
时间:2019-05-12 21:33:01下载本文作者:会员上传



Unit One Geography


1.The Star-spangled Banner(the flag)

2.The Yellowstone National Park

3.Mount Rushmore National Memorial 4.The Great Lakes

5.The Grand Canyon 删除

6.Mississippi River删除


1.Please list five famous buildings or things in New York City.Unit Two History


1.The Declaration of Independence

2.The Bill of Rights

3.The Boston Tea Party

4.Thomas Jefferson

5.Monroe Doctrine

6.Gold Rush

7.Uncle Tom’s Cabin删除

8.The American Civil War

9.Abraham Lincoln

10.Westward Movement

11.Progressive Movement

12.The lost generation

13.The Monkey Trial删除

14.The Great Depression 15.Franklin Roosevelt

16.Lend-lease Bill删除

17.The Beat Generation删除

18.The Civil Rights Movement

19.Martin Luther King, Jr.Questions:

1.What were the reasons for people to found colonies in North America?

2.What do you know about the War of Independence(reasons, process, and significance)?

3.How was American Constitution established and what do you know about it? do you know about Monroe Doctrine? What do you know about the U.S.-Mexican War and its result? What do you know about the Civil War(reasons, process, and significance)? What do you know about the Progressive Movement? What kind of changes did modern America experienced at the beginning of the 20th century?

9.What do you know about World War One and America’s policy during the war?

10.The target of the Progressive Movement was trust and monopoly.What were the negative effects brought by monopoly?

11.What were the nature and effects of WW I?

12.What do you know about Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal?

13.“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government….”

Who is the writer and what is the name of the document?

What is the historical background of the document and how did it come into being?

Unit Three American Identity



2.Model minority

3.Melting pot


1.Why America is called “a nation of immigrants”?

2.What contributions did immigrants make to America?

(Please list at least three points of views)

Unit Four Political Institution


1.The checks and balances


Questions: 1.What are the US government principles?

2.What do you know about the Presidential election in America?

Unit 5 Economy


1.What is the most striking characteristic of the American economy in terms of its diversity?

2.When did service industries in the U.S.experience rapid growth? How significant is the service industry in the American economy?

Unit 8 Education


1.Harvard College

2.Ivy League Questions

1.How have the goals and purposes of education in the U.S.evolved over time? Trance them briefly.Unit 9 Religion


1.In your opinion, why do so many Americans want to keep “In God We Trust” on their currency?

2.How did American religion become pluralistic and diversified?



1.A-level: General Certificate of Education Advanced Level referred to as A-level, It is a British general secondary education certificate examination’ advanced courses, is the British national curriculum system, and the students of the university entrance exam courses.2.bible: The Bible is the holy book of Christianity.It consists of two testaments.The Old Testament contains the Jewish writings before the coming of Christ.The much shorter New Testament contains four accounts(“gospel”)of the life of Christ, followed by the writings of the early Christians, of whom St Paul was the greatest.3.WASP:White Anglo-Saxon Protestant of the original meaning is to point to the United States in power elite group and its culture, customs and moral behavior standard, can now be referring to the European American Protestant people.This group has a huge economic and political power, American society and for the most part of the upper middle class.Despite the increasingly diverse American society, but their cultural, moral and value orientation is to a great extent, affects the development of the United States.4.Independence Day: commonly known as the Fourth of July, is a federal holiday in the United States celebrating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, declaring independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain.5.wall street:Wall Street is the financial district of New York City, named after and centered on the eight-block-long, 0.7 miles(1.1 km)long street running from Broadway to South Street on the East River in Lower Manhattan.Over time, the term has become a metonym for the financial markets of the United States as a whole, the American financial sector(even if financial firms are not physically located there), or signifying New York-based financial interests.Wall Street is the home of the New York Stock Exchange, the world's largest stock exchange by market capitalization of its listed companies.Several other major exchanges have or had headquarters in the Wall Street area, including NASDAQ, the New York Mercantile Exchange, the New York Board of Trade, and the former American Stock Exchange.Anchored by Wall Street, New York City has been called the world's principal financial center.6.Hollywood:is a district in the central region of Los Angeles, California, in the United States.It is notable for its place as the home of the entertainment industry, including several of its historic studios.Its name has come to represent the motion picture industry of the United States.Hollywood is also a highly ethnically diverse, densely populated, economically diverse neighborhood and retail business district.Hollywood was a small community in 1870 and was incorporated as a municipality in 1903.It merged with the City of Los Angeles in 1910, and soon thereafter a film industry began to emerge, eventually becoming dominant in the world.7.Pilgrim Fathers: is a name commonly applied to early settlers of the Plymouth Colony in

present-day Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States.Their leadership came from the religious congregations of Brownist English Dissenters who had fled the volatile political environment in England for the relative calm and tolerance of 16th–17th century Holland in the Netherlands.Concerned with losing their cultural identity, the group later arranged with English investors to establish a new colony in North America.8.Great Charter:Magna Carta(Latin for Great Charter), also called Magna Carta Libertatum or The Great Charter of the Liberties of England, is an Angevin charter originally issued in Latin in June 1215.It was sealed under oath by King John at Runnymede, on the bank of the River Thames near Windsor, England at June 15, 1215.Magna Carta was the first document forced onto a King of England by a group of his subjects, the feudal barons, in an attempt to limit his powers by law and protect their rights.Question:

Melting pot: is a metaphor for a heterogeneous society becoming more homogeneous, the different elements “melting together” into a harmonious whole with a common culture.It is particularly used to describe the assimilation of immigrants to the United States.The melting-together metaphor was in use by the 1780s.The exact term “melting pot” came into general usage in the United States after it was used as a metaphor describing a fusion of nationalities, cultures and ethnicities in the 1908 play of the same name.Separation of powers: Separation of Powers(三权分立)is the basic of thewestern capitalist countries.The origin of the principle of separation of powers can be traced back to(追溯到)the period of Aristotle(亚里士多德时期).It is proposed to avoid the abuse of power(滥用权力).The US Government is divided into three branches so that no one branch has all the power.Each branch has its own purpose:

Legislative Branch(立法机构)— to make laws;

Executive Branch(行政机构)—to executive laws;

Judicial Branch(司法)—interpret the laws;

Civil war(U.S.): was a civil war fought from 1861 to 1865, after seven Southern slave states declared their secession and formed the Confederate States of America(the “Confederacy” or the “South”, which grew to include eleven states).The states that remained in the Union were known as the “Union” or the “North”.The war had its origin in the fractious issue of slavery, especially the extension of slavery into the western territories.Foreign powers did not intervene.After four years of bloody combat that left over 600,000 soldiers dead and destroyed much of the South's infrastructure, the Confederacy collapsed, slavery was abolished, and the difficult Reconstruction process of restoring national unity and guaranteeing civil rights to the freed slaves began.Presidential Election: is an indirect vote in which citizens cast ballots for a slate of members of the U.S.Electoral College;these electors in turn directly elect the President and Vice President.Presidential elections occur quadrennially(the count beginning with the year 1792)on Election Day, the Tuesday between November 2 and 8, coinciding with the general elections of various

other federal, states and local races.The most recent was the 2012 election, held on November 6.The next election will be the 2016 election, which will be held on November 8, 2016.British Newspaper culture: Traditionally, UK newspapers could be split into more serious-minded newspapers, usually referred to as the broadsheets due to their large size, and sometimes known collectively as “the quality press ”, and less serious newspapers, generally known as tabloids , and collectively as “the popular press”, which have tended to focus more on celebrity coverage and human interest stories rather than political reporting or overseas news.Democracy with a constitutional monarchy : Initially after the American and French revolutions, the question was open whether a democracy, in order to restrain unchecked majority rule, should have an élite upper chamber, the members perhaps appointed meritorious experts or having lifetime tenures, or should have a constitutional monarch with limited but real powers.Some countries(as The United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Belgium, Scandinavian countries, Thailand, Japan and Bhutan)turned powerful monarchs into constitutional monarchs with limited or, often gradually, merely symbolic roles.Often the monarchy was abolished along with the aristocratic system(as in France, China, Russia, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Italy, Greece and Egypt).Many nations had élite upper houses of legislatures which often had lifetime tenure, but eventually these lost power(as in Britain)or else became elective and remained powerful.Industrial Revolution: was the transition to new manufacturing processes in the period from about 1760 to sometime between 1820 and 1840.This transition included going from hand production methods to machines, new chemical manufacturing and iron production processes, improved efficiency of water power, the increasing use of steam power, and the development of machine tools.It also included the change from wood and other bio-fuels to coal.


1.The civil rights movement

It is one of the most important of all social movements in the 1960s in America.Rosa Parks’ spontaneous action in 1955 was believed to the true beginning of the civil rights movement.The black students’ sit-in at a department lunch counter in North Carolina touched off the nationwide civil rights movement.During the first half of the decade, civil rights organizations like the SNCC,CORE,and SCLC struggled for racial intergration by providing leaderships,network and the people.In the latter half of the decade, some black organizations changed their nonviolent tactics, and emphasized on more radical means to end discrimination and raised the self-image of the blacks.The civil rights movement produced such great leaders as Martin Luther King.Jr, and Malcolm X, who inspired a generation of both blacks and whites to devote their lives to fighting for racial equality in th US.2.A federal system【联邦制】

It is one in which power is shared between a central authority and its constiuent parts, with some rights reserved to each.3.King Arthur

It is said that he was the King of England in the 5th century and united the British and drove the Saxons back with his magica sword,Excalibur.His real existence is in doubt.He is the central figure of many legends.4.The Anglo-Saxons

They were two groups of Germanic peoples who settled down in England from the 5th century.They were regarded as the ancestors of the English and the founders of England.5.Riverdance[大河舞] It is a very popular form of dancing based on Ireland’s intricate[错综复杂的]folk dances which are rearranged and modernized and adapted onto current stage performance.Dancing is traditionally part of Irish culture.It is usually accompanied by the Irish pipe and fiddle.The music usually sounds fast and furious.Most of the action

is from the waist down, with the arms held rigidly at the sides.6.The House of Commons

It is the real center of British political life because it is the place where about 650 elected representatives(members of parliament)make and debate policy.These MPs are elected in the General Elections and should represent the interests of the people who vote for them.7.The Commonwealth【英联邦】

In the author’s opinion, the Commowealth is a voluntary association of states which is made up mostly of former British colonies.There are 50 members of the Commonwealth: many of these are developing countries like India and Cyprus;others are developed nations like Australia,Canada and New Zealand.The Commonwealth was set up as a form for continued cooperation and as a sort of support network.8.Maoritanga

It is the Maori word for “Maori culture.” It refers to all the elements of the rich cultural heritage of the indigenous people in New Zealand, including their language, customs and traditions,9.The “Washminster” form polity

It is adopted by the Australian government.It is a mixture of the US Washington system of government and the British Westminster system.This means that the political structure of the government is base on a Federation of States with a three-tier system of government.However, the chief executive is a Prime Minister, instead of a President as in the US system.10.Yellowstone National Park

It is the oldest and one of the largest national parks in the US.It is named after the Yellowstone River that flows through the area.It is known for its geysers and hot springs among other natural wonders.counterculture[反主流文化]

In the wake of the Free Speech Movement and the New Left, there appeared a phenomenon that historians called the “counterculture”.The counterculture rejected capitalism and other Americans principles.They had morals different from those taught by their parents.Some group of youth tried to construct different ways of life,.Among the most famous were the hippies.They thought new experience through dropping out, and drug taking.But it was music,rock music particular, that became the chief vehicle for the counter cultural assault on the traditional American society.The counterculture exerted a great influence upon people’s attitudes toward social morals, marriage, career and success.Martin Luther King, Jr.A black Baptist minister, he was leader of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference during the civil rights movements of the 1960s.To promote his philosophy of nonviolent protest against segregation and other kinds of social injustice, King organized a series of “marches”, including the march on Washington of August 1963, when King delivered his famous “ I Have a Dream” speech.As a civil rights leader, King worked not only to end racial discrimination and poverty, but also to raise the self image of the blacks.Due to his strong belief in non-violent peaceful protest, King was awarded the Nobel Peace Price in 1964.He was assassinated in the city of Memphis in April 1968.13.Richard Nixon

Richard Nixon was the former President of the United States.He won the elction in 1968 and was re-elected in 1972.While he was in office, he contributed to the establishment of diplomatic relations between the US and China and visited China in 1972.Shortly after he was re-elected ,he was involved in the

Watergate scandal,for which he was forced to resign from the presidency.1.Explain your understanding of how the United States is governed according to its constitution, including its polity and the check and balance mechanism of governing.if Congress proposes a law that the president think is unwise, the president can veto it.That means the proposal does not became law.Congress can enact the law despite the president’s views only if two-thirds of the members of both houses vote in favor of it.If Congress passes a low which is the challenged in the courts as unconstitutional, the Supreme Court has the power to declare the law unconstitutional and therefore no longer in effect.The president has the power to make treaties with other nations and to make all appointments to federal positions,including the position, of Supreme Court justice.The Senate,however,must approve all treaties and confirm all appointments before they become official.In this way the Congress can prevent the president from making unwise appointments.2.How do you understand the saying: ”British history has been a history of invasion.” ?

Before the 1st century AD Britain was made up of many tribal kingdoms of Celtic people:a powerful cultural originating in central Europe.Then in 43AD Britain was invaded by Roman Empire, and England and Wales became part of the Roman Empire for nearly400 years.As the Roman Empire came under threat from the east, the Roman armies and Roman protection were withdrawn from Britain, and Britain was again divided into small kindoms, and

again it came under threat from outside, this time from Germanic peoples:the Angles,and the Saxon.In the 5th century AD it is said that a great leader-King Arthur appeared, united the British, and with his magical sword, Excalibur,drove the Saxons back.whatever Arthur’s success,legend or not,it did not last,for the Anglo-Saxons did succeed in invading Britain,and either absorbed the Celticpeople,or pushed them to the western and northern edges of Britain.From the late 8th century on, raiders from Scandinavia, the ferocious Vikings, threatened Britain’s shores.Their settlements in England grew until large areas of northern and eastern England were under their control.1066, the Normans, from northern France, whowere descendants of Vikings.Under William of Normandy they cross the English Channel and in the Battle of Hastings, defeated an English army under King Harold.This marks the last time.that an army from outside the British Isles succeeded in invading

3.Your understanding of the characteristics of American religion and its social functions

First of all, American with different religions live together under the same law.The Bill of Rights in the US Constitution

insists that there should be no state religion.That means that the government has no right to interfere in people’s religious affairs.The freedom of religion and the separation of state and church guaranted in the Constitution is believed to be the basic principles against religious persecution.Secondly,the religious beliefs of Americans continue to be strong with social progress.Every Sunday morning, all over America people pour into the churches.Half of American Protestants are active church members, and there are few who habitually stay away.Not only the Catholic churches,but the Protestant ones too,are flourishing,and new ever-growing suburbs.Through all the social and economic changes religion has remained a constant factor.Thirdly,in the united states every church is a completeluy independent organization,and concerned with its own finance and its own building.if one goes to a Protestant church,he or she will hear morality preached,but not a word of doctrine.Churches and religious sects are expressions of group solidarity rather than of rigid adherence to doctrine.

第四篇:美国概况 要点名词解释

1.the Boston Massacre:The Boston Massacre took place before the American War of

Independence.In 1768 some English troops under General Gage were sent to the colonies to help tax-collectors.The people of the colonies hated these soldiers.In the spring of 1770 in Boston, some of the English troops fired at the people.After the event, a big meeting was called,demanding that the English troops should be removed.This showed that the people in the colonies began their struggle against the British rule.2.“Winner-take-all” principle: This is a kind of principle in American Presidential election.The voters of a state have to choose between a Democratic list and a Republican list.If the candidates of a party for “eletors” in a given state receive a majority of the total vote, then the party is entitled to have all the electoral votes for that state, even though a presidential receives only slightly more than electoral votes of that state.3.the American Civil Rights Movement: It mainly refers to the American black People's struggle against the racial discrimination in 1960's.As early as in 1950's,the black people once struggled against segregation in schools.In 1960, the blacks in 20 states held a large-scale sit-in

demonstration protesting against racial segregation.In 1961 the blacks held a freedom-rides

against segregation on buses.Under the out-standing leader Martin Luther King, the Civil Rights Movement went still further in mid-1960s.There was a march on Washington for ”Jobs and

Freedom”.So in 1964 the Civil Rights Act was passed.This movement shows the American black people's bravery and confidence in their struggles for equal rights and liberty.4.Monroe Doctrine:Monroe Doctrine was a kind of American foreign policy when some European countries formed the Holy Alliance which seemed ready to put down the South America revolutions.In 1823 President James Monroe sent a massage to Congress.This is known as “Monroe Doctrice”.One of the main points says “The European Countries ought not star any new colonies in North or South American.” As a result, it stopped the Holy Alliance’s program and also revealed the United States’ desire of overseas expansion.5.The New Deal: to deal with the Great Depression.Franklin D.Roosevelt made a program known as the ”New Deal”.Roosevelt took efforts to cosolidate the old marker at abroad and also to conquer new ones.At home, many public project, were launched to create employment big industries made reforms.Roosevelt also took some measures of “social security”.The “New Deal” relaxed the economic crisis, made some concessions to the working people.6.The Muckraker: a group of reform-minded journalists, made investigations and exposed various dark sides of the seemingly prosperous society.Their publications helped stir American conscience and make the progressive movement a national one.7.Manifest Destiny: it meant that the outward was inevitable, that the United States was driven on by a divine force that should not be denied.It reflected the view that the Lord had intended the United States to control the entire North American continent.1.What important measures did Abraham Lincoln take during the Civil War? How do you evaluate them?---During American Civil War, Abraham Lincoln took two important measures, one is the “Homestead Bill”, the other is the “Emancipation Proclamation”.During the first stage of the war from 1861 to 1862, the North was in an unfavorable condition.The North army could not get much support from farmers and Negroes, because many farmers had not got enough land and Negroes had been still enslaved.So they had no interest in the war.In order to get support from the broad masses, Lincoln took these two measures.In May1862 Lincoln issued the Homestead Bill, and this stimulated the development of capitalist agriculture in the South, greatly

encouraged farmers.In September 1962, Lincoln issued the famous “Emancipation Proclamation” , freeing a great number of the slaves in the South and permitting them to join the armed forces of the North.After issuing the two measures, Lincoln”s army became much stonger and got more support from the broad masses.Finally Lincoln won the war.2.What are the three branches of the U.S.government? What are the main functions of the three branches?---In the U.S.government three branches: the executive, the legislative and the judicial branches.The executive branch is headed by the President, consists of eleven departments and many independent agencies.The President performs many functions.He is the head of the government and chief of state.The President can negotiate foreign treaties, appoint government officials, command the armed forces.He makes foreign policy.He may introduce legislative bill to Congress.The legislative branch refers to Congress.Only Congress has the right to make laws.It is the supreme legislative body of the nation.It is made of two houses—the senate and the House of the Representatives.The judicial branch refers to the Supreme Court and some inferior courts.The Supreme Court is the highest court of the whole land and has the sole right to interpret the Constitution and review laws to see whether they are in agreement with the Constitution.The Supreme Court is headed by a Chief Justice and eight other justices.3.Give a brief account of the U.S.overseas invasion and expansion in the 20th century.---By the end of the 19th century the United States had grown into a highly developed industrial country and reached the stage of imperialism.Then it began its overseas expansion.As early as 1899 ,the United States ,took East Samoa as her colony.And Hawaii fell into her control in 1893.In 1898 U.S.Congress declared war on Spain.In 1903 the U.S.A.grabbed a big slice of the Panama territory in the U.S.controlled canal zone.It invaded China by means of both force and culture.In 1906 it put down the Cuban uprising.During the two world wars, the U.S.also extented its economic and military influences over Far East, Europe and the Pacific Region.After the war, the U.S.started its “Cold War”, and established NATO against the Soviet Union.In 1950 it invaded Korea.In 1964 the U.S.started long year’s Vietnam War.In 1970 it cast its troops to Cambodia.In 1990s the U.S.attacked Iraq and Kosovo.In a word, the United States never stops its aggression and expansion.4.The progressive movement 进步运动A movement demanding government regulation of the economy and social conditions, spread quickly with the support of large numbers of people across the country./The Progressive Movement was not an organized campaign with clearly defined goals.Rather, it was a number of diverse efforts at political, social, and economic reforms./In spite of limitations of the movement, it brought about changes and improvement in many fields.



一.What do you know about the Roosevelt’s New Deal?

1.The great depression of 1929-1933 happened in America, which made the American economy fall into an emergent situation.2.In the presidential election of 1932, Franklin D.Roosevelt, a Democrat, defeated the Republican candidate and became President.3.He was empowered by Congress to deal with the emergency and save the situation.He called his program “The New Deal”, which had two principal purposes.4.At home, many public projects were launched to create employment through a huge increase in government responsibility.Crops were destroyed and agricultural production was cut down to stabilize the falling farm prices.The big industries were also compelled to make reforms.5.At abroad.Roosevelt took efforts to consolidate the old markets and to conquer new ones under the cloak of the “Good Neighbor Policy”.6.Roosevelt also took some measures of “social security”, paying pensions to the old, unemployed and the injured.7.Roosevelt’s “New Deal” did not change the capitalist system but helped to improve it.8.The “New Deal” had a certain historical importance.It relaxed the economic crisis, made some concessions to the working people, stopped the national economy from collapsing and especially prevented the U.S from becoming a fascist state such as Germany, Italy and Japan.二.What do you know about the “Glorious Revolution”?

1.By this time, the Cavaliers and Roundheads had settled down to become England’s first political parties, the former the Tories and the latter the Whigs.2.The Whigs were still not satisfied and began to stir up popular felling against the King’s brother, James, who was a Catholic and was likely to be the next king.3.Most people did not want a Catholic king, but the Whig’s violent behavior reminded England too much of Cromwell.4.In the interest of common justice, Parliament passed in 1679 the well-known Habeas Corpus Act, according to which, any person arrested or detained should be brought before a court of judge within twenty-four hours.5.James Ⅱ, Charles’s brother, ascended the throne after Charles died in 1685.He openly ignored laws passed by Parliament and intended to maintain a standing army commanded by Catholics.6.After three years of struggle, the Whig and Tory leaders at last united against James Ⅱ.Being afraid of another revolution, they planned a coup d’etat.7.In June 1688 the leaders of Parliament invited William of Holland to come and take the throne.William landed with an army and he was so warmly welcomed that James ran away to France without any attempt at resistance.8.William and Mary were then crowned as joint rulers.This was known in history as “The Glorious Revolution”

9.In 1689, Parliament expressed the Bill of Rights;the constitutional Monarchy began in England.10.The English Revolution is an epoch-making event in the history of the world.It concluded the medieval period-the period of feudalism and marks the beginning of the modern period-the period of capitalism.It paved the way for the rapid growth of capitalism in England.三.What were the consequences of Norman Conquest?

1.It increased the process of feudalism which had begun during Anglo-Saxon times.2.William the Conqueror established a strong monarchy in England.3.After the conquest William retained most of the old English customs of government.4.The Norman Conquest also brought about changes in the church.The upper ranks of the clergy were Normanized and feudalized, following the pattern of lay society.5.Along with the Normans came the French language, this would be the language of the court and upper classes until the fourteenth century.四.What do you know about Chartist Movement?

1.The Chartist Movement, like the Anti-Corn Law League, was rooted in many earlier working-class and radical movements for the improvement of social conditions.2.In 1836, the London Working Men’s Association was organized “to seek by every legal means to place all classes in possession of equal political and social rights.”

3.In 1837 a petition, known as the People’s Charter, was drawn up, which included universal suffrage, adoption of equal electoral districts, abolition of the property qualification for members of Parliament, payment of M.P.s, secret ballot, and annual general election..4.The basic point of the People’s Charter is Universal Suffrage.5.The Chartist could be roughly divided into two groups-“moral force”, which believed in reform by peaceful means, and “physical force”, which advocated violence.6.The Chartist Movement reached its height in 1839-1848.7.From 1839 to 1848 three petitions were presented to Parliament, but all three were rejected.8.The Chartist Movement declined after 1848, though the National Charter Association lived until 1858.9.The Chartist Movement failed because of its divided leadership and lack of a strong basis for class unity.10.It was after the Chartist Movement that the English working-class entered a period of conducting independent political movement against the bourgeoisie.五.Why did the Industrial Revolution first take place in Britain?

1.The Industrial Revolution started during the last part of the 18th century.2.The accumulation of capital;the development of capitalist farming;the appearance of a labor reserve;and the expansion of markets, domestic and foreign.3.Britain’s population grew in this period and the people were skilled in many different crafts and trades.4.Britain had built a large empire which had a powerful navy and a huge merchant fleet.5.Britain was an island with many excellent ports, so foreign trade was easy.6.Britain had created a world-wide market for its goods and its colonies supplied raw materials.The British slave traders also got a lot of money in their “triangle” trade.7.The English Parliament from 1760 to 1844 passed three thousand eight hundred Enclosure Acts.8.All of these factors sped up primitive accumulation and provided an important prerequisite for the Industrial Revolution.六.How did the Industrial Revolution exert a great influence on both British society and the world?

1.The Industrial Revolution exerts a great influence on both British society and the world.2.The Industrial Revolution was not only a technological revolution but also a great social upheaval.3.The Industrial Revolution promoted the development of production.4.Britain began to produce large quality of low-priced goods in a more efficient manner.Many new cities came into being;population increased;the home market was enlarged.British goods almost achieved a monopoly position in the world market.The Industrial Revolution laid a good foundation for the “factory of the world”.5.A factory system was established.Workers were employed and managers became capitalists.Two conflicting classes were born.七.In what ways did Henry Ⅱ consolidate the monarchy?

八.Why and how did the English Parliament come into being?

九.What do you know about Wat Tyler’s Rising?



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    名词解释1. 支撑:身体某(些)环节撑于器械,肩轴高于(或平于)器械轴的动作。 2. 支撑跳跃:是指用手或身体其他部位支撑山羊、跳箱、跳马等器械的多种跳跃动作或腾跃动作。 3. 帮助:在......


    溢短装条款 又称数量机动幅度条款,即在买卖合同的数量条款中明确规定可以增减的百分比,但增减的幅度以不超过规定的数量的百分比为限。唛头 运输标志习称唛头,通常是由一个简单......


    组织胚胎学名词解释 第一章 绪论 1. 超微结构:电子显微镜下所观察到的结构称为超微结构。 2. 嗜碱性:组织细胞成分若被碱性染料所染,称为嗜碱性。 3. 嗜酸性:组织细胞成分若被......


    一、 名词解释: 1.班杜拉的“观察学习”(06.4,4分)(08.4,3分)P88第四段 2.变式(06.4,4分)P289倒数第二段 3.心理健康教育(06.4,4分)P372第一句 4.社会性别角色(06.4,4分)P467最后一段第一句......