
时间:2019-05-15 02:24:26下载本文作者:会员上传


Unit one 【教学目标】


1.能说出并拼写常见乐器名称,如piano, violin, organ, accordion, cello, harp, saxophone等。

2.理解课文A 和B的文章大意,了解人们对音乐梦想的追求。3.掌握并运用课文A和B中的有用词汇、短语和句型。








Unit 1 Section A The Violin 【教学流程】

Step 1 Warm-up T: Good morning!

Ss: Good morning!

T: How are you today? Ss: Fine, thank you.T: What are you going to do this weekend? Ss:…

T: How we are expecting this weekend!You have so many hobbies.Now look at the picture on the blackboard.How many words do you know about instruments? A student from each group comes here to write them out.Let’s see who knows the most words about hobby.Step 2 Lead-in

T: Now please look at the pictures in A.Do you know what they are? A: Look and say

(For each picture, the teacher may ask more questions to add more information and attract Ss’ attention.Make sure that Ss know the meanings of the new words: piano, violin, organ, accordion, cello, harp, saxophone.)Intention: The pictures can give Ss a deeper impression while learning the new words.T: Let’s have a game.Activity: A guessing game

One of the Ss comes to the front of the classroom.T shows the student some cards with words of activities on them.The student does the gestures of different activities, and each group watches carefully and guesses what he/she is playinging.The group who guesses the most words out will win.Intention: The guessing game helps to arouse Ss’ interest and creates a relaxing atmosphere at the beginning of the lesson.Step 3 Language Points

Step 4 Text Structure Analysis

[作业布置] 1.Read and copy the new words on P 6.2.Finish Ex.II on P 8-11 of the book.3.Preview listening.【课后反思】

第二篇:新世纪大学英语综合教程第三册 textB 全文翻译


二十年之后 欧·亨利






“二十年前的今晚,”那人说,“我和我最好的朋友吉米· 韦尔斯就在这里吃的饭。他可是个再好不过的家伙了。我俩在纽约这儿一起长大,好得像兄弟俩,那年我十八,他二


聚。我们当时认为,二十年后,不管各自做什么,有什么样的命运,发多大的财,一切都该成了定局。” “听起来还真有意思,”警察说道。“那你离开后就再没有你朋友吉米的消息了?”

“不,我们通过一阵子信,”那人答道,“可一两年后就断了音信。要知道,西部幅员辽阔,荒蛮原始,我又一直四处奔波,东跑西颠。不过,我确信,吉米只要活着,他会来见我的。他是这世界上最信得过的人。他绝对不会忘记。我千里迢迢来到这儿就是为了今晚站在这门口,只要我那老伙计露面,我也就不虚此行了。他是不会食言的。” 那守候的人掏出一只精致的怀表,表盖上缀满了小粒钻石。

“九点五十七分,”他说道,“我们是十点整在饭店门口的这个地方挥手告别的。” “在西部混得不错吧?”警察问道。

“那还用说!吉米干得有我一半好就不错了。” 警察转了转警棍,迈出了一两步。“我走了,但愿你的朋友会按时赴约。”

“我至少会等他半个小时,”那人说,“吉米要是还活着,他会在我走之前来的。再见,警官。” “晚安,先生,”警察说完,又继续巡逻,边走边检查店门。







“马马虎虎。在市政部门做事。走吧,鲍勃,咱们到我熟悉的一个地方去,好好地叙叙旧吧。” 两人手挽着手,沿街前行,西部来的这位开始讲他的发迹史,另一位饶有兴致地听着。拐角处有一家药店,灯光明亮。来到通明的光线里,两人同时转身盯住对方的脸。西部来的人突然停下来,抽出手臂。





西部来的人展开小字条。开始读的时候手握得很稳,可读完时,手微微地抖动了起来。字条很短: “鲍勃:我准时赴约了。当你划亮火柴点燃雪茄时,我发现你正是受到芝加哥警方通缉的人。可我自己无论如何动不了手,所以就走开,找了个便衣行使职责。吉米。”




















等。尔后,你就购买了,几天都在因为得到了它而喜滋滋 的。可是,过了段时间,你感到厌烦了,或者东西给用旧


呢?”或许这就意味着,你得以一天一件的速度购置物品,才能维持住你因得到新东西而感受到的那种短暂的快感。循着这个思路,你可以接着考虑下面的这些问题: ●什么是幸福? ●感到幸福意味着什么? ●我这一生想做些什么?

物质上的幸福和精神上的幸福是不同的。物质上的幸福基于生活所需一切必需品和奢侈品;精神上的幸福则基于生活必需品和奢侈品之外一切东西。我的一个朋友持有这样一个哲学观: 你无论赚多少钱,你都想要更多的钱。假如你一年挣








●富有技能。一个每天勤学苦练(某种技能、运动项目等 等)的人会在所操练的领域出类拔萃。出类拔萃,自有回 报。●富有人格魅力。一个在一切场合殚精竭虑地做到真实、坦诚的人会富有人格的魅力,受到众人的信任。有趣的是,上述源自不同领域的这些财富都用不着上





第四单元 低语艾滋














我要告诉你们的是:应该感到羞愧的不是你们,而是我们大家!是我们容忍无知、抱有偏见!是我们教会你们害 怕!我们必须打破沉默,让你们在争取同情时感到心安理







在二十一世纪,教育的作用必须立足于人类对更美好世界的向往。为此,我们必须正视二十一世纪面临的一些问 题,并予以解决。这些问题是:

















教育的这四个支柱不能只涉及一个人一生中的某个阶段或单纯某个方面。我们有必要重新思考:人的一生什么时候应该获得教育?所受的教育应该覆盖哪些领域?教育的各个阶段和领域应该相互补充,相互关联,从而使每个人在一生中都能够充分利用自己拥有的独特的教育环境。第六单元 里奇拜见我妈



母亲这样做,不出我的意料。因为烹饪是母亲表达她的爱、她的骄傲、她的权威和证明她的学识胜过素云阿姨的一种方式。“饭后一定要告诉妈,她做的菜是你吃过的最好 的,比素云阿姨做的好吃多了。”我跟里奇说,“听我的没错儿。”





她把茄子倒进热油里翻炒,锅里传出一阵愤怒的嘶嘶作响的声音。“脸上那么多斑点,”她说道。“是雀斑,要知道,有雀斑命好。”我说得有些过于激 动,试图把声音提高,盖过厨房里的噪音。“哦?”她好像真的不知情似说道。













“没有机会,”我说的是实话。在和母亲独处的所有时间里,她好像都在议论里奇喜欢喝的葡萄酒是多么的昂贵,他的面色多么地苍白、气色多么地差,我哪里可以跟她说我要结婚。里奇嬉皮笑脸。“就说声,爸、妈,我要结婚了能花上多长的时间?” “你不明白,你不了解我母亲。”



奥林匹克的格言、信条、誓言、圣火、会旗及其会歌——这些都是奥林匹克理想的象征。它们共同体现着奥林匹克运动的精髓,各自都为奥林匹克运动会的精神财富作出了贡献。奥林匹克格言:著名的奥林匹克格言“Citius, Altius,Fortius”是拉丁语,意思是“更快、更高、更勇”。但在英语中,这一格言广为认同的说法是“更快、更高、更强”。1894年6月23日,法国教育家米歇尔·布里厄在现代奥林匹克运动会复兴大会的闭幕宴会上首度使用该用语。就在那次大会




















世界各地的人们都来膜拜你,啊!永远不朽的古代之神。* |奥林匹克会旗:|开幕式演奏奥林匹克会歌时,会旗冉冉升起。据说皮埃尔·德·顾拜旦在特尔斐掘出的一个祭坛石头上发现了雕刻其上的五环标志的真迹。如今,彩色奥运环是世界上最广泛认可的的标志。









第八单元 行为准则











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Unit 6 Section A How to Prepare for Earthquake

I.Background information 1.The 1906 San Francisco Earthquake

At 5:13 on the morning of April 18th, 1906, the city of San Francisco was shaken by a terrible earthquake.A large part of the city was destroyed and a large number of buildings were burnt.The number of people who lost homes reached as many as 250, 000.About 700 people died in the earthquake and the fires.Another earthquake shocked San Francisco on October 17th, 1989.It was the second strongest earthquake and about one hundred people were killed.It happened in the evening as people were traveling home.A wide and busy road fell onto the below.A lot of people were killed in their cars, but a few lucky ones were not hurt.Luckily the 1989 earthquake did not happen in the center of town but about 50 kilometers away.In one part of the town many buildings were destroyed.These buildings were over 50 years old, so they were not strong enough.There were a lot of fires all over the city.The electricity was cut off for several days too.Scientists explain that the outside of the earth is made of different plates.At San Francisco the Pacific plate meets the North American plate.When suddenly these two plates jump, an earthquake is felt.When the 1906 earthquake happened, the Pacific plate jumped 5-6 meters to the north.We cannot stop earthquake, but we can do things to make sure they do not destroy a whole city.First, it is not a good idea to build houses along the lines where two of the earth’s plates join together.Second, if you think there may be an earthquake, it is better to build houses on rock not on sand.Third, you must make the houses as strong as possible.Weak buildings will fall down in an earthquake, but strong ones may stay up.Scientists are afraid that one day an even bigger earthquake will hit the area around San Francisco.They call it “The Big One”.However, people today are still building more houses.The population in and around San Francisco is now ten times more than it was in 1906.This means that if there is another big earthquake, a great many houses and buildings will be destroyed.2.The 1976 Tangshan Earthquake

1)Which city earns the name “Brave City of China”?

Tangshan 2)The deadliest earthquake of the 20th century, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake hit the sleeping city of Tangshan at 3:42 a.m.on July 28, 1976.3)Which of the following gave some advance warnings of an impending earthquake?

A.Well water rose and fell with cracking or gas.B.Chickens refused to eat and ran around chirping.C.Mice and yellow weasels ran around to hide.D.A goldfish jumped wildly in its bowl.E.Strange lights(fireballs)as well as loud sounds were seen the night preceding the earthquake.4)The Tangshan earthquake lasted approximately 14-16 seconds.After the earthquake hit, 242419 people were dead or dying;164581 people severely injured.In 7218 households, all members of the family were killed by the earthquake.5)Over two million people died in the earthquake in the 20th century.About 0.6 billion people live in the strong earthquake zone throughout the world.6)93 percent of the residential buildings and 78 percent of the industrial buildings were completely destroyed.3.What’s your insight into earthquakes?

Because they have no warning and allow people no time to react to them in an effective way.As described in the video, one second you live in this big beautiful city and ten seconds later it is flat.So on any scale of instant destructivity, few natural disasters can come close to earthquakes.At 11:43 A.M.on June 7, 1692, for example, an earthquake struck Port Royal, Jamaica.In the space of less than fifty seconds, that thriving port sank into the Caribbean.An eyewitness described the scene.“ In many places the earth cracked, opened and shut, with a motion quick and fast.People were swallowed up;in others they were caught by the middle, and pressed to death.”

In the 17th and 18th centuries, it was believed in the Western world that because earthquakes normally occurred in non-Christian countries, they were signs of God’s anger with the inhabitants of these areas.In fact, every day the earth is shaken by hundreds of small earthquakes, most going unnoticed.They usually occur along the boundaries of thin plates that cover the earth like egg shells.Driven by the heat deep within the earth’s core, plates grind against each other along lines called faults.When plates find their motions blocked, stress builds up.Finally the fault gives way.Released energy races through the earth in a form of seismic waves(震波)and a quake occurs.4.How much do you know about other natural disasters?

In addition to the earthquake, the human society as a whole is also cursed with a long list of other natural disasters, among which are flood, mud-rock flow(泥石流), landslide(山体滑坡), typhoon, hurricane(飓风), tornado(龙卷风), snowstorm(暴风雪), hailstorm(冰雹), sand storm(沙尘暴), drought(干旱), plague of locusts(蝗灾), the spread of desert, the spread of infectious diseases such as SARS(非典), and volcanic eruptions(火山喷发), the most famous example of which is the Great Pompeii, quickly covered with volcanic ashes.The contributors to these natural disasters are complex and varied.Some disasters such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions result from the movement of plates along the weaknesses in the Earth’s crust.Many others, like flood, sand storm, and the spread of desert, stem from human activities.Man’s mindless enthusiasm for unrestrained economic growth has led to a sharp decline of forestry, a rapid desertification of farming land, an irreparable depletion of ozone layer, a global worsening of greenhouse effect, and a swift extinction of species, all of which in turn bring about more disasters.II.Structure Analysis 1.How can we know about warning signs of earthquakes?

1)Wire the earth and sea …

2)Watch animals and plants …

3)The amount of radon waxes …

2.What animals show what signs of earthquakes?



3)dogs—bark a lot


5)birds—noisy— fly unusually Some advance warnings of an impending earthquake.A.Well water rose and fell with cracking or gas.B.Chickens refused to eat and ran around chirping(吱喳而鸣).C.Mice and yellow weasels(黄鼠狼)ran around to hide.D.A goldfish jumped wildly in its bowl.E.Strange lights(fireballs)as well as loud sounds were seen the night preceding the earthquake.3.How are most of the people killed in an earthquake?

By falling buildings.4.What building structures might prevent the great destruction of property?

1)Steel joint/an I-joint

2)Equally strong columns & horizontal beams

3)Deep vertical support columns

4)Light roofs & strong walls 5.What should people do to prepare their houses?

1)Check/reinforce homes …

2)Place heavy objects …

3)Attach cupboards & cabinets …

4)Fasten doors …

6.What should people need for their earthquake survival supplies, and why?

water & food

radio receiver


extra batteries

first-aid supplies





fire extinguisher

auxiliary cooking & heating source

heavy shoes or boots 7.How can family members keep in touch during an earthquake? Check in with a far-away friend or relative…

8.What should be a major emphasis for all government programs and earthquake-related research projects?

Education concerning how to survive an earthquake.1.What is the text mainly about?

The essay is centered around the main theme — How to predict, prevent, and prepare for earthquakes.2.How is the text organized?

The writer centers his writing on three aspects of the topic—earthquake prediction, earthquake prevention, and earthquake preparation.In the end, he concludes his writing with more emphasis placed on people’s preparation for earthquakes.So the text can fall structurally into four parts.Part I Prediction: People predicted a quake by wiring the earth and sea to detect movements, watch-ing animals and plants for warning signs;and seeing if the amount of radon(Rn)in the water under the surface of the Earth waxes before an earthquake.Devices for developing it: Exemplification:(Para.1)In Japan, scientists have wired the Earth and sea„ The Chinese have traditionally watched animals and plants for„ For example, „ Before the Hansin earthquake in Japan, „

Part II Prevention: To prevent buildings from threatening our lives, new structures need to be built with an I-joint steel, with columns and horizontal beams of equal strength, and with light roofs;and pillars for highway bridges need to be enclosed in steel.Devices for developing it: Deduction:(Para.2)General Statement: People would also like to„ prevent„ Details: 1)Most people are killed by„ 2)„ with steel joint;3)„ of equal strength 4)„ enclosed in steel.Part III Preparation: To prepare for a great quake, you need to keep survival supplies at home and at work;have proper tools ready at hand;make sure what to do in case of a quake;and plan for family re-unity.Devices for developing it: Deduction:(Paras.4-6)General statement: People „ need to prepare themselves.Details: 1)„ have supplies of water and food„;2)Have a fire extinguisher handy;3)Every family needs to have earthquake emergency plans.Part IV Conclusion: Even if prediction becomes possible, people still have to do their best to prevent disasters by improving building structures and by being personally prepared.Devices for developing it: Induction:(Para.7)Known facts: 1)„ scientists learn much about how quakes work;2)It will be possible to predict quakes with accuracy;3)But people still have to prevent quakes.Conclusion: Education concerning „ should be a major emphasis for all „ projects.III.New words and expressions 1.to watch sth.for„ / to watch for

观察某物以获取······ / 小心等待

He has been watching for the right moment to express his feeling of love for her.2.to come out of

爬出······ / 有······ 结果

Good reward will certainly come out of your good intention.3.to be reported to do sth.in unusual patterns


They are reported to be celebrating their victory in unusual patterns.4.to withstand the power of earthquakes


Any friendship that can’t withstand the trial of hardships is not likely to last long.5.to be a major concern


How to prevent the resurgence(卷土重来)of SARS is one of the major concerns among the public.6.to insert sth.in / into / between


The Maxwell House inserted in a newspaper an advertisement : Good to the last drop.麦氏公司(Maxwell House)在一家报纸上曾刊登了一则广告:滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。

7.to enclose sth.in „


Enclosed in his letter was a birthday card, on which was a message —Turn my little card into white clouds that take my endless blessings to you.愿这小小的卡片化作朵朵白云,捎去我无尽的祝福。8.to prepare for the possibility of „


The purpose of college life is to prepare us for the possibility of future challenges.9.to attach sth.to „

把某物附加在 / 依附于 ······ 之上

She is fondly attached to the good old days she shared with him.10.to make water safe to drink


What matters to us is how to make our campus life meaningful and fruitful.11.to keep sth.handy


Also important is what measures to take to keep our teenagers far away from drugs.12.to put out

扑灭 / 生产/投资 /发挥

His speech ended in an appeal to college students to put out all their subjective initiative during the course of college studies.13.to agree on


Different people attach different meanings to life, on which it is hard for them to agree.14.to be busy with / doing sth.忙于做某事

Once promoted to a higher position, a corrupt official will be busy abusing his power.贪官一旦被提拔到更高的职位,就会忙于滥用职权。15.to check in

登记 / 报到

He checked in at this hotel under a false name last night but this morning he checked out.16.to learn a great deal about


With this book, you can learn a great deal about the conditions and customs of Africa.通过这本书,你可以了解许多有关非洲的风土人情。17.to predict earthquakes with accuracy

精确预测地震 The satellite system can help man draw maps with great accuracy.卫星系统可以帮助人类非常精确地绘制地图。18.to be resistant to„

对······有抵抗力 / 抵制力

The best way of keeping yourself far away from diseases is to build up your resistance to them by exercising.使自己远离疾病的最好途径是通过锻炼身体增强对疾病的抵抗力。19.to make a great difference in / to„

在······方面 /使······大不一样

It makes no difference to us whether we have a daughter or a son.20.education concerning how to do sth.关于如何做某事的教育

The laws and regulations concerning the environmental protection are still far from perfect.关于环境保护的法规仍不完善。

IV.Language Points 1.Experimental data seem to indicate that the amount of radon(Rn)in the water under the surface of the Earth waxes before an earthquake.(Para.1)

Meaning: Data collected from experiments seem to indicate that the amount of the element radon(Rn)in the water under the surface of the Earth increases before an earthquake.2.Therefore, building structures that can withstand the power of earthquakes is a major concern.(Para.2)

Meaning: Therefore, people are very concerned about having buildings that are strong enough to resist the power of earthquakes.3.Many new structures are built with a new type of steel joint, an I-joint, which appears to be the most durable type of joint.(Para.2)

Meaning: Many new structures are built with a new type of steel joint in the shape of “I”, which appears to be the most durable type of joint.Pay attention that here “a new type of steel joint” and “I-joint” are appositions.4.They should have supplies of water and food at home and at work.(Para.4)

Meaning: They should store water and food at home and in their working places.5.Earthquake survival supplies include...(Para.4)

Meaning: To survive an earthquake, the following things are necessary...6.Also important is an arrangement for family members to communicate if there is an earthquake.(Para.6)

Meaning: It is also important to make an arrangement for family members to communicate in an earthquake.Please note the reversed order of the sentence.7.A sensible arrangement is to have all of the members of the family call to check in with a friend or relative who lives more than a hundred miles away.(Para.6)

Meaning: A reasonable and practical arrangement is that every member of the family should call a friend or relative who lives more than a hundred miles away to report their situation.8.Someday soon it may actually become possible to predict earthquakes with accuracy.(Para.7)

Meaning: Before long, it may actually become possible to predict earthquakes accurately.


Unit 1

5.Fill in the blanks with the words given below.Change the forms where necessary.1.curious 2.affects 3.emergency 4.locked 5.Relatively 6.complaining 7.protested

8.react 9.mood 10.unique 11.consciousness 12.surgery

6.Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below.Change the forms where necessary.1.the bottom line 2.thanks to3.reflect on 4.had lost touch 5.went through

6.followed around 7.looking on 8.woke up 9.take action 10.after all

10.Translate the following sentences into English.1.Each time my brother complained about the difficulty of his work, I asked him to look on the bright side.2.The police reacted immediately when report came that two kids had been held up at gunpoint in a nearby building.3.When I pointed out the mistakes in her calculation, instead of correcting them as soon as possible, Mary protested that it was not her fault.4.Tom was curious about the joke I told my colleagues, but he didn!ˉt get it.5.Thanks to his positive attitude, Jack took action and saved his own life before he lost

consciousness in the emergency room.6.When I reflect on what I have achieved in the past, I have to say that success comes from hard work.That!ˉs the bottom line.Unit 2

5.Fill in the blanks with the words given below.Change the forms where necessary.1.intense 2.concept 3.committed 4.deserve 5.selfish 6.compromise7.matters

8.opponent 9.influence 10.effort 11.shortcuts 12.evidence

6.Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below.Change the forms where necessary.1.work at2.According to3.run through 4.in sight 5.live with 6.a variety of

7.When it comes to 8.live up to

10.Translate the following sentences into English.1.Take Michael Jordan, it!ˉs easy for people tosee his achievements while neglect the price of blood and sweat that he has paid on the court in order to come out on top.2.Right in the first English class, our teacher conveyed a clear message to us: as the basic building blocks of the language, new words must be memorized;any other shortcut is fool!ˉs gold.3.Thousands of Chinese laborers contributed greatly to the construction of America!ˉs first transcontinental railroad, and their intense efforts deserve a page in American history.4.When it comes to training, the coach has no problem living with all sorts of complaints of the players but he never compromises with any of them.5.Traditional ethics seem especially important in some situations where the margin between right and wrong is as thin as an eggshell.6.As competition intensifies, our opponents and we are all working hard to live up to higher

service standards.Unit 3

5.Fill in the blanks with the words given below.Change the forms where necessary.1.withdraw 2.opposite 3.consult 4.seeking 5.chief 6.frustrated 7.gather

8.suggestions 9.numerous 10.crucial 11.approval 12.yield

6.Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below.Change the forms where necessary.1.give up on 2.kicked out 3.at the end of my rope 4.count!-out 5.provide!-wit

6.that is 7.on the brink of 8.moved forward

10.Translate the following sentences into English.1.The health report stresses the importance of fresh fruit and vegetables in our diet.2.I spent a whole week gathering the courage to say no to their request.3.These journeys made him realize to the fullest extent that many of the world!ˉs species were on

the brink of extinction.4.Approval of the patient!ˉs family should be sought before doctors carry out such operations.5.Improved consumer confidence is crucial to an economic recovery.6.We gave up on the missing mountain climber after he had been missing for two weeks.Unit 4

5.Fill in the blanks with the words given below.Change the forms where necessary.1.mankind 2.determination 3.burden 4.define 5.financial 6.resources

7.research 8.cure 9.evil 10.hardship 11.suicide 12.suffered

6.Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below.Change the forms where necessary.1.broke down 2.took!-for granted 3.look!-in the eye 4.couldn!ˉt help but respect h

5.crying over 6.no doubt 7.dressing up 8.slipped into

9.Translate the following sentences into English.1.He was no doubt a great hero so people couldn!ˉt help but cry over his death.2.The actor used his celebrity status to fund research that might someday yield a cure for AIDS.3.The disabled man once considered suicide to relieve his family of the heavy burden.4.Children dress up as Superman to capture adults!ˉ attention.5.It wasn!ˉt until I matured that I realized I shouldn!ˉt be afraid to look adversity and hardship i

the eye.6.He could have easily stayed at home, for he had plenty of financial resources to keep him from worrying about medical bills..Unit 5

5.Fill in the blanks with the words given below.Change the forms where necessary.1.discharged 2.anger 3.latter 4.relationship 5.engaged 6.backgrounds

7.miserable 8.invitation 9.match 10.folded 11.overseas 12.propose

6.Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below.Change the forms where necessary.1.broke down 2.from time to time 3.From the very beginning 4.knocked down

5.agreed to 6.talk!-round 7.due to 8.give in 9.in silence 10.go abroad

10.Translate the following sentences into English.1.I just received a email in which Jessica expressed her regret of ending the relationship with her

beloved boyfriend.2.She broke down at the loss of her family, and the impact of this miserable incident remained for the rest of her life.3.Both my parents object to my going abroad to further my studies.I wonder if I should give in or try to talk them round.4.Edgar was not good with words, so whenever Jessica vented her anger on him, he only endured it in silence.5.The cheerful background music matches his mood very well, for he!ˉs just got engaged to his beloved girlfriend.6.From time to time the system would utter a piercing noise indicating its inability to run properly.Unit 6

5.Fill in the blanks with the words given below.Change the forms where necessary.1.rejected 2.properly 3.judgment 4.employer 5.lack 6.feedback 7.qualified

8.suitable 9.candidate 10.confident 11.potential 12.punctual

6.Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below.Change the forms where necessary.1.cope with 2.miss out 3.applied for 4.keep!-in mind 5.for a bit 6.reflecting on

7.fill out 8.get back 9.a variety of10.To our amazement

10.Translate the following sentences into English.1.Sometimes even if you are totally qualified for the job, you may still be rejected.2.You should learn to cope with difficult situation.And even more important, don!ˉt look to others

for help.3.To my shock/amazement, he was not only involved in a variety of extracurricular activities but also had applied for a part-time job.4.Keep in mind that one more failure is one step closer to success.5.Don!ˉt dwell on the reasons that are out of your control, because this job doesn!ˉt entirely sui

you and your chances are slim.6.Although you may not always like to hear negative feedback, whatever you do, don!ˉt burn your bridges.Unit 7

5.Fill in the blanks with the words given below.Change the forms where necessary.1.tuition 2.anxiety 3.horrors 4.switched 5.quarter 6.steady 7.roughly

8.prospects 9.disorder 10.represent 11.apparent 12.population

6.Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below.Change the forms where necessary.1.were booked up 2.not getting anywhere 3.ups and downs 4.burst out 5.get along with

6.broke up with 7.in advance 8.had no choice 9.In spite of 10.take your own life

10.Translate the following sentences into English.1.The students who seek psychological counseling represent only the tip of the iceberg.Most students endure the stress in silence.2.The horror movie overwhelmed him so much that he began to suffer from a sleeping disorder, even insomnia.3.Lisa had always been a straight-A student until her junior year, when she had to hold down two part-time jobs to pay her tuition.4.In spite of the result of the aptitude test, John decided to switch his major from accounting to psychology.5.He would rather remain a sales clerk, apparently because he prefers a steady life to a life full of ups and downs.6.The computer has broken down on more than one occasion.Isn!ˉt that enough for professional help?

Unit 8

5.Fill in the blanks with the words given below.Change the forms where necessary.1.chemical 2.soil 3.disturb 4.mixture 5.substance 6.ruin 7.consumers 8.stable

9.pollution 10.supplies 11.decay 12.main

6.Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below.Change the forms where necessary.1.leaked out 2.due to 3.are known as 4.depend on 5.giving off 6.make up

7.live on 8.have used up

10.Translate the following sentences into English.1.With the construction of the nuclear power plant, this city now doesn!ˉt have to worry about its

own electricity supply.Instead, it can supply electricity to other cities nearby.2.These vegetables do not decay when kept at a relatively stable low temperature.3.This city is known as the financial center of the country.The development of its economy depends heavily on banking and foreign trade.4.This plant only lives on the top of certain high mountains and gives off a very sweet smell in spring.5.The main cause of this area!ˉs water pollution i the chemical substance that leaks out of a paper

mill by the river bank.6.This kind of litter is made up of a mixture of chemical waste.It has poisoned the soil, ruining it completely.



Book IIIUnit 8cloning

Text A

Content questions

1.at his mother’s funeral, the writer swore that one day he’d do something about conditions

like hers

2.one night,the writer went out for dreinks with another gentleman whose father had died

of ALS.They talked about their parents then and wanted to do something as a legacy for them.The stem cell research company Stemagen thus came into existence

3.they are concerned about the reproductive possibilities of cloning when Dolly was born

4.human reproductive cloning is ethically wrong because the majority of reproductive

clones in other species are actually abnormal,with very high miscarriage rates, very high stillbirth rates, fetal anomalies, death soon after birth,etc.5.the writer shows a positive attitude towards therapeutic cloning.He holds that

therapeutic cloning does not involve any type of rist to human life and actually provides tremendous potential for the relief of suffering in human beings who are undergoing some awful things.6.the writer honestly thinks that someone will attempt human reproductive cloning and

there is no way to stop it

7.because by doing so, they could make cloning very real so that people around the world

know that cloning is coming along

8.their purpose in creating disease-specific stem cell lines is to study the causes of specific

diseases,and then research a variety of treatments for these diseases.If the stem cell lines are created for any given individual and are later transplated back into the individual, they will not be rejected by the individual.9.the writer holds that in reality it is transcendent because when you look through the

microscope, you see what you may have looked like a long ago, at least in part

10.it brought teras to his eyes because the research was done for his mother,and he realized

that if she had only been able to live a few years longer, maybe they could have used this technology to help her

11.in the process of analysis, the embroys were destroyed by necessity.In other words, to

get the genetic material from inside the cells to analyze it, they had to destroy the cell

12.because the writer thinks that logically, an embryo is not life, although it is a potential

life.The vast majority of embroys never become life—they just generate , don't implant and die

Language sense enhancement

1)in some ways2)make the most of3)individual4)replicated5)roadmap

6)in place7)resulst from8)dissuade9)Quite honestly10)legislate



5)transplant , transplant6)In a sense7)consented8)In some ways 9)eyesight

10)in reality11)implanted12)procedures

2.1)focus2)come forward3)result from4)go through

5)carry out6)work on7)feed on8)settled over

3.1)resulted from a childhood illness

2)was condemmed by the trade unions as endangering jobs

3)in place,even those with presistent, long-term mental illness can usually learn to manage their

symptoms and live productive lives

4)but apparently showed disapproval of his behaviour

5)you should make the most of any advice which you can get from the interviewer

4.1)misconceptions, potential, make the most of ,2)donated, cntentious issue, and opponents

3)a fraud , in some ways, condemn him

II Collocation

1)permission to adopt her

2)a willingness to restart peace talks

3)failure to find meaning in life

4)his determination to realize his ideals

5)attempt to blow up the bridge

6)an opportunity to pursue a college degree







6)do you consider it any good continuing your investigations? It is reported that two people were killed in the explosion I owe it to you that I have been able to get back to my studies It is no good bothering about such a trifle It wont do you any good to hide your sickness for fear of treatment We all think it a pity to give up the experiment half way

Comprehensive exercises




6)misconceptions7)opponents8)results from9)come forward10)donated




II.1.1)Translation Medical experts debated whether the cloning of human beings should be permitted and

what its potential effects on society might be

2)eighty-five percent of the people in the local area in full-time employment;only 3% describe themselves as unemployed

3).The departments concerned in China will speed up legislation to protect rights of migrant workers

4).In recent years, some psychologists have tried to explain intelligence from a biological standpoint

5).The global finanical crisis has had a huge impact on that country’s export industry.In no more than six months,many factories have closed down by necessity.2.Dolly the sheep resulted from a cloning experiment by a group of Scottish scientists in 1997.A

fierce debate on human cloning has ever since been going on.This contentious issue has focused on ethical and social implications of the technology:what the technology might do to the very meaning of human reproduction,child rearing, individuality, etc.The majority of scientists are adamantly opposed to reproductive cloning and support therapeutic cloning for treating diseases.The reason is that therapeutic cloning does not involve any type of relief of suffering in human beings.Scientists believe that with politics and monitoring in place to ensure that therapeutic cloning is used safely, we can all benefit from this procedure.Text B

Comprehension check:

1.d2, c3,b4, d5, b6, c

Translation :

1.时至今日,眼看着新一轮要求对克隆人全面禁止而非简单规范的呼声即将再起,我倒想说: “慢一点来。”




Language practice


2.1)artificial2)labeled3)objections4)appealed to

5)reinforce6)by virtue of7)come to terms with8)in essence




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