英语作文 钱是万能的吗Money is everything(5篇)

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第一篇:英语作文 钱是万能的吗Money is everything

Money is everything 金钱是否是万能的

Money plays an important part in our daily life.People can’t live without money, but people can’t have anything with money.The more money you have, the better you have.You can live in a big house, buy expensive things and enjoy better life and so on with a lot of money.However, money can’t buy anything.For example, does not give us waste time payment.Someone thinks money is everything.It’s wrong.Money can’t bring us happiness, health and success and something like these.We can’t buy those without money forever.In my opinion, money can’t buy anything.We can buy a part of things, but we can’t buy the rest all the time.After all, money isn’t anything.金钱是我们日常生活中重要的一部分。生活中人们不能没有钱,但是人们不能通过钱拥有任何事。

拥有越多的钱。你可以住在一个大房子里,买贵重的东西 享受更好的生活等等。然而,钱不能买任何事情,列如不能为我们浪费的时间付款。一些人认为钱是万能的,这是错误的。钱不能给我们带来幸福,健康成功类似的这些事情,我们永远不能通过钱拥有这些。





以“If I have a lot of money”为主题

If I have a lot of money I will do something I want to do If I have a lot of money,I will do what I want to do.First,I will try my best to help people who are in trouble.I am going to give lots of money to schools and charities.I think it is the most important thing for me to do in my life.Then,I will buy something for my parents.I love them and I hope they’ll live a happy life.Next,I willtravel around the world.I am sure I will have a great time.Dear friends, what will you do if you have a lot of money ? If I have a lot of money, I will do something I want to do

When you are rich, will you buy a lot of things? But if I have a lot of money, I will organize a gardening(园艺)club and a stamp collecting club!Why? Because gardening and collecting stamps are my hobbies.Gardening is an enjoyable hobby.Many people like flowers, some people can grow all kinds of flowers in their garden.They have fun working in their gardens.Then they can enjoy the fresh flowers ,vegetables and fruit that they have grown(已经种植的).They will join the club to learn how to grow flowers better.At the same time,Many people like to collect things.Collecting stamps is very fun.You can learn a lot about different countries of the world.In my stamp collecting club, you can see or get lots of beautiful stamps.If I have a lot of money, I must organize clubs!My clubs will help people plant well in the garden and collect more nice stamps.It will make me very happy.I will be proud of it when I help people.篇二:关于金钱管理的英语作文:money management Money management-Louise When it comes to money, many college students complain that they are lack of it.One of the main reasons is that they don’t know how to use the money efficiently and wisely.I firmly believe that knowing how to manage money is must-known skill in life.Let me share my own experience and my opinions on how to a good money manager.As a saying goes, “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” To manage the money efficiently, you need to make a good plan.How to make a plan? Firstly, not mention the Windfall, you should figure out how much money you will have each money.Secondly, you will have to make a list about what you will surely spend the money on, such as transportation, and then make a budget.If you find your budget exceeds the money that you can spend, make a modification on where you can reduce the expense and make sure the budget is within the money that you have.If you find that there are money left after the budget, save the money for a rainy day.Thirdly, carry out your plan and stick to it.Something unexpected might happen and make you spend some money out of the budge.At this time, you should make a note and make a modification on your budget too.Besides, there are two things that you need to pay attention to.You should avoid using credit card because it will tempt you to spend more than you can and make you fall in the debt trap.It’s a good habit for you to take a note about the expense everyday so that you know where the money goes and easily check where you spend the money wrongly.Take myself as an example, I make a weekly plan.I first separate the money that I will have for one month into four parts for each week.And then I will write down what will make me spend the money and how much they cause each week.After I draw such a picture, I carry it out and take notes on how much I spend on each item.Week after week, I form a good habit on spending the money and successfully manage them.篇三:英语作文钱能给我们带来什么



Money is very important in our life.We can do nothing and can't even live on without money.So some people think money is everything.With money, they can buy everything they want.Someone even gets money by stealing and cheating.Of course, they will get punished in the end.So money can bring us not only happiness, but misery also


有人认为金钱是幸福之源。有人认为金钱是万恶之源。Can money buy happiness? Various people have various answers.Some people think that money is the source of happiness.With money, one can buy whatever he enjoys.With money, one can do whatever he likes.So, in their minds, money can bring comfort, security, and so on.Money, as they think, is the source of happiness.But there are still a lot of others who think that money is the root of all evil.Money drives people to steal, to rob, and to break the law.A lot of people became criminals just because they were in search of money.And in the Western countries, there is nothing that can’t be bought by money.Many people lose their own lives when hunting it.I think that money is essential to life and we cannot do without money.But even though money is necessary to life, it can’t buy happiness.Happiness is not something that can be measured by money.It is a state of mind.One can have plenty of money, with which he can buy whatever he wants, and at the same time he is not happy because he is never satisfied or he is troubled by various kinds of problems.Therefore, although money is necessary for a happy life, it can’t buy happiness.




Most of people think we can do anything if we have money.If you have much money, you are thought to be successful.If you have no money, you will be looked down upon.Money can make us live a rich life, but not necessarily a happy life.Sometimes some people do some bad things in order to make money.So they aren't happy because they are always afraid.We should make money and spend it in a reasonable way.大多数的人认为如果有钱我们能做任何事。如果你有很多钱,人们会认为你事业有成。如果你没有钱,你会被人看不起。



Money is necessary in our life.We will have a rich life when we have much money.Most of people think we can do anything if we have money.I don't think so.Some people aren't happy though they have much money, because their money is obtained by unjust means.They always live a frightened life.Money often makes people do bad things, even illegal activities.We must make money and spend it in a reasonable way.We will be happy.钱是我们生活中必不可少的东西,当我们有许多钱的时候,我们才能过上富足的生活。







Money is money.In the history of the development of money, it appears in the form of physical currency, metal currency, paper currency, electronic currency and so on.钱的昨天就是一些实物货币、金属货币。实物货币就是一些古希腊时的牛和羊、非洲和印度的象牙、美洲土著人和墨西哥人的可可豆这一类的东西。而这些实物货币对人类来说,很不方便也很不安全。所以很快就被淘汰了。接著就产生了金属货币。金属货币最初是由铜等低价的金属充当的,后来就逐渐固定在金银上。我国的古铜币有刀币、布币、铲币、环钱等。虽然金属货币比起实物货币要方便些,但还是有点笨重了,而且也不够安全,所以不久后也被淘汰了。

Yesterday's money was some real money, metal money.The real currency is something like cattle and sheep of ancient Greece, ivory of Africa and India, cocoa of Native Americans and Mexicans.These real currencies are inconvenient and unsafe for human beings.So it was eliminated soon.Then came metal money.Metal money was initially made of low-priced metals such as copper, and later gradually fixed on gold and silver.China's ancient copper coins include knife coins, cloth coins, shovel coins and ring coins.Although metal currency is more convenient than real currency, it is a bit cumbersome and unsafe, so it was eliminated soon.钱的'今天就是我们现在普遍使用的纸币。我国著名的纸币就是四川的“交子”。它是世界上最早的纸币。它与昨天的钱有很大的不同。纸币是独立货币。比起往日的钱,它最大好处就是其携带的方便性,但它的安全性就得不到保证了,因此我们经常发现会有假币。

Today's money is the common paper money we use now.China's famous paper currency is Jiaozi in Sichuan Province.It is the first paper money in the world.It's very different from yesterday's money.Paper money is an independent currency.Compared with the past money, its biggest advantage is its portability, but its security can not be guaranteed, so we often find that there will be counterfeit money.明天的钱即将面世了——电子货币。目前的电子货币主要有银行卡和网上电子货币两种。比较著名的有数字现金、第一虚拟、网络现金、赛博现金和硬币等。相对于昨天和今天的货币来说,电子货币非常安全,携带也很方便,为人类交易活动的进一步发展提供了支付手段的准备。

Tomorrow's money is coming out-electronic money.At present, there are two kinds of electronic currency: bank card and online electronic currency.More famous are digital cash, first virtual, online cash, cyber cash and coins.Compared with yesterday's and today's money, electronic money is very safe and convenient to carry, which provides the preparation of payment means for the further development of human transaction activities.明天的钱——电子货币作为货币形态演变的最新形式,是一种在网上电子信用上发展起来的,以商用电子机具和各类交易卡为媒介,以电子计算机技术和现代通信技术为手段,以电子脉冲进行资金传输和存贮的信用货币。通过网上银行进行的金融电子信息交换,电子货币与纸币等其它货币形式相比,因为具有保存成本低,流通费用低,标准化成本低,使用成本低等优势,所以将进一步降低人类的交易费用,这对人类的交易行为产生重大影响。

Tomorrow's money electronic currency, as the latest form of currency form evolution, is a kind of credit currency developed on the Internet electronic credit, with commercial electronic machines and tools and all kinds of transaction cards as the medium, with electronic computer technology and modern communication technology as the means, with electronic pulse for capital transmission and storage.Compared with other monetary forms such as paper money, e-money has the advantages of low cost of preservation, low cost of circulation, low cost of standardization and low cost of use, so it will further reduce human transaction costs, which has a significant impact on human transaction behavior.当然,电子货币作为一种占主导地位的支付手段的前提条件是网上商业活动成为社会的主流商业模式,这个前提条件尚不充分具备时,电子货币只能作为一种辅助性的支付手段起作用。但是这个条件在IP网络革命的推动下正日益成熟,电子货币完全取代纸币的崭新的货币时代即将来临,任何人在任何时间任何地点都能交易将会实现,人类的交易活动也将揭开新的篇章,而钱的明天,也将会更加美好。

Of course, as a dominant means of payment, the prerequisite for e-money is that online business activities become the mainstream business model of the society.When this prerequisite is not fully met, e-money can only play a role as an auxiliary means of payment.But this condition is becoming more and more mature under the promotion of IP network revolution.A new currency era is coming when electronic currency completely replaces paper currency.Anyone can trade at any time and any place will be realized, and human trading activities will open a new chapter, and the future of money will be better.

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