
时间:2019-05-12 16:19:57下载本文作者:会员上传


Seamen marching on


What an intriguing lecture!Apart from direct

compliment from the bottom of my heart, what I would express did took me a long time to settle down and mull over.In this essay I intend to talk about my humble opinion on some of the thought-provoking materials relating to the content of the class, together with the compulsion I feel to study English even harder.Initially, what I am most concerned about is the ample idiomatic phrases that Jenny He introduced without thinking!I am in favour of the idea that fluency brought up by reiteration builds up ability.The statement Jenny put that tons of

undergraduates majoring in English language

watch one film up to 800 times should be the case.Only if you practice repeatedly can you obtain what you are meant to gain.Additionally, the brief introduction of set phrases is more than new information or knowledge.Let’s take eleven o’clock for instance.It is referred to as ”over there” ,coming from a film I have never seen.The meaning is not so important, however, it is the process during which I figure it out entirely that matters.The first time I ran across it was

exactly in the lecture;afterwards, I referred to it in Youdao dictionary.To my surprise, Youdao

presented me a sentence as followed: do not be an eleven o’clock bull or a five o’clock bear.So this may be the real aim of lectures in universities, I suppose, namely professors serve as a beacon

pointing out the direction you are fascinated, while we ourselves are obliged to proceed and explore like courageous seamen.I might never be able to know the useful proverb if I had not turned to dictionary after class.Normally I watched films either for feasting my eyes with tons of beautiful scenery and

protagonists, or for growing to be sophisticated with plots based on reality, which can be

concluded as ”idling away time”.Taking my broken English into account, I was always afraid to watch original English movies, or I may be frustrated, which may show the fact that I tend to retreat when confronted with obstacles.I have realised how innocent or even indifferent I was with respect to English films ever since Jenny He started her lecture with great passion.Thanks toMrs.He’smastering the technique to stimulate students’

interest, I fortunately managed to get involved into the vigorous course and the after-class

introspection.And now I am fully convinced that English itself is a retreat and feast.











After finishing this book, I began to think about the things left in my memory.First, the story takes place among several figures, and love is very important in connecting them, love between Lestat and Louis, Louis and Claudia, Louis and Armand.The love seems strange to me because of no sex involving in it, and their only physical pleasure is kills, sucking blood and feeling the bounding of the hearts.And the examples of love between male vampires are more than female ones;it should not be understood as homosexual, I think, since no actual sexual impulse exists among the kind.However, the love cannot be rendered as friendly love or love of the relatives, because of its exclusiveness: Claudia “killed” Lestat, and Armand killed the little boy when Louis came.The love is fierce: Lestat loves Louis desperately.But what is the source of the love among Vampires? Why do they can have so intense love as humans? Second, the novel also concerns about immortality, since vampire can live forever.However, they don’t seem happy to me.On the contrary, they suffer more when they grow older, as the surroundings are constantly changing, but they can’t adjust to that.As a result, body is immortal, but souls corrupt.That’s why these vampires kills themselves, and Lestat grows old inside, and Armand seeks the passion from Louis.The last two parts finds me the most emotions.After the death of Claudia, Louis is extraordinarily painful.And reading these words, I felt like it was me who was kicking, fighting, crying, shouting, and heartbreaking not Louis.Almost in the end, when Louis went back to see Lestat, these words of him, so heartfelt, so sincere, made me very sympathetic to him, to be frank;I didn’t like him much in the beginning.Then other questions also aroused while I was reading: what is humanity which Louis keeps inside for so long(what’s the difference between vampire and human being)? What is the use of art?

国家宝藏 《国家宝藏》是一部寻宝的片子,冒险,推理,悬疑。似乎很难跟“雄浑”“宏大”二字联系在一起。然而当在我看完反复咀嚼,萦绕于心头的感受竟然只能用“雄浑”“宏大”两个词来表示。


















校园中五彩缤纷的社团活动丰富了学生的业余生活,也为学生提供了展示自我的能力与发挥创造力的舞台,不但能开阔眼界,增加人生阅历,还能提高综合素质,适度的活动可以为我们的生活润滑,娱乐身心,放松心情,同时更重要的是增加知识与能力 这次英文电影赏析活动,活动前期做了充分的准备,在活动 即将到来时,由于参加报名的人数比较少,所以,我们自己总结了一下,主要的原因是我们宣传的不到位。;另一个原因,我们刚刚接手社团,很多的事情并不是很熟悉,不知道该如何去做,现在想起这些事情,它不但锻炼了我个人的能力,也要求我的组织能力有所提高,对他们也要有明确的分工,只有让所有的人都参与进来,一起合作,才能办的更好!社团的活动不在多,而在于精。每一次活动都尽力办到最好,社团的发展不能全部依赖于举办活动,必须有自己可发展和延续的东西。我们社团在本学期举办的活动虽然不是很多,活动也没有办的特别好,但那也是一次次精神的洗礼,能力的提升,团结的供赢。我们将会齐心协力,继续努力,争取做得更好。









英语电影赏析---梦中镜 [摘要] 作为一部叫好又叫座的影片,导演克里斯托弗·诺兰的最新力作《盗梦空间》上映以来,就广受影迷和影评人的关注。该片融合了好莱坞类型电影的众多表现元素。诺兰以往所擅长的迷幻色彩和遐想空间在该片中都被发扬到了极致。笔者认为,影片《盗梦空间》之所以能够成功,首先在于其主题的选定——梦境;其次,迷宫一样的结构设计,调动了观众的参与热情;更为重要的是,影片充满了情感的抉择。自我的觉醒和蜕变;最后,成功的商业运作为这部电影锦上添花。【关键词】 盗梦空间 复杂性 逻辑性 结合体 梦境 迷


一、梦境与现实 昔者庄周梦为蝴蝶,栩栩然蝴蝶也,自喻适志与!不知周也。俄然觉,则蘧蘧然周也。不知周之梦为蝴蝶与,蝴蝶之梦为周与?周与蝴蝶,则必有分矣。此之谓物化。(《庄子·内篇·齐物论》)盗梦空间(Inception),看完148分钟的电影,感觉就如片名所示,像做过一场梦一样,一场关于好电影的梦。认识克里斯托弗·诺兰是从他的《致命魔术》和《黑暗骑士》开始的,他电影剧本的细腻让我记住了这个70后的导演,盗梦空间更是吸引我的又一强作!它符合了我对电影的诸多期望:精致而让人思考、沉浸其中的故事情节,演员到位的演技,华丽大气的摄影风格,排山倒海的壮丽音乐,以及那巧夺天工的电脑特效。《盗梦空间》的电脑特效不同于《变形金刚》,那是一种从头轰炸到尾的标准美式快餐,而《盗梦空间》则会在很真实的场景里逐渐的做出一些让你惊叹的特效场面。暑期读书笔记&影视剧点评精选

读书笔记 影视剧点评 书评 舞台艺术点评 读后感 从《盗梦空间》的主题来看它无疑是属于科幻片范畴的;如果细看其中的战斗场面,你会发现其实第一层梦境就是《黑暗骑士》里常见的雨中街道的枪战戏,第二层梦境就像《2001漫游太空》的太空失重加上美国歌舞大王弗雷德·阿斯泰尔那种天花板上打斗,第三层梦境就像在《侠影之谜》一开始的茫茫日本雪山上进行一场堡垒攻坚战。如果从场面效果来看,这又可以是属于动作片、枪战片的类型的。

二、走不出的迷宫 梦幻,这是我对这部电影的第一映象,虚虚实实,实实虚虚,水中镜,月中花,一切都显得那么的不真实,写这个影评作业之前也在网上看了一些大大写的影评,头有点疼„„真的,他们有的把电影剖析到了哲学以及跟高层次,或是用无比华丽的辞藻来堆积起对对影片的赞赏,对此我表示无能为力„„扯远了,让我们再回到电影中来,电影概要在这里就不多说了,大家都知道,主角Dom是个造梦大师,但他却被自己的亡妻Mal的执念所抓住,这一直困惑着他,斋藤雇佣Dom小组对一个富二代进行盗梦,这引出了四层梦境,层层相扣,在有关梦境的元素中,时间是最不可相信的。一个一闪而过的梦,在镜头中似乎是永无止境的,它在时间的长河中是没有尽头的,这给了我们丰富的想象力。也给力镜头无可比拟的表现力,片中inception一词很有深意,《盗梦空间》英文名“inception”字面意思是(某个机构或组织的)的开端、创始、初期,所以该片也被译为《奠基》。作为片名有三层含义:首先它是个整个盗梦任务的代号;其次,它的动词形态是incept,具有“欺骗、获取、摄取”的意思,代表考博惯用的盗梦手法;另外它还解释了被盗思想(理念创意)的形态。在影片中指的思想植入就是它了,改变他人原本根深蒂固的思想,这也是盗梦空间的中心。为什么能在巴黎看到他老爸?看样子像是老师,那样不就能和儿女直接联系么,为什么始终是很抽象的概念。所以整个电影可能都是梦 在巴黎的时候和他老爸的对话就说他老爸应该也是梦境研究这个领域的教授,所以他才能够介绍Ellen给Leo做Architect。另外,Leo的儿女应该是在LA和他们的奶奶一起居住的(参照Leo在东京打的那通电话)。

三、情感的漩涡 《盗梦空间》有太多精彩的地方,他非线性的叙事,回归传统的拍摄模式以及 强大的演员阵容,足以吸引观众的眼球和评论焦点。但是静下心来,你会发现《盗梦空间》不仅仅旨在探求梦境与现实之间的关系,而是从一开始,技术和情感的矛盾就一直贯穿始终,这种情感的脉络也是以一种非线性的叙述方式表现出来,较之于传统好莱坞的爱情题材,虽然没有《泰坦尼克号》的奔放,没有《魂断蓝桥》的凄美,没有《廊桥遗梦》的耐人、,味。可他以隐秘的方式再现了人们内心对亲情和爱情的渴望.冉现厂人在自然状态下面对自己欲望的抉择和反思。这也是该片所带给我们的深层思考。“执子之手,与子偕老”,多么美丽的愿望,如果没有这么多的欲颦,或许原本两个相爱的人可以终老。但人毕竟是复杂多面的,面对着利益冲突,面对着各种各样的诱惑,一步走错,悔恨终身。当柯布执著于梦境的研究,执著于思想可以被植入的想法时,实践的结果是:他成功了,可妻子却执著地认为梦境中的长相厮守才是真正的世界。虽然柯布试图崩技术挽同,但根植于人内心的那种思想一旦被唤醒就不可遏止,最终的解脱就是死亡。当柯布眼睁睁地看着爱人坠楼的那一刻,内心的歉疚让他也迷失在现实与梦境之中,难以自拔,那儿可以无拘无束,可以造房子,随意实现自己的愿望,那个世界他的妻子还活着。梦中,妻子的不断出现,实际是柯布在和自己的潜意识作斗争。他一直不愿意相信妻子已经离开自己了,也一直不愿意承认是自己的欲望害了妻子。直到最后的那~枪才让自己明白,要同到现实,和孩子们在一起。《盗梦空间》的情节是一环套一环的,一层梦境是连着一层梦境的,剧情是有着很强的逻辑性的,让人在享受电影的同时要很费脑子才可以跟随柯布的节奏。整部电影的节奏还是比较紧凑的,当他们在梦境中遇到莫名其妙的攻击或是袭击时的那种深深地恐惧出现时,有几场正在小巷子里追逐的戏,是常常使用摄影上的构图。角度、运动来控制场面的。在那个时刻,黑色电影的感觉就会出现,其实从某种角度上看《盗梦空间》有时也可以被看做是含有黑色电影的混合类型电影。类型片的交叉可以在一部电影中展现多种不同的元素,使电影显得更加刺激,节奏更加明快,并且可以涵盖更多的内容、更好玩的因素。

四、商业运作和宣传 除了动作、科幻、爱情、帅哥、美女等这些商业大片元素一样都不少之外,《盗梦空问》在商、Ip运作和宣传策略上也像该片一样.充满了奇幻色彩,使得媒体和大众对这部片始终充满了好奇和猜测。讨论类型电影的前提是这部片子必须是商业电影,类型电影是要经历市场的考验的,是要讲票房收入的和音像制品的销售量的。除了这些,围绕着电影的海报、书籍、玩具也带来了巨大的收益。《盗梦空间》中的那个图腾——陀螺,在网上卖到脱销。可见一部好的电影作品是可以让周边的衍生品收得满盆金的。【参考文献】 《外国电影史教程》(复旦大学出版社)《外国电影发展史》(华东师范大学出版社)《西方电影》(湖北美术出版社)《诺兰兄弟对话录》


Appreciating in English Movies The Everlasting Existence—Artificial Intelligence


Class 7 Grade 3

Number:201105140715 China West Normal University


The Everlasting Existence---A.I Abstract:Human create the robot and make them to love,but they are also scared by the robots if they do something out of control.The human are selfish,so is their love while the love from robots is everlasting.Key words: robot;human;existence&love

Commentary text: After seeing the movie A.I by Steven Spielberg and Kubrick.I am lost in the deep thinking, there are too many things contained in it and makes me moved.In the film,there is a very special artificial intelligent robot named David, just as the movie said, David is 11 years old.He weighs 60 pounds.He is 4 feet and 6 inches tall.He has brown hair, his love is real but he is not.This is a story about the process that David seek for the love from his mother,Monica.He experiences the abandonment and persecution and at last he successes, just like the ending of Pinocchio and Blue Fairy, he becomes a real boy, though it compared with other robots and he gains the love from his mother though it only last for one day.It is not a very long story but it makes us think a lot.Because of the climate change, there exist enormous problems and crisis.In order to reduce the burden then the low-cost robot has been came into use in a large scale.To meet the vanity of human, these robots own the same appearance as human, even the feelings and memories.To some degree, this shows the loneliness of human and the robot just like David who can love is the extremely showing of this.About David, he is very unique for he is the first robot child and he was made by very special reasons.When he is started by Monica, David would love Monica forever and only love her in the world.When he first comes into Monica’s home, his bright smile brings the happiness to this home.But when Martin, the real child of Monica comes back, all are ruined.For Monica, this is the perfect thing in the world but for David, the tragedies just begins.When Martin asks David when is your birthday or what is the first thing that you can remember, all the questions emphasized that David is not a real boy but just a robot.In order to win more love from Monica, David does many things, some are even crazy.However, all things have to stop in the birthday party of Martin.For protection, David seizes Martin but they fells into the swimming pool by accident.But all the people just remember Martin and leave David behind.And because of this accident,David was abandoned by Monica.But he only hates that he is not a real boy instead of blaming Monica.How selfish the love of human is,when they feel be threatened, they would always choose the best way for themselves instead of others.While the robot they would blame themselves for they are not good enough.David believes that if he could become a real boy then he could go back and own the love from Monica.Because of the fairy tale about the Blue Fairy and Pinocchio,he believes that if he could find the Blue Fairy then his dream could come true so he went on the adventures with Teddy.However, the journey is very dangerous.The first group of people that David has met are a group of broken robots who are out of fashion.They are finding the useful parts in the remains, David is shocked by this and later the hunters appear and seize them to the Flesh Fair.In this part, we can clearly feel the cruciality of human.They decide to destroy the old, out-of-date robots.They send the maches seems to be useless to them to the Flesh Fair, having fun destroying the robots.They are yelling at the fair that: “What about us?” “We are alive and this is a celebration of life.And this is commitment to a truly human future!” Human creates the robots and need them to serve for human.But they are afraid because their short lives while robots could own the endless time, the shortage of time makes human scared and jealously so they destroy the robots in a very cruel way.The selfish and coldness of human has been exaggerated dramatically.Even the robots would be freemasonry among them while human will not.They think they are the greatest creatures in the world and they are the controllers of the world, but just this group of people may never understand what the real love is!For David, there is no doubt that he is unique, he owns all the features of human children and someone has put love into him.That is the only why the crazy and cruel audience would protect him and this is also the only reason why David has experienced so many desperate things but he can still persist his dream.His existence is unique and meaningful.This belief is just like the human’s life that we would never ignore the meaningful existences of ourselves.But all the beliefs that David holds has been collapsed when they get to the Manhattan-the end of the world, at this place, he finds that he is not unique and there exists so many David.He realized that he is just a robot and his existence will never be admitted by the human.He was so desperate that he jumped into the water.He thought it was the end of his life but in the water, he saw the Blue Fairy in the ocean, he saw the hope again and they sink into the ocean before the Blue Fairy.David begs for the Blue Fairy again and again to make him a real boy.He can see her but she also never responds him,which has lasted for 2000 years.Everything has changed in the world and the human disappeared from the earth.David was found by the newly-robots and they know about the human world through the memories of David.To some degree, the dream of David has been achieved, because for the newly-robots,David is a real boy who belongs to the world before 2000 years.It is a great satire that the culture of human was inherited by a robot.The fate of the robot was destinate, the value of their existences are admitted by human, that is why their dream would be achieved by newly-robots instead of the human,for human will never appreciate the forever existence of the robot.The last scene of the movie is very touching,because of the hair of Monica that the Teddy has kept it makes the return of Monica becomes possible.Though it will just for one day, David thinks it is worthy of doing it.At that day,no Martin,no other people,they have a peaceful and perfect day.No matter how the time changes,the existence of love would never be changed.From the whole movie,we can feel the strong love from David and we should think about the fate of our human beings,what drives us to doom and the love or existences of us is so short that it can not be examined by the time.



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