
时间:2019-05-12 19:45:06下载本文作者:会员上传



1.They(leave)for Beijing yesterday.2.Listen!Tom’s sister(sing)for her good frends now.4.I enjoy(study)English with my classmates.5.We would like(have)a job for you as a reporter.?

7.Old Tom(visit)the Great Wall again last week.8.The boy 9.There 10.There(be)an English evening next Sunday.12.We enjoy ourselves(learn)and(speak)English.(relax).14.How about 15.Each of the students in our class(be)of mediem build.16.Please(put)your bike under the big tree.17.The students(not have)a class meeting yesterday.18.Who(teach)you English this year ?

19.Look!The bus(come).19.The children here like(make)some interesting kites.21.(not be)late for class.22.What elseshe(have)to do next?

24.(not fight)with each other in your school.25.I hear Tom’s sister(sing)in her room now.26.It’27.You had better(wear)sunglasses to protect(保护)your eyes.30.We must(work)very hard and make great progress(取得很大步).32.I saw a little boy(lie)on the ground just now.34.We can’35.How many sheep(be)there on the farm last year ?

’clock yesterday.38.Yesterday we(have)a math test.I(get)full marks.(be)an English teacher in the future.40.Everyone in our class(enjoy)their holiday.43.Y(wait)for you over there.45.(listen)to your teacher carefully in class!

47.No(talk)in the classroom.48.You mustn’(take)the mobile phone into the classroom.49.It’s not good

50.Today is a good day for(walk)for everyone.Keys:

1.left2.is singing3.to buy4.studying5.to have 6.did;go7.visited

8.does9.was10.will be11.shop12.learning;speaking13.relaxed

14.eating15.is16.put17.didn’t have18.teaches19.work20.work21.Don’t be22.does;have23.will be24.Don’t fight25.singing

26.opening27.wear28.not to talk29.swimming30.work31.giving32.lying33.was34.live35.were36.playing37.writing38.had39.to be

40.enjoys41.does;look42.is43.is waiting44.running45.Listen

46.arrives47.talking48.take49.to sing50.walking


2015-11-6 【热身练习】

用be动词的正确形式填空 填入括号内单词的正确形式 1.A: ________ she Maria? 1.I know Yao Ming.His(leg)are B: No, she _______.She is Amy.long.2.A: Where ________ you from? 2.That boy___(have)a small nose and B: I ______ from China.a wide mouth.3.A: ______ you Kate? 3._____(do)your sister and your mom B: No, I _____ not.I am Jane.have different faces? 4.A: What ______ your name? 4.They are in the B: My name is Kate.same_____(grade),but in 5.Her telephone number _____ different_____(class)8145987.5.--______(do)she_____(has)friends6.______ they from Cuba? ? No, they ________.--Yes ,she does.【语法点】 1.重点句型

1)—What color is this skirt? —It’s„ 2)—What color are these shoes? —They’re„

★shoes, pants通常以复数的形式出现,以复数出现的衣服还有袜子socks,手套gloves,短裤shorts等;3)The girl in yellow is Maria.★ ①介词in意为“穿„„(服装),戴„„(帽子,眼镜等)” 如:Do you know the girl in red? ②the是定冠词,表示特指。The boy in the cap is my bother.4)He is in a black cap and blue shoes.(学会描述人物的着装)★描述外貌常见的顺序是大小(长短)+颜色+器官,比如,long black hair.★描述穿着可以用in +a(an)+颜色+衣服,也可用in +颜色。5)We have different looks, but we are good friends.★Look有时是实义动词,“看„„”的意思。短语look at意思为“看„„”


()1.—What color _____ those shoes? —They are _____.A.is;green B.are;green C.are;green D.is;greens()2.The girl _____ red is my sister.A.on B.in C.under D.to()3.The boy _____ brown is Bill and the boy _____ white coat is Peter.A.in a;in a B.in a;in C.in;in D.in;in a()4.Tim is in _____ blue shirt and _____ black pants.A.a;/ B.a;a C./;/ D./;a()5.The dress _____ nice.A.look B.looks C.looks like D.look like Unit2



(1)My T-shirt is yellow._____ _____ is your T-shirt?(2)He is tall with blond hair._____ does he _____ _____?(3)Xiaoming’s pants are gray.What color _____ Xiaoming’s _____?(4)The girl in purple is Maria._____ _____ the girl in purple?(5)Jane is in a blue dress._____ _____ is Jane _____?


1)特殊疑问词 what的用法 ★What color„?对颜色进行提问,句型为: What color +be(is, are)+主语? ★询问人物的外貌,其句型为: What do/does +主语+ look like? 2)动词have/has的用法

★have用于第一,第二人称或者是复数;而has用于第三人称单数。如:I/You/We/They have an orange.He/She has a pen.3)物主代词的用法

① 形容词性物主代词相当于形容词,在句中只能用作定语,后面必须跟名词。如:his book , your bike , their classroom„

② 如果名词前用了形容词性物主代词,就不能再用冠词(a, an, the)、指示代词(this, that, these, those)等修饰词了。例如: 这是他的书桌。This is his desk.【新知识点】


问:Whose bike is it/this/that? 答:It's his bike./It's his. 问:Whose shoes are these/those? 答:They're our shoes./They're ours.2.使用名词性物主代词替换掉形容词性物主代词+名词的组合

 名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词+名词。

 名词所有格形式。如Tom—Tom’s Kate—Kate’s 根据句意,用所给单词的正确形式填空。It's a blue jacket.It's not________(I).It's not_______(Michael).And it isn't_______(Kangkang).______(he)is blue and white.Then ______(who)jacket is it?It's______(Li Ming).1.—Whose dress is this? —It’s ____(I).2.This bike isn’t Mary’s.____(she)is over there(在那边).3.Are those ____(you)apples? 4.These are our oranges.Those are ____(their).5.Mr.Gao is ____(he)teacher.Unit2




1.The children are ___________(run)there now.2.I ________ up at half past six this morning.(get)

3.It’s time ___________(have)sports.4.My mother ____________ a lot of fruit yesterday afternoon.(buy)

5.Please _______(put)the ball in the box.6.They ________ _________ a meeting yesterday.(not have)

7.She likes eggs, but she __________________(not like)bread.8.Lucy helped the old man ____________ the big basket.(carry)

9– How much meat ________ you ___________(want)?-A kilo, please.10.Can you come and ___________(play)football with us?

11.There __________(be)a pen and two erasers in the pencil-box.12.The twins _________ thirteen two years ago.(be)

13.Where __________ her friend _____________(swim)now, do you know?

14.The plane took off and_________(fly)to London in the dark.15.Look!The bus ____________________(come).16.Near our school there _________(be)a shop, and it _________(sell)a lot of books.17.I don’t want __________(buy)any food.But he _________(want).18.Han Ling likes __________(make)things.19.There __________(be)some bread and meat on the table.20.Listen!She __________(sing)an English song.21.Han Meimei often ____________(play)games after school.22.We look forward to_________(visit)Beijing.23.What __________ the girls __________(do)over there now?

24.Where _______ your pen pal ______(come)from?

25Can they finish ____________(read)the story?

26.She ____________(look)like her mother.27.I ___________(not)think so.28.I enjoy_________(listen)to music after work every day.29.Can you go out ___________(play)in the snow.30.Miss Wang teaches __________(we)Chinese.31.She is busy _____________(play)volleyball.32.There are __________________(thirteenth)girls in our class.33.Mr Green ___________(teacher)them English every day.34.We enjoyed ________________(us)at your birthday party yesterday.35.She wants ____________(join)the music club.36.The music __________(sound)very great.37.____________(read)books is good for us.38.Tomorrow ___________(be)my birthday.I want ___________(have)a birthday party.Would you like___________(come)to my party?

39.Can you _______(use)a computer ? Yes , I can _______(use)it ______(look)for things on the Internet

40.He is very good , let him _______(help)you _______(water)the trees.41.Mike ________(not go)to bed until 12 o’clock last night.42.There ______(be)no one here a moment ago.43.What _______you ________(do)the day before yesterday?

44.Where________(be)you just now?

45.I find it very interesting __________(learn)English.46.The USA is the first country __________(send)a person into space.47.Shakespeare is one of _______________(success)writers in the world.48.Daming went to school without ___________(have)breakfast this morning.49.There are many kinds of things ___________(do)at the weekend.50.What about___________(help)the students _________(study)their English.51.Travelling by bus is safer than ___________(go)by car.52.He often ________(go)to school by car , but he _________(ride)a bike to school yesterday.53.The strong winds _________(destroy)a lot of trees.54.He ________(eat)some fruits and vegetables this morning.55.There __________(not be)a class meeting tomorrow night.56.Thanks for ____________(have)me.57.Lucy__________(not do)her homework yesterday.58.I have to ____________(make)my bed and clean my room at weekends.59.Last Sunday my parents ___________(make)me _______at home to do housework.(stay)

60.I like watching the dolphins __________(swim).61.She is good at ____________(dance).She is a __________(dance)

62.I have fun ____________(watch)TV and ____________(read)funny stories.63.I really hope _______(meet)her

64.He wants ________(be)a teacher.65 Mr Green with his friends _________(have)dinner now.66 I spent two hours ______(do)my homework yesterday morning.67It was rainy.Mr.Tan asked me _________(stop)______(work)

68.I need ________(buy)some new clothes.69.It’s sunny today.Why not _______(go)for a walk in the open air?.70.Do you remember _______(meet)him? He’s Tom Smith.71.Is she __________(like)his brother?

72.Please tell her ______(not come)here.73.His brother is quite _____.He is _____ in his class.(strong)

74.Christmas in the west is as _____ as the Spring Festival in China.(important)

75.This question is quite _____.That one is _____ than this one.(difficult)

76.Travelling by air is much _____than travelling by train.(expensive)

77.The Changjiang River is one of the _____rivers in the world.(long)

78.Zhou Jian jumps the second _____ in our school.(far)

79.Kate runs _____ than her elder sister.(quick)

80.If you study much _____(hard), I think you can learn _____(well)than before.81.Uncle Wang doesn’t drive as _____as Uncle Liu.I think Uncle Liu drives _____.(carefully)

82.It’s snowing _____ today than yesterday.(heavily)83.It took me three hours __________(get)there.84.Do you know the boy _________________(call)Mingming?

85.She __________(finish)school when she was twenty-three.86.I decide ________(play)basketball after school.87.How many people ________(be)there in your class last term?

88.It’s the best way __________(get)to school.89.I’m very happy ________(make)friends with you.90.If you keep practice________(speak)English everyday, you________(become)better and better.91.You’d better________(study)hard if you want to go to a university.92.After________(hear)the bad news, the old woman can’t help________(cry).


八年级英语专项练习题 用所给词的正确形式填空

1.Why not ____(say)it in English?

2, He’d like _______(go)with tom.3, Do you finish ________(read)this story book? 4, This coat is pretty _________(beautiful).5, Can you help Tom? He needs some _____(help).6, Let the cat ______(go)out now.7, We decide _____(go)shopping tomorrow.8, Hi, look!I can _________(fly)the kite now.9, They _____(be)also students five years ago.10, When ______ he ______(have)lunch yesterday? 12, I always like ______(make)_______(friend)with others.13, Which do you like _______(well),carrots or tomatoes? 14, One of his ______(foot)_______(be)hurt.15, You should take the medicine ___________(two)a day.16, _______ your brother and you _______(have)any questions? 17, It’s important ________(learn)the language.18, I had no time ________(have)my breakfast.19, It is easier ______(say)it than ______(do)it.20, Yesterday, we _______(win)the first in the English competition.21, I felt _____(tire)after a long walk.22, We’ll have to sweep the floor before mother ____________(come)back.23, I have a cold.I don’t feel like ______(eat)anything.24, I want to learn how ________(run)quickly.25, Beijing is a good place _________(go)sightseeing.53, She plans ________(study)English.57, A number of students always ________(study)hard.26, Look out!the train ______________(leave).27, Would you like me ________(go)with you ? 28, Witch subject do you like ________(well), Chinese, maths or History?

29, I want to go home __________(help)my mother.30,---Can you help me _________(feed)the dog?---I _________(feed)now, Mom.31, Please stop _______(have)a rest if you feel tired.32, I want to learn how ________(run)quickly.33, How about _________(shop)? 34, A number of students always ________(study)hard.35, Which subject do you like ________(well), Chinese, maths or History? 36, I want to go home __________(help)my mother.37, Tom doesn’t like his __________(old)brother.38, The old woman is walking ________(slow).39, Spring is the _______(good)time of the year.40, Mrs King has much __________(much)money than Mrs Lee.41, The little boy is _________(interest)in the ____________(interest)story.43, Please be _____________(careful)next time, May.44, I have to _______(keep)the room clean, or Mum will be _________(happy).45, The teachers tell us ___________(not be)late for school.46, Paul is very funny, He often makes us _______(laugh).47, One of them ______(be)Chiese.48, It’s important for us __________(learn)English well.49, Please _______(not go)out, it’s raining hard outside.50, Keep quiet, I ___________(read)a newspaper.51, How many ________(visit)are there on the bus? 53, We went on _________(study)after we had a short rest.54.We should play a part in _________(save)the earth.2



1.(have)a birthday party for my brother.

(swim)club.(good).’s5.7.9.(be)good with boys and girls.(story).(be)all my pencils and pens.(play)volleyball this afternoon?(swim)star. 10.--Can you go to England in 2013?11.--Do you know Natalie Toit?--Yeah.12.13.(study)English.


(music).(real)want to join our music club? . .!His 21.16.Jack’s father and mother are.(have)breakfast at this time.(tooth)are very nice.He brushes them well every day.(play)the piano very much.

(dress)?--At eight forty.

(get)up on weekends? 20.. 22.23.24.What a to watch TV show!(go)to bed at twelve O’clock. . .(I)homework in the evening.(get)home very early at noon.


(eat)ice-cream very much.


(hour)to get to the train station.


(go)to work every day?,she leave home for her office.

(bridge)are too old.The villagers want two new ones.(cross)the river.(write)a story in English.


40.(thank)for your help and I know how to do it.

(take)to get to school?(1eave)school early.

44.She gets up early,45.46.47..

48.You can’t run(quick).It is not safe. 49.Don’t talk(loud)here. 50.It’s too(noise)outside.I can’t do my homework.(have)to be in bed by ten o’clock.

(sing)the song in English every day.(sit)here!


51.52.53.Look at the sign(标志):’t forget59.Yang Rui(not fight)with each other in the classroom.

(clean)the classroom after class.

(friend)to all the students.

57.(practice)playing the guitar every day.(1isten)to music at nine o’clock every day.

60.(interest)and cute. 61.(animal)in the zoo. 62.63.Let’s(African),not Australia.(1eg)and small ears(耳朵).

(go)to the park and see some flowers(花).

(play)volleyball on the playground.(shop)with me?I want to buy a new dress.

(water)flowers in the garden.

64.65.66.Tom usually has dinner at six.It’s six o’clock now.67.68.Judy is in China now,69.--Where is Tom?70.71.--They are watching the races. .

. .

72.Don’t talk too loudly.My father 73.We can’t go out now.It’s74.75.(watch)football matches on TV.

76.77.It’s(relax)to me.

. .

.,but it’s very hot.

78.--What’s the weather like today?79.It’s winter in France.The weather is80.81.Alice is an American,82.I teach you and then you can do it83.84.85.I’m having a great time.


(play)with the dog.(see)the movies.

86.(mountain). 87.. 88.,I have to run quickly. 粉丝). .

(1ook)like my sister very much..

(art)like her father.(glass).(different).

89.90.91.My friend,Tina,92.93.94.Zhao Wei’s two95.97..



100.Most men don’t like to go《喜羊羊和灰太狼》)(be)20.(tomato)on the table.

104.,I went to London for the Olympics(奥运会)in August,2012.



(are)many visitors in Huangshan last May Day.(farm)working there.(go)to Shanghai.

109.The little boy is crying(哭110.111.112.

113.114.115.(do)his homework at home.

(enjoy)themselves in the party last Sunday.(speak)English every day.


(have)a busy day last weekend.

116.(excite)movie yesterday. 117.完成句子 1.She always(起床)at 6:30 a.m.


打架)your classmates.

2.Mr Wang often goes to the bus station3.Tom,don’t always4.I often 5.7.118.(淋浴)before I go to bed.(既干净又整洁).

(吃早餐)every day.(新规则).

6.It’s good for us to 8.My new Chinese teacher made some 9.We can’t make too much noise10.You must 11.I think red can bring 13.He 14.You should(穿校服)at schoo1.


(洗手)before meals.(好运气)to me.

12.You can’t(在外面吃).It’s dirty for you.

(看起来漂亮)because wears a new hat.

(洗盘子)after dinner.(一个好主意)!

(在公园里).They are exercising.

16.There are many people 17.--Can youwith me?没问题).

18.My mother(做饭)in the kitchen. 19.散步)in the park. 戴眼镜)everyday? 在右边)of the street.

(在路上).It’s dangerous.


20.21.There is a school 23.25.Hao Lin 26.22.The two boys are playing 在门后面),so you can’t see it.

24.(看电影)Painted SkinⅡ《画皮Ⅱ》yesterday.

别担心),we can help you with your homework.

(许多礼物)on my birthday.27.(上周). 28.I wish I can get 29.(在银行隔壁).30.Many people are(害怕)snakes. 31.总的说来),look at the picture,the girls are happy.32.最后),you don’t have to help him.



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