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Unit 11 How was your school trip?

Section B(1a--2c)[教学目标] 知识与技能:



1.让学生在谈论过去发生的事中学会分享相互间的苦与乐。2.让学生懂得作为一位公民,就应该保护野生动物,非法捕捉野生动物是非法的,让学生树立保护野生动物的意识,从而自觉保护野生动物,做到从自己做起。[教学重难点] 1.掌握并运用一般过去时。

2.“Did you.....?”和“Were there....?”这两种句型掌握及运用动词过去式的变化规则。[教学准备] 幻灯片、录音机 [教学过程] Step 1 Greeting

T:Good morning,everyone.How’s the weather today? S:It’s sunny.T:How are you ? S:I am fine.T:Very good!OK,welcome to my class.Step 2 Free talk and pair work 播放一小段谈论关于外出旅行的视频 T:What did they talk about? S:They talked about trip? T:Do you want to take a trip? S:Yes,I do.T:Do you still remember your last school trip? S:Yes.T:OK,now you can talk your last school trip with your partner with the following sentences: A:How was your last school trip? B:It was......Where did you go on your last school trip? A:I went.....B:what about the food there? A: It was....B:How was the weather there? A:It was.....通过对话的练习,让学生们对上节课所学习过的一般过去时进一步的加深印象与掌握。(在学生们刚才的对话中,很多同学都谈论到了在上一次校园旅行中去了动物园,然后引出下一段内容)

T:Most of you talked you have been to the zoo.Now I have a question to ask you.We often see some common animals like cat,dog,snake and so on.But we seldom see the aquatic animals,wild animals,why? S1:Because people often kill them for food.S2:Because their environment has been destroyed.T:Yes ,I will show you some pictures.然后在大屏幕上出现几张人们屠杀野生动物的图片 T:What are they doing? S:They are killing animals.T:Were they right?What should we do? S:No,we should stop them.T:Very good,we should stop them.Any unit individual is not permitted to kill wild animals in illegal hunting,and can’t destroy environment.(通过一般过去时和一般现在时的对比,谈到为什么野生动物越来越少,只能看到常见的动物,引起学生注意,任何一个人都不能非法捕杀动物和破坏其生存环境。)

1.播放一段英语视屏,陈龙呼吁全人类齐心协力保护野生动物 2.向学生展示图片,吧汶川地震前的卧龙熊猫基地与地震后被毁坏的进行对比,让学生联系实际灵活运用一般过去时。T:Do you remember the Wenchuan earthquake? S:Yes.T:Did you go there? S:Yes,I did./No,I don’t.T:Were any change? S:Yes,there were.T:The earthquake hurt our people,at the same time,it hurt our animals.3.通过观看地震对熊猫基地的破坏,引起学生的思考,让学生来思考我们应该为野生动物做些什么。Step 3 Reading Read the article and answer the following questions.1.Did Helen and Jim go on the same trip? 2.How do they feel about the trip?(通过阅读这一篇有关校园旅行的两篇日记,让学生对一般过去时的印象更深刻)Step 4 Listening 1b Listen and answer the questions.1.How was Jane’s trip?

____________________ 2.How was Tony’s trip?


1c Listen again.What did Jane and Tony do on their last school trip? Check tick Tony or Jane.通过听力部分的练习,让学生反复的使用“Did you.....?”和“Were there....?”这两种句型掌握及运用动词过去式的变化规则。Step 5 Summary 1)Go through the important points and difficult points of this lesson with the students again.2)To mast the important words,phrases and sentences.Homework Write a diary about your own last shool trip.




Words: tall




fat Sentence: Linda is tall.Linda is taller than Bill.Mary is the tallest of the three.Grammar: 形容词的比较级和最高级


教学过程 1.Warm up Tall, tall, I am tall.Short, short, I am short.Nice, nice, I am nice.Heavy, heavy, I am heavy.Fat, fat, I am fat.(这里只要求学生跟着教师做动作,热闹一下即可)2.Presentation 1)教师做动作,让学生猜形容词。或运用简笔画,让学生猜单词,tall short nice heavy fat,写在黑板的附板书(方便讲完语法让学生进行练习)。

2)(导入就用本班同学,本课的重点语言结构是形容词比较级和最高级,可通过真实情景导入。)同学们老师今天在咱们班发现一个问题,惊讶一些,引导学生的好奇心。(然后老师把现象呈现给大家,就是找三个人,高、中、矮,明显的学生到前面来。让学生发现其现象,老师陈述新句型。)Linda is tall.Bill is taller than Linda.Mary is the tallest of the three.(把这三句话写在黑板上,让学生根据讲台前的三个人猜出并说出汉语意继而给出公式①A is-er than B.the-est of/in....)

3)然后看一下三个句子,并说一下than是连词,引起比较状语从句,因此从语法角度出发,后面的代词要用主格(即I, he等), 但习惯上却常用宾格(即me, him等)。


②C is

词得比阶级和最高级,然后教师在黑板上写出short nice heavy和fat四个单词后加er、est,学生根据之前的知识积累不难找出规律。然后教师在黑板上写出cold, large, big和heavy等四个单词让学生通过之前找出的规律在词尾加-er和-est(可进行笔头练习)



big colder larger bigger

coldest 直接加-er和-est largest 去e后加-er和-est

biggest 双写词尾辅音字母后加-er和-est heaviest y变为i再加-er和-est

heavy heavier 5)根据学生的程度,可扩展特殊的,clever和good/well的比较级和最高级形式,并说明双音节单词的比较级和最高级要在后面加-er和-est,但以er和辅音加y结尾的词仍加-er和-est,如cleverer和heavier。另外说明good和well的比较级和最高级是better和best,属于不规则变化,除了good和well还有几个词的变化是不规则的,这些将在以后能学到。

3.Drills 1)Words:tall





快速抢答,做动作,在此时教师把chant 教给学生。步骤:





Sentence:Linda is tall.Linda is taller than Bill.Mary is the tallest of the three.计时赛:以组为单位,快速朗读三遍,看那组的时间用的短。就人名进行替换,造句。(教师可用简笔画来帮助教学,例如画三个小人,其三个名字)再画三个球,大小明显,让学生进行替换。



4)用图片和实物操练两个基本句型:教师准备一些图片,出示其中的一张,上面画三个男孩,一个比一个胖,男孩下面写上人名, Tom、Jim和Sam,操练开始教师指着图片上的人进行示范,Jim is fat.Tom is fatter.Sam is the fattest of the three.举例之后,教师课出示三个体重不同的动物,让学生表达。依此类推,教师可多准备一些实物、图片的等。为学生的学习创设一个情景。



(2)用小小翻译家操练两个基本句型:如教师用汉语说 “马比兔子重。”“大象是最重的。”让学生说出或写出英文。6.Sum up





开课教师:刘莲 时间: 班级:

课题:The Lost Books

1、Teaching aims and demands 教学目标和要求

(1)Learn some new words and useful expressions already used to be library librarian hobby borrow knowledge schoolyard step(2)Learn “present perfect”(现在完成时)

2、Teaching importance 教学重点

(1)Learn “present perfect”

(2)improve students ability of reading and comprehension

3、Teaching difficulties 教学难点

The use of “present perfect”

4、Teaching procedures 教学步骤

Step1、greeting(1 minute)

Good morning, everybody!First let me introduce myself to all of you.My name is Liu Lian.You can call me Lotus.I’m so happy to stand here.Today We’ll talk about an article named “The Lost Books”.Now let’s get down to the business and begin our class.OK?(中文复述一遍)

Step2、Explanation(讲解)(35 minutes)

(1)Write the title on the blackboard “ The Lost Books” Ask one to explain the meaning of the title and then evaluate his or her answer.Point out the difference between lost and missing.(2 minutes)

(2)Give 5 minutes to students to go through the first two paragraphs.Write a question on the blackboard “Why was my grandma worried? What happened to her?”(2 minutes)(3)ask one to answer the question and evaluate the performance.Explain the importance of grasping general idea in reading an article.(2 minutes)

(4)Ask one of the students to read the first paragraph.Correct the pronunciation errors.Encourage his or her performance.(2 minutes)

(5)Analyze several points of the first paragraph.Many interactions are included in the process.(10 minutes)(6)Ask one to summarize the first paragraph.Praise the student.Let them to write the answer on the paper.Explain to them “mastering the idea of each paragraph is crucial to understand the whole article”.(2 minutes)(7)Ask one to read the Second paragraph.Correct the pronunciation errors.Evaluate his or her performance.(2 minutes)

(8)Analyze several points of the Second paragraph.Communication and interactions are necessary.(10 minutes)

(9)Make a summary of the Second paragraph ——My grandma lost her books.Let them write it down.Step3、Summary(2 minutes)

(1)New words and useful expressions(2)Present perfect Step4、Saying goodbye(2 minutes)

OK.That’s all for today.I hope you can review what you have learned in today’s class and do some related exercise after class.I also want you to prepare for next two paragraphs.I’ll ask you some questions at the beginning of next class.(中文复述一遍).Is everything clear? OK.The class is over.See you next time!

[原文]The Lost Books My grandma is already eighty years old.She used to be a history teacher.Her hobby is reading.She likes reading on many different subjects.She often borrows books from the school library.She has also bought a lot of books.She often says, “I love books.Books are my best friends.They give me knowledge and make me happy.”

Grandma likes to borrow books from the library and reads outside in the schoolyard.Sometimes she reads a few lines, puts down the book, walks a few steps and thinks for a while and then walks away with the book.But last week Grandma forgot to take the book when she left for home.She was worried and asked her friends, “Have you seen a history book? I think I’ve lost it.” The next day she went to the librarian and said to her, “I’m very sorry.I borrowed a history book from the library last week.But I can’t find it.I think I’ve lost it.”

“Don’t worry.You’ll find it,” said the librarian.Several days later Grandma came to the library to borrow some more books.The librarian asked her, “Have you found the book?” “Not yet.I’ve looked for it everywhere, but I still can’t find it.”

“Don’t worry.Someone will probably find it and return it sooner or later.” A few days later, the book was still missing.What was worse, Grandma lost more books.She was worried and so was the librarian.“I’m afraid I’ll have to pay for the lost books,” said Grandma sadly.One day the librarian came up with an idea.She asked Grandma to put a bookmark in each of the borrowed books with the words: “If you find this book, please return it to the school library….” Grandma thought it was a wonderful idea.Now her lost books are usually returned to the library.






课题:The Lost Books1、Teaching aims and demands 教学目标和要求

(1)Learn some new words and useful expressions

alreadyused to belibrarylibrarianhobbyborrowknowledgeschoolyardstep

(2)Learn “present perfect”(现在完成时)

2、Teaching importance 教学重点

(1)Learn “present perfect”

(2)improve students ability of reading and comprehension3、Teaching difficulties 教学难点

The use of “present perfect”

4、Teaching procedures 教学步骤

Step1、greeting(1 minute)

Good morning, everybody!First let me introduce myselfto all of you.My name is LiuLian.You can call me

Lotus.I’m so happy to stand here.Today We’ll talk about an article named “The Lost Books”.Now let’s get down to the business and begin our class.OK?(中


Step2、Explanation(讲解)(35 minutes)

(1)Write the title on the blackboard “ The Lost Books”Ask one to explain the meaning of the title and then

evaluate his or her answer.Point out the differencebetween lost and missing.(2 minutes)

(2)Give 5 minutes to students to go through the first two

paragraphs.Write a question on the blackboard “Why was my grandma worried? What happened to her?”(2 minutes)

(3)ask one to answer the question and evaluate the

performance.Explain the importance of grasping general idea in reading an article.(2 minutes)

(4)Ask one of thestudents to read the first paragraph.Correct the pronunciation errors.Encourage his or her performance.(2 minutes)

(5)Analyze several points of the first paragraph.Many

interactions are included in the process.(10 minutes)

(6)Ask one to summarize the first paragraph.Praise the

student.Let them to write the answer on the paper.Explain to them “mastering the idea of each paragraph is crucial to understand the whole article”.(2 minutes)

(7)Ask one to read the Second paragraph.Correct the

pronunciation errors.Evaluate his or her performance.(2 minutes)

(8)Analyze several points of the Second paragraph.Communication and interactions are necessary.(10 minutes)

(9)Make a summary of the Second paragraph ——My grandma

lost her books.Let them write it down.Step3、Summary(2 minutes)

(1)New words and useful expressions

(2)Present perfect

Step4、Saying goodbye(2 minutes)

OK.That’s all for today.I hope you can review what

you have learned in today’s class and do some related exercise after class.I also want you to prepare for next two paragraphs.I’ll ask you some questions at the beginning of next class.(中文复述一遍).Is everything clear? OK.The class is over.See you next time!

[原文]The Lost Books

My grandma is already eighty years old.She used to be a history teacher.Her hobby is reading.She likes reading on many different subjects.She often borrows books from the school library.She has also bought a lot of books.She often says, “I love books.Books are my best friends.They give me knowledge and make me happy.”

Grandma likes to borrow books from the library and reads outside in the schoolyard.Sometimes she reads a few lines, puts down the book, walks a few steps and thinks for a while and then walks away with the book.But last

week Grandma forgot to take the book when she left for home.She was worried and asked her friends, “Have you seen a history book? I think I’ve lost it.” The next day she went to the librarian and said to her, “I’m very sorry.I borrowed a history book from the library last week.But I can’t find it.I think I’ve lost it.”

“Don’t worry.You’ll find it,” said the librarian.Several days later Grandma came to the library to borrow some more books.The librarian asked her, “Have you found the book?” “Not yet.I’ve looked for it everywhere, but I still can’t find it.”

“Don’t worry.Someone will probably find it and return it sooner or later.” A few days later, the book was still missing.What was worse,Grandma lost more books.She was worried and so was the librarian.“I’m afraid I’ll have to pay for the lost books,” said Grandma sadly.One day the librarian came up with an idea.She asked Grandma to put a bookmark in each of the borrowed books with the words: “If you find this book, please return it to the school library….” Grandma thought it was a wonderful idea.Now her lost books are usually returned to the library.






课题:Unit3 Topic1 SectionC English Around the world1、Teaching aims and demands 教学目标和要求

(1)Learn some new words and useful expressions

Study、show、number、more and more、leading position

(2)Learn “Passive voice”(被动语态)

2、Teaching importance 教学重点

(1)Learn “Passive voice”

(2)improve students ability of reading and comprehension3、Teaching difficulties 教学难点

The use of “Passive voice”

4、Teaching procedures 教学步骤

Step1、greeting(1 minute)

Good morning, everybody!First let me introduce myselfto all of you.My name is XueZhihui.You can call me

Tina.I’m so happy to stand here.Today We’ll talk

about an article named “English Around the world”.Now

let’s begin our class.OK?(中文复述一遍)

Step2、Explanation(讲解)(35 minutes)

(1)Write the title on the blackboard “”English Around the

world.Ask one to explain the meaning of the title and then evaluate his or her answer.(2minutes)

(2)Give 5 minutes to students to go through the first two

paragraphs.Write a question on the blackboard “Why is English more and more widely used in the world?(2 minutes)

(3)ask one to answer the question and evaluate the

performance.Explain the importance of grasping general idea in reading an article.(2 minutes)

(4)Ask one of thestudents to read the first paragraph.Correct the pronunciation errors.Encourage his or her performance.(2 minutes)

(5)Analyze several points of the first and the second

paragraph.Many interactions are included in the process.(10 minutes)

(6)Ask one to summarize the first and the second paragraph.Praise the student.Let them to write the answer on the paper.Explain to them “mastering the idea of each paragraph is crucial to understand the whole article”.(2 minutes)

(7)Ask one to read the third paragraph.Correct the

pronunciation errors.Evaluate his or her performance.(2 minutes)

(8)Analyze several points of the third paragraph.Communication and interactions are necessary.(10 minutes)

(9)Make a summary of the third paragraph ——Great Britain became a powerful country, so English became anIneternational languages.At the same time, the internet Has helped English become much more popular.Step3、Summary(2 minutes)

(1)New words and useful expressions

(2)Passive voice

Step4、Saying goodbye(2 minutes)

OK.That’sall for today.I hope you can review what

you have learned in today’s class and do some related exercise after class.I also want you to prepare for next two paragraphs.I’ll ask you some questions at the beginning of next class.(中文复述一遍).Is everything clear? OK.The class is over.See you next time!



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