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Unit 1 TECTONICS(4课时)(1:The structure of the earth 2:plate tectonic


一、Word and phrase core;mantle;crust 地核;地幔;地壳 continental crust



花岗岩;玄武岩 sial;sima硅铝层;硅镁层

surface waves;body..面波;体波 epicentre;focus



岩石圈 tectonic plate

构造板块 continetal drift



软流层 ocean ridge 洋脊 ocean trench 海沟

subduction 俯冲作用



fold mountain



褶皱;断层 sedimentary rocks 沉积岩




熔岩 volcanic cones 火山锥

parasitic cone




volcanic ash



1..Within the crust, intricate patterns are created when rocks are redistributed and deposited in layers through the geologic processes of eruption and intrusion of lava, erosion, and consolidation of rock particles, and solidification and recrystallization of porous rock.2.The lithosphere is a relatively inflexible and buoyant layer.It is the layer which floats on the material underneath and as it moves carries the continents that produce continental drift.3.There are three types of plate boundaries:

Divergent(diverge, divergence)boundaries--where new crust is generated as the plates pull away from each other.Convergent(converge, convergent)boundaries--where crust is destroyed as one plate dives under another.Transform boundaries--where crust is neither produced nor destroyed as the plates slide horizontally past each other.4.Earthquakes occur when normal movement of the crust are concentrated into a single shock of a series of sudden shocks.三、词汇解释 ocean ridges continental rift rift valley convergent trench arc and back-arc-basin system transcurrent fault abyssal intrusion fold mountains sendimentary rock Unit 2 WEATHERING(4课时)

(1:Weathering 2:Controls on weathering)

一、Word and phrase mechanical weathering

机械风化 chemical weathering

化学风化 freeze-thaw


pressure release

卸荷释重 limestone



水解作用 quartz


hydration 水合作用 oxidation 氧化作用 alluvium

冲击层 gravel



剥蚀作用 precipitation

降水 climatic zone

气候带 mid-latitude




tropical wet-dry

热带干湿季气候 watershed

分水岭 drainage basin





1.The disintegration(breaking into parts)of rock that takes place at or near the surface of the earth is called weathering.2.PHYSICAL WEATHERING It occurs when a force is applied to rock, causing it to disintegrate into its basic components(what it makes of).temperature changing--it expands and contracts rock particles to breaks rock apart.frost action--it condenses water vapor in cooling air to form water that seeps into cracks in rock.organic(have life)activity--plants or other organisms grow and burrow(go into)into cracks in rock, so the rock crumble over time.3.CHEMICAL WEATHERING The process that breaks down rock through chemical changes.The agents of chemical weathering Water Oxygen Carbon dioxide Living organisms Acid rain 4.WeatheringThe movement of weathered material from the site of weathering.Primary agent is gravity, but gravity acts in concert with running water.5.control on weathering-climate

-precipitation-variations in the depth of wreathing for climatic zones from the pole to the tropocs

-geology(chemical composition;the natural of cements in sedimentary rock;joint and bedding plants)

三、词语翻译 weathering crust weathering joint mineral deposit by weathering weathering of rock mass decomposition product decomposition reaction disintegration coefficient To move back and forth alternately.a mineral substance waste substance

A simple substance, mixture mechanical weathering landscape marble landscape ecosystem moisture equivalent

measurement of soil moisture constant.fluctuation of temperature

Unit 3 SLOPES(2课时)


2:Slope controls 3:Theories of slope evolution movements)

一、words and phrase soil creep

土壤蠕动 mass movement

块体运动 strata


overland runoff

地表径流 sheet wash







1.slope(definition)2.factor of controlling slope development-climate-geology-vegetation-soil cover-human activity 3.theories of slope evolution-slope decline:w.m.davies


-slope replacement:waltherpenck

-slope retreat:l.c.king

4.mass movement-small movement(soil creep)-fast movement(avalanches)

三、翻译句子 Mass movements are part of a continuum of erosional processes between weathering and stream transport.Mass movement causes regolith and rock to move down-slope where sooner or later the loose particles will be picked up by another transporting agent and eventually moved to a site of deposition such as an ocean basin or lake bed.Unit 4 HYDTOLOGY(2课时)The river basin hydrological cycle 2:Drainage basin hydrology 3:Seasonal variations in river flow: the regime

一、words and phrase interception


evapotranspiration 蒸发和蒸腾总量 capillary rise

毛管上升 aeration zone


overland flow;interflow;base flow

地表径流;壤中流;地下径流 water table


basin length;area 流域长度;流域面积 tributary 支流; trunk stream 干流

drainage density



1.The basin hydrological cycle –input(precipitation)and outputs(evapotranspiration and runoff)-interception by vegetation-soil moisture and infiltration

2.The definition of the drainage basin is the area which drains into a particular river or river system.(precipitation via interception, soil moisture and groundwater storage, evapotranspiration)3.Basin plan

4.Stream ordering

6.Drainage density


Main components P

precipitation E

evaporation T

transpiration I

infiltration R

runoff G

ground water flow Ic

interception Unit 5 The long profile and Rivers as sediment systems(2课时)

一、words and phrase upper;middle;lower reach 上中下游 vertical erosion

下切侵蚀 headward erosion

溯源侵蚀 lateral erosion

侧蚀 pot-hole

壶穴 meander

曲流 ox-bow lake

牛轭湖 delta

三角洲 lake basin

湖盆 levee


rill and gully erosion 细沟、冲沟侵蚀 clay;silt;sand;粘土;粉砂;砂

suspended sediment

悬浮沉积物 atmospherical fallout

大气沉降 laminar flow

层流 turbulent flow

紊流 riffle;pool 浅滩;深槽

channel roughness



1.As rivers evolve through time and over distance the stream passes through a series of distinct stages: youth(lakes, waterfalls, and rapids, initial uplift)middle youth(headward erosion, deepening of channel)early maturity(a smoothly profile, floodplain)approaching full maturity(meanders, river in equilibrium)full maturity(broad floodplain and freely menders)

2.critical erosion velocity

3.type of flow-laminar flow and turbulent flow


Cross-sectional shape varies with position in the stream, and discharge.Thedeepest part of channel occurs where the stream velocity is the highest.Both width and depth increase downstream because discharge increases downstream.As discharge increases the cross sectional shape will change, with the stream becoming deeper and wider.Unit 6 Meanders and Deltas and estuaries(2课时)


沙坝 thalweg中泓线 estuary 河口


泻湖 salinity

盐度 coastline

海岸线 dune



悬移;跃移;蠕移 dust storm

尘暴 windward;leeward

迎风;背风 prevailing wind

盛行风 deflation hollow


二、重点内容 1.helicoidal flow

2.the wavelength of meanders is dependent on three majors of factors: channel width, discharge, and the nature of the bed and banks.3.factors of affect the formation of deltas: amount and calibre of load, salinity, gradient of coastline , vegetation, low energy river discharge.4.three forms of deltas: arcuate, cuspate, bird’s foot.5.estuaries occur where a coastal area has recently subsided or the ocean level has risen, causing the lower part of the river to be drowned.三、理解下列句子

TerracesGlaciers erode in several ways.:Abrasion and plucking.sediment transportation Glacial Deposition 4.Landforms produced by mountain: Cirques, Glacial Valleys, Arêtes, Horns.三、理解下列图片内容。


课程名称:计算机专业英语 授课教师:常文慧 教学课时:2学时


授课内容:Basic Computer Hardware Components



2、熟悉输入设备(input devices)、输出设备(output devices)的组成



二、教学目的专业英语是计算机科学与技术专业的一门必修课,通过让学生阅读、讨论计 算机科学与技术等专业有关的英语词汇和文章翻译,培养学生的阅读、翻译及写作专业文献的能力,扩大学生的专业知识面和提高外语能力。





(5 minutes)提问问题“What are the main parts of the computer?”。

通过此问题让学生说出知道的计算机英语词汇或命令,引导学生进入课文“Basic Computer Hardware Components”,在学习英语的同时给学生插入熟悉的计算机知识,提高学生学习的兴趣。


(25 minutes)









n.附件 adj.附属的


adj.精巧的,精密的 exotic



operation n.运行,实施 重点短语:

Build into 使„„成为组成部分

show up 露出,露面

Find out


come up with 提出,拿出

Refer to 提到,谈到,打听

floppy disk 软盘

Home computer 家用计算机

away from 远离 简写词汇

CPU(Central Processing Unit)中央处理器

CD(Compact Disc)光盘 在词汇及短语的讲解中,需结合例句对重点词汇进行讲解。

The keyboard is the part with the letters and numbers, where you put your hands and type.键盘是印有字母和数字的部件,你可以把手指放在这些字母和数字上来输入它们。

The keyboard may be attached to or built into one of the computer.键盘可能会连接或内置于计算机上。

Calling the mouse an accessory is just one of those gooly things technical people do, and it’s best not to disturb their delicate sensibilities.将鼠标叫做附件是技术人员做的傻事,最好不要碰触他们敏感的神经。



(1)由于在“Basic Computer Hardware Computer”中,共涉及到了七个大的段落,分别为计算机的不同组成部分,主要分为“Keyboard”“,Monitor”,“Computer or CPU Box”,“Mouse”,“External Drives”,“External Modem”及“Printer”几个部分,故可针对每个部分的内容找出一名学生进行阅读,针对不正确的发音进行纠正。

(2)对每个段落中涉及到的重点及难点词汇进行讲解说明,通过举例使学生加深对重难点词汇的理解,包括“cellular phone”,“be attached to”,“part”,“know about”,“human being”,“be supposed to”,“take up”,“depend on”,“persist in”等重点词汇,通过对单词短语的意思进行解释为进一步的文献翻译奠定基础。(3)对七个不同的段落分别请七个学生进行翻译,并针对翻译中出现的具体问题进行纠正讲解,在讲解翻译的过程中穿插专业文献翻译及写作的注意事项,为学生在将来专业文献的阅读及写作奠定基础。




5、课后作业 课后题:1,2


计算机科学与技术专业词汇及外围设备相关术语 计算机各外围设备的作用


强调口语的教学,通过分组讨论激发学生对专业英语学习的积极性 结合多媒体动画、录像、课件及板书进行讲解 通过课堂提问强调学生的课堂参与性



4、[英]霍恩比著,王玉章等译.牛津高阶英汉双解词典.牛津大学出版社,2009.5、周生炳.计算机英语教程.北京:清华大学出版社,2005.课程名称:计算机专业英语 授课教师:常文慧 教学课时:2学时


授课内容:Word:Working With Text and Style











(5 minutes)

对在“Basic Computer Hardware Components”学习中涉及到得重点词汇及翻译难点进行复习,从而能够对学生的课下学习情况进行掌握。


(5 minutes)提问问题“How to set the text and style with word?”。

通过此问题让学生说出知道的word操作方法,引导学生进入课文“Word:Working With Text and Style”,在学习英语的同时给学生插入熟悉的word操作知识,并通过与学生的互动来提高学生学习的兴趣。


(25 minutes)在此环节,同样根据“温故而知新”的原则,复习熟悉词汇的同时带领学生学习陌生单词,同时针对重点和难点读单词,采用第一次给学生写出音标,领着读的手段。





n.箭头记号,箭 keystroke n.键击,按键





demonstrate v.示范,展示,演示

stationary adj.固定的,不动的remain

vi.保持,保留 重点短语: Hold down


drag and drop 拖拽 Drop-down menu 下拉菜单

format painter 格式刷 Dialog box 对话框

paragraph symbol 段落符 在词汇及短语的讲解中,需结合例句对重点词汇进行讲解。

I couldn't let the team take that shortcut.我不能允许我们的团队走此捷径 Neither attribute seems particularly beneficial for their clients.这两种特征似乎 都不是特别有利于他们的客户。

Experimental psychologists use such exercises to demonstrate cognitive illusions.实验心理学家利用这种练习来证明认知错觉。

it.你可以在烟火迸发的地点上面或者附近找个固定的物体对焦。Unemployment will remain structurally high.失业率仍然保持结构性高位。



(1)在“Word:Working With Text and Style”全文中,关于“Working With Text”的描述共有4个小节,分别叙述如何进行“输入文本”,“删除文本”,“选择文本”及“文本格式设置”,在关于“Styles”共涉及到6个小节在此段落,故需分别请10位学生进行阅读,并针对出现的错误进行纠正。

(2)对各段落中涉及到的重点及难点进行讲解说明,主要包括“blinking cursor”,“be located”,“highlighted”,“depressed”,“increase indent”,“access”,“be recommended”,“make changes from”等重点词汇及短语,并在讲解的同时通过举例使学生加深对重难点词汇的理解。













Lesson 10 Enzymes酶

Enzymes are gigantic molecules with typical molecular weights ranging from about 6000 to more than 600,000.酶是大分子,大多数分子量在6000到60万间。Moreover, enzymes are much more complex structurally than the catalysts considered thus far in the section, and their catalytic sites are far more intricate.而且,酶在结构上比这章中迄今所讨论的催化剂要复杂的多,他们的催化位置也十分复杂。Enzymes have evolved by the life process to be extremely specific catalyst;each enzyme is a catalyst for only one biological reaction or, sometimes, one class of reaction.生命过程中酶是十分特殊的催化剂,每个酶是只催化一种(有时是一类)生物反应的催化剂。The typical enzyme has a catalytic site that bonds specifically to a single reactant and activates it.典型的具有一个催化点,只能健合特定的单一反应物并激活它。The catalytic site is multifunctional, bonding to the reactant at more than one position, almost to the exclusion of all but closely similar molecules(often products), and these similar molecules are reaction inhibitors.催化位置是多功能的,键合到反应物上多于一个位置,除了相似的分子或产品外,几乎排除所有的位置,这些相似的分子是反应阻聚剂。Enzymes catalyze conversion of biological molecules with very high selectivities and at high rates, typically in the range of 10 to l000 molecules/(enzymes).酶以高选择性高速度催化生物分子的转化,每个酶催化的典型范围为10到1000分子

Each enzyme has a unique three-dimensional structure that usually includes a pocket or cleft presenting an array of functional groups positioned to bond to complementary functional groups of the reactant molecule.酶具有独一无二的三维结构,通过包括缺陷,能够与反应物分子的功能团完全结合。The region of the cleft is a three-dimensional microenvironment, and the bonding of the reactant is comparable to a highly specific chemisorption.缺陷的区域是三维的微环境,对于反应物的键合具有高化学选择性。Nature's process of Darwinian selection has led to the biosynthesis of individual enzyme molecules each of which is in essence a unique multifunctional catalytic site that allows bonding and conversion of a particular reactant or class of reactants.达尔文的自然进化论导致了单个酶分子的生物合成,允许特定反应物的转化。Other chemical properties of enzymes besides those of the catalytic site are important also: the functional groups on the outer surface, for example, determine the enzyme's affinity for particular locations in the biological cell, such as the aqueous environment of the cytoplasm or the hydrophobic environment of a cell wall or other membrane.除了催化位置外,酶的其它化学性质也很重要:外部空间的官能团决定了生物细胞特定位置酶的亲和性,如细胞质的水性环境或细胞壁或其它膜的疏水性。

Enzymes catalyze biological reactions;and since living organisms usually exist only at relatively mild temperatures, most enzymes function only under these conditions.由于生物体通常存在于相对温和的环境下,酶催化的生物反应通常在这样的条件下进行。Enzymes are delicate and do not retain their structures under conditions much outside the range characteristic of living organisms, although they may function in vitro in atypical environments such as nonaqueous solvents.虽然酶的结构在生物体以外的范围内不能保证,但是也可能在体外这种非水性溶剂的环境中起作用。Some organisms, such as those living in hot springs, have adapted to relatively high temperatures, and they could not exist without enzymes that are stable and active at these temperatures.在温泉中存在的某些有机体已经适应了相对高的温度,在这样的温度下,如果没有酶,有机体会变得不稳定。

There is a great variety of biological reactions, including, for example,(1)the break down of proteins and sugars occurring in the digestive tracts of animals,(2)the biosynthetic reactions that lead to growth and replacement of living organisms,(3)photosynthesis, and(4)oxidations that proceed by intricate pathways that convert food(e.g., sugars, proteins, etc.)into CO2 water and energy in a biologically useful form.例如,有大量的生物反应,(1)动物的消化道内发生蛋白质和糖的断裂,(2)生物合成反应导致活的有机体的生长和取代,(3)光合作用,(4)通过氧化,以错综复杂的方式把食物转化为CO2,水和生物利用形式的能量。

Many enzyme-catalyzed reactions take place in biological cells.许多酶催化反应发生在生物细胞内。

The contents of cells are organized into well-defined domains.细胞是很好的界定区域。The cytoplasm is an aqueous biological soup with many molecules, including reactants, products, and enzymes in solution.细胞质是由许多分子的水相细胞浆,包括反应物,产品,酶。The membranes are much more highly structured.膜是高度构造的。Enzymes are also present in membranes and in cellular subunits called organelles.酶也包含在膜和细胞子单元中,称为细胞器。These bound enzymes are sometimes present in arrays that can be described as assembly lines.这些酶有机以序列的形式出现,被描述为装配线。Evidently, the product of reaction in one enzyme is transported to the next enzyme in line so that a sequence of reactions takes place efficiently.很明显地,一个酶反应的产品进行装配线的下一个酶,使反应高效的依次发生。Nature's catalysts function in highly sophisticated reactors.在高度复杂的反应器中发生自然的催化反应。

Enzymes are usually named for the reactions they catalyze.酶通常以其催化的反应命名。For example, lysozyme catalyzes reactions that lead to the breakdown by hydrolysis(lysing)of polysaccharides;isomerases catalyze isomerization reactions;dehydrogenases catalyze dehydrogenation reactions;and so forth.例如,溶菌酶催化的反应使多糖水解,异构酶催化异构化反应,脱氢酶催化脱氢反应,等等。More specifically, alcohol dehydrogenases catalyze alcohol dehydrogenations, and L-lactate dehydrogenase catalyzes the dehydrogenation of L-lactate(to give pyruvate).更特别的是,醇脱氢酶催化醇的脱氢,L-乳酸脱氢酶催化L-乳酸的脱氢(得到丙酮酸盐)。Because the composition and structure of one kind of enzyme from one plant, animal, or bacterium may be different from those of the same kind of enzyme from another plant, animal, or bacterium, a further specification includes the source, for example, horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase.因为植物、动物或细菌中酶的组成和结构不同于其它植物、动物或细菌中相同类型的酶,所以需要更进一步的分类,例如,马肝醇脱氢酶。


Unit one

World Tourism Organization

Teaching Objectives

1.Become familiar with World Tourism Organization 2.Become familiar with Key Benefits of Tourism 3.Be able to make the conversations at the Guests’ Arrival 4.Understand some sentence structures and patterns

Teaching Approaches 1.Introduce the history of the Tourism 2.Tell them something about the World Tourism Organization 3.Describe briefly the benefits of tourism 4.Let the students read the materials about tourism 5.Discuss the process of Guests’ Arrival at the airport 6.Homework

Focus on

1.World Tourism Organization & Key Benefits of Tourism 2.Guests’ Arrival

Time Allocations World Tourism Organization A Conceptual Framework:

World Tourism Organization & Key Benefits of Tourism(3 periods)Guests’ Arrival(3 periods)

Teaching Difficulties The new words Usages Some useful expressions Difficulties

Teaching Methods

Teacher’s Explanations Questions Discussing Exercises

Teaching Procedures

World Tourism Organization & Key Benefits of Tourism


Travelingat airport 常用语句

我该到哪里办联合航空 706 次班机登机手续? Where may I check in for United flight number 706?


What time will boarding start? 我要转法国航空 123 号班机。

I'm connecting with AF123.哪里可以询问转接班机的事情?

Where can I get information on a connecting flight?


护照 Passport 签证 Visa

入境记录卡 Embarkation Card 出境记录卡 Disembarkation Card 入境大厅 Arrival Lobby 出境大厅 Departure Lobby 登机门号码 Gate Number 登机证 Boarding Card 机场税 Airport Tax 商务签证 Business Visa

旅客登机报到处 Check in Counter 观光签证 Tourist Visa




One A.Objectives

Students will be able to: 1)Be familiar with the expressions of itinerary;2)Describe a scenic spot;

3)Learn how to write a tour itinerary and make a dialogue about tour.B.Important and difficult points

1)Speaking skills: make a dialogue about itinerary.2)Comprehensive skills: Understand the passage in the text and on this basis, learn to describe content of the text, and discuss about the issue.3)Functions:

Focus 1: how to write an itinerary;Focus 2: how to make a dialogue about tour;C.teaching contents and time allotment:

1st-2nd period: warming up and background information, comprehensive reading of Part A, explain new words, and phrases and expressions.Learn to write a tour itinerary.3rd-4th period: talk about package tour, understand passage of reading B and the structure of reading B, and discuss, explain new words, phrases and expressions.5th--6th period: Do the listening.Check the answers of excises on page 5-6.Make a dialogue about tour.D.Teaching Procedures Six teaching periods are needed to cover the whole unit, among which students will have a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.1.Period One and Period Two:

 Step one: warming up.Introduce some places in America. Step two: let students do the fast reading to find out the route of the tour to America. Step three: do the global reading and then answer the questions on Task 1. Step four: intensive reading.Explain the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples. Step five: read the sample of an itinerary on page6, learn how to write a tour itinerary.2.Period three and Period four:

 Step one: warming up.Talk about tours in summer vacation  Step two: skimming reading and find the answers for the questions on Task2. Step three: read the passage again to grasp the main idea of each paragraph. Step four: intensive reading, understanding the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples.旅游专业英语电子教案

3.Period five and Period six:

 Step one: Do the listening. Step two: make a dialogue about tour itinerary. Step three: make a dialogue based on Task 2.E.Homework 1st-2nd period: write a tour itinerary 3rd-4th period: finish the excises on page 5-6 5th--6th period: Finish Home Reading on page11.Notes:  Important words: scenic;foothill;giant;fertile;raise;claim;prearrange, offer, comprise, relatively, afford, and so on. Phrases: save from;on an inlet;a number of, a combination of, a variety of, prefer to, in advance, and cater to. Grammar: attributive clause;future progressive; Difficult sentences:

a)Where the Willamette flows into the Colunbia River, one of the great rivers of America, we will find Oregon’s largest city, Portland, known as the “City of Roses.”

b)A package tour is a combination of several travel components provided by different suppliers, which are sold to the consumer as a single product at a single price.c)Besides, it is often easier to get into a special event as a member of a tour than as an individual since the tour operators have the experience to know which attractions are worth a special trip.d)While the majority of tourists nowadays prefer to travel in groups with their entertainment and sightseeing included in the package, some tourists prefer personalized tours which provide the comfort of a guide to show them around scenic sights and make all the necessary arrangements for them.旅游专业英语电子教案


Two A.Objectives

Students will be able to:

1)Be familiar with elements of a short welcome speech and the expressions of hotel services.2)Discuss hotel services in simple words.3)Know how to write a short welcome speech.B.Important and difficult points

1)Speaking skills: make a short welcome speech by group-work.2)Comprehensive skills: Understand the passage in the text and on this basis, learn to describe content of the text, and discuss about the issue.3)Functions:

Focus 1: how to write a welcome speech;Focus 2: how to make dialogues about meeting tourists and hotel check-in;C.teaching contents and time allotment:

1st-2nd period: warming up and background information, and figure out the main parts of a welcome speech.Intensive reading of Text A, explain new words, and phrases and expressions.3rd-4th period: understand text B, discuss, and explain new words, phrases and expressions.5th--6th period: Doing listening on page20.Learn to write a welcome speech.D.Teaching Procedures Six teaching periods are needed to cover the whole unit, among which students will have a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.1.Period One and Period Two:

 Step one: help students review the important words and phrases in Unit 1. Step two: talk about the elements of a welcome speech. Step three: skimming reading on text A and find the answers for the questions on Task 1. Step three: intensive reading.Explain the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples.Period three and Period four:

 Step one: skimming reading on text B and find the answers for the questions on Task 2. Step two: intensive reading.Explain the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples.3.Period five and Period six:

 Step one: do listening on page20.3


 Step two: check the answers of the excises on Page 17-18  Step three: read the sample on Page 18 and learn to write a welcome speech.E.Homework 1st-2nd period: preview text B 3rd-4th period: Finish the exercise on page17-18.5th--6th period: write a welcome speech


1)Important words: reset;suppose, establish, reset, encompass, cater;transient;resort;budget;prime and so on.2)Phrases: on behalf of;for most of;the first trip to;be considered as;date back;be set to;up to;allow sb to do sth;.3)Difficult sentences:

a)Chinese culture is considered as one of the oldest civilizations, while the PRC is among the youngest nations of the world..b)The history of Chinese culture and China dates back to over 5,000 years ago, while the People’s Republic of China was established on October 1st, 1949.c)Although China encompasses enough territory

to include five different time zones, all of the clocks and watches in this nation are set to Beijing standard time, except XinJiang.d)After the beginning of the economic reform in 1978, we are making progress towards modernization, and we are having some free time and money to tour, not in China but also abroad.旅游专业英语电子教案


Three A.Objectives

Students will be able to:  grasp the main idea and structure of the text; Be familiar with the expressions of food service. Discuss about Chinese food in simple words. Write a banquet menu and make a dialogue about restaurant conversation.B.Important and difficult points

1)Speaking skills: make a dialogue about restaurant conversation.2)Comprehensive skills: Understand the passage in the text and on this basis, learn to describe content of the text, and discuss about the issue.3)Functions:

Focus 1: how to write a banquet menu;Focus 2: how to make a dialogue about restaurant conversation;

C.teaching contents and time allotment:

1st-2nd period: warming up and background information, do the reading of Text A, explain new words, and phrases and expressions.3rd-4th period: understand the reading passage in Text B, learn to describe the main idea of each paragraph, and discuss, explain new words, phrases and expressions.5th--6th period: Do the listening.Learn to write a menu.D.Teaching Procedures Six teaching periods are needed to cover the whole unit, among which students will have a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.1.Period One and Period Two:

 Step one: warming up.Ask students to talk about the specialties in their hometown. Step two: do the global reading and then answer the questions on Task 1. Step three: intensive reading.Explain the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples.2.Period three and Period four:

 Step one: warming up.Discuss the art of cooking.(technique, elements, seasonings and etc.) Step two: skimming reading on text B and find the answers for the questions on Task2. Step three: read the passage again to grasp the main idea of each paragraph.5


 Step four: intensive reading, understanding the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples.3.Period five and Period six:

 Step one: Do the listening. Step two: read the sample of a banquet menu on Page 31, learn to write menu. Step three: make a dialogue based on Task 1.E.Homework 1st-2nd period: preview text B 3rd-4th period: Finish the excises on Page30-31 5th--6th period: write a banquet menu.Notes:

1)Important words: aroma;specialize;delicate;flavor;crave;distinctive;ensure and so on.2)Phrases: give rise to;appeal to;make use of;allow for;boast of;a variety of;see to it that;

3)Difficult sentences:

a)Quite different from Western cooking where recipes are followed strictly like laboratory instructions, Chinese cooking always allows for a creative and stylistic touch to it.b)Great attention is paid to aesthetic appreciation of the food because the food should be good not only in flavor and smell, but also in color and appearance.Unit

Four 6



Students will be able to:  grasp the main idea and structure of the text; be familiar with the introduction of urban tourism. translate text B.B.Important and difficult points

1)Speaking skills: translate the text B.2)Comprehensive skills: Understand the passage in the text and on this basis, learn to describe content of the text, and discuss about the issue.3)Functions:

Focus 1: how to write publicity for a tourist city;Focus 2: how to make a dialogue about Urban Tourism;

C.teaching contents and time allotment:

1st-2nd period: warming up and background information, do the reading of Text A, explain new words, and phrases and expressions.3rd-4th period: understand the reading passage in Text B, learn to describe the main idea of each paragraph, and discuss, explain new words, phrases and expressions.5th--6th period: Do the listening.D.Teaching Procedures Six teaching periods are needed to cover the whole unit, among which students will have a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.1.Period One and Period Two:

 Step one: warming up.Ask students to talk about their experience of traveling  Step two: do the global reading and then answer the questions on Task 1. Step three: intensive reading.Explain the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples.2.Period three and Period four:

 Step one: warming up. Step two: skimming reading on text B and find the answers for the questions on Task2. Step three: read the passage again to grasp the main idea of each paragraph. Step four: intensive reading, understanding the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples.3.Period five and Period six:

 Step one: Do the listening. Step two: make a dialogue based on Task 1.旅游专业英语电子教案

E.Homework 1st-2nd period: preview text B 3rd-4th period: Finish the excises on Page30-31 5th--6th period: preview the new unit.Notes:

Important words: urban reprensnt

comopolitan enthic

abound sponsor exquisite leisure sufficient incentive

Phrases: far and wide associate with a range of turn up lie in

acclaims as Difficult sentences:

a)It is considered a museum of the East meeting the West and the past joining the present.b)The East has a Western flavor in Shanghai, but at the same time the creation of a strictly Chinese culture have not been erased.Unit

Five 8



Students will be able to:  grasp the main idea and structure of the text; know and remenber some basic Chinese ancient architecture. memorize some useful expressions and translate the text.B.Important and difficult points

1)Speaking skills:discuss and express the Chinese ancient architecture.2)Comprehensive skills: Understand the passage in the text and on this basis, learn to describe content of the text, and discuss about the issue.3)Functions:

Focus:the express of Chinese three main ancient architecture;

C.teaching contents and time allotment:

1st-2nd period: warming up and background information, do the reading of Text A, explain new words, and phrases and expressions.3rd-4th period: understand the reading passage in Text B, explain new words, phrases and expressions.Make a situational dialogue.5th--6th period: Do the listening and excises.D.Teaching Procedures Six teaching periods are needed to cover the whole unit, among which students will have a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.1.Period One and Period Two:

 Step one: warming up.Ask students to discuss the Chinese ancient architecture they have known. Step two:background information. Step three: extensive reading.Ask the students to read the whole passage in 15minutes and then answer some questions

 Step four: intensive reading.Explain the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples.2.Period three and Period four:

 Step one: warming up. Step two: skimming reading on text B and find the answers for the questions on Task2. Step three: intensive reading, understanding the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples. Step four: make a dialogue on the basis of the stuation provided in the book.旅游专业英语电子教案

3.Period five and Period six:

 Step one: check the answers of the excises  Step two:Do the listening.E.Homework 1st-2nd period: preview text B 3rd-4th period: Finish the excises on Page55-56 5th--6th period: preview the new unit.Notes:

Important words: architecture civilization heritage relics unearth magnificent Phrases: leave behind architecture relics consist of refer to derive from …

Difficult sentences:

a)Rich history has left behind in China many cultural heritage and famous architectural relics such as …

b)The most widespread residential structures in China is”the courtyard dwellings.”


Six A.Objectives

Students will be able to:  grasp the main idea and structure of the text;10


 know and remenber some famouse Chinese garden. memorize some useful expressions and translate the text.B.Important and difficult points

1)Speaking skills:discuss the names of Chinese gardenes.2)Comprehensive skills: Understand the passage in the text and on this basis, learn to describe content of the text, and discuss about the issue.C.teaching contents and time allotment:

1st-2nd period: warming up and background information, do the reading of Text A and Text B.3rd-4th period: explain new words, and phrases and expressions.Make a situational dialogue.5th--6th period: Do the listening and excises.D.Teaching Procedures Six teaching periods are needed to cover the whole unit, among which students will have a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.1.Period One and Period Two:

 Step one: warming up.discuss the names of Chinese gardenes they have known. Step two:background information. Step three: extensive reading.Ask the students to read the whole passage in 15minutes and then answer some questions

2.Period three and Period four:

 Step one: intensive reading, understanding the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples. Step two: make a dialogue on the basis of the stuation provided in the book.3.Period five and Period six:

 Step one: check the answers of the excises  Step two:Do the listening.E.Homework 1st-2nd period: preview the new words, phrases, and grammatical strucure.3rd-4th period: Finish the excises on Page67-69.5th--6th period: preview the new unit.Notes:


Important words: component imperial masterpiece gemotric subordinate heyday lattice shelter pagoda

Difficult sentences:

a)Garden building saw its heyday during the Ming and Qing dynasties and the imperial garden Yuanmingyuan was regarded as masterpiece in the period.b)Different from the classical European gardens, in which geometric patterns dominate, Chinese gardens are made to resemble natural landscapes on a smaller scale.c)Traditional Chinese gardens fall into three categories, namely, imperial, private and landscape gardens.d)Building in the garden were used for receiving guests, holding banquet, reading or writing poetry.Unit



Students will be able to:  grasp the main idea and structure of the text; know and remenber some famouse Chinese garden. memorize some useful expressions and translate the text.旅游专业英语电子教案

B.Important and difficult points

1)Speaking skills:discuss the names of Chinese gardenes.2)Comprehensive skills: Understand the passage in the text and on this basis, learn to describe content of the text, and discuss about the issue.C.teaching contents and time allotment:

1st-2nd period: warming up and background information, do the reading of Text A and Text B.3rd-4th period: explain new words, and phrases and expressions.Make a situational dialogue.5th--6th period: Do the listening and excises.D.Teaching Procedures Six teaching periods are needed to cover the whole unit, among which students will have a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.1.Period One and Period Two:

 Step one: warming up.discuss the names of Chinese gardenes they have known. Step two:background information. Step three: extensive reading.Ask the students to read the whole passage in 15minutes and then answer some questions

2.Period three and Period four:

 Step one: intensive reading, understanding the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples. Step two: make a dialogue on the basis of the stuation provided in the book.3.Period five and Period six:

 Step one: check the answers of the excises  Step two:Do the listening.E.Homework 1st-2nd period: preview the new words, phrases, and grammatical strucure.3rd-4th period: Finish the excises on Page67-69.5th--6th period: preview the new unit.Notes:

Important words: component imperial masterpiece gemotric subordinate heyday lattice shelter pagoda

Difficult sentences:


a)Garden building saw its heyday during the Ming and Qing dynasties and the imperial garden Yuanmingyuan was regarded as masterpiece in the period.b)Different from the classical European gardens, in which geometric patterns dominate, Chinese gardens are made to resemble natural landscapes on a smaller scale.c)Traditional Chinese gardens fall into three categories, namely, imperial, private and landscape gardens.d)Building in the garden were used for receiving guests, holding banquet, reading or writing poetry.Unit



Students will be able to:  grasp the main idea and structure of the text; know and remenber some famouse Chinese painting  memorize some useful expressions and translate the text.B.Important and difficult points

1)Speaking skills:discuss the names of Chinese painting

2)Comprehensive skills: Understand the passage in the text and on this basis, learn to describe content of the text, and discuss about the issue.C.teaching contents and time allotment:


1st-2nd period: warming up and background information, do the reading of Text A and Text B.3rd-4th period: explain new words, and phrases and expressions.Make a situational dialogue.5th--6th period: Do the listening and excises.D.Teaching Procedures Six teaching periods are needed to cover the whole unit, among which students will have a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.1.Period One and Period Two:

 Step one: warming up.discuss the names of Chinese paintings they have known. Step two:background information. Step three: extensive reading.Ask the students to read the whole passage in 15minutes and then answer some questions

2.Period three and Period four:

 Step one: intensive reading, understanding the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples. Step two: make a dialogue on the basis of the stuation provided in the book.3.Period five and Period six:

 Step one: check the answers of the excises  Step two:Do the listening.E.Homework 1st-2nd period: preview the new words, phrases, and grammatical strucure.3rd-4th period: Finish the excises on Page76 5th--6th period: preview the new unit.Notes:

Important words: distinguished adj.卓著的, 著名的 imitation n.模仿

portrayal n.描画, 描写 azurite n.石青 elaborate adj.复杂精美的 professional adj.专业的 scholarly adj.学者气质的, 学者风度的 intellectual n.知识分子 execution n.技巧,手法 contour n.轮廓 visible adj.看得见的, 显著的 cinnabar n.朱

Difficult sentences:

1.figure painting 人物画 2.landscape painting 山水画


3.flower and bird painting 花鸟画 4.court painting 宫廷画 5.literati painting 文人画


Nine A.Objectives

Students will be able to:  grasp the main idea and structure of the text; know and remenber some famouse Chinese folklore  memorize some useful expressions and translate the text.B.Important and difficult points

1)Speaking skills:discuss the names of Chinese Folk Customs

2)Comprehensive skills: Understand the passage in the text and on this basis, learn to describe content of the text, and discuss about the issue.C.teaching contents and time allotment:

1st-2nd period: warming up and background information, do the reading of Text A and Text B.3rd-4th period: explain new words, and phrases and expressions.Make a situational dialogue.5th--6th period: Do the listening and excises.D.Teaching Procedures Six teaching periods are needed to cover the whole unit, among which students will 16


have a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.1.Period One and Period Two:

 Step one: warming up.discuss the names of Chinese Folk Customs 

s they have known. Step two:background information. Step three: extensive reading.Ask the students to read the whole passage in 15minutes and then answer some questions

2.Period three and Period four:

 Step one: intensive reading, understanding the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples. Step two: make a dialogue on the basis of the stuation provided in the book.3.Period five and Period six:

 Step one: check the answers of the excises  Step two:Do the listening.E.Homework 1st-2nd period: preview the new words, phrases, and grammatical strucure.3rd-4th period: Finish the excises on Page76 5th--6th period: preview the new unit.Notes:

folk adj.民间的 symbolize vt.象征, 用符号表现 dynasty n.朝代 variegated adj.杂色的,斑驳的 hilarious adj.欢闹的 burlesque adj.滑稽的,可笑的 pantomime n.哑剧 snipe n.鹬鸟

beak n.鸟嘴 inevitably adv.不可避免 innumerable adj.无数的, 数不清的 bamboo n.竹子

enthusiasm n.狂热, 热心, 积极性, 激发热情的事物 1.riding in a boat on land 跑旱船

跑旱船的船身,大都以竹枝扎成骨架,外围彩布或彩纸,成为无底的小船形,一个男子扮演坐在船身中的姑娘(实际上是站着),提起整条旱船,与表演船夫的男子搭配表演,作出撑船、划船的模样,十分有趣。2.walking on stilts 踩高跷

踩高跷是靠两支木跷,使人蓦然长高三五十公分,配合各种音乐及戏曲表演,不仅是一种民间艺术及地方曲艺,更是一种娱乐性的户外活动。3.carrying a youth piggyback 老背少

老背少是一位小姐胸前挂上打扮成老人的半截木人身,木人做出背负小姐的姿势,也就是由一人假扮两个人,以默剧的方式演出。4.the clam spirit dance 蚌精舞




Ten A.Objectives

Students will be able to:  grasp the main idea and structure of the text; know and remenber some famouse Historical Sites  memorize some useful expressions and translate the text.B.Important and difficult points

1)Speaking skills:discuss the names of Chinese Historical Sites 2)Comprehensive skills: Understand the passage in the text and on this basis, learn to describe content of the text, and discuss about the issue.•

C.teaching contents and time allotment:

1st-2nd period: warming up and background information, do the reading of Text A and Text B.3rd-4th period: explain new words, and phrases and expressions.Make a situational dialogue.5th--6th period: Do the listening and excises.D.Teaching Procedures Six teaching periods are needed to cover the whole unit, among which students will have a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.1.Period One and Period Two:

 Step one: warming up.discuss the names of Chinese Folk Customs 

s they have known. Step two:background information. Step three: extensive reading.Ask the students to read the whole passage in 15minutes and then answer some questions

2.Period three and Period four:

 Step one: intensive reading, understanding the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples. Step two: make a dialogue on the basis of the stuation provided in the book.旅游专业英语电子教案

3.Period five and Period six:

 Step one: check the answers of the excises  Step two:Do the listening.E.Homework 1st-2nd period: preview the new words, phrases, and grammatical strucure.3rd-4th period: Finish the excises on Page76 5th--6th period: preview the new unit.Notes:

1.Palace Museum 故宫博物院

故宫位于北京市中心,也称“紫禁城”,是明清两代(公元1368-1911年)的皇宫,现辟为“故宫博物院”。故宫的整个建筑金碧辉煌,庄严绚丽,被誉为世界五大宫之一,并被联合国教科文组织列为“世界文化遗产”。2.Forbidden City 紫禁城


3.World Cultural Legacy 世界文化遗产


4.The Forbidden City consists of an outer courtyard and an inner enclosure.紫禁城分“外朝”和“内延”两部分。5.the Hall of Supreme Harmony 太和殿

太和殿是紫禁城内最体现中国帝制权力的象征, 不仅面积是紫禁城诸 殿中最大的一座,而且型制也是最高规格。明清两朝, 每逢元旦(春节), 冬至, 万寿(皇帝生日)及登基, 大婚,命将出师, 殿试传胪, 都在这里举



Eleven A.Objectives

Students will be able to:  grasp the main idea and structure of the text;• know and remenber some famouse Chinese religion

 memorize some useful expressions and translate the text.B.Important and difficult points

• • 1)Speaking skills:discuss the names of Chinese religion

2)Comprehensive skills: Understand the passage in the text and on this basis, learn to describe content of the text, and discuss about the issue.旅游专业英语电子教案

C.teaching contents and time allotment:

1st-2nd period: warming up and background information, do the reading of Text A and Text B.3rd-4th period: explain new words, and phrases and expressions.Make a situational dialogue.5th--6th period: Do the listening and excises.D.Teaching Procedures Six teaching periods are needed to cover the whole unit, among which students will have a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.1.Period One and Period Two:

 Step one: warming up.discuss the names of Chinese Folk Customs 

s they have known. Step two:background information. Step three: extensive reading.Ask the students to read the whole passage in 15minutes and then answer some questions

2.Period three and Period four:

 Step one: intensive reading, understanding the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples. Step two: make a dialogue on the basis of the stuation provided in the book.3.Period five and Period six:

 Step one: check the answers of the excises  Step two:Do the listening.E.Homework 1st-2nd period: preview the new words, phrases, and grammatical strucure.3rd-4th period: Finish the excises on Page76 5th--6th period: preview the new unit.Notes:




佛教的最高境界就是修出大慈悲心。3.Dao(Daoism, also called Taoism)



道家思想的核心是“道”, 认为“道”是宇宙的本源, 也是统治宇宙中一切运动的法则。道家思想后来被张鲁的五斗米道等宗教吸收, 并演变成中国的重要宗教之一——道教。

4.Yuan Fen(an ordained tie that brings people

together, especially couples)

缘分(一种注定把人们连接在一起的东西, 尤指夫妻)5.3 feet above there is a God


6.The heaven’s net is tight, you can’t run away with it.天网恢恢, 疏而不漏。

意思是天道公平,作恶就要受惩罚,它看起来似乎很不周密, 但最终不会放过一个坏人。比喻作恶的人逃脱不了国法的惩处。



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