
时间:2019-05-12 14:10:53下载本文作者:会员上传




















Mary: Hi, Peter!Going away for the holidays, right?

Peter: Yes, l am.Mary: Well, l’m going to stay in the city.Peter: What are you going to do then?


Mary: No, never in a store, but I can learn.Peter:Mary: I need money for school next term, and I can get some experience, S0 Peter: Yes.I’ve gone camping four times.It’s wonderful at a summer camp.Mary: Well, Peter, enjoy your holidays!

Peter: You too.See you!



Alice: Excuse me, Master.I’d like to take a few days off.Alice: My mother is ill.I have to take care of her.Master: Oh, dear.I am sorry to hear that.?

Alice: No, thank you.The doctor says my mother has to be in hospital for a few days.I

would like to be with her.Alice: I hope to be back next Monday.Master: That’s all right.Alice: Thank you, Master.I’II write a note for permission immediately.’11 help you with your lesson later.(7)


Clerk: Good morning!Li: Yes, my wife and I are interested in renting a house for the summer.Li: Furnished.Clerk: ,how long do you want the house? All summer?

Li: No, not all summer.Just for six weeks.Clerk: I’m afraid you can only rent it for two months.Li: My holiday is only for six weeks, but I think my brother and his family would take it.For

the other two weeks.By the way, ?

Clerk: Yes, it is in good condition..We’ll take it.三、书面表达



(1)(2005年成考书面表达试题)假定你是中国文化知识大赛组委会主席,写信祝贺参赛选手John Smith获本次大赛一等奖,并通知其以下事项:









① 告诉同学聚会的时间、地点;

② ②到达聚会地点的交通路线以及便利的交通工具;

③ ③请同学对是否能参加聚会给予答复。























1.It _______ me three years to draw the beautiful horses.A.took



D.cost 【正确答案】A 【答案解析】cost 的主语通常是事或物(包括形式主语 it);spend 的主语只能是人,不能是事或物;take 的主语可以是事或物(包括形式主语 it),也可以是人。cost 的宾语通常是钱,take 的宾语通常是时间,而 spend 的宾语则可以是时间或钱。这句话运用的句型是it take sb sth to do sth。

2.They prefer to _______ the rest of the morning walking in the garden.A.spending


C.be spending

D.spend 【正确答案】D 【答案解析】本句运用的是prefer to do sth这种用法。

3.Is it Shakespeare Theatre _______ you are going to watch the play The Merchant of Venice? A.where



D.as 【正确答案】A 【答案解析】where引导的定语从句修饰先行词Shakespeare Theatre。此处并非强调结构,将“Is it去掉后,可以看出,这个句子缺少介词,所以,如果在原句中Shakespeare Theatre的前面加上介词in或at,则成为强调句。

4.The central theatre has a seating ________ of more than 3, 000 people.A.capability



D.facility 【正确答案】B 【答案解析】【译文】中央剧院能容纳3000多人就座。【试题分析】词义选择题。

【详细解答】 A(实际)能力,才能,性能

例:No one doubts her capability for the job.没人怀疑她担任这一职务的能力。B 能力,容量,容积 capacity后常接 of doing sth.例:The fuel tank has a capacity of 12 gallons.这个燃料箱的容量为12加仑。The elevator’s capacity is thirteen.这部电梯乘载13人。C 能力,技能,才智 ability 后常接 to do sth.例:She has got a remarkable ability to get things done.在办事方面,她显示了非凡的能力。D 能力,才干,方便,设施 较正式用法,后常接 in, with.例:his facility in/with languages 他的语言才能

5.Please remind me _______ her this note.A.leave

B.to leave


D.left 【正确答案】B 【答案解析】remind sb to do sth:提醒某人做某事。句意:请提醒我留给她这张纸条。

6.They are eager _______ abroad.A.travel


C.to travel

D.travelling 【正确答案】C 【答案解析】be eager to do sth:渴望做某事。句意:他们盼望出国旅行。

7.The boy complained _______ a pain in his stomach.A.with



D.of 【正确答案】D 【答案解析】complain of:抱怨,说自己有病。句意:这孩子说他肚子痛。8.The book fair has received a positive ________ from readers.A.result



D.solution 【正确答案】B 【答案解析】【译文】书市受到读者的积极的反响。【试题分析】词义选择题。

【详细解答】A 结果,效果 B 反应,回答

C 解决,协议 D 解决,解答

9.At any rate I did not succeed _______ myself understood by you.A.making


C.to make

D.in making 【正确答案】D 【答案解析】succeed in doing sth: 成功做某事。

10._______ for your laziness,you could have finished the assignment by now.

A.Had it not been

B.It were not

C.Weren’t it

D.Had not it been 【正确答案】A 【答案解析】句意:要不是你懒惰,到现在你就能完成任务了。本题是一个省略if的虚拟条件句,主句用could have done表示与过去事实相反,条件从句应用had done形式,had要提前构成倒装。

11.The meeting _____ next week will be of great importance.A.to be held



D.is held 【正确答案】A 【答案解析】谓语动词用了将来时态,所以选不定式作定语,表将来。

12.Water is composed _______ hydrogen and oxygen.A.of



D.about 【正确答案】A 【答案解析】be composed of:由…组成。句意:水是由氢与氧化合而成的。

13.Charles Smith, ______ was my former teacher, retired last year.A.which



D.as 【正确答案】B 【答案解析】that不能引导非限制性定语从句, 可以用which和who引导, 其中, who代替的先行词是人。句意为:查理•史密斯去年退休了, 他曾经是我的老师。

14.The new discovery _______ be of great service to mankind.A.is bound to

B.is bound for

C.be bound to

D.be bound for 【正确答案】A 【答案解析】be bound to:注定要,一定会。本题中主语是The new discovery,所以谓语动词要用is。句意:这项新发现对于人类必定大有用处。

15.Because of the bad weather, the sports meet had to be ________.A.shut down

B.done away

C.taken off

D.called off 【正确答案】D 【答案解析】【译文】由于天气不好,运动会不得不取消了。【试题分析】短语意义区分题。

【详细解答】A 关闭,停业 B 废除,终止(与with连用)C 离开,起飞 D 取消

16.No sooner had we reached home ________ a violent storm broke out.A.when B.that

C.until D.than 【正确答案】D 【答案解析】【译文】我们刚一到家,一场猛烈的暴风雨就下起来了。【试题分析】固定搭配题。

【详细解答】 no sooner … than “一 …就 … ”

17.It is no use arguing _______ the plan because it has been rejected.A.with



D.on 【正确答案】C 【答案解析】argue作动词时,意为“争论;争吵;争辩”。argue for意为“为……辩护”;argue with sb about / over sth指“就某事和某人争论”;argue against意为“据理反对;争辩……”。根据句意,应该用for。

18.His intelligence will ________ him to get a scholarship to college.A.enable


C.suggest D.employ 【正确答案】A 【答案解析】【译文】 他的聪明才智将使他获得大学奖学金。【试题分析】动词词义选择题。

【详细解答】 A 使能够、使可能 B 说服、劝说 C 建议、提议 D 雇佣

19.It is difficult to ________ the implication between the lines.A.get to

B.get with

C.get at

D.get down 【正确答案】C 【答案解析】【译文】要找到字里行间的关联是困难的。【试题分析】短语意义区分题。

【详细解答】 A 开始,接触 C 找出,理解 D 下来,写(记)下来

20.Jenny complained that the hospital ________ her too much for the treatment.A.expended



D.charged 【正确答案】D 【试题分析】词义选择题。

【详细解答】A 花费 B 付款 C 费用 D 收费

21.The furniture in her bedroom is quite different from ________ in the living room.A.that



D.which 【正确答案】A 【答案解析】【译文】在她卧室里的家具与起居室的(家具)大不相同。【试题分析】代词选择题。

【详细解答】选择指示代词that 代替家具,避免重复。家具是不可数名词。

22.It took me a month to get rid _______ the cough.A.for



D.over 【正确答案】C 【答案解析】get rid of:摆脱掉,处理掉

23.If the operation ________ carefully prepared, it would not have been successful.A.was not

B.has not been

C.had not been

D.were not 【正确答案】C 【答案解析】【译文】如果这个操作(或手术)没有充分准备就不能成功了。【试题分析】 语法题:虚拟语气。 【详细解答】 与过去的事实相违背

24.The two girls competed with each other ______ the highest mark.A.for



D.against 【正确答案】A 【答案解析】compete for: 比赛…夺取 compete against/with: 和…竞赛


25.He was ______ to withdraw from running for the presidency.A.trusted



D.believed 【正确答案】C 【答案解析】句意:他被说服退出竞选总统。convince使相信;信服;说服。

26.It is important to ________ your skin from the harmful strong sunlight. A.protect



D.keep 【正确答案】A 【答案解析】protect...from...意为“保护……免受……”

27.It rained hard yesterday, ______ prevented me from going to the park.A.that



D.it 【正确答案】B 【答案解析】本句话为非限制性定语从句,所以不能用that来引导。在本题中,prevent由于是行为动词,所以正确选项应为B。

28.After months of voyage, Columbus arrived in ______ later proved to be a new continent.A.where



D.that 【正确答案】C 【答案解析】注意,本句话并非定语从句,而是宾语从句。因为在介词in 后面,应该用what引导的宾语从句,what在宾语从句中作主语。

29.He would have given you more help, if he ________ so busy.A.have not been

B.had not been

C.not have been

D.not had been 【正确答案】B 【答案解析】本题考察与过去事实相反的虚拟语气。

30.The professor asked a question, and David ________ a good answer.A.put up with

B.stood up for

C.came up with D.looked down upon 【正确答案】C 【答案解析】【译文】教授问了一个问题,戴维想出一个答案。【试题分析】短语意义区分题。

【详细解答】 A 忍受、忍耐 B保卫、支持 C 想出、提出 D 轻视、看不起

31.If you are too ________ of your children, they will never learn to deal with difficulties in life.A.respective B.detective

C.protective D.effective 【正确答案】C 【答案解析】【译文】如果你对孩子过分保护,他们在生活中将永远学不会对待困难。【试题分析】词义区分题。

【详细解答】 A 个别的、各自的 B侦探 C 保护的、防护的 D 有效的 32.Look at this group of people ______ beach volleyball.A.played

B.is played


D.is playing 【正确答案】C 【答案解析】现在分词作定语,表示正在进行的动作。

33.Sickness often _______ eating too much.A.as a result of

B.result of

C.result in

D.result from 【正确答案】D 【答案解析】本题考查result 的词组辨析。as a result of:由于…的结果 result in:导致

result from:由…造成,因…而产生

34.Very few people understood this contract, ______ was very obscure.A.the language

B.the language of which

C.all it said

D.which it had said 【正确答案】B 【答案解析】the language of which引导非限定性定语从句,并在定语从句中做主语。句意为:没有几个人懂这份合同,合同的用词含糊不清。

35.I was really anxious about you.You ______ home without a word.A.mustn’t leave

B.shouldn’t have left

C.couldn’t have left

D.needn’t leave

【正确答案】B 【答案解析】虚拟语气用法。句意:我(那时)真的很担心你。你本不应该不留个话就离开家。

36..We are all concerned _______ her safety.A.about



D.with 【正确答案】A 答案解析】be concerned about:关心,担心。句意:我们大家都担心着她的安全。

37.Having decided to rent a flat, we ________ contacting housing agencies in the city.A.set about

B.set down

C.set out

D.set up 【正确答案】A 【答案解析】【译文】(由于)已决定要租一套公寓,我们开始着手与城里的房屋中介机构接触。

38.It makes good ________ to bring an umbrella;it seems to be raining today.A.sense



D.advice 【正确答案】A 【答案解析】【译文】今天天气看起来要下雨了,因此带着伞是合情合理的。

---------------------39._______ that the scientist will give us a talk next month? A.Is true

B.Is it true

C.It’s true

D.It’s truly



40.If you _______ in behaving in this way you will bring yourself nothing but trouble.A.continue




【正确答案】B 【答案解析】continue一般不与in搭配,常见的是continue to do sth。decide也多与to 搭配。另一方面,从词义来看,continue意思是“继续”,decide意思是“决定”,react意思是“反应,作出反应”,都与句意不相符。只有persist无论是从搭配还是从意思来看都是最佳答案。

41.To understand the sentence, you should analyze its parts ________.A.functionally


C.largely D.remarkably

【正确答案】A 【答案解析】【译文】为了理解这个句子,你应该分析句子各个部分的功能。【试题分析】副词词义区分题。

【详细解答】 A 有用途地、有功能地

B 宽广地

C 大大地

D 突出地

42.There is the appreciation of the salient historical truth ________ the aging of advanced societies has been a sudden change.







43.The doctors are ________ about the guidelines under which they can carry out euthanasia.A.at a stretch

B.at a loss

C.at random

D.at length



44.The cloth had a natural look which perfectly ________ the image Laura sought.A.turned out

B.set down

C.thought over

D.coincided with

【正确答案】D 【答案解析】【译文】这块布料看起来很自然,与劳拉寻找的样式完全相符。【试题分析】短语意义选择题。

【详细解答】 A 关闭


D 与„相同、与„相符

45.If an earthquake occurred,some of the one-storey houses ________. A.might be left stand B.might leave to be standing C.might be left to stand D.might be left standing


【答案解析】be left...:被置于...的境地。它是leave sth...的被动式。standing:站立的,固定的,直立的。be left加形容词是常用的一种表达方式。

46.Such person _______ you describe is rare nowadays.A.it






47.We promise that we’ll meet again after we _______ our college education in three years’ time.


B.will finish


D.will have finished



48..With such a poor score in the entrance exam,it’s ________ impossible for him to be admitted to this university.







49.New drivers are far more ________ to have accidents than experienced drivers.A.possible




【正确答案】B 【答案解析】【译文】新司机比起有经验的老司机出交通事故的可能性要大得多。【试题分析】形容词词义选择题。


A 可能(发生、存在)的B 有可能

be likely to „C.大概的、可能的D不可能的 应用举例:

I’ll do everything possible to help you.我会尽一切可能帮助你。He is likely to arrive a bit late.他有可能会晚到一会儿。

50._______ is known to all,China will be an _______ powerful country in 20 or 30 years’ time. A.That;advancing






51.Why do you blame him for his poor judgment on the matter ______ he really needs is encouragement? A.when that

B.since that

C.when what

D.now that


【答案解析】译文:当他真正需要鼓励时,你为什么责备他的拙劣判断。此题考查准确判断句子结构。when引导时间状语从句,what he really needs充当这个时间状语从句的主语。

52.It rained hard yesterday, ______ prevented me from going to the park.A.that





【答案解析】此为非限定性定语从句,不能用 that修饰,而用which。it和as也都不能用在此处。

53.The outline of rooftops and chimneys ________ against the pale sky.A.pulled out

B.looked out

C.held out

D.stood out

【正确答案】D 【答案解析】【译文】在天空衬托中屋顶和烟囱的轮廓很明显。【试题分析】短语意义区分题。

【详细解答】 A 离开

B 注意、留神

C 提供

D 显眼、突出

54.Although Tom is satisfied with his academic achievement,he wonders _______ will happen to his family life.







55.During the past two decades, research has ________ our knowledge of daydreaming.A.expanded




【正确答案】A 【答案解析】【译文】在最近二十年间,研究已经扩大了我们关于白日梦的知识。【试题分析】动词词义选择题。

【详细解答】 A 扩大


C 下降

D 征服

56.He was specifically asked to write a play that would be ________ to the local community.A.flexible




【正确答案】B 【答案解析】【译文】 特别地要求他写一出本地社区公众容易理解的戏剧。【试题分析】 定语从句中的形容词意义区分题。

【详细解答】 A.灵活的,柔韧的B 容易理解的,好懂的 C 负责任的 D 有能力的

57.The students are required to ________ the main ideas of the article in their own words.A.symbolize




【正确答案】D 【答案解析】【译文】要求学生们用自己的话来概括这篇文章的主要观点。【试题分析】词义选择题。

【详细解答】 A 象征


C 同步

D 概括

58.The government finally ________ all the documents relating to the war.A.released




【正确答案】A 【答案解析】【译文】 政府最终公布了与这场战争有关的全部档。【试题分析】 动词意义区分题。

【详细解答】 A.“公开发表、公布或发布(新闻)” B 专门从事、专攻

C 意识到、领悟

D 假定、猜想

59._______, could you get me a Turkish conversation book? A.In this way

B.By the way

C.In no way

D.In any way


【答案解析】本题考查固定搭配。in this way

以这种方法 by the way


in no way

决不,无论如何都不 in any way


60.The professor worked for 7 hours at a ________.A.stretch B.extend C.expand D.prolong 【正确答案】A 【您的答案】C

【答案解析】此题考查的是固定词组搭配。at a stretch一口气地。

61.You are the most direct young woman I have ever _______.A.come to B.come into C.come over D.come across 【正确答案】D

【答案解析】此为“come”动词词组辨析题。come across(偶然)遇见;A.come to达到;达成:come to a conclusion得出结论。B.come into进入;继承;得到: come into power当权;come into a fortune继承一笔财产。C.come over顺便来访;(感觉,影响)支配,攫住。

62.They should try to ________ their usual inhibitions and join in the fun.A.send off

B.lay aside C.take to

D.turn off

【正确答案】B 【答案解析】【译文】他们应当把顾忌放到一边,一起享受乐趣。【试题分析】短语意义区分题。

【详细解答】 A 送出

B 放弃、搁置

C 喜欢上

D 关上

63.This is the most beautiful village _______ I visited these years.A.which B.where C.in which D.that

【正确答案】D 【您的答案】C


64.It is vital that the work _______ in time.A.is done B.be done C.are done D.was done 【正确答案】B 【您的答案】C


65.A year later,with the nation’s economy ________,Bush’s approval rating dropped below 40 percent.

A.in power B.in trouble C.in hand D.in part


【答案解析】in trouble:陷入困境。由于经济陷入困境,所以支持率下降了很多,符合句意。

66.People who can’t _______ between colors are said to be color-blind.A.separate B.divide C.distinguish D.appointed 【正确答案】C



【答案解析】distinguish:区别,辨别。distinguish多与between、from搭配.67.Robots differ from automatic machines ________ after completion of one specific task,they can be reprogrammed by a computer to do another one.

A.in case B.in that C.in which D.in time

【正确答案】B 【您的答案】C

【答案解析】in that意思是:在于,因为。解释differ from automatic machines的具体方面。

68.________,he had no time to rest.

A.As he was tired B.If he was tired C.Tired as he was

D.Now that he was tired 【正确答案】C


69.When _______, water will be turned into steam.A.heated B.heating C.being heat D.having heated 【正确答案】A 【您的答案】C

【答案解析】水被加热时会变成蒸汽。因为主句主语water和从句谓语heat的关系是被动的,所以用过去分词。70.I understood from her that you undertook other important work ______.A.as well B.as too as C.as also as D.as good as 【正确答案】A

【答案解析】as well也可以用来表示“也”的意思,它一般置于句尾。句子的意思为:我从她那了解到你也从事其它重要工作。

71.That proposal is essentially irrelevant ________ the issue at hand.A.with

B.from C.in


【正确答案】D 【您的答案】B


【详细解答】 irrelevant to 与„无关

72.It has been found that a strong ________ help overcome the effects of distraction.A.interruption B.motivation C.evaluation D.destination 【正确答案】B 【答案解析】【译文】人们发现一个很强的动机可以帮助克服干扰物的影响。【试题分析】名词词义区分题。

【详细解答】 A 打扰、中断

B 动机、诱因

C 评估、评价

D 目的地、终点

73.Please write a report _______ the above subjects are to be covered.A.which B.in which C.that D.in that




【答案解析】in which the above subjects are to be covered是report的定语从句。which指代先行词report,in用于与report搭配。

74.Since we have a focused subject,we should not talk ________.A.at once B.at hand C.at intervals D.at random 【正确答案】D 【您的答案】B

【答案解析】译文:既然我们已经有了命题,我们就不应漫无边际地交谈。此题考查对固定短语的掌握情况。at once立刻;at hand在附近,在手头,即将发生;at intervals间或,不时;at random随便,任意。

75.Fish is ________ and expensive at this time of the year in this area.A.in large measure B.to the minimum C.in short supply D.to the maximum 【正确答案】C 【答案解析】【译文】这个地区在一年中的这个时候鱼的供应不足,价格昂贵。【试题分析】短语意义选择题。

【详细解答】 in short supply:“缺货、供货不足”

76.The farming methods have been ________ improved with the invention of the new machine.A.efficiently

B.proficiently C.professionally D.intentionally 【正确答案】A 【您的答案】B


【详细解答】 A 高效率地


C 职业地、专职地

D 故意地、有意地

77.The vehicle was traveling at speeds ________ 90 miles per hour.A.in addition to B.in view of C.in excess of D.in search of 【正确答案】C



【详细解答】 A 除„之外、例外

B 由„看来、有鉴于

C 过分、超出

D 寻找、追求

78.The oceans do not so much divide the world _______ unite it.

A.as B.that C.but D.like




【答案解析】本题考查固定句型:not so much„as„,这个句型用以肯定as后面的内容,而在一定程度上否定as前面的内容,表示“与其说„还不如说„”,“更多的是„而不是„”。句意:与其说世界以洋分界,不如说以洋连在一起。

79.Anxiety can ________ with children’s performance at school.A.refer B.prefer C.infer D.interfere

【正确答案】D 【答案解析】【译文】焦虑可以妨碍孩子们在学校的表现。【试题分析】动词词义区分题。

【详细解答】 A refer to 提到、查阅、涉及

B prefer to更喜欢

80.Never before _______ so rapidly developing as it is today.

A.has our country been B.our country has been C.has been our country D.our country hasn’t been 【正确答案】A




81.Basically,these attitudes amount to a belief ________ leisure can and should be put to good use.

A.which B.that C.what D.how




82.The professor worked for 7 hours at a ________.A.stretch B.extend C.expand D.prolong 【正确答案】A

【答案解析】此题考查的是固定词组搭配。at a stretch一口气地

83.Parents, teachers in schools and communicators in or using the mass media are all capable of ________ our potential interests.

A.raising B.rising C.arousing D.arising




【答案解析】arouse:唤醒,激起。符合句意。raise和rise都有“上升、提高”的意思。arise:出现,发生。---------------84.Happiness doesn’t always _______ money.A.go through B.go in for C.go with D.go over


【答案解析】句意:幸福未必总是伴随金钱而来。go with:伴随,与...相配

85.He insured his car ________ he had an accident.A.unless B.if C.since D.in case

【正确答案】D 【答案解析】他给自己的汽车投了保,以防万一遇到交通事故。考查连词词义区分题。A否则,要不然

B 如果

C 自从,由于

D 以防万一,以免

86.It took a few seconds for her eyes to ________ to the darkness.A.allocate

B.adopt C.apply


【正确答案】D 【答案解析】【译文】 她花了几秒钟时间使眼睛适应黑暗。【试题分析】动词词义选择题。

【详细解答】 A 分配,拨出

B 收养,过

C 应用,申请

D 调整,使适合

87.It has been years ________ I returned home.A.after B.that C.since D.when


【答案解析】译文:我回家已经有好几年了。此题考查连词since的用法。since表示“从(过去某事)以来,以后或到现在”时,主句多用完成时态。又如:Where have you been since I last saw you?自从我上次见到你以后,你到哪去了?

88.What he told us was more of a(n)________ than a reality.A.illusion B.demonstration C.illustration D.reputation 【正确答案】A

【答案解析】他告诉我们的更可能是幻想而不是现实。考查名词词义选择题。A 幻想,错误观念

B 演示,证明 C 图解,实例

D 名声,名誉

89.To write up his novel, John is looking for an environment free ________ outside distraction.A.on




【正确答案】C 【答案解析】【译文】 约翰为了写完他的小说,正在寻找一个摆脱外界干扰的环境。【试题分析】介词选择题。

【详细解答】 free from„ 使人摆脱„,不受„的,没有„的

90.We cannot leave this tough job to a person ________.

A.who nobody has confidence B.in whom nobody has confidence C.for whom nobody has confidence D.who everyone has confidence of 【正确答案】B 【答案解析】译文:我们不能把这样一份艰巨的工作交给一个没有自信的人。本题考查定语从句,have confidence in sb是固定用法,关系代词whom用作介词in的宾语。

91.A good worker in a key spot could, so _______ as he kept up production, take all the coffee breaks he wanted.

A.long B.short C.much D.little


【答案解析】so long as:只要。是固定搭配。

92.Modern economics ________ the country’s agricultural policies.A.undergoes B.understands C.underlies D.undertakes 【正确答案】C


A 经历,经受

B 了解

C 成为„的基础

D 承担,保证

93.If you try to learn too many things at a time, you may get ________.A.concentrated B.confused C.confirmed D.convinced 【正确答案】B 【答案解析】如果你试图一次学太多东西,你就有可能糊涂了。考查形近形容词意义区分题。A.浓缩的,专心的 B 糊涂的,混淆的 C 根深蒂固的D 确信的

94.—David has made great progress recently.

—_______,and _______.A.So he has;so you have B.So he has;so have you C.So he has;so do you D.So has he;so you have 【正确答案】B


95.We are interested in the weather because it _______ us so directly—what we wear, what we do and even how we feel.A.benefits B.affects C.guides D.effects



96.You should help them ________ when your friends quarrel with each other.A.come into sight B.come to terms C.come into play D.come to power 【正确答案】B

【答案解析】当你的朋友吵架时,你应当帮助他们协调一下。考查短语的习惯用法。come into 或 come to 都表示进入(某种状态)A 映入眼帘

B.达成协议,妥协 C 开始运作


97.Perseverance is a kind of quality and that is _______ it takes to do anything well.A.what B.that C.which D.why


【答案解析】what在表语从句中作takes的宾语,构成“It takes sth.to do sth.”的句型。答案为A。

98.We were told that the stone figure _______ back to the 16th century was of great value.A.dated B.dating C.coming D.kept


【答案解析】本句中含有be+of+n.这个结构。dating back to the 16th century的逻辑主语是stone figure。

99.Each of us should _______ aside a few minutes to have a rest every day.A.push B.provide C.turn D.set


【答案解析】set aside:留出,拨出。是固定搭配。

100.Police are ________ the disappearance of two children.A.looking up

B.looking through C.looking into

D.looking on 【正确答案】C 【答案解析】【译文】警察正在寻找两个失踪的孩子。【试题分析】短语意义区分题。

【详细解答】 A(在书中)查找 B 仔细查阅,审查,(对某人)视而不见 C 调查,研究,查问 D.观看,旁观,看待

101.He ________ his poor judgment ________ Jet Lag.

A.blamed...for B.blamed...to C.blamed...on D.blamed...at 【正确答案】C

【答案解析】此题考查固定词组blame sth.on sb.把...怪到...头上。

102.Washing the food down with water as a substitute ________ chewing is not a good habit.

A.of B.for C.to D.from



103.This type of desk and chair can be adjusted ________ the height of students at different ages.

A.with B.for C.to D.in


【答案解析】译文:这款桌椅可以根据学生的不同年龄调整高度。本题考查短语搭配。be adjusted to调整为„。

104.The teacher told us the fact _______.A.which the earth moves around the sun B.that the earth moved around the sun C.that the sun moves around the earth D.that the earth moves around the sun 【正确答案】D 【答案解析】名词性从句中主句和从句中时态要保持一致。但是在此句中,后面讲述的是一个客观存在的事实规律,所以要选答案D。

105.What he had done is _______.


B.of valuable C.of no value D.of no valuable 【正确答案】C

【答案解析】of+n=adj,可以作表语。of no value:没有一点价值。value是名词,不能作表语,也不能形容主语的性质。B和D都是of+adj的结构,是错误的。

106.That is the house _______ you can enjoy the scenery.A.in that



D.from which 【正确答案】D

【答案解析】句意:你从中能欣赏外面风景的就是这座房子。在定语从句中判断用关系代词还是用关系副词,需要弄明白在从句中需要什么语法成分,也就是说,要看关系词在定语从句中担任什么成分,本题的定语从句中少地点状语,先行词又是表地点的名词,故可选用where。观察四个选项后,我们发现并无where一词,我们可以用“介词+ which”来代替。注意,本句话所表达的应该是:You can enjoy the scenery from the house,故可排除A选项,选D。

107.Some persons gain goal and direction from their tensions;others ________ under pressure.A.fall out B.fall apart C.fall back on D.fall in with 【正确答案】B


108.She disagrees ______ him ______ everything.A.with, on B./, on C.with, at D.on, with


【答案解析】本题运用了disagree with sb on sth这个结构。

109.8.Nobody but you _______ what he said.A.agrees with B.agrees out C.agree with D.agree to


【答案解析】主语为nobody时,谓语动词用单数,如果主语被but, as well as, with等短语修饰,谓语仍与主语的数保持一致。该题易误选C、D,选D的原因在于词组记忆不清,用介词to时之后应加具体项目。而选择C就在于误把you作为主语对待了。而实际上nobody才是主语。

110.In the original test,all the animals in a test group are given a substance _______ half of them die.


B.until C.lest

D.provided 【正确答案】B

【答案解析】本题考查词义辨析。until:直到。符合句意,表示given a substance 持续到half of them die。

111.Now many major employers are beginning to demand _______ the completion of school.

A.more than B.rather than C.other than D.better than 【正确答案】A

【答案解析】more than:多于,不只。句意:现在很多雇主开始不仅仅要求学业的完成。

112.Opposition leaders will be watching carefully to see how the Prime Minister ________ the crisis.A.handles

B.conducts C.observes


【正确答案】A 【答案解析】【译文】 对立面领导人将会仔细地看着首相如何控制危机。【试题分析】动词词义选择题。


A 应付,对付,控制

B 引导,进行,实施

C 观察,监测,遵守

D 指导,监督

113.I was writing a report last night;________ I would not have stayed up late.A.however B.otherwise C.therefore D.furthermore 【正确答案】B

【答案解析】我昨天晚上写一个报告,否则我就不会熬夜了。考查副词词义选择题。A 然而,不过

B 否则,要不然

C 因此,所以

D 再者,而且

114.It took a few seconds for her eyes to ________ to the darkness.A.allocate

B.adopt C.apply


【正确答案】D 【答案解析】【译文】 她花了几秒钟时间使眼睛适应黑暗。【试题分析】动词词义选择题。【详细解答】 A 分配,拨出

B 收养,过继 C 应用,申请

D 调整,使适合

115.He talked a lot about things and persons ________they remembered in the school.A.which B.that C.whom D.what

【正确答案】B 【答案解析】things和persons是先行词.当定语从句要修饰的先行词是既表示人, 又表示物的名词时, 其关系代词要用that.116.Country life is better than city life ________ it offers fresh air and noiseless environment.A.in that

B.as that

C.as for

D.in which 【正确答案】A 【答案解析】【译文】乡村生活比城市生活较好,因为它的空气新鲜且环境无噪音。【试题分析】 in that 是复合连接词,只在一定的句式中使用。也可以用作一个固定词组。(请同学们参考Unit 6 Text A 注释4 中的解释及有关例句)


A 在于,原因是,在„方面



I like the country better in that it is closer to nature.我更喜欢乡村,因为它更接近自然。

117.The old couple have been married for 40 years and never once _______ with each other.A.they had quarreled B.they have quarreled C.have they quarreled D.had they quarreled 【正确答案】C

【答案解析】本题考查的是倒装结构的用法。第二分句中因有否定副词never提前,故应用倒装结构;第一分句中的have been married已限定了时态,据此可排除D项。

118._______ is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.A.There B.This C.That D.It


【答案解析】为了保持句子的平衡,往往用先行词it作形式主语或形式宾语,而把真正的主语或宾语放到后面,尤其是that引导的主语从句往往用先行词it作形式主语。此句也可以改写为:That English is being accepted as an international language is a fact.119.I asked him to ________ me a few minutes so that we could go over all the problems.

A.spend B.save C.spare D.share



120.Younger children are curious ________ how things work,and many of them want to take apart everything within their reach. A.of B.about C.at D.with


【答案解析】译文:小孩子对事物是如何组成的很好奇,一些孩子总是想把他们够得到的东西都拆开。此题考查短语搭配,be curious about对„好奇。

121._______ for the free ticket, I would not have gone to see film so often.

A.If it is not B.Were it not C.Had it not been D.If they were not 【正确答案】C 【答案解析】从本题后半句可以看出这是一个与过去事实相反的虚拟条件句,从句中的动词要用“had +过去分词”,如果将if省略,had要位于主语之前,构成倒装句,故本题的答案是C。Had it not been for the free ticket =If it had not been for the free ticket。

122.The other timing system belongs in our internal clocks,which,left ________,would tie the body to a 25-hour rhythm.

A.behind B.alone C.out D.aside


【答案解析】译文:更不用说,另一个定时系统在我们的人体时钟内,它会使人保持在一个25小时的生理节奏上。此题考查关于leave的短语。leave behind意为“留下,放弃”,leave alone意为“更不用说”。leave out意为“遗漏,忽视”。

123.The engineer ______ my father works is about 50 years old.A.to whom B.on whom C.with which D.with whom 【正确答案】D

【答案解析】with whom引导定语从句.with whom放在从句中即为:my father works with the engineer 124.There is a growing body of evidence to support the fact that most people suffer from a lack of daydreaming _______ an excess of it.A.other than B.rather than C.in place of D.instead


【答案解析】rather than 而不是。other than 不同于,除了;in place of 代替;instead 代替

125.The volunteers would rather go by train than ________.A.to drive

B.drive C.driven

D.to be driven 【正确答案】B 【答案解析】【译文】志愿者宁愿坐火车去而不愿开汽车去。【试题分析】语法题。

【详细解答】would rather 或 would sooner 的意思都是“宁愿”,其后要求直接用动词原形。如果后边是that引导的从句,那么要求用过去时动词表示尚未发生的动作,用过去完成时动词表示对已经发生的动作的某种愿望。应用举例:

We would rather talk about football or the weather.我们宁愿谈谈有关足球或者天气的话题。I would rather you came tomorrow.我宁愿你明天去。

I would sooner you had gone there too.我宁愿你也去那里了。

126.―________ fine day it is today!

A.How, such B.What a, very C.How, so D.What a, so 【正确答案】D


127.Children have a natural ________ about the world around them.A.certainty B.capability C.cleverness D.curiosity 【正确答案】D



【答案解析】孩子们对他们周围的事物有着天然的好奇心。考查名词词义选择题。A 确定性,肯定的事

B 能力,才能

C 精明,聪颖

D 好奇心,求知欲

128.Johnson was ________ unknown before running for the presidency.A.visibly

B.visually C.vertically


【正确答案】D 【答案解析】【译文】 事实上,约翰逊在参选总统职位之前是个无名人士。【试题分析】(形近的)副词词义区分题。

【详细解答】 A 显然,明显地

B 外表上,直观地

C 垂直地,直立地

D 实际上,事实上

129.It is not decided ________ the conference will be held.A.what




【正确答案】C 【答案解析】【译文】大会什么时候召开还没有决定。【试题分析】主语从句的引导词的选择。 【详细解答】 A 什么

B 哪一个

C 什么时候


130.2.The conclusion from the study is not definite;it is just ________.A.tentative



D.thorough 【正确答案】A 【答案解析】【译文】这项研究的结论不是一定的;它只是试探性的。【试题分析】形容词词义选择题。

【详细解答】 A 不确定的、试探性的B 正当的、有根据的、有效的C 技术性的、专门技术的D 彻底的、十足的131.3.I don’t mind _______ the decision as long as it is not too late.A.you to delay making B.your delaying making C.your delaying to make D.you delay to make 【正确答案】B


132.4.This is an important problem _______ too few social scientists have researched.A.which B.that C.into that D.into which 【正确答案】D

【答案解析】into which引导的是problem的定语从句。which指代problem,into与research搭配。

133.5.There is a deadlock(僵局)in the discussion when neither side gives ________ to the other.A.a way B.way C.the way D.its way


【答案解析】译文:由于双方都不让步,讨论陷人了僵局。本题考查短语搭配,give way to意思为“让路、让步”。

134.6.These two alarm clocks are normally set together, but now they have been reset a few hours _________.A.away B.alone C.apart D.aside


【答案解析】but表示前后句子意思是相反的,所以前面说了set together,后面提到的就是apart(分开)。

135.7.Weather _______, we’ll go out for a walk.A.permitted B.permitting


D.for permitting 【正确答案】B

【答案解析】本题中没有连词,它不是复合句,也不是并列句。句中使用了逗号,且we 小写,可知其不是两个简单句。能够这样使用的只有独立主格或with的复合结构。据此判断,本句中使用的是独立结构,其结构为:名词+分词。由于permit在这里翻译为“天气允许”,表主动,应用现在分词,故选B。

136.8.The reply, when it finally came, was ________ the negative.A.for B.into C.in D.with


【答案解析】in the negative:否定的,否决。

137.9.He said that the group ________ him a letter and asked him to go there for an interview.A.have written B.had written C.wrote

D.would write 【正确答案】B 【答案解析】“写信给他”应该发生在他说话之前,也就是过去的过去,用过去完成时。

138.10.The thief took away the woman’s wallet without ________.A.being seen B.seeing C.him seeing D.seeing him 【正确答案】A


139.11.It was a small place then compared to _______ it is now.A.what B.which C.little D.few


【答案解析】what it is是介词to的宾语从句,相当于一个名词。compared to what it is now:与它现在的样子相比。

140.12.If payment is not received, legal action will be our only ________.A.aggression



D.ambition 【正确答案】C 【答案解析】【译文】如果我们收不到付款,那就只好诉诸法律了。【试题分析】词义选择题。


A 挑衅、侵犯

B 优势、优点

C 选择、取舍

D 野心、抱负

141.13.If you are walking away from a clock tower,you will hear the ticking of the clock fade to a point ________ it cannot be heard.

A.which B.what C.where D.how


【答案解析】译文:如果你从钟塔旁走过.你将会听到滴答声,直到你走远。此题考查定语从句。where在定语从句中做地点状语,先行词是a point。

142.14.We ________ go out to restaurants, but mostly we eat at home.A.occasionally

B.relatively C.continually

D.absolutely 【正确答案】A 【答案解析】【译文】 我们偶尔外出去餐馆吃饭,但通常是在家吃饭。【试题分析】副词意义区分题。【详细解答】

A 偶尔地、偶然地、不经常

B 相对地、比较地

C 持续地、不间断地


143.15.Scientists are now working on programs to ________ the place and time of earthquakes.A.assume

B.guess C.predict


【正确答案】C 【答案解析】【译文】 科学家们现在正在从事一些预告地震发生的地点及时间的项目。



A.假定,假设;B 猜测,猜想;C 预见,预告;D 释放,放出

144.16.Long life is altering our society, of course, but in experiential ________.A.items B.terms C.turns D.themes


【答案解析】in experiential terms意为“从经验上来说”

145.17.When you ________ know Bob better, you will like him.A.go to

B.got to

C.went to

D.get to

【正确答案】D 【答案解析】【译文】 当你更加了解鲍勃时,你将会喜欢他的。



【详细解答】 时间状语从句中用一般现在时表示将来。

146.18.They wrote a letter of thanks to ________ had helped them.A.who B.whom C.whomever D.whoever

【正确答案】D 【答案解析】whoever had helped them是介词to的宾语从句,whoever是这个从句的主语。whoever had helped them:任何帮助过他们的人

147.19.________ Tom has done really amazed everyone in his class.A.What




【正确答案】A 【答案解析】【译文】 汤姆所做的事情使得他班里的每个同学都感到吃惊。【试题分析】主语从句的引导词的选择。

【详细解答】A 指代汤姆所做的事情

B 哪一个


D 谁

148.20.________, what could we do?

A.Should it rain tomorrow B.Tomorrow it should rain C.If it rains tomorrow D.If it will rain tomorrow 【正确答案】A 【答案解析】A项是对将来的假设。对将来的假设可以用should+动词原形的形式。Should it rain tomorrow=if it should rain tomorrow 149.In our department, every student _________ after-school activities.A.go in for B.goes in for C.take part D.takes part 【正确答案】B


【答案解析】go in for:参加(考试)。take part后面应该加一个in。

150.Don’t trust everything ________ you have read in the newspapers.A.which







【详细解答】 定语从句所修饰的先行词是不定代词everything,故选B。151..—Why didn’t you buy a new car?

—I would have bought one if I _______ enough money.A.had

B.have had C.would have

D.had had





152.They ________ extensive and possibly dangerous actual flight training.A.undertake B.undergo C.underplay D.underuse 【正确答案】B



153.There was so much noise that the speaker couldn’t make himself ________.A.hear B.heard C.hearing D.to hear



【答案解析】make sb done: 使某人被„


154.Even with the new development in research, only a tiny ________ of all tests are done without using animals.A.variety B.amount C.plenty D.proportion 【正确答案】D



【答案解析】本句的意思是:“即使研究有了新的发展,只有一小部分的试验可以不用动物”。因此答案为D。variety 和plenty 分别表示“多样”和“大量的”,意思不合适。amount 后只能接不可数名词,而test是可数名词。

155.18.They will get the preparation done early in May.A.他们五月初就能让别人准备完工作。B.他们五月初就能准备好工作。





【答案解析】首先需要注意early in May表示“五月初”的意思,选项A“让别人准备完”这种表达是不准确的;此外get the preparation done表示的是“把准备工作做完”,选项B的表达不是很准确。

156.19.The newspaper will have to close down if it cannot increase its ________ considerably.A.distribution



D.circulation 【正确答案】D




157.As activity carried ________ as one thinks fit in one’s spare time, leisure has several functions.

A.on B.out C.off D.over

【正确答案】B 【您的答案】C

【答案解析】此题考查对关于carry的短语的掌握情况。carry on继续(做某事);carry out进行,实行,落实;carry off赢得;carry over将某事延后。

158.2.A man flown to a time zone different by 10 hours will ________ eight days to readjust his palm sweat.A.spend B.take C.cost D.pay

【正确答案】B 【您的答案】C

【答案解析】本题需要填入一个表示“花时间”而又能与动词不定式连用的动词。spend常用于 spend„doing sth.的句型中。cost一般用于it cost sb.„to do sth.的句型中,主语不能是人。pay 表示“花钱”的意思。只有take 可用于sb.take„to do sth.的句型中。

159.3.The judge who was ________ to his favorite was criticized by many people.A.partial B.fair C.strict D.frank

【正确答案】A 【您的答案】C

【答案解析】【译文】 许多人批评了偏袒他自己喜爱(球队或球员)的那个裁判员。【试题分析】形容词意义区分题。


A.偏袒的,不公平的;B 公正的;C 严格的,严厉的;D 坦率的

160.It is difficult to understand this kind of _______ calculation.A.intricate B.varied

C.indispensable D.equable

【正确答案】A 【您的答案】C

【答案解析】参考译文:很难理解这种错综复杂的计算。intricate 错综复杂的,纠缠不清的; varied 不同的,种种的; indispensable 不可缺少的,绝对必要的; equable 变动甚少的,稳定的。

161.8.—— We have to stop talking here outside.Listen, _______!—— Hurry up, or we’ll be late.A.There goes the bell B.There does the bell go C.There the bell goes D.Goes the bell there 【正确答案】A 【您的答案】C

【答案解析】在以here, there, up, down, in, on, out, away, off等副词开头的句子里,主语是名词时,句子主谓全部倒装,以示强调。但主语是人称代词时,不倒装。

162.The twin sisters were identical ________ appearance and character.A.of B.with C.in D.to





本题考查介词词义。(be)identical in 在....方面是相同的; be identical to/ with和....完全相同的,和...一致。原句意思:这对双胞胎姊妹的面容和性格都一模一样。故选C。

163.._______ he has enough money to buy the house, it doesn’t mean he’s going to do so.A.Grant B.Granted that C.Having Granted that D.Grant that 【正确答案】B 【您的答案】C

【答案解析】Granted that:尽管,即使。

164.She ________ everything else and concentrated on the task before her.A.set off

B.set back

C.set aside

D.set up




【答案解析】【译文】 她把其他事情都放到一边,集中精力于她面前的任务。【试题分析】短语意义选择题。

【详细解答】 A 出发、动身

B 把(某物)置于„之后、延迟

C 撇开、取消、废除

D 建立、提出

165.I don’t think the charge for overhauling the equipment is excessive in _______ to its size.A.correspondence B.equation C.proportion D.dimension 【正确答案】C



【答案解析】in proportion to是固定搭配, 意为“与......成比例, 与.......相称”。反义语:out of proportion不成比例,不相称。本题译文:我认为该设备的大修费并不过分, 是与它的大小相称的。

166.I’ve got the order from the boss that the work ________ finished before 5 p.m.today.A.would be

B.be C.will have been

D.could be




【详细解答】 that 引导同位语从句,说明order 的内容。

167.He has deep love for the people and ________ loyalty to the country.A.intense B.initial C.instant D.imitative 【正确答案】A 【您的答案】B

【答案解析】形容词词义区分题。A 强烈的,极度的 B 最初的,开始的C 立即的,即时的D 模仿的,仿效的

168.This is the first time that a woman has been ________ to the post.A.granted



D.appointed 【正确答案】D 【您的答案】B



A 允许、同意

B 表扬、赞扬

C 指、指出

D 指定、任命、委任

169.The new laws threaten to deprive many people _______ the most elementary freedoms.A.from B.for C.of D.about

【正确答案】C 【您的答案】B

【答案解析】deprive sb of sth:剥夺某人某物。

170.The factory _______ we’ll visit next week is not far from here.A.where B.to which C.which D.in which 【正确答案】C 【您的答案】B

【答案解析】which是关系代词,在从句中作宾语.其他几个答案都不能作宾语.171.._______ for a long time, most of the crops in this area died from lacking water.A.Being no rain B.There was no rain C.To be no rain D.There being no rain 【正确答案】D 【您的答案】A

【答案解析】There being no rain为 there be句型的独立主格形式。

172.The Netherlands is the only country in Europe which permits euthanasia, ________ it is not technically legal there.A.if

B.otherwise C.although D.unless




These two alarm clocks are normally set together, but now they have been reset a few hours _________.A.away B.alone C.apart D.aside

【正确答案】C 【您的答案】B

【答案解析】but表示前后句子意思是相反的,所以前面说了set together,后面提到的就是apart(分开)。





A.50元 B.40元C.12.5元 D.48元 2.原料价格上涨、利润空间减少,导致近期花生油市场迎来涨价狂潮,达到历史最高水平。在这种情况下,居民购买菜籽油的多了,购买花生油的少了。出现这种现象主要是因为花生油和菜籽油

A.是功能不同的商品 B.是价值不同的商品 C.是互为替代商品 D.是互补商品

3.发改委2012年7月10日发布通知称,自11日零时起将汽、柴油价格每吨分别降低420元和400元,测算到零售价格90号汽油和0号柴油(全国平均)每升分别降低0.31元和0.34元,折合升价约 0.34 元/升。汽、柴油出厂价每吨至 7,900 元/吨和 7,110 元/吨。如果你花了300元加油,下列说法正确的是

①这里的7,900 元执行的是支付手段的职能且是现实的货币

②这里的7,900 元执行的是价值尺度的职能且是观念上的货币

③这里的300 元执行的是支付手段的职能且是观念上的货币

④这里的300 元执行的是流通手段的职能且是现实的货币 A.①③ B.①④ C.②④ D.②③ 4.关于买方市场与卖方市场,下列说法正确的正确是

①买方市场是指购买者在市场交易中处于有利地位的市场 ②卖方市场是指销售者在市场交易中处于有利地位的市场 ③在买方市场中,销售者往往会降低价格 ④在卖方市场中,销售者往往会降低价格

A.①②③ B.①②④ C.①③④ D.②③④


A.从众心理 B.求异心理 C.攀比心理 D.求实心理


①对电力的供求关系产生一定的影响 ②间接调节居民的消费行为 ③促进电力企业经济效益的提高 ④改善居民的消费结构 A.①② B.②③ C.①④ D.③④


①采取补贴与物价联动机制、清理农产品流通环节收费等措施 ②鼓励城镇居民减少食物支出,以减少食物支出比例


④切实转变经济发展方式,更好地鼓励和支持劳动密集型服务业的发展 A.①②③ B.①②④ C.①③④ D.②③④


A.生产决定消费对象 B.消费对生产有重要的反作用 C.消费决定生产 D.生产为消费创造动力






A.①②③ B.①②④ C.①③④ D.②③④


①形成各种所有制经济平等竞争的格局 ②支持非公有制经济的发展

③促进混合所有制经济的发展 ④发挥国有经济的主导作用

A.①② B.②③ C.①③ D.②④ 11.新华人寿保险股份有限公司,是一家总资产超过3000亿元、市场占有率位居国内寿险市场前列的大型寿险企业。而神华集团有限责任公司,是中央直管国有重要骨干企业。根据这两家公司的情况,下列说法正确的是 A.前者可以公开发行股票筹集资金 B.后者可以公开发行股票筹集资金

C.股东在前者参股投资后,可以要求公司返还其出资 D.两家公司的出资方式都可以是实物的形式。12.2011年12月20日,我国海航集团斥资10.5亿美元成功收购GE(通用电气)旗下的全球第5大集装箱租赁公司GESEACO,并顺利完成100%股权交割。这起并购成为全球航运业持续低迷的情况下近期全球巨资并购案之一。这表明

①兼并有利于企业资产的重组 ②我国企业积极实施“走出去”战略

③收购属于商品出口的行为 ④是国际商品贸易方式多样化的表现 A.①②

B.③④ C.①③





材料二 资料显示,2011年城镇居民收入增长较慢,人均收入水平实际增长速度仅为8.4%,低于GDP9.2%的增速。而他们却占据了消费比重的绝大部分,全年城镇消费品零售额在社会消费品零售总额中占比高达86.6%,而乡村消费品零售额占比仅为13.4%。











1-----5 B C C A D 6-----10 A C B

B 11----12 A










1.星期一____________ 2。星期二____________ 3。星期三____________

4。星期四____________ 5。星期五____________ 6。星期六 ____________














1.I often play ping-pong.2.It’s 8:00.It’s time to get up.3.I love Saturday.4.That’s right.5.What day is it today?

6.today is Sunday.7.I do my homework on Sunday.三.情景对话(10分)

()1.What day is it today? A.I watch TV

()2.What do we have on Monday? B.I like English.()3.What do you have on Thursday ? C.I have math and P.E.()4.What classes do you like ? D.We have music.()5.What do you do on Sunday? E.It’s Sunday.四.连词成句子。(18分)

1.day, today , what , is , it(?)


2.like , what ,do , you(?)


3.what.do.do , you , on , Fridays(?)


4.what , have ,you ,Fridays , do , on(?)


5.strong , my , funny , is , teacher , and(.)


6.math , my , teacher , English , likes(.)


7.my , I , homework , do , and , Sundays , Saturdays , on(.)


8.day , what , tomorrow , it , is(?)


9.mother , watches , often , TV, Sunday , home , at , on , my(.)



()1.Today is Wednesday.Tomorrow is ________.A.Friday B.Tuesday C.Thursday

()2.It’s 6:30 a.m.__________

A.It’s time to go to bed.B.It’s time to get up.C.It’s time for dinner.()3.We have P.E ,English ________ computer on Sundays.A.and B.with C.play

()4.What’s your mother like ?___________

A.He’s thin B.She’s pretty.C.She’s a teacher.()5.I often __________ football.A.play B.plays C.play the

()6.______ is it today?---Monday

A.What day B.What time C.What colour

()7._____ you ______ English?

A.Do, likes B.Do,like C.Does , like

()8.What do you have _______ Mondays?

A.to B.on C.in

()9.Saturday is fun ________ me.A.to B.for C.on

()10.I do homework,___________.A.either B.too C.to

()11.Is tomorrow Saturday?____________

A.Yes,it is B.No,tomorrow is C.Yes , it isn’t.()12.We have ________English teacher and _______ art teacher.A.a,an B.an ,a C.an ,an

()13.The second(第二)day of a week(周)is _________.A.Monday B.Tueday C.Sunday

()14.We have music class _______ Mondays.A.in B.on C.at

()15.I _______ Moral Education at school.A.have B.do C.has 六.写出下列单词的完整形式或完整形式。(10分)

1.Monday________ 2.she’s ________ 3.Tue.________

4.Fri.________ 5.Sun.________ 6.Thu.________

7.he is ________ 8.is not________ 9.Wednesday ________ 10.Mon.________


()1.A.math B.Chinese C.China

()2.A.TV B.P.E C.art

()3.A.day B.Friday C.Monday

()4.A.watch B.do C.books

()5.A.have B.on C.in


()What day is it today?

()What about you?

()It’s Saturday.(1)It’s 8:00

()What do you do on Saturdays?

(8)I do my homework , too

()It’s time to get up.()I watch TV on Saturdays.九.阅读短文,判断正误。(10分)

My name is Amy.I go to school from Monday to Friday.I have six classes everyday.Four in the morning anda two in the afternoon.On Monday morning we have Englis, math and science.I like Friday very much.Because I have P.E.class on that day.Mr Black is my P.E.teacher.He is tall and strong.And he’s very handsome(帅).On weekends(周末).I often watch TV and read books.()1.Amy goes to school school five days in a week.()2.Amy has four classes every day.()3.Amy likes math very much.()4.Amy’s PE.teacher is tall and strong.()5.Amy often watches TV on Saturdays and Sundays.五年级英语上册第一单元测试题


()1.A.strict B.strong C.tall

()2.A.art B.Canada C.math

()3.A.lady B.mother C.father

()4.A.principal B.teacher C.science

()5.A.rice B.milk C.bike



1.principal _________ 2.聪明的 _________ 3.from __________

4.Canada _________ 5.非常 _________


()1.Our principal is very strict, but he is very _____.A.old B.kind C.thin

()2.Who’s that young lady?

A.No, she isn’t.B.She’s 26.C.She’s our English teacher.()3.What’s Mr.Carter like?

A.He’s our pricipal.B.He’s our math teacher.C.He’s thin and short.()4.Is she active?

A.Yes, he is.B.She is active.C.Yes, she is.()5.Where is Miss Zhang from?

A.She is active but she is kind.B.She is from Canada.C.She is our principal.五、将这些不讲究秩序的单词排列成句。注意横线后的标点哦!(每题2分,共10分)

1.a , she, university, is, student._________________________________________.2.have, I, new, math, a, teacher.____________________________________.3.that, lady, who, old, is


4.math, is ,our ,very, teacher, young.________________________________________

5.new, do , teachers, have, you,________________________________________?


A.but he’s very kind..B.cool!C.What’s he like?

D.His class is so much fun.E.Is he quiet?

Li Lei:I have a new English teacher.__1__.John:Really? ___2___.Li Lei:He’s young and strong.He’s a university student.John:___3___.Li Lei:No, he isn’t.He is very active.John:Is he strict? Li Lei:Yes, he is, ___4___.John:__5__.七、阅读理解。读下面的这篇短文,根据短文选择正确的选项。(每题2分,共10分)

I have a sister.She is 20 years old.She is from Jingmen.She is tall, but she is not very strong.She is a university student.She likes to sing and dance.She is very active.She is very funny and kind.I like to sing and dance with her.()1.My sister is ______.A.a man B.a young lady C.an old man

()2.What’s my new sister like?

A.She is tall and strong.B.She likes to sing and dance.C.She is tall , but she is not very strong.()3.Where is she from?

A.She is from Jingmen.B.She is from Canada.C.She is very funny and kind.()4.What does she like?

A.She likes to play with me.B.She likes to sing and dance.C.She likes to play football.()5.Is she active?

A.Yes, she is.B.No,she isn’t.C.Yes, she is, but she is very quiet.八、作文。你一定有一位很喜欢的老师或者朋友吧。他(她)是高是矮?是胖还是瘦?他(她)喜欢做些什么呢?他(她)性格如何?请你写一段话来描述一下。不少于五句。(共10分)

_______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________


1.Thank you for inviting me._____C_____.A.I really had a happy time.B.Oh, it’s too late.C.Thank you for coming.D.Oh, so slowly? 感谢你邀请我。谢谢你能来参加。

2.When did you move to America? _____A________.A.Three years ago.B.About three years.C.Next year.D.This year.你何时移民美国的?三年前。

3.Excuse me, how much is the Jacket? It’s 499 Yuan._____D____.A.Oh, no.That’s OK!B.How do you like it? C.Which do you prefer? D.Would you like to try it on? 对不起,这件夹克多少钱?499元。你要试穿一下吗?

4.Thank you for inviting me?C A.I really had a happy time.B.Oh, it’s too late.C.Thank you for coming.D.Oh, so slowly? 感谢你邀请我。谢谢你能来参加。

5.Is it possible for you to work late tonight? ____D_______.A.I like it.B.I’ll do that.C.I’d love to.D.I think so.今晚你可以加班到晚点时候吗?我想可以。

Passage one: Clowns(小丑)like to make people laugh.They paint their faces and put on funny noses.Sometimes they put on a sad face but most of the time they put on a happy face.They also wear funny clothes.Most clowns work in circuses.They do all kinds of silly things to make the audience laugh.They run, jump, fall down, turn somersaults(翻滚,斤头), and roll over.They ride donkeys backwards.They push each other in wagons or wheelbarrows.Sometimes they shout and sing.Clowns are funny men, and occasionally, women, too!A circus is not a circus without clowns!

Children especially enjoy watching clowns.A clown named Cookie often visits hospitals to entertain sick children as well as older people.Sick people need to laugh.It helps them to get better faster.There is an old saying:”Laughter is good medicine.”



有句谚语说:“欢笑是最好的良药。” 6.Clowns make people laugh by _______D_______.A.making fun of the audience B.putting on stupid face C.painting their faces D.doing all kinds of silly things 小丑使人们发笑通过做各种各样很傻的事情。

7.Clowns are _____D_____________.A.always male B.always female C.mostly female D.mostly male 小丑大多数都是男性的。

8.The sentence “A circus is not a circus without clowns” means ___A______.A.a circus will not be of much fun if it has no clowns B.a circus can no longer survive if the clowns are gone

C.a circus with clown is not the same as a circus without clowns D.a circus cannot attract children if it has no clowns “马戏团没有了小丑就不是马戏团了”这句话意思是如果没有了小丑,马戏团就不那么有趣了。

9.Clowns are a great favorite with ________C______.A.old people B.sick people C.children D.people of all ages and interests 小丑最受儿童喜欢。

10.The best interpretation of the old saying “Laughter is good medicine” may be ____D________.A.laughter cures people’s diseases B.laughter makes people healthy C.laughter is far better than medicine D.laughter helps sick people get better faster 谚语“欢笑时最好的良药”的最佳解释是欢笑帮助病人更快的恢复健康。

Passage two: How men first learnt to invent words is unknown: in other words, the origin of language is a mystery.All we really know is that men, unlike animals, somehow invented certain sounds to express thought and feelings, actions and things, so that they could communicate with each other;and that later they agreed upon certain signs, called letters, which could be combined to present those sounds, and which could be written down.Those sounds, whether spoken or written in letters, we call words.The power of words, then, lies in their associations – the things they bring up before our minds.Words become filled with meaning for us by experience;and the longer we live, the more certain words recall to us the glad and sad events of our past;and the more we read and learn, the more the number of words that mean something increases.Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words which appeal powerfully to our minds and emotions.This charming and telling use of words is what we call literary style.Above all, the real poet is a master of words.He can convey his meaning in words which sing like music and which by their position and association can move men to tears.We should therefore learn to choose our words carefully and use them accurately, or they will make our speech silly and vulgar.人类如何首先发明语言文字的还不知道:换句话说,语言的起源是一个谜。我们所真正知道的是,跟动物不同,人类在某种程度上发明了某种声音来表达思想和感情,行动和实物。因此,人类可以彼此交流;之后,他们同意某些符号,被称作是字母,用来结合现在的这些声音,然后声音可以被写出来。这些声音,口语或是用字母写出的书面语,我们称之为语言文字。



11.The origin of language is ________D________.A.a legend handed down from the past B.a matter that is hidden or secret C.a question difficult to answer D.problem not yet solved 语言的起源是还没有解决的问题。

12.What is true about words? ________C__________.A.They are used to express feelings only.B.They can not be written down.C.They are simply sounds.D.They are mysterious.关于语言哪些是真实的?它们是声音。

13.The real power of words lies in their _____D_________.A.properties B.characteristics C.peculiarity D.representative function 语言的真正力量在于它们代表的功能。

14.By “association”, the author means _______B_______.A.a special quality B.a joining of ideas in the mind C.an appearance which is puzzling D.a strange feature “联合”这个词,作者的意思是指思维上一个想法的联合。

15.Which of the following statements about the real poet is NOT true? _______A______ A.He is no more than a master of words.B.He can convey his ideas in words which sing like music.C.He can move men to tears.D.His style is always charming.下面关于真正的诗人的哪个陈述是错误的?他仅仅是一个语言大师。


16.That yellow purse _____A____ her 25 dollars.A.cost B.spent C.took D.paid 那个黄色的钱包花了她25美元。

17.Mike is better than Peter _____B____ swimming.A.for B.at C.on D.about 在游泳方面,迈克比皮特要强。

18.Miss Wang wanted to know ___D_______ for the film.A.why was he late B.why is he late C.why he is late D.why he was late 王小姐想知道为什么他看电影迟到了。

19.I have the complacent feeling ___C______ I’m highly intelligent.A.what B.which C.that D.this 我有种得意的感觉,就是我的智商很高。

20.Both the kids and their parents ___C______ English, I think I know it from their accent.A.is B.been C.are D.was 这些儿童和他们的父母都是英国人,我从他们说话的口音能听的出来。


Monday is the beginning of the week;it is the day most Americans like worst.The day they __21__ most is Saturday.Saturday is the __22__ of the workweek;it is the beginning of the weekend.Life is __23__ on the weekend;most Americans __24__ care of their houses, cars and gardens.They sleep __25__ at the night.They enjoy the feeling that the time __26__ to move more slowly.The workweek is for things you __27__ to do;the weekend is for things you __28__ to do.Some people may get in a car for a __29__ in the country.They like to take part in a sports activity out of doors.And on Saturday night they might go to a public eating __30__ or film.星期一是一周的开始;这是大多数美国人认为最糟糕的一天。一周中美国人最喜欢的是星期六。周六是一周工作的结束;这一天又周末的开始。生活在周末却是不同的;大多数美国人要打理他们的房子、汽车和花园。晚上他们都睡得很晚。他们享受这种感觉,似乎时间过的很慢。




D.leave 22.CA.middle 23.DA.worse 24.BA.make

B.beginning B.difficult



C.better C.look

D.day D.different D.pick 25.BA.earlier 26.DA.decides 27.CA.enjoy 28.AA.like




B.wants B.hate B.start B.walk B.house


D.shorter D.seems D.find D.check D.washing D.apartment

C.spends C.have


C.fishing C.room


31.Each time history repeats itself, the price goes up.历史每重演一次,代价就增加一分。32.I’ll write to you as soon as I get there.一旦我到了那里就立即给你写信。33.She always laughs at a good joke.她总是听了好笑的笑话而大笑。


Instructions: 建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。Where to Live 1.有人喜欢住在城市 2.有人喜欢住在农村 3.我的看法。

Where to Live Many people appreciate the conveniences of the city.People in the city can see films, visit exhibitions and watch games every day if they like to.Furthermore, if they want to become scholars, scientists or artists, they can find what they need in the city: libraries, colleges, museums, and so on.The last But not the least important thing I'd like to say is that they can get to know as many people as they want in the city.But some other people are attracted by the beauty of the country.First, if one is in the country he feels he is closer to nature: small streams, high mountains, fresh air, and green grass and so on, all this makes people happy and stirs up the love of life.Second, in the country, people seem to have more freedom.They can sing high in the field, ride horses along a brook and does some interesting farm work.Of course, both the city and the country have their disadvantages.As for the city, there is pollution, noise and heavy traffic.And as far as the country is concerned, its inefficient transportation, delayed news always makes people feel isolated.Compared with cities, the country is relatively backward, but nothing can be compared with the clean atmosphere and the gentle pace of living.Living in the country is very good for your health.With the development of economy, it is a trend that people will migrate from the city to the country.住在哪里






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