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涞水县永阳中学 董桂春 Unit7 What does he look like?

The First Period Teaching Aims and Demands: 1.Knowledge and Ability Objects:(1)KeyVocabulary:

short,hair,curly,straight,height,thin,heavy,build(2)Target Language: What does your friend look like? She is medium build and she has long hair.(3)Train students’ listening and speaking skills.2.Method Objects in Teaching:(1)Scene teaching method.(2)Listening and oral practice methods.(3)Pairwork.3.Moral Object: We mustn’t judge people by appearance.Teaching Key Points: 1.Words to describe people in 1a.2.The target language.Teaching Difficulties: 1.Train students’ listening and speaking skills.2.Learn to describe people’ s appearance.Teaching Aids: 1.Pictures.2, A tape recorder.Teaching Procedures: StepⅠ.Greetings and Revision: Greet the whole class as usual.Briefly riview some key words and language points learned in previous units.T: From today on, we’ll begin to learn to describe people’s appearance.The title of this unit is “What does he look like?” Teacher writes the title of Unit7 on the blackbord.StepⅡ.1a: Using pictures with short hair, long hair, straight hair, curly hair, tall,short, medium height,medium build,thin, and heavy,teach the students to describe each person using the words learned just now.Point out the numbered list of words.Ask a student to read them out.Write the words on the blackbord.Then ask students to march the pictures with words from the list.T:Please write the lettler of each person next to the words it goes with the sample answer.Check the answers.1.a 2.f 3.a 4.c/a 5.d 6.h 7.e 8.b 9.a/g 10.e StepⅢ.1b: Call students’ attention to the conversation in the speech bubble in the picture.Read it to the class, saying BLANK each time coming to an empty write-on line.T: I’ll paly a recording of a conversation between Amy and her friend.You’re to listen and fill in the blanks in the conversation.Then find the person they are talking about in the picture.Play the recording the first time.Students only listen.Play the record a second time.This time syudents listen and fill in the blanks.Use Pause button if necessary.T: Could you tell me who they are talking about? Check the answers.Answers: 1.tall 2.curly 3.hair.They are talking about person d.Tapescript: Girl: Is that your friend? Amy: No, it isn’t.Girl: What does he look like? Amy: Well,he’s really tall.And he has curly hair.StepⅣ.1c: Point out the sample conversation.Ask two students to say it to the class.Teacher writes the sample conversation on the blackboard.T: Who is the conversation talking about? Ss: Person a.T: Each of you chooses a person in the picture as your friend.Describe him or her to your partner.Then your partner will find him or her.Demonstrate a new conversation with another student.T:What does your friend look like? S: She is thin.And she has curly hair.Then ask students to practice similar conversations in pairs.As students work, offering language and pronunciation support as needed.After students have had a chance to practice the conversations, ask different students to describe their friends and the rest to find them.StepⅤ.Summary: T: In this class we’ve mainly learned some words and the target language used to describe people`’s appearance.StepⅥ.Homework: T: Read and memorize the words in 1a and the target language in 1c.Collect pictures of persons cut from newspapers or magazines.Either famous or ordinary people are OK.StepⅦ.Blackboard Design: Unit 7.What does he look like? 1.Key words: long hair

short short hair



medium build

straight hair



medium height 2.Target language: A: What does your friend look like? B: She is medium build,and she has long hair.


Unit 3 Getting together.Topic 3 What would you like to drink? Section A 教学设计




任务型教学就是以具体的任务为学习的动力或动机,以完成任务的过程为学习的过程,以展示任务成果的方式来体现教学的成就。本课主要探究新教材《Project English(仁爱版)》任务型英语教学,树立全新的课堂教学设计理念,探究在 “大班化”英语课堂中实施英语任务型课堂教学的途径,使学生不但在课堂上大胆开口,而且课后通过调查实践也可以运用英语。



1、掌握并运用下列句型,学会英语国家用餐的用语。Help yourself/yourselves.Thank you.What would you like(to)…?

I’d like(to)...Would you like...?

Yes, please./ No, thanks.What about you?

I’d like...Milk for me.2、掌握可数名词与不可数名词:hamburger, French fries, a cup, etc.chicken, fish, meat, rice, tea, milk, bread, coffee, etc.二)能力目标:



(三)情感态度目标: 通过有趣和贴近学生生活实际的任务,互通信息,交换意见,培养听说能力。通过小组活动的设计,让更多的学生有机会参与课堂活动,培养合作意识。







六、教学环节实录 Step 1.Warm up.Sing an English song.“ The more we get together.” Let's chant “ Here is father.” Step 2.Lead-in.What good boys/ girls!How clever you are!Are you happy, boys and girls? Why? I' m very, very happy today.Look!I've brought a lot of food here.Can you guess what they are ? ……

Step 3.Class activities--------Guessing game.The teacher hides the foods and the pictures behind the recorder.Let the Ss guess what food they are.(hamburger, tea, milk, French fries, a cup, chicken, fish, meat, rice, bread, coffee, coke, etc.)Ask the Ss what they have brought.Ask them to show them and let them say the words out.Step 4 Ask and answer.(Deal with the points.)Help yourself/yourselves.Thank you.What would you like(to)…?

I’d like(to)...Would you like...?

Yes, please./ No, thanks.What about you?

I’d like...Milk for me.目的:在这个活动中,教师由单纯的讲授者转向参与者和帮助者,给学生的任务是较开放的。学生可以根据教师的教具和学生自己的学具,锻炼口头交流能力。Step 5.Teach the dialogue.1.The teacher hands out the big picture of the dialogue.Ask: What would they like to have(eat/drink)?

2.Play the tape and let the Ss listen and follow.[Task 3] Pair work.Get the Ss to work in pairs and fill in the form according to the dialogue.What would they like to eat? What would they like to drink? Michael Jane Maria Report.Ask some pairs to report their work using “What would Michael / Jane/ Maria like to eat/drink?”

目的:通过对对讨论,获取新知识,培养学生处理信息和分析能力,以及提高口语能力,在合作中实现了学习和进步。Step 6 Learn the new words of food.[Task 1]Play the tape of part 2, let Ss listen and finish the task.[Task 2] Make Ss divide the words into countable and uncountable nouns.Check the answers.Countable nouns: bananas, hamburgers, eggs, vegetables Uncountable nouns: milk, bread, rice, water, juice, fish, chicken 目的:让学生自行完成课文内容,更有利于加深学生对单词单复数分类的印象。教师对易错单词进行强调,进一步巩固学生对名词单复数的理解即可。






Do you like bananas? Section B教学设计

一、教学目标 知识目标:

1)单词:have,has,eat,eats,like,likes,oh,for,carrot,runner,lots of,dessert,egg,apple,chichen,fruit,vegetable,breakfast,lunch,dinner,eat,run,star,healthy,food,list.2)句型:What do you have for breakfast/lunch/dinner? For breakfast,I have…

What does he/she have for breakfast/lunch/dinner? For breakfast,he/she has….2.能力目标:学完本课,学生能够用英语描述一日三餐的食谱。3.情感目标:懂得一日三餐应合理搭配饮食,才会健康,快乐。



四、教学设计: Step1.Memory challenge Show some words about the food in groups of two,four or six on the screen quickly,let the students say out the words as many as they can to revise the words.完成Section B,2a,2b,2c.Step2.导入新课:在大屏幕上出现三个盘子,分别代表一日三餐,并将刚复习的食物放入盘中,引导学生表述三餐的食谱。


T:How many meals do we have every day? Ss:Three.T:Yes,and what are they? T:Right.So I have three plates for you.The first one is for breakfast,the second one is for lunch and the third one is for dinner.Now I put the food into each plate.According to it.What do you have for breakfast? S:For breakfast,I have hamburgers,tomatoes and salad.T:Yes,great!Then what about lunch?What do you have for lunch? S:For lunch,I have eggs,broccoli and carrots.T:Right!How about dinner?What do you have for dinner? S:For dinner,I have chicken,salad and ice cream.T:OK.Well done!Step3.布置任务:要求同桌学生合作编对话,主题为询问别人一日三餐喜欢吃的食物。学生上台展示时,可使用电脑将自己选择的食物直观地放入每餐的盘中。


T:Do you like the food I chose for you? Ss:Yes/No.T:It’s your turn now!choose food for yourself and make a dialogue with your partners.Ask your partners what they have for three meals.Two minutes,and I will ask some pairs to come here to act it out and you can put the food into the plate by yourself.Two minutes,start!(Two minutes later)T:Time is up.Who’d like to be the first one? Ss:Me/Let me have a try.T:OK,you two first.Let’s welcome!A:Good morning.B:Goodmorning.A:What do you like for breakfast? B:I like hamburgers and bananas.A:What do you eat for lunch? B:For lunch,I eat chicken,broccoli and ice cream.What do you have for dinner? A:For dinner,I have rice,fish,vegetable soup and cucumbers.B:I think your dinner is very delicious.A:Thank you.Let’s go to KFC.B:Really/OK.Let’s go!A:Not bad!与学生讨论哪些是健康食品,哪些是不健康食品。

T:You have eaten healthy food.Let’s look at Sandra.What kind of food does she eat?Now let me tell you.Listen carefully and answer my questions.Step 4.完成34页Section B的听力练习activity 2a,2b以及Pairwork 2c.Step 5.巩固描述一日三餐食谱的方法:同步阅读“Runner eats well!”然后完成SectionB activity 3b.Step 6.完成Section B Activity 3c:Write about what you like for breakfast,lunch and dinner.Step 7 Groupwork:You are going for a picnic with a group of friends.1.Make a list of food to buy.2.Read your list of food to the class.Homework 1.Eating healthily is very important.It can make you healthy and happy.Please write about what you like for breakfast,lunch and dinner.


Unit 9 My favorite subject is science

课题:Unit 9 My favorite subject is science





教学方法:小组合作学习,自学探究 时间安排:40分钟 教学重难点:

重点: 学会学科名词:P.E.science , art , Chinese , math , history etc.学会一周七天的表达以及形容词。难点:1.学习制作一个时间安排表


教学背景分析:Unit 9 以 School subject 为话题,选材于学生的日常生活,符合学生实际。学生生活有了紧凑的安排,他们也有了自己喜欢的科目和学习计划。通过讨论学习,提高学习兴趣,进行合理的学习安排。

Section B讨论课程的安排,星期几,几点上什么课等。学生学会星期的表达并结合学科的表达,进一步提高口语交际能力,并过渡到阅读理解和书面表达,培养其阅读和写作的能力。

教学过程: Step 1: Review

1.利用图片复习回顾本单元所学的学科名词 2.Free-talk

A: What’s your favorite subject ?

B;My favorite subject is …

A: Why do you like …?

B: Because it’s …

A: When is your _______ class ?

B: It’s on ______.活动形式:小组活动。第一组展示后,第二组同学用第三人称来转述这一对话。3.Lead –in


设计意图:通过上一活动的练习,让学生实事求是地说出自己对某一学科的看法,这样既为回答2中的问题Are Yu Mei’s ideas the same as yours ? 做了铺垫,同时也是教师了解学生﹑引导学生看待不同学科的一个契机。Step 2 : Reading 1.Skimming(快速浏览)


T: Please read the letter quickly and find the main idea.Suggest answer : The passage is about a girl’s school life.教学建议:

(1).如果学生用自己的语言说出答案有难度的话,教师可以在黑板上写出下面的句子The passage is about__________。让学生用关键词填空完成句子,掌握文章的主要内容。


Questions : Who writes the letter ?

Who gets the letter ?

Which day is she writing about ?

Is she writing about her school life or life at home ? 2.让学生读第二遍文章,并思考信中提到了学校生活的哪些具体内容。教师可以提问:

What subject does Yu Mei like ? Why ? What subjects doesn’t Yu Mei like ? Why ?

让学生带着问题再次阅读,并完成2b 部分的任务。


3.教师安排让学生思考Yu Mei 除了谈到喜欢的学科,还谈到哪些学校生活,这些活动是怎么安排的。让学生读第三遍文章,并完成2c任务。









(3)制作两个表格,即:our ideal school life 和 our present school life。

(4)让学生四人一组给全班同学做汇报。S1 简述讨论情况,S2 陈述our present school life表格中的相关信息,S3陈述our ideal school life 表格中的相关信息,S4做出总结。(5)教师点评


Step3 : 当堂检测



I’m ____ ______ _______ Friday.2.十点钟我上历史课。

_______ ______, I _____ _________.3.午餐是从12点到一点。

Lunch is _____ 12 to _______.4.我们语文老师----Mrs Wang 很风趣。

_______ _______ teacher , Mrs Wang is _______ _______.5.我们的课程在一点五十结束。

_______ ______ _______ _______ 1;50.Step 4: Summary

本课采用Imitating and repeating,Practicing,Comparing和Role playing的学习策略利用教学图片、幻灯片或制作多媒体课件来展开课堂Pairwork问答式的口语交际活动和阅读、写作训练,复习、巩固和运用“谈论各自所喜欢的学科或其它的事情并说出理由”的目标语言并运用该知识合理地安排自己的作息时间,并培养学生良好的学习、生活习惯。

Step 4: Homework

以My favorite subject为题写一篇短文。短文必须包含以下内容: 1.What’s your favorite subject? 2.Why do you like it?

3.When do you have your favorite subject?

另外可以增加一个个性练习设计:给自己做一个英文的课程表.每所学校、每个班级、每个学生都有课程表,但学生的课程表基本上是用汉语写的。在学习了表示学科的名词之后,教师可组织学生给自己和班上制作一个英文课程表,一来是丰富学习生活,美化教室环境,二来也可巩固所学的词汇。Step 5 : 课后反思







Unit 4 Don’t eat in class

Section A 1a-1c

一、Teaching goals :(教学目标)





rule,arrive,be time,hallway,hall,dining,listen,listen to,fight,sorry.2.Master the target language: Don’t eat/talk/laugh in class.Don’t arrive late for class.We can’t fight.3.Train students’ listening and speaking skills.二、Important and difficult points:(重难点)

否定祈使句的正确使用:Don’t …

三、Teaching contents :(教学内容)

Step 1.Lead-in.导入

(A boy is eating)We can say :

We can’t eat in class.Don’t eat in class.板书标题:Unit 4 Don’t eat in class.2.Show learning goals.展示学习目标


Read the new words on page 19.4.Study in groups 合作学习

1)Do you know the meanings of the signs ?


2)Do you know the places that have rules ? And what rules do you know ?

Teacher teaches students to say : We have to keep rules.We can’t break rules

5.Disccus in groups.合作探究

What can we do at school ? What can’t we do at school ?

Ask students : Can we be late for class ? Students answer : No, we can’t.So we can say : Don’t be late for class.板书:be late for class , run in the hallways , …

6.Part 1a.(Show)展示

Ask students to read and write the sentences:

Don’t eat in class.Don’t fight.…

7.Part 1b.Listening practice.8.Part 1c.(Show)展示

Ask student B to say to student A : Don’t arrive late for class.We must be on time for class.We can’t fight.…

9.Language points.(Do some exercises)


10.Summary : 总结

Who can tell us what we learn today ?




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