
时间:2019-05-14 16:48:30下载本文作者:会员上传




My Pen Pal I have a pen pal.Her name is Mary.She is 14 years old.She's from Canada.She speaks English.She likes math, but she doesn't like chemistry because she thinks it's too difficult.Her favorite food is noodles, but she doesn't like porridge.She enjoys playing tennis, but she doesn't enjoy playing volleyball.She likes to go to school.There are five people in her family.They are her father, her mother, her sister, her brother and her.She has a happy family.2.假如你是名叫简杰的中国女孩,想交一个来自美国的笔友,请根据以下你的基本信息,写一封信给远方未知的朋友,简单介绍一下你的情况。要求:所给的信息要全部使用到文章中,字数不少于50词。English name: Jane

Age: 13 Language: Chinese and a little English Favorite movies: Happy Feet, Cars

Favorite colors: Red, yellow

Favorite sport: tennis Dear friend,I am a thirteen-year-old Chinese girl.My Chinese name is Jian Jie.Jane is my English name.I can speak Chinese and a little English.I can teach you Chinese if you like.And you can teach me English.Do you want to be a teacher student?

My favorite movies are Happy Feet and Cars.Do you like them? Red and yellow are my favorite colors.What are your favorite colors? I often play tennis on Saturday and Sunday.It is my favorite sport.What sport do you like?This is me, a Chinese girl.I want a pen pal in the U.S.A.Let's be friends!OK? Jane 3.下星期六是你的13岁生日。你邀请了你的朋友Michael来你家为你庆祝生日,你得在家为聚会做准备并且接待邀请来的其他小朋友,因此你没有时间到汽车站接Michael,请写张留言条来描述他如何走可以从车站到达你家。要求:发挥想象,表达准确;不少于50词。Dear Michael,I am glad you are coming to my birthday party next Saturday.Let me tell you the way to my house.You can take No.2 bus to the People's Park.Then you go along the Bridge Street to the end and turn left.You are on the Green Street.Walk on and you can see a big building on the right.It's a bank.My house is just across from the bank.It is next to a market.There are two big trees in front of my house.Welcome to my house.Please come to my party early.Yours, Li Lei 4.假如你是Charlie,你的笔友Jack最近要坐飞机到北京来看你,你写封邮件告诉他怎样可以到达你的家。Dear Jack,I know you are arriving recently.Let me tell you the way to my house.From the airport you can take a taxi to the west gate of Beijing University.Across from Beijing University is Weixiuyuan.My house is on the 2nd floor in Building No.5 of Weixiuyuan.If you still have problems, please call me at 62335768.Welcome to my house.Have a nice trip!

Yours, Charlie 5.动物是人类的朋友。你有喜欢的动物吗?请你自拟题目写一篇短文介绍你所喜爱的动物。The Animal I Like There are many kinds of animals in the world.What animal do I like? Let's know her.Many people like her very much.I also like her very much.She is from China.She is very cute.She doesn't eat grass and meat at all.She eats bamboo every day.She is so nice.She is black and white.She has two big black ears and eyes.And she also has black legs and arms.What animal is she? She is a panda.I like panda very much.Do you like her? What animal do you like? 6.以My Favorite Animal为题描述你最喜欢的动物。

My favorite animal is a dog.I like her best because she is cute and she can help me.I name her BoBo.I got it as a birthday present from my friend.She is very lovely.When I want something, I will say “BoBo”, she often goes to get it for me.She likes eating meat.I often go to the supermarket to buy some meat for her.And I often take her for a walk on weekends.Do you like her? 7.如果你的学校新闻广播站想招聘英语记者,帮助学校写封招聘信。

Wanted: School News needs an English reporter.Are you good at English? Do you like writing English articles? Do you want to write the stories of our school for us? Are you interested in talking with others? If your answer is “Yes”, then you can come and work for us as an English reporter.Please call School News at 1864556656 or write to us at chuanyus@163.com.8.你想应聘学校新闻广播站的英语记者,请写封信表达你的诚意。Dear Sir,I am a student in Class Two, Grade Seven.My name is Yu Ying.Now I am 13 years old.I want to be an English reporter because my English is very good.In my free time I often watch English news on TV and read many English articles.And I am interested in talking with my classmates in English.I also like keeping busy.My e-mail address is yuyings@163.com.If I can work for you, I can work hard and try to write much English news.Yours, Yu Ying 9.假如你是Jenny或Bob,你现在正在英国学习,你给你的朋友寄了三张照片,下面的表格中记录了这三张照片的情景,根据所提供的信息给你的朋友写信详细描述一下这三张照片

weather activities(what you are doing)place

photo 1 beautiful and sunny play beach volleyball with friends(you)beach

photo 2 rain heavily outside read books(you), do homework(one of your class mates)library

photo 3 windy and humid listen to the teacher, learn to speak English(all the students in your class)classroom

Dear friend,Now I'm studying in the United Kingdom.Here are some of my photos.In the first photo, I am playing beach volleyball with friends on the beach.It's very beautiful and sunny.In the second photo, it rains heavily outside.One of my classmates is doing homework, while I'm reading books in the library.In the last photo, it's windy and humid, all the students in my class are listening to the teacher in the classroom.Yours Bob 10.介绍你的家乡的天气状况及人们的生活。

Thanks for watching CCTV Travel around China.It’s warm and sunny in my hometown.Farmers are busying growing vegetables and planting trees.Children are flying kites in the field.Some boys are playing football.Some girls are running around the field track.Some old men are playing chess under a big tree.Some young men are taking photos in front of the beautiful flowers.11.Smith夫妇的孩子Alex已经一个星期没有回家了,她的父母很为他着急。请你为他们写一则寻人启事。

Name Alex

Age 14

Appearance tall, medium build, short hair, big eyes, a small nose, a big mouth, wearing glasses

Clothes white shirt, blue pants, black shoes

Telephone 6022615

We are looking for a boy.His name is Alex.He is fourteen years old.He is tall with short hair.He is of medium build with big eyes, a small nose and a big mouth.He wears glasses and a white shirt, blue pants and black shoes.If you see the boy, please call 6022615.12.请你描述某位明星的形象并谈谈自己的看法。

Lily Young has a new look.One month ago, she had long blonde hair and wore beautiful long dresses.She looked like a princess.But now, she has short black curly hair, and wears T-shirts and jeans.With those cool sunglasses, she looks like a handsome boy!I love her new image so much and I've decided to have a new look just like hers.13.Tom的饺子馆要在唐人街开张营业了,请你为Tom的饺子馆设计一份海报。(60~70词)KFC

Telephone: 62550011

Address: 28 Bridge Street

Open: 9: 00 am – 11: 00 pm Food: fried chicken

French fries


porridge Drink: Coke, coffee, mike, juice

Dessert: ice cream Soup: vegetable soup

Tom's Dumpling House Tom's Dumpling House has all kinds of dumplings.We have pork, chicken, beef, seafood and vegetable dumplings.Everything is delicious, nutritious and cheap.Come and try our dumplings!Work hours: 9: 00 am – 10: 00 pm Address: 115 Long Street, Blue Town Tel: 432-7517 14.下面是Long Life Noodle House的菜单,请根据菜单写一则广告。

Long Life Noodle House Luncheon Special(from 11: 30 am to 3: 30 pm)1.Lo Mein(捞面)with beef or chicken „„5 yuan

2.Lo Mein with shrimp(虾)„„ „5 yuan

3.Noodles with bean paste & minced meat sauce(炸酱面)„„3.5 yuan APPETIZER(开胃小菜)

Egg rolls(青卷)„„„„„„3.5 yuan

Fried chicken wings(炸鸡翅)„„„3.5 yuan SOUP: Egg drop(蛋花)„„„„.1 yuan

Vegetable „„„„„„„1.5 yuan

Long Life Noodle House

Tel: 21286543

At the Long Life Noodle House, we have some great specials for lunch!Special 1 has beef or chicken for just RMB 5.Special 2 has shrimp for only RMB 5, too!Special 3 is with bean paste and minced meat sauce, and it's just RMB 3.5!For appetizer, we have Egg Roll for RMB 3.5, and Fried Chicken Wings for RMB 3.5.For soup, we have Egg Drop Soup for RMB 1 and Vegetable Soup for RMB 1.5.Come and enjoy your lunch Today!


What did you do on that vacation? How was the weather? How was the food? How were the people there? How did you feel? Why was it meaningful or interesting?

My sister and I traveled to Zhangjiajie on my summer vacation two years ago.We climbed Tianzishan---the highest mountain in Zhangjiajie.The mountain is 1, 262 meters high.It took us a whole day.We felt very tired about half way to the top.I wanted to give up.Some people went past us and cheered us, “Come on.The top is near.” We walked up, but very slowly.After five hours we were at the top.How exited we were to see the wonderful sight!16.根据所给信息写一篇短文。

Name Place Time Weather Food Activities

Maria London last year cool, cloudy hamburger, fried fish, pizza, chicken Visit a friend, go shopping, go to the movies

Maria went to London on vacation last year.The weather was cool and cloudy.Maria visited a friend in London, and they had great fun going shopping together.Maria bought a lot of things.During her stay, she went to the movies.There were quite a few new movies on show.Most of them were really fun.Maria also tried some different kinds of foods there.She thought the hamburger, fried fish and pizza were quite delicious.But she didn't like the chicken at all.In a word, it was a good vacation for Maria---the beautiful city, the pleasant weather, the delicious food, the fun movies and the friendly people there.17.请根据以下调查问题,谈谈你对电视节目的喜好情况。(要求:60~70词)

QUESTIONNAIRE Where you live:



Girl 1.What programs do you like best? How often do you watch them?

2.Why do you like those programs?

3.What programs do you dislike? Why?

4.What suggestions do you have for our programs?

Thanks for taking part in our survey!We'd like to send you a free copy of our newspaper as a reward.My favorite program is Around the World because I love traveling very much.I can visit many wonderful places in the program.One day, I want to go to those places by myself.I also like The Second Horizon.I can get many good ideas from other students of my age in this program.I watch these two programs twice a week.I can't stand soap operas.I think they are long and boring.There are too few programs for teenagers.Could you make more good programs for middle school students? 18.你以“电视节目收视率”(TV programs)为题进行社会调查,下面是你对本班50人调查后的结果与意见归纳,请你以此为据向电视台写一封信,说明你的调查结果。






News 28 13 6 3

Talk Show 5 8 4 18 15

Soap Opera 4 6 19

Sports Show 25 18 4 3

Sitcom 28 18


Dear sir, This week I interviewed 50 students in our class about the TV programs.The following chart shows what they think of the TV programs.1.Most of the students like TV news, but it seems that TV news is too long for the students.2.We don't like talk shows.We all think they are boring.3.We don't like soap operas, either, because we don't have enough time to watch them.4.Sports shows are our favorites.We do hope we can enjoy more sports games.We like Yao Ming and Liu Xiang.5.Sitcoms can make us laugh.We love them and hope every day is a happy day for kids.Yours, Tom 19.班主任为了调动学生的积极性,向班上发出倡议,倡议学生为班级制定规则,请看倡议。

Dear students, Do you want to study in a nice and friendly class? Do you want to be a disciplined(遵守纪律的)boy or girl? What suggestions do you have for our class? Just feel free to write down some rules that you think are the most important.Yours, Mr Li


We students should be our own masters.We need rules to regulate us.Here are some rules that may be helpful for us: 1.Students can't throw rubbish.If someone breaks the rule, he must clean our classroom for a week.2.Student can't talk in class.If someone talks, he has to tell a story to the class.3.Students can't say dirty words.If they do, they must do fifty sit-ups.4.Students must finish their homework.If they don't, they have to do it three times later.20.请你根据书信内容完成下面的Kids' Rules条目。

Dear principal(校长), It isn't fair.Our teachers are too strict(严格)with us.We have to get up early and come to school on time.We can't be late for class.We can't do other things in class.We have to listen to the teachers carefully and be ready for any surprising questions.We have to do our homework even on weekends.We have to hand in the exercise books on school days.We can't play ball games after class, even after school, because our parents and teachers think it's bad for our study.We can't play computer games while other students can.We can't watch TV because they think it's dangerous.We can't do the things we want to do because they don't want us to do.They only like us to do anything they want us to do.We never have any fun.What should we do? What do you think we will be if things go on like that? Yours, Sad students

Kids' Rules:

1.Get up early and come to school on time.2.Don't be late for class.3.Don't do other things in class.4.Listen to the teacher carefully.5.Be ready for any(surprising)questions.6.Do your homework even at weekend.7.Hand in the exercise books on school days.8.Don't play ball games after class, even after school.9.Don't play computer games.10.Don't watch TV.21.请描述你的家人的外貌和个性,要求尽量使用课文中学过的词汇(至少60个词)

My father is forty years old.He is of medium height and he’s kind of heavy.He has short, black hair and he has a mustache and a beard.He’s funny and friendly.But a little bit serious.My mother is short and thin, but she’s beautiful.She has long, brown, curly hair and she wears glasses.She’s easygoing and generous.My brother is ten years old.He’s short and has a medium build.He has short straight blonde hair.He’s a little bit shy, but very smart.22.根据提示,请以“School Rules”为题,写一篇短文或对话。提示: 每所学校都有规章制度,下面是你们学校的一些规章制度,请你向一位新生Mary作一下介绍。内容包括:1.上课不能迟到。


4.不允许在教室里吃东西。5.不许在课堂上听音乐,玩游戏。6.不要损害花草树木。(pick flowers;climb trees)

School Rules

Welcome to our school, Mary.Here are some of our school rules.Let me tell you:

We can't arrive late for class.We can't talk loudly in class.We have to be quiet in class, and we

have to keep our class clean.When we meet the teachers on the way, we must greet them.We

can't eat or drink in the classroom.But we can eat outside.We can't listen to music or play games

in class, either.We can't pick flowers or climb trees.23.书本第63页4范文 Today I went to the Palace Museum.It was cool.Then I went to the Great Wall, it was a long way, but I finally climbed to the top.I was so excited.After that, I went to Tian`an men Square, it was such a large square!Finally, I went to a Beijing Hutong and I was very pleased to see it was much cleaner.Beijing was so beautiful, I think I can bring my family here next time when I am free.24.一篇招聘老师的英语作文。要求: 爱唱歌和跳舞,喜欢和孩子们在一起。

WANTED:We need an English teacher, you need do these things: help with kids in English and you must good at English.If you can do these things you can join us.Call us at 1234567

25.上星期五许多朋友参加了Mike 的生日晚会,大家都表演了精彩的节目。请你根据下列照片情景结合自己的想像,以Mike’s Birthday Party为题,写一篇作文。

Last Friday was Mike’s thirteenth birthday.His parents and friends had a party for him.His parents bought lots of food and drinks for us.We brought many presents for him.They were cards, toys, books, and so on.He liked them very much.There was a big birthday cake with 13 candles on it.Kang Kang make a silent wish, and then he blew out the candles.We sang the song Happy Birthday together.Jane recited a Chinese poem.Michael performed magic tricks.Li Lei performed kung fu.Lucy played the guitar while Jim played the piano.Maria performed ballet.Everyone had a good time.26.书本第79页.4 范文 Last vacation I went to somewhere near the sea.The first day I got there was sunny, and my friends and I went to the beach.We had a wonderful picnic, I ate a lot.After the picnic, we played volleyball happily.The second day was windy and cloudy, we went to climb the mountain, it’s very hard, so when we got back, we all felt very tired.On the last day, my friends and I went to a museum, there were many people there, it’s very crowded, but we still had a great time.27.写一篇短文,介绍你喜欢和不喜欢的电视节目,并简要说明理由。要求不少于50词。Different people like different TV Shows.Let me tell you about my likes and dislikes.I like sitcoms, because they are funny.And I love news very much.They are good with us.But I don’t like soap opera.I think they are so boring.I can’t stand them.I don’t mind the game show.



1、Dear friend,My name is Sally.I am from China.I want a pen pal in Australia.I am 14 years old.I have no brothers or sisters in my family.My favorite subject in school is science, because I think it’s very interesting.I like playing the piano and playing basketball on weekends.How about you? Can you write and tell me something about yourself?


二 用过去时态描写假日或周末的短文、用过去时态描写假日或周末的短文、日记

1、Jenny had a busy weekend.Last Saturday morning, she did her homework and practiced speaking English at home.She watched TV and played tennis on Saturday afternoon.That night, she went to the movies.On Sunday morning , she cleaned her room and went to the beach..On Sunday

afternoon, she visited her friends and went shopping.She had a party last night.What a busy but happy weekend she had!

2、Thursday, August 1st(注意日记的时间格式,星期—月份—日期)

Today I went to the Palace Museum.It was cool.Then I went to the Great Wall.It was fantastic.There were many people there.In the afternoon, I visited Tian’an MenSquare.There were many beautiful flowers.It was really great.I went to a Beijing Hutung.It was really fun.I enjoyed myself very much.三.你有一幅新作,画的是你的全家。爸爸在看报,妈妈在写信,你的弟弟在拍照,你正在 做作业。哦!还有你的猫 Mimi 在玩一个球。现在按要求把这幅场景写出来。题目:What are my

family doing? 时态:现在进行时 词数:80 左右 要求:字迹工整,书写规范,句子通顺,无语法错误。

What are my family doing? Look!My family are busy now.My father is reading newspapers on the sofa.My mother is writing a letter with a pair of glasses.She is very careful.My brother is busy ,too.He is taking photos with his camera.And I am doing my homework in my study.Oh ,my cat — Mimi is playing with a ball.it is very happy.This is my family.What about yours?

四.你是一名外国游客,上周你到中国北京旅游。请以下列短语为线索,介绍你在北京 游玩过的地方,词数 60~80.线索:Where to go — When to go — How to get there — What to do 参考词汇: 明陵 the Ming Tombs 故宫 the Palace Museum 颐和园

The Summer Palace

Last Sunday, I visited Beijing— the capital of China.I got to Beijing by plane in the morning.Then I stay in the hotel.I found Beijing is a beautiful city.The next morning, I came to Tian’an men Spuare by taxi.I took some photos and saw many people from other countries.I was so excited to come here.There are a lot of interest in Beijing!I visited the Great Wall — the longest wall in the world, the Ming Tombs, the Palace Museum and the Summer Palace.At last, I went to Beihai Park.I had fun there!I like Beijing.I hope I can come to China again.五.回忆你的一次郊游或旅行,写一篇短文。用一般过去时态,词数 80 左右。

Last winter holiday, I went to Hainan San ya with my parents.We went there by plane.The weather was warm and sunny.The people were friendly.We went to the beach.It was a little windy.But I like the weather, because it was very cold and snowy in Beijing at that time.We went swimming.And we took a lot of photos there.It was so beautiful.We also bought some intersting gifts.We had fun there.I hope I can go there again.六.以 My Sunday 为题,根据下面所给提示写一篇短文。词数 80 左右。

Getup , after breakfast , help , do housework , wash dishes , clean , have lunch ,go to the zoo , by bike , go home , after supper , do my homework , watch TV ,go to bed

My Sunday

It`s Sunday today, I get up late.After breakfast, I help my mother do some housework.I wash dishes and clean the floor.I have lunch at 12 o’clock.In the afternoon, I go to the zoo by bike with my friends.We are all happy.We go home at 5 o’clock.After supper, I do my homework.Then I watch TV.I go to bed at 9:30.Sunday is my holiday.I enjoy it.七.你知道外国人的圣诞节和中国人的新年有什么相同之处和不同之处吗?请试着写出来 要求: 不少于 80 词。

Christmas is one of the most important festival in western countries, while the Spring Festival is the most important one in China.Both of the two festivals are in winter.People will stop their work or study, enjoy

themselves by getting together, having parties, or playing games.On Christmas, children will get presents from their parents, which are often put in the red stockings.While in China, the children will often get pocket money(零花钱)零花钱)from their parents in the Spring

Festival,which is called in Chinese “ya sui qian”.八.运动有益于我们的身体健康,你做运动了吗?那么你有哪些体育爱好呢?你是如何安排 的?每天或每周的运动频率是多少?请以 My Sports 为题,根据以上提示歇一篇短文,My Sports

My sports Exercise is good for our health.I usually do some sports.I like swimming, playing basketball and running.My favourite sport is playing basketball.And I play it about four times in a week.It`s very exciting and interesting.I often go swimming at weekend in summer

because it is hot.I go running in the morning about twice a week.And I go to school on foot every day.I like exercise and my body is healthy.九.介绍方位,有用的短语:be across from 在„对面be next to 在„旁边be between „and„在„与„中间be on 在„路上be in front of 在„之前be behind在„后面go straight / Walk on 直走turn left/right 左转/右转on the left.right 在左/右边

Dear Tina ,I’m very glad you are coming to my school.let me tell you the way to my school.There is a map for you.Go along this road and turn right at the second crossing.Go across the Bridge,then turn right and you’ll see a hospital.Our school is next to the hospital.our school is next to the hospital.The name of our school is Luchang Middle School.





4你和你的家人是什么职业,喜欢不喜欢,为什么不喜欢那么喜欢什么职业 并




1.My great weekend stayed at home and watched TV in the morning.In the afternoon, I went

shopping with my parents.They bought some new clothes for me.I felt happy.On Sunday morning, I met my classmates and we played basketball.In the afternoon, I visited my good friend Jim.He helped me with my English.In the 2.A letter from Jim to Mary

Dear Mary,Now I’d like to tell you about my last weekend.On Saturday morning, I did my homework at home.In the afternoon, I

watched TV with my family for two hours.After supper I did some sports and then I went to English club to practice my English.On Sunday morning, I visited my uncle.In the afternoon, I studied for the history test.In the evening, I played chess with my father.I had fun over the weekend.How about your weekend? Write to me soon, OK?Best wishes


3.A diary

Wednesday, June 10th cleaned my room, and then I washed my clothes.At about 7:00, I had breakfast.After that, I went to the movie with my friend Jim.It was an exciting action movie.In the afternoon, I went to the library.There were many people in it, but it was quiet.After supper, I watched sports shows on TV.I went to bed at about 9:30.4.How did I spend my vacation? I went swimming and played volleyball.It was really fun.At dinner, we had a delicious seafood(海鲜)at a restaurant.We also went to some stores.They were always crowded and the things were too


1.A letter from Lily

Dear Kate,Hi!I’is from China.And now he is my neighbor.We like playing the guitar very much.We both want to be pop singers.Please write to me soon.Lily

2.About me

And my favorite food is beef and tomato noodles.I am a student, and I want to be a doctor.I have many rules at home.I can’t go out at night and I have to get up at 6:00 am.I am reading a story-book now.It is fun.作文类型三:进行时场面描写(考查概率55%)

1.In the park

Dave and his ’s very busy in the park.Look!What are Dave’s friends doing? Well, Dave, Jim and Kevin are playing soccer over there.Kate and Sally are dancing under a tree.Linda is playing the violin behind the tree.Near the tree, Julie is reading a book.Where are Tom and Ken? Oh, they’re swimming at a pool.They swim very well.Brad is listening to the music near the pool.He likes music very much.(Everyone is happy.)

2.On the playground

Today is Friday.The weather is fine.Our school is having a sports meeting.It’s very exciting, and all the students are busy.Look!Peter is running.Amy is playing volleyball.Tom is playing ping-pong.They are trying their best to win.Lots of students around are cheering them.Some students are taking photos.类型四:介绍家人(考查概率45%)

Mr.Smith’s family

company.He works very hard.Mrs.Smith is a worker.She works in a shop.She is friendly and works hard, too.Their son, David Smith is a middle school student.He is at No.14 Middle School in Beijing, China.He studies hard.He likes making friends.He likes playing basketball.He is learning Chinese.He can speak a little Chinese.Joy Smith, a 6-year-old girl, is Mr.and Mrs.Smith’s daughter.She likes playing with toys.They all like China.They like Chinese food and the people, too.



I have a sister.Her name is Lucy.She is 12 years old.She is tall and of medium build.She has long black hair.I think she is good-looking.It was rainy yesterday, so she stayed at home.She spent a busy day.In the morning, she did her homework.It was a little difficult.Then she watched TV.She saw an interesting talk show.In the afternoon, she cleaned the room.Then she listened to music.In the evening, she played games.It was interesting.She was busy but happy yesterday!

I have a good friend.His name is Li Hua.He is an eleven-year-old boy.He isn’t tall or short.He is of medium height.He is a little fat.He has short black hair and a small round face.His eyes are not big and he wears glasses.He can do a lot of things.He can play the piano.He can sing and dance, too.All in all, he likes music very much.So, he wants to be a musician.He is good at speaking English.He often helps his friends with their English.He can also sing a lot of English songs.Mary is my good friend.Do you want to know about her school days? Well, let me tell you.She has a very healthy life.She always gets up at 6:00.Then she runs at 6:30.After that, she brushes her teeth and eats breakfast at 7:00.She takes a bus to school at about 7:30.She has lunch at a quarter to twelve.She walks home at half past four and does her homework.She has dinner at seven thirty.She goes to bed at ten o’clock.She is busy but happy.It’s summer in my hometown Tiantai.The weather is hot and sunny.People are wearing cool clothes.My father is reading a newspaper.My mother is cooking.My brother is doing his homework.I am sitting by the pool and dinking orange juice.My friends are swimming in the pool.I like summer very much, because I can drink cold juice.School rules:

1.Don’t arrive late for class.You must be on time.2.Don’t run in the hallways.3.Don’t eat in the classroom.You must eat in the dining hall.4.Don’t listen to music in class.5.Don’t fight.Family rules:

1.Get up at six o’clock and make your bed.2.Don’t leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen.3.Don’t play basketball after school.4.Go to bed before 10:00.5.You must play the guitar on weekends.6.You must clean the room every day.7.Don’t eat in the bed.








《Go for it》七年级下册共12个单元,加上复习单元2 个,文化背景知识和学习策略等部分补充材料。全书采取任务型语言教学模式,融汇话题、交际功能和语言结构,形成了一套循序渐进的生活化的学习程序。每个单元都列出明确的语言目标,主要的功能项目与语法结构,需要掌握的基本词汇,并分为A、B两部分。A部分是基本的语言内容,B部分是知识的扩展和综合的语言运用。每个单元还有self check部分,供学生自我检测本单元所学的语言知识之用。它采用“语言的输入——学生的消化吸收——学生的语言输出”为主线编排的。通过确定language Goal,采用听、说、读、写,自我检测等手段,有效提高语言习得者的学习效率,有利于习得者的语言产出,体现了以学生为主体的思想。


1.Where questions with from;Where questions with live;what questions 2.Where questions;Affirmative statements;prepositions of place 3.adjectives of quality 4.present progressive tense;Yes/No questions and short answers 5.Present tense to wear;adjectives of general description 6.Simple past of regular and irregular verbs;How was your weekend? 7.Past tense of regular and irregular verbs;was/were;



五、教学措施和方法 措施:

1.培养学习兴趣,引导学生掌握正确的学习方法和策略,提高学习效率 2.发挥学生主体和教师主导作用

3.用良好的师生关系,协调课堂气氛,培养学生开口说英语的勇气和信心 4.引导学生实现语言的迁移,加强日常生活中英语口语的运用 5.鼓励学生自主探索,合用探究,共同提高 6.加强听力训练






本学期一周6个课时,预计有18个教学周,我做了如下安排: 第1周:Uint1 第2周:Unit2 第3周:Unit3 第4周:Review Units1-3 第5周:Unit4 第6周:Unit5 第7周:Unit6 第8周:Review Units4-6 第9周:Revision and mid-exam 第10周:unit7 第11周:Unit8 第12周:Unit9 第13周:Review Units7-9 第14周:Unit10 第15周:Unit11 第16周:Unit12 第17周:Revision 第18周:Exam



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