有点危险

kind of dangerous 18.在一家医院里in a hospital

19.谈论这些工作talk about the jobs 20.对„„感兴趣be interested in 21.我们可以为你提供一份服务员的工作。

We have a job for you as a waiter.22.打555-3937与艾尔的饭馆联系

Call Al’s Restaurant at 555-3937.23.写故事 write stories 24.想为一家杂志工作

want to work for a magazine 25.到我们这来作一名记者吧.Come and work for us as a report.26.打电话555-8823与卡伦联系

Call Karen at 555-8823.27.喜欢和其他年轻人一起工作

like to work with young people 28.想成为校园剧的一员

want to be in the school play


an international school for children of 5-12


want sb to do sth


want a PE teacher to teach soccer 1.看电视 watch TV 2.看书

read a book/ read books

3.看报read a newspaper read newspapers

4.看电影 watch a movie / watch movies

see a movie / see movies

5.做家庭作业 do homework

do one’s homework

做家庭作do my homework do his homework

6.吃晚饭 eat dinner=have dinner 7.吃早餐eatbreakfast=have breakfast


eat lunch=have lunch

9.用电话交谈 take on the phone 10.想去看电影 want to go to a movie 11.电视节目 TV show 12.写信 write a letter / write letters 13.写信给某人

write a letter to „

14.咱们六点钟去吧。Let’s go at six o’clock 15.等候„„ wait for„

例:等我 wait for me

等公共汽车 wait for the bus 16.和某人交谈

talk with sb / talk to sb

17.谈论„„ talk about „ 18.打篮球

play basketball 19.感谢„„.Thank you for„


Thank you for your letter and the photo.20.我的一些照片

some of my photos 21.在第一张照片中 in the first photo 22.在池塘中

in the pool 23.在下一张照片中

in the next photo 24.在家 at home 25.在工作 at work 26.在最后一第照片中in the last photo 27.我和我的妹妹在一起。

I’m with my sister.28.一张我家的照片

a photo of my family

29.在这张照片中 in the picture 30.在图d中

in Picture d 31.看着„„

look at „ 32.跑开

run away 33.带着他的书包跑回来

run back with his backpack


open his backpack 35.照相 take a photo/ take photos


take a photo of„ 例:照两只鸟的像

take a photo of two birds(1)问天气:天气怎么样

What’s the weather like?

What does the weather look like?

How’s the weather?(2)问长相:他长什么样?

What’s he like? What does he look like?


in Shanghai 3.在北京 in Beijing 4.玩电子游戏 play computer games

5.问:情况怎么样How’s it going? It’s great./ It’s not bad./ It’s terrible.It’s pretty good.6.打电话时,常用语: 你是谁?

Who’s that?


This is Bob.7.看望我的祖父visit my grandparent 8.开晚会,搞聚会

have a party 9.感谢你加入中央电视台的<环游世界>节目Thank you for joining CCTV’s Around The World show.10.在澳大利亚

in Australia 11.一个美丽的,晴朗的天气

a beautiful, sunny day 12.度假 on vacation 13.在沙滩上on the beach 14.看着正在打沙滩排球的这组人Look at this group of people playing beach volleyball 15.在这样热度中in this heat 16.一个非常有趣的地方

a very interesting place 一个有趣的地方

an interesting place 17.玩得很高兴,过得很快乐 have fun/

have a good time / have a nice time 18.听起来很可怕.That sounds terrible.问长相: be like=look like 例:(1)他长什么样?

What is he like?=What does he look like?(2)你长什么样? What are you like?=What do you look like? 2.注意区别:(1)他长什么样? What is he like? 他长什么样? What does he look like? 他喜欢什么? What does he like?(2)你长什么样? What are you like? 你长什么样?What do you look like? 你喜欢什么?What do you like? 3.短发 short hair 4.卷发 curly hair 5.长发 long hair 6.直发 straight hair 7.中等个子 medium height 8.中等身材 medium build 9.其中一个人 one of the people 10.在五班

in Class Five 11.一条红色的裙子

a red dress 12.白色的鞋子

white shoes 13.篮球队的队长 the captain of the basketball team 14.短直发 short straight hair

15.黄色的短卷发 short curly blonde hair 16.有点安静(内向)a little bit quiet /

a little quiet / kind of quiet 17.喜爱讲笑话 love to tell jokes 18.漂亮的长黑beautiful long black hair 19.停止谈论

shop talking(停止正在做的事)停下来去谈shop to talk(停下来去做另外一件事)20.棕色的卷发curly brown hair 21.他喜欢读书和下棋。

He likes reading and playing chess.22.我最喜欢的音乐家

my favorite musician 他最喜欢的科目 his favorite subject 她妈妈最喜欢的运动 her mother’s favorite sport 23.又高又瘦tall and thin 24.棕色的短卷发

short curly brown hair 25.这个戴着滑稽的眼睛和留着长卷发的流行歌手

the pop singer with funny glasses and long curly hair 26.一个新外貌

a new look 27.来自纽约的鲁思

Ruth from New York 28.去购物

go shopping 29.没人认识我。Nobody knows me.Unit 8


beef and tomato noodles 2.哪种面条

what kind of noodles

3.哪种分量的面条what size bowl of noodles 4.大份

a large bowl(of)例:一个大分面条

a large bowl of noodles 5.中份

a medium bowl(of)


a small bowl(of)


(1)有几分/有点 kind of / a little / a little bit(2)一种

a kind of


this kind of


all kinds of

许多种many kinds of


three kinds of

和蔼的,友好的kind = friend 8.哪种尺码

what size 或what sizes


Can I help you? / May I help you?/

What can I do for you? 10.鸡肉白菜面 chicken and cabbage noodles


mutton and egg noodles


I like dumplings, fish and orange juice.13.他不喜欢洋葱,绿茶和稀饭。

He doesn’t like onions, green tea or porridge.14.在这家饺子屋

at the House of Dumplings

15.一些很棒的特色菜some great specials


Special One= the first special 17.第二道特色菜15个才仅仅8元人民币。

Special 2 is only RMB 8 for 15.18.桔子汁饮料 orange juice drink 19.哪种甜食

what kind of dessert

20.什么分量的甜食 what size of dessert

21.一个中份面条a medium bowl of noodles 22.一个大份牛肉面 a large bowl of beef

23.一小份桔子汁a small orange juice Unit 9

1.做家庭作业 do my homework 2.踢球 play soccer / play football

3.打扫房间clean the room 4.去沙滩

go to the beach 5.打网球

play tennis 6.去看电影 go to the movies 7.上个周末 last weekend 8.星期六上午 on Saturday morning

9.星期天下午on Sunny afternoon 10.看望我的姑姑 visit my aunt 11.为数学考试而学习study for math test


watch TV 13.你的周末怎么样?How was your weekend? 14.弹吉他

Play the guitar 15.学习地理

study geography

16.一张愉快的脸 a happy face 17.一张不高兴的脸 an unhappy face


spend the weekend 19.上周 last week 20.第三中学的十个学生

ten students at No.3 Middle School

ten students of No.3 Middle School 21.对大多数学生来说 for most students 22.看电影

watch a movie / see a movie 23.呆在家里

stay at home 24.在星期天

on Sunny 25.在星期天上午on Sunny morning 26.在上午

in the morning 27.在星期五晚上 on Friday night 28.一个繁忙的周末a busy weekend 29.为我煮饭

cook dinner for me 30.看一本关于历史的书

read a book about history 31.一个有趣的谈话节目

an interesting talk show 32.写一首新歌write a new song 33.练习我的吉他

practice my guitar 34.每个人喜欢他们的周末

Everyone enjoys their weekends.35.去散步go for a walk=walk 36.晴天a nice day / a fine day /

a sunny day / a beautiful day 37.坐下 sit down


watch Wang Wang play with a friendly cat

观看某人做某事 watch sb do sth 例:观看他们踢足球

watch them play soccer 39.该„„了。(„„的时间到了。)

It’s time to … / It’s time for…

例:该回家了。It’s time to go home.It’s time for home。

该上课了。It’s time to have a class.It’s time for class.40.寻找他的狗

look for his dog

注意区别:看着 look at 寻找look for


He has no dog and no family.=He doesn’t have a dog and family.42.看起来很累 look tired 43.在电脑上踢足球

play soccer on my computer

44.观看一部练习碟 watch an exercise video


listen to the baseball game 1.度假 on vacation 2.纽约市

New York City 3.去夏令营 go to summer camp

4.参观博物馆 visit museums 5.为考试而学习study for exams

study for tests 6.很棒的天气 great weather 7.整天 all day


We had great fun playing in the water.做某事过得很开心

have fun doing 例: 游泳过得很开心

have fun swimming


I found a small boy crying in the corner.发现某人正在做某事

find sb doing sth


I find Jim cleaning the classroom.发现某人经常做某事

find sb do sth


I often find Jim clean the classroom.10.我帮助他找到他的父亲。

I helped him find his father.帮助某人做某事

help sb do sth help sb to do sth help sb with sth 例:帮助我学习英语

help me learn English help me to learn English help me with my English


That made me feel very happy.叫某人做某事/ 命令某人做某事 make sb do…


make me buy some meat

12.观看某人做某事 watch sb do sth


see sb do sth 看见某人正在做某事 see sb doing sth

听见某人做某事 hear sb do sth 听见某人正在做某事

hear sb doing sth


find sb do sth


find sb doing sth

13.走回旅店 walk back to the

hotel 14.我们决定去打网球。We decided to play tennis.决定做某事

decide to do sth 例:决定买一本书

decide to buy a book 15.晚餐我们吃四川食物。We have Sichuan food for dinner.16.在你回家的路上 on your way home 17.想要出去

want to go out(1)你认为游戏节目怎么样?

What do you think of game shows? How do you like game shows?(2)想起,记起/ 对„„的看法 think of 2.谈话节目talk show 3.肥皂剧

soap opera 4.体育节目 sports show 5.情景喜剧 situation comedy 6.游戏节目sports show7.实际上 in fact 8.今日英语 English Today 9.体育新闻 Sports News 10.健康之路 Healthy Living 11.中国文化 Culture China 12.中国烹饪 Chinese Cooking 13.动物 Animal World 14.欢迎收看9点钟的周末谈话节目。

Welcome to 9 o’clock Weekend


talk to sb / talk with sb 16.一个十三岁的男孩

a thirteen-year-old boy 区别: 这个男孩十三岁。

This boy is thirteen years old.17.„„怎么样What about„?/ How about „? 18.煮饭是妈妈们收看的节Cooking is

for moms.19.感谢加入我们的节目。

Thank you for joining us.感谢 / 谢谢„„

Thank you for „ 例:(1)感谢你的信.Thank you(very much)for your letter.谢谢你的笔。Thank you(a lot)for your pen.谢谢你的帮忙。Thanks(very much)for your help.(2)感谢你教我们数学。

Thank you(very much)for teaching us math.感谢你帮助我Thanks(a lot)for helping me.感谢你写信给我Thank you(a lot)for writing

to me.20.实话实说Tell it like it is!21.每样东each thing 22.就时尚这个问题询问学生

ask students about fashion 23.给每个学生看六样东西

show each student six things= show six things to each student

给某人看某物 show sb sth = show sth to sb


show me a book=show a book to me

24.他们中的一些答some of their answers

25.他们的好恶 their likes and dislikes

26.适合于妈妈级的It’s for moms.27.她最好的 her best friend 28.最酷的东西

the coolest thing 29.喜欢看你的“什么是酷?”这篇文章。

I enjoyed reading your “What’s cool ” article.30.在学校杂志中

in the school magazine


ask me the question


Can you please put my letter in next month’s magazine?


Can you please do „?


Can you please clean the classroom?


34.I can’t stand the ides that old people can’t be beautiful.35.我想年轻、漂亮。

I want to be young and beautiful 36.关于我的外貌我喜欢赞美的语言。

I enjoy nice words about my looks.37.我不介意年轻人怎样看我。

I don’t mind what young people think of me!

38.哪种电视节目 what kind of TV shows


Listen to music in the music room

Eat in the dining hall

Practice your guitar every day.否定祈使句:(1)Don’t arrive late for class.Don’t run in the hallways.Don’t eat in class.(2)No talking.=Don’t talk.No listening to music.No eating food.=Don’t eat food.2.课堂上,上课时 in class 3.上课迟 arrive late for school= be late for school„迟到

arrive late for „ =be late for„ 4.在走廊上 in the hallways 5.在外面听音乐 listen to music outside 6.在教室里 in the classroom 7.戴一顶帽子

wear a hat 8.在饭厅吃饭 in the dining ha 9.在你们学校

in your school 10.在学校 at school = in school 11.穿一件制服 wear a uniform 12.不得不,必have to = must 13.打扫教室clean the classroom 14.体育课 P.E.class = gym class 15.放学后 after school 16.出去

go out 17.上学期间晚on school nights 18.每天

every day 19.每天早上 every morning 20.练习你的吉他 practice your guitar 21.太多的规则 too many rules 22.在我家 in my house 23.十点钟之前我必须上床睡觉。

I have to be in bed by ten o’clock.24.在周末

on weekends 在工作日,在平时 at weekdays 25.洗我的衣服 wash my clothes 26.帮我妈妈做晚饭 help my mom 39.欢迎参加这个节目。Welcome to make dinner

the show.27.稍后我必须去少年宫学弹钢琴。

Later I have to go to the children’s palace to learn the piano.28.我从没一点快乐I never have any fun.29.我能干什么呢?

What can I do?


Library Rules

31.在电话上大声交谈talk loudly on the phone

32.看电视到很晚watch TV late 33.骑我的自 ride my bike 1.帮助某人做某事help sb do sth help sb to do sth

help sb with sth 1.想要某人做某事want sb to do sth


want to do = would like to do

3.让某人做某事let sb do sth

4.要求某人做某事 ask sb to do sth

5.叫/喊/命令某人做某事 make sb do sth


give sb sth = give sth to sb

7.给某人看某物 show sb sth = show sth to sb

第四篇:七年级英语下册 unit5单元测试 人教新目标版



1.看报纸 ______ ___________ 1.看电视 ________ ____ 3.写信 ________ ____ _______ 4.谈论 ______ ________ 5.等候 ________ _____ 6.打扫房间 ________ _____ ______ 7.在电话中交谈 _______ ____ _____ ________ 8.听起来不错 ________ _______ 9.我的一张全家福

____ ________ ____ _____ __________

10.游泳池 ___________ _____ 11.电视节目 _____ ________ 12.拍照 _______ _________ II.根据句意及首字母提示完成句子,补全单词:

1.We should c our class room every day.2.Mr.Wang enjoys r newspaper in the morning.3.I am s that nobody knows me at the party.4.The sun rises(升起)in the east(东方)and goes down(落下)in the w.5.Many parents are w for their children at the school gate(大门).6.They will(将要)have many a during(在……期间)the spring festival.7.He didn’t take any photos because he lost(丢失)his c.8.Be careful, or you will fall into(掉进)the p and get wet.(弄湿)9.Now people can’t kill(杀死)any b , so you can see them flying in the sky and singing in the trees.10.We make t(玩具)in the factory for children from 1 to 5 years old.III.用所给单词的适当形式填空:

1.Look!They ____________(sing)over there.2.He is _________(listen)to the music.3.Listen!Who ___________(read)in the next room? 4.It’s nine o’clock, and they ____________(have)classes.5.Do you want _________(watch)TV? 6.In the ________(two)photo, he’s playing soccer.7.She doesn’t like _____(she)father.8.Three _________(child)are having lunch.9.He enjoys ________(run).10.Here ______(be)two photos for you.IV.用所给动词的适当形式填空:

1.The little boy __________(eat)a big apple now.2.Look!Dave and Mary ___________(dance).3.—____ he _________(watch)TV? —No, he isn’t.4.She ___________(not do)her homework.She’s reading.5.It’s seven in the morning.Mr Black ___________(have)breakfast.6.Lily likes _________ very much.She _______ very well.She can _______ English songs.(sing)7.My brother __________(take)a shower now(洗澡).8._____ Bob __________(swim)now?



专心 9.—What _____ the children _______?(do)—They are reading.10.—What is Mike doing? —He __________(run).V.选择填空:

()1.This TV ____ is interesting.A.movie B.shop C.sport D.show()2.My mother is ____ cakes.She often ____ cakes for us.A.make , making B.making, makes C.do, doing D.doing, does()3.My parents are ____ TV now.A.reading B.looking C.watching D.seeing()4.—What does your mother do? —She is ____.A.reading B.in the factory C.a teacher D.from the USA()5.Don’t talk here.Grandparents ____.A.sleep B.is sleeping C.are sleeping D.sleeping()6.Look!Who is ____ in the pool? A.swims B.swimming C.swiming D.swim()7.My brother and I ____ at school.A.am B.is C.are D./()8.—Is Ann ____ American girl? —No, she isn’t.She’s ____ English girl.A.a, an B.an, a C.a, a D.an, an()9.One of my classmates ____ from France.A.is B.are C.am D.come()10.—____ does the musician play the guitar? —In the park.A.What B.How C.Where D.Which()11.They play football ____ Saturday morning.A.on B.in C.at D.for()12.—____ the young woman playing the piano? —Yes, she ____.A.Is, is B.Does, does C.Is, does D.Does, is()13.Here ____ four ____ of my family.A.is, photo B.are photoes C.are, photos D.is, photos()14.Thanks for ____ me.A.help B.helps C.helping D.to help()15.It’s six o’clock in the afternoon.Mr.and Mrs.Green are ____ dinner.A.eating B.doing C.talking D.waiting()16.Here is a photo ____ my family.There are five people ____ my family.A.of, in B.of, of C.for, in D.about, of()17.—Is Mary eating dinner? —____.She’s writing a letter.A.No, she doesn’t B.Yes, she is C.No, she isn’t D.Yes, she does()18.—Where are they playing soccer? —At ____.A.the school B.school C.the pool D.the mall()19.____ your beautiful gift(礼物)for my birthday.A.Thank you B.Thank for C.Thanks you for D.Thanks for()20.—Do you want to go to the movies? —____.A.That sound good B.It sounds good



专心 C.That sounds great D.It sound boring()21.Are you ____ a bus? A.wait B.waiting C.wait for D.waiting for()22.—Let’s go to the fashion show(时装表演).—____.A.Great.When are we going? B.That sounds boring.Let’s go C.Good.Where are you going? D.Sure, I want to watch TV()23.Look.Here are ____ my photos.A.some B.some of C.many D.much of VI.按要求转换句型:

1.I’m doing my homework.(变一般疑问句)_____ you doing _______ homework? 2.Alice is writing a letter.(对划线部分提问)______ ____ Alice _______? 3.She often plays the violin.(用now 替换often)She _____ _________ the violin now.4.Li Lei does his homework in the evening.(变否定句)Li Lei _______ ____ his homework in the evening.5.This TV show is boring.(对划线部分提问)______ ____ this TV show? 6.The students are waiting for their teachers.(对划线部分提问)_____ are the students ________ for? 7.You can see a bird in the tree.(对划线部分提问)______ _____ you see in the tree? VII.交际用语搭配,从B栏中找出A栏问句的答语:

A B()1.What language do you speak? A.Canada.()2.How are you? B.Yes, I am.()3.Where are you from? C.No, he doesn’t.()4.Are you watching TV? D.Fine, thank you.()5.Does your brother have a toy plane? E.French.VIII.完成句子:

1.他们正在和谁谈话? ______ are they _______ to? 2.我妈妈正在车站等我。My mother _____ ________ _____ me ____ the station.3.谢谢你的来信。________ _____ your letter.4.看!王先生正在公园拍照。Look!Mr.Wang _____ ________ photos in the park.5.这里有我的一些照片。Here ______ some of _____ _________.6.人们正在跳舞。The people ______ __________.7.你们在谈论什么? What are you _________ ________? 8.那听起来是个好主意。That _________ a good idea.9.不要进来,我们正在打扫房间。Don’t come in.We ______ _________ the room.10.玛丽没在学习英语,她正在写信。Mary ______ _________ English.She ____ ________ a letter.IX.完形填空:

Here is a picture 1 a park.You 2 see many boys and girls in the park.3 are some trees in the park.4 there are 5 flowers.Some birds are 6 in the 7.There are some old 8.They are sitting at the table.They are 9 tea and talking.Two young people 10 near them.用心


专心()1.A.of B.about C.for D.in()2.A.aren’t B.can C.do D.are()3.A.These B.Here C.There D.They()4.A.And B.But C.Or D./()5.A.some B./ C.much D.any()6.A.singing B.run C.dance D.sing()7.A.flowers B.park C.trees D.flower()8.A.man B.men C.woman D.mans()9.A.eating B.drink C.eat D.drinking()10.A.stand B.standing C.are standing D.stands X.阅读理解:

(A)It’s Sunday today.The Blacks are all at home.Mrs Black is in the kitchen(厨房).She is making cakes.Mr Black is in the living room(客厅).He is sitting in a chair and reading a book.Tom is in the garden with Mike.Mike is Tom’s classmate and good friend.They are playing soccer.Where is Sue? Oh, she and her friend Ann, are in her bedroom.They are watching TV now.根据短文内容选择正确答案。

()1.There are ____ people in Mr Black’s family.A.three B.four C.six D.seven()2.Who is in the kitchen? A.Sue’s mother B.Ann’s mother C.Tom’s father D.Ann’s father()3.What is Mr Black doing? A.Watching TV B.Playing soccer C.Reading a book D.Swimming()4.____ are playing in the garden.A.Tom and Sue.B.Tom and Mike C.Ann and Mike D.Sue and Mike()5.Which is RIGHT? A.Mike and Tom are in the same class.B.Sue and Ann are watching TV in Ann’s bedroom.C.Mike’s mother is making cakes.D.Tom is very clever.(B)It is cloudy.Zhang Qiang flies his kite on the playground.He is very happy.But it is raining now.He can’t fly his kite.His shirt and trousers are wet.He doesn’t want to go home.Ten minutes later, the sun is shining.It is warm now and Zhang Qiang has a good idea.He takes off his wet clothes and ties them to the long string of the kite.He flies his kite and clothes.So they are dry(干的).He puts on and there is a smile on his face.What a clever boy.()1.Zhang Qiang ____ on the playground.A.flies his kite B.flies his plane C.runs D.plays()2.Zhang Qiang wears ____.A.a shirt and trousers B.a shirt and shoes C.a skirt and trousers D.a skirt and



专心 shoes()3.Zhang Qiang ties his wet clothes ____ to make them dry.A.to a tree B.on his head C.to the kite string(线)D.to his arm()4.It is ____ that day.A.rainy, foggy(雾)and sunny B.cloudy, rainy and foggy C.cloudy, foggy and sunny D cloudy, rainy and sunny()5.Zhang Qiang is a ____ boy.A.lazy(懒)B.good-looking C.clever D.tall XI.改错:(将错误项的序号填入前面括号,在横线上订正)()_____________ 1.Jim has funny and outgoing(外向).A B C D()_____________ 2.Mary is a tall girl and long black hair.A B C D()_____________ 3.Kim is a exchange(交换)student in China.A B C D()_____________ 4.Be careful!There are a little water on the floor.A B C D()_____________ 5.He like to tell interesting stories after class.A B C D()_____________ 6.What was your weekend? A B C D()_____________ 7.There is a few students in the classroom.A B C D()_____________ 8.Anna, would you like to dance? Oh, I’d love.A B C D()_____________ 9.I have a few time for reading.A B C D()_____________ 10.I’m friendly at my workmates(同事).A B C D.用心


专心 5



1.read newspaper 2.watch TV 3.write a letter 4.talk about 5.wait for 6.clean the room 7.talk on the phone 8.sound good 9.a photo of my family 10.swimming pool 11.TV show 12.take photos II.根据句意及首字母提示完成句子,补全单词:

1.clean 2.reading 3.sure 4.west 5.waiting 6.activities 7.camera 8.pool 9.birds 10.toys III.用所给单词的适当形式填空:

1.are singing 2.listening 3.is reading 4.are having 5.to watch 6.second 7.her 8.children 9.running 10.are IV.用所给动词的适当形式填空:

1.is eating 2.are dancing 3.Is, watching 4.isn’t doing 5.is having 6.singing, sings, sing 7.is taking 8.Is, swimming 9.are, doing 10.is running V.选择填空:

1.D 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.C 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.A 10.C 11.A 12.A 13.C 14.C 15.A 16.A 17.C 18.B 19.D 20.C 21.D 22.A 23.B VI.按要求转换句型:

1.Are, your 2.What is, doing 3.is playing 4.doesn’t do 5.How is 6.Who, waiting 7.What can VII.交际用语搭配,从B栏中找出A栏问句的答语: 1.E 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.C VIII.完成句子:

1.Who, talking 2.is waiting for, at 3.Thanks for 4.is taking 5.are, my photos 6.are dancing 7.talking about 8.sounds 9.are cleaning 10.isn’t learning, is writing IX.完形填空:

1.A 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.A 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.C X.阅读理解:

(A)1.B 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.A(B)1.A 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.C XI.改错:(将错误项的序号填入前面括号,在横线上订正)1.(A)has→is 2.(C)and→with 3.(A)a→an 4.(B)are→is 5.(A)like→likes 6.(A)What→How 7.(A)is→are 8.(D)love→love to 9.(B)a few→a little











Unit 7It’sraining.一.教学目标


1. 让学生记住下面的单词:

rain , snow , cloudy , windy , cold , hot , cool , warm , humid , cooking

2. 让学生掌握下面的句型:

(1)How’s the weather like? / What’s the weather like?It’s raining.(2)What’re you/they doing?We’re/They’re watching TV.(3)What’s he/she doing?He’s/She’s cooking.(4)Is Aunt Sarah there?Yes, she is.2.能力目标






1.提醒学生在学习进行时态时,应注意谓语部分应为“be + doing”。学生常忽略“be”或“doing”。

2.参考《教师用书》中的文化背景,帮助学生正确理解“How’s it going?”的含义及回答。

3.注意提醒学生对天气提问的方式有两种: “ How’s the weather?” 和 “What’s the weather like?”


Section A

1.(1a)It’s raining/snowing.其中“rain”和“snow”是动词,表达下雨和下雪。

2.(1c)用英语询问天气时, “weather”前一定要搭配定冠词;回答时用 “It’s…”

3.(3a)“How’s it going?”相当于“How’re you?”/ “How’s everything going?” 用于询问对

用心爱心专心 1


Section B

1.(3a)thank you for…, 后接名词或动名词。表示“因……而感谢”;

on vacation 介词短语,不可作谓语。表示 “度假”;

on one’s head 表示“在某人的头上”,使用介词“on”;

five thousand years of history 表示“五千年的历史“,用英语表达一个明确数量时,单位词(百/千/万/百万/十亿)为单数。

2.(3b)take photos 表示“照相”;take a photo of…, 表示“照一张……的相片”。

3.(shelfcheck 3)What’s the weather like? 表示“天气怎样?”,其中“be like”表示“像”,“like”为介词。




第一课时(Section A 1a-1c)

第二课时(Section A 2a-3b)

第三课时(Section B 1a-2c)

第四课时(Section B 3a-4)



1. 教师可根据教学目的和学生情况对教材调整,组合甚至删除;

2. 本单元表示天气的词汇较多,让学生首先会读,理解意思。在运用上应多动脑筋,创设情景,让学生大量进行口语练习,配合笔头训练。



1)第一课时(1a~1c)(T:teacher , S:student)

步骤1 :warming up and revision

教师做出各种学生熟悉的动作。(例如:read a book, play soccer…)

T:What’re you doing?S:I’m reading a book.步骤2 : presentation

a.教师在黑板上画出代表各种天气特征的简笔画。(sunny, windy, cloudy, raining, snowing)

T:How’s the weather in chengdu?It’s Sunny.(如果外面是晴朗的)

S:It’s Sunny.(跟着教师重复)

教师可将句型“How is the weather ? It’s sunny.”写在黑板上。

学生通过教师的叙述和图片理解句意,并逐个跟老师学习新单词:sunny, windy,cloudy, raining, snowing(注意让学生明白:How is the weather?是“天气如何”;

It’s sunny.是晴朗的;It’s raining,是正在下雨。)

b.要求学生看着1a分的彩图,利用五大城市的天气特征进一步进行句型和单词学习和巩固。Sunny and warm, cloudy, windy and cool, raining and humid, snowing and cold, Toronto, Boston, Moscow

T: Look at the picture, Is it Beijing ?

How is the weather in Beijing ?

Oh, it’s sunny and warm.(板书)


步骤3 :communicate with the dills







步骤1 :Conversation Practice

a.T: Look at the boy with glasses, what’s he doing ?

S: He’s talking on the phone.T: Yes, he is calling Lucy.要求学生描述每幅图中的人物正在做什么?



步骤2 :Presentation


T:Look at the face, are you happy?

S:Yes, I am.T:How is it going?(板书)It’s great.利用“How’s it going ?”引出新单词“Pretty good”“ not bad”.注意引导学生积极动脑看画,分清程度的不同;讲解“How’s it going ?”=“How are you?”or“How is everything?”以及参考它的文化背景(见教参)


步骤3 : commucation




步骤4 : Grammar Focus


b.注意How is =How’s



3)第三课时(Section B 1a~2c)

步骤1 : Presentation

在这部分将学习更多描述天气的单词(cool, cold, humid, hot, warm);由于在section A的学习引入中已做了铺垫,可以这样利用对话引入:

T: Look at picture c, it’s Chengdu.How is the weather in Chengdu ?

S: It’s sunny.T: Is it warm?

S: No, it isn’t.It’s hot.T: Yes, it’s hot and humid.教师可根据每幅图片的特点,在图片下写出城市或国家名,鼓励学生模仿教师的对话,进行对话交流。

步骤2 : Practice







步骤1 :: Presentation


T: I’m a reporter from CCTV.Thank you for joining CCTV’s Around the World Show.There are many people here on vacation.Some are taking photos, others are riding camels.What are the Egyptians wearing?

S: They’re wearing a scarf.T: Yes, they’re wearing a kind of scarf on their heads.What am I doing? I’m looking at five thousand years of history.教师应设计出一个海外采访的情景,学生在这个语言情景中理解和学习新语言(taking photos, riding camels, wearing a kind of scarf, looking at five thousand years of history)

步骤2 :学生看着3b的图片,描述人们正在做什么。(drinking in the restaurant, singing in the

park, playing soccer and taking photos of Eiffel Tower)

T: Is it France?Is it cold in France?

S: Yes, it is.T: It’s cold.It’s winter in France.How’s the weather?What’re they wearing?

The people are having a good time.What’re they doing?

步骤3 :学生看图,根据上下文填写并且在四人小组内交流,朗读。

步骤4 :writing practice



步骤1 :引入

T:YuanYuan from CCTV is interviewing people from all over the world.Please look at the pictures and answer these questions:

Q1: What is the weather like?

Q2: What are they doing?

步骤2 :学生观察图片,完成表格中的内容,并两人一组进行问答。(在这部分练习中,学

生要掌握询问天气的另一种方式:“What’s the weather like?”并观察与“How’s the weather?”在表达上的区别;同时教师应介绍西方国家习惯以天气为寒喧开始的习俗。)步骤3 :让学生自行阅读“Just for fun”








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