然后,怎么把字数写到那么多? 就独立写作来说,就一句正反两方面说,写到600字,除了天才,没准备的人很难做到,这里如果大家考过AW,那么事情就会简单些,按照Issue的反正正或正反反方式去说加上开头结尾五大段,最后再加上一个建议端。即按以下的公式: 开头+让步(支持一小下你不赞同的那面)+转折+递进+总结+建议,大家不要觉得用Issue的方法写托福作文会不会不好,一开始我也是这么想的,很多XDF的老师都说,G考逻辑,T考语言,实际上小生认为T也是考逻辑的,因为任何文章没有逻辑都无法写出。而且我以我的亲身经历告诉大家,文章写的很有逻辑至少是没有害的,而且我认为会有好处。想想考官在看了那么神散形也散的文章后,看到了一篇结构清晰的文章,即使语言稍差,也应该是倍感轻松。
我曾经问过我的外教老师,外国人看文章最注重的是什么,他告诉我说是文章的framework.即一篇文章好不好,首先看的不是他的句型,词汇,或是论点等。而是段落之间的衔接一定要十分清楚,我们不能老是采用大三段的形式-开头,经过,结尾。我们可以多用用连接词,例如:first of all, moreover, secondly, lastly等,另外可以多分自然段,给考官一目了然的感觉。还有我们可以多看看国外的文章,看看他们的写作模式,我当初写文章的时候,用的就是我看到一篇国外文章的模式,我觉得可以套用,我最后介绍给大家。
3、基本句型包括Ⅰ.主谓句;Ⅱ.There be;Ⅲ.主系表结构的句子;Ⅳ.被动语态(我看到一张帖字说,不要用被动,我不这样认为,国外的文章,用被动的也比比皆是。)
4、复杂句型 包括Ⅰ.并列句;Ⅱ.从句(定语,状语,名词性,非谓语)
5.词汇 的Variety
说实话做到这点真的很难,首先你要有庞大的 词汇 量,第二你要用的恰当,不出错误。我自认做不到这点,所以我用的词汇有时候会重复。当然大家可以累计一些固定搭配的词汇,例如:激烈的竞争fierce competition等
大家不要小看这点,我认为对于写作基础不是很好的考生来说,这点是最重要的。一篇文章如果让你从头到尾都在讲道理,你有这么多话要说吗?而且有时候还不一定说的清楚。那么这时候你就用例子来表明你的观点。我认识一个朋友,可以说她的 英语 基础很差,但她的文章也拿了6分,我问她怎么写的,她告诉我说就是拼命的举例子。就这点我也曾问过我的外教老师,他曾是IELTS的考官,他说考官欢迎考生多举例子。
Cultivate independence
Develop a strong sense of responsibility
Enhance social awareness
Build up one’s confidence and offer one’s a sense of achievement—realize ones value
and capacity
Widen one’s horizon and sharp one’s character
这些句子比较常用,而且在口语 考试 中也可以派上用处。最后给大家介绍一种写作模式,我觉得很不错:
With unprecedented advances in medical technology, a debate has developed over whether or not a person on life support has the right to die.On one side of the debate are those who say that......On the other side is the view that......In my mind, I completely agree/disagree the later.There is no denying that......has many positive effects.To begin with,......Secondly,......Finally,......However, every coin has its two sides.......is no exception.Many opponents say that......To conclude,....
第1 步,通读30 篇高分范文,注意寻找文章的写作思路和主要论点,把握整体框架。以《托福高分范文大全》中的文章为例,2013 年6 月15 日考题:
The way a person dresses in is a good indication of his/her personality and character.通读此文时,应找到文章主要论点:1.着装习惯反映个人偏好;2.着装习惯透露了性格的某些方面;3.除了着装习惯,行为和举止是性格的更真实体现。
第2 步,精读10 篇范文,理清每句话之间的关系。如:Relatives were co-habitants inside a large house where more intimate relationships could be stably maintained and carried on.Nowadays, however, nuclear families are taking up the greatest ratio of social build-up...这两句话之间形成了转折的逻辑关系。又如:Minor setbacks might cause a loss of confidence, or even produce overwhelming distress.Therefore I think it is unrealistic to expect a person who is down in spirit to accomplish their goals.这两句话之间形成了因果逻辑关系
第3 步,详细分析10 篇范文,弄懂每句话内部的关系以及每句话之间的关系。如:In addition, obsessed with computer games, children are gradually becoming slaves under the control of the pre-designed game modes.As a matter of fact, it is not only a waste of time, but may also considerably mislead children mentally...在这段话中,标志词in addition 表明首句承前启后,该句中,过去分词短语obssessed with...表原因,children are usually...是原因所导致的结果。第二句是对首句的进一步解释说明,注意not only...but also...这个典型句式的应用。
第4 步,选取经过详细分析的10 篇范文题目进行仿写练习。
第5 步,再选取另外10 道题目进行写作练习,完成后与范文对照,寻找自己的优点与不足之处。
第四篇:TPO1 托福综合写作 满分案例
The professor think that by 4-day workweek rules, the company may probabely cost more and cut in their profits.Firstly, more employees means more work space and more computers, this is a large budget that the lecture didn,t include.Even thought they accept that they can be payed less if they go on the four-day workweek, the amount of work doesn't change.To fullfill the company's business goal, they need to hire more empolyees, therefore more private work space and computers and stuff like that are needed.Since the new employees take up the salary which the others gave up, the cost of the computer and workplace cannot be solved without investing more money.Secondly, by reducing the work hour, one emploee's assignment cannot be accomplished as much as before, and then the leftover must be shifted to another employee.Also, with less time to work, the employees should work much harder than they used to be.This will lead to a high work expectations that make one's pressure more intense.How can a man live a good life under a huge stress? On the contrary to the lecture, less work time will oppositely lead to an unpleasant life than a better life which can improve one's work efficiency and make more benefits to the company.Finally, as the competition is so high in the work market, one who just work for 4 days a week cannot match those who work as hard as they can and at least 5 days a week.Being less competitive, one cannot keep their job stability, and may be the first sacrifice of the job competition.Since the boss must give their credit to those who work 5 days a week other than those who work only 4 days a week.Therefore, the delegant ones get promoted for they can be relied on crucial tasks and they will supervise the company constantly with lower absense-error happening.
第五篇:托福100 经验分享