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教学目标:能听懂、理解并会说出单词”Daddy”、”mommy”.学会说儿歌《Daddy Mommy、I love you!》,敢于在集体面前表演。教学内容:Daddy Mommy 教具准备:daddy mommy的图片,手偶Teddy、kitty、puppy、Nicky。教学过程:



Let’s play a game!Point up, point down!Show me one Jump up, jump down, show me two!Look up, look down, show me three!Wiggle up, wiggle down, show me four.Clap up, clap down, show me five.2、hands hands up,hands hands down!


1、教师请一个幼儿到集体前,抱一抱幼儿,摸摸小脸蛋,并用英语说出“I love you!”

2、给全体幼儿一个大大地拥抱,并引导幼儿大声说出“I love you”

3、幼儿与幼儿之间一个拥抱,I love you!

(三)、出示daddy Mommy的图片


T&C:Hello!Daddy!I love you!

T: Hello,Mommy!

T&C:Hello!Mommy!I love you!

2、游戏《I love you》

教师出示“爸爸”“妈妈”“Teddy”“Kitty”“Puppy”“Nicky”和一只“wolf”的图片,当看到爸爸妈妈、小动物的图片时幼儿要边说边做出动作“daddy,I love you!”等相应的句型,当看到大灰狼的图片时,要迅速抱住头并说出 “No’ 说的慢的小朋友要被大灰狼抓住吃掉。

(四)、卡通动画学习:播放《Mommy Daddy I love you》的动画两遍,小朋友欣赏歌曲,可以跟着一起拍手。



(六)、游戏:《Mommy Daddy I love you》全班幼儿围城一个大圆圈,两名幼儿分别带上“mommy”和“Daddy”的头饰,站在圆圈中央,全班小朋友边演唱歌曲边围着圈圈转,与圈中央的“mommy”和“daddy”招手,当音乐停止,站在头饰前的幼儿互换位置继续游戏。


教学目标: 能听懂、理解并会说出单词“salad”、“Lemon”、“pineapple”和“grapes”。

能准确的说出句型“Let’s make fruit salad”、some……。教学内容: salad mango grape pineapple





① 教师戴头饰扮演小熊Teddy,提来一篮子的水果,请小朋友一起做水果沙拉,请小朋友猜猜其中有什么?通过“摸摸看”的游戏请幼儿摸出水果的实物。② 教师出示各种水果的实物,介绍其英文单词,请小朋友重复说出。


① 游戏规则:《高低左右音》卡片举高就大声读、卡片放低就小声读、放左边就拍手,右边就跺脚。② 《Monster is coming》



1、教师扮演Teddy说:“Let’s make fruit salad.” ,请小朋友取水果放入制作沙拉的大碗中,边放边说some apples、some bananas、some grapes、some pineapples.再请其他的小朋友参加。


全班小朋友拉一个大圆圈扮演“大碗”。一起说出句型“Let’s make fruit salad”。请戴有水果宝宝头饰的幼儿进入“大碗”内,边进入边说some apples、some bananas、some grapes、some pineapples等,直到水果足够多为止,全体小朋友手拉手转圈圈,表示搅拌水果,边“搅拌”边说句型“Let’s make fruit salad”,最后假装吃沙拉。


Module 2 Unit 1 I helped my mum 一.Teaching aim: 1.Ss will learn the words “skirt clean finish dirty”.2.Ss can know something about the past tense and understand the construction of the regular verbs.3.Ss will communicate with their partners and train their helpful spirit.二.Teaching importance: I helped my mum.I finished my homework, 三.Teaching difficulty: The present past tense and regular verbs.四.Teaching aids: Cards CD-ROM 五.Teaching methods: Demonstration practice 六.Study methods: Communication practice noticing 七.Teaching presentation: 1.Warming up: a.let’s students sing a song.b.Review words and talk about everyday’s two sentences freely.2.Teaching process: Step1: Point to the blackboard and tell the topic.Show the dirty hands and wash them.Teach the word washed.Have students look at the screen and understand washed well.Then teach the chant.Ss do actions to know the chant well.Step2: Teacher gives the question: What did Daming do yesterday? Lead to the text and get students to listen to the tape once.Ss listen to the tape again to circle the verbs include‘ed ’Teach these verbs and have students notice the construction of the regular verbs.Ss read the sentences following the recorder twice.Call students to be a little teacher, and then read after the teacher.Step3: Have students wear the mask of Daming to talk what they did yesterday.Look at the screen to talk more pictures.八.Homework: 1.Show the chant to your family.2.Listen to the recorder and imitate the text, act out Daming to tell what you did yesterday.九.Blackboard layout: Module 2 Unit 1 I helped my mum.Yesterday, I cleaned my room.I finished my homework.I washed trousers.I help my mum.


课题Unit 6 Whose gloves?



课型:New 教学目标:

1.认知目标: 能四会单词big, small, long, short, gloves, jeans及词组a pair of…

能听懂会说句子The…is/ are too… Try this one/ this pair on.Whose…is this/ are they? It’s/ They’re…

2.能力目标: 能在一定的情景下,正确使用 Whose…is this/ are they? It’s/ They’re…进行交谈


3.情感目标: 通过学习,告诉学生生活是美好的,要懂得享受生活 教学重点、难点:

重点: 能四会单词big, small, long, short, gloves, jeans及词组a pair of…

能听懂会说句子The…is/ are too… Try this one/ this pair on.Whose…is this/ are they? It’s/ They’re…

难点: 能在一定的情景下,正确使用 Whose…is this/ are they? It’s/ They’re…进行交谈 教学方法与手段:




练习纸 教学过程:

Step 1 Warm up 1.Greetings

T: Class begins!

Ss: Stand up.T: Nice to meet you, boys and girls.Ss: Nice to meet you, too.T: Sit down, please.设计意图:师生之间的问候拉近了师生关系,让学生紧张的心情得到了放松。2.Chant

T: Boys and girls, today, I’m very happy, because tonight I will take part in a dressing party.And I have prepared some clothes for this party.Please look at the screen, what are they? Now, chant with me like this: Blouse, blouse, it’s a blouse.Can you?

Ss: Yes!

T: Now, let’s chant!Ss: Coat, coat, it’s a coat.Dress, dress, it’s a dress.Jacket, jacket, it’s a jacket...设计意图:通过节奏感强的chant形式,复习巩固学生已学的服装类的单词,同时,chant也带动了课堂学习气氛。

Step 2 Presentation and practice 1.Teach “gloves, jeans, whose”

T: Boys and girls, my friends Helen, Su Hai, Su Yang and Yang Ling are also going to the party, and they also prepared some clothes.Let’s look.Ss: Look at the pictures


Ss: Skirt.T:(指向第二幅图)What?

Ss: ….T: Let me tell you.Gloves!(教学)

Ss: Learn to say “gloves”

T: OK.Now, who can make phrases with gloves? For example, my gloves.Who can?

Ss: Think and make phrases with gloves

T: I have another answer.Look!A pair of gloves.(教学a pair of)

T: 同法引出jeans教学,并扩词引出a pair of jeans


T: Here are some clothes.Do you know whose are they? Whose?(教学)

Ss: Listen to the teacher and learn to say “whose”

T: Now, let’s make phrases with whose.(教师移动图片,学生说)Ss: Whose skirt/ gloves…

(移到手套时,whose gloves引出本课课题的教学)

T:(将学生的文具举起,引导其他学生说whose ruler/ rubber…)

Ss: Whose ruler/ rubber…


2.Teach “Whose… is this/ are they? It’s/ They’re…”

T: Now, please listen and find out the question: Whose are they? Please take out your exercise papers, when you listen to the tape, please do the matching exercise.Ss: Listen to the tape and do the matching exercise

T: Now, let’s check the answers.Whose skirt is this?(教学)

S1: It’s Helen’s.T: Whose gloves are they?(教学)

S2: They are Su Hai’s.(三四两幅图口头核对答案后,呈现对话框架,供学生同桌操练)

T: Now please work in pairs to make dialogues.Ss: Work in pairs to make dialogues.设计意图:通过听力的形式,不但帮助学生提高了听力能力,还引出了句型的教学。3.Do exercise

T: I want to find if you have already mastered the knowledge.So please look at the screen and finish the exercise.Work in pairs.Ss: Work in pairs.T: Ask two pairs to read and choose, check the answers with the whole class.设计意图:通过练习,帮助学生搞清单复数的句型运用。4.Teach “so”

T: Boys and girls, my friends have dressed themselves up.Look!

Ss:(Laugh)T: Why are you laughing? I know, because they look so funny.(教学)

* Learning tip: so的解释

5.Teach “It’s/ They’re too… Try this one/ this pair on.”

1)T: Since they look so funny.Let’s try to make them more beautiful.Can you? Let’s try!Look at Su Hai’s dress, it’s too small.(教学too small)Now, listen!Su Hai, try this one on!Try this one on!(教学)Ss: Learn to say “too small, try on, try this one on”

2)T: Look at Su Yang’s gloves.They’re too big.(教学too big)Now, Listen!Su Yang, try this pair on.Try this pair on.(教学)

Ss: Learn to say “too big, try this pair on”

3)T: Ask Ss to work in pairs to practice the last two pictures * Learning tip: try this one/ this pair的解释 Ss: Work in pairs to practice the pictures

设计意图:通过直观的图片,让学生理解新知,并运用人机对话的形式,让学生学习新句型,过度自然,学生容易接受。6.Find mistakes

T: Understand? Now let me check.I want you to be judgers.If you think A is wrong, put up A with your left hand.If you think B is wrong, Put up B with your right hand.If you think both A and B are wrong, put up A and B with your two hands.Understand? Ss: Listen to the teacher and get prepared to be judgers.设计意图:通过小小裁判官的练习,帮助学生巩固新学的内容,检测学生是否理解,让学生扎实掌握,同时,通过举牌的形式,调动了课堂学习气氛。

Step 3 Learn to say 1.Watch a cartoon

T: Since you are so good judgers.I want to

praise you.I have a cartoon for you.Please watch and think about the question: How? How about their clothes?

Ss: Watch the cartoon and think about the question


2.Read and match 1)T: Now, let’s solve the question.I know it is a little difficult for you.So please open your books to find the answers.Read the text by yourselves quickly and underline the key words, phrases or sentences.Ss: Read the text by themselves quickly and find the answers.设计意图:通过学生自己的快速阅读,提高学生的阅读能力,同时,提高学生自己解决问题的能力。

2)T: Now, let’s check.Look at her dress.(板贴人物图片)How?

S1: It’s too small.T:(板贴句子It’s too small)

T:(同法讨论其他几个人物的服装,同时板贴)3.Listen and choose

T: Her skirt is too short, and her gloves are too big.Whose? Whose gloves are they? Whose skirt is this? Please listen and choose.Ss: Listen and think about the questions T: Now, look at the two questions.Please choose the right answers.(学生作答时,板书选项中的句子)


T: Now, everybody pay attention.Please say with me together.Look at her dress, it’s too small.Look at her jeans, the jeans are too long.Look at her gloves, they’re so big, they’re Su Hai’s father’s.Look at her skirt, it’s too short.It’s Yang Ling’s.Ss: Look at the pictures and sentences on the blackboard, retell the text with the teacher.设计意图:通过板书复述课文的大致内容,能帮助学生理清课文的主旨。5.Read the text 1)Read the text after the teacher sentence by sentence 2)Read together 6.Read and complete

T: Since you have read the text, I want to know if you have mastered the text.Please take out you exercise papers and finish Task Two.Ss: Read and complete.设计意图:通过练习,帮助学生初步感知本课所要求的四会单词的书写,同时,让学生进一步了解课文。

Step 4 Consolidation 1.T: Amy and her friend want to join in the Dressing Party.Can you help them? Have a try!

T: First, let’s look at Amy, who can help me to dress up Amy?

T: OK, *** please.You are A, and I’m B.Let’s begin!

S1: Look at her hat.T: It’s too big.Try this one on.S1: OK.T: The shoes are too big.Try this pair on.S1: All right.T: Oh, she looks so pretty.2.T: Now, let’s look at Amy’s friend.Please work in pairs to dress him up.Ss: Work in pairs to dress up Amy’s friend.设计意图:通过同桌操练,帮助学生学会运用本课所学的主要单词及句型,让学生做到学以致用。

3.T: Now, everybody is prepared.Do you want to go to the party with me? Ss: Yes!T: OK.First we should dress ourselves up.Please do as I do.T:(边chant 边做动作)Jeans, jeans, put on the jeans;Dress, dress, put on the dress;Gloves, gloves, put on the gloves;Hat, hat, put on the hat!

T: Can you?

Ss: Yes!T: OK.Let’s do together.(最后戴上帽子)

Ss: Chant with T

设计意图:一个小小的chant, 既呼应了课堂一开始的chant, 又缓解了学生一节课学习的疲惫情绪。T: Am I beautiful?

Ss: Yes!4.T: Listen!The music is up.The party has begun.Let’s go and dance together!

(播放兔子舞音乐)Ss: Sing and dance.T: Boys and girls, are you happy today?

Ss: Yes!T: OK, don’t forget to enjoy our life!Read after me, enjoy our life!Ss: Enjoy our life!

Step 5 Assignment 1.Class work:

Copy them three times: too small, too long, so big, too short, a pair of, try on 2.Homework:

1)Talk to your partners about your own clothes 2)Listen to the tape and read Part A after it, then try to act it out.设计意图:作业的布置注重口头与笔头的结合,不但帮助学生提高听说英语的能力,还帮助学生在课后复习巩固本课所学。


Unit 6 Whose gloves? 人物图片

It’s too small.The jeans are too long.人物图片

They’re so big.They’re Su Hai’s father’s 人物图片

It’s too short.It’s Yang Ling’s.设计意图:板书的设计图文结合,学生可以很清晰的看出课文内容,将课文简单化,学生更易掌握。




课题:7.Do you have any hobbies?

年级: 五


教师:黄 前 刚(铜仁三小)

2009年12月 4 日

第五篇:中班英语示范课教案 2

中班英语绘本示范课:《I love you》

Sophie 2012.12












Ones ones turn turn,turn to a toothbrush,shua shua shua Twos twos turn turn,tunn to a rabbit,jump jump jump Threes threes turn turn,turn to a cat,meow meow meow Fours fours turn turn,turn to a dog,woof woof woof Fives fives turn turn,turn to a hand,shake shake shake Sixs sixs turn turn,turn to a telphone,hello hello hello Sevens sevens turn turn, turn to a sheep,mie mie mie Eights eights turn turn,turn to a little gun,pia pia pia Nines nines turn turn,turn to a little finger,point point point Tens tens turn turn,turn to a tiger,ang ang ang

2、hands hands up,hands hands down!

hands hands left, hands hands right!hands hands behind



1、T:今天,sophie teacher带着小朋友来到一片美丽的树林,走着走着,猜猜我们看到了什么吧。

教师点击第一张图片——提问:what’s this?(幼儿自由回答,给幼儿学习想象的空间,让幼儿熟悉英语。)

T:噢!原来是一只bird(小鸟)and a tree(一棵树)嗯,那它们有什么联系呢?(幼儿自由发言)

接着,教师点击下一张——小结:噢!Because the bird house on the tree因为啊,小鸟的家在大树上,那大树也非常愿意小鸟在上面安家,你们瞧瞧!小鸟一家和大树是不是其乐融融,很幸福的样子呀?

T:那小鸟爱不爱大树啊?嗯,小鸟要对大树说:I love you!

2、T:ok!Now ,look at me!看看sophie teacher 把小手张开放在小嘴巴下,像朵什么?(oh,beautiful flower)这时候,飞来一只weng weng 的?(幼儿回答)点击下一张图片,啊!原来是一朵漂亮的flower(小花)和一只可爱的little bee(小蜜蜂)。小朋友想想,那它们又会有什么联系啊?——嗯,小朋友真聪明,蜜蜂会在小花上采蜜,给我们人类酿出美味香甜的蜂蜜。那小花爱不爱小蜜蜂啊?那小花要对小蜜蜂说什么?(教师引导幼儿说出I love you)

3、T(点击下一张):呀!这是谁的袜子啊?怎么跑到sophie teacher的白板上了啊?哦,还有一只鞋子。是不是小朋友的啊?(幼儿自由回答)

嘿嘿,原来是sophie teacher的袜子和鞋子跑到白板上去和小朋友们捉迷藏呢。那小朋友想想,袜子会对鞋子说什么呢?(幼儿自由回答)再点击下一张图——小结:因为天冷了,小朋友们穿鞋子都要先穿上袜子,这样小脚丫就不会冷了是不是?那袜子是不是也很爱鞋子,袜子要对鞋子说什么?(引导幼儿说出I love you)


T:刚才呢,我们看了大家都会表达自己的爱,你们想不想也对自己的好朋友说:I love you?

教师领导,幼儿one by one 从左往右一个接着一个对旁边的好朋友说:I love you激发幼儿初步对身边人说出自己的情感。(3)课件展示B

1、T(点击图片):这时候,数字宝宝也来了,它们也想表达自己的爱,我们来听听!——出示下一张:哦,数字宝宝1和2很开心地要去旅行,看看上面的图,数字宝宝1大声地对2说了:I love you!(可幼儿回答)

2、T(再出示下图):OK,next one---What’s this?一只眼睛,那小眼睛用来做什么的?嗯,小朋友真聪明,我们的小眼睛是用来看东西的。我们看到的东西都是对我们非常重要的——引导幼儿自主观察班级有哪些物体是一对的或者是好朋友?


3、教师出示一把小勺子:小朋友看看,sophie teacher这里有一把小勺子,它想找到它的好朋友,并且对它说一句话,你们知道小勺子的好朋友是谁吗?(请一个幼儿上来扮演小碗)T:小朋友都知道我们的小眼睛能看到很多东西,我们要对我们看到的任何东西充满爱。现在,再瞧瞧最后,你们看到了什么——出示最后一张图(熊宝宝抱着熊妈妈)小朋友也可以像我们的熊宝宝一样,拥抱你们的家人或者身边的事物(可以是书包、被子、衣服......)并且大声地说:I love you!(4)结束环节

1、教师走到每一个幼儿面前,抱一抱幼儿,摸摸小脸蛋,分发小爱心图卡,并用英语说出“I love you!”

2、鼓励全体幼儿走到背后的老师处,给看到的老师大大地拥抱,给出自己的小爱心图卡并引导幼儿大声对拥抱的老师说:“I love you”

3、幼儿与幼儿之间一个拥抱,I love you!



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    教案格式x 教学设计 姓名 x市x县x学校电话x QQx 教学内容:本节课教学内容是x版本x年级(上或下)册第x单元Px页。 一、教材分析 主要包括:教学主要内容,教材编写特点(本节课内容在单元中的地位......