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英语科学案序号____高二年级12 班教师Peter学生____________


1.ability: [ə'biliti] n.能力

They repeatedly questioned his leadership 他们一再质疑他的领导才能。

2.absorb: [əb'sɔ:b] v.吸收,吸引,接受,并入,使专心

Refined sugars are absorbed into the bloodstream very quickly.精制糖迅速吸收进血液中。

3.abroad 到国外

What if the government borrows the money from abroad?


4.accept:[ək'sept] v.接受

Nevertheless authorities have to accept the assignment.但这是当局必须承担的任务。

5.achieve:[ə'tʃi:v] v.完成;达到,取得,实现 n.achievement 完成,达到;成就,成绩 But that is what I am hoping to achieve.但这正是我所希望获得的。

6.activity: [æk'tiviti] n.活动

Of course, all currencies are used for criminal activity.当然,所有的货币都可用于犯罪活动。

7.actual:['æktjuəl] adj’.实际的,现实的,真实的But the actual cost of the loss will be much bigger than that.但实际损失将远远超出这些。

8.advance:[əd'vɑ:ns] v.促进,提出,提高,预付 Too much protein in the diet may advance the ageing process...饮食中摄入过量蛋白质可能会加速衰老。

9.adventure:[əd'ventʃə] n.冒险,奇迹

This adventure cost me many thousands of dollars.这趟冒险花费了我几千美元。

10.advantage:[əd'vɑ:ntidʒ] n.长处,好处,优点,优势,利益,有利条件 反义: disadvantage

This is probably blackberry's strongest advantage.这可能也是黑莓最强的优势了。

11.address:[ə'dres] n.地址;演说;讲话; vt.寄往……

Business leaders should watch the us president's address.企业领导者应该看看美国总统是如何讲话的。

Applications should be addressed to: The business affairs editor.申请表应寄给;商务编辑。

12.admit:[əd'mit] v.允许进入,承认,接纳,容纳

I am willing to admit that I do make mistakes...我愿意承认我确实会犯错。

13.advertise:['ædvətaiz] v.1)做广告,登广告,发告示;2)宣传,宣扬

Religious groups are currently not allowed to advertise on television.目前禁止宗教团体在电视上做广告。

In 1991, the house was advertised for sale at $49,000...1991年,这座房子登广告出售,售价为49,000美元。

There is no need to advertise the fact that you are a single woman...没有必要张扬你是一个单身女性。

I didn't want to advertise the fact that he hadn't driven me to the airport.我不想宣扬他没有开车送我去机场的事。

14.affect:[ə'fekt]v.1)影响,妨害,感动, 2)感染

More than seven million people have been affected by drought.已有超过700万的民众受到旱灾的影响。

If a disease affects someone, it causes them to become ill.15.afford:[ə'fɔ:d]v.提供;花费,负担得起

Today, the typical indian middle-class household can only afford a motorcycle.如今,印度一般的中产阶级家庭只能买得起摩托车。


The Ukraine is strong both in industry and agriculture.乌克兰的工业和农业都很发达。

17.alcohol:['ælkəhɔl] n.乙醇,酒精

Do either of you smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol?...你们俩有人吸烟或喝酒吗?

18.analyze:['ænəlaiz] v.分析,分解,解析

oday, they use it to analyze product reception and connect followers with star athletes via twitter.如今他们主要利用它分析产品接受情况,并在Twitter上把明星运动员介绍给自己的粉丝。

19.announce:[ə'nauns] v.宣布

He will announce tonight that he is resigning from office...他将于今晚宣布辞职。

She was planning to announce her engagement to Peter...她正计划宣布她和彼得订婚一事。

It was announced that the groups have agreed to a ceasefire.据宣告称这些组织已经同意停火。

20.anxious:['æŋkʃəs] adj.忧虑的,焦急的;渴望的,急要的Both the Americans and the Russians are anxious to avoid conflict in South Asia...美国人和俄罗斯人都迫切希望避免在南亚发生冲突。

The foreign minister admitted he was still anxious about the situation in the country...外交部长承认对于该国的局势他仍然颇感忧虑。

A friend of mine is a very anxious person.我的一个朋友是个非常容易焦虑不安的人。

Be more friendly

IT began a year ago, around Christmas.Every time I drove down our street, I noticed an old man sitting in his front yard.He was usually smoking or drinking, and looking rather grumpy(郁郁寡欢的).One day, while I was driving past him with my daughter, I decided to wave at him with a lot of excitement.Initially(开始), when he noticed me waving at him, he looked a bit shocked.Then, I saw his hand go up and he waved back.“Why did you wave at him?” my daughter asked.I told her that it’s just an act of kindness that doesn’t cost anything, and it gives both him and me a sense of joy.She responded by saying that she was a bit embarrassed to wave to a stranger, but next time she would try it as well.We lived close to the old man, so we saw him rather often.Whenever we drove by, both of us would start waving at him and, pretty soon, the old man started waving at everyone who passed by his home.One day, my daughter’s friend came to visit and she told my daughter that she saw this strange old man near our home who waved at her very excitedly.She mentioned that she waved back at him, even though she didn’t know him, and it felt really good.Upon hearing this, my daughter told her friend the story of how all the waving began. Her friend responded: “Tell your mom that’s really cool!”

Other friends made similar comments, and this response taught my daughter just how much an act of kindness can be very natural and effortless, if you really want to do it.It showed us how giving happiness benefits both the giver and the receiver.The other day, my friend shared similar sentiments(观点)with me.“I have been meaning to talk to you about this man who waves at us every time we come to your house!” she said. My husband then told her the story about how it all began last year.Inspired by all these positive ripples(涟漪), we’re planning to give our elderly waving neighbor a thank-you card, to express our gratitude(感激)for the warm presence that he

communicates through his enthusiastic waves.We really appreciate him sharing his simple joy with all who pass by his house.Words in focus

1.embarrassed:adj.feeling ashamed or shy 尴尬的I’m embarrassed to admit that I’ve never actually read the book.2.mention vt.talk about, write about, or refer to(sth or sb)especially in a brief way 提及, 说起 She’s never mentioned anything to me about her parents.3.response n.sth that is done as a reaction to sth else

When I told him my plan, I wasn’t expecting such an enthusiastic response.4.elderly adj.old, past middle age 过了中年的, 稍老的The program is intended to provide medical care for elderly people.5.appreciatevt.be thankful for 感激,欣赏

I really appreciate you giving me that information.Sentence bank

1.Upon hearing this, my daughter told her friend the story of how all the waving began.


分析: Upon/on doing… 意思是“一……就……”,本句也可以这样表达:As soon as my daughter heard this, she told her friend … 例如:Upon arriving home, she took off her high-heel shoes as quickly as possible.2.“I have been meaning to talk to you about this man who waves at us every time we come to your house!” she said.释义:她说道:“我一直想跟你们说说那个男人,每次我们去你们家他都朝我们挥手!”

分析:Mean to do sth,想要做某事。Have / has been doing sth,现在完成进行时,表示该动作从过去某时开始,且一直持续到现在,也许还将持续下去。例如:We have been waiting for her for almost two hours!



The history of Internet

The 199os saw great changes in the way people communicate.…………

Animal Testing Animal testing may be necessary, but we need to be merciful

Every year, millions of animals undergo painful suffering or death as a result of scientific research into the effects of drugs, food additives, cosmetics and other chemical products.。。。。

Animal Testing There is no alternative

Every day, thousands of people are saved from painful diseases and death by powerful medical drugs and treatments.This incredible gift of medicine would not be possible without animal testing………………………………

Animal Testing Advantages of Animal Testing in Medical Research

Medical research involving animals has dramatically improved the health of the human race.Without animal testing, the cure for polio would not exist and diabetics would suffer or die from their disease.Home Schooling: The Right Choice? Are parents really helping their children by teaching them at home? In most countries in the world, governments require children to attend schools in which trained teachers are responsible for educating the children using an approved curriculum.However a significant number of parents believe that it is much better for their children to be educated at home by the people who know them and their needs best.This essay will examine the question of home schooling and discuss which the best option for the child is.Retirement Age When should people be made to retire? 55? 65? Should there be a compulsory age limit? Many old people work well into their 70s and 80s, running families, countries or corporations.Other people, however, despite being fit and highly talented, are forced to retire in their or even earlier because of company or national regulations.Spending on Art Art is a basic human need.Governments have a responsibility to spend money on art for their citizens.(Shorter version: 260 words)

Many people's lives are richer because of artchildren or adults? Small children seem to learn very quickly, while adults sometimes appear to lose the ability to pick up new subject such as languages, music, games, or computer programs.In this essay, I will discuss whether children or adults make the best learners.Does foreign aid work? Or does it only help the rich country by keeping the poorer country dependent?

Should rich countries help poorer ones? Today, the world is becoming more and more closely linked.Trade has increased and the movement of people between countries is greater than ever before.However, billions of people still live in poverty, and in many places, the gap between rich and poor is widening.This essay will look at the arguments for and against helping poor countries…………………

Telecommuting: will it change the world? Telecommuting will have major effects in the worlds of work and family life.However, its biggest effect will be in the area of individual freedom, responsibility, and time management.Should dangerous sports be banned?

Save our Sports!Today, many sports are becoming increasingly regulated.Boxing, rugby, soccer, and other games are being targeted by sports bodies and medical organizations in an effort to improve safety standards and to reduce injuries.However, for some people, this is not enough, and they would rather see some dangerous sports banned completely.Should dangerous sports be banned? Yes!Millions of people play sport every day, and, inevitably, some suffer injury or pain.Most players and spectators accept this risk.However, some people would like to see dangerous sports such as boxing banned……………….Education: Losing its Value Today, it seems to be universally accepted that increased education is a good thing.Thousands of colleges and millions of students spend vast amounts of time and money chasing pieces of paper.But what is the value of these qualifications?....................Education: Losing its Value Today, it seems to be universally accepted that increased education is a good thing.Thousands of colleges and millions of students spend vast amounts of time and money chasing pieces of paper.But what is the value of these qualifications?...........Is Education Being Devalued?

Education: Still Invaluable!In the past, degrees were very unusual in my family.I remember the day my uncle graduated.We had a huge party, and for many years my mother called him “the genius” and listened to his opinion.Today, in comparison five of my brothers and sisters have degrees, and two are studying for their masters'.However, some people think that this increased access to education is devaluing degrees…………….



deceitful ad.欺诈的【例句】本词与“deceive”具有音与意的关联性。


n.1.减除, 扣除, 减除额 2.推论, 演绎

【例句】a natural deduction from the evidence 从证据推断出的必然结论

deem v.认为,视为,相信

【例句】The government ~ed the contry’s future power needs more important.政府认为国家今后的劝力需求更为重要。【认知】本词与动词“doom(判定)”有发音与意义的相关性。

defaulted v.1.不履行义务,缺席 2.违约,不履行债务,拖欠

【例句】A total of 125 contracts went into ~ up ot May 25.至5月25日,总共有125份合同未履行。

defect n.1.缺点,缺陷,毛病,瑕疵 2.缺乏,欠缺

【例句】The fundamental ~ of fathers is that they want their children to be a credit to them.父亲们根本的毛病是想通过孩子争光。


a.防卫的,防御用的, 自卫的【例句】The slightest delay in defensive dispositions might sound the coutry’s death-knel.防御部署的稍一迟误可能会敲响这个国家的丧钟。


n.(~ to)顺从, 尊重

【例句】The respect with which he had always treated me deepened into deference.他素来对我采取的敬重态度进一步溶化成了敬仰。

deficient a.(~ in)缺乏的, 不足的, 不完善的【例句】a new boy graded dull, if not actually deficient 一个即使不算有智力缺陷也该列为迟钝的新生


n.1.赤字,亏绌,亏损 2.缺乏,不足,不足之额;缺陷

【例句】The baseball team erased a 6-0 ~.这支棒球队刷去了一个6-0的落后纪录。【认知】前缀为“de”;词根“fic”与“fair(做)”为变体关系;核心含义为“缺乏,不足”。

defiance n.(~ against)1.违抗,反抗,藐视 2.挑战

【例句】The child showed ~ by refusing to eat.那孩子以拒绝吃东西来表示反抗。


v.(~ into)衰退,堕落,蜕化;变坏

【例句】Her eyesight ~d with the years.她的视力因年老而衰退。




n.熟思, 从容, 商议, 考虑

【例句】after mature deliberation 经过周密的考虑


n.行为不良, 错失

【例句】All forms of delinquency tend to get lumped together by the public.各类少年犯罪易被公众不加区别地混为一谈。




descent n.1.降下, 降落 2.世系, 血统, 侵袭

【例句】The road makes a sharp ~ just past the lake.道路一过湖泊便陡峭下倾。【认知】前缀为“de-”;词根“scend”含义为“to climb”(增加;爬)。如“ascent”与其同源。


n.1.描写,叙述,说明 2.种类,性质

【例句】a tyrant of the worst ~ 坏得无以复加的暴君


a.1.荒芜的,荒凉的 2.不幸的,可怜的 3.沉闷的,令人沮丧的【例句】 She was ~ after the death of her husband.丈夫去世后,她孤独凄凉。【认知】前缀为“de”;词根“sola”含义为“alone;lonely”(孤独)。如“isolate”与其同源。


a.绝望的, 失望的【例句】 He was filed with ~ by his failures.由于多次失败,他完全绝望了。


a.可鄙的, 卑劣的 【认知】词根“-spic-”含义为“看;视”;如在“spy”之中。



【例句】Other boys ~ for a coward.其他男孩因他胆小而看不起他。【认知】词根“-spis-”含义为“看;视”。


n.1.分开, 拆开 2.超然, 分离

【例句】He was operated on for detachment of the retina.他作了视网膜剥离手术。Mental illness and detachment from society are the ingredients ofsuicide.精神病与不合群是造成自杀的因素。【认知】如“attach”与其同源。


v.恶化,变坏, 质量(或价值)下降,退化,衰退,变质,堕落

【例句】Relations between the two countries began to ~ in 1965.在1965年,两国关系开始恶化。【认知】词根“-ter-”含义为“差”。


ad.决然地, 断然地

devastating a.1.破坏性极大的,毁灭性的 2.令人泄气的,压倒的;令人震惊的【例句】a weapon that would be ~ against truck convoys 能摧毁运输车队的武器。【认知】词根“-vast-”含义为“空”。如“avoid”与其同源。


a.(~ of)全无的, 缺乏的【认知】词根“-void-”含义为“空”。如“avoid”与其同源。

devotions n.热爱, 投入

【例句】to be deeply moved by sb.’s devotion 深为某人的献身精神所感动



diffuse v.1.扩散(气体、液体等),(使)(热气、气味等)四散,散播 2.传播,普及,散布,(使)分散

【例句】The colcours of the sunset were ~d across the sky.日落时分的霞光布满天空。【认知】前缀为“dis”的含义;词根“fus”的含义为“pour”(倾倒);本词的核心含义为“spread about”(倒出的,散步的)。如“confuse”与其同源


n.1.尊贵,高贵,高尚 2.(举止、态度等的)庄严,端庄,尊严

【例句】 Perhaps the only true ~ of man is his capacity to despise himself.人惟一真正的尊贵也许在于能够鄙视自己。【认知】词根“-dign-”含义为“价值”。如“indignation”与其同源。


n.1.[常作~s]尺寸,长度 2.[常作~s]面积,大小,规模,程度 3.[亦作~s]范围,重要性 4.特点,特性;方面,部分 5.重要因素

【例句】Man’s mind strtched to a new idea never goes back to its original ~s.人的头脑伸展到触及新思想之后,绝不会缩回原先的尺寸。


a.(~ with)不满意的【例句】A spirit of discontent was rapidly forming among the people.在人们中间很快出现了不满情绪。

discrepancy n.1.不符合, 差异,不一致 2.不相符之外,不一致之处

【例句】The ~ in their ages seemed not to matter.他们之间年龄的差异似乎没有多大关系。【认知】参见前缀“dis”的含义;词根“crepa”含义为“to be noisy”(劈啪作响 — 不与谐)。

discriminate v.1.区别,辩别2.歧视 a.1.有区别的,有差别的 2.有识别力的,细心鉴别的【例句】Wings and feathers ~ birds from other animals.翅膀与羽毛使鸟类区别于其他动物。【认知】参见前缀“dis”的含义;词根“crimina”的含义为“to divide;to discern”(分开)。

disgraceful a.可耻的, 无名誉的【例句】“It’s simply disgraceful of you, Peter,” threw in Betty.“彼得,你简直可耻,”贝蒂插嘴说。

disgusted v.1.(使)作呕2.(使)厌恶,(使)讨厌 3.(使)无兴趣,(使)厌弃

【例句】His failures ~ him to the point that the stopped trying.一再失败使他兴味索然,以至不再尝试了。【认知】词根“-gust-”含义为“品味”。



【例句】nuclear disintegration原子核脱变(或崩解)。【认知】词根“teg”含义为“接触;触摸”。如“tangile”与其同源。



n.(职位、数量、质量等)不一致, 不同, 不等



n.争论, 驳斥, 议论


disrespectful a.失礼的, 无礼的Disrupt v.1.使破裂,使分裂,使瓦解 2.扰乱,使中断

【例句】Their quarrels ~ the coalition.他们的争执使联盟分裂了。【认知】词根“-rupt-”含义为“打破”。如“bankrupt”与其同源。

dissolve v.1.(使)溶解;(使)融化2.解散,(使)破裂 4.毁坏,使破 5.(使)分裂,(使)分解

【例句】Half an hour later, the parety began to ~.半小时以后,宴会宾客开始散去。

distinctions n.1.区分,辨别,分清 2.差别,不同,对比 3.不同点,特征 4.优良,优秀, 卓越

【例句】There are the highest ~ that have ever been given by our gobernment.这些是我国政府迄今授予的最高荣誉称号。【认知】词根“-sting-”含义为“刺入 — 分开”。如“distinguish”与其同源。


ad.清楚地, 显然

【例句】a new play which is distinctly in the movement 一出显然符合时代潮流的新戏。【认知】词根“-sting-”含义为“刺入 — 分开”。如“distinguish”与其同源。

distinguished a.卓著的, 著名的, 高贵的【例句】a cablegram as ~ from an ordinary telegram有别于普通电报的海底电报


v.1.(使)不同,(使)多样化 2.增加产品种类以扩大(公司、业务);增加(产品)的品种

【例句】Firms may seek to spread their risks by ~ing their output.商行可以用增加产品种类的方法使风险分散。

dominance n.优势, 统治

【认知】词根“-dom-”含义为“地主 — 统治”。如“dominate”与其同源。

dosed v.(按剂量)给…服药,(用药)医治

【例句】He ~ himself with medicines to stop the cold from getting worse.他服药以防止感冒恶化。

doubtlessly ad.无疑地,肯定地

downright a.明白的, 显明的, 率直的 ad.全然, 完全, 彻底

drudgeries n.苦差事, 苦工

【例句】to be ridden by the harmless drudgery of dictionary-making 随着编写词典这一无害苦役的重压【认知】本词核心含义为“做头盔的人 — 苦工”。

dubiousness a.1.引起怀疑的,不确定的,暧昧的,含糊的 2.未定局的,无把握的 3.怀疑的,疑惑的,犹豫不决的 4.有问题的,靠不住的【例句】They were dubious about the whole affair.他们对整个事情有怀疑。【认知】本词词根“du-”含义为“two”,含义为“wavering;vacillate”(动摇;两者之间摆动)。

dues n.1.应有的权益,应得的事物 2.[常作~s]应缴款;税,会费 3.[~s]责任,义务

【例句】We’ve paid considerable amounts of ~ in trying to get it done.为了把这件事做成功,我们花了许多精力。

duplication n.完全一样的东西,副本,抄件;复制品




【例句】 a child ~ by malnutrition 因营养不良而不高的孩子



n.真挚, 认真, 热心

【例句】The earnestness of life is the only ~ to the satisfaction of life.认真的生活态度是走向满意的生活的惟一护照。


n.偏心, 古怪

【例句】The eccentricity of this very strange old gentleman had become the nucleus for a thousand fantastic stories.这位怪老人的奇癖已成为无数荒诞故事的中心内容。【认知】词根“-cent-”含义为“中心”;如“concentrate”与其同源。



【例句】 Three years ~ before he returned.过了3年他才回来。【认知】前缀为“ex-”的含义;词根“lap”含义为“to fall;to slip;to glide”(溜走)。


v.1.排除,消除,根除 2.淘汰 3.不加考虑,忽视;略去

【例句】to eliminate the exploitation of man by man消除人剥削人的现象。【认知】词根“-limit-”含义为“门槛”。如“preliminary”与其同源。


n.1.[总称]上层人士,掌权人物,实力集团 2.[总称]出类拔萃的人(或集团),精英

【例句】All the officers are dressed in most ~ uniforms.所有军官都穿着非常考究的制服。【认知】参见前缀“ex-”的含义;词根“lit”与“lect(挑选)”为变体,含义为“to choose”(精选的)。如“elegant”与其同源。

elusive a.难懂的, 难捉摸的, 易忘的【认知】词根“-lus-”含义为“欺骗;逃避”。


n.困窘, 阻碍

【例句】to fake a yawn to dissemble embarrassment 假装打呵欠掩饰窘态。【认知】词根“-bar-”含义为“木棒 — 阻挡”。如“”与其同源。


n.灰烬, 余烬

【例句】the embers of medical progress 医学进步的余烬


a.无所不包的, 全部包围的【例句】He returned home one day embracing a large paper bag.有一天他回家来,怀里揣着一只大纸袋。【认知】词根“-brace-”含义为“双臂”。如“brace”与其同源。


vt.1.制定(法律);通过(法案等)2.上演,扮演 3.颁布,发布(法令、命令等)

【例句】She felt dismay over the scene that had just been ~ed.她对刚才出现的情况感到惊慌。

encounter v.1.遇见,偶然碰到,与...邂逅 2.遭到,受到 3.与...发生冲突;与...交战

【例句】One rainy night the policeman had a chance ~ with a gang of smugglers.在一个雨夜,那个警察正巧碰上了一伙走私犯。【认知】本词词根“counter”含义为“对;抗”。

endanger v.危及


endures v.1.忍受,耐住2.(常与cannot等否定词连用)容忍

【例句】 ~ toothache(humiliation, torture, a setback, inconveniences)忍受牙痛(羞辱,折磨,挫折,不便)

enhancement n.增进, 增加

【例句】Their living expenses are constantly enhancing.他们的生活费在不断上涨。


n.启迪, 教化



n.暴行, 巨大, 极恶



n.款待者, 表演娱乐节目的人, 演艺人员

【例句】They’ve lined up some excellent entertainers for our show.他们邀来了几名出色的艺人参加我们的演出会。


n.热心家, 狂热者

【例句】Although the weather is fine, the supply of local winter sports enthusiasts is negligible.虽然天气晴朗,当地参加冬季运动的积极分子却少得可怜。


v.(~ to)1.给…权利;给…资格 2.称呼;给……称号(或尊称)

【例句】She had a pass that ~ her to free travel on the railway.她有一张可以免费乘坐火车的证件。


] n.1.企业家 2.(任何活动的)主办者,倡导者

【例句】the vision of an entrepreneur企业家的眼力

envious a.嫉妒的, 羡慕的【例句】The envious man grows lean at the success of his neighbor.忌妒的人由于邻人的成功而变得消瘦。


n.1.大片私有土地;庄园 2.【律】地产;产业,财产;遗产;地产权;财产权

【例句】He has a beautiful estate 40 miles from New York with a country house and a swimming pool on it.他在离纽约40英里处有一个美丽的庄园,那里有一所别墅与一个游泳池。

ethnical a.1.种族的;种族上的;人种学的 2.异教徒的,非基督徒的 3.源自(或属于)某民族(或国家)文化传统的;原始种族的evoke v.1.唤起,引起 2.(使)人想起

【例句】His comment ~d protest from the listeners.他的评论引起了听众的抗议。【认知】前缀为“ex-”;词根“vok”含义为“to call forth;to call”(唤叫)。如“provoke”与其同源。

evolutionary a.进化的【认知】词根“-volu-”含义为“旋转;变化”。如“revolution”与其同源。

exceedingly ad.非常,极其

【例句】They were ~ generous.他们非常慷慨大方。【认知】前缀为“ex-”;词根“ceed”与“ced”具有变体关系,含义为“超出;越过”。

exceptionally ad.例外地, 异常地

【例句】The lathe is exceptionally sweet in operation.这台车床极易操作。

excesses n.1.过量,过度,无节制 2.超越,超过 3.超过部分;过多的量

【例句】His ~ lead to the breakup of his family.他的过分行为导致了家庭的破裂。

exclusive a.1.奢华的,高级的 2.独有的,独享的,独占的 3.排除其他一切的;全部的,专一的;唯一的,单独的 n.1.独家新闻,独家专文;独家经营的项目 2.孤傲的人

【例句】Dictionary-making has been his ~ employment.编词典一直是他唯一的工作。

excursion n.1.远足;短途旅行;集体游览 2.远足队,游览团

【例句】an intellectual ~ into electronics涉猎电子学。~ from the major theme偏离主题。【认知】前缀为“ex-”;词根“curs”与“cour(跑)”为变体关系,核心含义为“to run”(漫游;游览)。


v.1.原谅,宽恕2.(~ from)使免除(责任、惩罚等)3.为…辩解,作为开脱…的理由 4.同意免除;不强求

【例句】He ~ her carelessness in upsetting the ink.他原谅她不小心打翻了墨水。

Exemplify v.是(或作为)…的典型(或榜样);例示,举例证明

【例句】The teacher exemplified the use of the word.教师举例说明了这个词的用法。

exerted v.1.用(力),尽(力)2.运用,发挥,施加

【例句】He’s been ~ing a lot of pressure on me to change my mind.他一直在施加种种压力要


a.无穷无尽的【例句】inexhaustible supplies of energy 取之不尽的能源供给


a.过度的, 过高的, 昂贵的【认知】本词的核心含义与“越轨的”有关。

expectedly a.如所意料或预期地

explicitly ad.明白地, 明确地

【例句】explicitly stated in laws 法律上有明文规定

explode v.1.爆炸;爆破;突然破裂 2.爆发,突发,发怒 3.激增,迅速扩大

【例句】He threw a glass on the stone floor and it ~d like a shot.他把玻璃杯往石头上一扔,杯子像霰弹一样崩碎了。【认知】前缀为“ex-”的含义;“plod”与“plaud”为变体关系;该词的核心含义为“to drive off by clapping(拍手把…撵走;赶走)”。

exploit v.1.剥削 2.利用,开发,开采 3.利用 n.[5eksplCit] 业绩,功绩,功勋

【例句】We were spellbound listening to his ~s at sea.我们听他谈海上英勇业绩都入了迷。【认知】前缀为“ex-”的含义;“plo”与“plic”为变体关系,含义为“to fold”;该词的核心含义为“unfolded”(打开;开采)。

explorations n.探险, 踏勘, 探测

【例句】Their exploration to the primeval forest was quite a chapter of accidents.他们去原始森林探险,的确发生了一连串意想不到的事情。

exposure n.(~ to)1.暴露,显露 2.揭发,揭露 3.公开露面

【例句】The best part of the job was her constant ~ to books.她这个工作的最大优点是能经常接触书本。the ~ of graft and corruption对贪污腐化的揭露。【认知】前缀为“ex-”的含义;“pos”含义为“to set;to put”(放;搁);该词的核心含义与“放置;阐明”有关。

exquisitely ad.精巧地, 敏锐地


externally [ eks5tE:nli ] ad.外表上, 外形上



 associate

v : 1.将……联系起来;在头脑中联想

~sb/sth(with sb/sth)


~with sb


~oneself with sth n.合伙人;同事;伙伴

association n.1.联合;联系;联盟;合伙

与某人为伍;友谊;友情;交往 2.联想


【真题】:They are going to construct the airport in

with another firm.A.Association




【解析】 in ~ with


by/in comparison 相比之下

stand /bear comparison with…


 assume v.1.假定;假设;设想;以为



assumed adj.假装的;假的



custom惯例;习俗;海关;关税 costume服装;戏服

assumption n.on the ~that……假定;如果

~of sth 承担;担任(职务等)显示出(假情假意等)

【真题】Scientists_that there is no animal life on Mars.A.assume



D.presume 【解析】resume重新开始(某事物);(停顿后)继续进行(某事物)


 assure



~sb /oneself(of sth)2.使(某事物)确定;确保


assured adj 有把握的;有自信的

【真题】He was proud of being chosen to participate in the game and he_us that he would try as hard as possible.A.assured B.insured C.assumed D.guaranteed assure sb of sth 或assure sb that……向……保证(以消除怀疑或使人放心)【解析】sure(作表语)

~of /about sth;~that;be ~ to do sth 务必做某事;

make sure of sth/that insure

~ sb/sth(against sth)保险;投保;使无风险 guaantee保证,为……担保,确保 +n/that从句

~sth to sb 向……担保某事物 be ~d to do sth 必定做某事

 attempt v.试图;努力;尝试


~to do sth / at doing sth 2.试图做某事而得到的产物

~(at sth)3.对改进或结束某事物所做的努力;攻击;袭击

~(on sth)

temptation n.诱惑;引诱

【真题】Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first

A.Intention B.attempt C.purpose D.desire intention 意图;打算(intense强烈的,剧烈的;认真的;热情的)【解析】 On one’s frist attempt 在某人第一次尝试时

Have the intention of doing sth 打算做…

Desire n/v(longing;craving)渴望;欲望;渴求;热望 ~for sth/to do sth  attach


attach A to B 将A附在B上

2.(a)依附某人 ~oneself to sb/sth

(b)将某人派给(一人或一组织)去执行某任务 ~sb to sb/sth 3.(a)将某事物与另一事物相联系;将某事物归于另一事物


attached adj.~to sb /sth 依恋、爱慕、留恋某人(某事物)

attachment n.【真题】Your failure in the final examination is due to the fact that you didn’t

enough importance to your English.A.attend B.attack C.attach D.obtain 【解析】attach importance to 把重点放在……,认为……很重要


 attend

1.专心;仔细考虑~to sb/sth 护理精心照料

2.照顾、关照某人(某事物)3.照看(某人);照料;看护 4.照例去(某处);出席

~school /church …… 5.伴随(某人/某事物);陪伴 Tend to 注意 ;趋向

【真题】this is the nurse who

to me when I was ill in hospital.A.Entertained B.accompanied C.attended D.shielded 【解析】Shield sb/sth遮挡……,保护……

Shield保护或庇护某人(某事物)Shelter v/n 庇护,掩护

 attract v.1.吸引



attraction /attractive /tract(大片土地,地带;道,束)【真题】This new NSF network

more and more institutional users ,many of which had their own internal networks.A.Expanded B.contracted C.attracted D.extended 【解析】Expand 扩张,扩展

Contract v.与某人签订(合同或契约)~with sb for sth contrast对比显出 两人或事物的差 ~A and /withB extend 延伸,伸展

 attribute

v.认为某事物属于某人;认为某事物由某人引起或产生;~sth to sb/sth



辨析:contribute v.~sth to /towards sth 捐助;捐赠;贡献

~to sth 增加某事物;添加到某事物中;促成某事物

contribution v.make a contributions/contributions to(doing)sth.【真题】There is another man that can be

to the works of Shakespare.A.ascribe B.assigned C.attributed D.applide 【解析】ascribe sth to sb 认为……是某人所做,归功于、归咎于某人(某事物)

assign sth to sb 分配给某人(任务、工作等)apply sth to sth 将……应用于……

 authentic

adj1.真的;真迹的;非伪造的 2.可靠的,可信的,【真题】Is that a(n)

Roman statue ,or a modern copy ? A.actual B.true C.real D.authentic 【解析】 Genuine 名副其实的,真的;非伪造的;非人工的 genius 天才

 available

adj 1.(指物)可用的或可得到的2.(指认)可会见的,可与之交谈等

avail v.~oneself of sth 使用,利用某事物

~sb nothing对某人无用

【真题】There should be more money

to support people in establishing a sense of identity and finding constructive roles for the “third age ”.A.Reliable B.considerable C.available D.feasible 【解析】 reliable 可靠的;可信赖的

considerable 相当多的;相当大的,可观的feasible 可行的,可做的,可能的

 absent

adj.1、缺席的,不在场的2、缺乏的,不存在的3、心不在焉的,出神的 【搭配】be absent from不在某地

be absent A in B 不在A地,在B地。

2、Love was totally absent from his childhood.他童年时根本没有得到疼爱。

an absent expression 一副心不在焉的表情

 access1、通道,入口


3、使用,接近,获取,使用科技手段取得(货物或信息)【搭配】the access to 进入…的通道  accord



【搭配】accord sth to sb =accord sb sth.将某物赋予/给予/授予某人  account



3、说明, 总计有, 认为, 得分 vt.解释,说明


【搭配】 account for解释,说明

of no account 不重要的

on account of = because of=for the sake of为了…的缘故,因为,由于

on no account 绝不

take account of 考虑到,顾及,体谅(= take…into account=make allowance for)take into account =allow for 考虑,顾及

 adapt vt.1、使适应,使适合(新用途、新情况)adapt to


adapt for



【搭配】 be adapted from根据...改写[改编];

adapt oneself to使自己适应或习惯于某事; adapt sth.to使某事物适应或适合

 affect


n.affection 喜爱,感情,爱慕之情

【搭配】have an affect on 【真题】We are interested in the weather because it()us so directly-what we wear,what we do,and even how we feel.A.benefits



D.effects 【解析】A:financial assistance in time of need

C:someone employed to conduct others

D:a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon  arise vi.1、产生,出现,发生



【搭配】arise from由……引起,起因于

arise out of起于…… 【真题】A completely new situation will when the examination system comes into existence




D.arouse 【解析】B:a growth in strength or number or importance

C:the amount a salary is increased

D:call forth,stop sleeping 【区别】 arise,rise,raise

1、arise vi.表示“发生,发现,由..引起由..产生;起床”,如: A new difficulty has arisen.2、rise vi.“上升,升起,起床”,如: Unemployment was rising.3、raise vt.“引起,举起”,如: Raise your hand please.4、arouse.vt引起,唤起;唤醒

 artificial adj.人工的,人造的,人为的(;喻)假的,矫揉造作的,模拟的n.artificiality 【搭配】 artificial intelligence人工智能

an artificial voice generator 模拟声音发生器 an artificial smile 做作的微笑

【真题】There were some()flowers on the table.A.artificial



D.unreal 【解析】B:contrary to nature

C:not in accordance with the fact or reality or actuality

D:lacking in reality or substance or genuineness  awkward

adj.1、尴尬的,棘手的、笨拙的,不灵巧的 awkwardly adv.awkwardness

n. acquaintance

n.对某事或某人了解 【搭配】 acquaintance with someone对某人的认识

make the acquaintance of 和……相识

【真题】It was in the United States that I made the()of

Professor Jones.A.acknowledgement



D.association 【解析】A/C:the state or quality of being recognized

D:a formal organization of people or groups of people  acquire


【搭配】acquire a target 捕获目标

acquire a title of 得到……的头衔

acquire an education 获得教育

【真题】If people feel hopeless,they don’t bother to()the skills they need to succeed.A.adopt



D.assemble 【解析】A:assume,take in sth

C:store up D:create by components or nembers together  add



【搭配】 add……to把……加到

add insult to injury把关系弄得更糟

【真题】Although he had looked through all the reference material on the subject,he still found it hard to understand this point and her explanation only()to his confusion.A.extended



D.turned 【解析】A:relatively long in duration D:wheel,shift,roll  advocate v.拥护、提倡、支持


【搭配】devil’s advocate故意持相反意见的人

【真题】Mr.Jones holds strong views against video games and()the closing of all recreation facilities for such games.A.acknowledges



D.admits 【解析】C:give help or assistance


 against prep.<1>预防



【搭配】up against面临

go against不利于,反对

over against在……对面

as against与……相对照

【真题】After the robbery,the shop installed a sophisticate alarm system as aninsurance

further losses.A.for



D.towards 【解析】 A:regarding,toward,in the case of

B:by virtue of

D:at,unto,for,on,to  appeal Vi.1、(尤指慈善机构或警方的)呼吁;恳求;



【搭配】appeal for恳求,请求

appeal against提出上诉 arise.vi出现,产生;由..引起由..产生;起床 arouse.vt引起,唤起;唤醒

【真题】Police have()to the public to come forward with any information which might help them in their inquiries.

 A.urged



D.called 【解析】A:egde on


D:a telephone connection assist V.<1>.援助,帮助

<2>在某场合出席,参加某事物 【搭配】assist sb.in/with sth.帮助某人做某事

assist sb.in doing sth.帮助某人做某事

【真题】He asked us to()them in carrying through their plan.A.provide



D.persist 【解析】A:provide or furnish with

B:call forth,stop sleeping

D:continue to exist adjust


adjust(oneself)to sth 使自己适合,适应于某事

【真题】People need opportunities to make a” midlife review “ to ___the later stages of employed life ,and to plan for the transition to retirement.A.transform



D.suit 【解析】A.转换,转变


D.适合某种要求 admit 承认,供认;准许…进入(加入)admit sb to 准许进入,吸收为成员

【真题】The ticket __ one person to the show.A.promises

B.enters C.admits D.includes 【解析】A.允诺,答应


D.包含,包括 adopt

收养,采取,批准,通过 adapt


【搭配】the adopted children the methods adopted 【真题】So instead of simply trying to reduce the damage ,we are

____a positive approach, 【解析】A.adjusting



D.admiting advisable


【真题】If a test taken finds an item to which the answer is unknown ,it may be ____to leave it blank an go on with the test.A.Desirable

B,admirable C.advisable D, acceptable 【解析】A,值得向往的,可取的,有利的B.令人钦佩的alone 单独的,独一无二的,唯一的 【搭配】leave alone 不打扰,不惊动

let alone 更别提,更谈不上

【真题】Fewer and fewer of today’s workers expect to spend their working lives in the same field,___the same company.A.all else

B.much worse

C.less likely

D.let alone 【解析】A,所有其他的B.比…差得多

C.更不可能 alive 活着的,在世的,有活力的,敏感的 【搭配】be alive with 充满…,到处是

【真题】Scientists are searching for the oldest tree ____because it can teach them a great deal about many matters.A.live



D.alive 【解析】A.活的,现存的(作前置定语)B.活泼的,有生气的C.活着的(多作前置定语) ambitious


ambition n.雄心,野心

【真题】My brother’s plan are very ____;he wants to master English ,French and Spanish before he is sixteen.A.arbitrary



D.abundant 【解析】A.武断的,专横的B,侵略的,积极进取的D 丰富的  amount



【搭配】amount to(doing)sth 共计,等同于

amount of sth =a quantity of sth 数量;数额(不可数)

an amount of time/money/information 【真题】Dreaming without hard work will never____angthing.A,set aside

B,consist of


D.burst out 【解析】A.留出,不理会 B,由…构成D,突然…起来  assign 指派,选派

【搭配】assign to 指派 【真题】If your first days at school you will be given a test to help the teachers to a____you to a class at you level.A.locate



D.place 【解析】A,置放于(某处)C.送交,移交

D.指派  abandon


(2)abandon oneself to使放纵;使听任

(3)abandon oneself on 沉溺于….=be addicted to 对…..上瘾,沉迷于


放纵,放任,狂放  absorb



2.合并(公司等);吞并[(+into)] 3.承受;经受;承担(费用等)

4.be absorbed in 使全神贯注

 aboard

adv 1.在船(或飞机,车)上;上船(或飞机,车)2.并排在边上

prep 1.在(船,飞机,车)上;进入,上(船,飞机,车)形似词:abroad 在国外;到国外  abundant

adj 1.大量的;充足的2.丰富的;富裕的

【搭配】abundant rainfall 充沛的雨

be abundant in

 abuse





4.辱骂[U]  accomplish

vt 1.完成,实现,达到;认为


【搭配】to accomplish a purpose 实现目标  accustomed

adj 1.惯常的,通常的


v.accustom 【搭配】1.be accustomed to doing=be used to习惯于

2.accustom oneself to使自己习惯于;养成...的习惯  acknowledge


acknowledge that


3.告知收到(信件,礼物等), 确认 4.对...打招呼

【搭配】be acknowledged to be…被公认为是

It is acknowledged that大家都认为


 addition n.加.加法;附加物

【搭配】in addition=as well用作副词,另外  ascribe

Vi.把…归因于to= attribute..to  arrange

vt.1)安排,准备,筹划 2)整理,排列,布置


【搭配】arrange for 安排,准备

arrange with sb.about sth.与某人商定某事  arrangement




【考题】Tours are generally _A_ by travel agents to satisfy the interests of those who are most likely to take such trips.A.arranged 安排

B.explained C.discarded 抛弃D.studied 旅行  announce

v.Announce sth to sb

宣布,宣告(决定、计划等) apologize v.道歉,谢罪

【搭配】apologize(to sb)(for sth)apology n.主动道歉;致歉;要求/接受道歉

 appoint




appoint sb(of)sth / appoint sb as sth  allocate


【搭配】allocate sth(to sb/sth) alternate v.使交流;使轮流

【搭配】alternate A with B

 approach v.(在距离或时间上)靠近,接近

n.(1)approach to sb(接人待物或思考问题的)

(2)movement nearer to sb / sth

【搭配】the welcome approach of spring 春天令人欢欣的来临

 approve

v.1.赞同,同意 2.批准,通过(计划、提案、要求)3.认可,核准  arrest





【搭配】under arrest 被逮捕

house arrest 软禁  accelerate(v)1.加速;催促, 促进;增加(数量)【搭配】accelerated cement快凝水泥

accelerate growth促进发育

accelerate the process加快过程

accelerate the reform加快改革


书信开头问候语例句 

 您好,别来无恙吧!您最近工作忙吗? 很久没有给你写信了,十分想念。好久没看见你,不知道你近来怎样? 自从分别以后,我非常想念你,想必你一切都好。一别几个月,非常想念,所以写信来向你问候。收到你的来信,知道你一切安好,我很高兴。分别后已经有几天了,正想给你写信,没想到你的信却寄来了。你好。某月某日的来信收到了,谢谢。你好。你的来信收到了,谢谢你对我的关心。上星期收到你的来信,由于学校举行测验(考试),不能及时给你回信,很对不起。 我们分别,已经快要一年了,我无时无刻不在想念你,近来学业一定大有进步吧!

 前天收到你的来信,知道你工作顺利、非常高兴。听说你前几天病了,不知道痊愈了吗? 听说你这次考试考得不理想,心情不好。

书信结尾客套话例句    希望你能尽快给我回信。哎,还有很多功课要做,我就写到这里,下次再谈。今后还请你多多指教。给你添了不少麻烦,以后一定当面向你道谢。 以后有时间,请多多来信。 请代我问候你家里的人。 有什么需要我帮忙的尽管提出,我能力办得到,一定为你效劳。 有空请到我家来坐。 希望你能常给我写信,好增广我的见识。 有关那件事,我们见面时再谈。 你的事我一定尽力去办,请你放心。 别忘了尽快把告诉我你的打算。 家中各事都好,请不必挂念。 希望你能加紧努力,考得好成绩。 就此停笔,以后再谈。 有什么事,请你写信告诉我,好吗?

祝福语包括请候语,安好语 请候语:

o 敬祝、祝您、祝你、顺祝、谨祝、恭祝、此祝

 安好语:

o 健康快乐 o 学业进步 o 万事如意 o 事业顺利 o 合家平安 o 合家幸福 o 生活愉快 o 早日康复 o 心想事成 o 生活美满 o 节日快乐 o 生日快乐 o 婚姻美满



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