
时间:2019-05-12 12:30:17下载本文作者:会员上传













第二篇:安娜与国王 英文影评

Intercultural communication and conflicts

——the comments on Anna and the king Adapted by a novel and filmed in 1999, “Anna and the king” tells a story of an English widow going to Thailand with her son and teaching King’s sons English, based on the background in the middle of the 19th century.Except for love and war, this movie reflects intercultural communication and conflicts as a manifestation of culture shock in terms of human rights, concept of privacy and time.As for human rights, western people possess the value of equality;while eastern rank people by their gender and social state.When Anna met the prime minister of Thailand for the first time, she was called “sir” for standing in front of him, which violated Siam’s provision that girls must go down on their knees when meeting the primer.Although she had been advised to touch forehead to floor and bow down to the king, she insisted on greeting by protocol of her own custom, in most respectful way.When Anna saw a slave be chained outside, both physically and mentally painful, she decided to request king to release her.In her opinion, each human being has the right to enjoy full freedom, and slavery should never exist in a modern nation.King admired her humanism and courage and allowed her to stand when speaking to him.Princess Chulalongkorn also learned from his teacher and changed from being superior to respectful, self-righteous to a good listener, and selfish to indiscriminate love Ancient Siam’s polygamy, which is inhumane and deprives women of pursuing true love, also caused conflicts between Anna and king.When king’s new imperial concubine——Tatian was found cheating on king with her lover for being neglected by king, she was lashed in court and was going to be executed.Anna defended for her, which put king on a spot and lead to a tragic ending.Although Anna gets a strong point, it is not strong enough to confront with king’s dignity and feudal polygamy around the whole nation.Cultural conflicts in privacy are skillfully mentioned when Anna met primer for the first time.After primer asked a series of personal questions before getting straight to the point, Anna stressed that her purpose there was to tutor king’s son, and personal questions are unnecessary.In Siam, asking personal questions first is a gesture to be polite and friendly.However, westerners pursue individualism and value the importance of privacy, which is greatly different from collectivism advocated by most easterners.The difference in concept of time is another culture shock in this movie.After Anna came to Siam, she wasn’t called in until the third week, and her request for living outside palace wasn’t worked out immediately.Prime minister explained that everything has its own time in Siam and it will resolve itself in time.However, in Anna’s mind, it is a matter of principle whether one can keep his or her promise, not time.Not only does Anna bring new ideas to Siam, but the culture there has also changed her way of thinking.In the beginning of the movie, when Louis, Anna’s son, asked her why the king needed her when no one in Siam spoke any English, she answered, the ways the England, the ways the world.However, this sense of superiority faded gradually as she found England, the so called country of modernization and civilization, secretly planned to provoke a war between Siam and Burma for the sake of its own self-interest.As English, she chose to stand on the side of justice, not power.This movie sets a good example for intercultural exchange, where different values can conflict with each other, learn from each other, and finally reform to be a better one.






海明威说:“人生来不是要给打败的,你可以毁灭他,但是不可以打败他。” 在语言治疗师莱昂纳尔(Lionel Logue)的帮助下,通过一系列的训练两人成为好友,国王Bertie的口吃也大为好转,随后他发表了著名的圣诞讲话,鼓舞了当时二战中的英国军民。



而影片中,我最感动的是Bertie和Lionel Logue的友情。每个人的成长中总得有也总会有那么一两个人在鼓励扶持着你,并非因为身份,而只是纯粹因为信赖。对于Bertie, Lionel就是那一个人。正如Lionel所说,“This fellow would be somebody great, he just afraid of his own shadow.”他的确有资格成为伟人,而不是龟缩在自己的精神世界中无法自拔。



In this movie, the actor's performance is very good.in close-up shots, we can see clearly that Colin's lips are tense and irregular.He tried to read the words, but he blushed because he can’t speak them.Facing with Lionel's deliberate aggression, he made a thunderous retort.George VI's sensitive, fragile and helpless psychology is fully displayed in front of the audience under his performance.Along with Geoffrey, Helena, Timothy and Jennifer, it's undeniable that the acting of the leading actors made the royal film more entertaining.Bertie's first public speech was a failure.Like a wounded hedgehog, Bertie pricks up his thorns and keeps everyone away.The camera did not deliberately describe Bertie's mental state but reflected his inner helplessness and resistance through his words and deeds.The film uses a lot of montage techniques, among which the telescopic lens naturally takes the animation surface to draw.it is even more perfect.The film gives a good description of the details.During the broadcast, Lionel's encouragement and cues to Bertie’s body are different.At the beginning, he helps Bertie to relaxed and checked the speech.Later, he let Bertie read it all by himself.Finally, after the speech, he called Bertie “Mr.King” for the first time.It proving that Bertie had completely defeated herself in the past.he had truly grown into what Lionel had previously called “the bravest person.” When we're growing up, we don't need to care what people say.All we have to care about is whether we have really worked hard to overcome the immature self of the past.

第五篇:国王的演讲 影评




英国是近现代名人文化最繁荣的地方,无论是戴安娜王妃死亡的媒介事件、the big brother真人秀、还是每天报纸上连篇累牍的大小明星秘辛,所有事件的关键词都指向“表演”。

在the King's speech里面乔治六世也说了王室成员在变成演员。这部电影的妙处不仅仅在于它是一部寓教于乐的高质量主旋律电影,更在于它坦述大众传媒时代主旋律是如何被炮制,精确的指出权威形象是如何被“表演”出来的。电影以话筒的特写开场,然后是一位男播音员在一间标准art deco风格的播音室里介绍约 克公爵出场,为1925年帝国博览会致辞。无线电广播、art deco与博览会都是20年代的流 行标志,这几样展现了大众传媒蓬勃、生活方式革新和人口的流动性(博览会通常会吸引很 多远道而来的人们),也暗示时代在变化,王族不能仅沿袭传统,还必须找到新的树立与行 使权威的方式。带着讲稿出现在玻璃墙后、通过话筒传声的约克公爵就是答案——在新的时 代,权威站在媒体的玻璃墙后(如人物可望却伸手不可及的电视屏幕、报纸杂志)“表演” 自己的形象给群众看,并通过新媒介将公共事务带到千家万户的私人空间。

但可惜这位皇族“演员”因为口吃,不能演好自己的角色,需要寻求帮助并努力练习。在遍寻名医偏方 都不能奏效时,最后真正帮助口吃国王的是一位舞台演员——历史的玩笑看起来或许是巧 合,但也别有深意。这部电影披露了国王的鲜为人知的往事,他的奋斗过程也与一般成长主题的经典励志片无 异,但这并没有削弱消减国王的“尊贵”或“权威”。一方面电影将国王“普通人化”,这也是片中主要喜剧成分的来源,另一方面在关于爱德华八世不爱江山爱美人的问题上,电影通过渲染约克公爵的责任感以平衡他的“普通”,将他塑造成一个更顾及王室尊严的 更值得信赖的领袖。在拉近普通观众与大人物的距离、制造亲切感、增加认同度的同时,又赋予大人物一些“天生的”、“无可比拟”的特质,提醒领袖与普通人之间的距离。Max Weber将权威分为魅力(charisma)权威、传统权威与理性合法权威。继承皇位的乔治六世在电影中权威的建立没有太多仰仗传统性(他获得王位不仅仅因为是老国王的儿子)或者理性合法性(非通过选举),更多仰赖于被渲染的个人特质与魅力——挑战自身缺陷 的“勇敢”、对国家尊严与人民的责任感,甚至他的坏脾气和王室生活带来的“命运”所 赋予他“无可避免”的阴影。这些个人特质给观众带来情感认同,成功的塑造出一位人们 心理容易接受和亲近的,甚至是众望所归的国王形象。对charisma的强调,是娱乐明星塑造的重要环节,这部电影里对国王的塑造,也是符合如今的观众心理的。因此,我认为这是一部成功的主旋律片。

摄影很棒,尤其涉及内阁的场面构图仿佛同题材经典油画,暗示出传统、端庄又官僚的内阁 气氛。几位演员都非常出色,尤其是扮演乔治六世的Colin Firth,每一个动作每一个表情,每一根脸下挑动表情的神经里里外外都是戏。

我对电影里的女性服装特别有兴趣。扮演那个离婚两次,让爱德华八世放弃皇位的传奇祸水红颜辛普森夫人第一次出场时穿了一件露背黑色礼服。如果我没记错的话,这种款式的 流行与好莱坞电检法有关。因为20年代好莱坞软色情横行,女演员胸前风光旖旎,于是电检 特意规定了演员胸前不可暴露,但忽略了后背的问题。于是电影中开始流行前面保守,后 背极低的小黑裙,这股风潮走下银幕,在观众中广为流传,30年代的激进时髦女子都爱露 背。辛普森夫人的着装不仅表明了她的美国身份,与出现在同一个场景中却穿着严肃的套 装和显示地位的皮草的公爵夫人相比,一个时髦轻浮激进,难以让人信任,另一个稳重端 庄有母仪天下的潜质。

art deco爱好者一定会对此片津津乐道。家具、广播电台、墙纸、台灯等细节都非常可看,尤其是各种形态的老式收音机。收音机在本片中是另一个低调的主角,家庭、工作 伙伴、酒吧顾客围坐在收音机前倾听国王演讲,并在心中由此勾勒出国家权威的形象。





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