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第二篇:tom sawyer 读书笔记

Book Report of Adventure of Tom Sawyer


Gist: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer describes the life of an imaginative,troublesome boy in the American West of the 1840s.Tom lives with his Aunt Polly

and his half-brother, Sid, in the Mississippi River town of St.Petersburg, Missouri.He seems to be the precursor of naughty which always makes Aunt Polly very angry

but his smart also helps solves a lot of problems.Tom falls in love with Becky

Thatcher, a new girl in town, and persuades her to get ―engaged‖ to him.Their

romance collapses when she learns that Tom has been engaged before—to a girl

named Amy Lawrence.Then he gets to know Huck Finn, the son of a drunk, who is

always isolated by both children and adults.One day by accident, they witness the

murder of young Dr.Robinson by the Native-American ―half-breed‖ Injun Joe at the

graveyard.But Injun misled Muff Potter to admit the murder, and he was wrongly

arrested.Scared, they run away to a deserted island and become pirates.Meanwhile,the townsmen think they are dead in the river and begin to hold funeral for them.But

they appear at the funeral and identify Injun Joe is the murderer, but he flees from the

window.Summer arrives, and Tom and Huck go hunting for buried treasure in a

haunted house.Accidentally, they find Injun Joe who disguises as a mute and deaf

Spanish who wants to buy stolen treasure.Finally, they locks Injun in the cave and

starves him to death.A week later, Tom takes Huck to the cave and they find the box

of gold.And Huck is adopted by the Widow Douglas

Structure: In my opinion, the novel can be divided into three parts.1.From 1st chapter to 10th chapter: the period before maturity.The novel begins with Aunt Polly sweeping the house in search of her

nephew, Tom Sawyer which indicates his naughty.He skips school, fights with

the new boy, although is punished to whitewash the fence skillfully let Ben do it

for him, and pursues the puppy love with Becky, companies with ―bad‖ boy

Huck, shows off in Sunday school.These are all the interesting trifles in his

childhood which represents his innocent and infinity.2.From 11th chapter to 22nd chapter: the period of changing to be mature

A thing totally changes him.He witnesses a murder, but because of fear Tom and Huck run away and swear a blood oath not to tell anyone what they have seen.They flee to an isolated island, but as they know Potter is wrongly arrested, Tom feels guilty.Meanwhile, he stealthily goes back home, he finds Aunt Polly’s sadness of losing him.He makes a surprising decision to appear at their funeral to comfort Aunt Polly and identify the murderer.The psychological struggle of whether to go back home and point out the out the criminals really test Tom a lot, but he makes the right decision indicating he is becoming mature.3.From 23rd chapter to 35th chapter: the period of solving problem which shows their true maturity.The boys try to explore treasure instead of playing childish games.But by chance they find Injun and shadow him, finally lock him in the cave.The whole process shows their bravery, smart and calmness.At last, Tom persuades Huck agreeing to be adopted, because he wants Huck to return to civilization life.Tom is no longer the naughty boy, he knows the duty of a man and the meaning maturity.My own view about maturity

Throughout the novel, what impresses me most is the growth of Tom.He has gone through the process of immature to mature.In terms of mature, maybe we’ll ask what maturity is.I’ll illustrate it with the experience of Tom.Above all, I think is the sense of duty.Firstly, the duty to the family.At first, he plays truant and fights with others which always makes Aunt Polly angry.―Spare the rod and spile the child, as the good book says.I'm a-laying up sin and suffering for us both, I know.He's full of the old scratch, but laws-a-me...Every time I let him off my conscience does hurt me so;and every time I hit him my old heart most breaks.‖(Chapter 1, page 2).When he stealthily goes back home after he flees to the island, he

hears aunt Polly says ―he wasn’t bad, so to say only mischievous… and he was the best-hearted boy that ever was –and she began to cry‖(chapter 15, page 100).At that time, he feels guilty to leave home without a word, and the duty to protect Aunt Polly and home.So he decides to give up the total freedom and appear at his funeral to comfort Aunt Polly by saying ―I do really care for you‖(chapter 19, page117).Secondly, the duty to the society.As they witness the awful murder, other boys decide to keep it secret with fear, but Tom feels really guilty, he always has nightmares.―then Huck and Tom stood dumb and staring, and heard the stony-hearted liar reel off his serene statement… the clear sky would deliver god’s lightnings upon his head‖(chapter 11, page 77), during a long term of struggle, he decides to speak out the truth ―hesitating at first, but as he warmed to his subject his words flowed more and more easily…Injun Joe jumped with the knife and –‖(chapter 24 page148).Also he holds the duty to protect his friends.When they came back they receive a warm welcome, but Tom doesn’t fall into his own happiness he says ― it ain't fair.Somebody's got to be glad to see Huck.'‖(Chapter 18, page 115)Which totally give Huck the sense of warm and friendship.He helps Becky escape the punishment from the headmaster and saves her in the cave.Finally he persuades Huck to agree the adoption by Widow Douglas, ―come alone, I’ll ask the window to let up on you a little‖.(Chapter 35, page 217)

Obviously, we know the sign to become mature is to shoulder the responsibility of all aspects of your life.Next, I think maturity is the deep thought of life.Out of question, Tom is naughty, but on the other hand we can find his smart and his novel thought.He makes Ben whitewash for him by using his curiosity and then came to a conclusion ―in order to make a man or a boy covet a thing, it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to attain‖(chapter 2 pages 15).Based on his own experience on the island, he makes the speech ―give me liberty or give me death‖ he said ―The glaring insincerity of these sermons was not sufficient to compass the banishment of the fashion from the schools, and it is not sufficient to-day;it never will be sufficient while the world stands, perhaps."(Chapter21, page.128).He begins to know the true meaning of

freedom----dare to think and dare to do with the limit of civilization.Maturity is the process from adolescence to adulthood.As a French Philosopher Henri Bergson ever said ―To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly‖.As a college student, we’ll not live in the Ivory Tower forever;we should change ourselves to adjust the modern society.But being mature doesn’t mean to be sophisticated, it’s just a more proper attitude to life and a more appropriate means to solve problems.So we should keep naïve, and hold maturity to be a simple and wise man.

第三篇:The Adventures of Tom Sawyer英文读后感

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Recently I read a book which is called “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”.It is one of the best known novels by the famous American writerMark Twain.It is a story of a clever boy called Tom Saywer.Tom Sayweris a naughty boy, he does not like study in the school or get up in the morning.Which he likes are fishing, swimming and having adventures with friends.His adventures are interesting but dangerous.I think it is Tom Saywerthat made the book become a classic work.Tom is a naughty boy, and he is a brave boy, too.He always encourages his friends when they are in trouble.And he always tries his best to help other people.He is a hero in some degree.Form this story, I realized that we are supposed to be kind and we should help our friends.Or we will be punished by God ,just like InjunJoe, who starves to death in the cave.On the one hand , every one of us needs friends, so that we can rely on each other, help each other.Friendship and opened the atrium of each of us, let us feelings of love and light.Friendship is a bridge between people, the communication of each other's feelings, let us understand each other.With friendship, we are no longer alone, we can tell each other their feelings.Therefore, friendship is important.On the other hand, everyone needs help sometimes :when a child is lost;when an old man falls down;when a blind person needs to walk across the street...They are anxious and helpless.In such situation ,ifwe give them a hand, which may be for us a piece of cake but for them ,it means a lot :they will feel warm from the society and they will help others when they can ,the warm can be passed one by one.And we will also feel warm and happy when we see the others' smile.So helping others means a lot for a person ,for a country ,for a society, let us give the helping hand when the others need help.


Old Friend,I've been meaning to write for some time, but I've always postponed it.You know what I'm like, always putting things off till tomorrow.And writing was never my strong point.But looking out the window just now at the kids playing outside reminded me of when we were their age.All sorts of memories, like the time Tim Shea broke the window, the Halloween that we tied Old Mr.Parker's gate, and when Mrs.Culver used to keep us after school, came flooding back.What a great time we spent hanging out together.Come to think of it, time was just about all we did have to spend in those days.But time flies.I began the letter with “Old Friend” because that's what we've become over the years—old friends.And there aren't many of us left.Which makes those who are all the more precious.You in particular.Your friendship over the years has meant an awful lot to me, more than I can say because I'm not good at saying things like that.Anyway, we've been out of touch for far too long.So I thought you'd like to know that I was thinking of you.We really must try to get together soon.Why not come to visit? You know you're always welcome.Your Old Friend,Tom

PS If you see Tim Shea remind him he never did replace that ball of

mine he broke the window





来自: Kenn 2014-08-06 12:25:07



Good evening, ladies and Gentleman, would you please be seated,welcome to guangdong young civil servants toastmasters club.if you have phones, I appreciate you to turn to the silent mode, and It is my pleasure to be tom in this meeting,plz feel free to take some pics for me~and other members(现场后评价:自黑,其实我是真心想要别人给我拍照的,结果观众以为我自黑,一张也没拍T.T),thank you

Ok,now,please let me know,my dear guests,who is the first time to join our club, And there are four topics should not be talked in this club: Political, religious, racial and sexual,(这一段一般由会议主席来讲,所以白准备了)but,we welcome sexy girls and Cool guys to be our members though I am not member yet(这一段可以备用,可以用来当段子,我没用上).First of all,let me introduce myself,I am Ken,I am an enginner work in XXX,if someday you get home and find you can not turn your lights on,please contact me immediately, let me know by calling or by wechat,and I will tell you:just wait...(这一段的自我介绍比较轻松,大概说出来这个意思就好,黑自己一般来说都效果不错)

during our meeting, There are several members I need to introduce to all of you,first,our timer plz.etc.(介绍会议各个官员,后来GE对我的评价是,我在介绍各官员时声音不够大,名字也念得不清楚)

Let start the first section——table topic section,today it will an very interesting table topic,I believe you can not wait to know what Is that,let welcome ivy.(介绍即兴演讲主持人,同时准备一些即兴演讲的串词)


Who is the best?(即兴演讲结束后,请即兴演讲评估师上台)let welcome our good friend paul


The next speech is CC7: nowadays man and woman are equal in china? It has been a long time for our society to make men and women equal,and what is the reality.let welcome XX, she wants to share us with her point as a woman.Speech time: 5-7 minutes, "

The next speech is CC10:persistence.this is a word very easy may be not easy for me to say,but very hard to do,lest’s listen to her specch,also you have 5-7 minutes.The next speech is AC1,let s just relax ourselves and take the advices from a farmer.当TOM感觉是头马活动会议中最有趣的一个角色,每个人都会有不同的风格,正如朋友们所说,不怕丢脸,每天进步一点点。



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