立春the Beginning of Spring(1st solar term)Feb.3,4, or 5 雨水Rain Water(2nd solar term)Feb.18,19 or 20
惊蜇the Waking of Insects(3rd solar term)Mar.5,6, or 7 春分the Spring Equinox(4th solar term)Mar.20,21 or 22 清明Pure Brightness(5th solar term)Apr.4,5 or 6
谷雨Grain Rain(6th solar term)Apr.19,20 or 21
立夏the Beginning of Summer(7th solar term)May 5,6 or 7 小满Lesser Fullness of Grain(8th solar term)May 20,21 or 22 芒种Grain in Beard(9th solar term)Jun.5,6 or 7
夏至the Summer Solstice(10th solar term)Jun.21 or 22 小暑Lesser Heat(11th solar term)Jul.6,7 or 8
大暑Greater Heat(12th solar term)Jul.22,23 or 24
立秋the Beginning of Autumn(13th solar term)Aug.7,8 or 9 处暑the End of Heat(14th solar term)Aug.22,23 or 24 白露White Dew(15th solar term)Sep.7,8 or 9
秋分the Autumn Equinox(16th solar term)Sep.22,23 or 24 寒露Cold Dew(17th solar term)Oct.8 or 9
霜降Frost's Descent(18th solar term)Oct.23 or 24
立冬the Beginning of Winter(19th solar term)Nov.7 or 8 小雪Lesser Snow(20th solar term)Nov.22 or 23
大雪Greater Snow(21th solar term)Dec.6,7 or 8
冬至the Winter Solstice(22th solar term)Dec.21,22 or 23 小寒Lesser Cold(23th solar term)Jan.5,6 or 7
大寒Greater Cold(24th solar term)Jan.20 or 2
厦门大学简介中英文对照时间:2009-12-14 11:15来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:3159次 厦门大学是由著名爱国华侨领袖陈嘉庚先生于1921年创办的,是中国近代教育史上第一所华侨创办的大学,也是我国唯一地处经济特区的国家“211工程”和“985工程”重点建设的高水平大学。
Xiamen University was founded in 1921 by Tan Kah Kee, the well-known patriotic overseas Chinese leader.It was the first university in China founded by an overseas Chinese.At present it is the only university in any of five special economic zones and is one of China 's higher-level universities designated for the state key construction of the “211 Project” and the “985 Project”.88年来,学校秉承“自强不息,止于至善”的校训,积累了丰富的办学经验,形成了鲜明的办学特色,成为一所学科门类齐全、师资力量雄厚、居国内一流、在国际上有广泛影响的综合性大学。建校迄今,已先后为国家培养了15万多名本科生和研究生,在厦大学习、工作过的两院院士达60多人。
Over the past eighty–eight years, as the result of following the school motto: Pursue Excellence, Strive for Perfection , Xiamen University has accumulated rich experience in offering its educational programs and has presented its distinctive features in running the programs.Equipped with a strong team of faculty and staff, Xiamen University, which provides a fairly complete range of programs of education, has become a first-class comprehensive university in China with extensive international influence.Since its founding, Xiamen University has produced more than 150,000 undergraduates and graduates for the country and over 60 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS)and the Chinese Academy of Engineering(CAE)have studied or worked at Xiamen University.学校设有研究生院和22个学院(含60个系)和10个研究院,拥有14个博士学位授权一级学科,17个硕士学位授权一级学科,134个专业可招收培养博士研究生,219个专业可招收培养硕士研究生,82个专业可招收本科生;拥有5个一级学科和9个二级学科的国家级重点学科(涵盖38个二级国家重点学科),15个博士后流动站,9个国家人才培养基地。
Xiamen University has a graduate school, 22 schools containing 60 departments and 10 research institutes and research centers.With 14 Doctoral degrees in first –class disciplines, and 17 Master degree in first-class disciplines, the university offers 82 undergraduate programs, 219 graduate programs, and 134 PhD programs.14 subjects have been assessed and awarded as “the national key disciplines”.There are 15 Post doctoral research centers, 9 subjects of “national educational centers for talents”.5 first-class and 9 second-class national key disciplines.学校拥有一支高水平的师资队伍,有专任教师2383人。专任教师中教授、副教授1322人,占全职教师总数的 55%(下同);拥有博士学位的1349人,占56.6%;45岁以下青年教师为1797人,占75.4%。学校共有两院院士21人(其中双聘院士12人),国家“973”、国家重大研究计划项目首席科学家4人,经推荐入围中央引进海外高层次人才“千人计划”6人,国家自然科学基金委员会委员1人,国务院学科评议组成员10人,列入国家“百千万人才工程”人选12人,列入教育部“新(跨)世纪优秀人才培养计划”66人,“国家杰出青年科学基金”获得者27人,“长江学者”特聘教授12人、讲座教授9人;全国高校教学名师奖获得者5人;有3个国家创新研究群体、3个教育部创新团队。
Xiamen university has a high level team of faculty and staff including 2,383 full-time faculty and professional researchers , including 1322 professors and associate professors.of whom 21 are academicians of CAS and CAE Moreover, 10 faculty members of Xiamen University are seated on the State Council's Academic Degree Appraisal Committee.12 have been listed in the “One-hundred plus One-thousand plus Ten-thousand Talent Project”;66 have been included in the Ministry of Education's training program for the ”Leading Figure for the New Century“;27 have obtained the ”Science Grant for National Outstanding Youth“ from the state;There are 21 special and 9 speech professorships of “Yangtze Scholar” , 3 “National Innovation Research Team” and 3 “Education Ministry Innovation Group”.现有在校生37000多人,其中本科生20466人,硕士生14227人(其中专业硕士5066人),博士生2352人,外国留学生及港、澳、台学生2000余人,本研比为1.2:1;获第四、五届国家级高等教育教学成果一等奖5项、二等奖12项,名列全国高校前茅;23门课程入选全国“精品课程”。2005年年底,我校本科教学工作水平以“优秀”的成绩通过教育部评估。厦大毕业生是最受社会欢迎的群体之一,就业率保持在96%以上。
The university now has a total enrollment of over37,000 full-time students on campus, including 20,466 undergraduates, 14,227 master students, 2,352 doctoral students, and over 2000 international students.In 2005,Xiamen Unversity received a straight-A score in the undergraduate level Teaching Appraisal organized by the Ministry of Education.学校设有140多个研究机构,其中国家重点实验室2个,国家工程实验室1个,国家工程技术研究中心1个,科技部国际科技合作重点科研机构1个,教育部重点实验室5个,教育部工程技术中心2个,教育部文科重点研究基地5个,福建省重点实验室、中心6个,福建省高校重点实验室、文科基地20个,厦门市工程技术研究中心4个。厦门大学国家大学科技园是福建省内唯一经科技部、教育部认定的国家级大学科技园。近五年有6篇论文发表在《自然》和《科学》上,2项科研成果获国家自然科学二等奖。厦门大学人文社会学科研究实力雄厚,南洋研究、台湾研究、高教研究、经济研究、会计研究等领域居国内高校前列。国家社科基金项目立项数2007和2008年均居全国高校第八位,2007和2008年教育部人文社会科学研究项目分别居全国高校第二位和第三位,19项成果获第四届中国高校人文社会科学研究优秀成果奖。
Xiamen University has set up over 140 research institutions, including 2 State Key Laboratories, 1 State Engineering Research Center, 5 Education Ministry Key Laboratories, and 5 state key research bases in humanities and social science.research reports were published in the international Science and Nature journal, 2 scientific research findings won the Second Class Prize of National Natural Science Award over the last 5 years.Xiamen University has strong potentiality in human and science research.Taiwan studies, Southeast Asian studies, economic studies, and accounting studies are at the highest tier among domestic universities.学校已与英、美、日、法、俄等国家和港澳台地区的150多所高校建立了校际合作关系,与美国华盛顿大学等共建“全球十校联盟”的多边国际大学合作组织。在对台交流方面,学校具有得天独厚的地理条件和难以替代的人文优势,已成为台湾研究的重镇和两岸学术交流的重要高校。
Xiamen University has inter-university cooperative ties with over 150 institutions of higher education at home and abroad.Xiamen University has formally established multi-lateral cooperative relationship with seven other universities around the world by signing the Agreement on Global U7 Consortium in 2004.In 2005, there were 8 members of this group.Because of its especially favorable geographical location and advantageous human resources, it is the key university most actively engaged in cross-straits educational, scientific and cultural exchanges.学校拥有完善的教学、科研设备和公共服务体系。目前学校占地近9000亩,其中校本部位于厦门岛南端,占地2500多亩,漳州校区占地2568亩,翔安校区规划建设用地3645亩,校舍建筑总面积140多万平方米,图书馆藏书460多万册,固定资产总值30亿元,仪器设备总值超过10亿元。校园高速信息网络建设的规模、水平居全国高校前列并成为CERNET2的核心节点之一。厦大校园依山傍海、风光秀丽,已成为公认的环境最优美的中国大学校园之一。
At present, Xiamen University’s 3 campuses cover over 600 hectares.With green hills behind and fronting the sea, Xiamen University is recognized as one of the most beautiful universities in China.Xiamen University has a constructed area of 1.4 million square meters and its libraries hold 4.60million volumes(including 1.5 million electronic volumes).The scope and level of its high-speed information network on campus is rated at the top of all universities in China and has become the one of the main injunctions of CERNET2.目前,厦门大学正昂首阔步朝着“世界知名高水平研究型大学”的奋斗目标迈进。
Xiamen University is now making great strides towards its goal of ”building a high-level university well-known both at home and abroad."
(The data presented above is as of March, 2009)
目 录
The Spring Festival(春节)Lantern Festival(元宵节)Qingming Festival(清明节)Dragon Boat Festival(端午节)Double Seventh Festival(七夕)Mid-Autumn Festival(中秋节)Double Ninth Festival(重阳节)Winter Solstice Festival(冬至)
The Spring Festival(春节)
The first day of the first lunar month is the New Year in the Chinese lunar calendar.Among the traditional Chinese festivals, this is the most important and the most bustling.Since it occurs at the end of winter and the beginning of spring, people also call it the Spring Festival.Chinese have many traditional customs relating to the Spring Festival.Since the 23rd day of the 12th lunar montha, people start to prepare for the event.Every family will undertake thorough cleaning, do their Spring Festival shopping, create paper-cuts for window decoration, put up New Year picturesb, write Spring Festival coupletsc, make New Year cakesd, and also prepare all kinds of food to bid farewell to the old and usher in the new.New Year's Eve is the time for a happy reunion of all family members, when they sit around the table to have a sumptuous New Year's Eve dinner, talking and laughing, until daybreak, which is called “staying up to see the year out”.When the bell tolls midnight on New Year's Eve, people eat dumplings.In ancient times, midnight was called zishi(a period of the day from 11 p.m.to 1 a.m.).Dumplings(jiaozi)are eaten because it sounds the same as “change of the year and the day” in Chinese.From the first day of the lunar year, people pay New Year calls on relatives and friends, which is an important custom for the Spring Festival.Setting off firecrackers is the favorite activity of children in the Spring Festival.According to legend, this could drive off evil spirits.The continuous sound of firecrackers can be heard everywhere, adding to the atmosphere of rejoicing and festivity.Many places hold temple fairs.The wonderful dragon lantern dance and the lion dance performances, along with various handicraft articles and local snacks attract thousands of people.With the development of the times, some changes have taken place in the customs of spending the Spring Festival.For example, to prevent environmental pollution, many cities have banned firecrackers.But this does not have an impact on the happy atmosphere of the festival.On New Year's Eve, family members get together to have dinner while watching TV programs.For Chinese at home and abroad, the Spring Festival is always the most important festival.农历的正(zheng)月初一,是中国的农历新年。在中国的传统节日中,这是一个最重要、最热闹的节日。因为过农历新年的时候,正是冬末春初,所以人们也把这个节日叫“春节”。
Lantern Festival(元宵节)
The Lantern Festival falls on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month, usually in February or March in the Gregorian calendar.As early as the Western Han Dynasty(206 3
BC-AD 25), it had become a festival with great significance.This day's important activity is watching lanterns.Throughout the Han Dynasty(206 BC-AD 220), Buddhism flourished in China.One emperor heard that Buddhist monks would watch sarira, or remains from the cremation of Buddha's body, and light lanterns to worship Buddha on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month, so he ordered to light lanterns in the imperial palace and temples to show respect to Buddha on this day.Later, the Buddhist rite developed into a grand festival among common people and its influence expanded from the Central Plains to the whole of China.Till today, the lantern festival is still held each year around the country.Lanterns of various shapes and sizes are hung in the streets, attracting countless visitors.Children will hold self-made or bought lanterns to stroll with on the streets, extremely excited.“Guessing lantern riddles”is an essential part of the Festival.Lantern owners write riddles on a piece of paper and post them on the lanterns.If visitors have solutions to the riddles, they can pull the paper out and go to the lantern owners to check their answer.If they are right, they will get a little gift.The activity emerged during people's enjoyment of lanterns in the Song Dynasty(960-1279).As riddle guessing is interesting and full of wisdom, it has become popular among all social strata.People will eat yuanxiao, or rice dumplings, on this day, so it is also called the “Yuanxiao Festival.”Yuanxiao also has another name, tangyuan.It is small dumpling balls made of glutinous rice flour with rose petals, sesame, bean paste, jujube paste, walnut meat, dried fruit, sugar and edible oil as filling.Tangyuan can be boiled, fried or steamed.It tastes sweet and delicious.What's more, tangyuan in Chinese has a similar pronunciation with “tuanyuan”, meaning reunion.So people eat them to denote union, harmony and happiness for the family.In the daytime of the Festival, performances such as a dragon lantern dance, a lion dance, a land boat dance, a yangge dance, walking on stilts and beating drums while dancing will be staged.On the night, except for magnificent lanterns, fireworks form a beautiful scene.Most families spare some fireworks from the Spring Festival and let them off in the Lantern Festival.Some local governments will even organize a fireworks party.On the night when the first full moon enters the New Year, people become really intoxicated by the imposing fireworks and bright moon in the sky.每年农历的正月十五日,春节刚过,迎来的就是中国的传统节日--元宵节。
Qingming Festival(清明节)
The Qingming(Pure Brightness)Festival is one of the 24 seasonal division points in China, falling on April 4-6 each year.After the festival, the temperature will rise up and rainfall increases.It is the high time for spring plowing and sowing.But the Qingming Festival is not only a seasonal point to guide farm work, it is more a festival of commemoration.The Qingming Festival sees a combination of sadness and happiness.This is the most important day of sacrifice.Both the Han and minority ethnic groups at this time offer sacrifices to their ancestors and sweep the tombs of the diseased.Also, they will not cook on this day and only cold food is served.The Hanshi(Cold Food)Festival was usually one day before the Qingming Festival.As our ancestors often extended the day to the Qingming, they were later combined.On each Qingming Festival, all cemeteries are crowded with people who came to sweep tombs and offer sacrifices.Traffic on the way to the cemeteries becomes extremely jammed.The customs have been greatly simplified today.After slightly sweeping the tombs, people offer food, flowers and favorites of the dead, then burn incense and paper money and bow before the memorial tablet.In contrast to the sadness of the tomb sweepers, people also enjoy hope of Spring on this day.The Qingming Festival is a time when the sun shines brightly, the trees and grass become green and nature is again lively.Since ancient times, people have followed the custom of Spring outings.At this time tourists are everywhere.People love to fly kites during the Qingming Festival.Kite flying is actually not limited to the Qingming Festival.Its uniqueness lies in that people fly kites not during the day, but also at night.A string of little lanterns tied onto the kite or the thread look like shining stars, and therefore, are called ”god's lanterns.“ The Qingming Festival is also a time to plant trees, for the survival rate of saplings is high and trees grow fast later.In the past, the Qingming Festival was called ”Arbor Day“.But since 1979, ”Arbor Day“ was settled as March 12 according to the Gregorian calendar.清明是我国的二十四节气之一。由于二十四节气比较客观地反映了一年四季气温、降雨、物候等方面的变化,所以古代劳动人民用它安排农事活动。但是,清明作为节日,与纯粹的节气又有所不同。节气是我国物候变化、时令顺序的标志,而节日则包含着一定的风俗活动和某种纪念意义。因此,这个节日中既有祭扫新坟生别死离的悲酸泪,又有踏青游玩的欢笑声,是一个富有特色的节日。
Dragon Boat Festival(端午节)
The Dragon Boat Festival, the 5th day of the 5th lunar month, has had a history of more than 2,000 years.It is usually in June in the Gregorian calendar.There are many legends about the evolution of the festival, the most popular of which is in commemoration of Qu Yuan(340-278 BC).Qu Yuan was minister of the State of Chu and one of China's earliest poets.In face of great pressure from the powerful Qin State, he advocated enriching the country and strengthening its military forces so as to fight against the Qin.However, he was opposed by aristocrats headed by Zi Lan, and later deposed and exiled by King Huai.In his exiled days, he still cared much for his country and people and composed immortal poems including Li Sao(The Lament), Tian Wen(Heavenly Questions)and Jiu Ge(Nine Songs), which had far-reaching influences.In 278 BC, he heard the news that Qin troops had finally conquered Chu's capital, so he finished his last piece Huai Sha(Embracing Sand)and plunged himself into the Miluo River, clasping his arms to a large stone.The day happened to be the 5th of the 5th month in the Chinese lunar calendar.After his death, the people of Chu crowded to the bank of the river to pay their respects to him.The fishermen sailed their boats up and down the river to look for his body.People threw into the water zongzi(pyramid-shaped glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in reed or bamboo leaves)and eggs to divert possible fish or shrimp from attacking his body.An old doctor poured a jug of reaglar wine(Chinese liquor seasoned with realgar)into the water,hoping to turn all aquatic beasts drunk.That's why people later followed the customs such as dragon boat racing, eating zongzi and drinking realgar wine on that day.Dragon boat racing is an indispensable part of the festival, held all over the country.As the gun is fired, people will see racers in dragon-shaped canoes pulling the oars harmoniously and hurriedly, accompanied by rapid drums, speeding toward their destination.Folk tales say the game originates from the activities of seeking Qu Yuan's body, but experts, after painstaking and meticulous research, conclude that dragon boat racing is a semi-religious, semi-entertaining program from the Warring States Period(475-221 BC).In the following thousands of years, the game spread to Japan, Vietnam and Britain as well as China's Taiwan and Hong Kong.Now dragon boat racing has developed into an aquatic sports item which features both Chinese tradition and modern sporting spirit.In 1980, it was listed into the state sports competition programs and has since been held every year.The award is called ”Qu Yuan Cup.“ Zongzi is an essential food of the Dragon Boat Festival.It is said that people ate them in the Spring and Autumn Period(770-476 BC).In early times, it was only glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in reed or other plant leaves and tied with colored thread, but now the fillings are more diversified, including jujube and bean paste, fresh meat, and ham and egg yolk.If time permits, people will soak glutinous rice, wash reed leaves and wrap up zongzi themselves.Otherwise, they will go to shops to buy whatever stuff they want.The custom of eating zongzi is now popular in North and South Korea, Japan and Southeast Asian nations.On Dragon Boat Festival, parents also need to dress their children up with a perfume pouch.They first sew little bags with colorful silk cloth, then fill the bags with perfumes or herbal medicines, and finally string them with silk threads.The perfume pouch will be hung around the neck or tied to the front of a garment as an ornament.They are said to be able to ward off evil.端午节是古老的传统节日,始于中国的春秋战国时期,至今已有2000多年历史。
据《史记》“屈原贾生列传”记载,屈原,是春秋时期楚怀王的大臣。他倡导举贤授能,富国强兵,力主联齐抗秦,遭到贵族子兰等人的强烈反对,屈原遭馋去职,被赶出都城,流放到沅、湘流域。他在流放中,写下了忧国忧民的《离 8
Double Seventh Festival(七夕)
The Double Seventh Festival, on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month, is a traditional festival full of romance.It often goes into August in the Gregorian calendar.This festival is in mid-summer when the weather is warm and the grass and trees reveal their luxurious greens.At night when the sky is dotted with stars, and people can see the Milky Way spanning from the north to the south.On each bank of it is a bright star, which see each other from afar.They are the Cowherd and Weaver Maid, and about them there is a beautiful love story passed down from generation to generation.Long, long ago, there was an honest and kind-hearted fellow named Niu Lang(Cowhand).His parents died when he was a child.Later he was driven out of his home by his sister-in-law.So he lived by himself herding cattle and farming.One day, a fairy from heaven Zhi Nu(Weaver Maid)fell in love with him and came down secretly to earth and married him.The cowhand farmed in the field and the Weaver Maid wove at home.They lived a happy life and gave birth to a boy and a girl.Unfortunately, the God of Heaven soon found out the fact and ordered the Queen Mother of the Western Heavens to bring the Weaver Maid back.With the help of celestial cattle, the Cowhand flew to heaven with his son and daughter.At the time when he was about to catch up with his wife, the Queen Mother took off one of her gold hairpins and made a stroke.One billowy river appeared in front of the Cowhand.The Cowhand and Weaver Maid were separated on the two banks forever and could only feel their tears.Their loyalty to love touched magpies, so tens of thousands of magpies came to build a bridge for the Cowhand and Weaver Maid to meet each other.The Queen Mother was eventually moved and allowed them to meet each year on the 7th of the 7th lunar month.Hence their meeting date has been called ”Qi Xi“(Double Seventh).Scholars have shown the Double Seventh Festival originated from the Han Dynasty(206 BC-AD220).Historical documents from the Eastern Jin Dynasty(AD371-420)mention the festival, while records from the Tang Dynasty(618-907)depict the grand evening banquet of Emperor Taizong and his concubines.By the Song(960-1279)and Yuan(1279-1368)dynasties, special articles for the ”Qi Xi“ were seen being sold on markets in the capital.The bustling markets demonstrated the significance of the
festival.Today some traditional customs are still observed in rural areas of China, but have been weakened or diluted in urban cities.However, the legend of the Cowhand and Weaver Maid has taken root in the hearts of the people.In recent years, in particular, urban youths have celebrated it as Valentine's Day in China.As a result, owners of flower shops, bars and stores are full of joy as they sell more commodities for love.在我国,农历七月初七的夜晚,天气温暖,草木飘香,这就是人们俗称的七夕节,也有人称之为“乞巧节”或“女儿节”,这是中国传统节日中最具浪漫色彩的一个节日,也是过去姑娘们最为重视的日子。
Mid-Autumn Festival(中秋节)
The Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month, usually in October in Gregorian calendar.The festival has a long history.In ancient China, emperors followed the rite of offering sacrifices to the sun in spring and to the moon in autumn.Historical books of the Zhou Dynasty had had the word ”Mid-Autumn“.Later aristocrats and literary figures helped expand the ceremony to common people.They enjoyed the full, bright moon on that day, worshipped it and expressed their thoughts and feelings under it.By the Tang Dynasty(618-907), the Mid-Autumn Festival had been fixed, which became even grander in the Song Dynasty(960-1279).In the Ming(1368-1644)and Qing(1644-1911)dynasties, it grew to be a major festival of China.Folklore about the origin of the festival go like this: In remote antiquity, there were ten suns rising in the sky, which scorched all crops and drove people into dire poverty.A hero named Hou Yi was much worried about this, he ascended to the top of the Kunlun Mountain and, directing his superhuman strength to full extent, drew his extraordinary bow and shot down the nine superfluous suns one after another.He also ordered the last sun to rise and set according to time.For this reason, he was respected and loved by the people and lots of people of ideals and integrity came to him to learn martial arts from him.A person named Peng Meng lurked in them.Hou Yi had a beautiful and kindhearted wife named Chang E.One day on his way to the Kunlun Mountain to call on friends, he ran upon the Empress of Heaven Wangmu who was passing by.Empress Wangmu presented to him a parcel of elixir, by taking which, it was said, one would ascend immediately to heaven and become a celestial being.Hou Yi, however, hated to part with his wife.So he gave the elixir to Chang E to treasure for the time being.Chang E hid the parcel in a treasure box at her dressing table when, unexpectedly, it was seen by Peng Meng.One day when Hou Yi led his disciples to go hunting, Peng Meng, sword in hand, rushed into the inner chamber and forced Chang E to hand over the elixir.Aware that she was unable to defeat Peng Meng, Chang E made a prompt decision at that critical moment.She turned round to open her treasure box, took up the elixir and swallowed
it in one gulp.As soon as she swallowed the elixir her body floated off the ground, dashed out of the window and flew towards heaven.Peng Meng escaped.When Hou Yi returned home at dark, he knew from the maidservants what had happened.Overcome with grief, Hou Yi looked up into the night sky and called out the name of his beloved wife when, to his surprise, he found that the moon was especially clear and bight and on it there was a swaying shadow that was exactly like his wife.He tried his best to chase after the moon.But as he ran, the moon retreated;as he withdrew, the moon came back.He could not get to the moon at all.Thinking of his wife day and night, Hou Yi then had an incense table arranged in the back garden that Chang E loved.Putting on the table sweetmeats and fresh fruits Chang E enjoyed most, Hou Yi held at a distance a memorial ceremony for Chang E who was sentimentally attached to him in the palace of the moon.When people heard of the story that Chang E had turned into a celestial being, they arranged the incense table in the moonlight one after another and prayed kindhearted Chang E for good fortune and peace.From then on the custom of worshiping the moon spread among the people.People in different places follow various customs, but all show their love and longing for a better life.Today people will enjoy the full moon and eat moon cakes on that day.The moon looks extremely round, big and bright on the 15th day of each lunar month.People selected the August 15 to celebrate because it is a season when crops and fruits are all ripe and weather pleasant.On the Mid-Autumn Festival, all family members or friends meet outside, putting food on tables and looking up at the sky while talking about life.How splendid a moment it is!每年农历八月十五日,是传统的中秋佳节。这时是一年秋季的中期,所以被称为中秋。
Double Ninth Festival(重阳节)
The 9th day of the 9th lunar month is the traditional Chongyang Festival, or Double
Ninth Festival.It usually falls in October in the Gregorian calendar.In an ancient and mysterious book Yi Jing, or The Book of Changes, number ”6“ was thought to be of Yin character, meaning feminine or negative, while number ”9“ was thought to be Yang, meaning masculine or positive.So the number nine in both month and day create the Double Ninth Festival, or Chongyang Festival.Chong in Chinese means ”double.“ Also, as double ninth was pronounced the same as the word to signify ”forever“, both are ”Jiu Jiu,“ the Chinese ancestors considered it an auspicious day worth celebration.That's why ancient Chinese began to celebrate this festival long time ago.The custom of ascending a height to avoid epidemics was passed down from long time ago.Therefore, the Double Ninth Festival is also called ”Height Ascending Festival“.The height people will reach is usually a mountain or a tower.Ancient literary figures have left many poems depicting the activity.Even today, people still swarm to famous or little known mountains on this day.On this day, people will eat Double Ninth Gao(or Cake).In Chinese, gao(cake)has the same pronunciation with gao(height).People do so just to hope progress in everything they are engaged in.There is no fixed ways for the Double Ninth Cake, but super cakes will have as many as nine layers, looking like a tower.The Double Ninth Festival is also a time when chrysanthemum blooms.China boasts diversified species of chrysanthemum and people have loved them since ancient times.So enjoying the flourishing chrysanthemum also becomes a key activity on this festival.Also, people will drink chrysanthemum wine.Women used to stick such a flower into their hair or hang its branches on windows or doors to avoid evilness.In 1989, the Chinese government decided the Double Ninth Festival as Seniors' Day.Since then, all government units, organizations and streets communities will organize an autumn trip each year for those who have retired from their posts.At the waterside or on the mountains, the seniors will find themselves merged into nature.Younger generations will bring elder ones to suburban areas or send gifts to them on this day.农历九月九日,为传统的重阳节。因为古老的《易经》中把“六”定为阴数,把“九”定为阳数,九月九日,日月并阳,两九相重,故而叫重阳,也叫重九,古人认为是个值得庆贺的吉利日子,并且从很早就开始过此节日。
Winter Solstice(冬至)
As early as 2,500 years ago, about the Spring and Autumn Period(770-476 BC), China had determined the point of Winter Solstice by observing movements of the sun with a sundial.It is the earliest of the 24 seasonal division points.The time will be each December 22 or 23 according to the Gregorian calendar.The Northern hemisphere on this day experiences the shortest daytime and longest nighttime.After the Winter Solstice, days will become longer and longer.As ancient Chinese thought, the yang, or muscular, positive things will become stronger and stronger after this day, so it should be celebrated.The Winter Solstice became a festival during the Han Dynasty(206 BC-220 AD)and thrived in the Tang and Song dynasties(618-1279).The Han people regarded Winter Solstice as a ”Winter Festival“, so officials would organize celebrating activities.On this day, both officials and common people would have a rest.The army was stationed in, frontier fortresses closed and business and traveling stopped.Relatives and friends presented to each other delicious food.In the Tang and Song dynasties, the Winter Solstice was a day to offer scarifies to Heaven and ancestors.Emperors would go to
suburbs to worship the Heaven;while common people offered sacrifices to their deceased parents or other relatives.The Qing Dynasty(1644-1911)even had the record that ”Winter Solstice is as formal as the Spring Festival," showing the great importance attached to this day.In some parts of Northern China, people eat dumpling soup on this day;while residents of some other places eat dumplings, saying doing so will keep them from frost in the upcoming winter.But in parts of South China, the whole family will get together to have a meal made of red-bean and glutinous rice to drive away ghosts and other evil things.In other places, people also eat tangyuan, a kind of stuffed small dumpling ball made of glutinous rice flour.The Winter Solstice rice dumplings could be used as sacrifices to ancestors, or gifts for friends and relatives.The Taiwan people even keep the custom of offering nine-layer cakes to their ancestors.They make cakes in the shape of chicken, duck, tortoise, pig, cow or sheep with glutinous rice flour and steam them on different layers of a pot.These animals all signify auspiciousness in Chinese tradition.People of the same surname or family clan gather at their ancestral temples to worship their ancestors in age order.After the sacrificial ceremony, there is always a grand banquet.冬至,是我国农历中一个非常重要的节气,也是一个传统节日,至今仍有不少地方有过冬至节的习俗。冬至俗称“冬节”、“长至节”、“亚岁”等。早在二千五百多年前的春秋时代,我国已经用土圭观测太阳测定出冬至来了,它是二十四节气中最早制订出的一个。时间在每年的阳历12月22日或者23日之间。
市委常委会Standing Committee of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee 市委办公厅General Office of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee 市委督察室Superintendent Office of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee 市委群众工作协调办公室Mass Work Coordination Office of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee 市委台湾工作办公室Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee 市委研究室Policy Research Office of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee 市委党史研究室Party History Research Office of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee 市委组织部Organizational Department of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee 市委宣传部Publicity Department of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee 市委对外宣传局International Communication Bureau of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee 市委统战部United Front Work Department of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee 市委保密局Secrets Bureau of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee 市委机要局Confidential Affairs Bureau of the CPC Handan Committee 市委直属机关工作委员会Work Commission for Offices Directly Under the CPC Handan Municipal Committee 市委农村工作委员会Rural Affairs Commission of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee 市委政法委Political and Legal Affairs Commission of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee 市委纪律检查委员会Commission for Discipline and Inspection of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee 市委老干部局Bureau for Retired Professionals of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee 市委机关事务管理局Logistics Management Bureau of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee 市委党校Party School of the CPC Handan Municipal Committee
Handan Municipal People’s Congress
市人大常委会Standing Committee of Handan Municipal People’s Congress 市人大常委会办公厅General Office of the Standing Committee of Handan Municipal People’s Congress
市人大常委会机关党委Party Committee for the Organs of the Standing Committee of Handan Municipal People’s Congress
市人大法制委员会LegislativeCommittee of Handan Municipal People’s Congress 市人大常委会法制工作委员会Legislative Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee of Handan Municipal People’s Congress
市人大内务司法委员会Internal and Judicial Affairs Committee of Handan Municipal People’s Congress
市人大财政经济委员会Finance and Economic Committee of Handan Municipal People’s Congress
市人大农村经济委员会Rural Economic Committee of Handan Municipal People’s Congress
市人大城乡建设和环境保护委员会Committee for Urban and Rural Constructionand Environmental Protection of Handan Municipal People’s Congress 市人大教育科学文化卫生委员会Committee for Education, Science, Culture and Public Health of Handan Municipal People’s Congress
市人大民族华侨外事委员会Committee for Ethnic, Overseas Chinese and Foreign Affairs of Handan Municipal People’s Congress
市人大常委会研究室Legislative Research Office of the Standing Committee of Handan Municipal People’s Congress 市人大常委会选举任免代表工作委员会Committee for Elections, Appointments, Removals and Deputies Affairs of the Standing Committee of Handan Municipal People’s Congress
市人大常委会培训中心Training Center of the Standing Committee of Handan Municipal People’s Congress
邯郸市人民政府及省垂直管理机构 Handan Municipal People’s Government and
the Units Managed directly by the Departments of Hebei Provincial
Government in Handan City 市政府办公厅 General Office of Handan Municipal People’s Government 市人民政府督促检查办公室Superintendent Office of Handan Municipal People’s Government
市人民政府新闻办公室 Information Office of Handan Municipal People’s Government 市政府研究室Research Office of Handan Municipal People’s Government 市人民政府法制办公室Legislative Affairs Office of Handan Municipal People’s Government
市人民政府外事侨务办公室Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Handan Municipal People’s Government
市优化经济发展环境办公室Handan Municipal Office for Promoting Socio-economic Development 市人民政府行政审批综合服务中心Multiple Service Center for Administrative Approvaland Examinations of Handan Municipal People’s Government 市行政审批制度改革工作领导小组Handan Municipal Leading Group for Reforming in Administrative Examinations and Approval Systems 市发展和改革委员会Handan Municipal Commission for Development and Reform 邯郸市信息化工作办公室Handan Municipal Informatization Office 邯郸市信息产业局Handan Municipal Information Industry Bureau 邯郸市信息中心Handan Municipal Information Center 市人口和计划生育委员会Handan Municipal Commission for Population and Family Planning 市爱国卫生运动委员会Handan Municipal Committee for Patriotic Sanitation Campaign 市政府国有资产监督管理委员会Commission for Supervision and Management of State Property of Handan Municipal People’s Government
市人民政府机关事务管理局Government Supply Bureau of Handan Municipal People’s Government
市财政局Handan Municipal Finance Bureau 市信访局Handan Municipal Bureau for Complaints 市劳动和社会保障局Handan Municipal Labor and Social Security Bureau 市整顿和规范市场经济秩序领导小组办公室Handan Municipal Leading Group Office for Market Economy Rectification and Regulation 市企业兼并破产和职工再就业工作领导小组Handan Municipal Leading Group for the Amalgamations and Bankrupt Enterprises and the Re-employment of Laid-off Workers 市中小企业局Handan Municipal Medium and Small Enterprises Bureau 市工业经济促进局Handan Municipal Bureau for the Promotion of the Industrial Economy 市物价局Handan Municipal Prices Bureau 市公用事业管理局Handan Municipal Public Affairs Administrative Bureau 市粮食局Handan Municipal Grain Bureau 市档案局Handan Municipal Archives Bureau 市卫生局Handan Municipal Public Health Bureau 市文化局Handan Municipal Cultural Bureau 市人事局Handan Municipal Personnel Bureau 市机构编制委员会Handan Municipal Commission for Public Service Structure and Establishment Administration 市民族宗教事务局Handan Municipal Ethnic and Religious Affairs Bureau 市国土资源局Handan Municipal Land and Resources Bureau 市统计局Handan Municipal Statistics Bureau 市民政局Handan Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau 市商务局Handan Municipal Commercial Affairs Bureau 市广播电视局 Handan Municipal Radio and Television Bureau 市环境保护局Handan Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau 市地震局Handan Municipal Seismological Bureau 市气象局Handan Municipal Meteorological Bureau 市审计局Handan Municipal Auditing Bureau 市房产管理局Handan Municipal Realty Administrative Bureau 市旅游局Handan Municipal Tourism Bureau 市农业局Handan Municipal Agriculture Bureau 市林业局Handan Municipal Forestry Bureau 市畜牧水产局Handan Municipal Animal Husbandry and Aquatic Products Bureau 市交通局Handan Municipal Communications Bureau 市文物事业管理局Handan Municipal Cultural Relics Administrative Bureau 市城市管理局Handan Municipal Bureau for Urban Administration 市水利局Handan Municipal Water Resources Bureau 市规划局Handan MunicipalBureau for Urban Planning 市建设局Handan Municipal Construction Bureau 市安全生产监督管理局Handan Municipal SupervisoryBureau for Work Safety 市食品药品监督管理局Handan Municipal Supervisory Bureau for Food and Drugs 市科学技术局Handan Municipal Science and Technology Bureau 市教育局Handan Municipal Education Bureau 市体育局Handan Municipal SportsBureau 市公安局Handan Municipal Bureau for Public Security 市国家安全局Handan Municipal Bureau for State Security 市司法局Handan Municipal Justice Bureau 市人防办公室Handan Municipal Office for Air Defenses 市机场指挥部Handan Municipal Airport Construction Headquarters 市政府采购中心Handan Municipal Government Procurement Center 市政府蔬菜办公室Vegetables Office of Handan Municipal People’s Government 市农业资源区划办公室Handan Municipal Office for Agricultural Resource Division 市农业开发办公室Handan Municipal Agricultural Development Office 市金融办公室Handan Municipal Financing Office 市建筑业管理办公室Handan Municipal Administrative Office for ConstructionIndustry 市政府纠正行业不正之风办公室Anti-corruption Office of Handan Municipal People’s Government
市政府军队转业干部安置工作办公室Work Office for Placement of Ex-Military Officers of Handan Municipal People’s Government 市政府口岸办公室Port Office of Handan Municipal People’s Government 市散装水泥办公室Handan Municipal Office for Bulk Cement 市新能源办公室Handan Municipal Office for New Energy Sources 市扶贫办公室Handan MunicipalOffice for Poverty Relief 市扶贫开发领导小组Handan Municipal Leading Group for the Poverty Relief and Development 市语言文字工作委员会Handan Municipal Language Affairs Committee 市商业网点建设管理办公室Handan Municipal Office for the Construction and Management of Commercial Networks 市绿化委员会Handan Municipal Afforestation Committee 市防汛抗旱指挥部Handan Municipal Headquarters for Flood and Drought Control 市政府妇女儿童工作委员会Women and Children Services Committee of Handan Municipal People’s Government
市老龄工作委员会Handan Municipal CommitteeforAging People Services 市政府驻北京办事处Representative Office of Handan Municipal People’s Government in Beijing 市政府驻天津办事处Representative Office of Handan Municipal People’s Government in Tianjin 市政府驻深圳办事处Representative Office of Handan Municipal People’s Government in Shenzhen 市国家税务局Handan Municipal State Taxation Bureau 市地方税务局Handan Municipal Local Taxation Bureau 市工商行政管理局Handan Municipal Administrative Bureau forIndustry and Commerce 市质量技术监督局Handan Municipal Bureau for Quality and Technical Supervision 邯郸无线电管理委员会Handan Municipal Commission for Radio Management 邯郸仲裁委员会Handan Arbitratral Commission 邯郸烟草专卖局Handan Tobacco Monopoly Bureau 石家庄海关驻邯郸办事处Shijiazhuang Customs Office in Handan City 邯邢冶金矿山管理局Handan-Xingtai Administrative Bureau for Metallurgy and Mine 市邮政局Handan Municipal Post Office 中国人民银行邯郸市分行People’s Bank of China Handan Branch
邯郸出入境检验检疫局Handan Municipal Bureau for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine 市世界银行贷款城市环境项目管理办公室Handan Municipal Administrative Office for World Bank Loans to Urban Environmental Projects 市南水北调工程建设委员会Handan Municipal Construction Committee for the South-to-North Water Diversion Project 邯郸日报Handan Daily 邯郸晚报Handan Evening Newspaper 中原商报Zhongyuan Commercial Newspaper
Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC)
Handan Municipal Committee
市政协常务委员会Standing Committee of the CPPCC Handan Municipal Committee 市政协办公厅General Office of the CPPCC Handan Municipal Committee 市政协研究室Research Office of the CPPCC Handan Municipal Committee 市政协提案委员会Committee for Handling Proposals of the CPPCC Handan Municipal Committee 市政协财政经济委员会Finance and Economic Committee of the CPPCC Handan Municipal Committee 市政协人口资源环境委员会Committee for Population, Resources and Environment of the CPPCC Handan Municipal Committee 市政协教科文卫体委员会Committee for Education, Science, Culture, Health and Sports of the CPPCC Handan Municipal Committee 市政协社会法制和民族宗教委员会Committee for Social,Legal,Ethnic and Religious Affairs of the CPPCC Handan Municipal Committee 市政协港澳台侨和外事委员会Committee for Liaison with Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Overseas Chinese and Foreign Affairs of the CPPCC Handan Municipal Committee 市政协文史资料委员会Committee of Cultural and Historical Data of the CPPCC Handan Municipal Committee 市政协机关党委Party Committee for Organs of the CPPCC Handan Municipal Committee
法院和检察院 Court and Procuratorate
市中级人民法院Handan Municipal Intermediate People’s Court 市人民检察院Handan Municipal People’s Procuratorate
民主党派 Democratic Parties
中国国民党革命委员会邯郸市委员会Handan Municipal Committee of the Revolution Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang 中国民主同盟邯郸市委员会Handan Municipal Committee of China Democratic League 中国民主建国邯郸市委员会Handan Municipal Committee of China Democratic National Construction Association 中国民主促进会邯郸市委员会Handan Municipal Committee of China Association for Promoting Democracy 中国农工民主党邯郸市委员会Handan Municipal Committee of Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party 九三学社邯郸市委员会Handan Municipal Committee of Jiu San Society
人民团体和社会团体 People’sOrganizations and Public Organizations
市总工会Handan Municipal Federation of Trade Unions 共青团邯郸市委Handan Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League of China 市妇女联合会Handan Municipal Women’s Federation
市社会科学界联合会Handan Municipal Federation of Social Science Circles 中国国际贸易促进委员会邯郸市支会Handan Municipal Sub-Branch of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade 市农业服务协会总会Handan Municipal Agricultural Services Federation 市外商投资企业协会Handan Municipal Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment 市归国华侨联合会Handan Municipal Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese 市文学艺术界联合会Handan Municipal Federation of Literary and Art Circles 市残疾人联合会Handan Municipal Federation for the Disabled 市工商联合会Handan Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce 市消费者协会Handan Municipal Consumers Association 市科学技术协会Handan Municipal Association for Science and Technology 市翻译工作者协会Handan Municipal Translators Association 市新闻工作者协会Handan Municipal Journalists Association 市红十字会Handan Municipal Red Cross Society 市执业药师协会Handan Municipal Licensed Pharmacists Association
职位 Positions
(市委)书记Party Secretary(市委)副书记Deputy Party Secretary(市委)常委Member of the Standing Committee(市委各部)部长 Departmental Chief(市委各部)副部长Departmental Deputy Chief(人大)主任 Chairman(人大)副主任Deputy Chairman 市长Mayor 代市长 Acting Mayor 常务副市长First DeputyMayor 副市长Deputy Mayor 巡视员 Inspector 市长助理Assistant Mayor 党组书记 Secretary of the Party Leadership Group(政协)主席Chairman(政协)副主席Deputy Chairman 秘书长Secretary General 副秘书长Deputy Secretary General 办公厅主任Director of the General Office 办公厅副主任Deputy Director of the General Office 邯郸市人大代表 Deputy to Handan Municipal People's Congress 主任委员 Chairman 委员 Member 县长County Chief 代县长 Acting County Chief 常务副县长First Deputy County Chief 副县长Deputy County Chief 办公室主任Director of the Office 办公室副主任 Deputy Director of the Office 局长Director(注:部级或副部级局的局长常用Director General)副局长Deputy Director(政府的委员会)主任Chairman of the Commission(政府的委员会)副主任 Deputy Chairman of the Commission 调研员Investigator 助理调研员Associate Investigator 区长 District Chief 副区长Deputy District Chief 处长(县级)Division Chief 副处长(县级)Deputy Division Chief 镇长TownChief 副镇长Deputy TownChief 乡长TownshipChief 副乡长Deputy TownshipChief 处(科)长Section Chief 副处(科)长Deputy Section Chief 科员 Clerk或Officer 大队长 Group Leader 站长 Station Chief 副站长 Deputy Station Chief 发言人 Spokesman 顾问 Adviser(人民法院)院长 President(People’s Courts)(人民法庭)庭长 Chief Judge(People’s Tribunals)审判长 Chief Judge 审判员 Judge 书记员 Clerk of the Court 法医 Legal Medical Expert 法警 Judicial Policeman(人民检察院)检察长 Procurator General(People’s Procuratorate)
2、市委各部的“副部长”应当译作“Departmental Deputy Chief”,不可译作“Deputy Departmental Chief”,更不能译作Deputy Minister(Minister是国务院各部的部长)。这里的“副”也不能译作vice等。汉语的“副”只有一个字,但译成英语时不可只用一个单词。常用的译法有:副总统vice-president, 副省长deputy provincial governor, 副厅长deputy director-general, 副教授associate professor等。
3、有人将“市委”翻译为“Handan Municipal Committee of the the CPC”尽管也是正确的,但根据名称的翻译“宜短不宜长”的原则,故采用“the CPC Handan Municipal Committee”这种译法。
6、市消费者协会、市翻译工作者协会和市新闻工作者协会如果按英国英语翻译,应当分别在Consumers、Translators和Journalists后加“’”,即Handan Municipal Consumers’ Association、Handan Municipal Translators’ Association和Handan Municipal Journalists’ Association。其他译名英美译法没有区别。
7、邯郸市委、市政府等名称中的“邯郸市„”应当译为“Handan Municipal„”(这种译法正在被国内外所接受),而不译为“Handan City„”。
我国的“市”作为行政区,从上而下有三个级别,即省级(Provincial Level)、地级(Prefectural Level)和县级(County Level)。目前较通行的做法是,直辖市译为Municipality(直辖市全称是Municipality directly under the Central Government), 县级市一概译作City。但地级市为什么也要译为Municipality(作定语时用Municipal),而不能译为City。
名词Municipality在《韦氏辞典》中的释义是: a city, town or other district possessing corporate existence and usually its own local government。形容词Municipal在《朗曼当代英语词典》中的释义是concerning(the parts of)a town, city etc.under its own government。
在世界许多地方,如菲律宾、以色列等国,Municipality 经常被用作省一级或省以下行政区域名称。在加拿大,Municipality也作为省下的一级行政区域,如在安大略省下就有一个滑铁卢地区市,叫作Regional Municipality of Waterloo,该地区市下辖8个自治市。
而City相对来说更多地特指城市区域(地理概念),而不作为一个大范围的包括农村在内的一级行政区名,如美国和日本,一般都是一个county(县)下辖好多cities,而不是city下辖多个counties。如果将我国的地级市译作city,那么这个“city”就要统辖多个counties 和县一级的cities了。这与国际上的通行用法不太一致(因为city的原意并不包括农村在内)。
据此,我们应当将行政区划意义上的“邯郸市„”译为“Handan Municipal„”,而不译为“Handan City„”(但地理概念上的地址等,如邯郸市人民东路178号,则必须将“邯郸市”译为“Handan City”。
玉不琢,不成器: C: A piece of jade unless cut forms no article of vertu./ E: An uncut gem goes not sparkle./ The finest diamond must be cut./ Unpolished pearls never shine.,十年树木,百年树人: C: It takes ten years to grow a tree and a hundred years to bring up a generation of good men./ E: It takes three generations to make a gentleman.,学无止境: C: knowledge is infinite / E: progress sometimes uses a comma, but never a full stop.,此地无银三百两: never try to prove what nobody doubts.,严师出高徒: C: Good pupils are to be brought up by strict teachers./ E: It is the bridle and spur that makes a good horse.,得不偿失: give a lark to catch a kite.,对症下药: a disease known is half the cure.,君子之交淡如水: a hedge between keeps friendship green.,化干戈为玉帛: bury the hatchet.,家和万事兴: he is happiest, be he king or peasant, who finds peace in his home.,江山易改,本性难移: the leopard cannot change its spots.,留得青山在,不怕没柴烧: where there is life, there is hope.,狡兔三窟: the mouse that has but one hole is quickly taken.,举一反三: half a tale is enough for a wise man.,当局者迷,旁观者清: outsiders see more than insiders./ standers-by see more than gamesters.世上无难事,只怕有心人: dogged does it.,笨鸟先飞: C: a slow sparrow should make an early start./ E: a lame traveler should get out betimes.,冷暖自知: every man is best known to himself.,有情人终成眷属: every jack has jill.,宁为玉碎不为瓦全: better death than dishonor.,情人眼里出西施: if jack is in love, he is no judge of jill’s beauty.,拳不离手,曲不离口: no day without a line.,吃一堑,长一智: by falling we learn to go safely.,塞翁失马: no great loss without some small gain.,天无绝人之路: god tempers the wind to the shorn lamb.,仁者见仁,智者见智: E: the donkey means one thing, and the driver another./ C: the benevolent see benevolence and the wise see wisdom.,师傅领进门,修行在个人: no man is his craft’s master the first day.谚语作为一种以简单通俗的语言来表达深刻道理的语句,常为人们所引用。千百年来各国之间或多或少的文化交流,往往会使一个民族的谚语跨越疆界,广为流传于其它民族。许多谚语流传甚广,早已为我们所熟知。因此,谚语的口译并非是一道不可逾越的障碍。谚语的口译大致可分为三种类型,一种是“形同意合”的口译,第二种是“形似意合”的口译,第三种是“形异意合”的口译。
A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit.吃一堑,长一智。
All shall be well, Jack shall have Jill.有情人终成成眷属。
A man should not bite the hand that feeds him.不
要恩将仇报。Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.情人眼里出西施。
Business is business.公事公办。
Facts speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辩。
Failure is the mother of success.失败乃成功之母。
Fish in troubled waters.浑水摸鱼。
Friends must part.聚散离合总有时。/天下无不散之宴席。Great minds think alike.英雄所见略同。
Health is better than wealth.家有万贯财,不如一身健。
Hedges have eyes, walls have ears.隔篱有眼,隔墙有耳。
In time of peace prepare for war.居安当思危。
Like father, like son.有其父,必有其子。
Man proposes, God disposes.谋事在人,成事在天。
Misfortunes never come alone.祸不单行。
Money can’t buy time.寸金难买寸光阴。
More haste, less speed.欲速则不达。
Out of office, out of danger.无官一身轻。Out of sight, out of mind./Far from eye, far from heart.眼不见为净。
Pride goes before a fall.骄者必败。
The style is the man.文如其人。
Time and tide wait for no man.时不我待。/岁月无情。
The remembrance of the past is the teacher of the future.前事不忘后事之师。/前车之覆,后车之鉴。To teach is to learn.教学相长。
The tongue cuts the throat.祸从口出。/言多必失。