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【雾都孤儿】 外国名著英文版读后感

Here I am sitting on a couch alone, thinking about what I have just finished reading with tears of sadness filling my eyes and fire of indignation filling my heart, which revived my exhausted soul that has already been covered by the cruelty and the selfishness of the secular world for a long time.It is truly what I felt after reading Oliver Twist, written by the prominent British author Charles Dickens.The resonance between me and the book makes me feel not only the kindness and the wickedness of all the characters in the novel, but what this aloof society lacks, and what I lack deep inside.These supreme resources I‘m talking about right now are somewhat different from minerals, oil that we usually mention.They‘re abstract like feelings, and some kinds of spiritual stimulation that all of us desire anxiously from one another —— love and care.Those charitable figures whom Dickens created in the novel are really what we need in life.They showed love and care to others, just as the gentle rain from the sky fell upon the earth, which was carved into my heart deeply.Mr.Brownlow is one such person.The other day he had one of his elaborate watches stolen by two skilled teenage thieves, Artful Dodger and Charley Bates, and thought naturally it was Oliver, who was an orphan and forced to live with a gang of thieves, that had done it because he was the only one near by after the theft had taken place.Being wrathful, he caught Oliver, and sent him to the police station where the ill-tempered, unfair magistrates worked.Fortunately for him, Oliver was proved innocent by one onlooker afterwards.With sympathy, Mr.Brownlow took the injured, poor Oliver to his own home.There Oliver lived freely and gleefully for some months as if he were Mr.Brownlow‘s own son.One day, however, Mr.Brownlow asked Oliver to return some books to the bookseller and to send some money for the new books that he had already collected.The thief Oliver once stayed with kidnapped him.After that he disappeared in Mr.Brownlow‘s life.Searching for a while, Mr.Brownlow had to believe the fact that he had run away with his money.But dramatically, they came across each other again a few years later.Without hesitation, Mr.Brownlow took Oliver home for the second time not caring if he had done something evil.Perhaps most of us would feel confused about Mr.Brownlow‘s reaction.But as a matter of fact, this is just the lesson we should learn from him.Jesus said in the Bible.―Forgive

not seven times, but seventy-times seven.‖ Why is that? Because forgiveness is our ability to remove negative thoughts and neutralize them so our energy may be spent on doing what we came here for.We cannot move forward in our future if past issues cloud our thinking.Stop put Mr.Brownlow into the list of your models.Always give people a second chance no matter what they

might have done.That‘s also a substantial part of loving and caring others.Then there are Mrs.Maylie and Rose, Oliver‘s other benefactors.Maybe the reason they loved and cared Oliver was not because of forgiveness.In my point of view, it was trust.They had faith in Oliver when he was considered to be a filthy burglar who tried to break the front door of Maylie‘s at midnight.But this wasn‘t how these two ladies saw the whole thing.They denied Oliver‘s crime immediately and listened attentively to Oliver‘s own description of his miserable life.They were deeply touched by Oliver‘s strong perseverance and astonishing vitality.Accordingly, they remedied Oliver‘s body and heart and turned him into a different boy.He began to wear appropriate and clean suits which were tailor-made for him and receive education.As far as we can see, it is trust that helps us all live together without precaution.Sometimes trust can even lead us to miracles, which we often expect to come about, so why not trust? Trust yourself, trust others, and you‘ll salute miracles every single day.In the novel, though the young Oliver again and again fell for conspiracies of those hideous thieves, who tried to torture Oliver‘s body and poisoned Oliver‘s heart intensely, he always lived on and tried hard to seek for his own life.Then I realized what supported him all through were actually beliefs.In most cases, what you believe is what you‘ll become.Believe that you are unlimited, that you can do anything you commit to doing, and when you do, your accomplishments will know no bounds.You control your beliefs and that is how you ultimately control your life.It‘s all dictated by your attitude.In the final analysis, love and care contain numerous forms, there are love of forgiveness, love of trust, etc.but they all come from your beliefs in life.When someone tells you he‘s deceived you, forgive him anyway, when someone tells you what he‘s done, trust him anyway, and when you face adversities while chasing your dreams, think about your beliefs, then what hinders you will become a piece of cake in no time.So find out ―Olivers‖ in your life and do as Mr.Brownlow and Mrs.Maylie do: love them and care them, which cost nothing but save much.They enrich those who receive, without impoverishing those who give.They can be certain smallest words or actions, but the memory of them sometimes last forever.Charles Dickens said:―Love makes the world go around.‖ These immortal words have inspired and will keep on inspiring us to chant the melody of love and to say the prayer of care forevermore.Let us, therefore, enjoy life and treat other people lovingly.These principles are the roots and foundations of beliefs supporting this article and our mission together.【呼啸山庄】

Many people in the world are trying to find a perfect companion.Some of these may marry and not know what their new husband or wife is like.This kind of situation often leads to separation or hostility.Other situations may develop between two friends that stem from jealousy, desire for

revenge, uncaring parents, etc.Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights displays several characteristics of destructive relationships.Three of these are uncaring parents, marriage without knowing the person, and jealousy.Uncaring or unsympathizing parents are shown throughout this story to be an element of destructive relationships.Because Heathcliff gained all the attention from Mr.Earnshaw, Hindley became disassociated from his father.This separation continued until after Mr.Earnshaw had died.Another example is between Hindley and Hareton.Hindley became such a drunk and a gambler that he could not properly care for young Hareton.This led to a separation between Hareton and his father as well.One primary example of an uncaring parent is shown between Heathcliff and his son Linton.Heathcliff did not even want his son for anything except enacting a part of his revenge.This is shown by Linton's fear of Heathcliff and Heathcliff's enmity toward his son.Linton even says “...my father threatened me, and I dread him-I dread him!”(244)to express his feeling about Heathcliff.The hostility and separation between father and son in this book shows that uncaring parents can cause serious damage in relationships with their children.This element of destructive behavior may stem from an unhappy marriage in which the husbands or wives don't know each other.This had happened between Isabella and Heathcliff.Isabella did not really know Heathcliff when she married him, but after she had married him she saw that Heathcliff was not a gentleman at all.To declare her feelings she wrote “Is Heathcliff a man? If so, is he mad? And if not, is he a devil? I shan't tell my reasons for making this inquiry;but I beseech you to explain, if you can, what I have married...”(125).Another example of this is when Catherine married Edgar Linton.Although she had been happy at the beginning of the marriage, she thought having parties all the time was going to be fun.Yet, after a while, she became bored.She also realized that she loved Heathcliff more than Edgar and would always love Heathcliff.This enlightenment created separation between Edgar and Catherine during the final hours of Cathy's life.An additional marriage which was made that was doomed was the one between Catherine and Linton.Because this was a forced marriage, Cathy had not yet learned all she could about Linton.Because she did not know until after the marriage that Linton was selfish and inconsiderate, she became distressed and grew isolated in the house.These three failed marriages described in this novel show that knowing the person you will marry is very important.While these marriages took place, jealousy also took a hold in some relationships.One example of this is when Mr.Earnshaw starts to favor Heathcliff over his own son, Hindley.Because of this, Hindley becomes jealous of young Heathcliff and sets out to make Heathcliff's life a nightmare.Hindley's jealousy becomes evident when he says ,“...be damned you beggarly interloper!and wheedle my father out of all he has;only afterwards show him what you are, imp of Satan.”(35).Jealousy was also found very notably in the relationship between Heathcliff and Edgar Linton.【老人与海】

On summer vacation of this year, I studied in novel “ old man and sea ” of Hemingway , famous writer of U.S.A.,.I admire the old fisherman's will in the novel very much, he lets me understand that a person must have unremitting spirit, could succeed.What the novel is described is an old fisherman almost the sixty years old, when go to sea and fish alone once, have angled to a big fish,but can not draw.After tough fisherman and fish have socialized for a few days, just find this is a big Malin's fish which exceeds several times of one's own fishing boat, though know perfectly well that it is very difficult to win , does not give up yet.Because big Malin fish fishlike smell of wound attract odd herds of shark vie for the food again later, but the old man is still unwilling to give up like this, stress the tight encirclement finally , take the large fish back to fishing port , let other fishmen admire it endlessly.The old fisherman thinks that as I read “: It is really too close from here to coast, perhaps there are bigger fish in the farther place ……” When,admire very much because this old fisherman in the persons, because play not for some fishing he already at this moment I, but he is not satisfied with the existing state of affairs , but advance towards greater goal.Seeing us again, meet some little difficulties at ordinary times , all of us complain bitterly.We are the future of the motherland, should be as ambitious as this old man, go to pursue well , greater goal.Read as me “ big Malin fish is it enclose light fishing boat move about , is it get mast to twine cable fast to begin, old man right hand hold steel fork high , jump out in a flash , affording to try one's best above water in it, a sound of wail has finished the life of the loud fish, it floats on the surface of water silently ……”When,the I one heart is too fall like pieces of stone not big.I admire that kind of fearing of the old man at all , unremitting spirit very much, though know rival's strength is very strong , but he has not shrunk back at all , meets the difficulty.Just because there is this kind of spirit, the old fisherman has obtained the victory of the trial of strength of this life and death.We should study the old fisherman's spirit too in life, do the thing and is not afraid of the difficulty , could achieve success.Read big blood offensive smell of fish smell one shark , fall over each other to visit to vie for the food, left hand of old man pull a muscle just, he can only use right hand, can weapon attacked to used for defend oneself with stick , mouth of swordfish that catch everything, and has driven away this herd of shark finally.But big meat of fish take into big half already, but old man criticize one's own left hand “ when the work this when have a rest ” humorously also, I am subdued by old man's optimistic spirit too.In life, some losses are unavoidable, we should treat the optimistic attitude , can't worry about petty gain or loss.Finally, the novel sees with a teenager that old fisherman has 18 feet of big long Malin's fish totally in the tolerance , the ones that have described this fish are enormous again, prove that old fisherman's difficulty overcome is big, than ordinary.Old fisherman's spirit that makes great efforts to struggle fearless of danger and difficulty that the novel has been extolled, we should be like him too, can' t be satisfied with the current situation , should be positive upwards, it should be unremitting to do anything, it must not give up halfway to meeting difficulty should meet the difficulty.Only in this way, we could obtain greater success and victory.【哈姆雷特】

“ Hamlet ” of Shakespear is a clASSical representative work.This book certainly does not have the big difference in the superficial plot with the historical fable, spoke or the Danish prince the story which revenged for the father, in which fills the rank smell of blood violence and dies.Just like the dramatis personae Horatio said: “ you may hear to to rape massacre, the unusual repair behavior, the dark center decision, accidental slaughter, borrows the hand murder , as well as falls into suicide result.” Windingly elects

the plot, tightly centers on the revenge to

launch.Hamlet Wittenberg hurries back the home in a hurry from Germany, is attends his father's funeral, enables him to accept, he not catches up with father's funeral, actually witnessed the mother and the Uncle Claudius' wedding ceremony, this had caused Hamm the Wright suspicion at the heart, added night above meets in the royal palace castle with father's ghost, the ghost sorrow sued, this pile atrocity was Uncle Hamlet the behavior, and wanted him to revenge for the father.To this, he started the difficult revenge course, launched the life and death contest with Claudius.Finally, sent out sword the revenge to Claudius Hamlet is a man with contradictory,he had many chances to kill Claudius,but he hesitated,which reflects the religious thought poisons.【绿野仙踪】

Carrie was such an ordinary rural girl at the beginning of the story.Sitting on the seat of a bus, she couldn‘t help feeling exciting at the sight of the metropolis‘ spectacle.She was impressed deeply by large crowd on the avenue, the spacious square or tall buildings.Far more different from other heroines, Carrie was not a plain pure angel like Snow-white, nor was she brave enough to be a heroine of revolutionist or even a reformer, nor was she so clever as to be a successful career woman who start from scratch.What attracted her most, after her entering this huge metropolis was the incredible fineries, fashion shoes, smart handbags displaying in the shop windows, the jewellerys shining brightly behind the glass.She dreamed that one day, she could wear all of these, jogging gracefully into the most luxurious hotel with focused sights of admiration.And this was not merely a dream.Because she had large eyes which can earn others’ sympathy, even love.She had wonderful figure which can win others’ hearts.However, anything she got, anywhere she reached, had not come from her ambition.Things happened, and then she accepted.That‘s what she had just done ? just to accept willingly from the bottom of her heart.She was not at all an evil woman who would give anything for the fortune or fame.However, she would give uo something for a better life when her instinct defeated her intellect.That was Carrie, a girl had her own desire, a human being just like many others in the realistic world.There’s one sentence written in chapter VIII:” When this jangle of free-will instinct shall have been adjusted, when perfect understanding has given the former the power to replace the latter entirely, man will no longer vary.” However, how many people can go that further.And I want to quote another sentence to wind up my essay:

“In Carrie ? as in how many of our wordings do they not? ? instinct and reason, desire and understanding, were at war for the mastery.”

“ Hamlet ” of Shakespear is a clASSical representative work.This book certainly does not have the big difference in the superficial plot with the historical fable, spoke or the Danish prince the story which revenged for the father, in which fills the rank smell of blood violence and dies.Just like the dramatis personae Horatio said: “ you may hear to to rape massacre, the unusual repair behavior, the dark center decision, accidental slaughter, borrows the hand murder , as well as falls into suicide result.” Windingly elects

the plot, tightly centers on the revenge to launch.Hamlet Wittenberg hurries back the home in a hurry from Germany, is attends his father's funeral, enables him to accept, he not catches up with father's funeral, actually witnessed the mother and the Uncle Claudius' wedding ceremony, this had caused Hamm the Wright suspicion at the heart, added night above meets in the royal palace castle with father's ghost, the ghost sorrow sued, this pile atrocity was Uncle Hamlet the behavior, and wanted him to revenge for the father.To this, he started the difficult revenge course, launched the life and death contest with Claudius.Finally, sent out sword the revenge to Claudius Hamlet is a man with contradictory,he had many chances to kill Claudius,but he hesitated,which reflects the religious thought poisons.【简爱】

This is a story about a special and unreserved woman who has been exposed to a hostile environment but continuously and fearlessly struggling for her ideal life.The story can be interpreted as a symbol of the independent spirit.It seems to me that many readers’ English reading experience starts with Jane Eyer.I am of no exception.As we refer to the movie “Jane Eyer”, it is not surprising to find some differences because of its being filmized and retold in a new way, but the spirit of the novel remains----to be an independent person, both physically and mentally.Jane Eyer was a born resister, whose parents went off when she was very young, and her aunt,the only relative she had,treated her as badly as a ragtag.Since Jane’s education in Lowwood Orphanage began, she didn’t get what she had been expecting——simply being regarded as a common person, just the same as any other girl around.The suffers from being humiliated and devastated teach Jane to be persevering and prize dignity over anything else.As a reward of revolting the ruthless oppression, Jane got a chance to be a tutor in Thornfield Garden.There she made the acquaintance of lovely Adele and that garden’s owner, Rochester, a man with warm heart despite a cold face outside.Jane expected to change the life from then on, but fate had decided otherwise: After Jane and Rochester fell in love with each other and got down to get marry, she unfortunately came to know in fact Rochester had got a legal wife,who seemed to be the shadow following Rochester and led to his moodiness all the time----Rochester was also a despairing person in need of salvation.Jane did want to give him a hand, however, she made up her mind to leave, because she didn’t want to betray her own principles, because she was Jane Eyer.The film has finally got a symbolist end: Jane inherited a large number of legacies and finally returned.After finding Rochester’s misfortune brought by his original mad wife, Jane chose to stay with him forever.I don’t know what others feel, but frankly speaking, I would rather regard the section that Jane began her teaching job in Thornfield as the film’s end----especially when I heard Jane’s words “Never in my life have I been awaken so happily.” For one thing, this ideal and brand-new beginning of life was what Jane had been imagining for long as a suffering person;for another, this should be what the audiences with my views hoped her to get.But the professional judgment of producing films reminded me to wait for a totally different result: There must be something wrong coming with the excellence----perhaps not only should another section be added to enrich the story, but also we may see from the next transition of Jane’s life that “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you would get.”(By Forrest Gump’s mother, in the film “Forrest Gump”)

What’s more, this film didn’t end when Jane left Thornfield.For Jane Eyer herself, there should always be somewhere to realize her great ideal of being independent considering her fortitude, but for Rochester, how he can get salvation? The film gives the answer tentatively: Jane eventually got back to Rochester.In fact, when Jane met Rochester for the first time, she scared his horse and made his heel strained, to a certain extent, which meant Rochester would get retrieval because of Jane.We can consider Rochester’s experiences as that of religion meaning.The fire by his frantic wife was the punishment for the cynicism early in his life.After it, Rochester got the mercy of the God and the love of the woman whom he loved.Here we can say: human nature and divinity get united perfectly in order to let such a story accord with the requirements of both two sides.The value of this film may be due to its efforts to explore a new way for the development of humanism under the faith of religion.Life is ceaselessly changing, but our living principles remain.Firmly persisting for the rights of being independent gives us enough confidence and courage, which is like the beacon over the capriccioso sea of life.In the world of the film, we have found the stories of ourselves, which makes us so concerned about the fate of the dramatis personae.In this era of rapid social and technological change leading to increasing life complexity and psychological displacement, both physical and mental effects on us call for a balance.We are likely to find ourselves bogged down in the Sargasso Sea of information overload and living unconsciousness.It’s our spirit that makes the life meaningful.Heart is the engine of body, brain is the resource of thought, and great films are the mirrors of life.Indubitably, ―Jane Eyer‖ is one of them.【飘】

Scarlett , a very personality figures,the two mans she love ,neither does she know about.To her, I was compelled to admire, admire her strong and brave, admire her to lay down in the environment, farm workers previously suffered education, admire her to disregard the community to create their own expression of the cause.She is in the whole story, all a person full of fighting will full of vitality.I appreciated most , it is this “ Tomorrow is another day of hers.”.Promising forever, full of fighting will , will never give up, never desperate.I think I‘m moved by her.So, whenever I meet difficulty, the mood is not good, I will tell oneself : “ Tomorrow is another day.” ‘Gone with the Wind‘ is absolutely a good book that is worth sampling repeatedly, the characters are graceful , the plot rises and falls, exciting boldly and unconstrainedly, though the subjective factor because of the author among them , the appraisal on U.S.A.‘s Civil War is not objective and overall, but as to angle of literature, this one fine piece of writing generation definitely absolutely, worth visiting.Title: The Little Prince

Title: The Little Prince Author: Antoine de St-Exupery Main Characters: The little prince, the pilot, the rose, the fox, the snake, etc.Despite I’ve not in my childhood yet, I still prefer reading fairy-tale stories.The tales, which accompany with me in my old days, often make me think of some precious experience and sensation which only belong to children.This summer I’ve review this kind of tale, which was published in 1940.It’s the world-famous fairy-tale by the French author, Antoine de St-Exupery, The Little Prince.As many other fairy-tales, the outline of The Little Prince is not very complex.“I”, the narrator of the story, is a pilot whose plane has something wrong and lands in the Sahara.In this occasion, the pilot makes the acquaintance of the little prince, a little boy from another planet, the Asteroid B612.The little prince has escaped from his tiny planet, because he has some quarrel with a rose, which grows on his planet.In

that case he left his own planet and took an exploration at some neighbor asteroids.On his all-alone journey, the little prince meets different kinds of people, which includes a king, a conceited man, a tippler, a businessman, a lamplighter and a geographer.From these people he gets a conclusion that the grown-ups are very odd.Following the instruction of the geographer, he descends in the Sahara, on the earth


Title: The Little Prince

Author: Antoine de St-Exupery

Main Characters: The little prince, the pilot, the rose, the fox, the snake, etc.Despite I‘ve not in my childhood yet, I still prefer reading fairy-tale stories.The tales, which accompany with me in my old days, often make me think of some precious experience and sensation which only belong to children.This summer I‘ve review this kind of tale, which was published in 1940.It‘s the world-famous fairy-tale by the French author, Antoine de St-Exupery, The Little Prince.As many other fairy-tales, the outline of The Little Prince is not very complex.―I‖, the narrator of the story, is a pilot whose plane has something wrong and lands in the Sahara.In this occasion, the pilot makes the acquaintance of the little prince, a little boy from another planet, the Asteroid B612.The little prince has escaped from his tiny planet, because he has some quarrel with a rose, which grows on his planet.In that case he left his own planet and took an exploration at some neighbor asteroids.On his all-alone journey, the little prince meets different kinds of people, which includes a king, a conceited man, a tippler, a businessman, a lamplighter and a geographer.From these people he gets a conclusion that the grown-ups are very odd.Following the instruction of the geographer, he descends in the Sahara, on the earth.Traveling on the earth, the little prince, who sees a garden of five-thousand roses, is overcome with astonishment and sadness, as he considers his rose is unique in the universe before.At that time a fox appears.The fox, who tell the little prince about the meaning of the word ―tame‖, becomes his new friend.At the time to say farewell, the fox makes him know that his rose is unique because she is his rose and tamed by him.From that the little prince begins to treasure friendship and be responsible to his rose.At the anniversary day of his descent of the earth, rejecting the pilot‘s advice, he goes back to his own planet by bite of a snake.―It‘s too far.I can not carry this body with me.It‘s too heavy.‖ he said.He tells his friend, the pilot, he must be responsible for his rose, so he has to go back.At the end the author doesn‘t tell us the ending directly.Maybe it‘s more significant for us to imagine, and for more, think over.One of the important characters is the rose.Growing on the planet, she is very beautiful, but her coquetry and vanity suffer the little prince a lot.In spite of they love each other, he soon becomes unhappy.On the time of his departure, he just knows she certainly loves him.The character of the little prince actually represents the children, and their native thoughts and deeds.On the contrary, the inhabitants on the other planets, such as the king, the businessman and the conceited man, they also reflect the defects in the grown-up‘s world.The real theme of this fairy-tale with a little sadness, I guess, is the consequence of pure love and friendship in our lives, but not others ―matters of consequence‖ of the grown-ups.Unbelievable, this little book moved me a lot.I seldom think about the true meaning of love and life before.Well, now I can say, with my short sixteen-year‘s life experience, it‘s like the stars in the sky that lit my heart.The little prince is not only an ordinary fairy-tale for children, but also for grown-ups, and our teenagers.Nevertheless, when I read this book, I feel a little sad – about ourselves, whom are losing more and more innocence.Five questions:

Q1: In what kinds of occasion that the pilot makes the acquaintance of the little prince?

A1: The pilot has an accident with his plane in the Desert of Sahara, without any mechanics or passengers.The first night, when sleeping in the sand, he is awakened by a little odd voice calling him to draw him a sheep.Then he sees a most extraordinary small boy stand there.In that case he makes the acquaintance of the little prince.Q2: Why the little prince become doubt about the flower after a piece of time?

A2: The flower begins very quickly to torment the little prince with her vanity.For instance, she always force herself cough a little so that he should suffer from remorse just the same.In spite of all the good will that is inseparable from his love, has soon come to doubt her.Q3: Why the little prince plunge in to deep dejection when he visits the tippler‘s planet?

A3: The tippler is drinking there.When the little prince asks why he drink, he says so he might forget.When the boy demands what he forget, he says he forget that he is ashamed.When the little prince asks what he ashamed of, he says he forget the ashamed of drinking.The circulated answer seems to be absurd and ridiculous.So the little prince plunges in to deep dejection.Q4: What‘s the meaning of the word ―tame‖ that the fox tells the little prince?

A4: ―Tame‖, is an act too often neglected, which means to establish ties.According to the fox, to him now, the little prince is nothing more than a little boy, and he is nothing more than a fox, like the others.They both have no needs of each other, But if the little prince tames him, they will need each other.They will be unique in each other‘s worlds.Q5: Why the little prince knows that the rose of him is unique in the world at last?

A5: Because his rose is not like the other five-thousand roses planted in the garden.He thinks in herself all alone she is more important that all he hundreds of others.Because it is she he has watered.It is she that he has put under the glass globe;because it is she that he has sheltered behind the screen;because it is for her that he has killed the caterpillars, except the two or three that they save to become butterflies;because it is she that he has listened to, when she grumbles, or boasts, or even sometimes when she says nothing;because she is his rose.匹克威克外传读后感

“the Kerwick Unauthorized biography” is the Dickens's first novel, is also one of his outstanding representative works.This work had reflected the extremely broad life picture, described the early 19th century's British society really, what the story writes is a single old gentry Mr.Kerwick, is one “the celebrities”, is also one “the scholar”, is also by his surname naming mass organization “Kerwick society” creator.He brings several “the Kerwick faction” to exit to travel for pleasure.A group has bumped into all sorts of funny laughable people and the matter, passes through for about two years, his follower and he thought that travelled for pleasure has sufficed, “Kerwick society” also announced has dismissed, Mr.Kerwick implemented “retired”, the story also in light of this finished.The complete plot is along with Kerwick et al.the travel what one sees and hears and the bitter experience launches, therefore the structure is quite sloppy, but therefore can also more give the reader by new and the nimble feeling.The author especially has also arranged one for the entire story take Mr.Kerwick and the hoodlum gold Mr.Ghale's contradictory conflict as the content master line, from the beginning runs throughout the tail.Also presses “completely” the spirit finally in the entire book, book in whole show's fate, As soon as has made the confession.But this work is not eventually by the vicissitudes of life, winding complex story win that one kind.Causes the people excited, to cause the people to undergo for a long time does not forget, is these many and varied typical characters, these concise vivid life picture, they give the human by the extremely rich inspiration.Superficially, take golden Ghale's turning a new leaf as the symbol, this work's main thought

is an abstract old formula: “nicely finally defeats evilly”, but this is also is suitable for Dickens's many work common formulas.But in fact, author's thoughts and feelings as well as the work content, certainly not so is actually withered and vulgar, but extremely is rich and moving.Reads “the Kerwick Unauthorized biography”, the people everywhere can by these ingenious, vivid and the profound satire description attract.These marvelous satire art, is precisely author's thoughts and feelings nature reveals.The target of attack, is precisely under the capitalist system is in power the character.The author harbors the mood which abhors, has portrayed at that time British upper circles of society's all sorts of characters from each aspect, like aristocrat, landlord, capitalist, politician, serviceman, wife, young lady, manager, pastor and so on, has exposed their ugly souls and the disgusting life really.The people saw that another acts like a fool the portrait and the genre painting, also cannot stop the hatred and the loathing in any event.But, in all satires In the objects, the author attacks repeatedly specially emphatically, is overtop structures and so on capitalism law, legal system, jail, as well as bourgeoisie's judge, attorney, government official and so on.About these aspect's description, has accounted for the massive lengths in the book and the most important position, this is this book characteristic.But this is also the work true subject is.“Kerwick Unauthorized biography” is simply to capitalism legal system's one most vivid, the powerful complaint book!, the author is oppressed on the other hand to the capitalist system under and small and weak which harms and common laborer's sincere sympathy, in the work is also obvious.Specially the author with the interlude form these independent small stories which says to the reader, for example “becomes an itinerant wushu performer the play this article's story”, “turns over to the story which imprisons”, “the church janitor's story” and so on, very vividly touching described many have experienced suffering the misery lower level good character's images, was nearly holds tear of the sympathetic to narrate the capitalist society completely to add in their spiritual life and the material life tribulation, this With to these bourgeoisie pet's taunting, forms the incisive comparison.is natural, we are not difficult to see that although Dickens's this article hatred is intense, down to although he in this book to ugly and the unreasonable capitalism law, the legal system the entire political life's attack is brave and powerful, but because in his world outlook is containing the very big contradiction, therefore also maintains regarding the bourgeoisie was fantasizing, is holding the reformism thought to the capitalist system.He denied the bourgeoisie law then, actually placed hopes in one kind of impractical moral education.In his opinion, that law(and all accessories)indeed are the insignificance, is not only insufficient to punish warns and transforms “the unprincipled person”, instead will harm(lawsuit namely its of

example which “the good person” for example Mr.Kerwick will encounter), in fact only will be other worse “the unprincipled person”(e.g.class of a grandson and the Fogg)uses to make the wicked tool.But, he thinks the basic question because in the society has “the unprincipled person” the existence, therefore the law is also used continually by them does the misdemeanor.Then, how to manage? Outlet what in? His answer is: Moral education.Therefore, he when finished entire book lets Mr.Kerwick influence golden Ghale with the good conduct, and rescued him the jail(in his opinion jail is in itself evil), but also has arGolden Ghale also thoroughly rectifies misdeeds, learned sincerely, has realized author's ideal.This is Dickens's petty bourgeoisie humanitarianism thought and the social class compromise-ism thought performance, is also his basic weakness is.at the same time, in Dickens thought's weakness in the artistic performance is also very obvious.He always in this article creation some his mind's ideal character manifests his abundant this article, the equality, good, honest and so on abstract idea, with the aim of achieving “the moral education which” he believes in goal.But nearly without a single exception, such is defeated diligently.This book's Mr.Kerwick, is originally one describes the very much successful villain, but as a result of the author world outlook's contradiction, he wrote gradually him a positive character, takes on “ideal ranged the work and the outlet for him.But Certainly, we are not difficult to see that although Dickens's this article hatred is intense, down to although he in this book to ugly and the unreasonable capitalism law, the legal system the entire political life's attack is brave and powerful, but because in his world outlook is containing the very big contradiction, therefore also maintains regarding the bourgeoisie was fantasizing, is holding the reformism thought to the capitalist system.He denied the bourgeoisie law then, actually placed hopes in one kind of impractical moral education.In his opinion, that of law(and all accessories)indeed are the insignificance, is not only insufficient to punish warns and transforms “the unprincipled person”, instead will harm(lawsuit namely its example which “the good person” for example Mr.Kerwick will encounter), in fact only will be the tool which other worse “the unprincipled person”(e.g.class of a grandson and the Fogg)will use to do evil.But, he thinks the basic question because in the society has “the unprincipled person” the existence, therefore the law is also used continually by them does the misdemeanor.Then, how to manage? Outlet what in? His answer is: Says your instructionsNurturing.Therefore, he when finished entire book lets Mr.Kerwick influence golden Ghale with the good conduct, and rescued him the jail(in his opinion jail is in itself evil), but also has arranged the work and the outlet for him.But golden Ghale also thoroughly rectifies misdeeds, learned sincerely, has realized author's ideal.This is Dickens's petty bourgeoisie humanitarianism thought and the social class

compromise-ism thought performance, is also his basic weakness is.at the same time, in Dickens thought's weakness in the artistic performance is also very obvious.He always in this article creation some his mind's ideal character manifests his abundant this article, the equality, good, honest and so on abstract idea, with the aim of achieving “the moral education which” he believes in goal.But nearly without a single exception, such is defeated diligently.This book's Mr.Kerwick, is originally one describes the very much successful villain, but as a result of the author world outlook's contradiction, he wrote gradually him a positive character, takes on ideally “ 2 Book review of “Pride and Prejudice”

“Pride and Prejudice” was a famous work of Jane Austen.The story showed how various characters choose their marriage partners and the mistakes they make alone the way.Mrs.Bennet’s was urgent need to find good husbands for all her daughters.So when a rich unmarried young man rented a large house in the neighborhood.She was so excitement.She let her husband to visit the new neighbor.She was determined that Mr.Bingly should marry one of her girls.After Mr.Bennet's visit, Mr.Bingly also called on them.They had a party.At the party one of Mr.Bingly's friends who called also took park in them.He is a rich man.But he was so arrogant.He only danced with Bingly's sister.He looked upon Elizabeth.Through contact with each other, Darcy found that Elizabeth was so charming especially her big eyes.They met each other at another party.He invited her to have a dance this time.He was refused.Her refusal had not harmed her in the gentleman’s opinion, and he thought of her with some admiration.Elizabeth’s two sisters were just like their mother.They went to their aunt’s home every week in order to meet the officers on their way there.Once Elizabeth met a stranger who named Wickham on their way.At the same time, they met Darcy and Bingly Elizabeth happened to see the faces of both when they looked at each other.The face of one became white, the other turned red.Elizabeth felt quit strange.Elizabeth had stronger prejudice on Darcy Later Bingly hold a party.Mr.Collins made a proposal to Elizabeth.She refused.It made Mrs.Bennet very angry.However, Mr.Bennet quite supported his daughter.No sooner Mr.Collin married another girl.After Christmas Jane went to London visit her uncle.Vickham continue 3 I have never been to Troy, but David Maule made me feel as if I were standing on the high wall of Troy, watching the fierce war.Thanks to this British author, who adapted the famous Homer’s poem into a lively story, I found it easier to

understand this story.Though the story happened over 3000 years ago in a remote place, I was deeply fascinated by it.The mysterious plot is one of the reasons why I loved The Story of Troy so much, yet I am more interested in the human heroes of the war.Hector was the eldest son of king of Troy, Priam.He was not only a real hero of Trojan, but was regarded the highest moral hero in Greek classic by later historians.The war started because of the mischief of his brother, Paris, whom he didn’t appreciate.However, since Hector was the commander of the Trojan army, he was obliged to fight with all force.It was really a tragedy that such a valiant man died in the duel with another great warrior, Achilles.It is natural to see death in a war.As a famous Chinese parable says, “A life can be as slight as a piece of feather, or as weighty as Mount Tai.” Sometimes, one’s glory walks hand in hand with one’s doom.Achilles was such a typical person.His personal charm made The Story of Troy more attractive.He was so crucial because his every appearance in a war encouraged his fellow soldiers and terrified the enemies.Actually, Achilles was half-god who was almost invincible in people’s mind.That’s why his name was memorized long after his death.Besides the two great men, the wisdom of Odysseus also proved him to be a great hero.He didn’t want to attend the war because he was happily married and had a lovely son.However, since his country was allied to Mycenae, he had to take the command given by the king of Mycenae.I’m quite sure that the story of the wooden horse is widely known, however, few people know who thought of the brilliant idea, that’s why I admired Odysseus so much because he was the person who got the idea.Thanks to the horse, the ten-year war came to an end at last.If you want to know how the wooden horse worked, just read the book.The ancient Greeks believed that the gods and goddesses also played important roles in the origin, process and ending of the whole story.The story of the golden apple was such an example.When Eris, the goddess of argument and disagreement, threw out the golden apple to a wedding ceremony on Mount Olympus, a dispute happened.Hera, the queen of gods, Athena, the goddess of wisdom, and Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, were all involved in the argument for the apple.None of them was willing to give way, so they turned to Paris for a final judgment.Tempted by Aphrodite’s beauty and promise,Paris handed the apple to her.To keep her word, Aphrodite helped him to get Helen, the most beautiful woman in the world, as his wife.That was the cause of the war.Paris’s choice obviously annoyed the other two goddesses.So during the war, they helped the Greek alliance army while some other gods, such as Apollo and Aphrodite, guarded Troy.When Paris dueled with Helen’s former husband Menelaus, Aphrodite saved Paris when he was about to be finished off.After the duel between those two people, there was a truce between the Greek alliance and Troy.However, both Hera and Athena were not happy to see it.Hera pursued her husband ZEUS:“ Now, will you send Athena to make the Troyjans break the peace?”(Page 22)Then with Zeus’s permission, Athena went down to start the war again and finally she brought the Greeks to success.From the whole story, we can see that in ancient Greeks’ view, gods sometimes played a much more important role in their life.However, with the rapid development of science, we have learned that the Greek gods never existed.This is why a recent movie of Troy has not mentioned a single god.Everything happened due to men’s ambition, love, loyalty or jealousy.With those emotion and people’s effort, we human beings can accomplish wonders and be master of the world.God are of less importance than they used to be.Nonetheless, the gods and goddesses made The Story of Troy more mysterious and marvelous.I have learnt from the book more than the wonderful story of history, love and war.I believe that human can determine their destiny by their own.I highly recommend this book to my friends 4 Published in 1847, WUTHERING HEIGHTS was not well received by the reading public, many of whom condemned it as sordid, vulgar, and unnatural--and author Emily Bronte went to her grave in 1848 believing that her only novel was a failure.It was not until 1850, when WUTHERING HEIGHTS received a second printing with an introduction by Emily's sister Charlotte, that it attracted a wide readership.And from that point the reputation of the book has never looked back.Today it is widely recognized as one of the great novels of English literature.Even so, WUTHERING HEIGHTS continues to divide readers.It is not a pretty love story;rather, it is swirling tale of largely unlikeable people caught up in obsessive love that

turns to dark madness.It is cruel, violent, dark and brooding, and many people find it extremely unpleasant.And yet--it possesses a grandeur of language and design, a sense of tremendous pity and great loss that sets it apart from virtually every other novel written.The novel is told in the form of an extended flashback.After a visit to his strange landlord, a newcomer to the area desires to know the history of the family--which he receives from Nelly Deans, a servant who introduces us to the Earnshaw family who once resided in the house known as Wuthering Heights.It was once a cheerful place, but Old Earnshaw adopted a “Gipsy” child who he named Heathcliff.And Catherine, daughter of the house, found in him the perfect companion: wild, rude, and as proud and cruel as she.But although Catherine loves him, even recognizes him as her soulmate, she cannot lower herself to marry so far below her social station.She instead marries another, and in so doing sets in motion an obsession that will destroy them all.WUTHERING HEIGHTS is a bit difficult to “get into;” the opening chapters are so dark in their portrait of the end result of this obsessive love that they are somewhat off-putting.But they feed into the flow of the work in a remarkable way, setting the stage for one of the most remarkable structures in all of literature, a story that circles upon itself in a series of repetitions as it plays out across two generations.Catherine and Heathcliff are equally remarkable, both vicious and cruel, and yet never able to shed their impossible love no matter how brutally one may wound the other.As the novel coils further into alcoholism, seduction, and one of the most elaborately imagined plans of revenge it gathers into a ghostly tone: Heathcliff, driven to madness by a woman who is not there but who seems reflected in every part of his world--dragging her corpse from the grave, hearing her calling to him from the moors, escalating his brutality not for the sake of brutality but so that her memory will never fade, so that she may never leave his mind until death itself.Yes, this is madness, insanity, and there is no peace this side of the grave or even beyond.It is a stunning novel, frightening, inexorable, unsettling, filled with unbridled passion that makes one cringe.Even if you do not like it, you should read it at least once--and those who do like it will return to it again and again To Regain the Nature of Goodness--Review of ‗Oliver Twist‘

Oliver Twist, one of the most famous works of Charles Dickens‘, is a novel reflecting the tragic fact of the life in Britain in 18th century.The author who himself was born in a poor family wrote this novel in his twenties with a view to reveal the ugly masks of those cruel criminals and to expose the horror and violence hidden undern

eath the narrow and dirty streets in London.The hero of this novel was Oliver Twist, an orphan, who was thrown into a world full of poverty and crime.He suffered enormous pain, such as hunger, thirst, beating and abuse.While reading the tragic experiences of the little Oliver, I was shocked by his sufferings.I felt for the poor boy, but at the same time I detested the evil Fagin and the brutal Bill.To my relief, as was written in all the best stories, the goodness eventually conquered devil and Oliver lived a happy life in the end.One of the plots that attracted me most is that after the theft, little Oliver was allowed to recover in the kind care of Mrs.Maylie and Rose and began a new life.He went for walks with them, or Rose read to him, and he worked hard at his lessons.He felt as if he had left behind forever the world of crime and hardship and poverty.How can such a little boy who had already suffered oppressive affliction remain pure in body and mind? The reason is the nature of goodness.I think it is the most important information implied in the novel by Dickens-he believed that goodness could conquer every difficulty.Although I don‘t think goodness is omnipotent, yet I do believe that those who are kind-hearted live more happily than those who are evil-minded.For me, the nature of goodness is one of the most necessary character for a person.Goodness is to humans what water is to fish.He who is without goodness is an utterly worthless person.On the contrary, as the famous saying goes, ‗The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose‘, he who is with goodness undoubtedly is a happy and useful person.People receiving his help are grateful to him and he also gets gratified from what he has done, and thus he can do good to both the people he has helped and himself.To my disappointment, nowadays some people seem to doubt the existence of the goodness in humanity.They look down on people‘s honesty and kindness, thinking it foolish of people to be warm-hearted.As a result, they show no sympathy to those who are in trouble and seldom offer to help others.On the other hand, they attach importance to money and benefit.In their opinion, money is the only real object while emotions and morality are nihility.If they cannot get profit from showing their ‗kindness‘, they draw back when others are faced with trouble and even hit a man when he is down.They are one of the sorts that I really detest.Francis Bacon said in his essay, ‗Goodness, of all virtues and dignities of the mind, is the greatest, being the character of the Deity, and without it, man is a busy, mischievous, wretched thing, no better than a kind of vermin.‘

That is to say a person without goodness is destined to lose everything.Therefore, I, a kind person, want to tell those ‗vermin-to-be‘ to learn from the kind Oliver and regain the nature of goodness.6、The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas père.Highly recommended.Apart from 'The Three Musketeers', this is probably Alexandre Dumas' most famous work and one of the greatest novels in Western literature: a novel every literate and educated person should read at least once in their lives.In this story, Edmond Dantes is an innocent man who was caught in the intrigues of Napoleon's escape from Elba and his 100 days of power until Waterloo.A sailor entrusted with a sealed letter of highest importance by his dying captain, Dantes delivers it into the

hands of the evil prosecutor Villefort who, for reasons unkown to him, immediately sends him without trial or appeal to spend the rest of his days at the Chateau D'Iffe: a dark and isolated island prison presumed to be inescapable.With the help of Abbot Faria, a dying prisoner who knows the secret of a great hidden treasure on the small islet of Monte Cristo, Dantes escapes and prepares to unleash his revenge on those who did him wrong.For years he spends his time meticulously preparing his vengeful scheme against the treacherous friends and characters who left him to rot in prison for years and years.He refines his arts of disguise, alchemy, and manipulation to content himself with the ruin of his enemies.Unlike the adventure themes in his works such as 'The Three Musketeers', this story is a deep character study on being the victim of utmost injustice and how cruel revenge is sweet after all: how a wronged man is entitled to become the agent of divine retribution when God and mortal laws have abandoned his cause.The various themes, complex plot, profound character development, and rich prose makes this long work undoubtedly one of the greatest works of literature ever written: Dumas was without question a literary genius.This is a great story for people of all ages and should not be ignored by anyone who has a profound love of literature.I think this is Dumas greatest work far surpassing 'Queen Margo' 'The Three Musketeers' or 'The Corsican Brothers.'

As translator Robin Buss points out in his introduction, many of those who haven't read The Count of Monte Cristo assume it is a children's adventure story, complete with daring prison escape culminating in a simple tale of revenge.There is very little for children in this very adult tale, however.Instead, the rich plot combines intrigue, betrayal, theft, drugs, adultery, presumed infanticide, torture, suicide, poisoning, murder, lesbianism, and unconventional revenge.Although the plot is roughly linear beginning with Edmond Dantès' return to Marseille, prenuptial celebration, and false imprisonment and ending with his somewhat qualified triumphant departure from Marseille and France, Dumas uses the technique of interspersing lengthy anecdotes throughout.The story of Cardinal Spada's treasure, the origins of the Roman bandit Luigi Vampa(the least germane to the novel), Bertuccio's tale of his vendetta, and the account of the betrayal and death of Ali Pasha are few of the more significant stories-within-the-novel.While Dumas devotes an entire chapter to bandit Luigi Vampa's background, he cleverly makes only a few references to what will remain the plot's chief mystery-how the youthful, intelligent, and naive sailor Edmond Dantès transforms himself into the worldly, jaded, mysterious Renaissance man and Eastern philosopher, the count of Monte Cristo, presumably sustained by his own advice of “wait” and “hope.”

This novel is not a simple tale of simple revenge.The count does not kill his enemies;he brilliantly uses their vices and weaknesses against them.Caderousse's basic greed is turned against him, while Danglars loses the only thing that has any meaning for him.Fernand is deprived of the one thing that he had that he had never earned-his honour.In the process, he loses the source of his initial transgression, making his fate that much more poignant.The plot against Villefort is so complicated that even Monte Cristo loses control of it, resulting in doubt foreign to his nature and remorse that he will not outlive.This long but generally fast-paced is set primarily in Marseille, Rome, and Paris.It begins with Dantès' arrival in Marseille aboard the commercial vessel Pharaon and ends with his departure from Marseille aboard his private yacht, accompanied by the young, beautiful Greek princess Haydée.What gives The Count of Monte Cristo its life, however, are the times in which it is set-the Revolution, the Napoleonic era, the First and Second Restoration, and the Revolution of 1830.Life-and-death politics motivates many of the characters and keeps the plot moving.Dumas also uses real people in minor roles, such as Countess G-(Byron's mistress)and the Roman hotelier Signor Pastrini, which adds to the novel's sense of historical veracity.The most troubling aspect of The Count of Monte Cristo is Edmond Dantès himself.His claim to represent a higher justice seems to justify actions and inactions that are as morally reprehensible as those that sent him to prison, for example, his account of how he acquired Ali and his loyalty.Had he not discovered young Morrel's love for Valentine Villefort, she too might have become an innocent victim.As it is, there are at least two other innocents who die, although one clearly would not have been an innocent for long based on his behaviour in the novel.One wonders of Dantès' two father figures, his own flower-loving father and fellow prisoner Abbé Faria, would have approved of the count.The translation appears to be good, with a few slips into contemporary English idioms that sound out of place.In his introduction, Buss states that the later Danglars and Fernand have become unrecognizable and that Fernand in particular has been transformed “from the brave and honest Spaniard with a sharp sense of honour...to the Parisian aristocrat whose life seems to have been dedicated to a series of betrayals.” There is never anything honest or honourable about Fernand;his very betrayal of Edmond is merely the first we know of in his lifelong pattern.What seems extreme and somewhat unrealistic about Fernand is his transformation from an uneducated Catalan fisherman into a “Parisian aristocrat,” hobnobbing with statesmen, the wealthy, and the noteworthy of society.This, however, is the result of the milieu that the novel inhabits.During these post-Revolution, post-Napoleonic years, Fernand could rise socially through his military and political accomplishments just as Danglars does through his financial acumen.Danglars is careful to note that the difference between them

is that Fernand insists upon his title, while Danglars is openly indifferent to and dismissive of his;his viewpoint is the more aristocratic.Countess G-is quick to point out that there is no old family name of Monte Cristo and that the count, like many other contemporaries, has purchased his title.It serves mainly to obscure his identity, nationality, and background and to add to the aura of mystery his persona and Eastern knowledge create.What is most telling is that his entrée into Parisian society is based primarily on his great wealth, not his name.Dumas reinforces this point with Andrea Cavalcanti, another mystery man of unknown name and reputed fortune.I have read The Man in the Iron Mask and The Three Musketeers series, both of which surprised me with their dark aspects(the character and fate of Lady de Winter, for example)and which little resembled the adventure stories distilled from them for children and for film.When I overheard a college student who was reading The Count of Monte Cristo on the bus tell a friend that she couldn't put it down, I was inspired to read it.I couldn't put it down, either, with its nearly seamless plot, dark protagonist, human villains, turbulent historical setting, and larger-than-life sense of mystery.At 1,078 pages, it's imposing, but don't cheat yourself by settling for an abridged version.You'll want to pick up every nuance.7 Learn to love and care

Here I am sitting on a couch alone, thinking about what I have just finished reading with tears of sadness filling my eyes and fire of indignation filling my heart, which revived my exhausted soul that has already been covered by the cruelty and the selfishness of the secular world for a long time.It is truly what I felt after reading Oliver Twist, written by the prominent British author Charles Dickens.The resonance between me and the book makes me feel not only the kindness and the wickedness of all the characters in the novel, but what this aloof society lacks, and what I lack deep inside.These supreme resources I’m talking about right now are somewhat different from minerals, oil that we usually mention.They’re abstract like feelings, and some kinds of spiritual stimulation that all of us desire anxiously from one another —— love and care.Those charitable figures whom Dickens created in the novel are really what we need in life.They showed love and care to others, just as the gentle rain from the sky fell upon the earth, which was carved into my heart deeply.Mr.Brownlow is one such person.The other day he had one of his elaborate watches stolen by two skilled teenage thieves, Artful Dodger and Charley Bates, and thought naturally it was Oliver, who was an orphan and forced to live with a gang of thieves, that had done it because he was the only one near by after the theft had taken place.Being wrathful, he caught Oliver, and sent him to the police station where the ill-tempered, unfair magistrates worked.Fortunately for him, Oliver was proved innocent by one onlooker afterwards.With sympathy, Mr.Brownlow took the injured, poor Oliver to his own home.There Oliver lived freely and gleefully for some months as if he were Mr.Brownlow’s own son.One day, however, Mr.Brownlow asked Oliver to return some books to the bookseller and to send some money for the new books that he had already collected.The thief Oliver once stayed with kidnapped him.After that he disappeared in Mr.Brownlow’s life.Searching for a while, Mr.Brownlow had to believe the fact that he had run away with his money.But dramatically, they came across each other again a few years later.Without hesitation, Mr.Brownlow took Oliver home for the second time not caring if he had done something evil.Perhaps most of us would feel confused about Mr.Brownlow’s reaction.But as a matter of fact, this is just the lesson we should learn from him.Jesus said in the Bible.“Forgive not seven times, but seventy-times seven.” Why is that? Because forgiveness is our ability to remove negative thoughts and neutralize them so our energy may be spent on doing what we came here for.We cannot move forward in our future if past issues cloud our thinking.Stop put Mr.Brownlow into the list of your models.Always give people a second chance no matter what they might have done.That’s also a substantial part of loving and caring others.Then there are Mrs.Maylie and Rose, Oliver’s other benefactors.Maybe the reason they loved and cared Oliver was not because of forgiveness.In my point of view, it was trust.They had faith in Oliver when he was considered to be a filthy burglar who tried to break the front door of Maylie’s at midnight.But this wasn’t how these two ladies saw the whole thing.They denied Oliver’s crime immediately and listened attentively to Oliver’s own description of his miserable life.They were deeply touched by Oliver’s strong perseverance and astonishing vitality.Accordingly, they remedied Oliver’s body and heart and turned him into a different boy.He began to wear appropriate and clean suits which were tailor-made for him and receive education.As far as we can see, it is trust that helps us all live together without precaution.Sometimes trust can even lead us to miracles, which we often expect to come about, so why not trust? Trust yourself, trust others, and you’ll salute miracles every single day.In the novel, though the young Oliver again and again fell for conspiracies of those hideous thieves, who tried to torture Oliver’s body and poisoned Oliver’s heart intensely, he always lived on and tried hard to seek for his own life.Then I realized what supported him all through were actually beliefs.In most cases, what you believe is what you’ll become.Believe that you are unlimited, that you can do anything you commit to doing, and when you do, your accomplishments will know no bounds.You control your beliefs and that is how you ultimately control your life.It’s all dictated by your attitude.In the final analysis, love and care contain numerous forms, there are love of forgiveness, love of trust, etc.but they all come from your beliefs in life.When someone tells you he’s deceived you, forgive him anyway, when someone tells you what he’s done, trust him anyway, and when you face adversities while chasing your dreams, think about your beliefs, then what hinders you will become a piece of cake in no time.So find out “Olivers” in your life and do as Mr.Brownlow and Mrs.Maylie do: love them and care them, which cost nothing but save much.They enrich those who receive, without impoverishing those who give.They can be certain smallest words or actions, but the memory of them sometimes last forever.Charles Dickens said:“Love makes the world go around.” These immortal words have inspired and will keep on inspiring us to chant the melody of love and to say the prayer of care forevermore.Let us, therefore, enjoy life and treat other people lovingly.These principles are the roots and foundations of beliefs supporting this article and our mission together.8 世界名著-老人与海英文读后感2007年04月27日 星期五 14:35The novel description is one year near sixty years of age senior fisherman, when alone goes to sea in one fishing, fished one big fish, actually did not pull.The senior fisherman socialized several days after the fish, only then discovered this was the big marlin which one surpassed the oneself fishing boat several fold, although knew perfectly well very difficult to win, but still did not

give up.Afterwards and further because in the big marlin wound fish fishy smell brought in several crowds of shark fish snatches the food, but the old person still did not hope like this to give up, finally highlighted encircles tightly, returned to the big fish belt the fishing port, lets other fishermen not admire already.When I read “ the senior fisherman think: Here to the seacoast really was too near, perhaps could have a bigger fish in a farther place...” When, I extremely admire this senior fisherman, because he by now already projected on some fish, but he had not settled to the present situation, but was approaches the bigger goal advance.Again has a look us, usually meets one slightly is difficult, we all complain incessantly.We will be the motherland future, will be supposed to like this old person same mind lofty aspiration, will even better pursue even better, the bigger goal.When I read “ the big marlin start fast to gather round the young fishing boat hover, twined the cable on the mast, the old person right hand lifted up high the steel fork, leapt the water surface in it the flash, did utmost throws to its heart, one wail ended the big fish’s life, it was static static floats on the water surface...” When, my heart also liked together the big stone falls.I extremely admire old person that kind do not dread, the relentless spirit, although knows the match strength is very strong, but he not slightly flinches, but is welcomes difficultly above.Just because had this kind of spirit, the senior fisherman only then achieved this life and death contest success.We also must study senior fisherman’s spirit in life, handles the matter does not fear the difficulty, only then can obtain successfully.Was reading the big fish’s smell of blood is smelled by one crowd of shark fish, struggled swims snatches the food, old person’s left hand happen to in the convulsions, he only could use the right hand, with wooden stick,the mouth and so on all was allowed to use for the weapon self-defense which attacked, and finally expelled this crowd of shark fish.But the big fish’s meat was already eaten one most, but the old person also charmingly criticized oneself the left hand “ this work time actually was resting ” time, I also was subdued by the old person optimistic spirit.In the life, some losses are inevitable, we should treat by the optimistic manner, cannot be calculating.Finally, the novel sees by one youth the senior fisherman fully has 18 foot long big marlin in the measure, once more described this fish’s hugeness, explained senior fisherman overcomes the difficulty was big, non-was more common than.The novel eulogized the spirit which the senior fisherman fear hard and dangerous diligently did not struggle, we also should like his such, could not satisfy the present situation, should positively to above, do any matter all is relentless, meets difficultly must welcome difficultly above, could give up halfway in no way.Only has this, we only then can obtain a bigger success and the victory.《巴黎圣母院》英语读后感《 Notre Dame cathedral》 is one known far and wide romantic faction strength which Victor Hugo writes.I take advantage of this summer vacation free time,read this great work.Notre Dame cathedral's story,actually was one at that time social epic poem,since brimmed with really.Friendly.Beautiful,also the

flow selfish desire and is false.Regardless of is good beautiful Asmelada,or has the ugly semblance,Cacimodo with one pure mind,they represent the great amount the lower level populace which suppresses; Perhaps is sinister Coloud,he is appears by the theocracy face,all load bearing one kind of author's ponder.The author in this work,for with the clown,was beautifully friendly and wickedly does the best annotation,or take above three people as the example,the rebel Asmelada has the beautiful semblance and the chaste good mind,as well as pitiful destiny,but Cacimodo,he withstood destiny deceive nicely,the innermost feelings is his misery is graver,but Coloud maintained the benighted social rights and interests,he had brutally.Void mind and evil passion.Good person physique hateful,but the evil person actually says the appearance shore however,bright set off,social unfair manifest.But the article result also is when the opposition society until criticism: All beautiful is good all swallows by the might and the evil,the lower level people's weak strength in under the king power rule,in the benighted society,only can be reduced to ashes.Was palatial Notre Dame cathedral,how many world tragedy testimony once,in Hugo the novel,he as if had the life breath,he sheltered Asmelada,exposed Coloud the crime,regret the populace attack the magnificent feat which dark actually heroically devoted…… Another the question which is worth pondering is: Who is the hero? Asmelada or Cacimodo? I think all is not,but is in the article by the Louis 11 rank smell of blood suppression rather for sacreficed the populace gate,Asmelada with Cacimodo is not in them the representative,Asmelada is loves with the beautiful symbol,Cacimodo not many represents is unfortunate and the pain.But they,all suffer a tragic middle ages ignorant evil forces devastate,one each one painful soul is bleeding,flows the tear.Merely is Notre Dame cathedral's above engraves “ the destiny ”? They are in middle ages France,despotism sacrificial victim.The entire story rich tragic color,the plot intense is moving,exciting.Author Hugo through “ Notre Dame cathedral ” this story,but also disclosed at that time the dark society's essence to the people.This fascinating story likes that Ccimodo clocks sound equally shocks several generation of readers' minds.9 《简爱》读后感英文版(摘自外国名著网)

(2009-06-24 13:20:44)

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Oliver Twist, one of the most famous works of Charles Dickens‘, is a novel reflecting the tragic fact of the life in Britain in 18th century.The author who himself was born in a poor family wrote this novel in his twenties with a view to reveal the ugly masks of those cruel criminals and to expose the horror and violence hidden underneath the narrow and dirty streets in London.The hero of this novel was Oliver Twist, an orphan, who was thrown into a world full of poverty and crime.He suffered enormous pain, such as hunger, thirst, beating and abuse.While reading the tragic experiences of the little Oliver, I was shocked by his sufferings.I felt for the poor boy, but at the same time I detested the evil Fagin and the brutal Bill.To my relief, as was written in all the best stories, the goodness eventually conquered devil and Oliver lived a happy life in the end.One of the plots that attracted me most is that after the theft, little Oliver was allowed to recover in the kind care of Mrs.Maylie and Rose and began a new life.He went for walks with them, or

Rose read to him, and he worked hard at his lessons.He felt as if he had left behind forever the world of crime and hardship and poverty.How can such a little boy who had already suffered oppressive affliction remain pure in body and mind? The reason is the nature of goodness.I think it is the most important information implied in the novel by Dickens-he believed that goodness could conquer every difficulty.Although I don‘t think goodness is omnipotent, yet I do believe that those who are kind-hearted live more happily than those who are evil-minded.For me, the nature of goodness is one of the most necessary character for a person.Goodness is to humans what water is to fish.He who is without goodness is an utterly worthless person.On the contrary, as the famous saying goes, ‗The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose‘, he who is with goodness undoubtedly is a happy and useful person.People receiving his help are grateful to him and he also gets gratified from what he has done, and thus he can do good to both the people he has helped and himself.To my disappointment, nowadays some people seem to doubt the existence of the goodness in humanity.They look down on people‘s honesty and

kindness, thinking it foolish of people to be warm-hearted.As a result, they show no sympathy to those who are in trouble and seldom offer to help others.On the other hand, they attach importance to money and benefit.In their opinion, money is the only real object while emotions and morality are nihility.If they cannot get profit from showing their ‗kindness‘, they draw back when others are faced with trouble and even hit a man when he is down.They are one of the sorts that I really detest.Francis Bacon said in his essay, ‗Goodness, of all virtues and dignities of the mind, is the greatest, being the character of the Deity, and without it, man is a busy, mischievous, wretched thing, no better than a kind of vermin.‘

That is to say a person without goodness is destined to lose everything.Therefore, I, a kind person, want to tell those ‗vermin-to-be‘ to learn from the kind Oliver and regain the nature of goodness.




















































































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