
时间:2019-05-13 20:04:51下载本文作者:会员上传





The official Chinese version of this report will be released by Xinhua News Agency.政府工作报告

Report on the Work of the Government

—— XX 年 3 月 5 日在第十二届全国人民代表大会第五次会议上

– Delivered at the Fifth Session of the 12th National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China on March 5, XX

国务院总理 李克强

Li Keqiang, Premier of the State Council


Esteemed Deputies,现在,我代表国务院,向大会报告政府工作,请予审议,并请全国政协各位委员提出 意见。

On behalf of the State Council, I will now report to you on the work of the government and ask for your deliberation and approval.I also wish to have comments on my report from the members of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC).一、XX 年工作回顾

Let me begin with a review of our work in XX.过去一年,我国发展面临国内外诸多矛盾叠加、风险隐患交汇的严峻挑战。在以习近平

平同志为核心的党中央坚强领导下,全国各族人民迎难而上,砥砺前行,推动经济社 会持续健康发展。党的十八届六中全会正式明确总书记的核心地位,体现了党 和人民的根本利益,对保证党和国家兴旺发达、长治久安,具有十分重大而深远的意 义。各地区、各部门不断增强政治意识、大局意识、核心意识、看齐意识,推动全面 建成小康社会取得新的重要进展,全面深化改革迈出重大步伐,全面依法治国深入实 施,全面从严治党纵深推进,全年经济社会发展主要目标任务圆满完成,“十三五” 实现了良好开局。

In the past year, China’s development has faced grave challenges posed by a great many problems and interwoven risks and dangers both at home and abroad.However, under the strong leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, we the Chinese people have risen to the challenge and worked hard to press ahead, driving forward sustained, healthy economic and social development.At the Sixth Plenary Session of the 18th Party Central Committee, the core position of General Secretary Xi Jinping was formally affirmed, which reflects the fundamental interests of the Party and the Chinese people, and is of crucial and farreaching significance for ensuring the flourishing and longterm stability of the Party and the country.All regions and all government departments have steadily strengthened their consciousness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in bigpicture terms, uphold the leadership core, and keep in alignment.Pushing ahead with all around efforts, we have achieved major progress in finishing building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, made important strides in deepening reform, continued to exercise lawbased governance, and made further progress in practicing strict Party selfgovernance;and we have accomplished the year’s main tasks and targets for economic and social development, and got the 13th FiveYear Plan off to a great start.——经济运行缓中趋稳、稳中向好。国内生产总值达到 万亿元,增长 %,名 列世界前茅,对全球经济增长的贡献率超过 30%。居民消费价格上涨 2%。工业企业 利润由上年下降 %转为增长 %,单位国内生产总值能耗下降 5%,经济发展的 质量和效益明显提高。

1.The economy has registered a slower but stable performance with good momentum for growth.GDP reached trillion yuan, representing growth, and seeing China outpace most other economies.China contributed more than 30 percent of global growth.The CPI rose by 2 percent.With an increase in profits, industrial enterprises reversed the previous year’s negative growth of percent.Energy consumption per unit of GDP fell by 5 percent.Economic performance improved markedly in quality and returns.——就业增长超出预期。全年城镇新增就业 1314 万人。高校毕业生就业创业人数再 创新高。年末城镇登记失业率 %,为多年来最低。13 亿多人口的发展中大国,就 业比较充分,十分不易。

2.Employment growth exceeded projections.A total of million new urban jobs were added over the course of the year.The number of college graduates finding employment or starting businesses reached another record high.The registered urban unemployment rate stood at percent at yearend XX, the lowest level in years.For China, a large developing country with a population of over billion, attaining this level of employment is no easy task.——改革开放深入推进。重要领域和关键环节改革取得突破性进展,供给侧结构性改 革初见成效。对外开放推出新举措,“一带一路”建设进展快速,一批重大工程和国 际产能合作项目落地。

3.Continued advances were made in reform and opening up.Breakthroughs were made in reforms in major sectors and key links, and initial success was achieved in supplyside structural reform.New measures were introduced for opening China up, rapid progress was made in pursuing the Belt and Road Initiative, and a number of major projects and industrialcapacity cooperation projects with other countries were launched.——经济结构加快调整。消费在经济增长中发挥主要拉动作用。服务业增加值占国内

生产总值比重上升到 %。高技术产业、装备制造业较快增长。农业稳中调优,粮 食再获丰收。

4.Economic structural adjustment was stepped up.Consumption was the main driver of economic growth.The value created by the service sector rose to percent of GDP.Hightech industries and equipment manufacturing grew rapidly.In agriculture, production was stable and structural adjustments were made, and we had continued good grain harvests.——发展新动能不断增强。创新驱动发展战略深入实施。科技领域取得一批国际领先 的重大成果。新兴产业蓬勃兴起,传统产业加快转型升级。大众创业、万众创新广泛 开展,全年新登记企业增长 %,平均每天新增 万户,加上个体工商户等,各 类市场主体每天新增 万户。新动能正在撑起发展新天地。

5.New drivers of growth gained strength.Further progress was made in pursuing the innovationdriven development strategy, and a number of worldleading achievements were made in science and technology.Emerging industries were thriving, and the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries accelerated.People were busy launching businesses or making innovations, with a yearonyear increase in the number of new businesses registeredan average of 15,000 new businesses daily.With self employed traders and other market entities included we had an average of 45,000 new market entities launched per day.New growth drivers are opening new prospects for China’s development.——基础设施支撑能力持续提升。高速铁路投产里程超过 1900 公里,新建改建高速

公路 6700 多公里、农村公路 29 万公里。城市轨道交通、地下综合管廊建设加快。新

开工重大水利工程 21 项。新增第四代移动通信用户 亿、光缆线路 550 多万公里。

6.Infrastructure became everbetter able to sustain development.Over 1,900 kilometers of new highspeed rail lines came into service, and more than 6,700 kilometers of expressways and 290,000 kilometers of rural roads were built or upgraded.Construction picked up pace on urban rail transit facilities and underground utility tunnels.Construction began on 21 major water conservancy projects.The number of 4G mobile communications subscribers grew by 340 million and over million kilometers of optical fiber cables were added.——人民生活继续改善。全国居民人均可支配收入实际增长 %。农村贫困人口减 少 1240 万,易地扶贫搬迁人口超过 240 万。棚户区住房改造 600 多万套,农村危房

改造 380 多万户。国内旅游快速增长,出境旅游超过 亿人次,城乡居民生活水平有新的提高。

7.Living standards were improved.Personal per capita disposable income increased by percent in real terms.The number of people living in poverty in rural areas was reduced by million, including more than million people relocated from inhospitable areas.More than 6 million homes in rundown urban areas and over million dilapidated rural houses were renovated.In tourism, domestic trips showed rapid growth, and overseas trips exceeded 120 million.People in both urban and rural areas saw a rise in living standards.我国成功主办二十国集团领导人杭州峰会,推动取得一系列开创性、引领性、机制性 重要成果,在全球经济治理中留下深刻的印记。

China successfully hosted the G20 XX Hangzhou Summit, and helped to deliver a number of important pioneering, leading, and institutional outcomes, thus doing its part for global economic governance.回顾过去一年,走过的路很不寻常。我们面对的是世界经济和贸易增速 7 年来最低、国际金融市场波动加剧、地区和全球性挑战突发多发的外部环境,面对的是国内结构 性问题突出、风险隐患显现、经济下行压力加大的多重困难,面对的是改革进入攻坚 期、利益关系深刻调整、影响社会稳定因素增多的复杂局面。在这种情况下,经济能 够稳住很不容易,出现诸多向好变化更为难得。这再次表明,人民有勇气、有智



XX was an unusual year in our country’s development.China was confronted with an external environment in which the world saw the lowest economic and trade growth in seven years, growing volatility in global financial markets, and sudden and frequent regional and global challenges.Domestically, China faced multiple difficulties: major structural problems, prominent risks and dangers, and mounting downward pressure on the economy.China found itself in a complex environment as reform entered a critical stage, profound changes took place affecting interests, and factors impacting social stability grew.Given all these factors, it was not easy for us to maintain stable economic performance.And yet we succeeded, and even managed to make progress on many fronts.Once again, this shows that we the Chinese people have the courage, ingenuity, and ability to overcome any difficulty or hardship.It also shows that the Chinese economy possesses potential, resilience, and strengths, so we can be sure there is even better development ahead for China.一年来,我们主要做了以下工作。

I will now move on to discuss our main work last year:

一是继续创新和加强宏观调控,经济运行保持在合理区间。去年宏观调控面临多难抉 择,我们坚持不搞“大水漫灌”式强刺激,而是依靠改革创新来稳增长、调结构、防 风险,在区间调控基础上,加强定向调控、相机调控。积极的财政政策力度加大,增 加的财政赤字主要用于减税降费。全面推开营改增试点,全年降低企业税负 5700 多亿 元,所有行业实现税负只减不增。制定实施中央与地方增值税收入划分过渡方案,确 保地方既有财力不变。扩大地方政府存量债务置换规模,降低利息负担约 4000 亿元。稳健的货币政策灵活适度,广义货币 M2 增长 %,低于 13%左右的预期目标。综 合运用多种货币政策工具,支持实体经济发展。实施促进消费升级措施。出台鼓励民 间投资等政策,投资出现企稳态势。分类调控房地产市场。加强金融风险防控,人民 币汇率形成机制进一步完善,保持了在合理均衡水平上的基本稳定,维护了国家经济 金融安全。

First, we continued to develop new and more effective ways of carrying out regulation at the macro level, thus keeping the economy performing within an appropriate range.Last year, we faced difficult choices in conducting macrolevel regulation, but we stood firm in not adopting strong stimulus policies that would have had an economy wide impact, and strived instead to maintain steady growth, adjust the structure, and guard against risks through reform and innovation.We strengthened targeted and welltimed regulation on the basis of rangebased regulation.More proactive fiscal policy was pursued, and the increase in the fiscal deficit was used mainly to cover tax and fee cuts.The trial replacement of business tax with value added tax(VAT)was extended to cover all sectors, slashing the tax burden of businesses for the year by over 570 billion yuan and reducing tax burdens in every sector.A transitional plan for sharing VAT revenue between the central and local governments was formulated and implemented to ensure financial resources of local governments remained unchanged.More local government bonds were issued to replace outstanding debts, reducing interest payments by roughly 400 billion yuan.A prudent monetary policy was pursued in a flexible and appropriate manner.The M2 money supply increased by percent, below our projected target of around 13 percent.We used a range of monetary policy tools to support the development of the real economy.Measures were taken to upgrade consumption.We unveiled policies to encourage private investment, and saw investment begin to stabilize.We strengthened efforts to manage financial risks.The RMB exchange rate regime continued to improve, and the exchange rate remained generally stable at an adaptive and equilibrium level.We also exercised categorybased regulation over the real estate market.By doing this, we have safeguarded China’s economic and financial security.二是着力抓好“三去一降一补”,供给结构有所改善。以钢铁、煤炭行业为重点去产 能,全年退出钢铁产能超过 6500 万吨、煤炭产能超过 亿吨,超额完成年度目标任 务,分流职工得到较好安置。支持农民工在城镇购房,提高棚改货币化安置比例,房 地产去库存取得积极成效。推动企业兼并重组,发展直接融资,实施市场化法治化债 转股,工业企业资产负债率有所下降。着眼促进企业降成本,出台减税降费、降低 “五险一金”缴费比例、下调用电价格等举措。加大补短板力度,办了一批当前急需 又利长远的大事。

Second, we focused on five priority tasks – cutting overcapacity, reducing excess inventory, deleveraging, lowering costs, and strengthening areas of weakness – thereby improving the composition of supply.Particular priority was given to cutting overcapacity in the steel and coal sectors.Over the year, steel production capacity was cut by more than 65 million metric tons and coal by over 290 million metric tons, going beyond annual targets.Effective assistance was provided to laidoff employees.We supported migrant workers in buying urban homes;and we increased the proportion of people affected by rebuilding in rundown urban areas receiving monetary compensation, making good progress in reducing real estate inventory.Business acquisitions and reorganizations were encouraged, direct financing was promoted, and market and lawbased debttoequity swaps were carried out, lowering the debttoasset ratio of industrial enterprises.To help enterprises lower operating costs, we introduced measures to cut taxes and fees, lower the share paid by enterprises for social security contributions, and cut the price of electricity.We boosted efforts to strengthen areas of weakness and undertook major initiatives that both help to meet urgent needs today and promise longterm benefits.三是大力深化改革开放,发展活力进一步增强。全面深化改革,推出一批标志性、支 柱性改革举措。围绕处理好政府和市场关系这一经济体制改革的核心问题,持续推进 简政放权、放管结合、优化服务改革。在提前完成本届政府减少行政审批事项三分之 一目标的基础上,去年又取消 165 项国务院部门及其指定地方实施的审批事项,清理 规范 192 项审批中介服务事项、220 项职业资格许可认定事项。深化商事制度改革。全面推行“双随机、一公开”,增强事中事后监管的有效性,推进“互联+政务服 务”。推动国有企业调整重组和混合所有制改革。建立公平竞争审查制度。深化 税改革。完善农村土地“三权分置”办法,建立贫困退出机制。推进科技管理体制改 革,扩大高校和科研院所自主权,出台以增加知识价值为导向的分配政策。放开养老 服务市场。扩大公立医院综合改革试点,深化药品医疗器械审评审批制度改革。制定 自然统一确权登记办法,开展省以下环保机构监测监察执法垂直管理、耕地轮作



Third, we worked hard to deepen reform and opening up, further strengthening the vitality of development.Reform was deepened across the board, and a good number of landmark and pillar reform initiatives were undertaken.To balance the governmentmarket relationship – the pivotal issue in economic structural reform – we continued reforms to streamline administration, delegate powers, and improve regulation and services.My administration’s goal of cutting the number of items requiring government review by a third had been achieved ahead of schedule.On that basis, last year we cancelled the requirement on a further 165 items for review by State Council departments and authorized local governments.We also overhauled and standardized 192 items of intermediary services for government review as well as 220 items of approvals and accreditations for professional qualifications.We deepened institutional reforms in the business sector.We introduced an oversight model of random inspection and public release across the board, made operational and postoperational oversight more effective, and promoted the Internet Plus government services model.We pushed ahead with reforms to restructure and reorganize stateowned enterprises(SOEs)and introduce into them mixed ownership structures.We established a review system to ensure fair competition.We deepened resource tax reforms.We improved measures for separating rural land ownership rights, contract rights, and management rights, and established a mechanism for determining whether people have been lifted out of poverty.We made progress in reforming the science and technology management system, gave greater autonomy to colleges and research institutes, and adopted profit distribution policies oriented toward increasing the value of knowledge.We opened up the elderly services market.We expanded the trials of comprehensive reforms in public hospitals and deepened reform of the evaluation and approval systems for medicine and medical equipment.We formulated unified measures to determine and register natural resource rights.We piloted reforms for conducting direct oversight by provinciallevel environmental




the environmental monitoring and inspection work of environmental protection agencies below the provincial level, as well as crop rotation

and fallow land reforms.The river chief system was introduced for all lakes and rivers across the country, and the mechanisms for compensating for ecological conservation efforts were improved.Reform has given new impetus to economic and social development.积极扩大对外开放。推进“一带一路”建设,与沿线国家加强战略对接、务实合作。人民币正式纳入国际货币基金组织特别提款权货币篮子。“深港通”开启。完善促进 外贸发展措施,新设 12 个跨境电子商务综合试验区,进出口逐步回稳。推广上海等自

贸试验区改革创新成果,新设 7 个自贸试验区。除少数实行准入特别管理措施领域外,外资企业设立及变更一律由审批改为备案管理。实际使用外资 1300 多亿美元,继续位 居发展家首位。

We opened China wider to the rest of the world.As we pushed ahead with the Belt and Road Initiative, we worked to increase complementarity between the development strategies of, and practical cooperation between, China and other countries along the routes.The RMB was formally included in the IMF’s Special Drawing Rights basket.The ShenzhenHong Kong Stock Connect was launched.We improved measures for promoting trade, and built 12 new integrated experimental zones for crossborder e commerce, bringing about a steady recovery in the volume of import and export.The new practices of pilot free trade zones in Shanghai and elsewhere were used to establish another seven pilot zones.The requirement for review and approval for setting up and making significant adjustments to foreign enterprises was replaced by a simple filing process, with the exception of a few areas where special market access requirement apply.In XX, China utilized more than US130 billion of overseas investment, continuing to rank first among developing countries.四是强化创新引领,新动能快速成长。深入推进“互联+”行动和国家大数据战略,全面实施《制造 2025》,落实和完善“双创”政策措施。部署启动面向 2030 年 的科技创新重大项目,支持北京、上海建设具有全球影响力的科技创新中心,新设 6

个国家自主创新示范区。国内有效发明专利拥有量突破 100 万件,技术交易额超过 1

万亿元。科技进步贡献率上升到 %,创新对发展的支撑作用明显增强。

Fourth, we strengthened innovation’s leading role, spurring the rapid development of new growth drivers.We took further steps to implement the Internet Plus action plan and the national big data strategy, fully implemented the Made in China 2025 initiative, and implemented and improved policies and measures to encourage people to launch businesses and innovate.We developed and launched a plan for completing major science and technology programs by 2030, supported Beijing and Shanghai in building themselves into global RD centers, and established another six national innovation demonstration zones.The number of inforce Chinese patents issued in China passed the million mark, and the value of technology transactions exceeded one trillion yuan.The contribution of scientific and technological progress to economic growth rose to percent, and innovation’s role in powering development grew markedly.五是促进区域城乡协调发展,新的增长极增长带加快形成。深入实施“一带一路”建 设、京津冀协同发展、长江经济带发展三大战略,启动建设一批重点项目。编制西部 大开发“十三五”规划,实施新一轮东北振兴战略,推动中部地区崛起,支持东部地 区率先发展。加快推进新型城镇化,深化户籍制度改革,全面推行居住证制度,又有 1600 万人进城落户。发展的协同叠加效应不断显现。

Fifth, we promoted more balanced development between regions and between rural and urban areas, and saw faster emergence of new growth poles and growth belts.We stepped up work to implement the three strategic initiatives(the Belt and Road, BeijingTianjinHebei integration, and the Yangtze Economic Belt), and began construction on a number of key projects.We formulated the plan for the 13th Five Year Plan period for largescale development in the western region, launched a new round of initiatives as part of the Northeast revitalization strategy, drove progress in the rise of the central region, and supported the eastern region in leading the rest of the country in pursuing development.We sped up efforts to promote new types of urbanization, deepened reform of the household registration system, introduced the residence card system nationwide, and granted urban residency to another 16 million people from rural areas.The synergy building through coordinated development became more and more evident.六是加强生态文明建设,绿色发展取得新进展。制定实施生态文明建设目标评价考核 办法,建设国家生态文明试验区。强化大气污染治理,二氧化硫、氮氧化物排放量分 别下降 %和 4%,74 个重点城市细颗粒物()年均浓度下降 %。优化能

源结构,清洁能源消费比重提高 个百分点,煤炭消费比重下降 2 个百分点。推进

水污染防治,出台土壤污染防治行动计划。开展中央环境保护督察,严肃查处一批环 境违法案件,推动了环保工作深入开展。

Sixth, we strengthened ecological conservation and made fresh progress in pursuing green development.We formulated and introduced measures for assessing progress made in ecological improvement, and established national pilot zones for ecological conservation.We took stronger measures against air pollution and, as a result, saw a decline in sulfur dioxide emissions, a 4percent cut in nitrogen oxide emissions, and a drop in the annual average density of fine particulate matter()in 74 key cities.We continued to improve the energy mix, increasing the share of clean energy consumption by percentage points and cutting the share of coal consumption by 2 percentage points.We continued efforts to prevent and control water pollution, and adopted an action plan for preventing and controlling soil pollution.Central government inspections



protection accountability were launched and violations of environmental protection laws were investigated and prosecuted, giving impetus to deeper efforts to protect the environment.七是注重保障和改善民生,人民群众获得感增强。在财政收支压力加大情况下,民生 投入继续增加。出台新的就业创业政策,扎实做好重点人群、重点地区就业工作。全 面推进脱贫攻坚,全国财政专项扶贫资金投入超过 1000 亿元。提高低保、优抚、退休

人员基本养老金等标准,为 1700 多万困难和重度残疾人发放生活或护理补贴。财政性 教育经费支出占国内生产总值比例继续超过 4%。重点高校招收贫困地区农村学生人 数增长 %。免除农村贫困家庭学生普通高中学杂费。全年资助各类学校家庭困难 学生 8400 多万人次。整合城乡居民基本医保制度,提高财政补助标准。增加基本公共


佳绩。去年部分地区特别是长江流域发生严重洪涝等灾害,通过及时有力开展抢险救 灾,紧急转移安置 900 多万人次,最大限度降低了灾害损失,恢复重建有序进行。

Seventh, we gave particular attention to ensuring and improving living standards, helping Chinese people gain a stronger sense of benefit.Despite growing pressure from fiscal imbalance, we continued to increase inputs in areas related to living standards.We launched new policies on employment and business startups, and carried out solid work on increasing employment for key target groups and priority regions.We made allaround progress in key battles to eradicate poverty and earmarked over 100 billion yuan from government budgets for poverty relief.We increased subsistence allowances, benefits for entitled groups, basic pension payments, and other subsidies;and over 17 million people benefited through the provision of costofliving allowances for people with disabilities in financial difficulty and nursing care subsidies for people with severe disabilities.Fiscal spending on education continued to be over 4 percent of GDP.The number of students from poor rural areas enrolled in key universities grew by percent.We waived tuition and miscellaneous fees for students from poor rural families at regular senior high schools.Over the course of the year, more than 84 million grants were given to students from poor families studying in all types of schools.1/3123下一页尾页



[ 2007-10-19 17:08 ]


曾在中央编译局工作过多年的美国专家琼·平克姆在她编写的《中式英语之鉴》(The Translator’s Guide to Chinglish)一书中,将中式英语称为 English with Chinese characteristics(中文特色的英文),这与socialism with Chinese characteristics(中国特色社会主义)可称为孪生词语,也说明了中国人使用英语介绍中国特色社会主义,更容易产生中文特色的英语,即“中式英语”。

一. 出现中式英语倾向的原因



一年一度的《政府工作报告》是中国政府向其人民代表所做的工作总结和工作部署。总结的是建设具有中国特色社会主义事业的新成就,部署的是针对中国国情的大政方针、基本国策,不少新词汇、新词组、新提法都是中国特有的,难以从英文词典中找到现成的对应词。无论是直译还是解释性翻译都难免中文味道。“三个代表”译为Three Represents,用动词represent体现原文“代表”的动态词性,用数量次、复数和大写来满足 “三个代表”简称的名词需要,译文与原文在形式上也很对称。但Three Represents听起来又点怪,仍有中式英语味道,因为用数次修饰动词是违反英文语法的。“三条保障线”(国有企业下岗职工基本生活保障、失业保险和城市居民最低生活保障)是典型的带中国特色的词组,英文里找不到相应的词。今年《政府工作报告》译为three-stage guarantees,后又根据上下文做解释性翻译(ensuring payment of the living allowances for workers laid off from state-owned enterprises, unemployment

insurance and subsistence allowances for the urban poor)。但这种译文不一定理想。guarantee有名词词性,字尾加s表示复数,符合英语语法。但stage是指同一事物不同的发展阶段,譬如现代化建设“三步走”战略译为three-stage strategy for

modernization drive,不能把几件事用stage相提并论,所以该译文是不准确的。英语专家王弄笙在其《近年来汉英翻译中出现的一些新问题》中提议将“三条保障线”译作the system of three social security programs,既强调了数量的概念,the system又使三者浑然一体,还体现了社会保障的范畴,可谓言简意赅。与数字结合的词组,诸如“五讲、四美、三热爱”等等,都是中国专有的,在英文里找不到相应的词组。即使深刻理












This represented a great shift from the centuries-long history of reclaiming farmland from lakes to restoring it to them on a large scale.这个例子,原文“湖”出现三次,“田”出现两次,而译文中lakes和farmland只出现一次,再次出现使用了代词it和 them来代替。既避免了重复,又增加了连贯性。原文中“围湖造田”“与湖争地”属同意反复,省去一个即可。英语中的代词可分为七、八种,可见代词在英语中比在汉语中用得多。使用代词代替名词是汉译应时避免重复、简化译文的一个常用的手法。



We built water conservancy projects on a scale larger than any other time since the founding of New China.The investment in these projects nationwide totaled 356.2 billion yuan for the five years, which was equal to the total investment in this field from 1950 through 1997 after adjusting for price changes.原文“水利建设”出现三次,译文中water conservancy projects 仅出现一次,第二次用指示代词these将定语缩短,第三次用概括性名词field代替。保留中心词、简化或省略修饰成分,可以避免重复指正。


…in May 2002 the State Council held a national conference on increasing revenue and reducing expenditures …in September 2002, it held another conference… 相同内容的会议第二次出现时,只保留中心词conference,其它修饰成分用another代替,既避免了重复,又使两次会议的同一目的一目了然。




We should seek both temporary and permanent solutions to the problems, with emphasis on the latter.译文用latter代替permanent solutions,强调对比,避免重复。


We should conscientiously implement the Party’s policy on overseas Chinese affairs and do a better job in this regard.译文中“侨务政策”做解释性翻译policy on overseas Chinese affairs,译文较长,重复出现时必须替代,this regard可以一字概括。





The infrastructure improved remarkably.例7.进行了新中国成立以来规模最大的水利建设。

We built water conservancy projects on a scale larger than any other time since the founding of New China.例8.交通建设空前发展,Transport developed on an unprecedented scale.例9.邮电通信建设突飞猛进。

Construction of postal and telecommunications facilities greatly expanded.例10.能源建设继续加强。

Construction in the energy sector was further intensified.例11.城市规划和公用设施建设明显加强。

Urban planning and public utility construction improved remarkably.报告中还出现其它方方面面的“建设”,都根据上下文变换词汇、确定搭配,给出了不同的译文,用词具体,译文易懂。


Significant progress was made in establishing China’s innovation system.例13.民主政治建设不断加强。

Democracy has been improved steadily.例14.精神文明建设取得新成果。

Fresh achievements have been made in promoting spiritual civilization.例15.加强国防和军队建设,是国家安全和现代化建设的可靠保证。

Strengthening national defense and the armed forces is a reliable guarantee for national security and the modernization drive.例16.坚持国防建设与经济建设协调发展。

We should balance well the need to build a strong defense with economic development.例17.全面建设小康社会

build a moderately prosperous society in China in an all-round way





The four financial asset management companies, which were set up as part of the reform to dispose of bad assets of the state-owned commercial banks, selected 580 eligible large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises for their debt-to-equity reform.这句话原文由三个并列动词结构组成。细看三者并不在一个层次上,第一个只是完成第二个的方式方法,第二个也只是文章的过渡,它们都不是句子的重点,第三个才是目的,也就是说句子的重点在最后一个动词结构。译文把次要的部分用从句处理,这就显出了层次,突出了句子重点。



The revolutionization, modernization and standardization of the armed forces were carried forward, leading to a rise in our country’s military capability and our army’s defensive combat readiness.原文两个主谓结构并列,仔细看有从属关系。第二个主谓结构译文只用了分词短语,较好地衬托出前者是重点。



Despite the grim international economic environment, we have created a new

situation in our opening up by responding positively, striving to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and turning challenges into opportunities.原文多个动词并列,译文中只出现一个谓语,其它用介词短语解决,层次分明。综上所述,中式英语是汉译英最需克服又最难克服的大问题。中国人用英语说中国的事,也许带有中文特色是难免的。用好以上两个技巧,能帮助克服许多中式英语,提高译文质量。如果要从根本上来解决这个问题,还需要译者扩大知识面,加强两种语言、尤其是英语的修养。英语水平越高,译文中式英语就越少。

(来源:中央编译局网站 作者:贾毓玲 英语点津姗姗编辑)







1.用词的中国特色 一年一度的《政府工作报告》是中国政府向其人民代表所做的工作总结和工作部署。总结的是建设具有中国特色社会主义事业的新成就,部署的是针对中国国情的大政方针、基本国策,不少新词汇、新词组、新提法都是中国特有的,难以从英文词典中找到现成的对应词。无论是直译还是解释性翻译都难免中文味道。

“三个代表”译为Three Represents,用动词represent体现原文“代表”的动态词性,用数量次、复数和大写来满足 “三个代表”简称的名词需要,译文与原文在形式上也很对称。但Three Represents听起来又点怪,仍有中式英语味道,因为用数次修饰动词是违反英文语法的。

“三条保障线”(国有企业下岗职工基本生活保障、失业保险和城市居民最低生活保障)是典型的带中国特色的词组,英文里找不到相应的词。今年《政府工作报告》译为three-stage guarantees,后又根据上下文做解释性翻译(ensuring payment of the living allowances for workers laid off from state-owned enterprises, unemployment insurance and subsistence allowances for the urban poor)。

但这种译文不一定理想。guarantee有名词词性,字尾加s表示复数,符合英语语法。但stage是指同一事物不同的发展阶段,譬如现代化建设“三步走”战略译为three-stage strategy for modernization drive,不能把几件事用stage相提并论,所以该译文是不准确的。英语专家王弄笙在其《近年来汉英翻译中出现的一些新问题》中提议将“三条保障线”译作the system of three social security programs,既强调了数量的概念,the system又使三者浑然一体,还体现了社会保障的范畴,可谓言简意赅。











例1.实现了千百年来围湖造田、与湖争地到大规模退田还湖的历史性转变。This represented a great shift from the centuries-long history of reclaiming farmland from lakes to restoring it to them on a large scale.这个例子,原文“湖”出现三次,“田”出现两次,而译文中lakes和farmland只出现一次,再次出现使用了代词it和 them来代替。既避免了重复,又增加了连贯性。原文中“围湖造田”“与湖争地”属同意反复,省去一个即可。英语中的代词可分为七、八种,可见代词在英语中比在汉语中用得多。使用代词代替名词是汉译应时避免重复、简化译文的一个常用的手法。


例2.进行了新中国成立以来规模最大的水利建设。五年全国水利建设投资3562亿元,扣除价格变动因素,相当于1950年到1997年全国水利建设投资的总和。We built water conservancy projects on a scale larger than any other time since the founding of New China.The investment in these projects nationwide totaled 356.2 million yuan for the five years, which was equal to the total investment in this field from 1950 through 1997 after adjusting for price changes.原文“水利建设”出现三次,译文中water conservancy projects 仅出现一次,第二次用指示代词these将定语缩短,第三次用概括性名词field代替。保留中心词、简化或省略修饰成分,可以避免重复指正。


„in May 2002 the State Council held a national conference on increasing revenue and reducing expenditures „in September 2002, it held another conference„




2010-03-13 来源:网络 【大 中 小】 我要投稿



Highlights of Wen's government work report


Following are the highlights of Wen's Report on the Work of the Government.以下是温家宝总理政府工作报告中的亮点解读。

Key words: Income distribution, 'Hukou' reform, Employment, Low-carbon, Housing prices

关键词:收入分配、户口改革、就业、“低碳”、房价 WORK REVIEW IN 2009 2009年政府工作报告 2010年主要目标

--China's gross domestic product(GDP)reached 33.5 trillion yuan, up 8.7 percent from a year earlier.--2009年国内生产总值达33.5万亿元,比上年增长8.7%。

--Fiscal revenue was 6.85 trillion yuan, up 11.7 percent year on year.财政收入达6.85万亿元,同比增长11.7%。

--Grain production was 531 million tonnes, a new record and increasing for the sixth consecutive year.--粮食产量达5.31亿吨,再创历史新高,实现连续六年增产。

--A total of 11.02 million job opportunities were created for urban residents.--城镇新增就业1102万人。

--The per capita disposable income of urban residents was 17,175 yuan, up 9.8 percent in real terms, while the net per capita income of rural residents was 5,153 yuan, rising 8.5 percent in real terms.--城镇居民人均可支配收入17175元,实际增长9.8%;农村居民人均纯收入5153元,实际增长8.5%。

--The central government's public investment was 924.3 billion yuan, 503.8 billion yuan more than in the previous year's budget.--中央政府公共投资9243亿元,比上年预算增加5038亿元。

--The government invested 654.5 billion yuan to support the post-Wenchuan earthquake recovery and reconstruction work.--政府投资6545亿元用于推进汶川地震灾后恢复重建。

--The central government used 725.3 billion yuan to support agriculture, rural areas and farmers, an increase of 21.8 percent.--中央财政用于“三农”的支出达7253亿元,增长21.8%。--A total of 20 billion yuan was provided to support 4,441 technological upgrading projects.--安排200亿元技改专项资金支持4441个技改项目。

--Last year imports and exports totaled $2.2 trillion.--全年进出口总额达2.2万亿美元。

--Actual utilized foreign direct investment amounted to $90 billion for the entire year.--全年实际利用外商直接投资900亿美元。

--The central government spent 127.7 billion yuan on medical and health care, an increase of 49.5 percent.--中央财政医疗卫生支出1277亿元,比上年增长49.5%。MAJOR TARGETS for 2010 2010年主要目标

--GDP will grow by about 8 percent.--国内生产总值增长8%左右。

--Urban employment will increase by more than 9 million people.--城镇新增就业900万人以上。

--Urban registered unemployment rate will be kept no higher than 4.6 percent.--城镇登记失业率控制在4.6%以内。

--Rise in the CPI will be held around 3 percent.--居民消费价格涨幅控制在3%左右。--Balance of payments will be improved.--改善国际收支状况。

--Sound development, and transforming the pattern of economic development will be emphasized.--保持经济平稳较快发展,调整经济结构。

China will strictly control new projects this year--中国今年将严格控制新开工项目。DEFICIT 财政赤字

--A deficit of 1.05 trillion yuan has been projected, which consists of 850 billion yuan in central government deficit and 200 billion yuan in local government bonds, which will be included in local government budgets.--今年拟安排财政赤字1.05万亿元,其中中央财政赤字8500亿元,继续代发地方债2000亿元并纳入地方财政预算。


--The total quantity of renminbi loans will be increased by approximately 7.5 trillion yuan.--新增人民币贷款7.5万亿元左右。EMPLOYMENT 就业

--The central government will allocate 43.3 billion yuan to stimulate employment;--中央财政拟投入433亿元用于促进就业。

--Emphasis will be given to helping college graduates, rural migrant workers, people experiencing employment difficulty, and demobilized military personnel find jobs.--重点做好高校毕业生、农民工、就业困难人员就业和退伍转业军人就业安置工作。


--The government will resolutely curb the precipitous rise of housing prices in some cities and satisfy people's basic need for housing;--政府将坚决遏制部分城市房价过快上涨势头,满足人民群众的基本住房需求。--The government will make greater efforts to deal with violations of laws and regulations such as keeping land unused, property hoarding, and price rigging.--加大对圈地不建、捂盘惜售、哄抬房价等违法违规行为的查处力度。


--The central government will not only make the “pie” of social wealth bigger by developing the economy, but also distribute it well on the basis of a rational income distribution system.--中央政府不仅要通过发展经济,把社会财富这个“蛋糕”做大,也要通过合理的收入分配制度把“蛋糕”分好。


--The central government will allocate 133.5 billion yuan for direct subsidies for farmers, a year-on-year increase of 6.04 billion yuan.中央财政拟安排补贴资金1335亿元,比上年增加60.4亿元。EDUCATION 教育

--Education reform will be advanced in the system for operating schools, curricula, teaching methods, and evaluation systems.--推进教育改革。对办学体制、教学内容、教育方法、评价制度等进行系统改革。SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY 科技

--China will make farsighted arrangements for basic research and research in cutting-edge technologies in the fields of biology, nanoscience, quantum control, information networks, climate change, aerospace and oceanography.--前瞻部署生物、纳米、量子调控、信息网络、气候变化、空天海洋等领域基础研究和前沿技术研究。


--China will steadily move forward with the pilot program for a new old-age insurance system for rural residents by expanding it to 23 percent of the country's counties.--扎实推进新型农村社会养老保险试点,试点范围扩大到23%的县。--China to relax “hukou” restrictions in small cities, towns.我国将放宽中小城市和小城镇户籍限制。

--China will reform its household registration system and relax restrictions on permanent residence registration, or “hukou”, in towns, small and medium-sized cities.推进户籍制度改革,放宽中小城市和小城镇落户条件。HEALTHCARE 医疗卫生

--China will raise government subsidies on basic medical insurance for non-working urban residents and on the new type of rural cooperative medical care system to 120 yuan per person per year, up 50 percent over last year, and appropriately increase rates for individual contributions.--今年要把城镇居民基本医保和新农合的财政补助标准提高到120元,比上年增长50%,并适当提高个人缴费标准。FIGHTING CLIMATE CHANGE 应对气候变化

--China will work hard to develop low-carbon technologies.--中国将大力开发低碳技术。

--China will endeavor to build an industrial system and consumption pattern with low carbon emissions.--要努力建设以低碳排放为特征的产业体系和消费模式。

--China will participate in international cooperation to address climate change and work for further progress in the global fight against climate change;--积极参与应对气候变化国际合作,推动全球应对气候变化取得新进展。--The energy-saving capacity will be increased by an equivalent of 80 million tonnes of standard coal.--今年要新增8000万吨标准煤的节能能力。NATIONAL DEFENSE 国防建设

--China will concentrate on making the army better able to win informationized local wars, and will enhance its ability to respond to multiple security threats and accomplish a diverse array of military tasks.--中国将以增强打赢信息化条件下局部战争能力为核心,提高应对多种安全威胁、完成多样化军事任务的能力。TIBET, XINJIANG 西藏、新疆

--The central government will formulate and implement policies for economic and social development in Xinjiang, Tibet, and Tibetan ethnic areas in Sichuan, Yunnan, Gansu and Qinghai provinces.--重点抓好新疆、西藏和四省(四川、云南、甘肃、青海)藏区经济社会发展政策的制定和实施工作。HONG KONG, MACAO 香港、澳门

--The central government will support Hong Kong in consolidating and elevating its position as an international financial, trade, and shipping center;developing industries with local advantages;and fostering new areas of economic growth.--中央政府将支持香港巩固并提升其作为国际金融、贸易和航运中心的地位,发展优势产业,培育新的经济增长点。

--The central government will support Macao in developing its tourism and leisure industry and appropriately diversifying its economy.--支持澳门发展旅游休闲产业,促进经济适度多元化。TAIWAN 台湾

--The mainland will continue to adhere to the principle of developing cross-Straits relations and promoting peaceful reunification of the motherland, firmly embrace the theme of peaceful development of cross-Strait relations and constantly create new conditions for it.--在新的一年里,我们要继续坚持发展两岸关系、促进祖国和平统一的大政方针,牢牢把握两岸关系和平发展的主题,不断开创两岸关系和平发展新局面。--The mainland will encourage qualified enterprises to invest in Taiwan.--鼓励有条件的大陆企业赴台投资。

--The mainland will promote a win-win situation, set up an economic cooperation mechanism that reflects the characteristics of both sides by negotiating and signing an economic cooperation framework agreement(ECFA).--通过商签两岸经济合作框架协议,促进互利共赢,建立具有两岸特色的经济合作机制。


从紧货币政策政府工作报告热词——宏观经济篇稳健财政政策 tight monetary policy

宏观经济调控 prudent fiscal policy政府临时调控 macroeconomic regulation

经济增长模式 government interim intervention固investment

定资产投 mode of economic development

资反弹 a resurgence in fixed asset 货币信贷投放仍然偏多of money and credit

continued excessive supplies 流动性过剩转型过程 excessive liquidity行政手段 transformation process螺旋式通胀 administrative measures通胀压力抑制通胀 inflationary pressurespiraling inflation次贷危机to hold down inflation经济剧烈波动 subprime mortgage crisis

经济过热 drastic fluctuations in the economy防止经济过热 economic overheating促to prevent the economy from adjustment and balanced development

进结构调整和协调发展 to promote overheatingstructural 减disadvantaged group

轻弱势群体负担 ease the burden on the 增加对薄弱环节、改善民生、深化改革等方面的支出increase expenditures necessary “to shore up weakto links, improve people's lives and deepen reform”


厉打击非法用工 to severely

punish illegal 加强劳动争议处理disputes

to improve the handling of labor 加强劳动保障监察protection measures

to improve oversight for worker 就业促进法劳动合同法Employment Promotion Law城镇登记失业率Labor Contract Law

鼓励创业公共就业服务体系 to encourage business startups

registered urban unemployment rate完善再就业扶持政策 public employment service systemseekers

to improve the aid system for job “零就业”家庭就业机会 zero-employment families非农产业 employment opportunities失业保险制度 nonagricultural sectors


动力总量 unemployment insurance system

大增 a large increase in the total 支持创办小型企业small enterprises

to support citizens to establish 鼓励自谋职业和自主创业jobs on their own or start their own businessesto encourage people to find 加training and training in how to start a business强就业和创业培训 to strengthen vocational 城乡劳动者平等就业制度treats urban and rural workers equally

an employment system that 落实促进残疾人就业政策find more jobs for people with physical and mentalto carry out policies to disabilities

建立帮助零就业家庭解决就业困难长效机制permanent families find jobs

mechanism to help zero-employmentto create a 通过加强就业和创业培训,及支持创办小型企业来扩大就业鼓励自谋职业和自主创业,以"by encouraging andto expand employment strengthening job training, encouraging people to training business start-ups, find establishment of small enterprisesjobs on their own, and supporting the 政府工作报告热词——国企篇国有企业

主要产业 state owned enterprises(SOEs)税收贡献 core business民航所有制结构 civil aviation

tax contributions发展大型粮食基地 ownership structure


to develop large grain production 国state-owned assets

有资产所有权转移 transferring ownership of 完善所有制结构实行政策性关闭破产 to improve ownership structureclosures and bankruptcies

to carry out policy-mandated 建立国有资本经营预算制度for managing state capital

to set up a budget system 国有企业资产总额owned enterprises(SOEs)

the total value of assets of state 国system for state-owned assets

有资产管理体制改革 reform of the management 国distribution and structure of the state sector

有经济布局与结构调整 adjustment of the 建立和完善国有资产出资人制度a system for investors of state assets

to set up and improved 引入国有企业股份制system in SOEs

to institute a stockholding 邮政体制改革振兴老工业基地战略 reform of the postal service systemindustrial bases

strategy of rejuvenating the old 国有企业改革改组改造upgrading SOEs

reforming, reorganizing and 深化国有企业股份制改革convert SOEs into stockholding corporationsto deepen the reform to 加强公司化管理实policy-mandated closures and bankruptcies

行政策引 to improve corporate governance导关闭和破产 to carry out 加economies 快资源枯exploitation

of 竭型cities 城市经济dependent 转型 to transform on resource the 扩大建立国有资产管理预算系统试点experiment state capitalof setting up a budget systemto expand the for managing 引入竞争,to introducing deepen 加强政府管理和公共监督,the 深化垄断企业改革 government regulation and public supervision

competition reform of monopoly and industries strengthening by 严strictly 格国有资产转化为股份制企业的标准程序 to SOEs into stock companies

standardize procedures for transforming 资源型城市经济转型试点of cities dependent on resource exploitationto transform the economies 严格规范国有企业改制和国有产权转让,失防止国有资产流transforming to strictly transferring SOEs into standardize stock procedures for prevent their erosion

ownership of state-owned companies assets and for to 主辅分离,辅业改制businesses former into independent companyfrom theircore to separate SOE's secondary businesses and covert the


清洁、可再生能源 energy consumption 化学需氧量 clean and renewable energy sources 节能减排目标 chemical oxygen demand


targets for saving energy and reducing 节reduction technologies

能减排技术 energy conservation and emission 淘汰落后生产企业facilities

to close down backward production 加production facilities

强先进生产能力建设 to develop advanced 城市污水处理能力重点流域的污染防治 urban sewage treatment capacity valleys and regions

pollution control in major river 农村饮用水安全饮用水rural drinking water 污染物排放 safe drinking water 资源节约型、环境友好型社会 emissions of pollutants

and environmentally friendly society

a resource-conserving 抓好重点企业节能和重点工程建设conservation key projects

in key enterprises and to focus on energy construction of 产updating 品质量安全标准制定和修订the formulation or products, drugs and other consumer goods

of national standards for the safety of food 落实电力、钢铁、水泥、煤炭、造纸等行业淘汰落后生产能力计划production facilities in the electricity, steel,implement the plan to close down backward cement, coal and papermaking industries

纠正招商引资中违法违规的做法practices for attracting foreign investmen

to correct illegal 限制和禁止高耗能、高排放和部分资源性外资项目limitto energy intensive or highly polluting, limit or ban or ban foreign investment in projects that are foreign exploitation

investment in some areas of resource 提standards would have stricter limits for discharge 高重点流域水污染物的国家排放标准。National of pollutants in key river valleys.节约资源和环境保护要一代一代人持之以恒地进行下去,让conservation 我们的祖国山更绿,水更清,天更continue from generation to generation to make our and environmental protection 蓝。Resource must mountains greener, waters cleaner and skies bluer.



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