
时间:2019-05-13 14:47:34下载本文作者:会员上传


Figure: mother(M)son David(S)girlfriend Linda(G)roommate A roommates roommate C B

The first scene [场景:舞台的中央摆著一条长凳。G做在长凳上,东张西望,不断的看表,自言自语:“怎么还不来?”离开长凳,来回走动,然后又坐下。] David: Linda!S:(身穿名牌时装)琳达!

Linda:(up to one side does not speak)G:(身子转到一边不说话)

David: Linda, what is wrong with you? S:琳达,你怎么了?

Linda: Haven’t we already agreed meet at 7 o’clock ? You should look at what time it is now ? You have already late for seven minutes and seven seconds!G:(转向S用手指著手表)不是说好七点钟不见不散吗?你看看现在几点了?你晚了整整七分又七秒!


I was wrong, I was sorry, okay? Such things will not happen again.S:(陪上笑脸)我错了,我错了,行吗?下不为例,下不为例。

Linda: Well, look at your genuine’s sake, forgive you this time, but, today you have to go shopping with me,? G:好吧,看在你态度诚恳的份上,就原谅你这一次吧,不过,今天你要陪我去逛超市,怎么样?

David: the supermarket? S:逛超市?(略一迟疑)

Linda: How ? You dont want to? G:怎么?你不愿意?


how can that be? However, I want to go to the park.There is beautiful the weather of today is good, Why not go for a walk? S:怎么会呢?不过,还是去公园吧。那里风景好,而且今天天气也不错,去散散布多好啊。

Linda : You want to go to the park again? The day before yesterday just went? G:又要去公园啊?前天不是刚去过吗?


OK, OK, lets go shopping in the supermarket.Can you wait me for a while? I need to go back to the dormitory to get any money.S:那好,那好,咱们逛超市。你等会儿,我回宿舍拿点钱。(转身要走)Linda:

No, my body with money.Let s go.G:不用了,我身上带这钱呢。走吧。

David: what? You go out with me, how can I spend your money.Besides, this money means nothing for me , my family s got plenty of money.You wait here for me, I’ll back soon S:那哪行呢?你跟我一起出去,哪能让你花钱。再说了,这点钱算什么,我家里有的是钱。你在这等我,我这就上去拿。


See, here you come again.Your mouth shut up rich, open rich.This will let others think you and I together is to money? G:(生气的说)你看,你又来了。你张嘴有钱,闭嘴有钱,人家还以为我是冲著你的钱才和你在一起的呢?

David: All right.I was wrong? I was wrong again!But I sincerely, that money do not in my eyes!S:好吧。我错了,我又错了。不过说实在的,这点钱我真不放在眼里!Linda: you,.G: 你……(很生气的)


sorry, sorry, I do not say it again, I promise!Hey, your birthday is coming ,Why not take this opportunity to pick your birthday gift!You should not want me to take your money to buy a gift for you birthday

S:对不起,对不起,我不说了,我不说了。哎,你的生日快到了,正好借今天这个机会我去给你买件生日礼物!你总不能让我拿著你的钱给你买生日礼物吧。Linda: well!I am here for you, you should come back soon!G:(犹豫了一会)那好吧!我在这等你,你快去快回!

The second scene [场景:舞台上摆了一张床,上面凌乱的堆放了一些衣物,床下有一盆,一侧有一圆桌,舍友A B C团坐打扑克,叫牌声不断!B上场。很匆忙。做开门动作。进门后开始在床上翻东西。] A:

Hey, David, and your dating end so soon? A:(一边打牌一边说)哎,小刚,跟女朋友约会这么快就回来了?

David: how can it be,ah!She asked me to accompany her to the supermarket!You know I cant let her pay!Besides I dont care the money!I just back to get any money!S:(继续翻东西)哪能呀!她要我陪她逛超市!你说我总不能让她掏钱吧!再说这点钱我也不在乎!这不我回来再拿点钱 B:

David your home really rich? B:小刚你家里真的很有钱吗? David: of course!S:(停下动作,对著A B C,满脸认真的)那是当然!(继续翻)

C: David, since your home is rich, why do you still eat steamed bread and pickle everyday? C:小刚,既然你家里那么有钱,那你为什么还整天吃馒头咸菜呢?

David: dont mention it, at home my mother forced me to eat meat every day, I was sick!Now see them on the nausea!S:别提了,家里我妈天天逼我吃大鱼大肉,我都吃腻了!现在一见到它们就反胃!

A B C: oh......A B C:噢……

The third scene M: young man, do you know where David lives? M:(头上包著头巾,跨著一个篮子,里面装著花生,穿著土气。M远远的看见了P,连忙上前去)小伙子,你知道赵小刚住在哪里吗?


David? I was his classmate.What’s the relationship between you and him? P:S?我是他同学,你是他什么人?


Im his mother I came from the countryside , in order to see my son, my son, I promise, from learning is good, is the first admitted to such a good university in our village!Young man, where he lives? M:我是他母亲(P一脸惊鄂)我从乡下来,来看我儿子,我那儿子,真有出息,从小学习就好,是我们村里第一个考上这么好的大学!小伙子,他住哪儿? P:

he lived in the building, third floor, room 303!P:(楞了半晌,手指指著一栋楼,结结巴巴)他住那栋楼,3楼,303房间!M:

Thank you.M:谢谢。(转身向那栋楼走去,P目视她走向那栋楼)

The fourth scene C:(B)do not patronize their speaking, it s your turn to deal.C:(拉B)别光顾着说话,该你出牌了。


David: Hey, ah, ah I back right now, Linda, go, ok, I know.Guys, can you lend me any money, these days I am little lack of money;, do me a favor, please.S:喂,啊,欣然啊,我呆会就下去,哎,我知道。(放下电话,迟疑了一会,满脸堆笑,转向A B C)哥儿几个今天能不能支援一下,这几天我手头比较紧张,帮帮忙吧。A: you,? A:你?

B: to borrow money? B:借钱? C: no? C:不会吧?

A: Did you said your money to remit your card a few days ago? A:你不是说这几天你妈刚在你存折上打了钱吗?

David: Yeah, yeah, these days the bank is hanging the work system, money is not played.S:是啊,是啊,这几天我们家那边银行更换工作系统,钱打不上。

The fifth scene(M敲门,S应声开门,见到M大吃一惊,迅速将她拉至门外 David: Mom, why do you come here? S:妈,你怎么到这来了?

M: mom miss you so much, and over to see you.M:妈妈想你了呗,就来看你了。(往里走,S拉住)A: David, who is? A:S,是谁呀? David: no, nobody.S:(忙应声)没,没人。(M趁机进屋)

M: Oh, Oh, These must be your classmates!The boy is spirit!Eat peanuts for our own , big and sweet!M:哎呀,(四顾,看到A B C热情上前)哎呀,这是同学吧!小伙子真精神!(抓出篮子里的花生分给A B C)来吃花生。我家里自己种的,又大又香!(A BC莫名其妙)

M: Studying far from home is not easy for you, everybody should take care of each other, right? Eating peanuts, help yourself peanut.M:在外头上学都挺不容易的,大伙多互相照应者点,别客气,吃花生,吃花生。(M说话同时电话响,S忙接)

Linda: why dont you come down? You do not come down, I will go!G:你怎么还不下来啊?你还不下来,我就要上去了哦!David: Ill go down, no, no, you don’t come up.S:我马上下去,不,不,你可千万别上来 Linda: Why will there is the voice of a woman? G:怎么会有女人的声音呢?

David: what? The woman? Ah, ah, she is just a saler!S:什么?女人?啊,啊,是个推销的!(挂电话,擦汗)

M: Oh, your pillow towel almostly catch up with your father’s towel wipe feet of cloth.Let me help you to wash!

M:哎呀,你的枕巾都快赶上你父亲的擦脚布了。我帮你拿去洗洗!(从床底下找出盆,装上若干衣物,准备出门)B: who is that?

B:这是谁呀?(问S)David: that is, it is......S:这是,这是……

M: you this boy, how don’t you to speak? I was his mother.M:你这孩子,怎么不说话呢?(对A B C)我是他妈妈 David: no, no......mother, you dont understand!S:(忙拉住M抢话)不,不……(将M拉到一旁)妈妈,你不懂!M: you this boy, Im your mother, you are my son, who knows you if I dont? M:(惊奇的)你这孩子,我是你妈妈,你是我生的,我不懂谁懂?(电话响,S撇下M,忙接)

Linda: Why are you so slow, the car is coming.G:你怎么这么慢,车要来了

David: what? The cars coming? You dont come up!Ill go down right now!S:什么?车快来了?你千万别上来呀!我马上下去!M: the child!M:(叹了口气)这孩子!(转身要去洗衣服)C: is this your mother? C:这就是你妈?

David: no, not, this, this is my mother, my mother hired her to send me something......S:(结巴,为难的)不,不,这,这是我妈,我妈雇来给我送东西的……(A B C凑在一起小声议论,G打手机上楼,电话响,无人接听,G行至门口止住)A: this woman is his mother? His mother is not general manager? Hire someone to send a thing also cannot hire so vulgar!A:这人是他妈?他妈不是总经理吗?雇人来送东西也不能雇这么粗熟的呀!B: I think David nine out of ten bragging.Vanity to show off, no wonder he eat steamed bread and pickles also borrow money!B:我看S十有八九在吹牛。爱慕虚荣摆阔气,怪不得他吃馒头咸菜还要借钱呢 C: shh......dont say like that.Nobody knows what was happen, that will hurt the students feelings.C:嘘……这种事不要乱说,谁也不明白怎么回事,这样说会伤害同学的感情的。(互相打小动作)


M: dont, dont criticize the child!I........Im a worker, which his mother hired to give him something, his mother want me to talk to him, Dont be afraid to eat in school.The child was thrifty, and a good child.His mother said, let alone the home is, if not, also will afford his university education!I go to the laundry.Oh, yes, there is some money here, is my............is his mother let me send David

M:不要,不要批评这孩子!我……..我是他妈妈雇佣的给他送东西的工人,(转身拾衣服)他妈妈要我对他说,在学校里不要不舍得吃。这孩子从小就俭省,是个好孩子。他妈妈说,别说家里有条件,哪怕没有,也要供他上大学!我去洗衣服了。噢,对了,这里有些钱,是我…………是他妈妈让我送来给S的。(手颤抖,掏钱给S)(说完抹眼泪,拿著盆子要去洗衣服,S失神的听著,转身给M跪下,抱住M的腿,垂头,目光呆滞,眼含泪花。)David: mother..S:(大声喊)妈妈…(M上前抱住S,A B C哑然默默注视母子二人哭泣)M: child, remember!We were poor, but we couldn’t have no ambition, as long as the backbone, there is no need to afraid of others’ despise, study well in the future rise head and shoulders above others, put the poor hat off!M:(语重心长)孩子啊,记住!我们穷,但是我们不能志短,只要有骨气,就不怕别人瞧不起,好好念书将来出人头地,把这个穷帽子摘了!(S含泪点头,G出场,慢慢走向S,S看见G Linda: have you heard......S:欣然,你都听到了……(刚要说,G抢著说)

Linda: yeah I also saw what had happened.and I also understand, thats aunt.I told you I admire you but not the other, I know you are good to me, and pay a lot in order to make me happy, but I want to tell you, even though you have nothing now, I believe that with you talent, you will do something previously unexpected.G:(注视著S,娓娓道来)我刚才都看见了,我也明白了,(走向M)这就是伯母吧。(扶著M,对B说)我早说过我欣赏的是你的人而不是其他的,我知道你是真心对我好,我也知道你为了让我开心付出了很多,但有一点我要告诉你,即使你现在一无所有,但是我相信凭借你的才华,你将来一定会有所作为的。(S感动,止住哭泣,看著G,G与B扶起M,面向A B C David: This is my mother, my mother!S:这就是我妈,(语重地)我亲妈!



1.Good morning,ladies and乡亲们!welcome to 败家讲坛(自己鼓掌)Im compere, your old friend,谢小磊(甩头).it is a pleasure to be here to speak about a topic that Three Times’ Beating Monster from Journey to the West

Now let me introduceour players.(大家依次进场)

1.Tripitaker,master shifu, he is aBuddhist priest 佘

2.The monkey king,张悟空



5.Skeleton Demon,白骨精

第一场景:Now ,story begin.long long ago,four teachers and prentices went for lections in the west.one day, tang is hungry···

第二场景:悟空find miss bai is monster thought thefiery eyes with golden pupils.第三场景:Tang is very angry, they move on, and see a little girl.they wonder she is miss bai`s daughter

第四场景:tang is angry to die,they continue move on, an old lady appear.Hey ,guys, don`t forget your dying mastershifu!




Three Times’ Beating Monster



人物:唐僧、孙悟空、猪八戒、沙僧、白骨精(村姑 小孩、老太婆、幕后放ppt的场景一:(“路在脚下” 音乐响起)

唐僧:(轻咳)悟空,factually, I am a bit hungry,Could you go to get me some food? 八戒: You see, master is hungry, me too!沙僧:大师兄,二师兄说的对

唐僧: 八戒!Don`t forget who ate my last meal!(脚踹八戒)八戒:(委屈)but I still hungry!沙僧: But master, if a monster comes while 大师兄 is away···唐僧:(点头)Em„„.It is a problem.悟空, do you have any idea? 悟空: No problem!(悟空围三人转了一圈)八戒: This is„..?

悟空: Electric net!I have learnt the energy of electricity from 儿歌三百首.So I made this.No monster can approach you if you stay in it!唐僧: Emm(摸悟空头)„„悟空, you are becoming smarter!额米头发, knowledge is power!悟空: Bye!jindou cloud!

筋斗云:I am jindou cloud!(捶胸,做熊样)I am here!(把孙悟空拖走)唐僧打坐,闭目养神。八戒和沙僧:两只小蜜蜂啊,飞在花丛中啊···



师徒三人:oh,hi(大家站了起来,某些个吹口哨,做勾引手势)村姑:My name is bai~(扭捏害羞样)大家:hello, miss bai.村姑: actually, I am going to send some food to some masters ,they live in the temple, look, around the corner.(欲接近唐僧,被弹回)em···may be you are hungry, welcome to my home to have a dinner, I will make food for you ,(轻声说)delicious!八戒:yeah!you look so delicious!shifu!lets go!唐僧:miss bai, you are so kind ,but we have to wait for 悟空„

沙僧:师傅,二师兄说的对,大师兄will find us, let us go now!村姑:come with me.(大家跟着村姑走着,村姑一个媚眼,八戒倒下,唐僧跨过八戒的身体继续跟着村姑)[沙僧:(扶八戒)are you ok? 八戒:no!I am full in love with the girl!沙僧:yeah!she is an apple in my eyes!(吃了一口苹果)] 唐僧:miss bai!村姑:(转身眨眼)what ? 唐僧:I love you when I see you at the first time!I ···村姑:(轻轻用手堵住唐僧嘴)you jump , I jump!(音乐响起,二人做泰坦尼克号经典动作)村姑:(转过身)shifu, close your eyes!let`s have a kiss!唐僧:wow I love to(闭眼,翘起嘴巴,伸脖子)(村姑奸笑,准备吃了唐僧)

悟空:(回来,看见村姑,火眼金睛看一眼村姑)Oh, monster!(上前就打,两人大战三回合,村姑倒)村姑:(倒)Ah„„(凄惨的音乐放起)唐僧:(气愤)悟空!Look what have done!She is a kind girl!悟空: She is a monster!唐僧: Nonsense!(深呼吸)悟空: Oh, please don’t„„

唐僧:It’s too late!(唱)哦玛丽玛丽买卖home~~~ 悟空: Please, Please, oh, no„„(痛苦抱头)唐僧:(捶胸痛喊)悟空,I’m disappointed with you!

场景三: 小孩:(坐在地上痛哭)(唐僧师徒走过来)

小孩:(拉住八戒的腿)I want my mom.八戒:shifu, we are in trouble!沙僧:let me try.little girl ,who is your mama? 小孩:her name is bai.沙僧:师傅,二师兄说的对。We are in trouble.师傅:little girl, your mom is going to the heaven.小孩:what does it mean? 八戒:yeah, she is dead.沙僧:d-e-a-d, dead!we killed her.小孩:what? why? bring back my mom.I kill you!悟空:stop!(闻小孩三下)you are monster!小孩:you!are the monster!Ugly monster!悟空:(咬牙切齿)I am not ugly!You monster, I`ll beat you into hell!(悟空追打小孩,小孩躲至唐僧身后,悟空打,不想打到唐僧头,唐僧晕,悟空再打死小孩)(凄惨的音乐放起)八戒&沙僧: Are you Ok, shifu?(扶唐僧)沙僧: Look,(伸食指)how many? 唐僧:Two„(晕乎乎地)悟空, game over!场景四:

老太婆:you killed my daughter and my daughter`s daughter!I kill you!唐僧:oh!it is my fault!I am not a good shifu!please kill me!(老太婆掐唐僧,原地转圈)(悟空张开右手,左手指着右手,闭眼大喊:turn,turn,turn,沙僧把金箍棒放到他手中)

八戒:awsome!you turn into your golden cudgel!沙僧:大师兄,是被妖怪抓走了!

悟空:oh, shifu ,I am coming!.....don`t move!悟空: I’ll kill you, monster!(打)唐僧:(想阻止,未及)You, you.....(悟空打到师傅,师傅晕,E,沙僧扶住)(悟空与老太婆大战三回合,老太婆死)唐僧:You have killed three lives!悟空: No, they are not human beings!They are created by monster!唐僧: Monster? You are a real monster!look!you so ugly!Never let me see you, go!(凄惨的音乐放起)八戒: Master, 大师兄 just.......唐僧: shut up!Dont mention that guy any more!八戒:look,the body is gone!May be大师兄is right.沙僧:师傅,二师兄说的对,the women is really a monster!唐僧:oh!悟空,come back!悟空:what? 唐僧:do you know what is “dang dang dang”? 悟空:what is“dang dang”? 唐僧:dang dang dang ,is(唱)only you „„(only you的音乐放起)八戒、沙僧:(抱悟空大腿)don`t go!don`t leave me alone!(悟空犹豫)唐僧:(继续)o-only you„„

悟空:ok!Please shut up!I am not go!(师傅悟空相拥,跳华尔兹,八戒沙僧哼结婚进行曲)良久,唐僧:let`s move on.白骨精:shifu ,don`t go!I am here!(作贞子样,爬了过来,四人跑!)



【旁白】The wife of a rich man fell sick, and when she felt that her end drew nigh, she called her only daughter to her bedside, and said, 'Always be a good girl, and I will look down from heaven and watch over you.' Soon afterwards she shut her eyes and died, and was buried in the garden.But by the time the spring came, her father had married another wife.This new wife had one daughter of her own, that she brought home with her.What’s worse , the kind and lovely girl who lost her mother also lost her father.After her father’s death,her stepmother became cruel to her.Her step-sister teased her ,asking her to do all the housework..“Do the laundry and get on with your duties.Clean the floors right away.And what’s more,bring me my breakfast.”

“Cinderella!Get me my sweater,I feel a little cold.”

【旁白】One day , the king held a party for the prince to choose the girl he loved.Every maid in the town was invited to the party.Cinderella's sister was asked to come.【旁白】The stepmother took her daughter to the party ,leaving Cinderella at home,because she was jealous of Cinderella’s beauty.【场景一:巫师的出现】 She was broken-hearted.[窗前]“Mom ,Dad I miss you.I ……[抽泣声]I want to go to the ball.” [背景音乐响起:《I were a bird》八音盒版] [接《I》唱,唱到一半 抽泣,趴在窗台上哭] “Who can help me ?”

But at that time , a lightning swept across the right sky.[雷声] [桌子晃动,接玻璃碎的声音] [站起,震惊]“What…What happed?” [“嘭”!巫师出现] [震惊]“Who,who are you ?” “A witch.”

[后退,碰到后面的障碍物]“There is nothing left to believe in.Nothing!” “Nothing,My dear?Oh,now you don’t really mean that.” “Oh,but I do.”

“Nonsense,dear!If you’d lost all your faith,I couldn’t be here.And here I am!Oh,come now,dry those tears!”[拭泪] “You mean you can help me …?”

“Yes!I am the only person who can help you in the world.”[半跪。站起,抱。放。拿出一只鞋子。(暂定)下场]


[巫师牵着灰姑娘从门外进来] “Have a good time,my dear.” “Thank you,Mr.Witch.”

“But,please remember, you must come back before midnight,or everything will be as it was before..”

“Midnight?Oh,I know.but It has be more than I ever hoped for.”[大门打开的声音,之后背景音乐响起]

“Hellow, prince ,I am Mrs.XX.Oh, You are such a promising young man.She is my daughter.”

[行礼,微笑][王子回礼,撇开视线,背身。看到灰姑娘] “Don’t you ask me to dance?”

[苦恼]“en…I am sorry,lovely lady,I think I can’t”[离开,走向灰姑娘] [王子走上前,鞠躬] “Pretty lady, may I be honored to dance with you? ” “I'd love to.”[微笑,握住王子的手,开始跳舞][背景音乐]

【旁白】At the party ,Cinderella danced with the prince all the time.Time passed quickly.Allof a sudden,Cinderlla caught sight of the clock on the wall.Oh,it is almost twelve o’clock-five to twelve!

“Oh,my goodness!” “What’s the matter?”

“It’s midnight.It’s almost midniht.” “Yes,so it is.But why?”

“.Good bye.”[行礼,转身要走,被拉住] “No ,no,wait you can’t go now.”

“I must ,plaese ,I must.”[掰开王子的手] “But why?”

“Goodbye.”[转身,跑掉,摔倒,掉了一只鞋子] “No wait,come back.please come back!I don’t even know your name.How will I find you?wait,please wait!Wait!”[追上] [捡起一只鞋] “Pretty lady!Why are you leaving? I must find you!I will ask soldiers to take this shoe to every house and let all the young girls have a try tomorrow morning.I must find you!”

【场景三 玻璃鞋】

【旁白】The next day,every maid in the town was ordered to try the shoe.Whover the shoes fitted well would be the brid of the prince.The stepmother knowed the news from the newspaper.“Cinderella? Cnderella?”[放下手中的报纸] “Here l am.”[拿着笤帚出现 “My daughters, where is she?” “l think she's still in bed.”

“on't ust stand there!Bring up the breakfast to her room t once.And hurry!”

[继母进入女儿的房间] “Drizella!”

“What?Get up.quick.This instant.We haven't a moment to lose.” “What for? Why?”

“The price.He's been hunting all night.” “ Hunting?”

“For the girl who had a dance with him.he's madly in love with her.”

“Oh,no,mom.I don’t have the chance now.”

“Now ,listen to me.There is still a chance that you can get him.No one, not even the prince, knows who that girl is.If you can fits the slipper,you will become prince's bride.” [灰姑娘在门后听到了这些] “But,I know the girl is Cinderella!” [打碎东西的声音] [继母和女儿出来看到了灰姑娘,继母将灰姑娘推进房间,做出锁门的姿势] “Oh, no!No, please!Let me out!You must let me out!”[作捶门状][背景音乐] [巫师出现] “My dear.Your knight,Mr.witch is here.” “Mr witch!”

“What’s wrong with you?”

“Now the prince is look for a girl who can fit one glass slipper.If somebody can fit it,she will become the prince’s bride.The glass shoe was lost by me and I can fit it!But I was locked in the room!”

“I can help you.”[“轰” 做打开门的样子,在门外伸手让灰姑娘出来] “Oh,thank you!”[灰姑娘跑掉了] [望向跑掉的地方]“You will become the prince’s bride.But,who will become my bride?You don’t know I love you,Cinderelly.”[悲惨的背景音乐]

【旁白】Cinderelly asked to try on the glass shoe and she was the only girl who can put on the shoe.Later,all the people in the country know Cinderelly will become the prince’s bride.【旁白】Before Cinderelly and prince’s wedding,the beautiful girl went to her mother’s grave to see her mother and would tell her she was going to be a bride.Suddenly,it raind[背景音乐] [巫师出现,为灰姑娘打伞] [灰姑娘回头,看到巫师] “When I need you,you are always giving me your hand.” “Of course.Because you are the princess in my heart.” “Princess?I don’t know you……”

“No proplem.I will leave the country tinight.” “Where you will go?”

“I will go to hell…goodbye…”[把伞交给灰姑娘转身走掉]






演员:盛鹏扬,林仕杰,林雄斌,林衍平,洪艺伟,兴爷(家兴)编剧兼导演兼制作人兼出品人兼监制兼很多很多:伟大的兴爷 翻译:林仕杰 人物




A:Bye bye, mom.(挥手)

A家长:Bye bye, pay attention to safety on the road, don't play mobile phone!B:Bye bye, dad.(挥手)

B家长:Well, pay attention to safety.。

旁白:(AB respectively with parents farewell after set out toward the school, A bow is playing with A popular summer cool running(天天酷跑)every day, at this time and he walks across the B bow is playing with A 闽南师范大学



mobile phone, two people have not looked up and saw each other, so, two people together.A: oh!My local tyrants gold!B: oh!Is who ah!Walk without eyes?

A: look at what you have done!You lost my mobile phone, it is I who give me birthday gift, this is a local tyrants gold!How do you compensate me!!B:: it's none of my business, is that you yourself walk don't hit me A:I can't stand it!How can you be so unreasonable!You have to accompany my mobile phone.B:Don't tease? What were you thinking? It is not entirely my responsibility.A:It seems I have to give you some lessons(对着B挥拳相向)B:Ouch!My eyes!场景2(医院)

旁白:B eyes after being injured, was rushed to hospital.B:You wounded me, you have to compensate me.A:What did you say? You should pay for my cell phone!(两人相互推搡)


医生:Please keep quiet in the hospital, ok, tell me about why do you quarrel with me.闽南师范大学



A:He broke my phone!B:He wounded me in the eye!医生:Calm down calm down, tell me how things happen.Start with your line.(对A说到)

A:well, well, this morning I was in the street focus on playing the game, he ran into a face to face with me, my phone fell to the ground, I told him to pay me, but he want to avoid responsibility.I just wanted to give her a lesson.医生:Well, I know, what about you,(面向B)

B:I also is very focused on playing with a mobile phone, but is he crash head on to me, "I broke his cell phone, I argued, his fists A:It's your fault.B:It's your fault.医生:Calm down and calm down, I already know the whole process.场景3(还是尼玛的在医院)

旁白:(The doctor after hearing AB narrative, was about to say something, this is AB parents rushed to the hospital, and ask a doctor for the children)AB家长(同时问医生):How are they? 医生:: no matter, but still exist problems in other ways.A家长:What's the problem? 医生:I'll tell you,(look at AB)do you know why this happens? Because 闽南师范大学



you all have a very bad habits, no matter when and where to play with mobile phones, we call this kind of people is called down, this is very dangerous and the habit of not polite, you are only looking at their mobile phone just now, didn't notice the other party, so would collide, mobile phone is broken, triggered the quarrel, also was injured, so you should correct the bad habits in the future.B家长:Well, right,Nowadays, the popularity of smart phone has been increasing at a staggering speed.And it gradually become the necessity in people’s life, which is far from giving others a call.Instead, they spend much of their time on taking phones, chatting or playing games resulting in lacking of face-to-face communication with your friends.A家长:Therefore, The furthest distance in the world, than we sit together, you are playing with mobile phones.Because of too obsessed with mobile phones, let we lost too many things, such as health and mind, such as friendship and affection;Such as time and opportunity.Looked up, be yourself, to your mind and body to absorb more oxygen in real life and light, you must do it.世界上最遥远的距离,莫过于我们坐在一起,你却在玩手机。因为过于痴迷手机,让我们失去了太多的东西,比如健康和思维,比如友谊和亲情;比如时间和机遇。抬起头来,做回自己,给自己的心灵和身体吸收现实生活中更多的氧和光能,你一定做得到。A:B,I'm sorry,it's my fault.B:no,A,it's my fault.I'm sorry!So….(AB握手讲和)闽南师范大学



AB:Well, we are determined not to be Smartphone addiction.



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