广西学位英语课文翻译Unit Three 永不放弃

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第一篇:广西学位英语课文翻译Unit Three 永不放弃

广西学位英语课文翻译Unit Three 永不放弃 They told him to quit, that he wasn't good enough,but figure skater Paul Wylie refused to listen.When he stepped off the plane in Washington,D.C., following the 1992 Winter Games, and

everyone in the terminal started clapping, Paul Wylie

almost stopped in his tracks.Who's behind me? He

wondered.Despite the silver medal in his pocket, he

couldn't believe that the applause was for him.From

that moment on, Paul recognized that his life would

never be the same.The silver medal he earned in Albertville, France, ushered the 27-year-old figure skater into a

newexistence.He was no longer a no

body who choked at big events, like the 1988Calgary

Olympics, where he finished an unimpressive 10th.No longer the recipient of advice from

judges who, after Paul's performance in the '91 World Championships, suggested that he quit:

“Make room for the younger skaters.”

No longer the target of loaded questions from reporters covering the '91 Olympic Trials(“What are you doing here?”).No longer the skater incapable of finishing ahead of U.S.National Champion Todd Eldredge or three-time defending World ChampionKurtBrowning of Canada.Now Paul Wylie was an Olympic hero.He was anathlete who kept going when doubters

suggested he quit.He was a recent Harvard University graduate who had frequently fantasized

about life without grueling hours on the ice, but who persevered anyway.He was a young man

who had discovered and demonstrated that goals can be reached no matter how many

obstacles and botched attempts lie in the way.“A reporter who interviewed me at the ClosingCeremonies told me, 'You came here an

unknown and now you go home a hero,'” Paul says.“I thought that was interesting, because I

was in France and unaware of how my journey was unfolding on U.S.television.It wasn't until

I stepped off the plane that I realized people considered me a hero.They were changed by my

story.They were changed by the fact that I wasable to persevere and win the silver medal

even though almost everyone had counted me out.”

At times, Paul had almost counted himself out.“Two months before the '92 Olympics, USA

Today did a survey of different athletes and asked, 'How often do you contemplate

retirement?' The choices were: 'yearly,' 'monthly' or 'weekly.'

”I wrote, 'daily,' because it was hard to keep going.But I just decided, I'm going to

persevere and hang in there, because I have ashot.“Things definitely changed in 1992 in Albertville.”To have my story be one that brought tears

to people's eyes, because of the way it turned aroundnot just in acrisis or more visible situation.an Olympic medal loses its luster after years ofstorage, a hero will lose his credibility if he

stops looking to the needs of others.When Pauljoins the thousands of others watching the

Olympics in Salt Lake City, he knows that behind the scenes of each victory, of each

record-setting finish, stand countless stories of everyday heroes.Heroes who refuse to giveup.人们劝他引退,说他天分不够,但是花样滑冰选手保罗·怀利拒绝放弃。1992年冬奥会闭幕后,保罗·怀利抵达华盛顿。走下飞机时,欢迎的人群开始鼓掌。他差点停下了脚步。谁在后面呀?他心里嘀咕。虽说有银牌在囊中,他怎么也不敢相信这掌声是献给他的。从那一刻起,保罗意识到自己的生活从此永远地改变了。











第二篇:广西学位英语课文翻译 移民的挑战2

广西学位英语课文翻译:Unit Two


01 Para.1 There are many reasons why someone leaves his or her homeland to live in another country.= 人们远离家乡,侨居国外的原因很多。

02 For some, the decision is economic;they believe that they may have better opportunities to make more money in another place.= 对一些人来说,是出于经济上的考虑。他们觉得,在别的地方会有更多赚钱机会。

03 For others, the motivation is adventure, wanting to try something very different in life.= 对另一些人来说,是出于冒险,想尝试别样的生活。

04 Still others immigrate to a new country because they think that the values of that country might better suit their own ideals.= 还有一些人移居国外是因为他们认为,那里的价值观与他们的理想比较吻合。

05 Para.2 People who emigrate for financial reasons are often misguided.= 那些出于经济原因移民的人常被误导。06 They may have heard fanciful stories of untold riches, but it is seldom so easy.= 他们可能听说过无数发财致富的故事,但情况绝非如此简单。07 If it were, the people in the country to which they wanted to move would all be earning multimillions.= 要果真如此,他们要去的那个国家的人早就赚了几百万了。

08 People who immigrate to a new country should expect to work hard, probably much harder than they would have had to work in their home country.= 移民到国外的人通常要辛苦工作,可能要比在国内辛苦得多。

09 Para.3 In some cases, people have had little or no choice of whether or not to emigrate.= 有时候,人们对该不该移民基本没有多少主动权。During the Irish potato famine, for example, millions of impoverished and destitute Irish saw emigration as an option or staying on the brink of starvation and death at home.= 例如,在爱尔兰饥荒期间,数百万爱尔兰人把移民看成是去国外(生存)还是在家里等死的选择。Most made difficult and dangerous boat trips to America, where they were generally hired to do dirty work at rates much lower than other Americans.= 大部分人一路艰辛,冒着危险来到美国,干着最脏的活,拿着比其他美国人低得多的工资。12 Such discrimination and poor treatment of immigrants is an all too common story throughout history.= 移民遭受的此类歧视和不公正,在历史上早已司空见惯。13 Para.4 Also, many immigrants may find that their skills are not appreciated.= 而且,许多移民发现他们的技艺得不到认可。Many doctors, lawyers, and engineers from countries such as Vietnam or Pakistan have found that once they leave their homeland, their credentials are worthless.= 许多越南或巴基斯坦的医生、律师、工程师发现,一旦离开祖国,他们的资历就一钱不值。They simply did not meet the standards of the new country.= 他们达不到移民国家设定的标准。Subsequently, they wind up sweeping floors or working as night watchmen at the same kinds of offices they might once have filled.= 于是,他们不得不以打扫办公室或值夜班为生,而他们在移民前就可能在这样的办公室工作。17 The feeling of being a second-class citizen is both insulting and depressing.= 这种二等公民的感觉既屈辱又让人压抑。18 Para.5 Others may find that their language skills(or lack of it)stop them from being accepted both in the workplace and socially.= 还有一些人可能发现,语言能力使得他们既不好找工作又不被社会认可。People who move to another country as a sense of adventure might not care about this, but time spent learning a new language to become bilingual will probably take away time they could spend earning enough to live a decent life.= 那些出于冒险移居国外的人对此不以为然,但学一门新的语言要占用他们为过上好生活挣钱的时间。Too often, immigrants to a multicultural country may feel out of place and end up in a small community of their fellow immigrants and fail to embrace the opportunities and advantages of their new homeland.= 我们常常见到,移居到多元文化国家里的移民们找不到自己的位置,最终总是在自己老乡圈里活动,并未充分抓住新的机会和有利条件。Para.6 People may not like conditions in their own country and decide to leave.= 人们可能因为不喜欢自己国家的条件而决定离开。During the Vietnam War, thousands of young American men left their country to move to Canada, hoping to avoid serving in what they viewed as a senseless conflict.= 美国越战期间,数以万计的年轻人离开美国去加拿大,以逃避去为一场毫无意义的战争当炮灰。These men cut themselves off from friends and family, unable to return to their homeland.= 这些人与朋友、家人中断联系,不能回归祖国。24 Para.7 People who immigrate often do so in the hope of a better future for their children and a higher standard of living.= 人们移民总是期望为孩子们营造更好的将来,过上更好的生活。But, too often,the sacrifices of the parents are not really appreciated by the children who grow up pampered in a new society.= 然而新环境中的孩子们在父母的娇宠中长大,结果往往是父母做出的牺牲并没有得到子女的感恩。26 Para.8 Still, despite all the obstacles, people do immigrate, especiaily to growing nations such as Australia, Canada, and the United States.= 但是,人们仍然克服重重困难移民国外,尤其是去那些经济增长快的国家,如澳大利亚、加拿大和美国。27 Throughout their short histories, these countries have been built by waves of immigration of farmers, factory workers, and trades people who escaped starvation or war in their respective homelands.= 这些国家历史不长,但正是靠那些为逃避祖国的灾荒或战乱而背井离乡的一批批农民、工人和商人建设起来的。A few, within a generation or two, became prosperous beyond their wildest dreams.= 其中少数移民,通过一两代人的努力,实现了自己梦寐以求的飞黄腾达。29 Many countries continue to depend on immigrant labor to bring in workers not just for menial jobs, but also for new ideas and high-tech skills.= 许多国家仍然依靠移民从事体力劳动,同时需要移民带来新的观念和高科技。Indian computer programmers, for example, a're in great demand around the world.= 例如印度软件编程员在世界各地颇受欢迎。

Para.9 Immigration often raises concerns in the country that immigrants hope to make their new homes.= 移民满怀希望在落户地开创新家园常常引起人们的担忧。

There are often insecure feelings over jobs, with some thinking so that each new immigrant encroaches on the wealth shared by those already there.= 本地人担心新移民会抢走一部分工作,瓜分已有的财产。

But immigrants often bring great wealth into a country, making it more productive and acting as consumers for goods and services.= 但移民通常会创造新的财富,促进生产力,刺激消费。

Para 10 Similarly, people may find a new wave of immigrants too foreign, not sharing in the same societal values, ideals, and customs as others in the new homeland.= 同时,人们会因为彼此的价值观、理想和习俗不同而觉得陌生。35 But these things quickly change with compromise and discoveries of delight on both sides.= 但随着双方的调和和理解的加深,这种情形很快得到了改观。

At the beginning of the Indian immigration in England, people found their food shockingly odd;it was so different from the traditional bland British diet.= 在大量印度人移民到英格兰的初期,英国人觉得印度人的食物口味是那样的独特,与清淡的英国口味有天壤之别。

But today, Indian food has surpassed even the traditional British fish and chips as the most popular cuisine in Britain.= 可是在今天,印度食品卖得比英国传统食品——炸鱼和炸薯条还好,成为在英国最受欢迎的食品。

Para.11 For whatever reason a person immigrates, he takes to his new country something more valuable than skills or a willingness to work---courage.= 不论一个人出于什么原因移民,都会给新的国家带来比手艺和工作热情更重要的东西:勇气。

It takes great courage for someone to take the initiative to make the difficult decision to leave the familiar behind and embark on a new life and to carve out a new future for themselves and their family.= 要离开熟知的环境去开始全新的生活,为自己和家人打拼崭新的将来,这需要何等的勇气!40 Such courage among its citizens is a lasting benefit to any country.= 这种勇气对任何国家都是永恒的财富.



The expression “Never, never give up” means to keep trying and never stop working for your goals.Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.“If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.” These are wise words.One should never give up.There is always another opportunity, another goal, or another option.Once I ran for president of my class.Unfortunately, I lost.I lost because I did not promote myself enough.I looked at my mistakes and decided how to correct them.The following year, I ran for president again.This time I gave speeches, called voters on the phone, and banded out brochures.This time I won.Never give up.There is always another opportunity.Once I wanted to study medicine.Unfortunately, I didn’t like science.I failed all my science courses at school.Then I realized that what I liked about medicine was helping people.I changed my goal from healing people to helping people.Now, I’m studying psychology.There is always another goal.Once I wanted to talk with my friend.Unfortunately, his computer was down and I couldn’t e-mail him.His phone line was busy so I couldn’t call him.Mail would take too long so I couldn’t write him.Since I really wanted to talk with him.I got on the bus and went across town to visit him.There is always another option.If you give up, you might as well die.My advice is to always look for another opportunity, another goal, or another option.There is always something else.Don’t give up.

第四篇:2015考研英语 作文:永不放弃

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The expression “Never, never give up” means tokeep trying and never stop working for yourgoals.Do you agree or disagree with thisstatement? Use specific reasons and examplesto support your answer.Model Essay(范文):

“If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.”These are wise words.One should never give up.There is always another opportunity, another goal, or another option.Once I ran for president of my class.Unfortunately, I lost.I lost because I did not promotemyself enough.I looked at my mistakes and decided how to correct them.The following year, Iran for president again.This time I gave speeches, called voters on the phone, and banded outbrochures.This time I won.Never give up.There is always another opportunity.Once I wanted to study medicine.Unfortunately, I didn't like science.I failed all my sciencecourses at school.Then I realized that what I liked about medicine was helping people.Ichanged my goal from healing people to helping people.Now, I'm studying psychology.Thereis always another goal.Once I wanted to talk with my friend.Unfortunately, his computer was down and I couldn't e-mail him.His phone line was busy so I couldn't call him.Mail would take too long so I couldn'twrite him.Since I really wanted to talk with him.I got on the bus and went across town to visithim.There is always another option.If you give up, you might as well die.My advice is to always look for another opportunity,another goal, or another option.There is always something else.Don't give up.中公考研 http://www.xiexiebang.com

第五篇:小学英语作文 永不放弃

Never give up永不放弃

When I meet difficulties, I will be very impatient and want to give up.Some day I realize that if I keep running away all the time, I will be a loser and make no difference.So I try to get over my fear and become patient.Now I no longer feel afraid of difficulties.I will never give up until I realize my dream.在我遇到困难时,我会很没有耐心,想放弃。有一天我意识到如果我继续这样逃避,我将会是一个失败者,无所作为。所以我试着去克服恐惧,变得有耐心。现在我对困难不再感到害怕,我永远都不会放弃,直到实现我的梦想。

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