第1DVD 开幕式:
1、主持人致欢迎词 介绍主席台成员
2、成都市教育局郭晓亚 致辞
3、南师大教授许卓娅 讲话
第2DVD 许卓亚关于幼儿音乐教育的专题报告
第3DVD 大班律动《小丑当大厨》+教师说课(含音乐、教案)小班音乐游戏《小猴与鳄鱼》+教师说课(含教案)大班歌唱游戏《酸酸葡萄》+教师说课(含音乐、教案)大班音乐游戏《拾豆豆》+教师说课(含音乐、教案)大班律动游戏《百叶龙》+教师说课(含音乐、教案)大班歌唱活动《冬天的花》
第5DVD 大班音乐游戏《救回蛋宝宝》+教师说课(含音乐、教案)大班音乐欣赏《魔术师圆舞曲》+教师说课(含音乐、教案)小班歌音乐活动《停下来》+教师说课(含音乐、教案)小班律动游戏《拍蚊子》+教师说课(含教案)
第6DVD 1.研讨
第7DVD 1.开幕词
第8DVD 研讨
第9DVD 大班戏剧表演唱活动《新猴子学样》(含教案)大班歌唱活动《我是猫》(含音乐、教案)中班歌唱活动《萤火虫》(含教案)大班歌唱活动《我爱你》(含教案)
第10DVD 研讨
音乐游戏创编资源拓展之探索 玩音乐
第11DVD 大班音乐游戏《斗舞》(含音乐、教案)小班歌唱活动《手拉手》(含教案)大班歌唱活动《BIM BAM》(含教案)大班律动游戏《跳花绳》(含音乐、教案)
第12DVD 快乐游戏快乐音乐
狡猾的狐狸——幼儿需要激发与游戏快乐 研讨
第13DVD 大班领域综合活动《金老爷买钟》(含音乐、教案)中班歌唱活动《找鸟窝》(含音乐)大班歌唱活动《猫和老鼠》(含教案)
第14DVD 观察模仿学习与探究创造学习活动解析———音乐活动“机器人”系列
《金老爷买钟》说课 用心温暖每个音符 《找鸟窝》说课 研讨
第15DVD 开幕词
小班韵律游戏《打气球》+教师说课(含教案)《小鱼的梦》+教师说课 《小青蛙捉迷藏》+教师说课
第16DVD 研讨
以音乐活动生活化、游戏化课题研究为载体促进教师团队的专业化成长 第17DVD 开幕词
大班音乐活动《小蚊子》+教师说课(含音乐)中班歌唱游戏《种子快发芽》+教师说课 小班歌唱活动《小青蛙捉迷藏》+教师说课
大班音乐欣赏《小老鼠与胖厨师》+教师说课(含音乐、教案)大班音乐游戏《三魈》+教师说课(含教案)大班律动活动《公主的舞会》+教师说课(含教案)第18DVD 研讨 第19DVD 大班律动游戏《热情的非洲》(含教案)中班歌唱活动《吹泡泡》(含教案)
第20DVD 研讨 《丑小鸭》喜剧主题课程探究(含教案)
第21DVD 开幕词
第22DVD 幼儿园韵律活动教学任务分析(含教案)我的舞台我做主 研讨
第23DVD 大班律动游戏《摇滚巴士》(含教案)大班律动游戏《山狗和臭鼬》(含音乐、教案)小班亲子游戏《青蛙与蛇》(含音乐、教案)大班律动游戏《赵州桥》(含音乐、教案)大班音乐活动《三只小猪》(含音乐)
第24DVD 研讨
第25DVD 大班歌唱活动《快乐的小兔》(含教案)大班歌唱活动《五只小青蛙》(含教案)大班音乐游戏《木偶漫游记》(含音乐、教案)大班律动游戏《虫虫飞》(含教案)大班说唱活动《小羊羊演唱会》(含教案)大班说唱活动《RAP说“羊”》(含音乐、教案)
第26DVD 教师说课《五只小青蛙》课堂背后的思考,想法和交流 老师说课《小兔子拔萝卜》课堂背后的思考,想法和交流 老师说课《木偶漫游记》课堂背后的思考,想法和交流 老师说课《洋葱》课堂背后的思考,想法和交流 老师说课《RAP说“羊”》课堂背后的思考,想法和交流 老师说课《虫虫飞》课堂背后的思考,想法和交流
第27DVD 大班韵律游戏《丛林旅行》(含音乐、教案)大班音乐活动《喜羊羊和灰太狼》(含音乐)中班歌唱游戏《小猴真淘气》教师说课(含教案)老师一起跳跳舞
第28DVD 歌唱游戏化的研讨
第29DVD 大班音乐游戏活动《斗逗乐》(含教案)大班音乐游戏《谁是灰太狼》(含音乐、教案)大班音乐游戏活动《美食总动员》(含音乐、教案)放松小活动 小班音乐活动《数豆豆》(含音乐、教案)
第30DVD 下一届幼儿园主办方宣传片 观摩教学的交流和作用
第31DVD 大班音乐游戏《功夫熊猫》(含音乐)小班歌唱游戏《俩只小鸟》(含音乐)大班歌唱《放风筝》(含音乐、教案)大班韵律游戏《多愉快》(含音乐、教案)大班歌唱游戏《大鹿》(含教案)
第32DVD 幼儿园活动流程的交流和研讨 中班音乐游戏《动动小身体》 歌唱教学导学策略研究
第33DVD 小班律动游戏《毛毛虫变蝴蝶》(含音乐、教案)大班歌唱活动《山童》(含音乐)小班律动游戏《虫虫飞》(含音乐、教案)中班音乐活动《我喜欢你》(含音乐、教案)大班韵律游戏《疯狂的小鸟》(含音乐、教案)大班歌唱活动《春天在哪里》(含音乐、教案)
第34DVD 关于幼儿园活动成功组织的细节智慧研讨
第35DVD 大班舞蹈欣赏《美丽的小孔雀》(含教案)中班音乐游戏《乡下老鼠和城市老鼠》(含教案)
《幼儿园教育指导纲要》中明确指出:教育活动的选择应注重贴近幼儿的生活,选择幼儿感兴趣的事物和问题。而音乐律动活动更应如此,只有选择了幼儿感兴趣的事物和问题作为教育的内容,幼儿才有可能全身心地投入,不断激发出对律动的热情,才有可能丰富经验、拓展 视野。从而达到提高幼儿学习音乐的兴趣和进行音乐素质的培养的目的。在幼儿园的音乐教学中,我们仍在不断地实践和探索。在这一过程中,通过实践,我觉得律动教学有以下几个重点:
《幼儿园工作规程》明确把“创设与教育相适应的良好环境,为幼儿提供活动和表现能力的机会与条件”作为幼儿园教育原则之一。因此,教师要多创造激发幼儿音乐兴趣的环境,同时利用幼儿好奇、好玩的心理特点,把音乐教学的每个环节趣味化、生活化。我们班把一日活动中渗透律动音乐,诱发幼儿对音乐的兴趣。同时,我们还利用一些空余时间,如餐后散步,或进餐前、集中教学前等时间来播放或弹 奏各种类型的音乐让幼儿表演一些优美的律动。久而久之,幼儿倾听兴趣慢慢地提高,孩子们耳濡目染地接近音乐、熟悉音乐,从而喜爱音乐、体会音乐,现在孩子们无论在什么场合,只要听到音乐、歌曲,他们都会手舞足蹈,自得其乐。
音乐律动教学应该以听为主线。在幼儿熟悉音乐的过程中,逐步引导他们去做拍手、点头、踏脚等动作,或者,启发他们做简单的即兴表演。这样,既能帮助他们去掌握音乐的节奏、韵律,还能启蒙他们对音乐的感受力和表现力,让他们投入到音乐的意境中。如小班《洗手帕》的音乐,让幼儿感受韵律平缓、反复的特征,想象起床后小朋友洗手帕的情景。教师重复播放让幼儿边听做,通过谈话让幼儿安 排好洗手帕的顺序,然后在晾晒起来。这样律动《洗手帕》就完成了。
幼儿期正是一个从情感由低级向高级逐步发展的重要阶段之一,在这时期中,富有情感性的音乐活动对幼儿的情感发展具有明显的促进潜力,幼儿越是能够有机会 接 触 各种 音 乐作 品,参 加 各 种 音 乐 活 动,就 越 会逐 步 懂 得 爱、温 柔、同 情、自 豪、集体精神、憎恨丑恶和追求美善。在律动活动中,幼儿首先需要欣赏音乐作品,了解音乐性质,引起共鸣,激发情感,才能在此基础上创编动作。为此,我们班采用多种音乐律动教学形式,通过欣赏、舞蹈、游戏等多种教学形式来引导,把音乐的感受和身体的运动密切地结合起来,让它产生更好的教学效果。
幼儿对艺术的喜爱都是从情感出发的,他们对艺术活动表现出的兴趣都是浅层次的,往往带有一定的情绪色彩,容易停留在好玩、我喜欢的水平上,而且很容易转移、波动。所以根据幼儿的生活积累、想象都不尽相同,在选择乐曲时,应考虑到是易于幼儿理解的,且具有鲜明节奏特点的音乐。或表现宁静、安详的摇篮曲;或表现雄赳赳、气昂昂的进行曲;或欢快、活泼的舞曲等,以启发幼儿相应的情绪、联想和创造。如:用一段以跳音为主的乐曲,请幼儿表演,幼儿能很快感受到音乐活泼、跳跃的特点,表现出小兔、青蛙、袋鼠等动物跳跃的形态。又如:在一段轻柔优美的音乐中小朋友情不自禁地翩翩起舞,表现蝴蝶飞舞、小鱼戏水、树叶柳枝随风摆动„„孩子们会随着音乐而打开记忆的窗户,展开想象的翅膀,在倾听、感受、体验音乐的同时,促进幼儿丰富联想生活中一切美的事物,从而培养陶冶了幼 儿的美感和个性。逐步提高他们的审美理解力。
幼儿律动手指游戏 FingerPlays.01-little bee Little bee,little bee,round,round,round. Little bee,little bee,sound,sound,sound. FingerPlays.02-peek a boo Peek-a-boo Peek ,peek, Peek-a-boo Peek , peek, I see you.重点词语:peek , I see you.FingerPlays.03-open shut(幼儿英语)Open, Shut Open, shut, open, shut.Give a little clap.Creep, creep, creep, creep.Give a little flap.重点词语:open, shut, clap, creep, flap FingerPlays.04-Here is the beehive(幼儿英语)Here Is the Beehive Here is the beehive , Where are the bees? Hidden away where nobody sees.Watch and you’ll see them, Come out of the hive , One, two ,three ,four, five, Bzzzzzzzzz 重点词语:beehive, one, two, three, four, five FingerPlays.05-Ten little fingers(幼儿英语)Ten little Fingers One little, two little, three little fingers.Four little, five little, six little fingers.Seven little, eight little, nine little fingers.Ten fingers on my hands.重点词语:finger, six, seven, eight, nine, ten FingerPlays.06-dance you fingers(幼儿英语)Dance Your Fingers Dance your fingers up, Dance your fingers down, Dance your fingers to the side, Dance them all around.Dance them on my shoulders, Dance them on my head, Dance them on my tummy, And put them all to bed.重点词语:up, down, side, all around, shoulder, head,tummy, bed FingerPlays.07-tow little black birds(幼儿英语)Two Little Black Birds Two little black birds Sitting on a hill One named Jack And one named Jil Fly away Jack Fly away Jill Come back Jack Come back Jill 重点词语:black bird, fly away, come back
FingerPlays.08-Jack and Jill(幼儿英语)Jack and Jill Jack and Jill went up the hill To fetch a pail of water, Jack fell down and broke his crown And Jill came tumbling after.重点词语:hill, pail, a pail of water FingerPlays.09-The chimney(幼儿英语)The Chimney Here is the chimney Here is the top.Open the lid, Out Santa will pop.重点词语:chimney, lid, Santa, pop FingerPlays.10-Eentsy Weentsy Spider(幼儿英语)Eentsy Weentsy Spider The eentsy weentsy spider Went up the water spout, Down came the rain and washed the spider out;Out came the sun and Dried up all the rain;And the eentsy weentsy spider went up the spout again.重点词语:spider, water, spout, rain, sun FingerPlays.11-Five little birds(幼儿英语)Five Little Birds Five little birds without any home, Five little trees in a row, Come and build your nests in the trees, We will rock you to and fro.重点词语:bird, home, nest, tree FingerPlays.12-Five Rabbits(幼儿英语)Five Rabbits Five rabbits were hiding, In the woods one day, 1-2-3-4-5 jumped out, and then they ran away.重点词语:rabbit, woods, jump out, run away FingerPlays.13-Five little sausages(幼儿英语)Five Little Sausages(1)Five little sausages frying in the pan, The pan got hot and one went BAM!(2)Four……(3)Three……(4)Two……
One little sausage frying in the pan, The pan got hot and one went “wait, wait!Put me on your plate and eat me!” 重点词语:sausage, pan, hot, plate, eat FingerPlays.12-Five Rabbits(幼儿英语)Five Rabbits Five rabbits were hiding, In the woods one day, 1-2-3-4-5 jumped out, and then they ran away.重点词语:rabbit, woods, jump out, run away FingerPlays.14-This little pig(幼儿英语)This Little Pig This little pig went to market, This little pig stayed home, This little pig had roast beef, This little pig had none, And this little pig cried “wee-wee-wee” All the way home.重点词语:little pig, market, home, roast beef, cry FingerPlays.15-Three little monkeys(幼儿英语)Three Little Monkeys 1.Three little monkeys jumping on the bed, One fell off, and bumped his head , Mommy called the doctor and the doctor said,”No more little monkeys jumping on the bed.”
3.One ……He……his……
重点词语:monkey, bed, jump, head, doctor, monkey FingerPlays.16-Hickory dicory dock(幼儿英语)Hickory Dickory Dock(1)Hickory dickouy dock, The mouse ran up the clock, The clock struck one, The mouse ran down, Hickory dickory dock.(2)……Two ……the mouse said:boo!(3)……Three ……the mouse said:whee!(4)……Four ……the mouse said:no more!重点词语:mouse, run up, clock, run down FingerPlays.17-Where is thumkin(幼儿英语)Where Is Thumbkin?(1)Where Is Thumbkin? Where Is Thumbkin? Here is am, here is am, How are you today,sir? Very well I thank you.Run away.Run away.(2)……pointer……(3)……tall man……(4)……ring man……(5)……pinky……
重点词语:where is Thumbkin? Here I am.How are you? Very well.Thank you.FingerPlays.18-You are my sunshine(幼儿英语)You’re My Sunshine You’re my sunshine, my only sunshine, You make me happy, when skies are gray, You never know dear, How much I love you, So please don’t take my sunshine away.重点词语:sunshine, happy, I love you FingerPlays.19-Skidamarink(幼儿英语)Skidamarink Skidamarink a dinga ding, Skidamarink a doo, I love you.Skidamarink a dinga ding, Skidamarink a doo, I love you.I love you in the morning, And in the afternoon, I love you in the evening, And underneath the moon, Oh, Skidamarink a dinga ding, Skidamarink a doo, I love you.重点词语:I love you, morning, afternoon, evening, moon FingerPlays.20-Clap your hands(幼儿英语)Clap Your Hands(1)Clap, clap, clap your hands as slowly as you can.Clap, clap clap your hands as quickly as you can.(2)Shake……(3)Roll……(4)Rub……
(5)Wiggle your fingers ……(6)Pound your fists……
重点词语:clap your hands, shake your hands, roll your hands, rub your hands, wiggle your fingers, pound my fists FingerPlays.20-Clap your hands(幼儿英语)Clap Your Hands(1)Clap, clap, clap your hands as slowly as you can.Clap, clap clap your hands as quickly as you can.(2)Shake……(3)Roll……(4)Rub……
(5)Wiggle your fingers ……(6)Pound your fists……
重点词语:clap your hands, shake your hands, roll your hands, rub your hands, wiggle your fingers, pound my fists FingerPlays.20-Clap your hands(幼儿英语)Clap Your Hands(1)Clap, clap, clap your hands as slowly as you can.Clap, clap clap your hands as quickly as you can.(2)Shake……(3)Roll……(4)Rub……
(5)Wiggle your fingers ……(6)Pound your fists……
重点词语:clap your hands, shake your hands, roll your hands, rub your hands, wiggle your fingers, pound my fists FingerPlays.21-Gobble Gobble(幼儿英语)Gobble Gobble Gobble, gobble, gobble, Quack, quack, quack, A turkey says gobble, A duck says quack.重点词语: turkey, duck FingerPlays.22-Old macdonald(幼儿英语)Old Macdonald(1)Old macdonald had a farm,EIEIO, And on his farm he had a duck, EIEIO With a quack quack here, And a quack quack there, Here quack, there quack,(2)……Pig …… oink(3)……Cow …… moo(4)……Turkey …… gobble
重点词语:farm, duck, pig, cow, turkey FingerPlays.23-Walking walking(幼儿英语)Walking Walking Walking walking, Walking walking, Jump jump jump, Jump jump jump, Running running running , Running running running , Now let’s stop.Now let’s stop.重点词语:walking, jump, running ,stop FingerPlays.24-Ring around the rosy(幼儿英语)儿歌
Ring around the Rosy(1)Ring auound the rosy, A pocketful of posies, Ashes, ashes, we all fall down.(2)Run……(3)Walk……(4)Hop……(5)Jump……(6)Tiptoe……
重点词语:fall down, run, walk, hop, jump, tiptoe FingerPlays.25-Teddy bear(幼儿英语)Teddy Bear Teddy bear, teddy bear, Turn around.Teddy bear, teddy bear, Touch the ground, Teddy bear , teddy bear,] Show your shoe, Teddy bear, teddy bear, That will do.重点词语:bear, turn around, touch the ground, show your shoe FingerPlays.26-If you are happy(幼儿英语)If You’re Happy
(1)If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands,(repeat)If you’re happy and you know it, Then your face will surely show it, If you’re happy and you know it.Clap your hands.(2)……stomp your feet……(3)……shout hurray……(4)……do all three……
重点词语:happy, clap your hands, stomp your feet, shout hurray FingerPlays.27-Looby loo(幼儿英语)Looby Loo Chorus: Here we go looby loo, Here we go looby light, Here we go looby loo, All on a Sayturday night,(1)You put your right hand in, You put your right hand out, You give your right hand a shake shake shake, And turn yourself about.(2)……left hand……(3)……right foot……(4)……left foot……(5)……whole self……
重点词语:right, left, hand, foot, whole, self FingerPlays.28-Hokey pokey(幼儿英语)Hokey Pokey(1)You put your right hand in, You put your right hand out, You put your right hand in, And you shake it all about, You do the hokey pokey, And you turn yourself around, That’s what its all about.(2)……left hand……(3)……right foot……(4)……left foot……(5)……right shoulder……(6)……left shoulder……(7)……right hip……(8)……left hip……(9)……head……(10)……whole self……
重点词语:hand, foot, shoulder, hip, head FingerPlays.29-Head and shoulders(幼儿英语)Head and Shoulders Head and shoulders, knees and toes, Knees and toes, knees and toes.Head and shoulders, knees and toes.Eyes and ears , mouth and nose.重点词语:head, shoulder, knee, toe, eye, ear, mouth, nose FingerPlays.30-A-tu-li-ta(幼儿英语)A-Tu-Li-Ta A-tu-li-ta,a-tu-li-ta,a-tu-li-ta,ta A-tu-li-ta,a-tu-ti-ta, a-tu-li-ta,ta(1)Thumbs up, Thumbs up, Thumbs up, Thumbs up,(2)Elbows back ……(3)Knees together……(4)Turn around……
重点词语:thumbs up, elbows back, knees together, turn around FingerPlays.31-Mulberry bush(幼儿英语)Mulberry Bush Here we go round the mulberry bush, The mulberry bush, the mulberry bush, Here we go round the mulberry bush, So early in the morning,(1)This is the way I wash my face, Wash my face, wash my face, This is the way I wash my face, So early in the morning.(2)……I brush my teeth……(3)……I comb my hair……(4)……I put on my clothes……
重点词语:wash my face, comb my hair, brush my teeth, put on my clothes.FingerPlays.32-There is Thunders(幼儿英语)There Is Thunder There Is Thunder ,There Is Thunder Hear it roar.Hear it roar, Pitter patter, raindrops, Pitter patter, raindrops, I’m all wet, I’m all wet.重点词语:thunder, raindrops, wet FingerPlays.33-Twinkle Twinkle little star(幼儿英语)Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star How I wonder what you are, Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky, Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star How I wonder what you are, 重点词语:star, wonder, high, diamond, sky FingerPlays.34-I am a little teapot(幼儿英语)I’m a Little Teapot
I’m a little teapot, short and stout, Here is my handle.Here is my spout.When I get all steamed up, then I shout.“Tip me over and pour me out.” 重点词语:teapot, handle, spout, shout FingerPlays.35-One two buckle my shoes(幼儿英语)One, Two, Buckle My Shoes One, two, buckle my shoes, Three ,four, open the door, Five, six, pick up the sticks, Seven, eight, lay them straight, Nine, ten, do it again.重点词语:buckle my shoes, open the door, pick up sticks, lay them straight FingerPlays.36-The wheels on the bus(幼儿英语)The Wheels on the Bus(1)The wheels on the bus go, Round and round, Round and round, round and round, The wheels on the bus go, Round and round, All through the town.(2)The driver…… turn turn turn……(3)The door ……open and shut……(4)The people ……up and down……(5)The baby…… wee wee wee……(6)The mother ……shh shh shh……(7)The wheels…… round and round……
重点词语:bus, wheel, driver, door, open and shut, people, up and down, baby, mother 幼儿园英语手指游戏《one little finger》
one little finger, one litter finger(依次伸出左右两个食指)one little finger, tap tap tap(同时伸出两个食指,对敲三下)point to the ceiling, point to the floor(指天花板,指地板)put it on your head.(放在脑袋上)
FingerPlays.01-little bee Little bee,little bee,round,round,round. Little bee,little bee,sound,sound,sound. FingerPlays.02-peek a boo Peek-a-boo Peek ,peek,Peek-a-booPeek , peek,I see you.FingerPlays.03-open shut Open, ShutOpen, shut, open, shut.Give a little clap.Creep, creep, creep, creep.Give a little flap.FingerPlays.04-Here is the beehive Here Is the beehive,Here is the beehive ,Where are the bees?Hidden away where nobody sees.Watch and you’ll see them,Come out of the hive ,One, two ,three ,four, five,Bzzzzzzzzz FingerPlays.05-Ten little fingers Ten little Fingers,One little, two little, three little fingers.Four little, five little, six little fingers.Seven little, eight little, nine little fingers.Ten fingers on my hands.FingerPlays.06-dance you fingers Dance Your FingersDance your fingers up,Dance your fingers down, Dance your fingers to the side,Dance them all around.Dance them on my shoulders,Dance them on my head,Dance them on my tummy, And put them all to bed.FingerPlays.07-two little black birds Two Little Black Birds,Sitting on a hill,One named JackAnd one named Jill,Fly away JackFly away Jill,Come back Jack,Come back Jill FingerPlays.08-Jack and Jill Jack and Jill,Jack and Jill went up the hill,To fetch a pail of water,Jack fell down and broke his crown,And Jill came tumbling after.FingerPlays.09-The chimney The Chimney Here is the chimney,Here is the top.Open the lid,Out Santa will pop.FingerPlays.10-Eentsy Weentsy Spider Eentsy Weentsy Spider,The eentsy weentsy spider,Went up the water spout,Down came the rain and washed the spider out;Out came the sun and Dried up all the rain;And the eentsy weentsy spider went up the spout again.FingerPlays.11-Five little birds Five Little Birds,Five little birds without any home,Five little trees in a row,Come and build your nests in the trees,We will rock you to and fro.FingerPlays.12-Five Rabbits Five Rabbits,Five rabbits were hiding,In the woods one day,1-2-3-4-5 jumped out,and then they ran away.FingerPlays.13-Five little sausages Five Little Sausages(1)Five little sausages frying in the pan,The pan got hot and one went BAM!(2)Four……(3)Three……(4)Two……One little sausage frying in the pan,The pan got hot and one went“wait, wait!Put me on your plate and eat me!” FingerPlays.12-Five Rabbits Five Rabbits,Five rabbits were hiding,In the woods one day,1-2-3-4-5 jumped out,and then they ran away.FingerPlays.14-This little pig(幼儿英语)This Little Pig,This little pig went to market,This little pig stayed home, This little pig had roast beef,This little pig had none,And this little pig cried “wee-wee-wee”,All the way home.FingerPlays.15-Three little monkeysThree Little Monkeys 1.Three little monkeys jumping on the bed, One fell off, and bumped his head , Mommy called the doctor and the doctor said,”No more little monkeys jumping on the bed.”
3.One ……He……his……
FingerPlays.16-Hickory dicory dock(幼儿英语)(1)Hickory dickouy dock, The mouse ran up the clock,The clock struck one,The mouse ran down, Hickory dickory dock.(2)……Two ……the mouse said:boo!(3)……Three ……the mouse said:whee!(4)……Four ……the mouse said:no more!FingerPlays.17-Where is thumkin(幼儿英语)(1)Where Is Thumbkin? Where Is Thumbkin?Here is am, here is am,How are you today,sir? Very well I thank you.Run away.Run away.(2)……pointer……(3)……tall man……(4)……ring man……(5)……pinky……
FingerPlays.18-You are my sunshine(幼儿英语)You’re My Sunshine
You’re my sunshine, my only sunshine, You make me happy, when skies are gray, You never know dear, How much I love you, So please don’t take my sunshine away.FingerPlays.19-Skidamarink Skidamarink a dinga ding, Skidamarink a doo, I love you.Skidamarink a dinga ding, Skidamarink a doo, I love you.I love you in the morning, And in the afternoon, I love you in the evening, And underneath the moon, Oh, Skidamarink a dinga ding, Skidamarink a doo, I love you.FingerPlays.20-Clap your hands(1)Clap, clap, clap your hands as slowly as you can.Clap, clap clap your hands as quickly as you can.(2)Shake……(3)Roll……(4)Rub……
(5)Wiggle your fingers ……(6)Pound your fists……
FingerPlays.20-Clap your hands(幼儿英语)Clap Your Hands(1)Clap, clap, clap your hands as slowly as you can.Clap, clap clap your hands as quickly as you can.(2)Shake……(3)Roll……(4)Rub……(5)Wiggle your fingers ……(6)Pound your fists…… FingerPlays.20-Clap your hands(1)Clap, clap, clap your hands as slowly as you can.Clap, clap clap your hands as quickly as you can.(2)Shake……(3)Roll……(4)Rub……(5)Wiggle your fingers ……(6)Pound your fists……
学生出现的问题就是聆听第二乐句第一个小节时,总是听不准,总把节奏打成X X X X,而歌曲的节奏是X X X-,从中我发现有的孩子上课时观察的不细心。这样听音乐伴奏时就一定要出错,于是教师指导学生聆听这些细节的方面。另外在感知音乐形象时,我们运用了对比的方法,学生马上就联想到用快速唱不象春天的脚步走来,向是春天或夏天的脚步,这样对比之后,学生对歌曲形象的理解就更加深入。