英语口语:每日口语第155期 Its nice meeting you

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第一篇:英语口语:每日口语第155期 Its nice meeting you

英语口语:每日口语第155期 It's nice meeting you

It's nice meeting you.很高兴认识你。

It's nice meeting you!I hope we can become good friends.Keep in touch with each other.As you know, friend is necessary to your life, or else living has no meaning without friendship.原文来自 必克英语

第二篇:英语口语:每日口语第49期 You need a vacation

英语口语:每日口语第49期 You need a vacation

You need a vacation.你需要休假。

My friend is an engineer who works for Boeing, an American Company.He had been working very hard for a long time.I said, “You need a vacation.”I hoped that he would take a break from work and have a nice vacation.I am so glad when he told me that he and his family had just returned from a short vacation trip to Honolulu, on the Hawaii Islands.They stayed at a five-star hotel at the world-famous Waikiki Beach and did a lot of sightseeing.But he continued in his email, “I am trying to catch up with my work

today.”He is a sedulous person, of course, a great wisdom.He feels fortunate that have a good job working for a great company.原文来自 必克英语

第三篇:英语口语:每日口语第124期 Its a piece of cake

英语口语:每日口语第124期 It's a piece of cake

It's a piece of cake.这很容易。

It's a piece of cake ~~!

I think I will maste my future ~~~,and I will do my best to make my dream come ture~~~!

原文来自 必克英语

第四篇:英语口语:每日口语第206期 关于再见的情景会话

英语口语:每日口语第206期 关于再见的情景会话学习英语,关键还是在于单词和短语的掌握。必克每日英语,为你精心准备的实用英语大餐!每日短语并不难!难的是每天掌握一则短语。下面一起和必克达人来学习吧!Farewell.再见。



Jane: Once you arrive at the American airport, please call me.珍妮:你一到美国机场,就马上给我打电话。

Tom: OK, don't worry about it.I will.汤姆:好的,不用担心,我会的。

Jane: Take care of yourself, farewell.珍妮:照顾好自己,再见。


Farewell是句很地道的口语表达,其意为“再见,再会”,常含有永别或不容易再见面的意思。大家都知道“再见”最常见的是Goodbye, farewell是表达再见的一种更正规,更书面的用法。在和别人道别时,使用farewell更恰当。

原文来自 必克英语

第五篇:英语口语:每日口语第115期 Can I take your order

英语口语:每日口语第115期 Can I take your order

Can I take your order?


One day, with two friends in a splendent restaurant, i read the menu for several minutes, i felt so depressed, there were no my favorite foods, and my two friends too, what should we eat? More than ten minutes passed, the waiter who had stood for several minutes said impatiently:“can i take your order now?”

原文来自 必克英语

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