高中英语Unit 3 Computers课的教学设计
本课设计以WHO AM I?为课堂教学材料,以学生现实生活为出发点和归宿点,旨在发展学生的语言实际运用能力。本设计以学生中心,运用了图示理论,采用了pair work, group work, class work等活动形式,串联成环,前后环环相扣,帮助学生理解课文,用自己的英语重新诠释课文,并初步具备知识迁移能力。
本单元的中心话题是“计算机”,内容涉及计算机的发展历史、计算机的应用等,其中还谈到包括计算机在内的几种信息技术的载体、智能计算机的发明等等。不过,整个单元多以计算机为第一人称进行自白,这种拟人的手法使得文章谈起来妙趣横生,抽象的专业知识介绍起来也浅显易懂。本主旨语篇WHO AM I ?以计算机的口吻自述其发展演变的历史以及计算机在当今世界各个领域的运用。表达了计算机的发展变化之快以及在生活中用途之广。
目前,学生上课以interpersonal 的交流为主,而interpretat ive 和presentational 形式比重不够。由于文化教学息的双向促进关系的认识不够。对于比较策略主要运用在英汉汉英互译的语言层面,未进入文化比较和思维比较。学生的课外语言活动环境不够丰富和重视程度不够,通常以词汇、语法和写作练习为主,缺乏真实的语言运用。
四、教学目标(1)Language Skills:
1.Use “decision making” expressions like “I believe...in my opinion, etc” correctly.(activity 1)
2.Develop their predicting and reorganizing skills.(activ ity 2,3,4,6)3.Write an 100-word passage on “My Robot Friend----Alice”(Task)(2)Language Knowledge:
1.Reorganize and share their backgroud information of computers.(activity 1)2.Find and retell the grammar structure of the Present Perfect Passive Voice.(activity 5)(3)Emotions and Attitudes 1.通过讨论,能归纳和陈述网络给学校带来的影响;
2.通过辩论,能对外来网络充满好奇,激发自己的创造力的同时形成健康的网络使用态度和习惯。(activity 7)
(4)Learning Strageties Recourses, Communicaiton, Cognition(5)Culture Awareness Know about the culture of computers and persue healthy culture online.【教学重点】
2、在与机器人Alice 聊天的基础上,能写一篇题为“My Robot Friend----Alice 的100字文章。
Step1:Greetings and leading-in Activity1: Guessing game(1’)
Let students guess the topic by showing several attractive pictures.[设计思路]本活动旨在引出话题,激发学生学习计算机的兴趣。猜测各种各样的图片既有助于满足和激发学生的好奇心,又能向学生呈现现代信息技术的高速发展,开阔学生视野。
Step2: Pre-reading Activity2: Preparing and shareing(Individual and Group work / 9’)
2、学生六人一组,先运用初步掌握的略读和跳读技巧整理信息(3m ins);再组内每人向组员介绍自己的信息(1min/人); [设计思路]本活动旨在让学生通过自己对已有信息的主动加工和组织来了解和分享计算机的背景知识。该设计教师不再是背景呈现者,而是资源库的提供者。活动涉及主要有interpersonal 和interpret ative 两类常用的交流模式,且信息均来源自现实生活。本设计体现了学生为中心,教师为指导的思想。
Step3: While-reading Activity3: Read the passage and finish the timeline below(individual work / 3’)1642 : _________________________________________ 1822 : The analytical machine was made by Charles Babbage.____ :_________________________________________ 1940s: ________________________________________ ____ : The first family of computers was connected to each other.1970s:_________________________________________ Now : _________________________________________ [设计思路] 本活动属于fast-reading,旨在利用图示理清思路,帮助学生快速获取信息,同时训练学生Skimming 的阅读技巧。由于本篇文章由于讲述了计算机的发展历史,故以时间发展顺序作为阅读的线索,可以有效的提高阅读速度和准确率。
Activity 4: Read the passage again and complete the chart below(pair work /11’)[设计思路]本活动属于careful-reading,旨在深入理解课文内容。通过此练习来讲解文章的语言知识和篇章结构,锻炼学生寻找Topic sentence来阅读技巧,并能模仿“topic sentence+supporting details ”的写作模式。
Atvivity5: Translation(4’)
1.Over time I have been changed quite a lot.2.I have been used in offices and homes since in 1970s.3.Since the 1970s many new applicaitons have been found for me.4.I have even been put into space rockets and sent to explore the Moon and Mars.[设计思路]本翻译活动,旨在让学生对本单元的语法有初步的了解和归纳,从而为下节语言学习课做准备。
Activity 6: Ask-and-answer.(Summary / class work /2’)Q1:What’s main idea of the passage? Q2: Do you feel difficult in understanding the passage? And why? [设计思路]本活动旨在对文章的内容进行总结,从语言知识到篇章结构知识的判断、分析。通过该活动,学生对本文有了全局的把握。到这里,完成了对课文本身的学习。
Step4:Conclusion and homework(2’)1.Conclusion of the class 2.Task:“My Robot Friend----Alice”
Have you ever chatted with a robot? Do you what to talk with him/her? Now, you have the chance.You can have Alice, a robot to be your friend.So today, your task is to meet Alice, talk with her, and then write a 100-word about the ta lk and your feeling.Here is the place you can find her.Have a nice talk![设计思路] 本活动为学生创设了一个新型的语言学习环境。智能计算机与语篇的拟人手法,在一定程度上都有“人”的感觉,故学生可以进行知识和情感的迁移,该活动能帮助学生利用网络学英语,交好友,形成健康的网络使用习惯。
必修五unit3 life in the future听说课教学设计
2.pair work 教具准备:多媒体 教学流程:
1.Ask Ss to have a debate on whether people can live on Mars.2.Teacher gives comments on both sides,saying : both of you have given sound reasons to support your arguments.And now let’s listen to an interview between Li Qiang and Walker Hiller, who is to build a town on Mars.第二步:听力训练
(一)(双人活动)Listening and speaking(page23)1.Get the Ss to get through Exercise1.2.First, listen for the Ss to finish Exercise1 3.Second,listen for the Ss to finish Exercise2 4.Third,listen for the Ss to put down the question in it that are used to make predictions.Can you imagine how that’ll be achieved? Is it likely that you can find and use water? I wonder if...? How health will the people be, I wonder? 5.Get the Ss to exchange their information to correct their answers? 第三步:口语活动
1.(pair work)Ask Ss to list some questions about what life will be like in you hometown in 1000 years’ time, using the expressions above to help them.2.(pair work)Interview Situation : Suppose you’re in a newly-elected major, and now is being interviewed on TV.The host is raising some questions on your plan for the coming five years.Have the Ss to make up the interview in pairs, trying to use the expressions above.第四步:听力训练
Listening task(page55)1.Ss read the phrases before listening to the tape.2.Listen to the tape and finish Exercise1 第五步:口语训练
1.Ask the Ss to have a look at the requirements in the “taking part” 2.Let them choose of the three as they like and work in groups of four and design the text of an ad for the product.3.Ask Ss to read their texts to the class, and Ss vote for their favorite.4.Count the result to see which group get the most votes.5.Teacher may give an award to the winners.第六步:布置作业
Ask the Ss to go over what they learned in the class according to the “Summing up” on page 24.教学反思:这一节听说课的教学设计,从听前的问题预测,到听后的问题回答,都与利于学生的听力培养和口语表达,是学生在听说过程中逐步提高英语运用能力。
必修五unit3 life in the future听说课教学设计
2.pair work 教具准备:多媒体 教学流程:
1.Ask Ss to have a debate on whether people can live on Mars.2.Teacher gives comments on both sides,saying : both of you have given sound reasons to support your arguments.And now let’s listen to an interview between Li Qiang and Walker Hiller, who is to build a town on Mars.第二步:听力训练
(一)(双人活动)Listening and speaking(page23)1.Get the Ss to get through Exercise1.2.First, listen for the Ss to finish Exercise1 3.Second,listen for the Ss to finish Exercise2 4.Third,listen for the Ss to put down the question in it that are used to make predictions.Can you imagine how that’ll be achieved? Is it likely that you can find and use water? I wonder if...? How health will the people be, I wonder? 5.Get the Ss to exchange their information to correct their answers? 第三步:口语活动
1.(pair work)Ask Ss to list some questions about what life will be like in you hometown in 1000 years’ time, using the expressions above to help them.2.(pair work)Interview Situation : Suppose you’re in a newly-elected major, and now is being interviewed on TV.The host is raising some questions on your plan for the coming five years.Have the Ss to make up the interview in pairs, trying to use the expressions above.第四步:听力训练
Listening task(page55)1.Ss read the phrases before listening to the tape.2.Listen to the tape and finish Exercise1 第五步:口语训练
1.Ask the Ss to have a look at the requirements in the “taking part” 2.Let them choose of the three as they like and work in groups of four and design the text of an ad for the product.3.Ask Ss to read their texts to the class, and Ss vote for their favorite.4.Count the result to see which group get the most votes.5.Teacher may give an award to the winners.第六步:布置作业
Ask the Ss to go over what they learned in the class according to the “Summing up” on page 24.教学反思:这节听说课的教学设计,从听前的问题预测,到听后的问题回答,都与利于学生的听力培养和口语表达,是学生在听说过程中逐步提高英语运用能力。但仍有不足的地方,需要改进。话题的设置应符合学生的兴趣特点,给学生充分展示自己的时间。
摘 要:听说能力的培养是高中阶段英语教学的重要内容之一。本文从新课标下的高中英语听说课课堂教学实践出发,运用“任务型”语言课堂教学理论,借助具体课例,对英语听说课的教学模式、教学过程设计等方面进行探讨,从而帮助教师采取相应的教学策略,选择有效的教学方法推进英语听说课课堂教学质量。指导学生有效地听说,提高学生的听说能力,为学生的终身学习奠基。
关键词:听说教学 教学设计 教学过程 任务 策略
《英语课程标准》中对高中阶段听、说能力的教学提出了较高的要求,归纳起来各有五个方面的指标:听要能够识别不同语气所表达的不同情感;听懂有关熟悉话题的讨论和谈话并记住要点;抓住一般语段中的观点;基本听懂广播或电视英语新闻的主题或大意;听懂委婉的建议或劝告等。说要能在交流中使用恰当的语调、语气和节奏表达个人的意图和情感等;根据学习任务进行商讨和制定计划;报告任务和项目完成的过程和结果;经过准备就一般话题作3分钟演讲;在日常人际交往中有效地使用语言进行表达等。《课标》尤其指出,听力教学的目的是培养听的策略,培养语感,并特别强调培养学生在听的过程中获取和处理信息的能力;口语技能教学的目的是提高说的准确性、得体性、流利性和连贯性,增强语感。因此,在听说课教学中,我采用任务型教学法,把听说作为一个大的任务,引导学生将自主学习与合作探究相结合,按照一定模式展开教学。现以外研版高中《英语》必修五Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinima一课为例,探讨听说课的教学模式设计。
Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema是一个关于文学和电影作品中的冒险故事的模块,包含11个部分的内容。本节课我将Vocabulary & Listening,Speaking和Everyday English三部分内容整合设计成一节听说课。目的是让学生了解主题,获取特定信息,并能够运用说明电影类型的各种名词。
高二年级的学生,已经具有一定的语言基础,而且对电影这一话题兴趣浓厚,有强烈的求知欲,但对于介绍电影及类型的词汇、听力策略还需要进一步学习。另外,听力材料的信息量大,全文近400字,时间长约3分钟,对学生来说记忆负担比较重。为此,本课的教学目标设定如下:1.能够理解表示电影类型的各种词汇:cartoon, comedy, historical adventure, horror romantic, science fiction;2.理解并能概括4部电影的内容;3.能够运用有选择性注意和做记录的听力策略理解主题,获取信息,处理信息;4.能够运用所获取的信息和词汇描述电影;5.能够通过本节课学习了解中外优秀电影作品,增强人文素养。
复习回顾本模块Introduction中说明文学作品类型的各种词汇(adventure, biography, crime, fantasy, history, thriller)。学生共同回顾这些词汇,然后以pair work的形式对所学内容加以巩固。让一名学生随意说出一种作品类型,让另一名学生给出它的释义。
T: Here are some words for describing films like comedy, romantic, horror and so on.If a film is a comedy, what is it like? Does it tell you about terrible things on something funny? Is a romantic one about love? ……教师用学生比较熟悉的词汇导入活动。
Do you know what is a cartoon? Who can explain it? Have you watched Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck? It is a cartoon……然后说出学生可能不熟悉的词汇cartoon, science fiction。教师先问再作解释,然后领读。
2)学生个别活动,完成匹配练习(Work individually)。
Match the types of film with the sentences:
cartooncomedyhistoricaladventurehorrorromantic sciencefiction
1.This kind of film will make you laugh.2.Children often enjoy watching this type of film.3.This will probably frighten you.4.This type of film usually takes place in the future.5.Love is the subject in this type of film.3)全班活动,核对答案(Class work)。
1)让学生观看电影Master and Commander的海报,推断它是哪种类型的电影。
T: Look at the poster for Master and Commander and decide what kind of film it is.Use the words in the box.2)解释自己的推断理由,并预测该电影的主要内容。
T: Try to explain the reasons for your decision and predict the general idea of the film.在具体教学中,根据教学内容和学生的实际,我们可以选取其中一种或几种方式。这样不仅可以使学生了解和学习与课文相关的单词与短语,为课文学习提供语言词汇上的支撑,还便于调动学生的参与意识,激活学生大脑中的知识储备、背景图式和对所学内容的兴趣,思考学习的主题联想与主题相关的信息,自然地进入要听的话题。
1.泛听(Global listening)
Listen for the first time with the following question, and try to get the main idea of the listening text.—Whats the listening text about?
2.有选择性的听(Selective listening)
The strategy of selective attention: attending to what you want to hear or what you expect to hear instead of what is being said.In my opinion, we should listen for key words instead of understanding everything.2)“边听边做”的练习。听前,帮助学生明确听的任务要求。
While listening, find out the title, origin, type of film and start time for each film it mentions and then match them in the box.3)核对答案,解释并朗读
首先,教师解释或说明在Selective listening中听到的电影名称中的生词emperor, commander, wedding等,并让学生大声朗读,熟悉它们的语音和词义;之后让学生朗读在Selective listening中听到的信息,为下面的精听做好准备。
3.精听(Intensive listening)
1)把listening text分成以下四个部分,各个击破。
The 1st part Master and Commander的故事梗概
The 2nd part The Last Samurai的故事梗概
The 3rd part Monsoon Wedding的故事梗概
The 4th part The Emperor and the Assassin的故事梗概
借助下面表格, 把听到的有关四部影片的描述做简单记录,获取主要信息。
Choose the correct meanings.1.If you feel in the mood for something you [CD#4].(a)want(to do)it
(b)become angry about something
2.Hang on a minute means [CD#4].(a)wait for a short time
(b)hold ones attention
3.Get a move on means to [CD#4].(a)hurry up
(b)go away
4.If you grab a bit to eat you [CD#4].(a)eat soneone elses food
(b)have a quick meal
① 学生独立阅读所列句子,选择答案(Work individually)。
② 全班核对答案(Class work)。教师针对学生不太熟悉的短语补充解释。
利用学生从listening text 中获取的信息,设计“输出性”的口头和笔头练习。
1)说(Speaking):With the help of the information got in the notetaking, describe one of the four films for other students to guess its name.根据notetaking 中有关四部影片的信息,描述其中一部电影并让其他同学猜测该部影片的名字。
2)讨论和概括(Discusson and summary)。
教师启发学生总结故事梗概的写作方法并给予策略指导。① A summary starts with the name of the film.② It uses the present tense to describe the action.③ In the beginning, the information is given about when and where the action takes place.④ It continues with a description of the action.3)小组活动(Group work):谈论你最喜爱的一部电影。
Talk about your favourite film, including:
where the story is set—
when its set—
who the main character(s)is(are)—
what happens—
how the story ends—
4)作业(Homework): 写你最喜爱电影的故事梗概。
Write a summary of your favourite film.引导学生列出材料的提纲,最后根据提纲进行口头和书面作文。听后活动巩固、深化学生的理解,并把听、说、写有效的结合起来,全面培养学生的综合运用英语的能力。
采用的方法: “教学反应”型评价。通过在教学进行的活动中,推测、判断学生的态度、表情来评价教学是否达到了目的。
1.普通高中英语课程标准 [Z].人民教育出版社,2003年版.2.龚亚夫.“外语教学的目标与评价的改革”,中小学英语活页文选(11)[Z].人民教育出版社,2001.3.杨九俊.新课程教学评价方法与设计 [M].教育科学出版社,2004.4.侯渝生.新课程理念下的创新教学设计 [M].东北师范大学出版社,2003.5.王松美.课程标准与教学大纲对比研究——英语 [M].东北师范大学出版社,2003.6.林志娴.中小学英语教学活动设计 [M].人民教育出版社,2005.7.林立,易燕,马青.任务型学习在英语教学中的应用 [M].首都师范大学出版社,2005.
Ⅰ.Teaching Contents 教学内容
高三英语阅读复习,通过阅读逆复习基础知识.Ⅳ.Design of Teaching Objectives 教学目标 1.Knowledge objectives 知识目标
(2)学生通过分析句子,查找词组,积累生词,巩固一轮复习的基础知识。2.Ability objective能力目标
(1)强化略读、查读等阅读技能,训练通过寻找关键词、主题句等方式更快速并准确地确定文章的段落大意,理清文章的总体框架与脉络的技能。(2)通过分析句子,查找词组,积累生词,巩固一轮复习的基础知识 3.Affective objectives 情感价值目标(1)帮助学生理解环保的重要意义
(2)在小组合作互动中,增强学生的团队合作精神与分享意识。Ⅴ.Teaching Important Points(教学重点)1.阅读能力的培养和阅读技巧的训练。Ⅵ.Teaching Difficult Points(教学难点)a.理解环保的重要意义,从而树立正确的价值观;
b.训练用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力。Ⅶ.Teaching Methods(教学方法)1.Task-based method to make students interested in what they will learn.(任务型教学法)2.Fast reading to get the general idea of the passage.(略读法)
3.Careful reading to get some detailed information.(细读法)Ⅷ.Teaching Aids:(教学手段)多媒体教学
Ⅸ.Teaching procedures(教学程序)Step I Fast reading Fist get the general idea and find the answers to each questions,please find thesentenses which you find the answers according to.Ask some students to give the general ideas and give us the best answers.[设计说明] 本环节主要是快速阅读,按高考要求快速答题。快速限时阅读把阅读课文作为整体来处理,掌握主旨大意,这一任务过程中为了降低难度设空完成学生比较容易接受。在对课文表层理解的基础上,要求学生根据每段大意把文章进行划分部分,进一步理解了文章之后。让学生做判断正误题,巩固了学生对课文内容信息的掌握。本环节难度不高,学生都能很好地完成任务,不仅训练和提高了学生略读、查读的阅读技能。而且,提高了学生阅读的积极性。读懂大意,掌握细节,根据细节找答案。
Step 2.While-reading 1幻灯片1 Go through the passage ,find the words you don’t know or not know well.[设计说明] 通过找出生单词,有利于排除障碍,复习大纲单词,有利于阅读活动的展开。
1.Analyse the sentenses.First ask some students to analyse some long sentenses ,pay attention to the grammar.2.1.Last month I was part of a program called “sustainable summer”,whose mission is to cultivate the next generation of environment leaders through study-abroad experiences and field-based learning.2.what sustainable summer has taught me is there is no reason why I should wait until someone else takes charge of these issues to work on and resolve them 3.returning from my trip to the Amazon ,I am going to bring the skills and knowlege with me ,so that I can spread awareness about the threatened rainforest and help create meaningful change in my own urban wildness.Then rell the students to recite the sentenses as soon as possible ,remember the structures of the sentenses.[设计说明] 本环节属于读后活动,处理文中的典型的长难句,引出了高考重要的语法项目定语从句,非谓语动词,名词性从句。
Ste3.Post-reading 1.幻灯片3
2.1.Last month I was part of a program ____(call)“sustainable summer”,_____ mission is to cultivate the next generation of environment leaders through study-abroad experiences and field-based learning.3.2._____ sustainable summer has taught me isd there is no reason ____ I should wait until someone else takes charge of these issues to work on and resolve them 4.[设计说明] 本环节属于读后活动,这些都是文中的一个典型的长难句,都是学生刚背诵过的句子。用高考中的填词题模式设置填空,进行实战训练。让学生有实战感,背诵后的成就感 StepⅤ.Homework
Thank you![设计说明]文中所涉及语法知识,词句积累强化达到强化一轮复习中的要点,达到通过阅读逆复习基础知识,达到查漏补缺的效果。
首先,我们要让学生了解篇章材料和基础知识的相互关系,任何一种语言,都是词,句,篇组成的,词是构成篇章的基本元素,词形成句,篇靠的是生成习俗的语法,新课标明确提出: “知识是语言能力的有机组成部分,是发展语言技能的重要基础”。现在许多人似乎一提到中学教学进行基础知识训练就深恶痛绝,大声疾呼我们需要培养学生的语言运用能力,似乎要摒弃语法和词汇教学。殊不知没有基本的语法和词汇,哪来的语言运用能力?英语语言学家威尔金斯曾经指出,没有语法不能很好地表达,而没有词汇则什么也不能表达。知识和能力是相辅相成的,没有好的基础知识,能力也是不能发展的。如果知识打得不扎实,那么能力则是空中楼阁。随着社会要求和教学要求的提高,生词和结构较为复杂的长句、难句在短文中和题目中经常出现,没有过关的语言知识,学生很难领会文章,审清题意。因此,扎实的基础知识、善于处理词汇、牢固掌握教学考纲中要求的各个语法项目、通过分析句子结构辨别意群及正确理解结构复杂的长句均是做好阅读理解的要素。其次,用阅读材料逆复习英语基础知识的做法;
第一步,一篇阅读当然要作为一般的阅读材料给学生进行练习,要求学生在规定时间内(一般6——7分钟)完成阅读和相关练习题,上交老师进行批阅,对于大意,文章的理解简单的请学生完成,难的老师进行点拨。这也是常规做法,往往一般的阅读讲解就此结束。但我接下来延伸一步就是还会布置作业,请学生回去深挖阅读材料,用Brainstorm(头脑风暴)把文章中的重点单词进行拓展,重点句子进行分析,第二天课堂上集体讨论,看谁的拓展多而精。2007全国卷A篇阅读中 My next-door neighbor and fellow mother, Christie, and I were out in our front yards, watching seven children of age 6 and under ride their bikes up and down.学生就分析出watching做伴随状语。
部分学生发现“I wish I could take one of my children out alone,” 句子中wish的虚拟语气,我在课堂上同时借此机会把虚拟语气复习一下 Then we worked out a plan.句子中work out 拓展出 figure out,turn out,cut out,stand out,turn out,pick out 等重点词组。
在句子When she returned, the other children showered her with tons of questions.中复习了,a great deal of,a number of/the number of,plenty of,amounts of, quantities of,varieties of,mases of等表许多大量的词组表达后接可数名词还是接不可数名词的用法,在以下句子中1.I am always surprised when my daughter, who is seldom close to me, holds my hand frequently.2..And the other son, Sam, who’s always a follower when around other children shines as a leader during our times together.3.The “Mommy and Me” time allows us to be simply alone and away with each child。都含有定语从句,很好的让学生复习了一把定语从句的用法。
最后,要布置学生把重要的但自己又未掌握或者是未找出的用红笔记下来,要求在下一节课进行听写,并把重点句型编成填空题,让学生通过不看原文填空,达到再次复习巩固的目的,如我把以上阅读中的句子编成1.My next-door neighbor and fellow mother, Christie, and I were out in our front yards, _____(watch)seven children of age 6 and under ride their bikes up and down.2.I wish I___(take)one of my children out alone 3.The “Mommy and Me” time allows us to be ___(simple)alone and away with each child---talking, sharing, and laughing,____ has been the biggest gain.逆复习的好处很多,阅读材料各不相同,知识点相同,出现在不同阅读中,学生自己主动发现,在发现中学习,词句学生先找,再讨论,整合,让学生主动学,合作学,把机械的基础知识变活,学习也变成快乐