
时间:2019-05-12 18:06:31下载本文作者:会员上传


The respect of the People's Republic of China, Mr.Wen jiabao distinguished ioc President Jacques rogge sir, dear guests, the international Olympic committee, the Olympic council commission and many countries and regions of the ioc, colleagues athletes, ladies and gentlemen, good evening.Guangzhou, today, to usher in the city of guangzhou flowery 16th annual Asian games, here, the Olympic council of the Chinese government, guangdong province and guangzhou city, the Chinese Olympic committee, the organizing committee and the guangzhou citizens and all participate in preparations of personnel, to thank your outstanding preparatory work congratulations.Tonight we gathered in guangzhou, witness of the Asian games history opened a new chapter.Began in 1913 asiad dream in 1951 to become a reality, from the Asian on new journey, after seven years of hard preparation, finally ushered in the grand opening of the Asian games, in the next 16 days of intense competition, we will witness the Asia's most outstanding athletes the elegant demeanour, they represent the country and regional and even the whole Asia image, for we show indomitable spirit of sports, we will be in both competitions fuheng sharing passionate event, expect harmonious Asia, inheritance forever pursuit of Asian games have always forward, advocates unity and unity, progress and peace, here, I represent the Olympic council to welcome everyone to guangzhou, welcome to the 16th Asian games.Each athlete, thousands of people diligent data-collection preparation for this grand event in hard work, even on November 27, Asian games after closing, they will also hold your position, they built for you to show themselves of the stage, for you to realize the dream has created opportunities, strive hard, showing the most consummate skills is the best way to say thank you, if successfully title, so congratulations, because of your name to be reality, but if there is no prize, you still can be proud of, because you have done the best they could do, although everyone yearns victory, but the most important is back efforts and active participation.Athletes in guangzhou, I wish you happy, please remember, at this time, is here, you will create history, please "out of your level, show fair competition, respect,

respect the referee, improve the friendship of sports fashion.

Dear sponsors, thank you for the support and trust of Asian games.We believe that the Olympic council of brand advantage will give you bring duly media coverage and public attention, I firmly believe that today you input, and tomorrow will gain fruitful returns.Chinese and international media, thank you for the Asian games spread to every corner of the world, and to show the world Asian culture diversity.Thousands of selfless dedication into before the volunteers, your smile is guangzhou card, without you, Asian games will not be effective operation, because of your hard work and dedication and fully participate in, to ensure the s

uccess of the guangzhou Asian.Finally, everyone guangzhou citizens, please join asiad event it, for athletes cheering for their accomplishments, cheers, guangzhou is your house, now we become common home, thank you open enthusiasm arms, let us feel at home.Now, I'm pleased to invite the PRC to Mr.Wen jiabao announced the 16th Asian games.谢谢。Thank you.尊敬的中华人民共和国总理温家宝先生,尊敬的国际奥委会 主席罗格先生,尊敬的各位嘉宾,国际奥委会、亚奥理事会 执行委员会和各国、地区奥委会的各位同事,运动员,女士 们、先生们,晚上好。广州,今天花城广州繁花似锦,喜迎 第 16 届亚运会,在此,亚奥理事会对中国政府、广东省和广 州市政府,中国奥林匹克委员会、组委会和广州市民以及所 有参与筹备工作的人员表示感谢,对你们出色的筹备工作表 示祝贺。今晚我们齐聚广州,见证亚运会的历史翻开新的篇 章。始于 1913 年的亚运之梦,于 1951 年成为现实,从此亚 运踏上崭新的旅程,经过七年的辛苦筹备,终于迎来了亚运 会的盛大开幕,在接下来 16 天的激烈角逐中,我们将目睹亚 洲最优秀的体育健儿的风采,他们代表着本国和本地区乃至 全亚洲的形象,为我们展现不屈的体育精神,我们将在各项 赛事中奋力拼搏,共享激情盛会,期盼和谐亚洲,传承永远 向前,追求亚运会所一贯倡导的团结、统一、进步和和平,在此,我代表亚奥理事会欢迎大家来到广州,欢迎参加第 16 届亚运会。各位运动员,成千上万人不辞辛劳地为筹备此次 盛会努力工作,即使在 11 月 27 日亚运会闭幕之后,他们还 将坚守岗位,他们为你们搭建了展示自我的舞台,为你们实

现梦想创造了机会,努力拼搏,展示出最精湛的技艺是表达 感谢的最佳方式,如果能够成功夺冠,那么祝贺你,因为你 名至实归,但是如果没有得奖,你仍然可以自豪,因为你已 经尽力而为,尽管人人都渴求胜利,但最重要的却是复出努 力和积极参与。运动员们,祝你们在广州愉快,请记住,就 在此时,就在此地,你们将创造历史,请赛出你们的水平,展示公平竞技,尊重对手,尊重裁判,增进友谊的体育风尚。尊敬的各位赞助商,感谢大家对亚运会的支持和信任。我们 相信,亚奥理事会的品牌优势会给各位带来如期的媒体报道 和公众关注,我坚信,今天你们的投入,明天将获得丰硕的 回报。成前上万无私奉献的志愿者,你们的笑容是广州的名 片,没有你们,亚运会将无法有效运转,正因为你们的辛勤 工作,无私奉献和全力参与,才能确保广州亚运会的圆满成 功。中国和国际媒体,感谢你们把亚运会传播到世界的每个 角落,并向世界展

示亚洲文化的多样性。最后,各位广州市 民,请加入亚运盛会吧,为运动员欢呼,为他们的成绩喝彩,广州是你们的家,现在成为我们共同的家,感谢你们张开热 情的双臂,让我们宾至如归。现在,我荣幸地邀请中华人民 共和国总理温家宝先生宣布第 16 届亚洲运动会开幕。











Welcome to Guangzhou!




















Remarks by OCA President Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad Al-Sabah at Closing Ceremony of 2010 Asiad


H.E.State Councillor Mme.Liu Yandong,My colleagues, from the OCA, NOC and the IOC

Ladies and Gentlemen,Dear Friends,尊敬的国务委员刘延东女士,亚奥理事会、各国、地区奥委会及国际奥委会的各位同事,女士们、先生们、朋友们:

Tonight, the 16th Asian Games, which has been a huge success, will come to an end.今晚,第16届亚运会即将圆满落幕。

Over these past 16 days we have seen many exciting moments together.在过去的16天里,我们共同度过了许多激动人心的时刻。

This edition of the Games has been, without a doubt, one of the most outstanding in the history of the event.Very soon, the Guangzhou 2010 Asian Games will become a beautiful memory, to be shared and remembered fondly by us all.Guangzhou, the city of flowers, is now a city of sports and peace.这是一届精彩绝伦的亚运会!她将永远成为亚运会历史上的宝贵财富,共同珍藏于你我心中!美丽的花城广州现在成为体育与和平的城市。

I would now like to thank the Chinese government, the Chinese people, and everyone from Asia and around the world for helping make this 16th Asia Games the best Asian Games ever.’’


10,000 athletes from 45 countries and regions in Asia have competed against each other in 53 first-class venues.These sportsmen and women are at the top of their sport and are fitting ambassadors of the Olympic Movement in Asia.亚运会期间,来自亚洲45个国家和地区的10,000多名体育健儿在53个赏心悦目的场馆里,演绎了亚洲奥林匹克运动的最高水平,他们无疑是推动奥林匹克运动在亚洲发展的最佳使者。

I would like to thank all our athletes, coaches, technical officials, team officials and other Games participants for showing us their amazing talent, their superb skills and their dedication to their sports.Their sportsmanship and team spirit have inspired us all, and allowed us to believe that anything is possible.It

is my deepest wish that you will take the spirit of the Asian Games, the ideals of fair play, tolerance and understanding, back to your homes and continue to spread these important messages.感谢所有的运动员、技术官员、随队官员及所有的参会人员,你们的卓越才能、出色表现以及对运动事业的热忱令人赞叹,你们的体育风尚、团队精神令人振奋,让我们相信凡事皆有可能。希望你们回国以后,让亚运精神,让友谊、宽容和理解的信念在亚洲辽阔的大地上生生不息、永久长存。

I would like to pay tribute to over 60,000 volunteers.The Asian Games could not function without you, without your enthusiasm, your dedication and your friendly smile.From the bottom of my heart, I salute you and thank you on behalf of the Olympic Family in Asia.感谢60,000多名赛事志愿者,亚运会的成功离不开你们辛勤的汗水、无私的奉献和甜蜜的微笑。我代表亚洲奥林匹克大家庭,对你们表示衷心感谢。

I also thank the media.The Asian Games have grown into the second largest sports event in the world after the Olympic Games, and the media have played a vital part in this.Thank you for your interest, your tireless efforts to spread the news via television, radio, newspaper, magazine, Internet and other information channels.Your work has told the story of the 16th Asian Games to Asia and to the world, and we look forward to your continued support in the future.感谢国内外媒体和记者,亚运会是世界上仅次于奥运会的重大体育赛事,媒体在亚运会上发挥了举足轻重的作用。感谢你们对亚运会的关注和辛勤报道,你们通过电视、广播、报纸、杂志、互联网和其他各种信息媒介,将精彩赛事带到各个角落。亚运会动人的故事、难忘的瞬间通过你们传播到亚洲各国和世界各地。我们期待未来继续得到你们的支持。

The Asian Games is the biggest, most important international sports competition in Asia, and staging such a huge gathering requires determination, commitment and skill.For that I congratulate the people of Guangzhou on a job well done.这是一届高水平、有特色的亚运会,举办如此重大的赛事需要巨大的决心、不懈的努力和精心的准备。在此,我衷心祝贺广州人民的筹备工作取得了圆满的成功。

The 16th Asian Games is about to end tonight.And I call upon the youth and athletes of Asia to once again meet in Incheon, Korea, in 2014 and celebrate the 17th Asian Games!


Thank you very much!





Good afternoon, everybody.Earlier today, I was briefed by my homeland security team on.We're continuing to monitor and respond to the situation as it unfolds.And I've directed the full resources of the federal government to help state and local authorities protect our people, increase security around the United States as necessary, and investigate what happened.大家下午好。我刚刚听取了了国土安全局就波士顿爆炸事件的汇报。我们将继续随情况发展进行监察并作出反应。我已下令联邦政府动用全部资源,协助州和地方当局保护人民的安全,在全美提高必要的安保水平,并调查事件真相。

The American people will say a prayer for Boston tonight.And Michelle and I send our deepest thoughts and prayers to the families of the victims in the wake of this senseless loss.美国人民今晚会为波士顿祈祷。米歇尔和我把我们最深切的思念和祈祷传递给受难者及其家属,对他们失去亲人表示哀悼。

We don't yet have all the answers.But we do know that multiple people have been wounded, some gravely, in explosions at the Boston Marathon.我们尚未知晓所有情况。但我们知道,波士顿马拉松比赛中多人受伤,有的极其严重。I've spoken to FBI Director Mueller and Secretary of Homeland Security Napolitano, and they're mobilizing the appropriate resources to investigate and to respond.我已经与联邦调查局局长米勒和国家安全部部长纳波利塔诺通过话,他们将调动所需的资源来调查并对此做出处理。

I've updated leaders of Congress in both parties, and we reaffirmed that on days like this there are no Republicans or Democrats — we are Americans, united in concern for our fellow citizens.我已对国会的两党领导人通报了最新情况,我们重申在这样的日子没有共和党或民主党之分,因为我们都是美国人,我们团结在一起,心系我们的同胞。

I've also spoken with Governor Patrick and Mayor Menino, and made it clear that they have every single federal resource necessary to care for the victims and counsel the families.And above all, I made clear to them that all Americans stand with the people of Boston.我也跟帕特里克州长和波士顿梅尼诺市长通过话,并清楚告诉他们,我们将调动一切资源来关怀遇难者并抚恤其家属。最重要的是,我清楚地告诉他们,所有的美国人都和波士顿人民同在。

Boston police, firefighters, and first responders as well as the National Guard responded heroically, and continue to do so as we speak.It's a reminder that so many Americans serve and sacrifice on our behalf every single day, without regard to their own safety, in dangerous and difficult circumstances.And we salute all those who assisted in responding so quickly and professionally to this tragedy.波士顿的警察、消防队员、应急人员以及国民警卫队正在并将继续英勇应对。它提醒人们,我们有这么多美国人每天为了我们奉献和牺牲,不顾自身安危在危险和艰难的情境中挺身而出。我们向他们在恐怖爆炸中的的快速反应和专业应对敬礼。

We still do not know who did this or why.And people shouldn't jump to conclusions before we have all the facts.But make no mistake — we will get to the bottom of this.And we will find out who did this;we'll find out why they did this.Any responsible individuals, any responsible groups will feel the full weight of justice.我们仍然不知道是谁制造了这次恐怖袭击,以及他们为什么这样做。我们不必急着下结论。但毫无疑问,我们会追查到底。我们会找出谁干的,动机是什么。任何与此案相关的个人和团体,都将受到正义的严惩。

Today is a holiday in Massachusetts — Patriots' Day.It's a day that celebrates the free and fiercely independent spirit that this great American city of Boston has reflected from the earliest days of our nation.And it's a day that draws the world to Boston's streets in a spirit of friendly competition.Boston is a tough and resilient town.So are its people.I'm supremely confident that Bostonians will pull together, take care of each other, and move forward as one proud city.And as they do, the American people will be with them every single step of the way.今天是马萨诸塞州的节日-爱国者日。这一天,我们都在庆祝这个伟大的美国城市波士顿的自由和激烈的独立精神,这是我们的勇士们在建国初期展现出的英勇战斗精神。这一天,在波士顿的大街上,马拉松比赛友好竞争的精神吸引了全世界的目光。波士顿是一个坚韧的城市,波士顿人民同样坚韧!我有一万个理由相信,波士顿会齐心协力彼此照顾,以一个自豪的心态勇往直前。这一路上每一步全体美国人民都将和他们一起。

You should anticipate that as we get more information, our teams will provide you briefings.We're still in the investigation stage at this point.But I just want to reiterate we will find out who did this and we will hold them accountable.有一点是肯定的,我们会调查事件获取更多信息,我们将随时通报情况。我想说的是,我们仍然处在调查阶段。但我想重申的是,我们誓将揪出真正的凶手并将追究他们的责任。Thank you very much.谢谢!



PRESIDENT OBAMA: Everybody ready? Well,I know we’re a little behind,but that’s mainly because President Xi and I had a very constructive conversation on a whole range of strategic issues,from North Korea to cyberspace to international institutions.And I’m very much looking forward to continuing the conversation,not only tonight at dinner but also tomorrow.奥巴马总统:大家准备好了吗?我知道我们有点晚了,这主要是因为习主席和我就一长系列战略问题进行了非常有建设性的会谈,包括北韩,网络安全和国际机构。我非常期待继续进行这个谈话,不仅仅是在今天的晚宴上,而且在明天。

But I thought we’d take a quick break just to take a question from both the U.S.and Chinese press.So what I’ll do is I’ll start with Julie Pace and then President Xi can call on a Chinese counterpart.但我想要我们有个简短的暂停,回答美国新闻界和中国新闻界的问题。那么,先让我从朱莉?佩斯(Julie Pace)开始,然后习主席可以请一位中国记者提问。

Q: Thank you,Mr.President.How damaging has Chinese cyber-hacking been to the U.S.? And did you warn your counterpart about any specific consequences if those actions continue? And also,while there are obviously differences between China’s alleged actions and your government’s surveillance programs,do you think that the new NSA revelations undermine your position on these issues at all during these talks?


And President Xi,did--


PRESIDENT OBAMA: Why don’t you let the interpreter--


Q: And President Xi,did you acknowledge in your talks with President Obama that China has been launching cyber attacks against the U.S.? Do you also believe that the U.S.is launching similar attacks against China? And if so,can you tell us what any of the targets may have been? Thank you.问:习主席,在和奥巴马总统的会谈中,你是否承认中国在向美国发动网络攻击? 你是否也认为美国在向中国发起同样的攻击?如果是的话,你能否告诉我们攻击的目标可能是什么?谢谢。

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well,Julie,first of all,we haven’t had,yet,in-depth discussions about the cybersecurity issue.We’re speaking at the 40,000-foot level,and we’ll have more intensive discussions during this evening’s dinner.奥巴马总统:朱莉,首先,我们尚未深入讨论到网络安全问题。我们现在只是泛泛而谈,今天晚宴期间我们将作较为深入的讨论。

What both President Xi and I recognize is that because of these incredible advances in technology,that the issue of cybersecurity and the need for rules and common approaches to cybersecurity are going to be increasingly important as part of bilateral relationships and multilateral relationships.习主席和我都认识到,由于突飞猛进的技术发展,网络安全问题和制定网络安全守则及共同的规范将会是双边和多边关系中日益重要的内容。

In some ways,these are uncharted waters and you don’t have the kinds of protocols that have governed military issues,for example,and arms issues,where nations have a lot of experience in trying to negotiate what’s acceptable and what’s not.And it’s critical,as two of the largest economies and military powers in the world,that China and the United States arrive at a firm understanding of how we work together on these issues.从某些意义上来说,这些是尚未探索的领域,例如不具有有像规范军事问题和军备问题那样的程式,在军事军备问题上,各国对于谈判协商什么可以接受、什么不可以接受有着大量经验。作为世界两个最大的经济和军事大国,中国和美国就我们如何在这些问题上共同努力达成明确认识,至关重要。

But I think it’s important,Julie,to get to the second part of your question,to distinguish between the deep concerns we have as a government around theft of intellectual property or hacking into systems that might disrupt those systems--whether it’s our financial systems,our critical infrastructure and so forth--versus some of the issues that have been raised around NSA programs.但是,朱莉,我认为回答你问题的第二部分很重要,即将两个情况区别开来,一个是作为政府,我们严重关切知识产权盗窃或对系统发起的黑客攻击,这种攻击给我们的系统——无论是我们的金融系统还是我们至关重要的基础设施等——造成干扰;另一个是,围绕国家安全局的计划提出的一些问题。

When it comes to those cybersecurity issues like hacking or theft,those are not issues that are unique to the U.S.-China relationship.Those are issues that are of international concern.Oftentimes it’s non-state actors who are engaging in these issues as well.And we’re going to have to work very hard to build a system of defenses and protections,both in the private sector and in the public sector,even as we negotiate with other countries around setting up common rules of the road.黑客攻击和盗版这类网络安全问题并非是美中关系中独有的问题。这些是国际关切的问题。一些非国家行为者往往也进行这类活动。即便我们在和其他国家就建立共同遵守的行为规则进行磋商的同时,我们也要以极大努力既在私营行业也在政府部门建立起防范和保护系统。

And as China continues in its development process and more of its economy is based on research and innovation and entrepreneurship,they’re going to have similar concerns,which is why I believe we can work together on this rather than at cross-purposes.随着中国继续发展,随着它的经济更多地要基于研究、创新和创业,他们将有相同的关切。这就是为什么我相信我们能够在这个问题上一道努力,而不是冲突。

Now,the NSA program,as I discussed this morning,is a very limited issue,but it does have broad implications for our society because you’ve got a lot of data out there,a lot of communications that are in cyberspace.And how we deal with both identifying potential terrorists or criminals,how the private sector deals with potential theft,and how the federal government,state governments,local governments and the private sector coordinate to keep out some of these malicious forces while still preserving the openness and the incredible power of the Internet and the web and these new telecommunications systems--that’s a complicated and important piece of business.But it’s different from these issues of theft and hacking.正如我今天上午所说,国家安全局的计划是一个非常有限的问题,但它对我们的社会确实有着广泛的含义,因为网络中有着大量的数据和大量的通讯交流。我们如何识别潜在的恐怖主义分子或罪犯,私营企业如何应对可能出现的盗版侵权行为,联邦政府、州政府、地方政府和私营行业如何协调防范那些邪恶势力,同时保护因特网、网络和这些新的电讯系统的开放性及其不可思议的威力——这是一项复杂而又重要的事务。但它不同于盗版和黑客攻击问题。

And every government is then inevitably going to be involved in these issues,just like big companies are going to be involved in these issues.I mean,you’ve got private companies that have a lot more data and a lot more details about people’s emails and telephone calls than the federal government does.And if we’re called upon not only to make sure that we’re anticipating terrorist communications but we’re also called upon to work with the private sector to prevent theft out of ATMs,et cetera,then we’re going to have to find ways to deal with this big data in ways that are consistent with our values; in ways that protect people’s privacy,that ensure oversight,and strike the right balance.每一个政府都不可避免地会涉及这些问题,如同各大公司会涉及这些问题一样。我的意思是,私营公司拥有远比联邦政府要多的有关人们的电子邮件和电话的数据和细节内容。如果我们需要不仅能做到预知恐怖主义分子的通讯往来,而且需要与私营企业一道防范对自动取款机的盗窃等等,那么,我们就必须要找到处理如此大量数据的方法,这种方法必须符合我们的价值观,必须能保护人民的隐私,必须确保得到监督,并做到恰如其分。

And as I indicated this morning,that’s a conversation that I welcome having.正如我今天上午表示的那样,我欢迎这样的对话。

习主席: 正如奥巴马总统所说,在今天下午的会谈中,我们只是简要地涉及网络安全问题。中国政府坚定地维护网络安全,我们严重关切网络安全问题。

PRESIDENT XI: As President Obama said,in our meeting this afternoon we just briefly touched upon the issue of cybersecurity.And the Chinese government is firm in upholding cybersecurity and we have major concerns about cybersecurity.在我和奥巴马总统今天会谈之前的几天中,我注意到媒体对网络安全的报道激增。这可能给人一种感觉,网络安全威胁主要来自中国,或者中美关系中最大的问题是网络安全问题。

In the few days before President Obama and I meet today,I note sharp increased media coverage of the issue of cybersecurity.This might give people the sense or feeling that cybersecurity as a threat mainly comes from China or that the issue of cybersecurity is the biggest problem in the China-U.S.relationship.新技术的应用是一把双刃剑,既推动了人类的物质文化生活进步,同时也带来了一些管理上的问题,可能对国家、企业、社会和个人的权利造成侵害。

The application of new technology is a double-edged sword.On the one hand,it will drive progress in ensuring better material and cultural life for the people.On the other hand,it might create some problems for regulators and it might infringe upon the rights of states,enterprises,societies and individuals.我们需要密切关注这个问题,研究有效解决的方法。这个问题实际上可以是中美以务实方式相互合作的领域。我高兴地了解到,在中美战略与经济对话的背景下,已经建立了一个工作小组讨论网络安全问题。因此,这是一个双方将继续探讨的问题。

We need to pay close attention to this issue and study ways to effectively resolve this issue.And this matter can actually be an area for China and the United States to work together with each other in a pragmatic way.And I'm happy to learn that within the context of the China-U.S.strategic and economic dialogue,a working group has been established to discuss cybersecurity issues.So this is an issue that the two sides will continue to discuss.通过真诚的合作我们可以消除疑虑,使信息安全和网络安全成为中美合作的一个积极领域。因为这是中国和美国双方的需要和双方共同的关切。中国是网络攻击的受害者,我们希望能采取认真的措施解决这个问题。

By conducting good-faith cooperation we can remove misgivings and make information security and cybersecurity a positive area of cooperation between China and the U.S.Because China and the United States both have a need and both share a concern,and China is a victim of cyber attacks and we hope that earnest measures can be taken to resolve this matter.谢谢。

Thank you.问:我是中央电视台(China Central Television)的记者,我想问习主席,今天下午的会谈比预期的时间长,你们讨论了哪些主要问题?会谈中达成了什么样的重要共识?去年你在访美期间提出了双方合作探讨你称为的新型大国关系概念,这种关系前无古人、后启来者。在这个概念提出之后,在中国和美国以及更广泛的世界范围内引发了大量的讨论和评论。那么今天下午你们在会谈中是否对此作了进一步的讨论?

Q: I’m with China Central Television and my question for President Xi is,what are the main issues that were discussed in the longer-than-expected meeting this afternoon? And what are the major areas of consensus that have emerged from the discussion? And last year,when you were visiting the United States,you raised the concept of the two sides working together to explore what you call a new model of major country relationship,something that is unprecedented in the relationship and that can inspire future generations.And after this concept was raised,there has been much discussion and comment on it,both in China and the United States and in the world more broadly.So did you have further discussion on this issue in your meeting this afternoon?


And my question for President Obama is,what will the United States do to contribute to the building of a new model of major country relationship between China and the U.S.?

习主席: 在今天下午我和奥巴马总统的首次会谈中,我们就中美两国国内和对外政策,就共同努力建立新型大国关系,并且就共同关心的国际和地区问题,进行了深入坦诚的讨论。奥巴马总统和我就这些问题达成了重要共识。

PRESIDENT XI: In the first meeting that I’ve had with President Obama this afternoon,we had an in-depth,sincere and candid discussion on the domestic and foreign policies of China and the United States,on our joint work to build a new model of major country relationship,and our international and regional issues of mutual interest.And the President and I reached important consensus on these issues.我向奥巴马总统明确表示,中国将坚定不移走和平发展道路,将坚定不移深化改革,对世界更加开放。中国将努力实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦,并努力促进人类和平与发展的崇高事业。

I stated very clearly to President Obama that China will be firmly committed to the path of peaceful development and China will be firm in deepening reform and opening up the country wider to the world.China will work hard to realize the Chinese dream of the great national renewal and will work hard to push forward the noble cause of peace and development for all mankind.中国梦要实现经济繁荣,民族复兴,人民幸福。中国梦是关系合作、发展、和平与共赢。中国梦与美国梦和其他国家人民的美好梦想相通。

By the Chinese dream,we seek to have economic prosperity,national renewal and people’s well-being.The Chinese dream is about cooperation,development,peace and win-win,and it is connected to the American Dream and the beautiful dreams people in other countries may have.我和奥巴马总统都认为,在经济全球化的时代,面对各国同舟共济的客观需要,中国和美国必须找到一条新路——一条不同于历史上大国必然发生对抗和冲突的新路。这就是说,双方必须携手合作,在相互尊重、合作共赢的基础上构建新型大国关系,造福于中美两国人民和全世界人民。

President Obama and I both believe that in the age of economic globalization and facing the objective need of countries sticking together in the face of difficulties,China and the United States must find a new path--one that is different from the inevitable confrontation and conflict between the major countries of the past.And that is to say the two sides must work together to build a new model of major country relationship based on mutual respect and win-win cooperation for the benefit of the Chinese and American peoples,and people elsewhere in the world.国际社会期待中国和美国做到这点。当中国和美国合作时,我们就可以做世界稳定的压舱石和世界和平的助推器。

The international community looks to China and the United States to deliver this.When China and the United States work together,we can be an anchor for world stability and the propeller of world peace.我随时准备和奥巴马总统合作,扩大双方各层交流。我和奥巴马总统将继续通过互访、会晤、通信、通话等方式保持密切联系。我邀请奥巴马总统适时来华举行类似这样的会晤。我们期待互访彼此的国家。

I stand ready to work with President Obama to expand on all levels of exchanges between the two sides.I look forward to maintaining close communication with the President through mutual visits,bilateral meetings,exchange of letters and phone calls.And I invited President Obama to come to China at an appropriate time for a similar meeting like this.And we look forward to visiting each other country.同时,双方将努力在各种双边机制中取得进展,例如战略经济对话和人文交流高层磋商。中国外交部长和中国国防部长也将在今年内访问美国。

At the same time,the two sides will work hard to make progress in the various bilateral mechanisms,such as the strategic and economic dialogue and the high-level consultation on people-to-people exchange.Also,the Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Chinese Minister of National Defense will both make visits to the United States within the year.我们双方也应该在经济、贸易、能源、环境、人文和文化领域以及地方层次加强交流合作,以便深化两国共同利益,并将它们扩大到所有领域。

Our two sides should also step up exchanges and cooperation in economy and trade,energy,environment,people-to-people,and cultural fields,as well as at the sub-national level,so that we can deepen the shared interests of the two countries and expand them to all areas.我们也应该改善和加强两国军事关系,推进双方新型军事关系建设。双方也应改进经济政策协调,以便通过加强合作,我们能够推动各自国家的发展,并且促进亚太地区乃至全世界强劲、可持续、平衡的经济增长。

We should also improve and strengthen the military-to-military relationship between the two countries and promote the building of a new model of military relationship between the two sides.The two sides should also improve coordination microeconomic policies so that by strengthening cooperation,we can contribute to our respective development at home,and promote strong,sustainable and balanced economic growth in the Asia Pacific region and the world at large.我对我们共同努力建设新型大国关系充满信心。我相信事在人为。首先,双方都有建立这一大国关系的政治意愿。第二,以往40年的合作积累,使两国合作具有很好的基础。第三,中美之间有着90个政府间机制,为我们的努力提供了制度化保障。

And I’m confident in our joint effort to build a new model of major country relationship.I believe success hinges on the human effort.Firstly,both sides have the political will to build this relationship.Secondly,our cooperation in the last 40 years provides a good foundation for us to build on.Thirdly,between China and the United States,there are over 90 intergovernmental mechanisms which provide the institutional underpinning for our efforts.第四,这样的中美关系具有强大的民众支持。中美之间现有220对姊妹省州和城市。中国有19万学生在美留学,美国有2万学生在华留学。

Fourth,there is strong public support for this kind of relationship between China and the United States.There are 220 pairs of sister provinces,states and cities between China and the U.S.There are 190,000 Chinese students in the United States,and 20,000 American students in China.第五,两国有着未来合作的巨大空间。

And 5th,there is enormous scope for future cooperation between China and the U.S.当然,这是一项前无古人、后启来者的事业。因此我们需要加深相互理解,增强互信,进一步发展合作,管控彼此的分歧,从而避免走大国间必然发生对抗的传统道路,真正踏上一条新路。

Of course,this endeavor is unprecedented and one that will inspire future generations.So we need to deepen our mutual understanding,strengthen our mutual trust,further develop our cooperation and manage our differences so that we can avoid the traditional path of inevitable confrontation between major countries and really embark on a new path.中华民族和美利坚民族都是伟大的民族,中国人民和美国人民都是伟大的人民。只要我们高瞻远瞩,只要我们取得具体的进步,假以时日不断积累,只要我们保持信心和决心,只要我们具有智慧和耐心,我对我们将实现这个历史使命充满信心。

The Chinese nation and American nation are great nations,and the Chinese people and American people are great peoples.As long as we stand high and look far,as long as we make specific progress and accumulate them over time,as long as we maintain confidence and determination,as long as we have wisdom and patience,I'm confident that we will succeed in achieving this historical mission.对不起,我说的有点长。谢谢。

I'm sorry for going too long.Thank you.PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well,I think President Xi summarized very well the scope of our conversations.We spoke about some very specific issues--for example,President Xi mentioned the importance of military-to-military communications.In the past,we've had high-level diplomatic communications about economic and strategic issues,but we haven't always had as effective communications between our militaries.And at a time when there's so much activity around the world,it's very important that we each understand our strategic objectives at the military as well as the political levels.So that's an example of concrete progress that can advance this new model of relations between the United States and China.奥巴马总统:我认为习主席很好地概括了我们的谈话范围。我们谈到一些非常具体的问题——例如,习主席提到的军方与军方交流的重要性。过去,我们围绕经济和战略问题有高层外交联系,但我们并不是一向有同样有效的军方联系。当前世界各地动态很多,在这种时候,我们非常有必要不仅在政治层面而且也在军事层面理解我们的战略目标。这是推动美中新型关系具体进步的一个例子。

So we'll be taking steps to institutionalize and regularize such discussions.But more broadly,I think President Xi identified the essence of our discussions in which we shared our respective visions for our countries' futures and agreed that we're more likely to achieve our objectives of prosperity and security of our people if we are working together cooperatively,rather than engaged in conflict.因此,我们将采取步骤,使这样的磋商制度化和常规化。但从更广泛的意义上说,我认为习主席 指出了我们讨论的要点,我们展望了各自国家未来的愿景,并一致认为,通过合作而不是冲突,我们更可能实现两国人民繁荣安全的目标。

And I emphasized my firm belief to President Xi that it is very much in the interest of the United States for China to continue its peaceful rise,because if China is successful,that helps to drive the world economy and it puts China in the position to work with us as equal partners in dealing with many of the global challenges that no single nation can address by itself.我向习主席强调,我坚信中国继续和平崛起非常符合美国的利益,因为中国如果成功,将有助于推动世界经济,并使中国能够作为平等伙伴与我们共同处理许多任何一个国家都无法单独应对的全球性挑战。

So,for example,neither country by itself can deal with the challenge of climate change.That's an issue that we'll have to deal with together.China as the largest country,as it continues to develop,will be a larger and larger carbon emitter unless we find new mechanisms for green growth.The United States,we have the largest carbon footprint per capita in the world; we've got to bring down our carbon levels in order to accommodate continued growth.And so that will translate then into opportunities for specific work around green technologies and research and development,and interactions between our scientists so that we can,together,help advance the goal of a sustainable planet,even as we continue to grow and develop.例如,我们两国哪个国家都无法单独应对气候变化的挑战。在这个问题上我们必须合作。中国作为最大的国家,随着她的继续发展,将成为越来越大的碳排放国,除非我们能找到绿色发展的新机制。我们美国在全世界的人均碳足迹最大;为适应可持续的发展,我们必须降低碳排放水平。这将转化为绿色技术、研究和发展等领域的具体就业机会以及我们科学家之间的交流,从而使我们能够携手努力,在我们继续增长和发展的同时,推进实现让地球可持续的目标。

We've got a lot of work to do to take these broad understandings down to the level of specifics,and that will require further discussions not only today and tomorrow,but for weeks,months,years to come.But what I'm very encouraged about is that both President Xi and myself recognize we have a unique opportunity to take the U.S.-China relationship to a new level.And I am absolutely committed to making sure that we don't miss that opportunity.要将这些广泛的认识转化为具体行动,我们还要做大量的工作,而这将需要进一步的磋商,不仅在今明两天,而且在今后数周、数月和数年中。但让我备受鼓舞的是,习主席和我都认识到,我们有着将美中关系发展到一个新水平的独特机遇。我绝对致力于确保我们不坐失这一机遇。

Thank you very much,everybody.多谢各位。



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