新起点读写教程I教案Unit 1

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第一篇:新起点读写教程I教案Unit 1

Unit 1 I.Teaching Material 1.新起点大学基础英语教程(读写教程):Book 1,(Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press)2.新起点大学基础英语教程(自主综合训练):Book 1(Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press)2.The tapes of Unit 1.II.Teaching Schedule 8 periods

III.Teaching Aims and Objectives.1.To memorize all the new vocabularies and expressions and grasp their usage.2.To teach students how to analyze some long and difficult sentences.3.To help students to grasp the basic sentence patterns and sentence elements.4.To encourage students to read some materials similar to the unit and encourage them to make a public speech by themselves.IV.Difficulties in Learning.Some long and complicated sentences used in the text.V.Teaching Focus 1.To lead them to analyze the long or complicated sentences 2.To explain some key and practical words and expressions.3.To encourage them to make sentences and public speech.4.To help students to grasp the basic sentence patterns and sentence elements.VI.Class Activities Students’ oral performance Teacher’s instruction Students’ practice time Students’ group performance VII.Teaching Procedures.The 1st—2nd period

(Text A)1.Warm-Activity Discuss the following questions in class: 1)How do you usually learn English? 2)We know that there are different methods for learning English.Do you think some methods could be more effective than others? 2.New words Read the new words and expressions after the teacher Analyze some useful and practical words and its usages.3.Skimming and Scanning 3.1Ask students to read the text as quickly as possible, and then to finish Exercise A on page 4 3.2.Ask the students to answer the following questions: Qs: 1)Why is English an important foreign language for Chinese students? 2)According to the text, what is the greatest difficulty to overcome in English learning? 3)What is a mind-reader? 4)Is it good for Chinese students to translate English into Chinese sentence by sentence? Why ? 5)What is a good way to learn to speak English? 4.Text Study

4.1: language points 1)Learning a foreign language is for the purpose of communication.(Para.1)句中learning a foreign language是一个动名词短语,作主语。如:Listening to soft music can help you relax.Working hard may be the only way to success.purpose—n.①an intention or plan, or the reason for an action:目的,意图 on purpose—with a purpose and not by accident or chance.故意的 Eg.He had gone there on purpose, to see what happened.Do you think I did it on purpose?

I’m sure nobody shot Jack on purpose.It was an accident.--I’m sorry I stepped on your toe: it was an accident.--It wasn’t!You did it on purpose.for the purpose of:出于„目的

Eg.Did you come to London for the purpose of seeing your family or for business purposes? Doing the exercise is for the purpose of practice.Getting a higher education is for the purpose of better service for the country.What was the purpose of her visit? The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the committee’s report.It was agreed that the money could only be used for peaceful purposes.②a use;effect;result:用途,效果,结果

to little/no/some/good purpose--with little/no/some/good result.几乎徒劳/毫无成效的/有一定效果的 eg.Money has been invested in the scheme to very little purpose.资金已投入到那计划中,但几乎无成效。

Don’t waste your money;put it to some good purpose.不要浪费金钱,让钱能起一定的作用

He studied for three years to good purpose.他学习了三年,有一定的效果

What is the purpose of this machine? answer/serve the same purpose:适合要求,适合需要,令人满意

eg.I haven’t got a pen, but a pencil will answer/serve the same purpose.for all practical purposes : in most cases

The computer is not quite as powerful as the other one, but for all practical purposes it is just as good.2)English is a common means of communication with people from many other countries.(Para.1)communicate—v.①to use speech, radio signals, or body movements, to give or exchange information or opinions:联络,通信,交换(看法等)eg.He is a shy boy who can’t communicate very well.Deaf people use sign language to communicate.Bats communicated with each other by making high-pitched noises.He communicates with Mary by radio.I can’t communicate with them;the radio doesn’t work.②to convey one’s ideas, feelings, etc, clearly to others:告知;传达(意见,感受等)eg.I don’t think that the speaker communicates his thoughts very clearly.The Prime Minister has communicated his displeasure to the American ambassador.③to pass on(disease, heat, etc)传送热,传染疾病等 eg.Some diseases are easily communicated.3)You may want to be able to talk with them about finding a good restaurant.(Para.2)句中finding a good restaurant 是动名词短语,作介词about 的宾语。如:This book is about teaching children under 5 years old.The speaker talked abut building friendship among college students.You can’t just think and talk about learning English.4)Or perhaps you want to make use of the many foreign language films, radio and TV programmes, tapes or magazines coming into China.(Para 2)句中的coming into China为现在分词短语,修饰前面一连串的名词。如:look at those stars shining in the sky.5)Whatever your reason, you need to remember that your purpose is to understand and make yourself understood.(Para.3)句中reason后面省略了is.Whatever your reason(is)为让步状语从句。whatever—pron,&det.①no matter what: eg.We are determined to fulfill the task, whatever happens.Whatever excuse he makes will not be believed.David has given up whatever hopes he may have had.Whatever I suggest, he always disagrees.The building must be saved, whatever the cost.She refuses, for whatever reason.Don’t keep him waiting whatever you do.②everything or anything that: eg.I went to the library and read whatever I could find about Robert Owens.Goats eat whatever(food)they can find.He volunteered to do whatever he could.Do whatever you like.6)You must overcome it.(Para 3)overcome—to successfully deal with or control(a problem or feeling): eg: He overcame his fear of heights.Finally, Tom overcame his difficulties in language learning.overcome the enemy/ the fear/ difficulty/„

7)Do you think you could learn to play basketball by reading books and watching others play? 句型:Do you think you could „by v-ing„? Eg.Do you think you could learn English well by going to the classroom and listening to the teacher only?

Do you think you could become a good dancer by sitting in a chair and watching others dance.8)You must learn to be an active rather than a passive student in class.rather than—“而不”。用于连接两个在语法功能上相同的成分。如:Please tell me how I can catch rather than lose the opportunity.请告诉我如何抓住而不是失去这个机会。

The parents should be blamed rather than the children.It was what he meant rather than what he said that annoyed me.It is what we read rather than how much we read that really counts.The decision was taken for political rather than military reasons.active—有效的,主动的,灵活的,精力旺盛的

active ingredients/resistance/brain/old man积极抵抗/灵活的头脑/精力旺盛的老头/„ passive—消极的/被动的

passive resistance/smoking/obedience/acceptance/„消极抵抗/被动吸烟/消极服从/消极接受/„ 9)„he or she can’t know that unless you ask a question or ask for further explanation.(Para.4)unless:如果不;除非;除非在„的时候

eg.You’ll fail in English unless you work harder.Come at 8 o’clock unless I phone.I sleep with the window open unless it’s really cold.I wouldn’t be saying this unless I were sure of the facts.Unless England improve their game they are going to lose the match.如果英格兰队不改进打法,那他们将输掉这场比赛。

10)You must take an active part in the learning process.(Para.4)process: ①步骤,程度,过程

eg.Unloading the cargo(卸货)was a slow process.Reforming the education system will be a difficult process.Teaching him French was a painful process.It has been a long process getting this information.The process of learning to read takes a long time.②变化(过程)(不知不觉,自然而然的发生)

eg.Coal was formed out of dead forests by chemical processes.the chemical process化学变化(过程)

the digestive process/ the process of digestion消化的过程 the process of growing old/up衰老的过程/成长的过程 the process of evolution 进化的过程 ③方法

eg.Will you describe the process of building a boat?

They have developed a new process for rustproofing car bodies.他们研究出了车身抗锈的新方法。

4.2: Ask students to read the text together

4.3Ask students to close their books and try to translate the following phrases together.① 为了交流 for the purpose of communication ② 为了更好的理解/合作/达成共识/„

for the purpose of better understanding/cooperation/reaching an agreement/„ ③ 一种常见的交流方式 a common means of communication ④ 最快的旅行方式/一种直接的谈话方式

the quickest means of travel/a direct means of talking ⑤ 谈论如何找到一家好的餐馆talk about finding a good restaurant ⑥ 谈论如何挣更多的钱/取得更大的进步 talk about making more money/ greater progress ⑦ 利用外文电影 make use of foreign language films ⑧ 利用我们的业余时间 make use of our free/spare time ⑨ 利用我们的零花钱/课外辅导 make use of our pocket money/instruction after class ⑩ 外语学习的最大障碍the biggest obstacle to foreign language learning ⑪ 改革的最大障碍 the biggest obstacle to reform ⑫ 请求进一步解释/帮助/资助 ask for further explanation/help/support ⑬ 积极主动地参与学习过程 take an active part in the learning process ⑭ 积极参加体育活动/英语角 take an active part in sports/English Corner ⑮ 注重句型/拼写/发音concentrate on sentence patterns/spelling/pronunciation ⑯ 用英语思考think in English ⑰ 用汉语写/用法语讲这个故事 write in Chinese/ tell the story in France ⑱ 用正常语速说话speak at normal speed ⑲ 用正常的速度开车/用高速下载drive at normal speed/download at high speed

The 3rd-4th period

(Text B)

1.New words 1.1Read the new words and expressions after the teacher 1.2 Analyze some useful and practical words and its usages.1)determine:v.①fix(sth.)precisely;decide确定(某事);决定 eg.The date of the match is yet to be determined.She will determine how it is to be done.His future has not been determined, but he may study medicine.He has the right to determine how their money should be spent.②make up one’s mind下决心做某事,决定做某事 eg.He determined to learn French.He determined to become head of the department.They have determined where the new school will be built.He has determined to prove his innocence.(= He has determined on proving his innocence.)

We determined that we would make an early start.(= We determined on an early start.)determined: adj.有决心的,意志坚定的,坚决的 be determined to do sth.eg.I am determined to succeed.a determined fighter/look/attitude坚定的战士/神情/态度

2)particular:adj.①relating to person or thing rather than others;individual 个别的,人的

eg.in this particular case 在此个别情况中

his particular problem 他个人的问题

Is there any particular color you would prefer? 你有个别喜欢的颜色吗?

I have a particular preference for Chinese art.我个人喜欢中国的艺术。②more than usual;special;exceptional 非一般的,特别的,特殊的 eg.a matter of particular importance

for no particular reason

He is a particular friend of mine.他是我特殊的朋友

She took particular care not to overcook the meat.她特别注意不把肉烧过头。③difficult to please:非常讲究的,难以满足的,挑剔的(~about/over sth.)eg.She is very particular about what she wears.She is a very particular person.She gave particular attention to her hair.particular about cleanliness, money, one’s appearance 对清洁/钱财/个人仪表很认真 in particular: 尤其,特别

eg.They chat about nothing in particular.Are you doing anything in particular tonight?

The whole meal was good but the wine in particular was excellent.--Is there anything in particular you’d like for dinner?晚餐有什么特别想吃的吗?

--No, nothing in particular.不,什么都行 3)fellow: adj.同伴的,同事的

eg.a fellow member 同一组织的成员

one’s fellow-countrymen 同胞 n.①同伴,同事 eg.playfellows玩伴

fellow-traveler 旅伴


fellow-feeling(对与自己经历相同人的)同情 ②家伙,人

eg.poor fellow 可怜的人

He’s a nice fellow.他是个很好的人 4)contact :n.① state of touching 接触 eg.eye contact目光接触

The two substances are now in contact(with each other), and a chemical reaction is occurring.His hand came into contact with a hot surface.他的手触到热物体的表面

The paper turns red on contact with an acid.这纸接触到酸而变红。②connection or interaction 联系

eg.I’m still in contact with my former employer.She has lost contact with her son.They made contact with headquarters by radio.他们用无线电跟总部联系上了 contact: v.联系

eg.Where can I contact you tomorrow?

He was asked to contact his lawyer immediately.5)efficient: adj(of people)able to work well;capable能胜任的,有能力的 eg.an efficient secretary/teacher/administrator/etc能干的秘书/老师/行政人员等

he is efficient at his job.effective: adj: having an effect 有效的;产生预期结果的

eg.effective measures to reduce unemployment减少失业的有效措施

The law is no longer effective.该法令已失败 6)relax: v.①make or become loose松弛

eg.relax one’s grip/hold/grasp(on sth.)放松(对某物的)掌握 The driver relaxed his hold on the wheel.Let your muscles relax slowly.让你的肌肉慢慢放松 ②rest 放松

eg.He saw that nothing was wrong, and relaxed.Just lie back and relax.Her features suddenly relaxed.I’ll only relax when I know you’re safe.His face relaxed into a smile.2.Skimming and Scanning 2.1Ask students to read the text as quickly as possible, and then to finish Exercise A on page 9 2.2.Ask the students to answer the following questions: Qs: 1)What kind of people can help you with your English learning? 2)Can you name some ways to relax yourself? 3)What is an efficient method of English learning? 3.Text study.language points 1)Repeat what you hear as closely as you can.(Para.1)--You hear something and then you repeat it as closely as you can.2)Your pronunciation will improve with practice.(Para.1)--As you practice, your pronunciation will improve.3)If you can’t find just the right words, reorganize your thoughts.(Para.2)--If you can’t find just the right words, think in a different way.4)If you can’t find just the right words, find another way to say what you mean.(Para.2)--If you can’t find just the right words, express your meaning in a different way 5)Don’t give up and fall into Chinese.(Para.2)--Don’t give up and use Chinese again.6)When you return to your studies, your mind will be refreshed.(Para.4)--When you come back to your studies, your mind will be fresh again.7)If you have a good method of study, studying English can be very enjoyable.(Para 5)--If you have a good method of study, it can be very enjoyable to study English.8)The effects will come like Chinese medicine.(Para.5)--You will see the effects like those of Chinese medicine.3.2 Ask students to read the text together

3.3 Ask students to close their books and try to translate the following phrases together.① 练习大声地模仿老师(说话)practice imitating the teacher aloud ② 每天练习跑步20分钟 practice running for 20 minutes every day ③ 在老师的帮助下/在同学的帮助下 with the help of the teacher/one’s fellow students ④ 逐个地/逐日地one by one/day by day ⑤ 年复一年 year by year ⑥ 同学/工友 fellow students/ fellow worker ⑦ 把你的意思说出来say what you mean ⑧ 告诉我你要什么tell me what you want ⑨ 除了导游以外的人someone other than the tourist guide ⑩ 除了英语以外的课程 subjects/courses other than English ⑪ 学习方法/教学方法 method of study/teaching ⑫ 你觉得能让你放松的事 something you find relaxing ⑬ 我觉得令人兴奋的事something I find exciting ⑭ 不时的 every now and then ⑮ 听音乐会go to a concert ⑯ 看电影 go to a film/movie;see a movie/film;go to the cinema ⑰ 像吃中药一样 be like taking Chinese medicine ⑱ 像睡在冰上一样 be like sleeping on the ice

The5th-6th period(Vocabulary Practice)

Exercises on Page 11—19.The7th-8th period 1.Exercise Book, Unit 1 2.Dictation

3.Recite the Ex.A of Text A and Text B.VIII.Assignments.1.Try to write a summary of Text B.2.Preview Unit 2

第二篇:新起点读写教程I教案Unit 2

Unit 2 I.Teaching Material 1.新起点大学基础英语教程(读写教程):Book 1,(Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press)2.新起点大学基础英语教程(自主综合训练):Book 1(Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press)2.The tapes of Unit 2.II.Teaching Schedule 8 periods

III.Teaching Aims and Objectives.1.To memorize all the new vocabularies and expressions and grasp their usage.2.To teach students how to analyze some long and difficult sentences.3.To help students to grasp the use of nouns.4.To encourage students to read some materials similar to the unit and encourage them to make a public speech by themselves.IV.Difficulties in Learning.Some long and complicated sentences used in the text.V.Teaching Focus 1.To lead them to analyze the long or complicated sentences 2.To explain some key and practical words and expressions.3.To encourage them to make sentences and public speech.4.To help students to grasp the use of nouns.VI.Class Activities Students‟ oral performance Teacher‟s instruction Students‟ practice time Students‟ group performance VII.Teaching Procedures.The 1st—2nd period

(Text A)1.Warm-Activity Discuss the following questions in class: 1)What do you usually do with unwanted things at home? 2)Do you keep collections of antiques? How do you get them then? 2.New words Read the new words and expressions after the teacher Analyze some useful and practical words and its usages.3.Skimming and Scanning 3.1Ask students to read the text as quickly as possible, and then to finish Exercise A on page 24 3.2.Ask the students to answer the following questions: Qs: 1)Westerners love to buy used things for different reasons.Can you name one or two of them? 2)What can remind people of their childhood? 3)What will benefit antique collectors in their hunt for used things? 4)How can people make use of old items bought at the yard-sale? 5)What is your understanding of “TRASH” in the passage? 4.Text Study

4.1: language points 1)Early on a Saturday morning, much of the world remains in bed, enjoying an extra hour or two of sleep.(para.1)--Early on a Saturday morning, much of the world is still sleeping and wants to enjoy an extra hour or two of sleep.remain—(v.)①to continue in the same state or condition:仍然是,依旧是,保持不变

eg.remain silent /standing/seated/motionless/…保持沉默/一直站着/一直坐着/一动不动

The situation remains unchanged.Despite the danger, she remained calm.In spite of their quarrel, they remain good friends.He will remain manager of the department until the end of the contract.He remained a prisoner for the rest of his life.These matters remain in doubt.She remained in complete control.②to be left after the removal, loss, passage, or destruction of others.剩下,余留, 留下 eg.She remained at home to look after the children when her husband went out.Only a few trees remain.Only about half of the original workforce remains.只剩下原来一半的劳力

Very little of the house remained after the fire.Little original architecture remains.There are only 10 minutes remaining.The only remaining question is whether or not we can raise the money.③to be left to as still to be dealt with :留待,尚待 eg.Several things remain to be done.Much remains to be done.还有许多事要做

A cure remains to be found.还没找到治愈的方法。

Many trees remain to be planted.还有许多树没植。

Many books remain to be read.还有许多书没看。remain—(n.)[常用pl.]残余,余额;遗迹;遗体

eg.He fed the remains of the dinner to the dog.他把剩下的晚饭喂狗了。

the remains of ancient Roman/an old castle古罗马的遗址/古城堡的遗址

prehistoric remains 史前遗址

His remains(遗体)lie in the churchyard.extra—(adj.)(adv.)

①more than or beyond what is usual, normal, expected, or necessary;further or added:


eg.enjoy an extra hour or two再多享受一两个小时的睡眠

enjoy an extra day or two of holiday再多享受一两天假 spend an extra dollar or two再多花一两美元 drink an extra cup of tea 再多喝一杯茶 buy an extra pint of milk再多买一品脱奶 need extra help an extra pair of shoes I need some extra money.Breakfast is provided at no extra charge.供应早餐,不另外收费。

Dinner costs $3, and wine is extra.I have to pay $3 extra.The conference is going to be a lot of extra work.这次会议将有很多额外的工作。

Take extra care on the road this evening.晚上在这路上要格外小心。

I am going to work extra hard.This is an extra large T-shirt.2)Armed with the newspaper yard-sale listings, they plan to be the first to arrive at the sales.(Para.1)--They take the newspaper yard-sale listing with them and plan to be the first to arrive at the sales.arm—(n.)①either of the two upper limbs of a human being or other animal that stands on two legs:


eg.He took the thief by the arm.他一把抓住那小偷的胳膊。

She carried the box under the arm.他把盒子夹在胳膊下。

The solider was wounded in the right arm.这个士兵的右胳膊受伤了。

He took her in his arms(=held her closely)and kissed her.他把她抱在怀里,吻她。

They walked down the road arm in arm.他们沿着这条路臂挽着臂的走着。

arm in arm 臂挽着臂

at arm‟s length 保持一定距离;疏远地

with open arms 热烈欢迎

cost an arm a leg: have a very high or too high price

twist someone‟s arm: to bend someone‟s arm up and behind their back to cause pain.②(多用复数)武力,武器

eg.make nuclear arms 制造核武器

The police force of the country is equipped mostly with US arms.这个国家的警察部队配备的大多数为美制武器。

arm—(v.)(the opposite: disarm)① to supply(someone of others)with weapons.武装起来;配备(某人)…

eg.Present-day policemen are armed with high-tech tools.当今的警察配备了高科技的器械

Joe had armed himself with an excuse before he went to see his teacher.乔在去见老师之前就想好了借口。

The crowd armed themselves with broken bottles.The country armed(itself)in preparation for war.Armed with a favorable witness, he will win the case easily.3)Yard-sale shoppers aren‟t the only people who liked used goods.(Para.2)--Besides yard-sale shoppers there are other people who like used goods.4)Even the rich people willingly search through used goods looking for a unique treasure.(Para.2)--Even the rich people are willing to search through used goods and look for a unique treasure.search—(v.)(search somewhere for…为寻找…搜索某地)①to make a thorough examination of;look over carefully in order to find something;explore


eg.I have searched my memory but can‟t remember that man‟s name.我绞尽脑汁也想不起那人的名字

She searched in vain for her passport.I „ve searched high and low/everywhere for those files, but I can‟t find them anywhere.我到处寻找那些文件,但是哪也找不到

Firefighters searched the buildings for survivors.Searching the Web for interesting sites(网站)。

Police searched the area for clues/the little by.I have searched all the dictionaries at hand for the exact definition of the word.为了弄清楚这个单词的准确意思,我查阅手头所有的字典。

Scientists are still searching for a cure to the common cold.She searched desperately for some reason to stay.We searched the house from top to bottom.The police searched the suspect but found no weapon on him.He searched through this pockets for a cigarette.search—(n.):

①an act of searching 搜查;寻找;探查

eg.He kept moving in search of better living conditions.She went into the kitchen in search of a drink.I went off in search of a garage where I could buy some petrol.Eventually the search was called off.The search for a cure goes on.继续寻找治疗的方法。

Police carried out a through search of the building.Police conducted a long search for the lost child.5)Still others look for items to add to their collections.(Para.3)add—(v.)①to join or unite so as to increase in size, quantity, quality, or scope:增加 eg.add a few more names to the list.Mix the flour and butter together, then add the sugar.Would you add anything to what I‟ve said.Flowers add beauty to the dinner table.The decision to buy this weapon will add at least $5billion to the defense budget.②to combine(numbers, amounts)to form a total 加

eg.If you add all the amount together, you will get a huge figure.If you add 5 to/and 3, you will get 8.Add up all these figures for me, please.③to say or write further补充

eg.“Don‟t forget your umbrella,” she added.I have nothing to add to my earlier statement.Almost as an afterthought, he added that they were very pleased with the result.(短语)add fuel to the fire/flames火上浇油

add insult to injury 既受侮辱又受伤害;雪上加霜

added to this/ add to this 此外

add A to B/ add A and B: 把A 和B 相加

add to something 增加

add up 把…加起来;合情合理(eg.The facts just don‟t add up.)

add up to 共计为,总计为

6)A copy of a favorite children‟s book can remind someone of bedtime stories with Dad.(Para.4)--A copy of a favorite children’s book can bring back memories of bedtime stories told by Dad.7)Any item that is no longer made can be collected.(Para.5)--If an item is no longer made, it can be collected.8)Others simply buy whatever looks interesting.(Para.7)(Refer to the text book: P34)9)The trick is finding new ways to use old items.(Para.8)--The trick is using old items in new ways.4.2: Ask students to read the text together 4.3 Ask students to close their books and try to translate the following phrases together.① 再多享受一两个小时的睡眠/一两天假

enjoy an extra hour or two /an extra day or two of holiday 再多花一两美元spend an extra dollar or two ② 带上某物/一本新的汉英词典armed with something/a new Chinese-English dictionary ③ 配备了高科技的武器armed with high-tech weapons 准备好借口armed with an excuse ④ 二手货used goods/second-hand items ⑤ 二手车a used car/ a second-hand car ⑥ 使人想起童年/第二次世界大战remind people of childhood/World War II ⑦ 令人回忆起妈妈煮的自家咖啡bring back memories of Mom‟s homemade coffee.⑧ 令人回忆起儿时的游戏bring back memories of childhood games/bring

找回了对家乡的感受bring back the feeling of one‟s hometown ⑨ 一本钟爱的儿童读物/女性杂志a favorite children‟s book/ women‟s magazine ⑩ 不再生产的no longer made ⑪ 不再印刷的no longer printed/ out of print ⑫ 增值/增加产量/发福了increase in value/ production/weight ⑬ 什么东西看上去有趣就买什么buy whatever that looks interesting ⑭ 什么事情能使你幸福你就干什么do whatever that can make you happy ⑮ 希望赚钱/取得更大的进步look to make money/make greater progress ⑯ 没用就别买Don‟t buy unless it‟s useful ⑰ 没准备好就别离开Don‟t leave unless you are ready ⑱ 用作书立/枕头/被子be used as a bookend/ pillow/quilt ⑲ 给生活添彩add color to life ⑳ 使故事更加生动add more color to the story

The 3rd-4th period

(Text B)

1.New words 1.1Read the new words and expressions after the teacher 1.2 Analyze some useful and practical words and its usages.2.Skimming and Scanning 2.1Ask students to read the text as quickly as possible, and then to finish Exercise A on page 30 2.2.Ask the students to answer the following questions: Qs: 1)Coins can be divided into different types according to the time they were or are in use.What are these types? 2)Coins can be divided into different types according to the countries they come from.What are these types? 3)In what ways can you gain knowledge about coin collection? 4)How should you treat the coins you collect? 3.Text study.language points(Refer to the teacher‟s book : P35)3.2 Ask students to read the text together 3.3 Ask students to close their books and try to translate the following phrases together.① 已知最古老的爱好之一one of the oldest known hobbies ② 已知最宽的河流之一one of the widest known rivers ③ 一段历史a period of history ④ 某一个时期a certain period of time ⑤ 四年长的时间a period of four years ⑥ 生活在很久以前的人们people who lived long ago ⑦ 很久以前就消失的动物animals that disappeared long ago ⑧ 全世界/全市all over the world/ the city ⑨ 联合国the United States ⑩ 在范围上覆盖全世界/范围很广worldwide in scope/wide in scope ⑪ 现在流通的硬币/通行的语言coins now in use/language now in use ⑫ 从你的硬币搜藏这一爱好中获得最大的乐趣

to get the most enjoyment from your hobby of coin collecting ⑬ 从家庭生活中获得最大的乐趣

to get the most happiness from family life ⑭ 尽量多读一些/起早一些read as much as you can /get up as early as you can ⑮ 弄清楚它铸造于何时何地find out where and when it was made ⑯ 弄清楚它是哪儿被谁发现的find out where and by whom it was discovered ⑰ 污垢结成硬快caked with dirt ⑱ 冰雪覆盖着的covered with ice and snow ⑲ 硬币的外观和价值the looks and value of the coin ⑳ 一个国家的历史与地理the history and geography of a country

The5th-6th period(Vocabulary Practice)

Exercises on Page 20—29.The7th-8th period 1.Exercise Book, Unit 2 2.Dictation

3.Recite the Ex.A of Text A and Text B.VIII.Assignments.1.Try to write a summary of Text B.2.Preview Unit 3



Unit 1 III beneath 2 disguised 3 whistles 4 restrain 5 grasp 6 longing 7 praying 8 faithful 9 pledge 10 drain IV tell …on you 2 track down 3 work it out 4 picking on me 5 reckoned with call on 7 on his own 8 get through 9 in disguise 10 revolves around V

G O D I K L B F A N VI advise 2 level 3 problems 4 necessity 5 skills 6 experience 7 solution 8 value 9 tool 10 manner VII air-conditioned(装空调的;有冷气的)2 handmade(手工制作的)3 thunderstruck(非常吃惊的)4 heartfelt(衷心的;诚挚的)5 data-based(基于数据的)6 self-employed(自主经营的)7 custom-built(定制的;定做的)8 weather-beaten(饱经风霜的)VIII

1.well-informed(对……非常熟悉的)2 new-found(新获得的)3 hard-earned(辛苦挣得的)4 soft-spoken(说话温柔的)5 newly-married(新婚的)6 widely-held(普遍认为的)7 well-meant(出于好意的)8 well-educated(受过良好教育的)IX no matter how different it may seem form any other substance 2 no matter what a woman tries to do to improve her situation 3 no matter what excuse he gives no matter what anyone else may think 5 no matter how they rewrite history X just as we gained fame in victory, we lost nothing in defeat just as the head teacher plays a significant role in the school, Jane plays a significant role f leader in the classroom.whoever was out there obviously couldn’t see him just as he couldn’t see them.she has been searching all her life for the perfect chocolate just as I have been searching for the perfect beer.

第四篇:新视野大学英语读写教程第三册Unit1 Section A教案

New Horizon College English Book Ⅲ


Unit 1 Section A Love without Limitations

Part One: Objectives

1.To understand the true meaning of ‘love’ and talk about it.2.To read with the skill ‘problem + response + evaluation’.3.To write a composition with the structure ‘problem + response + evaluation’.4.To learn how to scan a passage.Part Two: Warming up 1.What’s your definition of love without limitations?

1)It is a dynamic and powerful energy that …;

2)It is based on an attitude of complete acceptance, which means …;

3)It is usually available in times of ….In the aftermath of the WenChuan earthquake, for example, there was a swell of unlimited love within the Chinese people for the victims.In no time, such love streamed with ever-greater energy into every corner of China, thus leaving the victims with more courage in the combat against the catastrophe.Such love was, if anything, an endless flow of warmth that not only excited every Chinese but shook the world as well.1)It is a dynamic and powerful energy that can spring from the bottom of every human heart and get the world through any of unusual misfortunes.2)It is based on an attitude of complete acceptance, which means you feel as happy and concerned with others as with yourself.3)It is usually available in times of adversity and typical of steep gain in potential energy.2.What kind of person is apt to cherish such love?

It is often remarked that love is born in times of suffering and misery but dead in periods of ease and comfort.So for those who have a great start in life or enjoy a wealth of love and care from their family, life always goes right along, leaving them with nothing to attend to with heart and soul.But for those who suffer one misfortune after another from childhood, life does not stand any chance to blossom without care and love from others, leaving them with much to feel indebted to.Clearly, it is natural for the second kind of person to cherish unlimited love and know what it matters to those in need because that is the case with their life.1)Those who are born with a wealth of love and care from their families, …?

2)Those who suffer a lot of misfortune from childhood, …? 3.What did the speaker’s brother give first priority to?

My brother does not sweat the life he could never have.Instead he focuses on what he can do—to love.For many, if not all of us these days, it is a constant struggle to get somewhere in life.There is just so much to learn, so much is changing every day, that I hardly have time to breathe, let alone love and care about the people around me.My brother though, always makes it his first priority.He never got the chance to go to a regular school or compete for a decent job;unfortunately, he was born with some brain damage making learning a challenge.He never had trouble learning how to love, though.And he knows how to teach others to love as well.New Horizon College English Book Ⅲ


It is because he often suffered blows from life that he cherished the true love from society and then knew what it meant to love and commit to the well-being of those in trouble.For people like him, therefore, there’s every reason to make love their first priority in life, especially when others are wanting in comfort.As far as we learn from the short passage, lack of oxygen during birth left the speaker’s brother with some brain damage.That permanent disability deprived him of the chance to go to a regular school.His life must have been a mixture of misfortune from life and practical love from people around.My next question is as follows:

1)His misfortune caused by his brain damage?

2)His desire for care from his family members and society around?

3)His love for those who have given him timely help as well as for people in need? 4.What would her brother do in face of great tragedies?

The September 11th terrorist attacks are normally ranked as a national tragedy to the United States.In the wake of the attacks, so great was their impact on Americans that the whole nation, for a long time, was too emotionally exhausted to reckon with the sheer terror as well as with the loss of so many beloved lives.In times of such widespread grief, however, her brother would 1)know well that others were in great need of timely comfort and care, because his life had been blessed with love and care from society;2)make it his first priority to devote his unconditional love to those in need;and 3)believe that boundless love would make a great difference to the way the victims of the disaster felt about their grief.As can be seen from the foregoing, those living in adversity know better the worth of love from others, and in return, they also have a clear idea about what to do when people around are in trouble.My next question is as follows: In the wake of 911, her brother would:

1)Know well from his own experience what others were in great need of, because …?

2)Make it his first priority to …?

3)Believe that boundless love would … ? 5.Look at the following pictures which share the same theme.What is it?

Rose;chocolate;lovers;families 6.Famous Sayings about Love

1)He that has no children knows not what love is.2)We never know the love of the parents until we become parents ourselves.3)Give a little love to a child, and you get a great deal back.4)From your parents you learn love and laughter and how to put one foot before the other.Part Three: Related Information 1.September 11th disaster:

It is the result of a series of coordinated suicide attacks by terrorists upon the United States.On the morning of September 11th, 2001, terrorists hijacked four commercial passenger jet airliners.The hijackers intentionally crashed two of the airliners into the World Trade Center in New York City, resulting in the collapse of both buildings soon afterward and extensive damage to nearby buildings.The hijackers crashed a third airliner into the Pentagon.The fourth plane crashed into a field near Shanksville in rural Somerset County, Pennsylvania after passengers and New Horizon College English Book Ⅲ


members of the flight crew on the fourth aircraft attempted to retake control of their plane.Excluding the 19 hijackers, 2,974 people died as an immediate result of the attacks with another 24 missing and presumed dead.The overwhelming majority of casualties were civilians, including citizens from over 90 different countries.2.Why is calamity liable to give birth to love without limitations?

Beilby Porteus, Bishop of London, once remarked, ‘Calamity is the perfect glass wherein we truly see and know ourselves.’ So it is, because, in time of peace, most of us are too preoccupied with aspirations for fame and wealth to examine ourselves.As a gradual result, Americans born in the 1970s are often referred to as megeneration, or soulless slaves to consumerism who care little about bigger issues of politics, social justice or poverty.Bertran Rusell, a famous British philosopher, once concluded from his many years of observation in China that the Chinese nation was wanting in passion for humanity.For the sense of gratitude to come back into us, therefore, there must come a time when we have to reflect on what has made all of our well-being possible.So the best point of time is bound up with the outbreak of a calamity, which can serve as a mirror for us to realize that what we are often concerned with means nothing without the existence of the nation as a whole.That is why there was an outpouring of patriotism among Americans in the wake of the September 11th terrorist attacks, whereas there was an explosion of boundless love within the Chinese people in response to the rare earthquake in WenChuan.3.How to integrate such unlimited love into our daily life?

It is no easy job to work such love well into our daily routine for good, since, as is taken for granted, where there is love there is always expectation.But for the very virtue to last in our life, the first and foremost thing to do is never fail to set aside the time to introspect what social factors contribute to our well-being and comfort, thus building up our awareness of gratitude to our society.Just as Cicero once put it, a thankful heart is not only the great virtue, but the parent of all the other virtues as well.Also important is our clear identification of what we can do to add to our social unity, harmony and better-being, especially if we are in better positions to do so.Once the foregoing is achieved, what matters most to us next is how to put our duties into effect.If we can reconcile our action with our gratitude, the returns from that will be in greater measure.If we exercise kindness in our social contact, for example, we will reap more of smile from society.If we exert true concern for those around, we are sure to harvest more help from them.And if we render unlimited love to the world, we are more than likely to find such love knows no bounds.Part Four: Text Understanding

I.Idea Catching The Birth of the Text

Factor I: Brain damage during birth deprived Jimmy of the ability to live like others.Factor II: True love from people around kept his life rich with warmth.Factor III: In the wake of Sept.11th disaster, he gave boundless love to those in need.Author: Impressed with her brother’s love, she had an urge to write it out.New Horizon College English Book Ⅲ


II.Structure Analysis 1.What is the text mainly about?

With her lifetime experience, the author tells us there have never been any limitations to love whatever life may present.2.How is the text organized?

The author tackled the topic by organizing it into three patterns of ‘problem-response-evaluation’,i.e.the text begins with the problem concerned;then people involved respond to it with diverse actions;and the text ends up with evaluations of people’s responses.Pattern I Main idea: Problem: Lack of oxygen at birth left my brother with brain damage.Response: My family offered help and care to him in diverse ways.Evaluation: My father and Jimmy enjoyed each other’s company.W.T.: Deduction:(Refer to Para.3)

General Statement: My father and Jimmy were inseparable.Specific Details: They ate and worked together …, At night they played games …whistled the same tune.Pattern II Main idea: Problem: The death of my parents turned Jimmy into a wreck.Response: I helped Jimmy adjust to a life without parents.Evaluation: My care for him enabled his life to thrive and enriched my life

as well.W.T.: Deduction:(Refer to Para.4)General Statement: After my father’s death, Jimmy was a wreck.Specific Details: Jimmy was in disbelief… he grasped that the world he’d known was gone.Pattern III Main idea: Problem: The Sept.11th disaster drained Americans of every emotion.Response: I tried to make Jimmy happy at his birth-day party but he

reacted to my effort actively.Evaluation: Instead of cheering him, we were encouraged by his love.W.T.: Deduction:(Refer to Paras.8, 9, 10, 11)General Statement: Jimmy’s love hit home after the Sept.11th disaster.Specific Details: Detailed narrative of holding a birthday party for Jimmy.Conclusion Main idea: The constant love and support from our friends and family could get us through whatever life might present.There had never been any limitations to what Jimmy’s love could accomplish.W.T.: Induction:(Para.12)

Known facts: 1)My father’s death changed Jimmy’s world;2)Sept.11th changed ours;3)We sang for Jimmy and prayed for peace;4)We were reminded of constant love.Conclusion: There had been no limitations to what Jimmy’s love could accomplish.Part Five: Notes To The Text

☆ New words and expressions 1.justice n.the quality of being just;fairness 正义;合理


At last the criminals are being brought to justice.2.wreck n.① a badly damaged ship, car or plane;残骸 New Horizon College English Book Ⅲ



If these anxieties continue, she will become a nervous wreck.② sb.who is tired or unhealthy 疲惫的人;健康状况差的人


They are diving for gold from the Spanish wreck.3.beneath prep.in or to a lower position than sth.在低于...的位置;在...之下


Shall we rest in the shade beneath these trees? 4.disguise n.& v.伪装;假扮


The thief wore a false beard and glasses as a disguise.这位妇女强作欢笑以掩饰内心的悲伤。

The woman tried to disguise her sadness in cheerfulness.5.penetrate v.① enter sth.or pass through it 穿透;渗入


The noise of the explosion penetrated the thickest walls.② see into or through sth.看穿


She has a wig on, but we soon penetrate her disguise.6.grasp v.① understand 明白


A short opening paragraph enables the readers to quickly grasp what the article is about.② take hold of sb.or sth.舍本逐末。

Grasp the shadow and let go the substance.7.reckon with to take account of in one’s plan


I didn’t reckon with having to wait so long.8.drain v.to cause to flow off gradually or completely


These children drain my energy.人才流失

brain drain 9.restrain v.prevent sb.from doing sth.听到这消息我无法控制我的兴奋之情。

I can not restrain my excitement about the news.形近词:drain 流干,流走

constrain 强迫,迫使

10.end up(doing)sth.to be in the end(in a stated place or condition)


If you don’t work hard, you’ll end up nowhere.11.get(sb.)through help sb.deal with a difficult situation


Her mother’s support got her through her depression.Any more phrases with ‘get’

get across

get along

get over

get on

get off

get up … 12.delivery n.① [C] the process of giving birth to a baby 分娩


With the help of the nurses, the delivery of the baby was unexpectedly easy.② [C, U] the act of bringing sth.to a particular place 递交;送货


Try to remember: the next postal delivery is at 2 o'clock.13.code vt.mark sth.with a code 把...编码


I need an expert to help me understand the coded messages.New Horizon College English Book Ⅲ


n.① [C] a set of numbers, letters, etc.that is used for identifying sth.代码;代号


a code book


an area code

② [C, U] 密码


The British managed to break the Nazi codes during the war.14.agreeable a.① pleasant, nice or satisfactory 令人愉快的;令人满意的他待人随和,谈话的风格令人非常愉快。

He is easy-going among his acquaintances, and has a most agreeable style of conversation.② acceptable or able to be agreed on 可接受的你同意我星期天去野餐的计划吗?

Are you agreeable to my plan for a picnic on Sunday? 15.vacant a.① 茫然的;失神的他四处张望,脸上露出茫然之色。

He was looking around with a vacant look on his face.② empty;not filled with anything 空的;未被占用的在每个大城市里,空闲的房子比无家可归的人多。

In every major city there are more vacant buildings than homeless people.16.pledge v.promise to do sth.保证,承诺


The government has pledged $250,000 to help the victims of the crash.n.[C] a promise or agreement 承诺;协定


We have received pledges of help from various organizations.17.blossom v.① develop and become more successful 发展;成长;繁盛


What began as a local festival has blossomed into an international event.② produce flowers 开花


Like a flower he blossoms and then withers;like a shadow he flees and never stays.18.sheer a.used for emphasizing the amount or degree of sth.完全的;十足的 我在适当的时间出现在适当的地方全凭运气。

It was sheer luck that I happened to be in the right place at the right time.19.merry a.happy and cheerful 愉快的,高兴的 祝我们的读者圣诞快乐。

Merry Christmas to all our readers.20.exhaust v.make sb.extremely tired 使精疲力竭


Caring for young children can exhaust you physically and mentally.21.costume n.[C, U] 服装;戏装

a costume drama


22.erect a.standing straight up;upright 直立的,竖直的


Her head was erect and her back was straight.v.build sth.such as a building or bridge 建造;架设

官方计划建座纪念碑来纪念已故的将军。New Horizon College English Book Ⅲ


Officials plan to erect a monument in the late general’s honor.23.bonus n.① [C] sth.good that one does not expect 额外得到的东西;意外的好处


Customers will receive a free card as a bonus with any order over $50.② [C] extra money that one gets in addition to one’s usual salary 奖金;红利


Workers in big firms receive a substantial part of their pay in the form of bonuses.24.pray v.speak to God in order to give thanks or ask for help 祈祷


He prayed that his sight might be restored.25.simplicity n.[U] the quality of being simple 简洁;朴素;单纯


The design was beautiful in its simplicity.26.track down

find sb.or sth.after a long search 追踪到,追查到

All citizens should help the police in tracking down criminals.所有市民都应该帮助警察追查罪犯。

27.pick on treat sb.badly or unfairly 找茬;欺负


Why are you always picking on me? 28.tell on inform against sb.告发


I don’t like those people who tell on others for personal ends.29.hit/strike home be understood and accepted 被领会


He could see that each of his inferences hit home.1.难产

a difficult delivery


to be in charge outside


to administer justice


to tell on


under one’s careful disguise


vacant expression on one’s face


to blossom on one’s own


a home with room for pain and joy


a merry and festive occasion 10.相拥

to hold each other tight 11.使团结在一起

to hold together 12.被领会

to hit / strike home 13.考虑/面对/对付

to reckon with 14.(帮某人)度过

to get(sb.)through 15.使…和…一致

to reconcile … with …


inseparable 17.伪装

disguise 18.依靠自己活得有声有色

blossom on one’s own 19.维持原状

stay the same 20.眼泪开始流

tears begin to flow 21.把某事做成work sth.out New Horizon College English Book Ⅲ



super 23.额外的礼物

a welcome bonus 24.度过难关

get through

☆ Paraphrase 1.My brother, Jimmy, did not get enough oxygen during a difficult delivery, leaving him with brain damage...(Para.1)

Meaning: When my brother Jimmy was born, he didn’t get enough oxygen, which caused some damage to his brain...2.My father, a saint, simply held the house together with his patience and understanding.(Para.2)

Meaning: My father, who was very good and kind, kept the family together with his patience and understanding.Cultural tip: In Christianity, ‘saint’ is the title given to someone after they have died, because they have been very good and holy.The word is used here to emphasize the father’s patience.3.I was in charge outside where I administered justice by tracking down the parents of the kids who picked on my brother, and telling on them.(Para.2)

Meaning: I was responsible for protecting my brother in the neighborhood, where I would find the parents of the kids who treated my brother unkindly and tell them what their children had been doing.4.He didn’t adjust to going to work without my father right away...(Para.6)

Meaning: At first, he didn’t get used to going to work without my father...5.This hit home a few days after the September 11th disaster on Jimmy’s 57th birthday.(Para.8)

Meaning: I understood this to be true a few days after the disaster on September 11th, the day of Jimmy’s 57th birthday.6....and they were still reckoning with the sheer terror the disaster had brought.(Para.8)

Meaning:...and they still had to deal with the absolute terror that the September 11th disaster had brought.7.I called on my faithful friends to help make it a merry and festive occasion, ignoring the fact that most of them were emotionally drained and exhausted.(Para.8)

Meaning: I asked my close friends to help make Jimmy’s party a happy and joyful occasion, ignoring the fact that most of them were emotionally tired.8.We ended up reminding ourselves instead.(Para.11)

Meaning: In place of reminding Jimmy, we finished up reminding ourselves(that there would always be people who cared about us).9....we were reminded that the constant love and support of our friends and family would get us through whatever life might present.(Para.12)

Meaning:...we were reminded that continual love and support of our friends and family would help us overcome all the hardships in life.10.The simplicity with which Jimmy had reconciled everything for us should not have been surprising.(Para.12)

Meaning: The simple way with which Jimmy had helped us to accept reality should not have been surprising.Part Six: Writing New Horizon College English Book Ⅲ


Problem--Response--Evaluation Example 1 from the Text

Problem:(Paras.4 and 5)

Jimmy was a wreck when my father died of a heart attack in 1991.He was simply in disbelief.He now quit speaking all together.No matter how hard I tried, Jimmy could not accept the hard fact.And my mother died of lung cancer six months later and I alone was left to look after Jimmy.Response:(Para.6)

I had my brother, Jimmy, come and live with me in New York City for a while.He went wherever I went and seemed to adjust pretty well.I helped him return to our parents’ house and his old job as he wished.He has lived there for 11 years now with many different caretakers and blossomed on his own.He has become essential to the neighbor-hood.When you have any mail to be picked up or your dog needs walking, he is your man.Evaluation:(Para.7)

It was possible to have a home with room for both his limitations and my ambitions.In fact, caring for Jimmy has enriched my life more than anything else ever could have.Example 2

The population explosion of urban areas Problem: slums

regular failures of electric and water services

extensive unemployment, etc.Response: improving the facilities in rural areas

attracting more people to live in rural areas Evaluation: The problem might be solved if rural areas were to have all the facilities of urban areas.Sample Composition

The population explosion of urban areas

(Problem)The population explosion of urban areas has given rise to a lot of problems such as sprawling slums and regular failures of electric and water services because of the excessive demands.In addition, the urban areas suffer extensive unemployment and strained educational and recreational facilities.The population explosion of urban areas must be corrected.(Response)One of the ways to correct the population explosion of urban areas is to improve the facilities in rural areas.Adequate parking facilities, attractive and well-stocked department and food stores, drug stores, gift shops and bakeries should be built in rural areas to convince more people living there to stay where they are.The government should offer lower tax rates and modest homes on convenient terms to those who choose to live in the rural areas.(Evaluation)If rural areas were built to have all the facilities that urban areas do, the population explosion in urban areas can be corrected.Writing Practice Directions: Write a composition of no less than 120 words with a problem-response-evaluation structure on the following topic.You can follow the detailed outline given as follows.Topic: The fight against air pollution Problem: The region has been seriously polluted by harmful smog.Response: close down/modernize some factories

move some factories out of the region

plant trees Evaluation: People are happy with the measures taken by the government.New Horizon College English Book Ⅲ

陈超 Sample Composition

The fight against air pollution

(Problem)The region has been seriously polluted by harmful smog, which proves to be the cause of many illnesses and for the climbing death rate.As a result, people have started to move out of the area.(Response)In response to the problem, the local government has decided to fight against air pollution.It has closed down several factories, which were considered to be the major cause of the pollution.Many power plants have been modernized to give off less pollution and also moved further away from people’s homes so as to decrease the damage.At the same time, the local government has decided to plant trees in and around the region because trees can absorb some of the pollution.(Evaluation)People welcome all the measures taken by the government.Consequently, more and more people have begun to move back to the region to take part in this battle for a clean environment.Writing Assignment

Directions: Write a composition of no less than 120 words with a problem-response-evaluation structure on the following topic.Topic:

Love Without Bounds Problem: The outbreak of a devastating earthquake in Wenchuan, Sichuan Response: the timely response of the Chinese Communists to it

the dash of PLA men to the rescue of the victims there

the reactions of every Chinese citizen to the disaster Evaluation: There are no bounds to what the love of the Chinese nation could accomplish.Sample Composition

Love Without Bounds

At 2:28 p.m., May 12th, 2008, a severe earthquake with a magnitude of 8.0 on the Richter scale struck Wenchuan, an area of Sichuan, leaving the place with ruins everywhere.As an immediate result of that, around 69,000 people died, with another 18,000 missing, over 370,000 injured, and 5,000,000 survivors homeless.Accompanying the arrival of disaster was a sheer paralysis of electricity, water works, telecommunications and transportation.Usually accessible to tourism for its scenic beauty, the area was now completely secluded from the outside world.(Problem)

Faced with such a devastating disaster, the Chinese Communists held China together with their role models, and called upon the whole dropped relief supplies for the victims.Besides, medical workers from different parts of the country and the world flocked to the epicenter in good time to offer first aid to the injured and the sick.Unable to go there in person, most of us were in charge of rear services, for which some made tents, medicine, food, etc.day and night, and every one of us vied with one another to donate money and blood.In fact, effecting the rescue of the victims who remain as firm and appreciate our efforts as much as those in Sichuan do has refined our love more than anything else ever could have.(Response)

With the disaster relief drive being in full swing and with the live reports on it dominating the headlines of all mass media, we were reminded that sweeping across the entire China was an ever-greater flow of love that could get our nation through whatever life could present.There would be no bounds to what such love could accomplish.(Evaluation)

第五篇:新版新视野大学英语读写教程Unit1 Section A 教案

Unit 1 Section A Time-Conscious Americans I.Organizing the teaching II.Revision Introduce the book II.III.Lead to new lesson Cultural Differences We need to be aware that the ethnocentric attitudes of writers are precisely the way cultural conflict is encouraged.Why is understanding a culture always the others’ responsibility? It is not possible that each culture could be made aware of different conventions? Both sides must work at rising above cultural differences and be willing to compromise…and, in both cases, most likely neither side has access to the cultural conventions of the other so blaming is not the answer.Educating is.Warm-up exercises 1.Why do Americans like visiting fast-food restaurants? 2.Do you like fast-food? If you do, what’s the reason for this liking? 3.Are you time-conscious? State your idea on time.4.Life is fast-paced today.Besides eating fast-food, people also use different kinds of time-saving devices, such as: fax, e-mail and mobile phone.What do you think of these time-saving devices? IV.New lesson Key Vocabulary: 1.still: not moving, motionless, calm, quiet The little girl kept still in her chair watching TV.The lake is still today.2.budget: v.plan the spending of(time, money, etc.)Hans limited himself to a daily budget of $10.Budget(sth.)for(sth.)The government has budgeted $ 10000000 for education spending.On a tight budget: having only a small amount of money A family on a budget can’t afford meat every day.The school budgeted one million dollars for a new library.She is extremely busy, so she has to budget her time carefully.3.sense: bring sb.to his senses Perhaps it will bring him to his senses.come to one's senses

We hope he'll come to his senses and correct his mistakes.in a sense

You are right in a sense.in one's right senses

No one in his right senses would believe such a fantastic story.make sense

This sentence doesn't make sense.make sense of

Can you make sense of what this writer is saying? no sense

No sense in looking for the coin under the table, you won't find it there.out of one's senses He must be out of his senses if he thinks I'm going to let him stay in my house.talk sense He talked a great deal of sense.4.pressure: at high pressure Sometimes he had to work at high pressure.under the pressure of Under the pressure of the urgent circumstances, he had to resign.5.abrupt

adj.1)(of behavior)rough 2)sudden and unexpected eg.an abrupt attitude an abrupt change of policy an abrupt drop in oil prices When I asked her about her new job, she was quite abrupt with me.The meeting came to an abrupt end.6.convention(1)(C.n.)conference of members of a profession political party, etc.hold a convention;a teachers’ / dentists’ convention

(2)(U.n.)general, usu unspoken, agreement about how people should act or behave in certain circumstances Convention dictates that a minister should resign in such a situation.By convention the deputy leader is always a woman.7.consequence(1)(c.n.)thing that is a result or an effect of sth.be ready to take/suffer/bear the consequences of one’s actions

have far-reaching consequences for the country’s economy(2)(u.n.)importance It is of no consequence.Consequently adv.as a result;therefore

My car broke down and consequently I was late.8.device(1)n.thing made or adapted for a special purposes a device for measuring pressure, an explosive device.(2)scheme;trick Her illness is merely a device to avoid seeing him.9.significance n.(1)(u.n.)meaning What’s the significance of a remark / this symbol?(2)importance Few people realized the significance of the discovery.Significantly adv.to an important or considerable degree Profits have risen significantly.10.conduct(1)v.lead or guide(sb./ sth)I asked the attendant to conduct him out / to the door.(2)direct(sth., the performance of a piece of music),control;manage He was appointed to conduct the advertising campaign.Conductor n.11.settle: settle down

Uncle George didn't settle down until he was nearly fifty.settle for We reached the hotel late and had to settle for a room without a view.settle in I haven't yet settled in in my new job.settle on We must settle on a place to meet.settle up He settled up with the waiter.12.whereas conj.but, in contrast: while Eg.Their country has plenty of oil, whereas/ while ours has none.13.Compare: worth, worthy, worthwhile worth It is worth(doing)sth.worthy Sth.is worthy of + n./being done /to be done(be worthy of: merit, deserve)worthwhile It is worthwhile doing/to do sth.Eg.The matter is worth consideration/considering.The matter is worthy of consideration/being/to be considered.It is worthwhile considering/to consider the matter.1.fall behind:

1)become bit by bit further behind 2)(with)fail to finish at the proper time Don't fall behind with your rent.You are sure to fall behind the other students if you don’t work hard enough.He didn't want to fall behind in his studies.He could have finished it on schedule, but somehow he fell behind.1)fall behind in science fall behind one’s competitors 2)fall behind with the rent

The student has been working hard for fear that he should fall behind.I’m falling behind with my work;I must try to catch up.2.result in: Eating too much often results in sickness.Such behavior is likely to result in the manager's being dismissed.Rich does not result in happiness.Your diligence will absolutely result in great achievements.result from sth.: occur as a result He has injuries resulting from a fall.Result in sth.:have a specified effect or consequence Our effects resulted in success/failure.result in have as a result;cause result from be caused by v.Acting before thinking always results in failing.v.The accident resulted in the death of two people v.Nothing has resulted from his efforts.v.The child’s illness resulted from eating unclean food.3.nothing but: Nothing but a miracle can save her life.There is nothing but he can do.(=There is nothing that he can't do.)Nothing but disaster would come from such a plan.He did nothing but eat and sleep all day.4.go with: Happiness doesn't necessarily go with money.Do you think this hat would go with my new dress? 5.much less: I can hardly walk, much less run.“I didn't even see him, much less speak to him.” much less(also still less)and even less likely Eg.She wouldn’t take a drink, still/much less stay for dinner.6.small talk: She loves to have some small talk with the neighbors.7.at hand: I haven't my book at hand.He believes that the great day is at hand.8.due to: Her absence was due to the storm.due to sth./sb.: caused by sb./sth.because of sb./sth.The team’s success was Largely due to her efforts.Due to/owing to /because of/ on account of 9.given(that)prep.taking into account

Notice that “given” is followed by a noun phrase, while “given that” is followed by a finite clause.Eg.Given her interest in children, teaching should be the right career for her.10.in one’s eyes: in the opinion or judgment of someone Eg.The expert is always right in the eyes of everybody.V.Exercises: 1.Listen and Talk 2.Discussion 1)Americans have a saying “Time is money.” How do you understand it? 2)In America, there’s another saying about time: “We are slaves to nothing but the clock.” How do you understand this saying? VII.Text Analysis: Main Idea and Devices for Developing It Central topic:

Time-conscious Americans(“Time is one of the two elements that Americans save carefully, the other being labor” Para.1)Structure Analysis: Americans save time carefully.(Para.1)Americans’ attitude towards time and how they try to save time in daily life and in business(Paras.2-7)Time is a precious source.(Para.2)Americans save time in their daily life.(Para.3)Americans save time in doing business.(Para.4)Americans produce labor-saving devices in order to save time.(Paras.5-7)It is taken as a sign of skillfulness or being competent to solve a problem or fulfill a job successfully with speed in the US.(Para.8)Stucture of the Text: VI.Reading Sills: 1.Deduction organization General statement: “Time is one of the two elements that Americans save carefully, the other being labor.”

Specific statements: 1)(Para.3)In the US everyone seems to be in a rush in daily life, e.g.shopping, eating out, walking, driving a car, etc.2)(Para.4)Americans start talking business directly without opening exchanges.3)(Paras.5-7)Americans work hard at the task of saving time by producing a steady flow of labor-saving devices, e.g.faxes, phone calls, emails, etc.Conclusion :(Para.8)It is taken as a sign of skillfulness or being competent to solve a problem or fulfill a job with speed in the US.2.Exemplification(Illustration)Typical sentences: 1)(Para.3)“City people always appear to be hurrying to get where they are going…Racing through daytime meals is part of life …You also find drivers will be abrupt and people will push past you.”2)(Para.4)“Many new arrivals to the States will miss the opening exchanges of a business call, for example.They will miss the ritual interaction… They may miss leisurely business chats…” 3.Comparison & contrast In order to make it clear that Americans are time-conscious, the text compares the different conventions of other countries(“new arrivals”)with the Americans’ attitude towards time.1)(Para.4)“Many new arrivals…will miss the ritual interaction that goes with a welcoming cup of tea or coffee that may be a convention in their own country… Normally, Americans do not assess their visitors in such relaxed surroundings…”

2)(Para.6)“In some countries no major business is conducted without eye contact, requiring a face-to-face conversation.In America, too, a final agreement will be normally signed in person.However, people are meeting increasingly on television screens, …”3)(Para.8)“Some new arrivals will come from cultures where it is considered impolite to work too quickly… In the US, however, it is taken as a sign of skillfulness or being competent to solve a problem or fulfill a job successfully, with speed.” 4.Cause & effect Typical sentences: 1)(Para.3)“…Don’t take it personally.This is because people value time highly, and they resent someone else “wasting” it beyond a certain appropriate point.”

2)(Para.4)“…Since we generally assess and probe professionally rather than socially, we start talking business very quickly.Time is, therefore, always ticking in our inner ear.”

3)(Para.5)“Consequently, we work hard at the task of saving time…We, therefore, save most personal visiting for after-work hours or for social weekend gatherings.”

4)(Para.7)“… This is due partly to the fact that the telephone service is superb here, whereas the postal service is less efficient.”

5)(Para.8)“Unless a certain amount of time is allowed to elapse, it seems in their eyes as if the task being considered were insignificant, not worthy of proper respect.Assignments are, consequently, felt to be given added weight by the passage of time.”

Specific details: ① teachers and pupils, specific meetings, discuss the protection of environment ②City planners, environmental problems, into consideration ③Factories, reduce pollution, at a high cost Reason: bad air and water pollution affect everyone, cities to survive, businesses to make a profit Other topics

⑴ Time is a precious resource.⑵ Computers are of great use to our daily life ⑶ English is becoming more important.VII.Homework

1.Finish the exercises in Section A.2.Prepare for Section B.

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