8B期中复习 现在完成时态中译英

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第一篇:8B期中复习 现在完成时态中译英



2– 他找到他的钢笔了吗?-还没找到。











13.Lucy 在哪?可能她去图书馆了。她说她半个小时后回来






















35.大部分厂家已经不知道如何处理(deal with)水污染。他们不会再把废料排放进河里。


37.到目前为止政府已经采取措施来禁止酒后开车了(after drinking)。






教学方法:讲解法 教学用具:多媒体


Step1.Free talk 1.Have you ever been to Shanghai ? 2 How many times have you ever been there ? 3 How long have you been at this school? 4 How many English words have you learned so far ?„„.Step 2 Presentation 1 现在完成时的构成 助动词have(has)+动词的过去分词 2 现在完成时的主要用法

(1)表示过去发生或已完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果,常与already just yet never ever before 等连用,也可以和包括现在在内的时间状语,如these days,this year,so far等连用.eg.----I have just washed my clothes.(洗衣服是发生在过去的动作,对现在造成的结果是衣服干净了)

(2)表示过去已经开始,持续到现在的动作或状态,可以和表示从过去某一时刻延续到现在(包括“现在”在内)的一段时间的状语连用。(for+表示一段时间的词组,since+表示过去某一时刻的词或词组)谓语只可用延续性动词.eg.---I’ve lived here for 15 years.eg.---I’ve lived here since 15 years ago(1990)Step 3 Revision 现在完成时注意三个分清

1.分清have(has)been to表示某人曾经去过某地 have(has)been in /at 表示某人去了某地并呆在那里一段时间 have(has)gone to表示某人去了某地人不在这里 2.分清与一般过去时的用法

现在完成时属于现在时态的范围,不能和表示过去的时间状语连用,如yesterday,last night,three weeks ago,in1990等.而一般过去时只表示过去的动作或状态,和现在不发生关系。3 分清短暂性动词和延续性动词

短暂性动词常见的有 :buy,borrow,open,close,begin,start,come,go,leave,finish, catch, join 延续性动词常见的有:be,work,study,learn,teach,live,have,keep,talk,walk,wait 短暂变延续最常见的有: buy-have, borrow-keep, leave-be away from, die-dead, open-be open, close-be closed,come-be here,begin/start-be on,put on-wear ,catch a cold-have a cold Step 4 Exercises 1选用for和since填空: 1.We haven’t seen each other ______ a long time.2.His father has been in the factory ______ 10 years ago.3.The film has been on ______ 20 minutes.4.Mr Green has worked here ______ he came to China.5.His grandparents have been dead ______ several years.6.It’s five years _______ we met last time 2动词填空:

1._____ you ______(clean)the room?

Yes, we_______(do)that already.When _______ you ______(do)it?

We _______(do)it an hour ago.2.______ he ______(see)this film yet? Yes.When _____ he _____(see)it?

He ______ it last week.3.How many times _____you______(come)here?

Once.4.I _______(read)the novel twice.It’s interesting.5.She _______(go)to Pairs, hasn’t she? Yes

How ______ she _______(go)there?

She _______(go)there by air.6.So far, many countries __________(develop)their software 7.Mr Chen ______(give)up smoking last year.8.______ you ever _____(ride)a horse? Never.9.He ______(keep)the book since two days ago.3中译英:



Step 5 Homework Finish off the test paper




1.----Do you sill play basket ball?----Oh, no, I ____it for the past two years.A. haven’t playedB. have playedC. didn’t play

D. played

2.----Do you know our town at all?----No, this is the first time I____ here.(92)

A. wasB. have beenC. cameD. am coming

3.The house is dirty.We ____ it for weeks.A. didn’t cleanB. hadn’t cleanedC. don’t clean

D. haven’t cleaned

4.My dictionary ____.I have looked for it everywhere but still it.A. has lost;don’t findB. is missing;don’t find

C. has lost;haven’t foundD. is missing;haven’t found

5.----I’m sorry to keep you waitting.----Oh, not at all.I____ here only a few minutes.A. have beenB. had beenC. wasD. will be

6.You don’t need to describe her.I ____her several times.A. had metB. have metC. metD. meet

7.----____the sports meet might be put off.---Yes, it all depends on the weather.A. I’ve been toldB. I’ve toldC. I’m toldD.I told

8.----Did you see Xiao Li at the party?---No,____ by the time I arrived.A. she’d leftB. she’s leftC. she was leftD. she must leave

9.They have been in the library since ____.A. a long timeC. it had been openC. eight o’clock

D. two hours

10.I still don’t know what____ while I was away from home.A. had happenedB. was happenedC. has happened

D. happened

11.He____ his leg when he____ in a football match againstanother school.A. broke;playedB. was breaking;was play

C. broke;was playingD. was breaking;played

12.My family and I____ our Christmas Eve dinner when the news

of the outbreak of the war____ over on the radio.A. enjoyed;cameB. were enjoying;was coming

C. enjoyed;was comingD. were enjoying;come

13.By the time the new pupil ____enough courage to raise hishand, the bell for the end of the lesson ____.A. had gathered;was already ringingB . was gathering;had already rung

C. gathered;already rangD. would gather;would already have rung

14.All the furniture in the house ____to the landlord.A. is belongedB. BelongsC. belongD. are belonged

15.Hello!I____ you____ in London, How long have you beenhere?

A. don’t know;wereB. hadn’t known;are

C. haven’t known;areD. didn’t know;were

16.----You’ve agreed to go, so why aren’t you getting ready?

----But I____ that you____ us to start at once.A. don’t realize;wantB. don’t realize;wanted

C. haven’t realized;wantD. didn’t realize;wanted

17.Jack and Jane____ each other since they were children, sonobody was surprised to hear they were married.A. had knownB. have knownC. were knownD. knew

18.Tom was disappointed that most of the guests ____ when he at the party.A. left;had arrivedB. left;arrived

C. had left;had arrivedD. had left;arrived

19.----Come on in, Peter, I want to show you something.----Oh, how nice of you!I ____ you ____ to bring me a gift.A. never think;are goingB. never thought;were going

C. didn’t think;are goingD. hadn’t thought;were going

20.When I was at college I ____ three foreign languages, but

I ____ all except a few words of each.A. spoke;had forgottenB. spoke;have forgotten

C. had spoken;had forgottenD. had spoken;have forgotten

21.----Was Tom there when you arrived?

----Yes, but he____ soon afterwards.A. had leftB. leftC. will leaveD. leaves




目的:复习动词的三种一般时态,即;一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时 重点:这三种时态的基本用法及高考考点。难道:这三种时态的一些特殊用法。


1.We often___________(play)in the playgound.2.He _________(get)up at six o’clock.3.__________you _________(brush)your teeth every morning.? 5.Mike sometimes __________(go)to the park with his sister.6.At ei ght at night, she __________(watch)TV with his parents.7.________ Mike________(read)English every day?

8.How many lessons_________your classmate________(have)on Monday? 9.What time_________his mother_________(do)the

10.My dog runs fast.(改为否定句、一般疑问句)

11.Mike has two letters for him.(改为否定句、一般疑问句)12.(改为否定句、一般疑问句并对划线部分提问)


(1)一般动词在词尾加-s, 在清辅音后读 /s / ,在浊辅音或元音后读 / z /;在t后读/ ts /, 在d后读 / dz /。例如:help → helps,swim → swims

(2)以字母s,x,ch , sh 结尾的动词加-es, 读/ iz/ , 在d后读/ dz/.以o结尾的动词也加es,读/ z /。例如:guess → guesses,teach → teaches,go → goes(3)以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,先变y为i,再加-es,读/ z /。例如:fly → fliescarry → carries






常与连词:when , as soon as , before , after , until , if 如果,等引导的时间状语或条件状语从句



1.The students(play)sports at five every afternoon.同学们每天下午5:00进行体育运动。2.She(live)in Beijing at present.她目前住在北京。3.Three plus two(be)five.3加2等于5。

4.Light(travel)faster than sound.光比声传播速度快。

5.I will stay at home if it(rain)tomorrow.如果明天下雨, 我就呆在家里。6.She’ll go to see him as soon as she(arrive).她一到达就去看他。7.Barbara is easy to recognize as she’s the only one of the women who 全国卷II]A.wear

B.wearsC.has worn

D.have wornD.had done

8.I all the cooking for my family, but recently I’ve been too busy to do it.[2010年辽宁卷]A.will doB.doC.am doing

常与always,usually,often,sometimes,every day,once a week,yearly每年,monthly每月,等时间状语或频率副词连用。




1).I saw him this morning.(改为否定句)

2).He came late three times this week.(改为一般疑问句并回答)分别对a,b,c,d提问)abcd 4).A).I_______(be)12 last year.B).—_______(be)the doctor in the hospital last night?—No, he________(be not).C).—What _____he_____(do)yesterday?—He______(draw)some pictures in the park.5.A)._______ _______a sweater on the desk just now.B).There are some children in the aquarium now.(用 yesterday替换 now)_______ _______some children in the aquarium yesterday.C).There were some buildings here in the past.(改为一般疑问句)_______ _______ _______buildings here in the past?

一般过去式的构成规则动词过去式的构成(1)一般在动词原形末尾加-ed.结尾是e 的动词直接加-d.例如:look → looked,play → played,live → lived,hope → hoped

(2)末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词,先双写这个辅音字母,再加-ed.例如: stop → stopped,plan → planned,trip → tripped(3)结尾是“辅音字母+y”的,先变“y”为“i”再加-ed.例如:study → studied,carry → carried(4)词尾-ed的读音(5)不规则动词过去式

常见的不规则动词的过去式有: am/is →was,are →were,go →went,have → had, do → did,get → got,come → came,say → said,see → sawput → put, eat → ate,take → took等 详见课本后附录并熟记!




(4).一般过去时往往和明确的过去时间状语连用.如:yesterday, last night, two days(months, weeks)ago, in 1996, at that time 等,也常和when, if等引导的状语从句连用.昨天下午你打乒乓球了吗?



1.I _______(get)two postcards from her last week.2.They _______not _______(stay)there long because it was late.3.Who ________(live)in that room last week ?4.Yesterday I ________(see)him in the street.5.______(be)he a driver three years ago ?

6.He said he ______________(go)to New York next month.7.I ___________(do)my homework when my mother came back.8.The students _____(be)not in the classroom at that time.9.____ he ______(play)basketball with his son yesterday afternoon?10.I _______________(wash)my sport shoes just then.一般将来时

1.一般将来时的构成a.will / shall +动词原形(备:在口语中,shall和will常缩写成“'ll”,紧接在主语之后。其否定式shall not和will not的简略式分别为shan't和won't)

b.be going to + 动词原形

c.be + 动词-ing形式(动词-ing形式通常是表示位置转移的动词,如arrive, come, go, leave, move, start, stay, get等)

d.be + 动词不定式(例:You are to be back before 10:00 p.m..你必须在上午10点前回来。(表示按计划或正式安排将发生的事)e.一般现在时也可以表示将来的动作。2.用法


①用于“祈使句 + and + 陈术句”中。Eg.Work hard and you will succeed ②与表示时间或条件的状语从句连用。If you ask him, he will help you.4.be going to与will / shall, be to do, be about to do用法及区别: be going to 表示现在打算在最近或将来要做某事,这种打算往往经过事先考虑,甚至已做了某种准备;

shall / will do表示未事先考虑过,即说话时临时作出的决定。

* be going to 表将来,不能用在条件状语从句的主句中;而will则能,表意愿。如:If it is fine, we’ll go fishing.(正确)

If it is fine, we are going to go fishing.(错误)

* be to do sth.表按计划、安排即将发生的动作,还可表示吩咐、命令、禁止,可能性等。A meeting is to be held at 3:00 o’clock this afternoon.* be about to do sth.表示“即可,就要”,后面不能接时间状语或状语从句。Autumn harvest is about to start.巩固性练习

()1.There __________ a meeting tomorrow afternoon.A.will be going toB.will going to beC.is going to beD.will go to be()2.Charlie ________ here next month.A.isn’t working B.doesn’t working C.isn’t going to workingD.won’t work()3.He ________ very busy this week, he ________ free next week.A.will be;isB.is;isC.will be;will beD.is;will be()4.There ________ a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening.A.wasB.is going to haveC.will haveD.is going to be()5.–________ you ________ free tomorrow?– No.I ________ free the day after tomorrow.A.Are;going to;willB.Are;going to be;willC.A re;going to;will beD.Are;going to be;will be()6.Mother ________ me a nice present on my next birthday.A.will givesB.will giveC.givesD.give()7.– Shall I buy a cup of tea for you?–________.(不,不要。)A.No, you won’t.B.No,you aren’tC.No, please don’t.D.No, please.16.(06辽宁on the frozen river every Sunday()8.– Where is the morning paper?– I ________ it for you at once.A.getB.am gettingC.to getD.will getafternoon in winter.

A.is goingB.goC.goesD.are going()9.________ a concert next Saturday?

17.(06辽宁29)I think it is necessary for my 19-year-old son to have his own mobile phone,for I sometimesA.There will beB.Will there beC.There can beD.There are

()10.If they come, we ________ a meeting.A.comeB.comesC.has comeD.will comeA.haveB.will haveC.hadD.would have

18.(06重庆31)I,but I’ve never regretted my final decision to move back

to China.连接高考题:

1.(10上海28)Every few years, the coal workerstheir lungs X-rayed to ensure their health.A.are havingB.haveC.have hadD.had had 2.(10湖南24)This coastal areaa national wildlife reserve last year.A.was namedB.namedC.is namedD.names

3.(10全国Ⅱ9)Barbara is easy to recognize as she’s the only one of the women who ________evening dress.AwearB.wearsC.has wornD.have worn 4.(10全国Ⅱ19)Excuse me I________I was blocking your way.A.didn’t realizeB.don’t realizeC.haven’t realizedD.wasn’t realizing 5.(10重庆24)The book has been translated into thirty languages since it

A.had come B.has comeC.came D.comes

6.(10重庆29)The palace caught fire three times in the last century, and little of the original building_______now.A.remainsB.is remainedC.is remaining D.has been remained7.(08全国Ⅰ27)—Have you known Dr.Jackson for a long time?

—Yes,A.has joinedB.joinsC.had joinedD.joined 8.(08全国Ⅱ14)If their marketing plans succeed,theytheir sales by 20 percent.

A.will increaseB.have been increasingC.have increasedD.would be increasing 9.(08天津14)Hefootball regularly for many years when he was young. A.was playingB.playedC.has playedD.had played 10.(08重庆23)Judy is going to marry the sailor shein Rome last year. A.meetsB.metC.has metD.would meet 12.(08浙江5)I don’t believe you’ve already finished reading the book Iit to you this morning!A.would lendB.was lendingC.had lentD.lent 13.(07全国ⅠA.are goingB.had beenC.wentD.have been 14.(07北京24)------How can I apply for an online course?

A.seeB.are seeingC.have seenD.will see 15.(06全国Ⅰ A.hasn’t livedB.didn’t liveC.hadn’t lived D.doesn’t live

A.livedB.was livingC.have livedD.had lived

19.(07上海28)—Did you tidy your room?


A.hadB.haveC.have hadD.will have

20.(07重庆33)When I called you this morning,?

A.did you goB.have you gone C.were youD.had you been 21.(06江西went to America.A.workedB.would work C.would be working D.has been working 22.(06四川off at 18∶20. A.takesB.tookC.will be takenD.has taken 23.(06陕西7)—well last night?

—No,not really.I’m tired out now.

A.Do you sleepB.Were you sleepingC.Did you sleepD.Had you slept 24.(04全国Ⅰ22)Let’s keep to the point or weany decisions.A.will never reachB.have never reachedC.never reachD.never reached










(我(她)isa teacher.

(他的)shirt.3.This is 我的)pen.他们]的)trousers are there.(它(我)


(他们的)names are Lucy and Lily.8.(我们的)(它们).


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