
时间:2019-05-12 14:42:15下载本文作者:会员上传



之一 付款工具以及托收和汇付


Payment should be effected before the end this month


It is convenient to pay in pound sterling.至于付款,我们已同意用美圆,对吗?

Now, as regards to payment, we agreed to use us dollars, am I right?


It is difficult to make payment in janpanese yen.我从未用过人民币付款。

I have never made payment in renminbi before.我们不能接受延期付款。

I never accepted payment on deferred terms.你们拒付的理由是什么?

What's your reason for the refusal of payment?


Collection is not paid.我们相信你们不会拒付。

We don't think you'll refuse to pay.银行只接受一次拒付。

Only one refusal of payment is acceptable to the bank.如果拒付错了,你们应该偿付我方的银行利息。

You ought to pay us the bank interest once payment is wrongly refused.见不到货物装船单据,我们不付款。

We will not pay until the shipping documents for goods are reached us.设备以我们工厂生产的产品分期偿还.The equipment will be paid in installment with the commodities produced in our factories.我们担心市场价格下跌会引起拒付。

We are worry about the decline in prices will cause the refusal of payment.如果单据有问题,当然可以提出拒付。

Of course the payment might be refused if anything goes wrong with the documents.现在我们已经谈妥了付款条件。

Now we have settled down the terms of payment.我们今天谈谈付款条件怎么样?

Shall we have the talk about the terms of payment?


What is the mode of payment you want to employ?


This is the normal mode of payment in international business.我们不能接受其他的付款条件。

We can’t accept other terms of payment.如果你们不能灵活些,我们将不接受此种付款方式。

If you can’t be more flexible, we can’t accept the terms of payment.请见票即付。

Please protect our draft on presentation.你方的汇票见票即付。

Your draft will be honored on presentation.汇票已经在纽约贴现。

Our draft was discounted in new york


Our draft no 36 has been dishonored.汇票之款尚未收进。

The draft has not been collected.我们无力兑付这些汇票。

We are unable to meet these drafts.我们已经开出光票向你方索取这批货的价款。

We have drawn the clean draft for the value of this shipment.我们已经按照发票金额20,000美圆向你方开出了汇票。

We have drawn on you for payment of the invoice amounting to

汇票已经交银行按光票托收.The draft has been handed to the bank on clean collection.您就当作有信用证一样,向我开汇票托收。

You can draw on me juts as if there is a letter of credit.我们将汇票交中国银行按跟单托收。

We are sending the draft to china bank for documentary collection.我们将按托收方式向你方开出即期跟单汇票。

We will draw on you by our documentary draft at sight on collection basis.我们要开立一张以新加坡出口银行为收款人的即期汇票。

We will draw a sight bill in favour of the Export Bank Singapore


We have already remitted the account by check.我们附上人民币200元的支票一张。

We enclose a check for RMB 200

Words and Phrasesdiscount 贴现 draft 汇票 Promisory Note 本票 cheque 支票 clean bill 光票 documentary bill 跟单汇票 Sight Bill 即期汇票 Time Bill 远期汇票 Usance Bill 远期汇票Commercial Bill 商业汇票 Banker's Bill 商业汇票 Banker's Bill 银行汇票Commercial Acceptance Bill 商业承兑汇票 Bankers'

Acceptance Bill 银行承兑汇票 invoice 发票Performer Invoice 形式发票 Sample Invoice 样品发票 Consignment Invoice 寄售发票Recipe Invoice 收妥发票

Certified Invoice 证明发票 Manufacturers' Invoice 厂商发票At sight 即期,见票即付 At...days(month)after sight 付款人见票后若干天(月)付款At...days sight 付款人见票后若干天即付款 At...days after date 出票后若干天付款At...days after B/L 提单签发后若干天付款remittance 汇付 Mail transfer(M/T)信汇 Demand Draft(D/D)票Telegraphic Transfer(T/T)电汇 collection 托收 clean Bill for

Collection 光票托收Documentary Bill for Collection 跟单托收 Uniform Rules for Collection 《托收统一规则》Collection Advice 托收委托书 Advice of Clean Bill for Collection 光票托收委托书

Collection Bill Purchased 托收出口押汇 Trust Receipt 信托收据copy 副本original 正本


We regret we can’t accept payment cash against document.以后的交易我们以付款交单方式支付。

We accept D/P payment for the future dealings.我们可以按60天付款交单的方式进行交易.We can do the business on 60 days D/P basis.我们同意开立30天期的付款交单汇票。

We agree to draw at 30 days D/P.我们同意将即期信用证付款方式改为即期付款交单

we agree to change the terms of payment from L/C to D/P at sight.我们按付款交单方式收你方这批货款。

We will draw D/P against your purchase.在此推销阶段,我们将考虑接受付款交单方式以资鼓励。

We will consider accepting payment by D/P at this sales-purchasing stage, as the special sign of encouragement.很抱歉,我们不能同意“货抵目的地付款交单”方式付款。

We regret we can’t accept cash against document on the arrival of goods at


The buyer suggest D/A as the terms of payment, but the sellers was unwilling to make any expectation.我们不同意开具30天期的承兑交单汇票。

We can’t agree to draw at 30 days D/A.因此,最好是采用付款交单方式或承兑交单方式.So it’s better for us to adopt D/P or D/A.如果您能接受D/P或D/A付款,那可帮了我们大忙。

It will help us a lot if you accept D/A or D/P.您能否来个例外,接受D/A或D/P付款方式?

Can you make an exception and accept D/A or D/P.Words and Phrases

Documents against Payment(D/P)付款交单Documents against Payment at Sight(D/P sight)即期付款交单Documents against Payment after Sight(D/P sight)远期付款交单Documents against Acceptance(D/A)承兑交单dealing 交易,生意

sales-purchasing 促销,推销stage 阶段,过程destination 目的地to make exception 例外

Cash Against Payment 凭单付款

之二 信用证方式下的付款方式


We insist on the letter of credit.我已经说过了,我们要求以信用证付款。

As I said before, we require payment by L/C.我们仍然想用信用证付款方式。

We still want to use letter of credit as the mode of payment.我们出口一向要求以信用证付款。

We always require L/C for our export.我们向法国出口一般使用即期信用证付款。

L/c at sightis normal for our export to France.进口我们也采用信用证汇款。

We also pay by L/C for imports


Our terms of payment is confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit.你必须意识到不可撤消信用证为出口商提供了银行担保。

You must be aware that an irrevocable L/C gives the exporter the additional protection of banker’s guanrantee.信用证上还用写明“保兑”字样吗?

Is the wording of “confirmed” necessary for the letter of credit?


For payment we require 100% value, irrevocable L/C in our favour with partial shipment allowed clause available by draft at sight.百分之五十用信用证,其余的用付款交单,您看怎么样?

What do you say to 50% by l/c and the balance by D/P?


Please notify us of L/C number by telex immediately.信用证的受益人为中国工艺品进出口公司北京分公司。

The beneficiary of the L/C is to be China National Corporation, Beijing.能不能把信用证金额增至1000美圆?

Will you please to increase the credit to$1000?


The credit is short opened to the amount of 100

你方第48号信用证少开了29美圆.Your L/C No.48 is short of $29.欧洲的许多银行能够开立信用证,而且用人民币支付。

Many banks in Europe are in a position to open L/C and effect payment in Renminbi.我在美国的一家银行开立了人民币信用证。

I open a letter of credit in Renminbi with a bank in USA


The Barclays Bank in London is in a position to open letters of credit in Renminbi against our sales confirmation or contract.顺便问一句,您几时开立信用证呢?

When do I have to open the letter of credit?


When can you arrange for a credit under the new import license?


Please open letter of credit in good time.我们会按时开证的。

We'll open the letter of credit at sight.我同意用即期信用证付款。

I agree to use letter of credit at sight.信用证是即期的还是远期的?

Is the credit at sight or after sight?


Our letter of credit will be opened early March.我们在装船前1个月开立信用证。

We'll open the credit one month before shipment.请在交货前20到30天开出信用证。

Please open the L/C 20 to 30 days before the date of delivery.这张信用证7月15日到期。

This letter of credit expires on 15th July.信用证的有效期将延至8月30日。

The validity of the L/C will be extended to 30th August.这样做,你们可以省去开证费用。

To do so, you could save bank charges for opening an L/C.你们能不能劝说客户将TD204号信用证延期一个月?

Will you persuade your customer to arrange for a one-month extension of L/C No.TD204?


It's expensive to open an L/C because we need to put a deposit in the bank.这种信用证付款方式让我们花费太大了。

We pay too much for such a letter of credit arrangement.开立信用证还要缴纳银行手续费。

There will be bank charges in connection with the credit.信用证会增加我们进口货物的成本。

A letter of credit would increase the cost of my import.卖方要修改信用证。

The seller will request to amend the letter of credit.你们拒绝修改信用证就等于取消订单。

Your refusal to amend the L/C is equivalent to cancellation of the order.Please amend L/C No.205 as follows.




品质优良 excellent quality(high quality)质量上乘 superior quality

质量稳定 stable quality

质量可靠 reliable quality

品种繁多 wide varieties

规格齐全 complete in specifications保质保量 quality and quantity assured性能可靠 dependable performance操作简便 easy and simple to handle使用方便 easy to use

经久耐用 durable in use

以质优而闻名 well-known for its fine quality数量之首 The king of quantity

质量最佳 The queen of quality

信誉可靠 reliable reputation

闻名世界 world-wide renown

久负盛名 to have a long standing reputation

誉满中外 to enjoy high reputation at home and abroad历史悠久 to have a long history

畅销全球 selling well all over the world深受欢迎 to win warm praise from customers


制作精巧 skillful manufacture

工艺精良 sophisticated technology最新工艺 latest technology

加工精细 finely processed

设计精巧 deft design

造型新颖 modern design

造型优美 beautiful design

设计合理 professional design

造型富丽华贵 luxuriant in design

结构合理 rational construction

款式新颖 attractive design

款式齐全 various styles

式样优雅 elegant shape

花色入时 fashionable patterns

任君选择 for your selection


五彩缤纷 colorful

色彩艳丽 beautiful in colors色泽光润 color brilliancy

色泽素雅 delicate colors

瑰丽多彩 pretty and colorful

洁白透明 pure white and translucence洁白纯正 pure whiteness



commerce, trade, trading 贸易

inland trade, home trade, domestic trade, internal trade, interior trade 国内贸易international trade 国际贸易

cash sale 现货

hire-purchase 分期付款购买(美作:installment plan)

competition 竞争

competitor 竞争者

competitive 竞争的unfair competition 不合理竞争

dumping profit margin 倾销差价,倾销幅度

trademark 商标

registered trademark 注册商标

registered office, head office 总公司,总店,总部

foreign trade, external trade 对外贸易,外贸

terms of trade 贸易条件

free-trade area 自由贸易区

import, importation 进口

importer 进口商

export, exportation 出口

exporter 出口商

commercial channels 商业渠道

customs 海关

customs duty 关税

quota 配额,限额

item 项目,细目

commercial transaction 买卖,交易

manufacturer 制造商,制造厂

middleman 中间商,经纪人

dealer 经销商

wholesaler 批发商

retailer 零售商

tradesman 零售商

merchant 商人(英)批发商,(美)零售商

concessionaire, licensed dealer 受让人,特许权获得者

consumer 消费者,用户client, customer 顾客,客户buyer 买主,买方

stocks 存货,库存量

purchase 购买,进货

sale 销售

bulk sale 整批销售,趸售wholesale 批发

retail trade 零售业

英语口语培训 http:///




Dear Mr./ Ms,We are much concerned that your sales in recent months have fallen considerably.At first we thought this might be due to a slack market,but on looking into the matter more closely,we find that the general trend of trade during this period has been upwards.It is possible that you are facing difficulties of which we are not aware.If so,we would like to know what we can do to help.We,therefore,look forward to receiving from you a detailed report on the situation and suggestions as to how we may help in restoring our sales to their former level.Yours faithfully






询盘 Inquiry

We regret that the goods you inquire about are not available.很遗憾,你们所询的货物现在无货。In the import and export business, we often make inquiries at foreign suppliers.在进出口交易中,我们常向外商询价。

To make an inquiry about our oranges, a representative of the Japanese company paid us a visit.为了对我们的橙子询价,那家日本公司的一名代表访问了我们。

We cannot take care of your enquiry at present.我们现在无力顾及你方的询盘。

Your enquiry is too vague to enable us to reply you.你们的询盘不明确,我们无法答复。

Now that we've already made an inquiry about your articles, will you please reply as soon as possible?


China National Silk Corporation received the inquiry sheet sent by a British company.中国丝绸公司收到了英国一家公司的询价单。

Thank you for your inquiry.谢谢你们的询价。

Words and Phrases

inquire 询盘;询价;询购to inquire about 对...询价to make an inquiry向...询价

inquirer 询价者enquiry 询盘inquiry sheet 询价单

specific inquiry 具体询盘an occasional inquiry 偶尔询盘to keep inquiry in mind 记住询盘

(二)May I have an idea of your prices?


Can you give me an indication of price?


Please let us know your lowest possible prices for the relevant goods.请告知你们有关商品的最低价。

If your prices are favorable, I can place the order right away.如果你们的价格优惠,我们可以马上订货。

When can I have your firm C.I.F.prices, Mr.Li?


We'd rather have you quote us F.O.B.prices.我们希望你们报离岸价格。

Would you tell us your best prices C.I.F.Hamberg for the chairs.请告诉你方椅子到汉堡到岸价的最低价格。

Words and Phrases

favorable 优惠的firm price 实价,实盘

Will you please tell the quantity you require so as to enable us to sort out the offers?为了便于我方报价,可以告诉我们你们所要的数量吗?

How long does it usually take you to make delivery?你们通常要多久才能交货?Could you make prompt delivery?可以即期交货吗?

Would you accept delivery spread over a period of time?


Could you tell me which kind of payment terms you'll choose?


Will you please tell us the earliest possible date you can make shipment?


Do you take special orders?你们接受特殊订货吗?

Could you please send us a catalog of your rubber boots together with terms of payment?你能给我们寄来一份胶靴的目录,连同告诉我们付款方式吗?

he inquired about the varieties, specifications and price, and so on and so forth.他询问了品种、花色和价格等情况。

We have inquired of Manager Zhang about the varieties, quality and price of tea.我们向张经理询问了茶叶的品种、质量、价格等问题。

Words and Phrases

sales conditions 销售条件to make delivery 交货to make prompt-delivery 即期交货payment terms 付款方式special orders 特殊订货

价格 Price

Business is closed at this price.交易就按此价敲定。

Your price inacceptable(unacceptable).你方价格可以(不可以)接受。

Your price is feasible(infeasible).你方价格是可行(不可行)的。

Your price is workable.你们出价可行。

Your price is realistic(unrealistic).你方价格合乎实际(不现实)。

Your price is reasonable(unreasonable).你方价格合理(不合理)。

Your price is practicable(impracticable).你方价格是行得通的(行不通)。

Your price is attractive(not attractive).你方价格有吸引力(无吸引力)。

Your price is inducing(not inducing).你方价格有吸引力(无吸引力)。

Your price is convincing(not convincing).你方价格有吸引力(无吸引力)。

Your price is competitive(not competitive).你方价格有竞争力(无竞争力)。

The goods are(not)competitively priced.此货的定价有(无)竞争力。

Words and Phrases

price 价格,定价,开价priced 已标价的,有定价的pricing 定价,标价

priced catalogue 定价目录price of commodities 物价pricing cost 定价成本

price card 价格目录Pricing method 定价方法

pricing policy 定价政策price format 价格目录,价格表price tag 价格标签,标价条

price current(p.c.)市价表price list价格目录,价格单

(二)Price is turning high(low).价格上涨(下跌)。

Price is high(low).价格高(低)。

Price is rising(falling).价格上升(下降)。

Price is up(down).价格上涨(下跌)。

Price is looking up.价格看涨。

Price has skyrocketed.价格猛涨,Price has shot up.价格飞涨。

Price has risen perpendicularly.价格直线上升。

Price has risen in a spiral.价格螺旋上升。

Price has hiked.价格急剧抬高。

Your price is on the high side.你方价格偏高。

Price has advanced.价格已上涨。

The goods are priced too high.货物定价太高。

Your price is rather stiff.你方价格相当高。

Price is leveling off.价格趋平。

Your price is prohibitive.你方价格高得令人望而却步。

The Japanese yen is strengthening.日圆坚挺。

The U.S.Dollar is weakening.美圆疲软。

Your price is much higher than the price from U.K.France and Germany.你方价格比英、法、德的都高。

Since the prices of the raw materials have been raised, I'm afraid that we have to adjust the prices of our products accordingly.由于原材料价格上涨,我们不得不对产品的价格做相应的调整。Your price is $500/mt, twice of the other countries.你们每公吨500美圆的价格是其他国家的两倍。Is it possible for you to raise(lift)the price by 5%?你们能否把价格提高5%?

Words and Phrases

ceiling price 最高价,顶价maximum price 最高价minimum price 最低价

average price平均价格base price 底价rockbottom price 最低价

bedrock price 最低价

(三)Price is hovering between $5 and $8.价格徘徊于5至8美圆之间。

We regret we have to maintain our original price.很遗憾我们不得不保持原价。

Price is easy.价格疲软。

Price is easy off.价格趋于疲软。

Price has declined.价格已跌落。

Price has dipped(sagged).价格已下降。

It simply can't stand such a big cut.再也经不住大幅度削价了。

Price has tobogganed.价格突然下降。

Price has plummeted.价格暴跌。

Price has downslided.价格剧降。

This new product is moderately priced.新产品的定价适度。

Articles of everyday use are economically priced.日用品价格低廉。

Everyone knows, the price of crude oil has greatly decreased.人人皆知,目前原油价格大幅度下跌。

We've already cut the price very fine.我们已将价格减至最低限度了。

The French price of stainless steel plates are about $1200 per mt, while the German price is still lower.法国的不锈钢板价格为每公吨1200美圆,德国的还要低。We're ready to reduce the price by 5%.我们准备减价百分之五。

To have this business concluded, you need to lower your price at least by 3%.为达成这笔交易,你方应至少减价3%。

Business is possible if you can lower the price to HK$2150.你方若能减价到2150港币,可能成交。

The utmost(best)we can do is to reduce the price by 2%.我们最多能减价百分之二。

We cannot take anything off the price.我们不能再减价了。

We've already cut down our prices to cost level.我们已经将价格降到成本费的水平了。There is no room for any reduction in price.价格毫无再减的余地了。

Our rock-bottom price is $500/mt, and cannot be further lowered.我们的最低价是500美圆一公吨,不能再低了。

Words and Phrases

hover 徘徊于...,盘旋于original price 原价moderately 适当地,合适地;适度economically 经济地,便宜地stainless steel 不锈钢utmost 极限,竭尽所能cost level 成本费用的水平rock-bottom 最低的(四)

DM210 is equivalent to 400 RMB.210德国马克折合人民币400元。

Don't you wish to employ RMB of ours? US Dollars might be adopted.如果你们不同意用我们的人民币结算,美圆也可以。

Are you afraid of losing money due to exchange rate fluctuations?


to be equivalent to 相当于to employ 用...计价,采用...exchange rate 汇率

(五)I can give you a definite answer on the price terms.我可以就价格条件答复你方。You wish to have a discussion of the price terms of washers.您是想谈谈洗衣机的价格条件吧。Yes, all of the price terms are acceptable.是的,哪种价格条件都可以接受的。

C.I.F.is the price term normally adopted by you, right? C.I.F.是你们经常采用的价格条件,是吗?Sometimes F.O.B.and C&F are also employed.我们有时也用离岸价或成本加运费价。You said yesterday that the price was $60/mt, C.I.F.Brussels.您昨天说价格定为每公吨60英镑C.I.F.布鲁塞尔。

In case F.O.B.is used, risks and charges are to be passed over to the buyers once the cargo is put on board the ship.如果采用离岸价,货一上船,货物的风险和费用就都转给买方了。Your price is quoted C&F Xingang at DM200 per washer, right?


Additional Words and Phrases

buying price 买价selling price 卖价new price 新价old price 旧价present price 现价original price 原价

current price 时价,现价prevailing price 现价ruling price 目前的价格going price 现价opening price 开价,开盘价closing price 收盘价

exceptional price 特价special price 特价nominal price 有行无市的价格moderate price 公平价格wholesale price 批发价retail price 零售价market price 市价net price 净价cost price 成本价

gross price 毛价price effect 价格效应price contract 价格合约price calculation 价格计算price limit 价格限制price control 价格控制price theory 价格理论price regulation 价格调整price structure 价格构成price support 价格支持

bargain 讨价还价

extra price 附加价

price ratio 比价

price per unit 单价

price index或price indices 物价指数

price of factory 厂价



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