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若有be动词就把be动词提前。I → youmy → yourand → orsome → any;若无的话,就要借用助动词。do / does;he / she / it / 单个人名 + does;you / they / we + do。

助动词后要用动原:例,①、I have a TV。(变一般疑问句)。②、He has a TV。(变一般疑问句)。③、That sounds good。(变一般疑问句)。

注:表人有时用have / has;he / she / it + has;you / they / we + have;have和has的原形是have。例题:Hea nice backpack。A.haveB.hasC.does2、作肯定回答和否定回答。

Do you … ? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.Do they … ? Yes, they do./ No, they don’t.Do he … ?Yes, he does./ No, he doesn’t.Do it … ?Yes, it does./ No, it doesn’t.Do she … ? Yes, she does./ No, she doesn’t.例题:改错,看划线部分哪里有错误。Does he have a tennis racket?—Yes, he is.3、Let’s + 动原;Let’s play pingpong.注意,球类运动前不加a / an,也不加the;表让……干…… Let … ;注意,let后用宾格,若有动词的话要用动词原形。

例:让我们玩电子游戏吧!computer games!

改错:Let them to play volleyball。

4、变否定句:若有be动词时,在后面加not;若无be动词时,借用助动词,do / does + not, do和does后用动原。

例:She is a girl..I have a pen..5、当被人提出好主意时,应用That sounds good(interesting).听起来棒极(有趣)了表示赞同。

6、Let’s(Let us)play sports!让我们做运动。



8、sports clubs 运动俱乐部

9、and more 更多

10、人 be interested in 物(人对物有兴趣);物 be interesting 有趣;be relaxing 放松的;be boring 乏味的;be difficult 困难的。

11、watch TV 看电视

12、play + 球类运动 + volleyball(排球)/ basketball(篮球)

13、have(has)a great sports collection 收藏了大量的运动用品。

14、He only watches them on TV。only 放在be动词后,行为动词前;watches 一般现在时,第三人称单数,动词后加s或es;them 用宾格;on TV 在电视上。

例:He plays sports every day.他每天做运动。

15、ping-pong bat乒乓球拍;tennis racket 网球球拍。


例题:Math is interestingit is difficult.A.andB.butC.so





①、看划线部分是指什么;②、找be动词, is, am, are;③、其余照抄。

例如:问什么用what;问身体how;问拼写how;问颜色what color;

问地点where;问年龄how old。

例如:My backpack is on the sofa。(就划线部分提问)。


under the table在桌子下;on the sofa 在沙发上;

on the floor 在地板上;in the backpack 在背包里。

3、I know 我知道 →(否定句)I don’t know4、人 take 东西 to + 人/地……人把……东西带去给……人/或某地(带走)人 bring 东西 to + 人/地……人把……东西带来给……人/或某地(带来)例:Please take these things to your sister。请把这些东西带给你姐姐。

你能把这些东西带到学校去吗?Can you bring some things to school?

5、Is she …? Yes, she is./ No, she isn’t.Is he …? Yes, he is./ No, he isn’t.Are you …? Yes, I am./ No, I’m not.Is this …? / Is that …? 回答Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.Are these …? / Are those …? 回答Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.6、a photo of ………的照片

7、This is a dresser.It’s red.把两句合并,意思不变。


Can you + 动原? 肯定回答:Yes, I can.否定回答:No, I can’t.Can you answer the question?No, I


this → these;that → those;is/am →are;

a/an 去掉→名词变复数或在前面加个some也行;

my → our;it → they。

例:⑴It is a key.(变复数)。⑵It is a ruler.(变复数句)。They’re my father and mother, so they’re my.




1、问时间用what time或when,区别见14点。

2、词组:go to school上学;go to work上班;get up起床;

go to bed上床睡觉;go home回家;get home到家;

take a shower洗澡 = have a shower,若单三就用has a shower;

eat dinner吃饭;eat breakfast吃早饭 = have breakfast;

brush one’s teeth刷牙;do homework(不可数)做家庭作业;

know about了解;best wisher美好祝愿;write soon立刻回信。

3、整点钟:数字 + o’clock4、usually, often 句子要用一般现在时,若是一般现在时,单三,动词后+s/es。

例:Scott works very long hours.Scott工作很长时间。

5、What a funny time to + 动原……干……(事)的时间可真有趣。

6、after 在……之后

7、To(为了)(乘坐)17路车)a hotel。work at 19:15。

8、all night 整晚

9、loveto doliketo do喜欢做……事

doingdoing10、listen to … 听

11、watch morning TV 看早间节目

12、Can you think what his job is?你能猜到他是干什么工作吗?

job 工作(可数)例 a job 一份工作;work 工作(不可数)a work ×

13、What time is it? 什么时候了?It’s + 时间是……点了。

14、What time do you usually go to bed? 你经常什么时候上床睡觉?

回答:I usually go to bed at 时间o’clock。我通常在……点钟上床睡觉。

When do people usually eat dinner?

People usually eat dinner in the evening.15、in the morning 在早上;in the afternoon 在下午;in the evening 在晚上(傍晚);at night 在晚上(深夜);

In + 年/月/季节;at + 小时间 → at around(左右)six-fifteen ;on + 具体某一天。

16、Thanks for your letter 感谢你的来信。

17、want to + 动原想干……

18、School starts at nine o’clock.学校9点钟上学。

19、tell + 人(宾格)about + 事情告诉……人……事。


1.—Let’s play ping-pong.—______

A.No, I don’t.B.That sounds interesting.C.OK!It’s boring.3.They ______ some clubs at school.A.haveB.hasC.are

4.He likes soccer, but he doesn’t ______ it on TV.A.lookB.playC.watch

5.Let’s stay at home and ______ com-puter games.A.playsB.to playC.play

6.Mr.Black doesn’t like the lecture(演讲).It is ______.A.interestingB.boringC.fun

7.I have ______ good friends in our class.A.notB.manyC.more

8.My brother has a small ______ collection.A.sport B.sport’sC.sports

9.Do they play ______ soccer? A.theB.aC./

10.We need one ping-pang ball and two ______.A.ping-pongs batsB.ping-pongs batC.ping-pong bats

4.Look!Some broccoli _______ on the plate(盘子), and the vegetables _______ in the basket(篮子).A.are;isB.are;areC.is;are

5.We want to have ______ great dinner this evening.A.aB.theC./

7.Please take some ______ to your parents.A.tomatos B.tomatoC.Tomatoes

8.—What _____ do you like?—Broccoli.A.fruitB.vegetableC.dessert

9.Do you have _____ healthy food every day? A.moreB.lots ofC.many

10.Tim is a ______ boy and he studies(学习)______ at school.A.good;wellB.good;goodC.well;well


21.My sister __________(not have)a soccer ball.22.Bruce only __________(watch)sports on TV!

23.Michael __________(have)a computer.24.Let’s _________(go)to play volleyball.25.Does your father _________(play)sports every day?


36.Her brother has a ball.(改为一般疑问句)_____ her brother _____ a ball?

37.My sister has a computer game.否定句My sister _____ _____ a computer game.38.Ann has a nice tennis racket.(对画线部分提问)_____ _____ Ann _____?

39.Do you want to play soccer this after-noon?(改为祈使句)

_____ _____ soccer this afternoon.40.My father doesn’t play tennis.(改为肯定句)My father _______ tennis.41.My brother likes tomatoes.(改为否定句)My brother ______ ______ tomatoes.42.Do you like broccoli and French fries?(作否定回答)No, ______ _______.44.They have some oranges.(用he)He ______ ______ orange.45.Kate often eats pears.(改为一般疑问句)______ Kate often ______ pears? Ⅶ.根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。(10分)

41.亨利收藏了很多体育用品。Henry has a _______ _______ collection.42.我的父母早上做运动。My parents ________ _______ in the morning.43.他们天天玩电脑游戏。They play computer games _______ _______.44.他只在晚上看电视。He _______ _______ TV in the evening.45.那听起来很无聊。That _______ _______.B)用所给单词的正确形式完成句子。(5分)

26.Sandra Clark _________(eat)eggs and apples every day.27.Some __________(strawberry)are on the table.28.My sister _________(like)bread and milk for breakfast.29.We should(应该)eat _________(good)every day.30.Tony likes _________(run).Ⅴ.情景交际(15分)


()31.Does he like apples?()32.What do you have for breakfast?()33.What does she like?()34.Do you like tomatoes?

()35.Do they like strawberries?

ⅡA.Eggs, bananas and oranges.B.Yes, I do.C.No, they don’t.D.She likes hamburgers.E.Yes, he does.B)根据语意填入恰当的句子完成下面的对话。(10分)

A: Hi, Mary!Do you like oranges?

B: Yes, I do.What fruit do you like?

A: I like bananas.36__________________.Does your mother like bananas?

B: 37______________.My mother likes apples and bread.What about your father? A: He likes chicken and milk.38_________


B: Yes.And my father likes salad.A: Does he like carrots?

B: Yes, he does.39___________________.But I like broccoli.40______________?

A: Yes, very much.Let’s eat some broccoli for dinner.Ⅷ.书面表达(10分)

请以My Three Meals(餐)为题写一篇短文。


My Three Meals







学校体育俱乐部要招募新会员了。假如你的名字是Tom Green,请写一段关于自己的介绍。要求:40词左右。







May(五月);June(六月);July(七月);August(八月);September(九月); October(十月);November(十一月);December(十二月)生日:月+日(日要用序数词)(见书后面的单词)。

His birthday is …(月份,序数词)(他的生日是……);Her birthday is …(她的生日是……)。

但 :Today is mybirthday.A.the fifteenthB.fifteenthC.fifteen

问年龄用how old。例:I’(划线部分提问)。

3、date of birth 出生日期

4、age 年龄

5、a school trip 学校旅行(郊游);a school Day 校庆日。

6、an Art Festival 艺术节

7、music Festival 音乐节

8、表年龄的句子:I’m fifteen.= I’m fifteen years old.9、Do you have a school Day at your school?


Yes, we do.10、所有格,单独有时,XX’s and XX’s;共同拥有 XX and XX’s

例:This room is。A.Lucy’s and Lily’sB.Lucy and Lily’sC.Lucy’s and Lily11、。A.It’s fiftyB.FiftyC.Five12、序数词前要加the,例:Let’s studyunit.A.the eighthB.eighthC.eight例:八月是一年中的第八个月份。ismonth of the.13、at + 小时间;in + 年、月、季节;on + 具体某一天。

--When is your birthday? –It’sMay Day.A.inB.atC.on14、look at = have a cook at 表看的状态;see表结果。

例:Look!There’s a plane in the sky.Can youit?

A.look atB.have a look atC.see15、Let + 动原。例:Let’s(play)games.16、一般现在时,单三,动词后要加s或es。She(want)to watch TV.17、指示代词的指代作用。--Is Tina’s birthday May 1st?--Yes,.A.she isB.it isC.I am18、月份和日期表达。4月19日:April 19th;the 19th of April



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