英语教学设计九年级上册unit4 stayhealthy大全

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第一篇:英语教学设计九年级上册unit4 stayhealthy大全

Lesson 30: Jane’s Lucky Life



冀教版 初中英语九年级上册 unit 4 Stay Healthy


本单元的主要话题是谈论健康,此课为本单元的第六节课,主要讲述一位名字叫做Jane 的残疾人对待生活的态度,是一篇阅读课文,通过阅读,使学生明白谁是真正的残疾人。枯燥的话题很难提高学生的学习兴趣。在这节课,通过一个有趣的假想的话题——假如你是一位残疾人,你会怎么做,来激起学生的兴趣,让学生主动谈自己的想法和看法,学有所得。



掌握下列词汇:unable, disabled, lucky, 词组have/live a…life ,be able /unable to do sth, watch sb doing sth,dare to do sth,be/get married to sb,encourage sb to do sth ,enjoy doing sth, a life.full of good things.⑵能力目标:






培养学生利用信息表述自己的观点: I think that _______is the most important because_________.六、教法选择:

任务型阅读教学法用If you are a disabled person, what do you do ?这个问句,引出谈论假想情况的话题。采用提问、启发、讨论和归纳的教法,让学生易于接受教材内容,理解阅读内容,培养学生的语言运用能力。


八、教学准备 :图片,小黑板,多媒体课件,录音机


StepⅠ Greeting.Greet the whole class as usual.StepⅡ.lead-In and warming-up

Present students some he pictures of Yang Guang,Zhang Haidi, Sang Lan and Helen,and ask them to guess who they are.Ask questions like this:

T: Do you know Yang Guang?

S1: Yes, I know.T: Can you say something about her?

S1: I only know he is a very famous singer, but he is blind.T: Yeah.You are right.He is a disabled person.Thank you.Sit down, please.(To the whole class)Now class, do you know another disabled people? Can you give me their names?

S2: Zhang Haidi ,Helen and SangLan.T: Thank you.(To the whole class)Now class, you know Zhang Haidi SangLan and Helen Keller are all disabled people, but do you know what is their attitude toward life? Suppose : If you don’t have arms or legs, what do you do?

 If you can’t see anything, what do you do?

 If you can’t hear anybody say something, what do you do?

S3: I’ll buy a wheelchair to help me.S4: I’ll be very sad and cry all the time.S5: I’ll try my best to touch everything in the world.T: OK, stop here.Please listen to me carefully, my answers is:

If I were a blind person, I would use my ears to listen to the sound of the world carefully.If I were a deaf people, I would use my eyes to say the beauty of the world.If I don’t have arms or legs, I can use my heart to feel the world, and try my best to enjoy the life.(让学生假设自己是残疾人,设想一下自己会怎样做.通过该假想活动,让学生尝试思考从未想过的话题,以新异调动学生参与积极性,并引导学生树立正确的人生观。在体验交流中培养学生口语表达能力,鼓励他们敢于用英语表达自己的观点。)

Step Ⅲ.Listening

1.Play the audiotape.Have the class follow the audiotape while looking at the text.And try to answer the following questions:

① What happened to Jane when she was ten years old?

② Why is she unable to do many things ?

③ How old is Jane now? Does she get married?

④ What did she do after she became disabled?

⑤ How does she write letters?

⑥ Does she live a happy life ? Why or why not?

⑦ What do you think about Jane’s attitude to life


 Everyone has problems, if you think about your problems;you will have a life full of problems.I think about good things in my life,I have a life full of good things。

2.Correct the answers.Step Ⅳ.Reading

1.Have the class to read the text.2.Check the answers while give them some important language points of the text.For example:

 ①她不能做很多事情。

be unable to do sth不能做某事

②她喜欢鼓励女儿弹钢琴enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事(类似用法的动词finish doing, practice doing,keep doing,ect)

③encourage sb to do sth.鼓励某人做某事

3.Do the exercise.根据汉语提示完成句子

(1)If we study hard, we will___________(有一个幸福的生活).(2)Your father__________(不能帮你)you, because it is your business.(3)She__________(不敢游泳)in the lake.(4)They_________(结婚)for ten years old.(5)He has a book___________(装满照片)

StepⅤ.Do the Project

Which of these things do you think is the most important: money, family jobs, health, good looks or friends? Why? Ask the students to talk about each other.Using this phrase:

 I think that_____ is the most important because_____.Discussion:

 I think money is important because money can buy everything. I think health is the most important because…

 I think family is the most important because…

Step Ⅵ.Summary

This lesson tells us that the difficulties the disabled people face.We learned a disabled woman named Jane , she could only move around in her wheelchair.But she has a strong will and belief.She overcomes many difficulties and finally succeeds.From her story ,we learn something important:

There is nothing difficult in the world if you stick to it.When you meet with difficulties in your life, remember: Never give up and don’t lose heart.StepVII.Homework

1.Group discussion:Who is really disabled?

2.Surf the Internet or go to the library to find out more information about the disabled

3.Learn the words and phrases by heart。

4.Try to retell the story。








纪山中学 袁昌炜


本课是九年级第二单元的阅读课“He used to cause a lot of trouble.”,它是本单元话题过去时的某种状态的延伸和继续。文章讲得主要内容是一个老是惹麻烦的男孩在明白了母亲对他的爱之后变成一个好孩子的故事。二.教学目标

⑴掌握一些主要的词汇和句型used to be like等。

⑵引导学生理解课文内容,掌握阅读技巧,如扫读、细读、概括文章大意,利用 上下文信息猜词等。⑶通过阅读课文,并设计各种活动训练学生运用英语进行听说读写各种活动的能力。⑷激发学生感恩父母,热爱父母,关注身边的人的情感。三.教学重点和难点




依据刘兆义老师在教师专题12《初中英语阅读教学的途径与实践》中所提出的任务型及合作式教学原则,使学生在小组学习中获取信息,处理信息和运用信息,激发学生用所学语言进行交际的愿望和自信心,促进合作精神和文化意识的发展.五、教学设计 1.总体思路:

本节课是在多媒体的课堂教学环境下实施的大容量、快节奏的课堂教学.笔者先让学生简短描述父母以前和现在的职业,外貌,性格,爱好再欣赏英文歌曲thank you, dad.导入,酝酿了一种感激父母的氛围,接着引导他们畅诉父母对自己的帮助的故事,然后让学生阅读短文,感受母亲爱的伟大。在阅读过程中,通过让学生看标题,预测课文内容、概括文章段落大意、根据上下文填所缺的句子,判断正误等各种方式提高阅读技能。最后,笔者提供关键词让学生复述课文,使其能熟练得掌握所学的重点词汇、短语和句子。阅读后,笔者抛出这样的问题让学生讨论:我们该用什么方式报答父母?培养学生反哺意识。最后通过写作,提高学生综合运用语言的能力。Step1 Before you read 1.Get the students to describe their parents T: Parents are the most familiar and loved person to you.Can you give a brief description of them? You can describe what they used to be like and what they are like now.(students may describe their age, appearance, personality, hobbies they used to be and now.)设计说明:通过谈论父母以前和现在的外貌,个性,爱好职业等既复习了本单元的语言功能项目,延续了本单元的话题,又能成功地引进本课要谈论和阅读的内容:父母的爱。

2.Play the song “thank you, dad” for the students and enjoy it with them.Thank you, Dad Thank you, Dad Thank you, Dad Thanks for loving me Hugs and Kisses, hugs and kisses Comes to you from me Thank you, Dad Thank you, Dad You are such a friend On this day I’d like to say On you I can depend.T: It is great you know much about your parents.Do you know when is Father’s day and mother’s day? S: Mother’s day is the second Sunday of May and Father’s Day is the third Sunday of June.T: Great.These two holidays are taken for us to thank our parents.Now let’s enjoy a song for Father’s Day.设计说明:播放Thank you,dad歌曲,既可以吸引学生的注意力,激发学习英语的兴趣,又可以引起学生的深思,营造一种对父母无限感激的氛围。

3.pair work ⑴T: Don’t you think it’s a beautiful song? I think so.It reminds me think of my own father.He has done so much for me.I used to be a shy person when I was a middle school student.I didn’t use to dare to speak in front of class or facing a crowed of people.My father encouraged me to believe in myself.And now I’m outgoing.I’m grateful to my father, he is so patient and helpful.I’m sure your parents are the same.Would you like to share the stories you parents help you solve problems with your partner and then make notes on the context。⑵ ask some volunteers to tell class his own or partner’s stories.设计说明: a.通过交流父母在孩子成长过程中对孩子的帮助的故事,使学生体会到父母对自己的恩情,对自己的爱;b.使学生再一次创造性地灵活运用目标语言USED TO,谈论过去的经历,延续和深化本单元的话题,提高口语能力,并为下一任务阅读做好准备。

Step 2 While reading 1.Introduce the title of the passage-He used to cause a lot of trouble T: Your stories really moved me, Today we’ll read a connected story, “He used to caused to cause a lot of trouble”, according to the title, what might be talked about in this passage? Would you might to make a list? Please pay attention to the word used to.The students may give such answers: What troubles he used to cause The reason he used to cause so much trouble What made him change He is now a good person.设计说明:通过让学生在不预习课文的情况下根据文章标题猜测文章内容旨在培养其预测文章大意的能力,并通过下一阶段的阅读来检验学生对标题的预测是否正确。在教学中,教师提醒学生注意USED TO这个词语。

2.Fast reading ⑴What is the passage mainly about?

⑵Compare what the students predicted with the content given by the author ⑶stick out the key sentences and give the main idea of each paragraph in group and then report to class.Para.1 After father’s death, Martin’s life became difficult.Para.2 The troubles Martin used to cause.Para.3 A conversation with his mother on the phone changed his life.Para.4 What is Martin now like.设计说明:概括全文大意和各段落大意旨在帮助学生整体把握课文的脉络,提高分析综合能力和概括能力。

3.Detailed reading ⑴ Finish Section3, 3a Put the missing sentences back in the correct place in the reading.设计说明:培养学生利用上下文的信息猜词和学习新词汇的能力。

⑵Finish Section3.3b

Read the statements below.Circle “True”.False”.Or “Don’t know” According to the reading.设计说明:设计此活动的目的是让学生带着问题细读文章,加深对文章的理解,并提高阅读能力.⑶let the students design questions according to the text and then ask answer in pairs 设计说明:提高学生获取文章细节的能力.4.Explain some difficult phrases and sentences in the text and help solve the problems students raise

5.Retell the text in group one by one according to the key words below then choose one to report to class Retell the text 1„problem child„a recent conversation„ not used to„after his father’s death„difficult„not afford„to do this„

2.look after„cause problems„not interested in„ get into troubles„„patient„make a decision„hate„ leave„waste„ 3„necessary„call„change„need„help„understand„no longer„

watch„take pride in„decide to „realize„ be afraid of„pay more attention to„

4„has changed„work hard„a top student„ how„mother’s love„important„设计说明:提供关键词,让学生在小组里轮流复述课文,让朗读有了目的,使学生牢固地掌握课文里的词汇短语和句

6.Discuss in class: Why did the author write the Passage? S1: The author wants to tell us: Mother’s love is great.S2:He wants to tell us: Communication between children and parents can help them understand each other better.设计说明:猜测作者写作意图,使学生明白写作目的及阅读目的,领会文章精髓

Step 3 After you read

1.Disscuss in group: What are nice ways for you to express your feelings and love to your parents ? T: Don’t you think parents’ love is magical? It makes Martin, a troublesome boy change into a top student.We can’t imagine what would happen to Martin without his mother’s love and help.We can say parents are the most unselfish persons.They are someone who listens suggests and defends.They are the givers, but not expect your repay.They are the persons deserving your most respect and love.We should do something for them, too.we can’t only receive but not give..In China, there is an old saying “树欲静而风不止,子欲养而亲不待”。We can’t wait until it’s too late.We should do something to make them happy and let them know we love them.Do you think what are nice ways for us to express our feelings to our parents? Please share your ideas in group and then report to class.2.Choose a representative of a group to report and ask other groups to supplement.The student may give such answers.a.to share homework with parents b.to send parents small gifts on parent’s day or their birthday c.to write a letter or a card to express how much we love them d.to try to study hard e.to do a part-time job to reduce parents’ burden.f....3.ask students to do some activities to show their love to parents after school.设计说明:通过例举向父母表达爱的方式,在学生心中树立反哺的概念,让他们明白爱是相互的,并让他们付之于行动。4.Homework: writting Write a passage of stories happened between you and your parents.The passage may include a.what is your comment or feeling on your fathermother b.give some examples of your father/mother helped you solve problems you met.c.What you have done or want to do to show your love to your fathermother.设计说明:课堂上大量的语言输入为学生的语言输出做好了准备,对父母强烈的爱和感激之情使他们有了写作的欲望;此项课外作业能引导学生更多地关注父母,关注周围的人,学会爱人。



Unit 2 Could you tell me where the restrooms are ? I.Analysis of the teaching material.Unit 2 is focused on the topic of “ Ask for information politely ,follow directions”.It’s related to students’ daily life.This unit needs five periods.This lesson is the forth period, from 3a to 4 in Section B.The important points of this lesson are key sentences and to write a guide.The difficult point is to write a guide.II.Analysis of the students Students have learnt how to describe a place and directions.This lesson is a further practice for them.After practice speaking , they should learn how to write a guide.According to English syllabus , new lesson standard and students , I design the following learning aims: Teaching aims.1)Language goals.(Memorize and use them)

A.Words and expressions:

slide / water slide / clown / museum / concert

B.Key sentences:

a.Watertown is a great place for the family to take a vacation.b.Parents will spend many happy hours walking through the History Museum.2)Ability goal

Enable the students to learn how to write a guide 3)Emotion and attitude goal

Enable the students to know they can learn while playing 4)Teaching aids

tape reporter, multi-media computer, textbook III.Teaching methods I will use a method called “solving problems in five steps.1)Students ask questions after preview.2)Teacher asks questions for students to answer to lead in the new lesson.3)Students try to find out the answers to the questions given by the teacher.4)Students talk in groups to solve what they don’t understand.5)Do exercise to check what they know and what they don’t know.VI.Learning strategies I’ll encourage students to use the following learning strategies: 1)Mind-mapping

2)Cooperative study

3)Use what they learn V.Teaching procedures Now I’ll mainly talk about this part.Step 1.Warm-up

Let the students listen to the music and do exercise to relax.Ask the students “What do you do to relax on weekend?” Students answer.Then tell the students “ There is a more wonderful place to play , do you want to know?”---“ Now we’ll learn an article about watertown, Unit 11 Section B ”.Show learning aims.Play a game “Match them”.Let students look at explanation of the word, and match the explanation with the word itself.My purpose is that : This game can not only arouse students’ interest but also practice the new words, and help students memorize the words easily.At the same time , it can train students’ abilities of thinking in English.Step 2 Preparing test Since students previewed this lesson, I’ll check what they know and what they don’t know.First , students fill in the chart ,then they tell what they don’t understand, other students help explain.If no one can explain , I’ll explain.Next, students tell important phrases.Ask students to make sentences with the important phrases and memorize the important sentences in two minutes.The purpose of this part is to break through some difficult points and stress important points.Step 3 listen and repeat Some students’ pronunciation is poor.So listen to the tape and repeat to practice pronunciation.The purpose of this part is to train students’ abilities of reading and listening.Step 4 Groupwork Let students talk in groups to find out how to write a guide.Some students tell their answers.Learning guide 1 Since students know how to write a guide ,they can speak a guide.First , speak by themselves.Then talk in groups to correct mistakes.I’ll offer some pictures.After speaking a guide, ask several students to show their answers.Learning guide 2 Let students finish 3b and write a guide

Purpose of this part is to improve the students’ abilities of speaking and writing and also their abilities of co-operation , self-learning will be well trained.Step 5 Make a conclusion Students make a conclusion of what they learn.The purpose is to train students’ ability of making a conclusion.Step 6 Extension(Homework)Work as a guider on weekend or write an e-mail to a foreigner to introduce a place.The purpose is to develop students’ abilities of social practice.VI.Design of blackboard Note 1.Bob uncle’s =Bob uncle’s restaurant 2.dress up as---3.both---and---My design of blackboard is clear.It stresses the key points and break through the difficult points, the students can go over the lesson easily.VII.Purpose of design

My purpose of the design is to encourage students to form a habit of thinking by themselves and cooperating with others.At the same time , encourage students to use what they learn to improve their abilities.


教学案例(Unit4 Topic1 Section D)

指导思想:仁爱教材倡导通过任务型活动,巩固所学的语言知识,通过思考、体验、参与、合作等方式来学习,培养学生独立思考的习惯以及口语表达和合作学习的能力,强化了语言的运用,充分体现了语言交际的本质 —— 学以致用。因此,在教学中以发展学生综合运用语言的能力为中心,把学习和运用语言的过程作为培养学生的主动思维、大胆实践的过程,从而形成学生自主学习的能力。培养学生综合运用语言的能力,就成了基础教育阶段英语课程的总目标。教材的分析

本课处于仁爱英语九年级(上)Unit4 Amazing Science Topic1 Spaceships Are Mainly Controlled By Computers第四课时,话题主要围绕谈论神舟五号和嫦娥一号进而涉及到电脑在航天中的应用。本话题从令人关注的神五入手,贴近生活,时代感强。然后,由飞船的成功运行联想到电脑科技,最后,由电子邮件的发送与接收回到电脑的应用的实际生活中。教学中本着整合教材的精神,把本课的内容顺序进行调整,使之浑然成为一个整体,因为学生在学习本课前已经学习并掌握了部分关于谈论电脑科技的的句型,所以,教材的要求与学生现有的水平相一致。通过本课的学习,学生对祖国的科技有了更深的了解。更乐于接触现代科技:电脑、太空知识,口语表达能力和书面表达能力都会有所提高。学生分析:



(1)Review Grammar: The Object Complement.(2)Know about the parts of computers and the use of them.(3)Know about how to send and receive an e—mail.2、教学方法

Task—based Language Teaching


Listing, speaking, reading, writing, debiting,4、理论依据

Project English 通过各种任务性的活动,巩固所学的语言知识;通过思考、体验、合作等方式来学习,培养学生独立思考的习惯以及口语表达和合作学习的能力,强化语言的运用和习得的过程,充分体现了语言的交际本质-----学以致用(Learning to do things)。




1.Sum up “Verb+ object+complement.” 2.Useful expresions.难点:

Know about how to send and receive an e-mail.教具:

Pictures, ppt, recorder, multimedia 教学方法:

Speaking, listening, reading, talking, writing, debating.Teaching Procedure(教学过程):


1.T: Good morning,everyone!I`m very happy to see you here today.Before class begins please look at the big screen.Talk about the pictures.(1)(Teacher shows the picture of Chang`e flying to the moon.)

T:Who is she?whocan tell me?

S1: She is chang`e.She is a beautiful goddess.The ancent legend about her flying to the moon is known to all the Chinese.It shows…

(2)(show the picture of Yangliwei)T:Who is he?what is she doing?

S2:He is Yangliwei, he is the first Chinese to travel into space.和is our national hero.In 2003,he traveled around the earth in ShenzhouV for 21 hours…All of us are very proud…(3)(Show a picture of a computer.)T:What`s this? S3:It`s a computer.T: Do you know the name of every part of computers? Do you often use computers? What do you use it for? S4:...chat with my friends.T:What about you?

S5:..download the music and songs…

…shopping on line…

…watching movies…

…get informations…

T: Great, I often use the computer at home or at school as well, you know.To tell you a secret, I often use computers to send

and receive an e—mail.Do you know how to send and receive an e—mail?Let me tell you.Please come to 1a.(通过这一部分的内容,复习展示了2b内容。)


Listen to 1a and learn the new words and expressions:

First paragraph(show some pictures.)

turn on,connet to,evenlope,click on…

Second paragraph:

click on“new”, “to”,“subject”, “send”

Third paragraph:

“inbox”, “a list of message” click on “new message”, finish reading ,go back to “inbox”

Step3 Consolidation(10`)

1.Let students retell the steps of sending and receiveing an—mail.2.Let students read 1a again and put the following pictures in the right order according to1a.Finish 1b.3.Let students send and receive an e-mail on the multimedia.Step4.Practice(12`)

Divide the students into two groups, one is success group their opinion is: Computers are good things;the other is dream

group,their opinionis: Computers are bad things.(Debating the advantages and disadvantages.)Affirmative debater1:

Computers have becom every important in many areas of work and leisure.There is no doubt computers are very useful in technology and business.So we think computers are good things.Negetive debater1:

Though computers improved uor lives at,they have brought many problems,too.So we think computers are bad things.Affirmative debater2:

In space,computers help the astronauts control the speed and derection of a spaceship`s flight.It proves computers are good things.Negetive debater2:

If we work on computers too much time ,we may get headache and sour eyes.Bad for our health, so computers are bad things.… …

According to the SectionA----SectionC, debating the uses of computers and disadvantages of computers.T:sum up:

Well done!everyone!I think all of us want to know which group will win, I tell you they both win, because they agued are both saids of one problem, computers are good things because they are one of the great inventions in the 20th century, helping human beings in many ways;computers are bad things because they can cause many probems.We must use compuers properly, make them serve us better…(呈现2a句子,适时对学生进行思想教育。)

Step5 Project(8`)

Design a wall newspaper about the uses of computers in groups, pay attention to the advantadges and stick them on the blackboard.Homework: write a composition about compers.课后反思:


识大胆的运用到实际中去,拓展所学,扩大学生知识面。在设计wall newspaper 时,欣喜地看到了同学们智慧和创新的火花:刘学同学写到:There was a very good boy named ZhangYi, he was a good student, but he spent too much time on computer games,and he couldn`t get out of it , at last he killed himself.What a pity!Keep away from the computer games!!他把墙报设计成黄色花朵,有警示的含义,还写上了:Pay attention!从稚嫩地语言看出了孩子纯洁的心灵,这是孩子在这一课里学习到的思想深层次的东西,也是最大的收获。

李丹同学在作文中这样写道: Computer is a very useful machine,It is very popular today.Computers are used in many ways---in office,in factories,in big shops,at schools and even at home.It can help us to learn about the real world …I learned how to send an e---mail,we can send and receive an e—mail in a few minutes to our friends far away.It shows us a very nice picture of tomorrow.虽然语法表达上还不尽善尽美,但她把wall newspaper 设计成红色花朵,似心形,像花蕾。也表现了孩子们对电脑的喜爱。




Unit 2 Saving the earth

Topic1 Pollution has caused too many problems Section A




本单元以Saving the Earth为主题,包括“Pollution has caused too many problems.”, “All these problems are very serious.”和 “What can we do at home to protect the environment?”三个话题。围绕环境与环保这一主题,呈现本单元三个话题的语音、词汇、语法和功能项目的学习内容。

其中第一个话题对学生的英语学习起着承上启下的作用,该话题通过围绕污染问题的听力对话和阅读文段呈现新的学习内容。本课是第一话题的Section A部分,通过康康等人计划去西山野餐,结果发现美丽西山已经被污染的对话,让学生进行对一般过去时和现在完成时的比较,并能用这两种时态对比描述过去和现在的场景。本课内容充分联系生活实际,容易激发学生学习英语的兴趣;在第一单元里已经对现在完成时进行了系统的学习和反复复习,大部分学生已经掌握这个知识点,一般过去时从初一开始就贯穿整个初中英语学习,学生也比较熟悉,但两个时态在一起时很容易混淆,所以特别需要比较分析;西山两个场景的描述,直观形象,学生体会两个时态的区别起来比较直观。




(一)知识目标: 1.听说读新单词: butterfly、bee、mess、shame、several、waste...2.掌握重点短语:⑴have a picnic ⑵see...doing...⑶pour...into...3.会应用重点句型:⑴There be...doing...⑵What a mess

(二)能力目标: 用一般过去时和现在完成时对比描述过去和现在的场景。

(三)情感目标: 引导学生爱护环境保护地球家园。





1、展示野餐的图片,问学生问题“Have you ever had a picnic?”点出短语“have a picnic”。

2、康康等人计划去野餐,提出自己的野餐建议,引入野 餐地点—西山,进入本课学习。




















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