仁爱英语七年级下册总复习-完成句子专项(Unit 7~8)

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第一篇:仁爱英语七年级下册总复习-完成句子专项(Unit 7~8)

七年级英语下册Unit 7—8完成句子


Do you_________________ Michael Phelps?


When ______ he _________? He was born ______ 1985.3.你是迈克尔·菲尔普斯的超级粉丝。

You are ______________________ Michael Phelps.4.今天几月几号?5月8日。

What is ______________today? It is _______________.5.你的生日要来了。Your birthday_____________________.6.你计划怎么样庆祝你的生日呢?

How do you ________________________ your birthday?

7.他在1997年5月13日出生。He was born __________________________.8.你的礼物是什么形状的?它是圆的。

What is ________________of your present? It is ____________.9.我可以看一看吗?对不起,我恐怕你不能。

May I _____________________? Sorry, ______________ you can’t.10.哦,我明白了,它是一个足球。Oh, I ______________.It is a soccer ball.11.它之前像一朵花吗?不,它不像。

_______ it _______ a flower before? No, it ________.12.它是什么形状的?它是一个三角形。

What __________ is it? It is _______________.13它有多长?有24厘米长。

______________ is it? It is ___________________________.14.它有多宽?有6.4厘米宽。

______________ is it? It is ___________________________.15.我们用它来做什么?我们可以用它来放置铅笔,尺子,橡皮擦等等。

What do we _______it ________?We_______it_______________ pencils, rulers, erasers and so on.16.我想弹钢琴和唱一些歌。I ________________ play the piano and sing some songs.17.你想唱中文歌还是英文歌?中文歌。

Do you ______________sing Chinese songs ______ English songs?Chinese songs.18我不会唱中文歌,我只会唱英文歌。

I _____________Chinese songs.I_______only ________ English songs.19.你还会做什么? _________________ can you do?


Can you ____________________ or _____________________?

21.我相信我们在聚会上玩得愉快。I’m sure we’ll _______________________ at the party.22.你会骑单车还是开小汽车?我会骑单车,我骑得很好。

Can you _______________ or ________________? I can _______________.I can do it _____________.23.我想带这些花到聚会上。I’d like to ___________ these ________ the party.24.我数不了这么多花。I can’t count __________________ flowers.25.它会爬树,但它一点也不会游泳。

It can climb trees, but it ___________swim _____________.26.她五岁时,我只会跳一点舞蹈。

When she was five, she _______________ just a little.27.他们两个都喜欢打球类比赛。They ________ like ____________ ball games.28.康康擅长于踢足球,而迈克尔的篮球打得好。

Kangkang _______________ playing soccer, while Michael _________________baketball.29.她五岁时,她的画画很好。

She could draw very well __________________________.30.我可以吃它们吗?不行!Can I eat them? _____________!


Six years ago, she _________ see anything _________________.32.在她母亲的帮助下,现在珍妮能写很多单词了。

_________ her mother’s __________, Jenny can write many words now.33.他昨天表演了一些魔术。He ____________ some magic tricks.34.昨晚我根本没有打电子游戏。I __________________ video games at all.35.晚会上你唱歌了吗?是的,我唱了。

_______ you __________ at the party? Yes, I _________.36.朱迪,你昨晚什么时候回家的?

What time ________ you ______________ last night?

37.康康玩得开心吗?Did Kangkang __________________?

38.轮到你了。It is _______________________.39.我没坐着椅子,摔倒了。I missed the chair and _________________.40.你伤着自己了吗?Did you ___________________?

41.马上去把它们洗掉。Go and wash them _______________.42.你怎么能对我撒谎呢?How can you ____________ me?

43.你为什么不告诉我真相?Why didn’t you _________________________?


What ___________________ Michael at the party?

45.为什么你回来得这么晚?Why _______ you __________________ so late?


Yesterday his parents ____________ lots of food and drinks __________ us.47.我们用手工制作卡片。We made the cards ________________.48.我们全部都围着蛋糕坐。We all ____________________ the cake.49.康康默默地许了一个愿。Kangkang ____________________________.50.他一口气吹灭了蜡烛。

He __________ the candles _________ in one breath.51.春天的天气怎么样?很暖和。

What is ______________________ in spring? It is ____________.52.它是爬山的好时候。It is a good time ___________________.53.我们能在冬天里堆雪人。We can ___________________ in winter.54.你最喜欢哪个季节?Which season do you ________________?

55.很难说。It is ___________________________.56.去年我学游泳。I ______________________ last year.57.事情进展怎么样?很好。How ____________________?Very well.58.我在给你写一封信。I’m ________________________ to you.59.那里的天气怎么样?今天下雨。

How _______________________? It is _________ today.60.今天温度多少?最低温度—8℃,最高温度2℃。

____________ the temperature today? The _______ temperature is-8℃ and the

_______ is 2℃.61.温度在-8℃和2℃之间。

The temperature is _____________ —8℃ _________ 2℃.62.你最好查明八月份不同地方的天气情况。

You had better _______________ the weather in different places in August.63.当你外出时,你需要带一把伞。

When you go out,you ___________________ an umbrella.64.这是去那里最好的时候。It is the best time _____________________.65.请记得穿暖和的衣服。Please _______________________ warm clothes.66.早上太阳明亮地照耀着。The sun ____________________ in the morning.67.有时下午天突然下雨。

Sometimes in the afternoon, it ___________________.68.过后,天气可能会变好。Later on, it may ________________ again.69.英国的天气和澳大利亚的不一样吗?

_______ the weather in England ___________________that in Australia?

70.那天我们很早到达那里。We ______________ there early that day.71.上个星期六我们看见一些老人在表演京剧。

Last Saturday we ________ some old people __________________Beijing Opera.72.我们马上回家。We went home ____________________.73.万物复苏。Everything __________________________.74.树变绿,花开了。Trees ____________ and flowers _______________.75.农民们忙于丰收。The farmers _________________________.76.我想去加拿大。I ______________ go to Canada.77.我计划去澳大利亚。I ______________ go to Australia.78.我希望环游这个国家,并且照一些相。

I ______________ travel around the country and ____________________.79.我希望和他们相聚。

I _______________________________ with them.80.我想去参观中国的一些名胜古迹。

I ______________ visit ______________________________ in China.81.那里的天气一年到头总是好的。

The weather there is always fine ____________________.82.去那儿最好的时候是什么?我想你任何时候都可以去。

What is the best time ________________? I think you can go ____________.83.你应该参观大理和丽江。

You _________________________Dali and Lijiang.84.你不应该错过西双版纳。

You __________________________ Xishuangbanna.85.听起来真的很有趣。It _____________ really ____________________.86.你应该脱掉你的鞋子。You should _________________ your shoes.87.在巴西,人们从不在头发湿的时候出去。

In Brazil, people never go out __________________________.88.在印度尼西亚,你不准用脚指向任何东西。

In Indonesia, you mustn’t __________________ anything ___________ your foot.89.别用白色,蓝色,黑色纸包压岁钱。

Don’t ___________ lucky money __________ white, blue, or black paper.90.用双手把东西递给老人。

___________ something ________ old people with both hands.91.你最近好吗?How ___________________________?

92.请代我向你父母亲问好。Please _________________________ to your parents.93.在圣诞节前,人们正忙于准备过节。

Before Christmas Day, people are busy __________________ it.94.在很多国家里,圣诞节是一个最重要的节日。

Christmas is __________________________ festival in many countries.95.他们经常吃火鸡和圣诞蛋糕,互相送礼物。

They often eat turkey and Christmas cakes and give ______________ presents.96.人们吃元宵求好运。People eat sweet dumplings for __________________.97.人们为了迎接新年的到来,聚会到午夜才睡觉。

People have parties and ___________ go to bed ___________ after midnight to welcome the

new year.98.孩子们和一些年轻的人们作弄他们的朋友。

Children and some young people __________________________ their friends.99.孩子们睡觉之前将长筒袜挂在壁炉旁或放在床尾。

Children ____________ stockings ________ the fireplaces or at the end of their beds before

they go to bed.100.那天晚些时候,家家户户通常都会举行一次大型聚会,享用圣诞大餐。

Later that day, families usually _________________________________ with a special dinner.101.圣诞快乐!________________________!


People usually ________________________ for the festival one month before it comes.103.他们准备美食,清洁装饰他们的家。

They ___________ delicious food, and clean and decorate their homes.104.在节日的前夕,全家人聚在一起吃大餐。

______________________ of the festival, the whole family gets together for a big dinner.105.人们熬夜,在午夜享用饺子以求好运。

People _______________ and enjoy dumplings at midnight for good luck.106.我们去敲邻居家的门,并叫道:“是请吃糖还是想遭殃!”

We ________________ our neighbors’ doors and shouted, “Trick or treat!”

107.人们享受一天的假期。People enjoy __________________________.108.他们很高兴从他们的父母那儿拿到压岁钱。

They are very happy to get _________________ from their parents.



(一)Hi!I am Li Ping.I’m fourteen years old.I come from a small village of Guangxi.I am a

student of Class 1, Grade 2.My School life is very interesting.Class begins at 7:45a.m.I have five classes in the morning.In the afternoon, I often have three classes.We learn Chinese, English, math, history, biology, geography, politics, physics and so on.I learn them with great interest.I like P.E.best.Because having sports is good for us and build us up.Sometimes, I go to the school library.In my spare time, I often practice speaking English with my good friends.And my teachers and classmates are very friendly to me.I like my school life very much.1.What class is Li Ping in ?


2.How many classes does she have everyday?


3.Why does she like P.E.best ?


4.What does she do in her free time ?


5.Does Li Ping like her school life ?


一 :作文:My School Life,60词以上。

(二)Welcome to my home!This way please!Look!There is a big and beautiful room in my

home.That's my bedroom.There is a football under the chair, a basketball on the bed.My things are over where!I don't like clean my room!I have a pet cat, look, he is under my bed.I love my pet cat very much!There is a computer on my desk.I often study on it.I like English, so there are many English books in my room!I love my room!I love my home too.1.What is under the chair ?


2.Where is the pet cat?


3.Is there a computer on the desk ?


4.Are there any English books in the room ?


5.What does “over where” mean?


二 :作文“My Home”,60词以上。

(三)Mrs Brown is a teacher.She teaches English, she speaks a little English, too.She goes to

Chinese classes every Tuesday.Mrs brown is from England, bur she likes working in China.She says her students are very friendly.She loves them.Mrs Brown has a son and a daughter.Her son’s name is Mike.He is ten years old.Her daughter’s name is Sue.She is seven years old.They go to school in China.They have classes six days a week.They like their school very much.1.What is Mrs Brown ?


2.How often does she go to Chinese classes ?


3.What does Mrs Brown think of her students ?


4.How many children does she have ?


5.How old is Sue ?


三 :作文“Birthday Party”,60词以上。

(四)My name is Sam.My favorite season is summer.I like summer because it's a season of

enthusiasm(热情).In summer, everything turns energetic.We are the most efficient to do things at this period of time.What's more, we are able to do a lot of sports and activities in summer.The trees and grass become very green and beautiful and I like that colour for what it represents.It is a symbol of hope.And with hope, we are motivated and creative.So summer is also the season of hope.We are able to take cold drinks in summer which is my favorite as well.In a word, I like summer, because it makes me energetic and gives me hope.1.Which season does Sam like best ?


2.Why does Sam like the season?


3.Do the trees and grass become green in summer?


4.Are we able to take cold drinks in summer?


5.Do you think summer is a season of hope?


四 :写作:请以“My Favorite Season”为题写一篇小作文,60词以上。

(五)Hi, I’m Kangkang.The summer holidays are coming soon.I plan to go to Beijing.The

weather there will be sunny.I want to get there by plane.I will go there with my family.I

think Beijing is a good place to have fun.I want to climb the Great Wall.I want to spent

¥1500 each person.I also want to go to Guilin.I think it is a beautiful place.So I also want to there.What about you? Can you tell me where would you like to go ?

1.Where does Kangkang plan to go ?


2.How is the weather in Beijing?


3.How does Kangkang get to Beijing?


4.What places of interest does he want to visit?


5.How much money does he want to spent?


五 :作文Summer Holidays,60词。

(六)Spring festival is the most important festival to Chinese people.It always lasts for 15 days.Before this day, all the family members eat dinner together.Last spring festival, my parents

and I had a wonderful time.We had the most delicious dinner.After dinner, my parents

watched the Spring Festival Gala on CCTV together.But my cousins and I went outside and

set off fireworks.They were so beautiful.The next day, we got the lucky money from the

elders.We are looking forward to the next spring festival.1.Hong long does the spring festival last?


2.What did my cousins do after dinner on last spring festival?


3.Who gave us the lucky money?


4.Is spring festival very important in China?


5.Are you looking for the next spring festival?


六 :作文“Spring Festival”,60词以上



My School Life

Hi!I am Li Ping.I’m fourteen years old.I come from a small village of Guangxi.I am a student of Class 1, Grade 2.My School life is very interesting.Class begins at 7:45a.m.I have five classes in the morning.In the afternoon, I often have three classes.We learn Chinese, English, math, history, biology, geography, politics, physics and so on.I learn them with great interest.I like P.E.best.Because having sports is good for us and build us up.Sometimes, I go to the school library.In my spare time, I often practice speaking English with my good friends.And my teachers and classmates are very friendly to me.I like my school life very much.My Home

Welcome to my home!This way please!Look!There is a big and beautiful room in my home.That's my bedroom.There is a football under the chair, a basketball on the bed.My things are over where!I don't like clean my room!I have a pet cat, look, he is under my bed.I love my pet cat very much!There is a computer on my desk.I often study on it.I like English, so there are many English books in my room!I love my room!I love my home too.Birthday Party

Mrs Brown is a teacher.She teaches English, she speaks a little Chinese, too.She goes to Chinese classes every Tuesday.Mrs brown is from England, bur she likes working in China.She says her students are very friendly.She loves them.Mrs Brown has a son and a daughter.Her son’s name is Mike.He is ten years old.Her daughter’s name is Sue.She is seven years old.They go to school in China.They have classes six days a week.They like their school very much.My Favorite Season

My name is Sam.My favorite season is summer.I like summer because it's a season of enthusiasm(热情).In summer, everything turns energetic.We are the most efficient to do things at this period of time.What's more, we are able to do a lot of sports and activities in summer.The trees and grass become very green and beautiful and I like that colour for what it represents.It is a symbol of hope.And with hope, we are motivated and creative.So summer is also the season of hope.We are able to take cold drinks in summer which is my favorite as well.In a word, I like summer, because it makes me energetic and gives me hope.Summer Holidays

Hi, I’m Tom.The summer holidays are coming soon.I plan to go to Beijing.The weather there will be sunny.I want to get there by plane.I will go there with my family.I think Beijing is a good place to have fun.I want to climb the Great Wall.I want to spent ¥1500 each person.I also want to go to Guilin.I think it is a beautiful place.So I also want to there.What about you? Can you tell me where would you like to go ?

Spring Festival

Spring festival is the most important festival to Chinese people.It always lasts for 15 days.Before this day, all the family members eat dinner together.Last spring festival, my parents and I had a wonderful time.We had the most delicious dinner.After dinner, my parents watched the Spring Festival Gala on CCTV together.But my cousins and I went outside and set off fireworks.They were so beautiful.The next day, we got the lucky money from the elders.We are looking forward to the next spring festival.


新时代英语培训中心Grade7 Unit 7小结Name:May 27th


一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,常与 a minute ago, yesterday, last year, in those days, just now, in 1990等表示过去的时间状语连用;一般过去时也表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。

I _____________(get up)at 6:30 yesterday.He always _________(go)to work by bus last year.1.Be动词在一般过去时中的变化:am 和is变为was, are变为were



4).以“辅音字母+y”结尾的,变y为i,再加-ed,如:studypulled, cooktasted





1.He _________(live)in Zhejiang two years ago.2.The cat ________(eat)a bird last night.3.We _______(have)a party last Halloween.4.Nancy ________(pick)up oranges on the farm last week.5.I ________(make)a model ship yesterday.6.They ________(play)chess in the classroom last PE lesson.7.She _______(cook)a nice food just now.8.The girls ________(sing)and _______(dance)at the party.二)用be动词的适当形式填空

1.I _______ at school just now.2.He ________ at the camp last week.3.We ________ students two years ago.4.The mobile phone ______ on the sofa yesterday.5.Yang Ling ________ eleven years old last year.6.There ________ an apple on the plate yesterday.7.There _______ some milk in the fridge on Sunday.8.They ________ on the farm a moment ago.


My School Life

My school life is very interesting.Classes begin at 7:30 am.I have five classes in the morning and three in the afternoon.I study Chinese, English, math, art, P.E and so on.My favorite subject is English.I think it’s easy and interesting.I don’t like history very much.I think it’s too boring and difficult.In my free time, I usually go to the library or play basketball with my friends.I like my school life very much.本文字数80字。提到了课程情况:什么时候上课;有哪些科目。也谈了对一些科目和看法,和业余时间活动。根据文章字数要求,还可以删减一些内容。

My Home

Look, this is my home.In front of my home, there is a big yard.There are some trees and flowers in the yard.My kitchen and dinning room is on the first floor.On the second floor, there is a living room, a study, a bathroom and four bedrooms.The living room is in the front of the house.We watch TV and talk here.My bedroom is on the left on the house.There are many pictures on the wall.Is my bedroom beautiful?

本文字数86字。文章利用方位介词,如: in front of, in the front of, on the first/second floor, on the left of等描述了各种房间的位置,还介绍了房间的功能及房间里的物品,如:we watch TV and talk in the living room;There are many pictures on the wall。因此这样的文章要写起来,其实可以写很多字。如果你觉得自己的家确实不怎么漂亮,记得要发挥自己的想象力!谁知道你的家是不是你写得那样呢?

注意表达方位的句型: There is/are … + 方位.或: 方位,there is/are …

要熟记以下方位词:in … ;on …;under …;on the right/left of …;in(the)front of …;behind …;at the back of…;between … and …


Father:read a bookMother:watch TVGrandmother:clean the roomFrank:do his homeworkMary:play computer games

It’s 8 o’clock at night.Frank’s family are all at home.After dinner, they are doing kinds of things.His father is reading a book.He thinks it’s very interesting.His mother is watching TV.The TV show is boring.His grandmother is cleaning the room.She is very busy.Frank is doing his homework.Mary is playing computer games.What a nice family!

My Birthday Party

Last Saturday was my birthday.I had a birthday party at home.A lot of friends came to my party.First, we had a big dinner.After dinner, we ate a big birthday cake.There was 15 candles on the cakes, because I am 15 years old now.I blew the candles out in one breath.Then Xiaoming played the guitar for me.Fangfang danced to disco.Xiaoping performed kung fu.Everyone had a wonderful time.本文字数74字。全文用一般过去时态描述了我上周六生日聚会的情况。注意本文只适宜用一般过去时态叙述,不宜用一般现在时态或现在进行时态描述。还要注意描述事件先后顺序的词:first首先;after dinner 晚饭后;then 然后。

My Favorite Season

My favorite season is fall.It lasts from september to November.It is the harvest season, and the farmers are busy harvesting.Leaves fall from the trees.I like fall best because the weather is not hot or cold, it’s cool.It is the best season to do outdoor activities.I often have a picnic with my family in fall.I like playing basketball, and fall is a good season to play sports.本文字数73字, 介绍了秋季的时间和特征(参照课本P83)。文章点明了作者喜欢秋季的原因:天气凉爽,不冷不热,是室外活动和运动的好季节。(各季节的天气及活动可参照课本p77)

Summer Holiday Plan

Summer holidays are coming soon.I plan to go to Hainan with my family.I would like to go there by plane.The weather there is very hot, so I need to take an umbrella with me.I want to take a lot of pictures, so I have to take a camera.There are many places of interest in Hainan, like Tianyahaijiao, Wanquanhe, and Yalongwan.I’m sure I will have a good time there.本文字数74字。文章用plan/want/hope/wish/would like to do sth.表达了一系列的计划。介绍了目的地的天气、名胜等,还加入了一些要带的旅游物品。想得到更多写这篇文章的思路,可参照课本P88,3a的问题,如你想去哪,跟谁去,怎么去,带什么去,想参观哪些名胜古迹?

请大家思考:假如这篇文章的标题是My summer holidays(我的暑假)或My last summer holidays(我的上个暑假),该怎么写? plan/want/hope/wish/would like to do sth.这些表达计划、打算的句型就不能用了,并且全文都应该用一般过去时态进行描述你当时去了哪里,跟谁去的,带了什么去,参观了哪里等等。

Spring Festival / My Favorite Festival

Spring Festival is on lunar January 1st.It is the most important festival in China.People start preparing for the festival one month before it comes.They prepare delicious food, clean and decorate their homes.On the eve of the festival, families get together for a big dinner.People stay up playing to welcome the lunar new year.On the first day of the festival, children put on their new clothes and greet their parents.I like Spring Festival best because I can get much lucky money from my parents.本文字数90字。文章先是说明春节的日期,重要性。然后阐述了人们是怎样庆祝春节的,包括三个阶段:准备阶段(一个月前开始准备及如何准备); 迎接阶段(除夕夜吃一顿丰盛的团圆饭,熬夜来迎接新年);年初一(孩子们穿新衣服,给父母问候拿压岁钱)。我们的课本中还提到了新年的其他活动和习俗,如people eat dumplings and perform lion and dragon dances; burn the old picture of the kitchen god before the festival and put up a new picture on the kitchen wall when New Year’s Day comes.如果写圣诞节的话,也可以像这篇文章这样写:先说圣诞节的日期,重要性。然后人们怎么庆祝,也是分三个阶段:准备阶段(购物,打扫和装饰圣诞树,送圣诞卡给朋友);迎接阶段(平安夜上教堂唱圣诞歌,挂长筒袜装圣诞礼物);圣诞节早上(孩子们早早起床打开礼物,家庭团聚吃圣诞节特别的食物,互相问候)

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