
时间:2019-05-14 11:30:43下载本文作者:会员上传




1.A 2.C

3、B 4.D 5.B 6.C.7(略)8美是摇曳于夜风中的点点烛火,美是飘摇于江面上的几只轻舟




11、略 12“父利其然也” “ 不使学” “ 则其受于人者不至也”


(二)14.(2分)百草园 桂林山水 15.(2分)无限趣味 清奇峭拔

16.(2分)单是周围的短短的泥墙根一带,就有无限趣味。这种奇景……山水的精髓? 17.(3分)略

18.(4分)表现作者对百草园生活的怀念 表现作者对桂林美景的喜爱与赞美。19.(2分)在我的追问下,父亲拿出了自己的珍藏品。20.(2分)为了歌颂深重的父爱。






6—10 CCABC

11—15 AABAB 16—20 TFTFF 21—35 ADBBC



51—55 BDBBA


15,19,apples,pears,19 61、violin 62、about 63、walks 64、between 65、interesting 66、doesn’t do 67、to get 68、boating 69、sports 70、babies 71、What do 72、to nine 73、never goes 74、by bike 75、Why like 76、can’t play 77、doesn’t or 78、What time 79、How far 80、an eleven-year-old


第一节:听句子,选出你所听到的单词或短语。每个句子读一遍。1.Jane usually has six lessons every day.2.My father often goes to work by bike.3.Jane likes the library best.4.My little brother likes art very much.5.I’m playing computer games with my friends.第二节:听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。6.Let’s go to the park.7.Does Kangkang usually go to the movies on foot? 8.How do you go to the library? 9.Is there a bank near your house? 10.Hi,Michael!Would you like to go shopping? 第三节:听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。

I have a pen pal.Her name is Mary King.She is from France.But she speaks English.She is 14 years old.She likes singing.Her favorite subject is music.But she doesn’t like math.She thinks it’s too difficult..第四节:听对话,判断正(T)误(F)。对话读两遍。W:Hi, Li Ming!Nice to see you.M:Hi, Wang Li!Nice to see you, too.Your new bike looks very nice.W:Thank you.M:Do you usually go to school by bike? W:Yes, I do.M:How many classes do you have every day? W:Six.We have four classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon.M:Which subject do you like best? W:I like math best.M:Do you have lunch at school? W:No, I usually have lunch at home.M:What do you usually do after school? W:I usually read books.




一.听句子,选出你所听到的单词,每句读两遍.(5分)1.How is your brother? He is fine.2.Michael is twelve years old now.3.Look!There is a truck over there.4.He is short with a round face.5.Those books are ours.1-5 B B C A C 三.听句子,选出正确的答语,每句读两遍.(5分)6.Nice to see you, Mr Wang.7.Where is your father? 8.What is your sister like? 9.Whose pencil is this? 10.Is Maria tall or short? 6-10 B C C B C 四.听对话,每段对话后有一个问题,请根据对话内容和所提问题选择正确答案,每段对话读两遍.(5分)11.M: Excuse me.Are you Kate? W: No, I’m not.I’m Mary.Q: Who is the girl? 12.M: Hello, Betty.Are you from the U·S·A? W: No, I’m not.But Jane is.Q: Who is from the U·S·A? 13.M: Does Zhang Mei have long hair? W: Yes, she does.And she is very tall.Q: What does Zhang Mei look like? 14.M: What’s your phone number, Maria? W: It’s 88465437.Q: What’s Maria’s phone number? 15.M: Is this your jacket, Linda? W: No, mine is red.But this one is blue.Q: What color is Linda’s jacket? 11-15 B B C A C 五.听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案,短文读两遍.(5分)This is Jack.He is an English boy.He is eleven years old.He has very big eyes and short blond hair.He is in Beijing now.His good friend Li Ming is from China.He is eleven years old too.He has short black hair and small eyes.Jack and Li Ming are in the same school.They look different, but they’re good friends.16-20 C A A C A


一.单项选择题(15分)1-5 B A B A C 6-10 A C D C B 11-15 A D B B D 二.完形填空(10分)

1-5 B A D B B 6-10 B C B D B 三.阅读理解(10分)

1-5 C B B D C 6-10 B A D C A

四.根据首字母及中文提示,写出各单词的正确形式。(10分)1.thirteen 2.cousin 3.between 4.sweater 5.presents 6.Sunday 7.interesting 8.lunchtime 9.hers

10.radio 五.用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)

1.doesn’t do 2.to have 3.their them 4.Don’t be 5.fly flies 6.to go


8.chatting 9.Does watch 10.eating 六.从方框中选择正确的句子完成对话.(5分)1-5 D A C E B 七.句型转换(6分)1.How 2.How many apples are 3.What time 4.goes to school late 5.Whose 八.完成下列句子(9分)1.my favourite day

2.have a good time

3.usually go fishing weekend 4.cross wait for

5.sometimes writes emails to 九.书面表达:(5分)略





A.在下列每小题内,你将听到一个或者两个句子,并看到供选择的A、B、C三幅图画,找出与你所听到的句子内容相匹配的图画。(4分)01.Tony’s sister likes music 02.The zebra is black and white.03.Some people are driving home.04.I love this photo.We are celebrating Spring Festival.B.下面你将听到十组对话。根据对话内容,从每组所给的A、B、C三个选项中找出最佳选项。(10分)05.Ms Li:

Nice to meet you, Lingling.Where are you from? Lingling: I’m from Beijing.I’m Chinese.06.Lingling: What a big family!Is this your sister? Tony: Yes, it is.Her name is Linda.07.Daming: Are there computers on everyone’s desk? Linda: No, there aren’t.But there is a computer on the teacher’s desk.08.Tony’s dad: We haven’t got any oranges, so let’s get some.Tony: Ok.09.Tony: What lessons do we have on Friday? Betty: We have English, Chinese, PE and geography.10.Tony: Do lions eat meat? Guide: Yes, they do.They eat other animals.They’re dangerous!

11.Daming: Hi, would you like to come to my birthday party? Betty: Yes, I’d love to.When is it? Daming: This Saturday, at my house.12.Mum: Hello, Betty!Where are you now? Betty:

I’m standing on the Great Wall of China and talking to you.We’re on a school trip.13.Tony: What’s happening? Are you getting ready for Spring Festival? Lingling: Yes, we are.14.Tony: What are Daming and Betty doing? Lingling: They’re learning a dragon dance with my grandpa.C.听下面长对话或独白。每段长对话或独白后都有几个问题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。



第 1 页(共 3 页)W: Hey, Bill.Where are you? M: I’m in Beijing with my uncle’s family here.W: Sounds great.What are you doing there? M: It’s a few days before Spring Festival, so I’m getting ready for it with my uncle.I help my aunt clean the house and we go shopping.W: Do you have anything special to do?

M: Yes.Now I go to watch the dragon dance every day.It is very interesting.And I’m learning it from my aunt.W: Really? How interesting!By the way, do children get presents on Spring Festival? You know.M: I think I will get a hongbao.W: Lucky you.听下面一段材料,回答第18至第20题。

W: Hello, I’m Mary.There are three people in my family, my parents and I.I get up at 6:30 on my school days, and I have breakfast with my parents at 7:00 o’clock.For breakfast, I have an egg and some bread.I don’t like milk but I drink it every day, because it is healthy.My father’s favourite food is cheese and eggs.An apple and some bread is for my mother’s breakfast.七年级英语参考答案

01—05 ABCAB 06—10 ACABB 11—15 AABAB 16—20 CBCBA 21—25 CABBC 26—30 BABAC 31—35 CABCB 36—40 ABACC 41—45 CDCAB 46—50 CACAC 51—55 ACCBA 56—60 CAACD 61—65 CDBDA 66—70 BAECD 71 has

72.doesn’t like 73.don’t speak/ do not speak

74.play 75.go 76.Their




80.matches 81.doesn’t;do


83.Would;like 84.hasn’t;got


86.having eggs 87.England 88.his family 89.tea

90.fruit 91.having

92.always 93.say


95.his 参考例文:

I am Li Daming.I get up at 6:30 in the morning.We start our lessons at 7:30(Lessons start at 7:30 in the morning).There are/We have four classes in the morning.My favourite subject is English.Tony is my classmate.He is from London.We often play football together in the afternoon.We go home at 4:30 pm.七年级英语评分细则


共10小题,每小题 0.5分,计5分



三、86—90小题 共5小题,每小题1分。


2、数字既可以用阿拉伯数字表示,也可以用英语单词表示。3、86小题 London Zoo,两个单词必须首字母大写。否则扣0.5分 4、87—90小题,只写数字者,每小题给0.5分。

5、本题参考答案为86.London Zoo 87.180 years 88.755 kinds 89.10:00 in the morning 90.4:00 in the afternoon 天津市五区县2015-2016学第一学期七年级英语期末考试听力稿参考答案

第 2 页(共 3 页)



91.having 本题写成have ing或者hasing或者has者,给0.5分

92.always 必须拼写正确给分,否则不给分 93.say 必须拼写正确给分,否则不给分 94.give 写成gives的给0.5分 95.his 必须拼写正确给分,否则不给分








第 3 页(共 3 页)

第四篇:七年级牛津英语听力总和材料答案 many teachers are there in your school? What does your father do? What’s your favourite hobby? Where do you live? When will Jerry be in Form Two? M: May, we’re going to play table tennis after class.Would you like to play together with us? W: No, I don’t like playing table tennis.I like playing tennis and volleyball.Q: Which sport does May not like? 7.W: My name is Susan and my Chinese name is Li Jia.What’s your name? M: Jason, Your English name is the same to my sister’s.Q: What is Jason’s sister’s name?

8.W: Would you like to travel to Dalian with my family? M: yes.When? Q: What did the woman want the man to do? 9.W: Which subject are you keen on? M: Maths, Geography, and Physics.But I’m not good at History and Chemistry.Q: Which subject is the man good at? 10.W: Sabrina is so tall.I guess she is 170 cm.Her brother is sure to be taller.M: No, he is short.And he is one year older than her.Q: How about Sabrina’s brother’s height? iii(Simon is visiting Lisa.And he is looking at the photos of her family.)M: Lisa, who is in the picture? W: Oh, its’ my brother.M: How many people are there in your family? W: There are six.M: Who are they? W: They are my grandpa, my grandma, my father m my mother, my brother and I.M: What does your father do? W: He works as a doctor.M: Is your mother a doctor, too? W: No, she is a dentist.M: Do your grandpa and grandma work now? W: No, they do some housework at home.M: and what does your brother do? W: My brother and I are both school students He studies hard.He is a good student.M: Great!Your family is a happy one iv Dear Linda, Hi!The last time we met was in last summer.I’m sure you want to know something about my life now.I am in England at the moment.People here are very friendly, so I’m happy to be here.I’m in Form One at Walker School you know I like reading magazines and there are many in this school!That’s great!

And I’m a member of the Rugby Club.I learn many this summer holiday and we can play together then

I enclose some photos.Please write to me soon.Best wishes!

Jerry 听力答案:

1-5 ABCAB 6-10 AACBB 11-15 CBBCB 16 friendly 17.One 18.magazines

19.Club 20.wishes----

A)1.packet(B)2.cartoon(A)3.place(B)4.waiter(B)5.thirty(C)B)6.I’m sorry I’m late.(D)

7.Is Fangfang a good student ?(A)

8.Shall I put up a map of Shanghai on the back wall ?(D)

9.You answered the letter on time, didn’t you ?(B)10.How far is it from here to Yangpu Bridge?(A)C)11.M: Would you like some oranges and peanuts , Mary ?(A)

W: No.I’d like a drink of water, Uncle Jack.Q: What does Mary want to have ? 12.M: Alice, is this Mary’s report ?(D)

W: No, John.It’s mine.Q: Whose report is John looking for ? 13.M: What’s the time by your watch, Mary ?(B)

W: It’s ten thirty, Tom.But my watch is ten minutes fast.Q: What’s the correct time ?

14.M: Have you seen today’s newspaper, Sally ?(C)

W: Yes, Jack.But I have thrown it away.Q: Where is today’s newspaper ? 15.W: I’m going to go to bed.(A)

M: What’s wrong with you ? It’s only 8:00 ,W: I’ve got a headache.Q: When does the girl usually go to bed ? D)Mr and Mrs Black lived in a small town near the sea , and they had a very lovely house.During the winter , they were happy, but every summer many of their friends came and stayed with them because it was a nice place for a holiday and it was much cheaper than staying in a hotel.One day in June, Mr Black said to his neighbor, a very clever man, “ One of my friends will bring his wife and four children to stay with us for ten days next month.Our friends keep on visiting us in summer.What shall I do ?

“ Oh,” his neighbor said, “ that’s not difficult.You borrow money from all the rich friends

and lend it to all the poor ones.After that no one will come to visit you again.”

16-20 T F F T T

----一.根据听到的句子选择对应的答语。1.Where is Mary from? 2.What’s your father? 3.Who is that boy? 4.What day is it today? 5.Your English is very good.二.听对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案。6.A: Hello!You’re Lily, right?

B: No, I’m Millie.A: Oh, I’m sorry.Q: What’s the girl’s name?

7.A: Hello, Joe!Can you make a pumpkin lantern?

B: Sorry, I can’t.But Sandy can.Q: Can Sandy make a pumpkin lantern? 8.A: Is Simon at the cinema?

B: No, he isn’t.He’s watching TV in his room.Q: What’s Simon doing now? 9.A: Hello, Simon.Why are you walking to school today? B: Because there's something wrong with my bike.Q: How does Simon go to school today? 10.A: Can you tell me the time? B: It's a quarter to eight.Q: What time is it now?


In the USA, people like to _celebrate__ Halloween.They have a ___special_____ party on ___October___ 31st.The children often play a game called “ trick or __treat______”.They also ____dress____ up in special costumes.1-5 BCCBC

6-10 CBCBC

11.celbrate 12.special 13.October






一.听句子,选图片。本题读一遍。1.My mother works in a bank.2.Don’t go out, it’s rainy.3.My friend Lily likes dolphins very much.4.Look!The children are cleaning the room.5.My new English teacher is from the United Kingdom.二.听小对话,回答问题。本题读一遍。

6.M: Lucy, when do you go to school?

W: I go to school at seven o’clock.7.M: Mum, can I go out to play basketball?

W:Yes.It’s sunny.8.W: Are they watching TV or reading books?

M: They are watching TV.9.M: Han Mei, what do you want to be ?

W: I want to be a teacher because I like children.10.W :Excuse me ,where is the library ?

M: It’s over there, it’s next to Hongxing Hotel.11.M: What does Mr.Brown look like?

W: He is not very tall or heavy, but his son is tall.12.M: I think you speak English very well.Are you from the United States? W: Thank you, sir.But I’m an Australia.13.M: Hello!May I speak to Amy?

W: Hello!This is Amy speaking.Who’s that? 14.M: What animals do you like, Kelly?

W: I like pandas.They’re really cute.15.M: Do you like the cold weather in winter?

W: Yes, I do.M: Why?

W: Because I can play with the snow at the time.三.听两个长对话回答问题。本题读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答16-17两小题。

M: Hello, Jodie!W: Hello, Sam!How is your new school? M: It’s great and it’s near your house.W: Is it on Apple Street?

M: No, it’s on Banana Street.In the neighborhood of the school, these is a beautiful park.W: That sounds good.Is there a book shop? M: Yes, it’s across from my school.And there is a restaurant next to my school.W: So you often have lunch there ,right? M: Yes, I hope to see you there, too.听下面一段长对话,回答18-20三小题。

M: Hello, Madam!This is Xicheng Police Station, Can I help you? W: Yes.It’s about my daughter, Sally.She goes to school this morning, and she doesn’t come back yet.It’s already eleven o’clock and… M: What’s your name and address? W: Mrs.Read.57 Zhongshan Road.M: How old is your daughter? W: She’s only six years old.M: And what does she look like? W: She has blue eyes and long hair… M: What’s she wearing today? W: She’s wearing a red coat, brown pants and black shoes.M: OK.We’ll do our best to find her and telephone you as soon as possible.W: Thank you!Goodbye!


一.1-5 BBCCB 二.6-10 BACCB

11-15 CCAAC 三.16-20 ACACB 四.21-25 CDBBB

26-30 CBACC

31-35 BCBAD

36-40 ABCBA

41-45 CCDCB

46-50 ACDBA 五.51-55 CCDCB

56-60 DADBB 六.61-65DCCDA

66-70 DBACB

71-75 ABCCC

76-80 DBBCA 七.81.fifth 82.studies 83.cloudy 84.friendly 85.leaves 八.86-90 ADBCA 九.略



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