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4.考试结束时将试卷和答题卡放在桌上,不得带走。待监考人员收毕清点后,方可离 场。



1.Who is paying the lunch now?

A.They share the billB.The woman.C.The man.2.Who are the two speakers?

A.Workers.B.Students.C.Teachers.3.What will the speakers do over the weekend?

A.Go camping.B.Stay at home.C.Climb mountains.4.Where are the speakers?

A.In a bookstore.B.On a bus.C.At home.5.What does the man ask the woman to do ?

A.Get his key.B.Start the car.C.Wait for him.第二节



6.Why does the woman call the man?

A.To tell him the time and place of a meeting.B.To tell him how to get to Birmingham.C.To tell him to visit Don White.7.Which train is the woman taking?

A.The 10: 17B.The 10: 45C.The 11: 15


8.When is their flight?

A.In the morning.B.In the afternoon.C.In the evening.9.Why do the speakers need to stop off in Hong Kong?

A.Direct flights are more expensive.B.They plan to do some shopping there.C.There are no non-stop flights to Singapore.10.How long will the speakers be away from home?

A.Two days.B.Ten days.C.Twelve days.听下面一段材料,回答第11和第13题

11.Where does this conversation take place?

A.In a concert hall.B.Ina a restaurant

C.In a theatre

12.How does the woman feel in the conversation?


13.What is the woman going to do next?

A.Start to work immediately.B.Talk to the group

C.Sit down to order.听下面一段材料,回答第14和第17题

14.Why was Bill unhappy about the game?

A.Some players played poorly.B.The scores were too close.C.It lasted too long.15.Who cheered for the Tigers?


16.What was the one thing Bill said he enjoyed?

A.His friends’ company

B.Supporting his team.C.Eating some food

17.What do you know about the woman?

A.She knows Bill well.B.She owns a restaurant.C.She dislikes football.听下面一段材料,回答第18和第20题

18.What do we know about Cactus City Wild West Park?

A.A place to see cowboys and cowgirls.B.A place for children to play in winter.C.A fun place for the whole family

19.When does the wild west show begin?

A.At 10 am weekdays

B.At 2pm on weekends.C.At 2:30 pm everyday.20.When can people take free buses to the park?

A.On Saturdays and Sundays

B.Throughout the week

C.In the evenings.2009年浙江省高考英语听力材料及答案


1.W: Thanks for lunch.It was delicious.Next time it’s on me.M: Don’t be silly.W: I’m serious.M: All right.Next time you treat.2.M: What’s the chemistry homework Mr.Brown gave us today?

W: Just a minute.I’ll look it up in my notebook.3.M: Did you listen to the weather report this morning, Helen?

W: Yes, it says we are going to have a wet weekend.We may get some very heavy rain in mountain areas.M: That means we can’t go camping, but will have to stay in.4.M: Hi, Maggie.I want all these books here.W: That might be a lot for your dad to buy at one time.M: My dad gets me all the books I want.W: Well, that’s very nice of him.5.M: Will you excuse me for a moment? I left my key in the car.W: Certainly.第二节6-7小题

M: Bob Gordon speaking.W: Hello, Bob.It’s Ann here.How’s everything?

M: Fine.How about you?

W: Oh, not so bad.Listen, I want to talk to you, Bob, about next Thursday.I hope you haven’t forgotten.M: No, no.I’ve got it in my diary.Just look it up.Thursday, the14th, the meeting in Birmingham, don’t know when or where, though.W: Right.That’s what Don White asked me to tell you.It’s in Birmingham at a quarter past eleven in the Rose.M: The Rose Hotel?

W: Yes, the one opposite the park, Er, now you’ve got the time, right? 11:15, OK? M: Yeah, fine, 11:15.I may be a few minutes late.There is a train from here at 8:10.I’ll take that one, which train are you getting?

W: I’m catching the 10:17.I get in at about 10:45.M: OK.See you Thursday then.Cheer then.W: Bye, Bob.8-10小题

W: Meg, I’ve just got us tickets to Singapore.M: That is just too exciting.So when do we set off?

W: The plane leaves tomorrow afternoon.So we need to set off for the airport at 11am.M: Just let me write that down.So I don’t forget.So we leave at 11 am.Do we stop off anywhere on the way or is it a direct fight?

W: Well, there aren’t any direct flights.But we are very lucky.With these tickets we can stop off in Hong Kong.So we can stop and spend two days there on our way to Singapore.M: You’re great.I always wanna go there.So we stop off in Hong Kong and just one more thing.When do we get back?

W: We’ll return home in 10 days’ time.M: Wow, wonderful, I just can’t wait.11-13小题

M: Have you booked a table, madam?

W: Yes, we’ve booked one for two.The name is Morrison.M: Oh, yes, we have the table for you near the group.This way, please.W: Group? What group? Oh, the music group, I suppose.I can’t stand the noisy places.Now where’s the menu?

M: It’s on the wall, madam, on the blackboard.W: On the blackboard, indeed.I suppose you can’t afford proper menus.M: I’m sorry, madam, but that’s what we always do.W: I have such a busy afternoon in my office.If I weren’t so hungry, I would leave immediately.2009年浙江省高考英语听力材料及答案14-20


W: How was the game, Bill? Did you enjoy it?

M: No, it was not interesting at all.W: That’s too bad.Football games are usually exciting.M: Not last night.Some of the players didn’t know what they were doing.In fact, one of them was just terrible.W: Well, which team was the winner?

M: The Tigers, they won the game 3-1.W: Were you happy about the score?

M: No, I cheered for the losers.W: What about Eric and Steve? Which team did they support?

M: Well, Eric was for the Tigers, but Steve was for the Lions.W: Then at least one of you liked the game.M: Yes, all of us enjoyed eating something.I had a big box of popcorn and ice cream.18-20小题

Hi, there, cow boys and cow girls.For a really exciting day in the Wild West, come to Cactus City Wild West Park.Yes, bring the children along to see a real old time

pioneering town.Shoot guns and ride horses down the road.We’ll open April through September, seven days a week from10 am to sundown.Only 12 dollars for adults and 6 dollars for children or buy a family ticket at 24 dollars.What’s more, every

Saturday and Sunday we have a real Wild West Show.Performances start at 2 pm and last for two and a half hours.That’s value for money.There are free buses to the park throughout the day every Saturday and Sunday from Cactus City Center.Yes, so we.There is a lot of fun waiting for all the family at Cactus City Wild West Park.Key: CBBAC AABCB BACAC CACBA





第一节 听力选择

A、图片理解 请听句子,从A、B、C中选择与句子意思相符的正确图片,并用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。(听两遍)1.The lady monkey like up and down 2.Wow!The a robot 3.It's diffident 4.Let's “Happy Birthday” to Mary 5.We can by the B、小对话理解 请听小对话及问题,从A、B、C中选择正确的答案,并用2B铅笔把答题卡

上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。(听两遍)6.M:Loot!The two can

Mary:Yes,I have to limb it.The kite is not mice.It's Linda's kite Tom:OK.I can help you.Let's go Mary:Thank you.OK Let's go!第二节 听力填空

D、短文理解 请听短文,根据其内容填写表格,并将正确答案用黑色墨水笔或黑色签字笔


How time flies!I will leave middle school.Now let me tell you something about my middle school life.Three years ago,I font went into junior high school,I didn't work hard and I always got had grades,My patent and teachers worried about me.And I often felt.When i in trouble,toy teaches and helped too Later I made much progress in my study.What's more.I joined the school club and the English club.Soon,I will get into a senior high school,and I will study harder and go to my favorite university.



(1)餐馆场景:order点菜, serve上菜, change零钱, tip小费, treat 请客(This is my treat!我请客!), go Dutch AA制, steak牛排, cheese奶酪, sandwich 三明治, soup 汤,dessert甜品,水果(作为正餐的最后一道), go out for dinner / dinner out 出去吃饭 snack bar 小吃街; hamburger 汉堡包, coke 可口可乐, French fries 炸薯条, dining hall, coffee shop, restaurant;cafeteria 自助餐, menu菜单, salad色拉, 凉拌生菜, dish一道菜, drink饮料, bill账单, wine, beef牛肉, sea food海味, chicken, table, juice.(2)邮局场景:stamp, envelope, package / parcel 包裹, extra postage 额外邮资, send / post / deliver a letter / mail 寄 /发信, express mail 快件, airmail 航空信件, telegram/telegraph.(3)图书馆场景:library card;borrow;lend;keep;renew续借;bookshelf书架;novel;science fiction科幻小说;magazine;reference book参考书;librarian 图书管理员 pay a fine 交罚款 Can I help you? / What can I do for you?(4)医院及健康场景:aspirin 阿司匹林, treat/cure, take one’s temperature / blood pressure 测量体温/血压 medicine, pills / tablets药丸/药片, heart attack 心脏病, cold / flu 流感:have/catch a cold, pain, headache, stomach-ache, backache, sore-throat喉咙痛, cough, fever.(5)电话场景: The line is bad/ busy / engaged.It kept a busy line.电话占线。put through 接通电话 hold on , Hold the line, please.Hello!This is … speaking.Who’s speaking? / who is this? call/ telephone/ ring/ phone sb., give sb.a call/ ring, I’ll call back later / again.I’ll ring him / her up again.I couldn’t get through.Sorry, I’m afraid you have the wrong number.(6)酒店场景:make a reservation 预定房间, reception desk 接待处, check in 入住, check out 结帐, single room 单间, double room, suite套间, Do you have a reservation Sir?

Can I have a suite please? Can I show you your room?

Can I carry your luggage?(7)超速场景:speeding, May I see your license, please? You will be fined by $20.fine, driving license驾照(8)购物场景: department store 百货商场, shopping center 购物中心,商品信息:size;color, style, price , What color/size/kind do you want?

商品论贵贱expensive, cheap 价格论高低high, low, bargain便宜货, popular / fashionable 流行的, brand 品牌, counter 柜台, pay in cash 用现金支付, pay in check 用支票支付, shop assistant 商店营业员

(9)天气场景:bright 晴朗的, foggy有雾的, cloudy 阴天, thunder 打雷, strong/ high wind 大风, storm 风暴雨, It rains cats and dogs.(=The rain is pouring.)下着倾盆大雨。fair晴朗的, downpour倾盆大雨, shower 阵雨, clear up 天空放晴, weather in London / Seattle 意指不好的天气, weather in California 意指好天气

经常和天气相联系的情况:vacation 和 flight(航班)(be delayed/cancelled by the bad weather)(10)机场场景:flight 航班, Welcome on board 欢迎登机, check in 办理登机手续, behind schedule 晚点, take off 起飞, land降落, passport, airport, boarding gate登机入口,(11)银行场景:credit card信用卡, cash现金, cheque/check支票, change零钱,open /close a(bank)account开银行账户, wait in line排队, deposit account 定期存款账户,withdraw money 取钱。

(12)交通: traffic lights交通指示灯, crowded, rush hour交通拥挤时间, heavy/ light, traffic jam交通阻塞,(13)学校:lecture, examination, grade, playground, teacher, homework, course, subject, lesson, campus校园, be absent from class/school缺席, dormitory, hand in homework, professor, major专业 ask for leave请假,headmaster, headteacher.(14)价钱:one dollar=100cents,a pound=100pennies, penny便士,at a discount打折扣,减价,on sale廉价出售, half price, bargain廉价货,讨价还价, double, dozen, a third that price 1/3(15)时间:weekday, at noon, dawn(break)黎明, day break, midnight午夜12点, a quarter, Children’ Day, April Fool’s Day, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, entire, before long 不久之后, century=100 years, an hour and a half behind schedule 退后一个半小时

(16)人物关系:boss& secretary/office clerk/employee

(type, copy, office)

A couple= husband and wife

(honey, darling, dear)

Colleague= fellow worker;co-workers同事

interviewer& interviewee

porter & customer搬运工与顾客, policeman& a passer-by(17)常见的同义词:holiday=vacation, company=firm, walk=on foot, plane= flight=air=airplane, autumn=fall,Watch TV-channel, TV series, news, TV program, cartoon,Publishing house出版社-editor(18)描述人物的形容词及听力中常见的形容词:

Reliable可靠的, dependable, honest, out-going=sociable好交际的, enthusiastic热情的, delighted, awful可怕的,糟糕的, fantastic奇异的,荒诞的, marvelous不可思议的,绝妙的。(19)颜色:pink, purple, brown, white, yellow, green, blue, red.(20)地点:drugstore药店, grocery杂货店, garage车库, studio摄影室、录音室, parking area/lot停车点, travel agency旅行社, department store, the barber’s理发店, the dentist’s牙科诊所, gas station加油站, laundry洗衣店

(21)其他:turn off, turn on, turn down,=refuse, volume音量, put off=delay,Cancel=call off, give sb.a lift让某人搭便车, pick sb.up接sb., power failure停电, furniture, wedding, opening ceremony, staff全体员工, suitcase手提箱, souvenir纪念品,I can’t agree more=I agree非常同意, box office售票处, subway/underground, receptionist 招待员;接待员,get sth done=have sth done 车站用语:railway station, round trip, single trip, sleeping car等

reserve/reservation, reception/receptionist/reception ,desk,register/registration/book 名词:rent, style, reservation, conference, grades, return flights, accommodation, details, destination, flat/apartment, section, a king’s room, shower, deadline, 动词:reserve, spare, register, sign, appreciate, 形容词:available, amazing, scaring, boring, incredible, grand, extra, awful, digital, punctual, 副词:definitely, down, though, slightly, 词组:check out, start off, look into, now that, in a long run, on behalf of, bound for, apart from, tour/scenic spots, take/leave a message, drop in on/at, put sb.at ease, drop sb.off, in stock, 句型:1.Then all set 2.Take your time.3.Anything but cheap.4.No wonder…

5.It’s a deal.6.You’re kidding.7.Can we make it…? 8.That’s the way it is.9.It depends.10.It’s not intended for scientists, either.考点 1 数字记录与计算

主要考查的知识点:①基数词、序数词、分数、百分数。②价格、比例。③年代、日期、时刻。④路程、距离。⑤具体的编号数,如街道、楼层、房间、电话号码、航班等。复习重点:①要掌握时间的几种表达法:half past six,a quarter to two,nine twenty,after before,early late,delay等。②以 teen结尾的数词与以 ty结尾的数词的读音和意义的辨别。③辨清以 th结尾的序数词与其对应的基数词,如:sixth six。④快速记录多个数字,并用加、减、乘、除计算一些数据;熟悉计算题中常出现的表达法:half,double,twice,one third,percent,a pair dozen score,dollar,pound,cent,penny,10 each for3 tickets,at a 30% discount(打七折),one third off the normal price(打七折),more than,less than。考点 2 判断地点和方位


复习重点:①熟悉特定的场景用语和关键词,如:餐馆(restaurant)用语:menu,bill,order,tip,hamburger,sandwich,soup,dish,beer,soft drink,book a table(预定桌位),dessert(甜点),delicious等;宾馆(hotel)用语:luggage,single room,double room,room number,room key,check in,check out等;医院(hospital)用语:take medicine,temperature,pill,headache,fever,blood pressure等;邮局(post office)用语:mail,post,deliver,stamp,envelope,package,airmail,telegram 等;机场(airport)用语:flight,take off,land,luggage,delay等;火车站(railway station)用语:round trip,single trip,sleeper等;商店(store)用语:on sale,size,color,price,change(零钱)等;学校(school)用 语:professor,exam,course,dining hall,playground 等;图 书 馆(library)用语:librarian,magazine,library card,fine,renew 等。银行(in the bank)用语:cash,check,open an account,saving,withdraw,interest,draw out等。②熟悉方位的词语和表达方法,如:in the east of,to the east of,on the east of。

考点 3 判断人物及其关系

常见的人物之间的关系有:doctor-patient waiter waitress-customer secretary-boss shop assistant-customer driver-policeman teacher professor-student husband-wife receptionist-tourist lawyer-client salesperson-customer colleague friends classmates 复习重点:①能根据对话内容和情景来确定说话者从事的职业和彼此之间的关系。②善于抓住与说话者身份或职业相关的词。如材料中出现 term exam,就有可能有 teacher professor出现,或者人物间有 teacher professor-student的关系;对话中提到 buy change,就该有 salesman或 salesgirl;夫妻对话会用 dear darling;父母对孩子说话可能会有 listen等词。③对话中涉及多人,则要理清人与人之间的关系。

考点 4 细节把握及指令辨认



考点 5 推理、判断和归纳



车站用语:railway station, round trip, single trip, sleeping car等;

商店用语:shop, on sale, size, color, price, change等;


2000普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 英语(全国卷)

第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例 :How much is the shirt? A.£19.15.B.£9.15.C.£9.18.答案是B

1.Where are the two speakers? A.In a department store.B.In a clothes factory.C.On a playground.2.What time does the train leave? A.At 6:15.B.At 6:25.C.At 6:50.3.What are the two speakers doing? A.Enjoying meeting each other.B.Saying goodbye to each other.C.Planning to see each other again.4.What’s the man doing? A.He’s working in a hotel.B.He’s visiting a young couple.C.He’s traveling around.5.When should Susan go to meet Professor Brown? A.At 10:00.B.At 10:30.C.At 11:00.第二节(共15题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听第6段材料,回答第6至8题

6.Where does this conversation take place?

A.At a booking office.B.At a museum.C.In a record store.7.On which day will the Japanese Music Concert be held? A.The 28th.B.The 30th.C.The 15th.8.How does the man pay for the tickets?

A.By credit card.B.With U.S.dollars.C.By cheque.听第7段材料,回答第9至11题 9.Where is the man going?

A.Bridge Street.B.The cinema.C.The station.10.Where is the cinema? A.On the corner of Bridge Street.B.Next to the station.C.On Station Street.11.Which turning should the woman take on Bridge Street? A.The first on the right.B.The first on the left.C.The second on the left.听第8段材料,回答第12至14题 12.Who are the speakers? A.A man and his wife.B.A man and his sister.C.A man and his girlfriend.13.Why is the man unhappy about their weekends? A.They seldom invite friends over.B.They seldom go out for a picnic.C.They seldom spend the weekends together.14.On which aspect of the picnic do the two speakers differ? A.Who should get the car ready.B.How many friends they should invite.C.What food and drink they should prepare.听第9段材料,回答第15至17题 15.What is Mary's plan for Saturday? A.Visit her mother.B.Cook dinner for Tom.C.Ask John and his wife to dinner.16.What does John say to Mary about the invitation? A.He's not free.B.He'll certainly go.C.He's not sure.17.What has John promised to do? A.Phone back with an answer.B.Persuade Jane to join him.C.Visit Mary's mother on Saturday.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题

18.Why are many roads closed in the north? A.Because of heavy rain.B.Because of strong winds.C.Because of fallen stones from mountains.19.In which part of the country have fifty houses been flooded? A.In the south.B.In the north.C.In the east.20.What happened in the west? A.Many boats were missing.B.Four people died in a river.C.Two villages were under water.答案: 1.A 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.C 10.A 11.B 12.A 13.C 14.B 15.C 16.C 17.A 18.B 19.A 20.C



试卷A 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


1.Where does the conversation probably take place? A.In a library

B.In a restaurant

C.In a drugstore 2.What do we know about the man? A.He is a dentist

B.He has retired

C.He owns a bookstore 3.How does the woman feel on hearing the news? A.Excited


C.Surprised 4.What does the man say about Mary? A.She has poor eyesight B.She doesn’t like the woman C.She usually ignores others 5.What does the woman mean? A.Sam is feeling thirsty B.Sam is going to win the race C.Sam looks as strong as George 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)



6.What does the man want to do after graduation? A.Work at a hotel

B.Become an engineer

C.Go on to graduate school 7.What is the woman’s major? A.French


C.Computer Science 8.How does the woman pay for college? A.She has a part-time job B.She received a scholarship C.She gets money from her parents 听下面一段对话,回答第9至第11小题。9.When didi the man leave the town? A.8 years ago

B.10 years ago

C.15 years ago 10.What are the man’s happy memories? A.Performing in the open space B.Watching the old cartoons C.Playing the kids’ games 11.What are the speaker talking about? A.Some changes in a town B.Some furniture in a shop C.Some characters in a movie 听下面一段独白,回答第12至第15小题。12.When is the ballet class held? A.On Wednesday evenings B.On Thursday evenings C.On Saturday afternoons 13.What will Jim be running this year? A.The football practice B.The baseball club C.The basketball class 14.Which teacher will give the skating course? A.Diana


C.Kelly 15.Who is most probably the speaker? A.A program manager

B.A club member

C.A tour guide

试卷B 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


1.What is the possible relationship between the speakers? A.Neighbors


C.Classmates 2.What will the speakers do? A.Go to the airport

B.Go to the theater

C.Go to a bookstore 3.What are the speakers probably doing? A.Flying a kite

B.Running a race

C.Climbing a mountain 4.What does the man mean? A.He’s available euther day B.He has another meeting that day C.He can’t attend a two-day meeting 5.What is the man ging to do? A.Read the newspaper again B.Leave the errors in the paper C.Check the paper for mistakes 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

听下面几段材料。每段材料后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段材料前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段材料读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6至第8小题。6.What does Nancy want to do for David?

A.Find him a place to live B.Help carry his groceries C.Give him a ride to the store 7.What does David plan to do? A.Hold a dinner

B.Eat out

C.Go on a vacation 8.Why is David grateful to the Browns? A.They invited him to their party B.They are paying for his education C.They let him live with them for free 听下面一段对话,回答第9至第11小题。

9.What do children do in the workshops? A.Make models and visit the museum B.Do painting and visit the museum C.Do painting and make models 10.What is the cost for two children from the same family? A.$20


C.$24 11.Where are the workshops held? A.In Tamer Hall

B.In City Museum

C.In Winter House 听下面一段独白,回答第12至第15小题。

12.How many days a week did the speaker work in the cafe? A.One day

B.Two days

C.Five days 13.What did the speaker think of his job as a cook? A.Boring but beneficial B.Nice but badly-paid C.Difficult but interesting 14.What does the speaker like most about his present job? A.Friendly co-workers B.Short working hours C.Differences in the work 15.Who are probably the listeners? A.Students











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