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演讲稿 工作总结 调研报告 讲话稿 事迹材料 心得体会 策划方案



257 形式和用法

动名词的形式与现在分词完全相同: runningspeakingworking等 其用法如下:

(a)用做句子的主语(参见第258节):Dancing bored him. 他厌烦跳舞。(b)用做表语: Her hobby is painting. 她的业余爱好是画画。




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演讲稿 工作总结 调研报告 讲话稿 事迹材料 心得体会 策划方案

He was accused of smuggling. 他被指控走私。

(d)用在某些动词之后。(参见第261节与第266节。)(e)用于构成复合的名词: a ′diving board 跳板


258 用做主语


It is easier to read French than to speak it./Reading French is easier than speaking it. 法语读比说容易。






演讲稿 工作总结 调研报告 讲话稿 事迹材料 心得体会 策划方案

在find之后可以把that和动词be一起省略,因此可以说: He found that parking was difficult./He found parking difficult. 他感到很难停放汽车。



He found parking difficult 意指他通常或总是感到找地方停车较困难。He found it difficult to park常意指在某具体场合他发现找地方停车较困难。它也可能意指他总是感到困难,但后一概念常用动名词来表达。动名词常用于简短的禁令中: No smoking. 禁止吸烟。No waiting. 禁止停留。No fishing. 禁止垂钓。


Do not touch these wires. 请勿接触电线!Do not feed the lions. 请勿向狮子投喂食物!

在格言 Seeing is believing(眼见为实;百闻不如一见)中使用的就是





演讲稿 工作总结 调研报告 讲话稿 事迹材料 心得体会 策划方案


259 介词之后的动名词


A 如把动词直接放在介词后面,就必须用动名词形式: What can yon do besides typing? 除了打字你还会做什么?

I have no objection to hearing your story again. 再听一遍你的故事,我没有异议。

Touch your toes without bending your knees!试着不屈膝去够你的脚趾!He is good at diving. 他擅长跳水。

She is fond of climbing. 她喜欢爬山。





演讲稿 工作总结 调研报告 讲话稿 事迹材料 心得体会 策划方案

I’m not keen on gambling.I’m too afraid of losing. 我对赌博不感兴趣。我太怕输了。

He was fined for being drunk in charge of a car. 他因酒醉驾车被罚款。

I’m against saying anything./I’m for saying nothing. 我反对说话。/我赞成什么都不说。I’m tired of arguing.I’m fed up waiting. 我厌烦争辩了。我等得腻味极了。(口语)This is a tool for opening tins. 这是一个开罐头的工具。Do you feel like going out? 你想出去玩吗?

After swimming I felt cold. 游完泳我感到冷。She disapproves of jogging. 她不赞成慢跑锻炼。

What about leaving it here and collecting it later? 先把它放在这里等一会儿再来取怎么样? He is thinking of emigrating. 他正在考虑移居国外。

I’m sorry for keeping you waiting. 很抱歉,让你久等了。





演讲稿 工作总结 调研报告 讲话稿 事迹材料 心得体会 策划方案

They escaped by sliding down a rope. 他们是从一根绳子上滑下来逃走的。We had difficulty in finding a parking place. 我们费了很大劲才找到一个停车位。

You should be ashamed of yourself for behaving so badly. 你应该为你的行为无礼感到羞耻。In spite of starting late,he arrived in time. 虽然他动身很晚,却及时到了。Aren’t you interested in making money? 难道你对赚钱不感兴趣? There’s no point in waiting. 等待是毫无意义的。

B 某些动词+介词/副词(即短语动词)后面要求接动名词。最常用的这类组合有 be for/against,care for,give up,keep on,leave off,look forward to,put off,see about,take to。(go on的用法参见第363节。)

I don’t care for standing in queues. 我不喜欢排队。

Eventually the dogs left off barking. 狗终于不叫了。

I am looking forward to meeting her. 我渴望见到她。





演讲稿 工作总结 调研报告 讲话稿 事迹材料 心得体会 策划方案

He put off making a decision till he had more information. 他推迟到获得详情之后再决定。

He took to ringing us up in the middle of the night. 他开始习惯在半夜给我们打电话。

260 to


A 置于助动词 be,have,ought,used后面和 going后面(如在 be going to这类短语中)的 to是后面的动词不定式的组成部分,放上to只是为了提醒学生前面的动词要求跟完整的不定式,即带to的不定式。

to也经常置于 hate,hope,intend,would like/love,mean,plan,try,want等动词及其他一些动词后面(参见第247节),以避免重复已经提到的动词不定式:





演讲稿 工作总结 调研报告 讲话稿 事迹材料 心得体会 策划方案

—Did you buy cheese?

—No,I meant to(buy some)but the shop was shut. —你买奶酪了吗?


B 除此以外,放在动词后面的to很有可能是介词,后面应当跟名词/代词或动名词。尤其要注意下列短语动词:look for-ward to,take to,be accustomed to,be used to:

I am looking forward to my holidays/to next weekend/to it. 我盼望着假期/下个周末/它到来。I am looking forward to seeing you. 我期待着见到你。

I am used to heat/hard work/bad food/noise/dust.

我已习惯于炎热/艰苦的工作/粗劣的食物/嘈杂的声音/尘土。I am used to standing in queues/to it. 我已习惯排队/它了。

必须注意不要弄混 I used to/he used to等和 I am used to/he is used to等的不同含义。前者表示过去的习惯或惯例(如 They used to burn coal;now they burn fuel oil only 〈他们过去一直烧煤,而现在只烧油式的燃料了〉)。而后者则指现在的习惯,相当于 I am/he is accustomed to(习惯于)/familiar with(熟悉……): I am used to the cold.






演讲稿 工作总结 调研报告 讲话稿 事迹材料 心得体会 策划方案

He is used to working at night.

他习惯在夜里工作。(他对夜里工作并不在乎。)(参见第162节。)区别句子中的to究竟是介词还是不定式的一部分的好办法之是看它后面能否放置一个名词或代词,例如在 I am accus-tomed to后面就可放置一个名词或代词:

I am accustomed to it/the dark. 我对此/黑暗已习惯了。


261 后面可以跟动名词的动词

A 其中较重要的词有: admit * dread anticipate * enjoy appreciate escape avoidexcuse





演讲稿 工作总结 调研报告 讲话稿 事迹材料 心得体会 策划方案

consider* fancy*(=imagine)deferfinish delayforgive deny *imagine* detest involve dislikekeep(=continue)loathe recollect* mean*(=involve)remember*(=recollect)mind(=object)resent miss resist pardon risk postponesave(sb the trouble of)practisestop(=cease)prevent suggest * propose *(=suggest)understand* *参见B。

动名词也用于下列词组如 can’t stand(= endure),can’t help(=prevent/avoid),it is no use/good以及形容词worth后面。B 上面这些动词的其他结构带有星号的词也可与that从句连用。(参见第346节。)

关于 suggest和 propose(=suggest),参见第 289节。






演讲稿 工作总结 调研报告 讲话稿 事迹材料 心得体会 策划方案


关于其他动词与动名词或不定式连用,参见第二十五章。dread+不定式的用法如: I dread to think what this will cost. 我不敢想像这要付出多大的代价。C 动词+动名词句子的举例如下: He admitted taking the money. 他承认他拿了那笔钱。Avoid over-eating. 要避免暴饮暴食。

Would you consider selling the property? 你愿考虑卖出这产业吗? He detests writing letters. 他讨厌写信。

She dreads getting old. 她害怕变老。

Do you enjoy teaching? 你喜欢教书吗?

He narrowly escaped being run over. 他差点儿被车压死。Fancy meeting you!真想不到会碰见你!





演讲稿 工作总结 调研报告 讲话稿 事迹材料 心得体会 策划方案

Putting in a new window will involve cutting away part of the roof. 要开一个新窗户,就得拆除部分房顶。He kept complaining. 他无休止地抱怨。

He didn’t want to risk getting wet. 他不愿冒被淋湿的危险。

If we buy plenty of food now it will save shopping later in the week. 如果我们现在买许多食物,就可以省得本周过后去采购了。I can’t understand his/him leaving his wife. 我不明白他为什么离开妻子。I couldn’t help laughing. 我忍不住笑了起来。It is no good/use arguing. 争辩是没有用的。

Is there anything here worth buying? 这里有什么值得买的东西吗?





演讲稿 工作总结 调研报告 讲话稿 事迹材料 心得体会 策划方案

262 动词+所有格形容词/宾格代词+动名词

A 如果动词或动词+介词后面直接跟动名词,则动名词所表示的动作应是由动词的主语所做出的: Tom insisted on reading the letter. 汤姆坚持要看信。(汤姆看了信。)

如果把所有格形容词或代词置于动名词之前,则动名词所表示的动作应是由所有格形容词或代词所表明的人做出的: He insisted on my/me reading it. 他坚持要我读一读。(我不得不读。)

B 可以与上述两种结构中的任何一种连用的动词及短语有: dislikepropose understand dread recollectapprove/disapprove of fancy rememberinsist on involve resentit’s no good/use like(否定)saveobject to meanstopthere’sno point in mindsuggest what’sthe point of 例句如:

He disliked working late. 他不喜欢工作到很晚。





演讲稿 工作总结 调研报告 讲话稿 事迹材料 心得体会 策划方案

He disliked me/my working late. 他不喜欢我工作到很晚。

I object to paying twice for the same thing. 我不赞成为一件东西付两次钱。

I object to his/him making private calls on this phone. 我不赞成他为私事使用这部电话。

He resented being passed over for promotion. 他因提升时把他隔过去了而不满。

He resented my/me being promoted before him. 他对我早于他被提升感到不满。

(关于 mind参见第 263节,关于 suggest和 propose参见第289节。)C excuse,forgive,pardon和prevent后面不能直接跟动名词,而要跟所有格形容词/代词(宾格)+动名词或代词(宾格)+介词+动名词:

Forgive my/me ringing you up so early. 请原谅我这么早给你打电话。Forgive me for ringing you up so early.(译文同上。)

You can’t prevent his/him spending his own money. 你不能阻止他花自己的钱。

You can’t prevent him from spending his own money.(译文同上。)在appreciate后面常常需要跟一个所有格形容词或动名词的被动形式:





演讲稿 工作总结 调研报告 讲话稿 事迹材料 心得体会 策划方案

I appreciate your giving me so much of your time. 真感激你为我花了这么多时间。I appreciate being given this opportunity. 非常感谢给了我这个机会。D 所有格形容词与宾格代词的比较


当stop意指 prevent(防止)时,代词要比所有格形容词更为常用: I can’t stop him writing to the papers. 我无法阻止他给报纸写信。E 名词与动名词连用

在非常正式的英语中,名词后面带动名词时,要用名词所有格形式: I don’t remember my mother’s complaining about it. 我不记得我母亲为此抱怨过。但更常见得多的用法是省略’s:

I do not remember my mother complaining. 我不记得我母亲抱怨过。





演讲稿 工作总结 调研报告 讲话稿 事迹材料 心得体会 策划方案

263 动词mind

A 这一动词主要用于疑问句和否定句: Would you mind waiting a moment? 请等一会儿,好吗? I don’t mind walking. 我不在乎走路。

B 它后面可直接用动名词,也可用名词、代词或所有格形容词+动名词:

I don’t mind living here.(I live here and don’t object to it.)我对住在这里没意见。(我住在这里,而且对此并不表示反对。)I don’t mind his/him living here.

我对他住在这里没意见。(他住在这里,而且对此我也并不表示反对。)He didn’t mind leaving home.

他不为要离开家而烦恼。(他愉快地离开了家。)He didn’t mind Ann leaving home.

他不对安离开家感到不快。(安离开了家,而他对此很高兴。)(关于名词的所有格的用法,参见第262节E。)C would you mind?是最常用的表示请求的说法之一:





演讲稿 工作总结 调研报告 讲话稿 事迹材料 心得体会 策划方案

Would you mind not smoking? 请不要吸烟,可以吗?(请别抽烟。)Would you mind moving your car?


如在动名词前加一个所有格形容词,要注意其含义的变化: Would you mind my moving your car?相当于: Would you object if I moved your car?


也可用 Do you mind if I move it?(如果我把它移动一下,你有意见吗?)来代替 Would you mind my moving it?这一句。但 Do you mind my moving it?(我把它移动一下你有意见吗?)有可能意味着动作已经开始。

D mind后面绝不能用不定式。

E 人称代词的宾格可代替所有格形容词而与动名词连用。(参见第262节D。)





演讲稿 工作总结 调研报告 讲话稿 事迹材料 心得体会 策划方案

264 动名词的完成式


He was accused of deserting his ship./He was accused of having deserted his ship. 他被控弃船逃跑。

在deny后常用动名词的完成式: He denied having been there. 他否认曾经到过那儿。


265 动名词的被动式

一般式: being written





演讲稿 工作总结 调研报告 讲话稿 事迹材料 心得体会 策划方案

过去式: having been written He was punished by being sent to bed without any supper. 他被罚不让吃晚饭就去睡觉。

I remember being taken to Paris as a small child. 我记得我在儿时被带到巴黎过。

The safe showed no signs of having been touched. 保险箱没有被人动过的痕迹。








一 动词不定式:带to的动词不定式

带to-的动词不定式的结构是to+动词原形,如,to do, to work.它可以单独使用,也可以组成动词不定式短语。

如:I was determined to be cheerful.1.带to-的动词不定式可以做: 1)句子的主语

如:To find a best friend is difficult.= It is difficult to find a best friend.2)句子的宾语

如:I need to sleep for eight hours every night.1)宾语不足语

如:I asked him to come over.2)定语

如:I have a very important meeting to attend.3)同位语

如:His intention was to cheer me up.4)状语

如:My dad arranged some swimming lessons to surprise me.2.带to-的动词不定式有进行时态和完成时态 如:Things seem to be getting better.John pretended not to have seen me.二 动词不定式:不带to的动词不定式

1.可用于不带to的动词不定式的动词有: 1)let make have(有时候)

如:I let her borrow my book.She made me promise to write every day.The teacher often has his students read aloud in class.2)感官动词:feel hear see watch 如:I saw her talk to her new friends.3)would rather had better why not 如:I would rather go swimming.You had better tidy your bedroom

Why not visit your cousin in Japan? 注:感官动词后可以接v-ing 如:I saw her talk to her new friend.(见证谈话的整个过程)I saw her talking to her new friend.(见证谈话正在发生,但不一定见证整个谈话过程)2.当有and, or, except, but, than, rather than, 连接两个动词不定式时,后一个不定式往往省略to。

如:She told me to be cheerful and look on the bright side.Do you want to go shopping or watch a film? We had nothing to do but watch TV? I decided to write rather than phone.三 V-ing 作名词

1.V-ing可以充当名词用。可以被用做: 1)做主语(指一般性的动作)

如:Swimming is good for your health.2)做宾语(指一般性的动作)

如:I love swimming in the sea during the summer.3)介词之后

如:I keep fit by swimming every day.4)物主代词之后

如:Her swimming has improved since she started training every day.注:如果所谈论的人比较明确,那么物主代词可以省略。

如:Thank you for coming.5)组成复合名词

如:There is a shoe in the swimming pool.2.以下动词后面接v-ing Admit dislike imagine delay consider mind understand avoid enjoy practice miss finish keep suggest 3.以下常用词组后面接v-ing Would you mind cannot help look forward to feel like cannot stand it is no use/good put off keep on 如:Would you mind helping me with my homework? I cannot help wondering why she does not like me.I look forward to seeing you at the party.I don’t feel like doing anything now.She cannot stand seeing that boy.I think it is no use crying about your exam results now.I had to put off shopping for a while.He kept on asking me for my phone number.4.以下动词后面可以接v-ing或to do,意思上几乎没有区别。Continue prefer begin hate like start 5.一些动词后面既可以接v-ing,也可以接to do,但意义和用法上有区别。在使用时要

确保形式的正确。如,forget regret remember mean try go on forget+ to do(事情还没做)如:He forgot to close the door when he left.Forget+ doing(事情已经做了)如:I’ll never forget winning my first gold medal.第二单元

一 V-ing 充当形容词或副词

1.v-ing可作: 1)定语

v-ing 可以放在名词前,像形容词一样修饰名词。如:This will have a lasting effect.有时候会把一个副词放在v-ing前。

如:That was an extremely interesting speech.v-ing 可以和副词或名词构成复合词。

如:The fast-growing economy has caused environmental problems.A wood-burning stove is environmentally friendly.v-ing 可以放在名词后,像定语从句一样修饰名词,v-ing还可以被改成定语从句。

如:people running these factories are very concerned about the environment.= People who run these factories are very concerned about the environment.2)表语

如:This destruction is frightening.1)宾语补足语

如:We all found his argument convincing and interesting.2.v-ing可放在stand, sit, lie 的后面,表示动作同时发生。

如:They stood talking to each other.=They stood when they were talking to each other.3.v-ing有完成时态,如,having worked 如:Having worked side by side with many environmentalists, I know that a healthy environment and stable economy should be possible at the same time.二V-ing 短语

v-ing短语可以单独使用,后面也可以接宾语或状语。如:They sat there smiling.They sat there smiling at each other.1.v-ing短语可以表示: 1)时间

如:Asking around, I find many people willing to pay slightly higher prices for

things that are environmentally friendly.=When I ask around, I find many people willing to pay slightly higher prices for things that are environmentally friendly.Having observed the problem for many years, he announced that we are now facing the biggest environmental problem of our time.= After he observed the problem for many years, he announced that we are now facing the biggest environmental problem of our time.2)原因

如:We are making bigger holes in the nets, hoping to avoid catching fish that are not fully grown.= We are making bigger holes in the nets, because we hope to avoid catching fish that are not fully grown.3)结果

如:The factory keeps releasing smoke, making the air dirty.= The factory keeps releasing smoke.As a result, the air is made dirty.4)条件

如:Preparing fully, we can achieve great things.= If we prepare fully, we can achieve great things.2.连词+v-ing 也可以来表示时间。常用的连词有:when whenever while once until 如:We have to take environmental protection into consideration when developing the economy.3.v-ing 从句的逻辑主语通常和主句的主语一致。

如:He traveled on the plane like this, keeping the tortoise in a blanket.= When he traveled on the plane like this, he kept the tortoise hidden in a blanket.4.否定形式是: not+v-ing 如:He sat there, not knowing what to say.第三单元

一 V-ed形式

v-ed在句中可以充当形容词和副词的用法。1.v-ed可以被用作: 1)定语


如:If I had the chance, I would have a cloned baby.= if I had the chance, I would have a baby who is cloned.大部分名词前的v-ed表达被动的含义。但有些v-ed 表达过去的含义,如,escaped retired fallen。比较下面的短语:

表被动:the highly praised scientist(The scientist has been highly praised.)表过去:the retired scientist(The scientist has retired.)有时候可以把副词放在v-ed之前。如:well-trained teachers v-ed 可以和副词或名词连用构成复合词。

如:underdeveloped region handmade furniture v-ed可以像定语从句一样放在名词后修饰名词。

如:I think the scientific advances mentioned in your article are interesting.= I think the scientific advances that are mentioned in your article are interesting.2)表语

如:My grandfather was delighted to hear I passed my exams.3)宾语补足语

如:After the robbery, they found the front windows broken.2.v-ed可以接在动词后面表示动作同时发生。如:stand sit lie 如:She lay trapped under the building for three days.(She lay there and was trapped.)

二 V-ed短语

v-ed短语可以是v-ed单独使用,也可以后面接宾语和/或状语。如:She left the restaurant, disappointed.She left the restaurant, disappointed with the bad service.1.表被动的v-ed短语可以表示: 1)时间 如:The scientist has copied a human cell, assisted by recent advances in medical science.= The scientist has copied a human cell, and at that time was assisted by recent advances in medical science.2)原因

如:Shocked by the article, the woman wrote a letter to the newspaper.= The woman wrote a letter to the newspaper because she was shocked by the article.3)条件

如:Treated with electricity, the cell tissue will split into several parts.= If it is treated with electricity, the cell tissue will split into several parts.2.v-ed形式有一个逻辑主语。在上述例子中,逻辑主语都是主句的主语。

如:the scientist who was assisted by recent advances in medical science the woman who was shocked by the article the cell tissue which is treated with electricity 所有这些主语都跟主句的主语一致。

三 V-ed和V-ing 都可以做形容词

1.v-ing形式用来描述某人或某物给人造成某种感觉,在意义上通常是主动的。如:I noticed an amazing difference.Some people find it exciting that they could make copies of themselves in the future.2.v-ed形式用来表达我们对某人或某事的感觉,在意义上通常是被动的,因为它表示我们


如:I was surprised to learn that they had copied a human cell.The boy was more frightened than hurt.牛津高中英语-模块六




1.我们用一般现在时态来谈论: 1)现在或一直是正确的事情。如:I am at a comedy show.The sun rises in the east.2)经常发生的事情。

如:The Academy Awards show is on television every year.Every time a prop comedian tells a joke, he or she uses a thing, called a prop.2.我们用现在进行时态来谈论: 1)现在正在发生或正在进行的动作

如:The audience is laughing at the joke.I don’t understand why I am not losing weight!2)现在正在被计划,但在将来发生的动作。

如:The Comedy Club is giving a lecture about stand-up next month.They are going to the Academy Awards show in February.3)重复发生的动作,和always一起使用,通常带有否定的附加含义 如:You are always making the same mistakes!Sue is always changing her mind.3.我们用现在完成时态来谈论过去和现在是如何联系起来的。它用于: 1)重复的经历。

如:He has hosted the show eight times.Billy Crystal has been in many films and television show.2)过去发生的事情,但对现在有影响的事情。

如:Doctors have found that people who laugh a lot live longer!Some stand-up comedians have become famous as television and film actors later on in life.3)过去开始,但现在仍在发生的事情。

如:People have always enjoyed laughing.Comedian have always told jokes and performed comic acts.4.我们用现在完成进行时态来谈论从过去开始,持续到现在,并且还有可能继续进行的事情。

如:Doctors have been researching that question.The curtains finally open—the audience have been waiting an hour for the show to start.第二单元


过去时态用来谈论过去的事情,包括一般过去时态,过去进行时态,过去完成时态等。1.我们用一般过去时态来谈论发生在过去并且现在已经结束的事情。如:Sang Lan was born in Ningbo, China in 1981.2.我们用过去进行时态来谈论发生在过去,并且持续了一段时间的事情。

如:She knew that in those years she was making her parents proud.3.我们用过去完成时态来谈论:


如:Instead of crying about what she had lost, Sang Lan thought abut what she could do to get better.2)在过去的一个动作发生的同时所发生的事情。

如:By the time she competed in the New York Goodwill Games, she had been a dedicated junior gymnast for eleven years.将来的时态用来讨论将来的事情,包括一般将来时态,将来进行时态,过去将来时态等。1.我们用一般将来时态来讨论将来将要发生的事情。

如:She will come with us to watch the football match tomorrow.一般将来时态的结构:

1)will shall(用于提供有关将来的信息)

如:I know I will think about her whenever my life feels unbearable.I shall work hard and learn to become a gymnast.2)be going to+do(用于谈论将来的计划和意图)

如:Today, I’m going to talk about how to find happiness.2.我们用将来进行时态来谈论始于将来并且要持续一段时间的动作。如:Dr Brain will be talking about success next time.3.我们用过去将来时态来谈论在过去的时间被提起的时候发生在将来的事情。

如:Before she went to the Goodwill Games, Sang Lan told her parents she was going to win her event.第三单元



1.我们用非真实条件句来阐述不真实的或想象的一个现在的条件。如:If I got married in the USA, I would expect a present.I could reach the book if I were a bit taller.If I had the chance, I might want to be a translator.2.我们用非真实条件句来指代一个想象的过去的动作。

如:If you had joined the chat room ten minutes ago, you would have known what we were talking abut!If the man had pointed with his first finger while he was in Brunei, everyone would have thought that he was very rude.3.我们用非真实条件句来谈论想象的将来的情况。

如:If I had time tomorrow, I would certainly help you.4.非真实条件句的构成:

现在 If… was/were/did… , … would/could/might do…

过去 If… had been/done… , … would/could/might have done… 将来 If… was/were/did… , … would/could/might do… 注:would,could,might经常可以互换,但在意思上有一些不同。Would表意图,计划;could表能力,可能性;might表可能性 非真实条件句还有几点需要注意:


如:If he was/were here, he would be able to help us.2.在表将来的非真实条件句中,还可以用were to/should 如:If I were to fail my Maths test, I would have to take it again at the end of the term.If he should come tomorrow, I would talk to him about it.3.在非真实条件句中,可以把if省略,把should,were,had放在条件句的前面。如:Should you make a mistake, you should not be embarrassed.Had you told me earlier, I would not have this problem now.Were you to take the train, you would be there much sooner.4.在if从句中还可以用到could+ have done 来表示非真实的条件。

如:If I could have told you about cultural differences between Italy and the UK, I would have.第四单元




如:If you had listened to the talk about the UN yesterday, you would know the answer to the question now.If Tang Ning were in town, I would have heard about it.2.我们用otherwise, or,及以with,without,but for 开头的短语来替代if条件句,来表达隐含的条件的意思。

如:With(if I had)more money, I could help more people in need.Without(If we didn’t have)the UN Goodwill, Ambassadors, people working on projects would not be encouraged.But for the(If there was no)help from the UN, those women would not have been able to set up their mind.I’m too busy now, otherwise/or(If I weren’t so busy)I would help you do the work.3.我们也可以用even if,as if,as though,if only 来引导非真实条件句。如:I would never go there even if I were given the chance to.Nicholas is smiling as if he knew nothing about.Mike talks as though he had been to the Great Wall before.If only I were a Goodwill Ambassador!4.Wish和would rather后面可以表达非真实的情况。如:I wish there were no wars in the world.I would rather you hadn’t told me about it.牛津高中英语-模块七


一 介词

介词可以放在名词或名词短语的前面来表达时间,地点,行动等等。介词也可以放在v-ing 的前面。1.时间介词

at, in, on, for, by 和since 可以被用来表示时间。At后接点时间,in后接段时间,on后接具体某一天。For用来表示某事延续了多长时间,by指的是不晚于什么时间(到 为止),since指从过去某个时间到稍晚的某个时间或现在为止。其它表示时间的介词还有during,after,before,between,from,until等。

如:At that time, the record player had to be wound up by hand.Regular public TV broadcasting first began in 1928.The first record players only played a record for two minutes.By 1967, most TV broadcasts were in color.Since the beginning of 1999, the popularity of MP3 has increased greatly.注:我们经常说in the morning/afternoon/evening,但当谈论具体的早上,下午和晚上时,th则要用on,如on Sunday morning on the afternoon of 5 June.2.地点介词

at,in和on是表示地点的介词。At后接小地方或一个场合,in后接大地方,on表示在某个东西的表面。其它表示地点的介词还有above, against, behind, between, by, near, opposite, under 等。

如:I’ll meet you at the department store.Wang Li is at a media and technology exhibition.Cable TV began in 1948 in the USA, but it took 50years before 66percent of USA families had it in their homes.This new type of TV can be hung on the wall.3.行动介词

介词to经常用来表示行动,意思是“朝着方向”。其它的介词还有across, along, down, into, off, over, out of, past, round, through, under, up 等。如:The invention of the transistor led to the development of cassette recorders.二 介词短语


许多介词可以跟动词连用构成词组,如:agree with, look for, look into, head for, stand for.如:Scientists agree with each other that the development of TV will not stop.I am looking for the most recent model.Do you have any in store? The British Association for the Advancement of Science will look into the case.The ship set sail and headed for Shanghai.MD stands for MiniDisc.2.介词与名词连用

介词可以跟名词连用,如:in time for, on time, by means of, by accident/mistake, for/on sale, on the market, in that case, up to date 如:We thought we would be late, but we were in time for the programme.The products were delivered on time.You can connect the CD player to the computer by means of a special jack.Be careful not to press “delete” by accident/mistake!When will the new model be for/on sale? There are several new model on the market.You want a TV linked with the Internet? In that case, get a Web TV!This technology is quite up to date.注:当up to date出现在名词前时,要用连字符,如:up-to-date products 3.介词与形容词连用

一些介词可以和形容词连用,如:good at, capable of, fond of, satisfied/happy with 如:I am good at science.The program is of capable of calculating our budget for the year.I am fond of watching black-and-white films.Su Mei is satisfied with her new job.第二单元



动词+副词:If you open up any medicine cupboard in the world, there is a high probability that you will find asprin.动词+介词:It was over a decade before someone else turned penicillin into the great thdrug of the 20 century.在使用动词短语时有一些规则需要注意:


如:Fleming tried out this mould on another bacterium.Fleming tried this mould out on another bacterium.注:如果宾语是代词,只能放在动词和副词之间。

如:Fleming tried it out on other bacteria.2.动词短语后面不一定要接宾语。

如:The fire broke out at midnight.Fleming did not give up.3.在有介词的动词短语里,介词的宾语总是放在介词的后面

如:Doctors are looking into the case for new treatment.Sometimes people ask for medicine that they do not really need.4.有时候动词短语里的副词后会接一个介词。

如:How can you put up with this for so long? It is not right to look down up those who have AIDS.1. 动词词组有特殊的含义,如:

动词词组 含义 例句

try out test Don’t try the drug out on animals.give up stop doing something Tell your father to give up.wash up clean plates, bowls, etc.after a meal She is washing up in the

kitchen.talk over discuss thoroughly Let’s talk the issue over.set up create or start Dr Armstrong set up his own surgery in 2000.look after take care of I spent a whole day looking after my sick dog.turn up arrive They did not turn up until 10 o’clock.6.许多动词短语的意思不止一个,如,make out 就有许多不同的意思,以下列举其它三个意思:


如:It was too dark, and I couldn’t make out the words written on the wall.2)理解某事(用于否定句和疑问句中)

如:I can’t make out what the article says.3)阐述可能不是正确的事情

如:He made out that he was a famous doctor.第三单元


系动词是连接主语和说明主语是什么样状态的成分的动词。最常用的系动词是“to be(be/am/is/are/was/were/been)”

如:The information is true and acute.1.Appear, seem, prove, keep, stay, remain 是系动词。

如:Now it seems very common for families to spend a lot of time apart.They appear in favor of the Internet.The internet proved of great value to us during our project.You shouldn’t keep quiet in a debate.People stayed silent and listened to us, and applauded at the end.For these reasons, I believe the Internet remains a positive tool that helps make our lives better.2.感官动词是系动词,sound,taste,feel,look,smell 如:That sounds wonderful, but some people claim that the internet is a waste of time.If you always eat fast food, vegetables may not taste delicious to you.It feels good to sit in front of the TV after a hard day’s work.When he got up on stage, he looked a little nervous.The air often smells bad in Internet cafes.3.暗指变化的词是系动词:turn,go,fall,grow,get,become 如:Leaves turn green in spring.The boy will go mad if you don’t allow him to use the computer.Alisha fell asleep the moment she got into bed.Your son has grown much taller.John gets easily excited when he plays computer games.The amount of false information on the Internet becomes more of a problem every day.1. 大多数情况下,系动词后面接形容词。但有时也接名词或介词短语。

如:I feel it remains important for us either or limit our use of the Internet, or to learn how to solve the problems it has caused.He became a teacher after graduation from college.The article is about using the Internet to help people or all ages.第四单元

V-ed和V-ing v-ed和v-ing通常被称作分词。分词可以做定语修饰名词,或做时间,原因,结果和方式状语。



如:she sat beside the window, watching the falling leaves floating in the air.It was an exciting development.2)v-ed通常表达被动的含义,或指代一个完成的动作,或告诉别人我们对某事的感觉。如:The police found the stolen car.There was a thick layer of fallen leaves on the ground.Many excited wanted to travel on the underground.3)分词短语通常放在它所修饰的名词的后面。

如:The trains going to London stop at the edge of the city.In 1933, a public organization called the London Passenger Transport Board was created.2.v-ed和v-ing可以像副词一样使用。1)v-ed和v-ing可以用来表示原因。

如:Realizing he would have to take two different trains, he decided to take a taxi instead.Encouraged by the success of the Metropolitan Railway Company, the Metropolitan District Railway opened another line in 1868.2)v-ed和v-ing可以用来表示时间。如:Traveling through the tunnel, the man felt uncomfortable because of the noise.When asked how old the underground system was, she made no reply.3)v-ed和v-ing可以用来表示方式。

如:The train headed for London, puffing and rattling.4)v-ed和v-ing可以用来表示条件。

如:Turning to the left at the crossroad, you will see the railway station on your right.注:v-ing也可以表达紧随主句动作之后的动作。

如:Arriving at the airport, he started looking for the tourist guide.3.v-ing有被动和完成形式。


如:The underground system being built in the city will be open next year.2)having+v-ed表示完成时态的主动形式:having been+ v-ed表示完成时态的被动形式。如:Having seen the situation , a wealthy American businessman, Charles Yerkes, tried to improve the system.Having been developed over many years , the underground system is now able to transport millions of people effectively.4.当v-ed和v-ing被用做状语时,它的逻辑主语就是主句的主语。如:Having been trapped in traffic, he was late for work.Given enough time, we will see the whole city.5.否定形式:not+v-ing/v-ed 如:Not knowing which line to take, she turned to me for help.牛津高中英语-模块八



否定句用来改正一个错误的观点。如:Money does not buy happiness.在这句话里,钱能买来幸福的错误观点被改正了。注:否定句有是表达肯定含义。

如:He didn’t leave anything to his son but a big library of books.我们有几种方式来表达否定含义。最常用的否定词有:no,not,never,和neither。1.助动词+not 在最简单的否定句里,not或n’t放在助动词后表否定。

如:They might not(mightn’t)have been written last year.I do not(don’t)think so.2.Not和其它词连用


如:It is not uncommon to find her reading the newspaper.(It is quite common to find her reading the newspaper.)2)当not放在表示时间,距离,数量的短语前时,则起到了强调否定含义的作用。如:Not many people heard the speech.(Very few people heard the speech.)3.If-从句中额外的否定含义


如:I wonder whether /if I shouldn’t bring an umbrella.(I wonder whether /if I should bring an umbrella.)I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t move soon.(I wouldn’t be surprised if they moved soon.注:当表达有关自己的事情时,用I wonder whether/if… ,当表达有关别人的事情时,用I wouldn’t be surprised if… 4.还有许多其它的否定表达。一些常用的有hardly,far from,seldom, unless,free from, 和would rather…than。

如:Pip can hardly wait to begin his new life.The classic are far from disappearing.Pip’s sister seldom has a kind word to say.Unless you read the novel yourself, you will never know what happens at the end.The fortune sets him free from financial worries.Joe would rather die than se any harm come to Pip.第二单元





如:(I)Thank you very much.(You)Come here, please.2)答句,省略助动词后面的单词。如:“Did you enjoy the opera?” “Yes, I did(enjoy it).” 3)动词不定式短语中,省略to后的内容。

如:Although he would like to(break his promise), the emperor cannot break his promise.4)非正式英语中,省略句中的某些单词。如:(Are you)Ready? How(is it)about the result? 5)hence后

如:Hence(comes)the happy ending of the story.6)在介词或than之后。

如:Mum: Could you water the plants for me? Son: What about(watering them)after I finish my homework? The opera house now looks better than(it did)when I visited it last year.7)同一个句型和同一个动词后的两个从句中。

如:Puccini wrote Turandot and(he also wrote)Madam Butterfly.The actor was born in 1961, and his wife(was born)in 1964.2.为了节省空间和时间,一些单词被省略,包括: 1)标志和标签

如:No smoking(No smoking is allowed here.)2)报纸标题

如:Turandot on stage(The opera Turandot is being performed on stage.)3)说明

如:Do not bend(Do nor bend this envelope.)4)明信片和日记

如:Have not had time to write diary(I have not had time to write my diary.)5)笔记

如:Opera OK, costumes great(The opera was OK and the costumes were great.)




如:Did you go to visit the Louvre? What do you know about van Gogh? 2.在以下情况下,我们把助动词放在主语的前面 1)以否定词或短语开头的句子,如:neither, nor, never, not, at no time, seldom, hardly 如:He did not like the painting.Neither did I.Neither am I impressed by the paintings nor do I like them.Never in my life have I seen such wonderful pictures.Not a word did he say about his visit to the art museum.At no time during the tour was I bored.Seldom does he paint now.Hardly had I got to Amsterdam when it began to snow.2)以so和only开头的句子

如:Li Ming enjoyed the museum.So did his grandmother and aunt.So crowded was the art gallery that I could hardly move about.Only on such a trip can you learn as much about European artists.注:当only修饰主语时,不需倒装。

如:Only teachers went to the art gallery yesterday.3 在以下情况,主语放在动词的后面 1)句子是直接引语或部分是直接引语。

如: “I’d like to come back and see Monet’s garden,” said my aunt.“This, “said the artist “is the most beautiful place I have ever seen.”


如:Present at the party were a group of young people who called themselves pioneers of modern art.3)以here,there,in,out,up,down,on 等开头的句子。

如:Look!Here comes the bus.The door opened and in came Mr.Smith, the artist.Out rushed the children.Down came the water from the top of the mountain.注:当主语是代词时,不需要倒装。

如:Here I am in Amsterdam.There it goes.4)在正式的非真实条件句中,我们把should, were,had to 放在句子的开头。

如:Should you have gone on the trip, you would have learnt a lot about painting.Were the picture unique, it would be valuable.Had the museum been closed, we would have been upset.第四单元



1.强调句可以借助某些单词来表达,如:so,such,really,和just。如:Everyone was so excited about her speech.It was such an interesting television show.I really want to see it again.Actually, the festival in Venice doesn’t just feature Hollywood films.2.如果强调的不是动词,而是句子某一成分,我们可以用以下句型“ It + be+强调部分+that从句。

如:It was because of his Hollywood background that he knew how many small, unknown actors were being ignored by Hollywood.1)上述句型可以用来强调主语,宾语或状语。

如:Robert Redford took over the festival in 1981.强调主语:It was Robert Redford that/who took over the festival in 1981.强调宾语:It was the festival that Robert Redford took over in 1981.强调状语:It was in 1981 that Robert Redford took over the festival.2)当强调的主语是代词时,代词通常要用宾格。

如:It was me who represented the Toronto International Film Festival last year.注:当强调的是人时,引导词用that或who。3)强调结构还可以用语问句。

如:Is it the Cannes Film Festival that gives awards mostly to American films? How often is it that famous actors and directors come to Toronto? Who was it that told him what had happened?

4)我们用 “It was not until…that…”结构来强调时间短语。

如:It was not until I spoke to Kathy that I knew how special the Sundance Film Festival was.3.如果我们想强调一般现在时态和一般过去时态中的肯定句中的动词,我们可以在动词前加助动词do或did。

如:Many of the films are from the USA, but we do give awards to films from other countries.We did want to have a festival that was fair.Do tell us a little about the festival you represent.




一 定语从句:定语从句的介绍

1. 就像是一个形容词或介词短语修饰名词一样,定语从句也可以修饰名词。定语从句所修饰的名词称为先行词。形容词:The green team 介词短语:The team in green 定语从句:The team who were wearing green

2. 定语从句通常由关系代词来引导,如which, that, who, whom, whose,或关系副词来引导,如when, where, why。关系代词可以在定语从句中担当主语,宾语,表语,定语;关系副词可以在定语从句中担当状语。

如:做主语The trees which are on the school campus have lost their leaves.做宾语The student whom we saw just now is the best runner in our school.做表语Jack is no longer the lazy boy that he used to be.做定语She has a brother whose name I can’t remember.做状语The school where he studied is in Shenzhen.二 定语从句:关系代词:that,which,who,whom,和whose 1. 在定语从句中,that和which用来指代物。

如:This is the story that /which we wrote for our storytelling contest.2. 在定语从句中,who 用来指代人。

如:I am going to see a friend who has just come back from the UK.3. 当who在定语从句中做宾语时,可以用whom来取代,且whom比who更正式。

如:I don’t know the name of the teacher who/whom I saw in the computer room the other day.4. 当关系代词在定语从句中做宾语时,who,whom,which和that可以被省略。

如:He likes all the birthday presents(that/which)his friends gave him.5. Whose用来表示所属,它既可指人也可指物。

如:I sat next to a girl whose name was Diane.The club whose members are music fans meet in the school garden every Saturday afternoon.第二单元

一 定语从句:介词提前的定语从句(preposition+which;preposition+whom)

1. 当关系代词(which/whom)做定语从句中介词的宾语时,可以把介词提到关系代词的前面。

如:We thought you were a person from whom we could expect good decisions.2. 在非正式英语中,介词通常放在定语从句的最后。

如:Art is the subject which I know little about.3. 如果介词放在定语从句的最后,which 可以被that取代,whom可以被that和who取代。

如:Dad is a person whom/that/who I can easily talk to.4. 当关系代词做定语从句中介词的宾语,并且介词又放在定语从句的末尾时,我们通常省略关系代词who和that。

如:The topic(which)Eric is interested in is Physics.Daniel is the person(whom)I want to make friends with.5. 当先行词是way时,我们用in which或that来引导定语从句,这种情况下,in which或that 可以被省略。

如:I didn’t like the way(that /in which)she talked to me.二 定语从句:关系副词:when,where,why 1.我们通常用关系副词when 引导先行词是time,moment,day,season,year 等的定语从句。

如:Do you remember the day when we left you in charge? I often think of the moment when I saw the UFO.2.我们通常用关系副词where引导先行词是place,house,city,country,city,world等的定语从句。

如:The police searched the house where the thief had stayed.This is not a family where bad behavior goes unpunished.3.我们通常用关系副词why引导先行词是reason的定语从句。如:I don’t know the reason why the house is so dirty.4.在更加正式的英语中,where,when和why能够被介词+which 所替代。

如:The study is the place where/in which I often have talks with my father.This is the reason why/for which my parents got home earlier.It rained the whole day when/on which he traveled with his family.第三单元

一 定语从句:非限制性定语从句


如:Amy, who took weight-loss pills, now realizes that health is important.My pills are in the bathroom, where I always keep them.2.当先行词是整个主句时,可以用which来引导定语从句。如:He missed the show, which was a great pity.3.我们可以用all+whom/which 来表示全部数量,用some of+whom/which来表示部分数量。

如:I am doing different types of exercises, all of which are quite helpful to my health.Many people, some of whom are not overweight, are going on diet.二 附加疑问句





如:We can still be friends, can’t we? He doesn’t like ice cream, does he? 2)当主句中有像neither,none,nobody,nothing,few,little,never,hardly或seldom这类词时,它们被认为是否定的,因此后面会跟个肯定的附加疑问句。如:Neither of you will have coffee, will you? No one has found my CD, have they? Nobody understood his speech, did they? His sister seldom argues with people, does she? 3)人称代词如I,we,you,he,she,it或they会放在附加疑问句中。如:I was pretty silly, wasn’t I?

Everyone has advises you not to go on a diet, haven’t you? 4)助动词,情态动词或be动词会放在附加疑问句中。

如:You like traveling, don’t you?

There is something wrong, isn’t there? You can’t speak Italian, can you?

5)祁使句后用will you,Let’s后用shall we 如:Post a letter for me, will you? Let’s have a break, shall we?



一 现在完成时态

1.我们用现在完成时态来表示在最近的过去发生的但跟现在有联系的事情。如:The disappearance of Justin has made Kelly very unhappy.2.我们也用现在完成时态来表示在过去刚开始,并且现在还没结束的事情。如:I have not seen Justin since last Friday night.3. 当动作发生的确切时间不清楚或不重要时,我们也用现在完成时态。经常连用的时间短 语有:already ever for just lately never recently since yet already 用语肯定句,yet用语否定句。

如:The boy has already come home.I haven’t heard anything from him yet.for+一段时间 since+点时间

如:We haven’t seen him for two years.We haven’t seen him since 2002.注:当已给定具体的时间时,我们往往用一般过去时态,而不是现在完成时态。4. 我们用现在完成时态来谈论刚刚完成的动作。

如:The police have just finished searching the area.5. 我们也用现在完成时态来表示重复的动作。

如:Some villages say that they have seen UFOs many times.6. 现在完成时态的构成是:have/has+动词的过去分词

二 现在完成进行时态

1.我们用现在完成进行时态来表示在过去发生的并且仍将继续的动作。如:I have not been sleeping well since I returned home.2.我们用现在完成进行时态来表示刚刚结束但以某种方式和现在有联系的动作。如:---Sorry I’m late.Have you been waiting long?---Yes, I’ve been waiting for an hour.3.现在完成进行时态的构成:have/has +been +doing


如:I have been waiting for a long time.He has been waiting since nine o’clock.三 现在完成时态还是现在完成进行时态


如:Li Jia has read a book about Stonehenge.(She finished reading the book.)Li Jia has been reading a book about Stonehenge.(She is still reading the book.)2.我们用现在完成时态表示重复的动作,用现在完成进行时态来表示不停的动作。如:I have visited Egypt twice this month.I have been touring Egypt for two months.现在完成时态用于回答how many/much的提问,现在完成进行时态用语回答how long的提问。

如:How many times have you swum in the lake? How long have you been swimming in the lake? 3.状态动词和动作动词都可以用在现在完成时态中,但只有动作动词可以用在现在完成进行时态中。

如:I have had this camera for five years.(状态动词)I have taken photos of UFO with this camera.(动作动词)

I have been taking photos of UFO with this camera.(动作动词)

注:动作动词表示发生或变化的动作,如go,play。状态动词表示保持不变的动作,如like,know,exist 4.当 never,yet,already,ever出现在句子中时,只用现在完成时态,而不用现在完成进行时态。

如:I’ve never visited Paris.I’ve already been to Paris.第二单元

一 将来进行时态



如:Toby will be climbing in the Himalayas all next week 2)谈论从将来的某一点开始并且有可能要持续一段时间的事情。如:Toby will not be in London next Tuesday.He will be climbing in the Himalayas.3)没有任何意图的表达将来的事情。

如:The weather report says that it will be raining when we arrive in London.在这种情况下表示事情是很自然的发生的,没有人为的安排。


如:Will you be visiting your uncle in Tanzania? 2.将来进行时态的构成: 1)陈述句:will(not)+v-ing 如:Toby and his brother, Colin, will(not)be flying to Morocco.2)疑问句:will 提到主语的前面

th如:Will they be flying to Morocco on 15 July? 3)回答:will(not)

如:Yes, they will./No, they will not(won’t)二 过去将来时态

1.我们用过去将来时态和过去进行时态来: 1)表示过去的将来某一时间要发生的动作。

如:They set off at 9 a.m.and would reach the airport an hour later.2)暗指一个过去的目的。

如:I was going to leave, but then it rained.3)暗指一个过去的安排。

如:Colin called Jennifer to say that he was seeing her later that afternoon.4)指代实际已经发生过的将来的动作。

如:The journey that was to change Toby’s life started in July that year.2.陈述句中过去将来时态的构成: 1)would +动词原形

如:I told you Colin and I would spend a few weeks traveling.2)was/were going to,was /were to , was/were about to 如:We were going to see the wild animals, but then we didn’t have time.It was his last day at school---he was to leave the next morning.Colin was about to get off the camel when a child ran towards him.第三单元

一 过去完成时态


如:Upon entering the tomb, Carter’s lucky pet bird, which had led him to the place, was eaten by a snake.2.在直接引语中,我们用过去完成时态来指代说话的时候就已经发生的动作。直接引语中的一般过去时态和现在完成时态在间接引语中改为过去完成时态。如:‚We emptied the tomb of everything it contained,‛ said Carter.-------Carter said that they had emptied the tomb of everything it contained.3.过去完成时态只是指在另一个过去的动作之前发生的动作,并不是指发生在一长段时间以前的动作。

如:I had done my homework this morning before I went to the museum.4.过去完成时态经常跟以下引导的时间短语连用,如when, after, before, as soon as, until, since, by, for, already.如:Then a few months after Carter had opened the tomb, Lord Carnarvon fell ill with a fever and died.5.过去完成时态的构成:had+v-ed 如:Howard Carter had received money from Lord Carnarvon before he made his most amazing discovery.二 现在完成时态还是过去完成时态


如:Howard Carter is one of the most famous explorers the world has ever known.当我们在谈论过去,并要说明一个更早发生的动作的时候,我们就要用过去完成时态。如:Not long after the tomb had been opened, people in Carter’s team began to fall ill and die strangly.牛津高中英语-模块三


一 名词性从句:名词性从句的介绍

名词性从句在句中的作用和名词或名词短语的作用是一样的。1. 我们可以用名词性从句做句子的主语。

如:That I can pay back the help people give me makes me happy.Whether he’ll be able to come is not yet known.Why they have not left yet is unclear.我们可以用it来做形式主语。

如:It was good news that everyone got back safely.2. 我们可以用名词性从句来做动词的宾语。

如:she sensed that she was being watched.I wonder if/whether that’s a good idea.Polly didn’t know which way she should go.我们可以用名词性从句来做介词的宾语。

如:I’m interested in who that tall man is.There was a discussion about whether Polly had found the blind man.我们可以用it来做形式宾语。

如:we all thought it good news that the fog had finally gone.The conductor has made it clear that no buses will be running.3. 我们可以用名词性从句来做表语。

如:the truth is that the fog is too think for the bus to run that far.My question is whether Polly can find her way home.The problem is how Polly is going to find us in the crowd.4. 我们可以用名词性从句来做一个名词的同位语。

如:the fact that Polly didn’t ask for the man’s name is a pity.The news that the plane had crashed made us sad.Whatever gave you the idea that I can sing? 5. 我们用that,if/whether或一个疑问词来引导名词性从句。

如:I hope that Polly will be OK.No one knew if/whether he lost his sight because of an accident.She couldn’t imagine how the blind man had found her.二 名词性从句:用that或if/whether引导的名词性从句

1.我们用that 来引导名词性从句。


如:She sensed that she was being watched by a tall man in a dark coat.2)在大多数情况下,我们不用that来引导介词后的名词性从句,但是,可以用that来引导in或except后的宾语从句。

如:The problem lies in that the mist may become a thick fog.I didn’t tell him anything except that I wasn’t able to find my way back.3)当名词性从句做句子的主语时,that不能省略。

如:That we couldn’t find our way out was really bad news.4)在非正式英语中,当名词性从句做句子的宾语或表语时,that可以省略。

如:She wished(that)someone would come along to help her.The truth is(that)the buses will not be running.1. 我们用if或whether 来引导名词性从句。


如:She wondered.Would the buses still be running? She wondered if/whether the buses would still be running.2)介词后只能用whether,而不能用if。

如:She is not certain about whether she has done anything wrong.3)当从句做主语放在句子开头时,只能用whether,而不能用if。如:Whether it is going to clear up keeps me wondering.4)只能用whether or not,而不能用if or not。

如:I want to know whether or not the train goes to King Street.2. 如果and或but引导两个并列的that或whether/if引导的名词性从句,后一个句子的that或whether/if不可省。

如:He said that he liked rain very much and that he wouldn’t use an umbrella when it was raining.No one knows whether it will be fine tomorrow and whether he will come to work.第二单元

一 名词性从句:由疑问词引导的名词性从句

我们用以下的疑问词来引导名词性从句:what, which, who/whom, whose, when, where, why and how。

1. 当从句是wh-引导的疑问句时,我们用疑问词来引导名词性从句。从句可以做句子的主语,宾语或表语。

如:Where a person comes from will affect their style of speech.You can begin to see why English has such strange rules.That is why English is a language with so many confusing rules.2. 我们把疑问词后面的句式改成陈述句的语序。

如:What are people from the north saying? People from the south find it difficult to understand.People from the south find it difficult to understand what people from the north are saying.3.在任何情况下,都不可以省略名词性从句中的疑问引导词。

二 形式主语it 在英语中,我们通常把最重要的信息放在句子的末尾用于强调。这被称做句末强调效果。用形式主语it就可以达到这一效果。It只是语法意义上的主语,真正的主语在句子的后面。1. 我们通常用it来做形式主语。


(更好的)It is certain that we would not be able to understand Old English today.(正确的)That we would not be able to understand Old English today is certain.2)当主语是带to的动词不定式时:

(更好的)It is hard to master a foreign language.(正确的)To master a foreign language is hard.3)当主语是动词-ing形式时:

(更好的)Smoking is difficult to stop.(正确的)It is difficult to stop smoking.2. It可以被放在seem,appear,happen,chance,turn out 和prove前做句子的形式主语。

如:It seems that he speaks two languages.=he seems to speak two languages.It happens that my new neighbor comes from my hometown.=my new neighbor happens to come from my hometown.3. 我们可以用句型it+be+被强调的名词或短语+that或who引导的从句来强调句子中的主语,宾语或状语。如:It was last night(not any other time)that I read about the history of English.如果不强调任何成分,句子可以是:

I read about the history of English last night.第三单元

一 宾语补足语


如:They called her the Loulan Beauty.2.宾语补足语通常以下面形式出现:动词+宾语+宾语补足语,宾语补足语通常可以是名词短语或形容词。

如:They made Professor Zhang chairman of the society.We found the ruins most interesting.3. 有时侯带to的动词不定式和不带to的动词不定式可以做宾语补足语。如:They believed him to be honest.Professor Zhang’s speech made us all laugh.4. 宾语补足语可以时介词短语。

如:She found ourselves in the middle of a desert.5. 宾语不足语通常和宾语在数上是一致的。如:She made Joe her assistant.She made Joe and Sue her assistants.二 Either… or… 和 Neither… nor…

1.我们用either…or…来表示选择性。如:(连接主语)either Ann or Jane should have arrived by now.(连接动词)people either tried to escape or stayed in their houses.(连接宾语)we could choose to eat either noodles or rice.(连接状语)they are going to the museum either today or tomorrow.3. 我们用neither…nor…来连接表示否定的观点。(both…and…的反义词)如:neither the museum nor the site itself interested her.They neither told me the location nor showed me the map.I ate neither the noodles nor the rice.They went there neither by train nor by air.三 主谓一致


1. 动词应是单数,如果主语是: 1)单数的名词或不可数名词

th如:the city was founded in the 8 century BC.The food they offered on the plane was delicious.2)计量的短语,标题或名字

如:two hours is too short for the visit.Little women is a great novel.3)一个短语或从句

如:travelling to Pompeii is exciting.That it keeps raining worries the tourists.2. 动词应是复数,如果主语是: 1)一个复数名词

如:both cities were very rich.2)由and连接的两个或两个以上的单词或短语

如:the noodles and rice they offered on the plane were quite plain.3. 当主语是all of/ most of/ some of/ half of/ a part of +名词/代词,动词与名词或代词保持一致。

如:all of us have attended the lecture about Pompeii.Most of the lecture was about how the ancient city was discovered.4. 当主语是集合名词,如band, crowd, class, dozen, family, public, team 时,如果名词指代的是集体,动词用单数;如果名词指代的是个体,动词用复数。如:our team is very important to me.Our team are now traveling to Xinjiang.5. 当主语是news, physics, mathematics, Aids时,动词用单数;当主语是goods, clothes, congratulations, earnings, remains, belongings 时,动词用复数。

如:the latest news is that the Loulan Beauty is being displayed in Shanghai.All their belongings were destroyed in the earthquake.6. 当either…or…, neither…nor…, not only…but also…, not…but…,连接句子的主语时,动词采取就近原则。

如:either the team leader or the guides are looking after the students.Either the guides or the team leader is looking after the students.注:当主语是anybody/anyone/anything/everybody/everyone/everything/nobody/no one/nothing/somebody/someone/something/each/each one/either/neither/one时,动词用单数。



一 直接引语和间接引语

1.我们用直接引语来阐述所说的话。如果我们把引语写下来,这些单词就会被放在引号 但是,我们通常更愿意用间接引语来阐述所说的话。

直接引语:She said, ‚China has been using PSAs to educate people.‛ 间接引语:She said China had been using PSAs to educate people.2.我们可以通过把所说的话改成宾语从句或动词不定式短语的形式来把直接引语变成间接引语。

如:She said, ‚I’m used to ads.‛----She said that she was used to ads.‚We must not fall for this kind of trick!‛ she said.-----She warned us not to fall for that kind of trick.3.除了句型的改变外,还有其它的改变: 1)人称代词的改变:

如:She said, ‚I did some research.‛-----She said that she had done some research.2)时态的改变:

如:She said, ‚This as is very clever.‛-----She said that that ad was very clever.下面列举当动词是过去时态时,时态是如何变化的: 直接引语 间接引语 一般现在时 一般过去时 现在进行时 过去进行时 一般过去时 过去完成时 现在完成时 过去完成时 一般将来时 过去将来时 过去完成时 过去完成时

现在完成进行时 过去完成进行时 注:当陈述一个不变的事实时,时态不变。

如: ‚light travels at great speed,‛ he said.----He said that light travels at great speed.3)时间和地点状语的变化:

如:Tom said, ‚I am working here today.‛-----Tom said he was working there that day.下面列举这种变化的例子:

直接引语 间接引语

today that day/ yesterday / on Wednesday, etc.tomorrow the next day / the following day / on Thursday, etc.yesterday the day before / the previous day/ on Tudesay,etc.next month the month after/ the following month / in July,etc.last year the year before / the previous year, etc.a week ago a week before / a week earlier,etc.4)其它的例子:

直接引语 间接引语 this that these those come go

二 间接引语:陈述句,疑问句和祈使句



如:She said, ‚Advertisements are an important part of our lives.‛------She said that advertisements are an important part of our lives.2)除了say之外,还有其它的动词可以这样用:

tell, advise, agree, explain, insist, promise, remind, suggest, warn 如: ‚PSAs are often placed for free,‛ the writer said.-----The writer explained that PSAs are often placed for free.2.疑问句


如:Matt asked Ann, ‚Are you the happiest person in the world?‛-----Matt asked Ann whether/if she was the happiest person in the world.2)我们用wh-疑问词引导的名词性从句来陈述wh-疑问句。如:I asked her, ‚How can that could be?’-----I asked her how that could be true.3.祈使句

1)我们用以下结构来陈述祈使句:陈述动词+宾语+(not)+ to-动词不定式

如:The writer said, ‚Think about why you should do the things the ad suggests.‛-----The writer told us to think about why we should do the things the ad suggested.‚Don’t worry, Mickey,‛ Jen said.-----Jen asked Mickey not to worry.2)其它的单词也有同样的用法:advise, encourage, invite, remind, warn 如: ‚Don’t believe every advertisement you read,‛ Michelle said to me.-----Michelle advised me not to believe every advertisement I read.第二单元

一 情态动词:总体介绍

1.我们用情态动词来谈论: 1)能力

如:He can run the 100m sprint in11seconds.2)义务

义务性由弱到强排列:ought to/ should----have to-----must 如:You must work hard to win the gold medal.3)确定

确定性由弱到强排列:might----may----could----should-----ought to----will----must 如:She might win a medal at the Olympics.4)允许

正式性由弱到强排列:can----could----may----might 如:He is injured but may take part in the games.2 我们也用情态动词来: 1)提要求:

正式性由弱到强排列:will---can----could----would 如:Can you help me with my training? 3)提意见:

如:Shall we do exercise this morning? 4)提供帮助:

如:I’ll wash your sports jacket.Shall I get a ticket for you? 5)提建议:

如:You should not/ ought not to eat a lot before swimming.3 情态动词后应该接不带to的动词不定式。如:She could win the gold medal.4 我们用情态动词的进行时来谈论现在可能发生的事情,用情态动词的完成时来谈论过去可能发生的事情。

如:The boys may be playing football on the playground.He plays basketball very well.He must have practiced it a lot.二 情态动词:can和be able to 等

1.Can 和be able to 1)当指能力时,can和be able to可以互换,但be able to比can更加正式但也不常用。如:My brother can/is able to play table tennis very well.2)我们用can来谈论将来可能发生的动作。

如:Let’s get some exercise.We can go and jog in the park.3)be able to可以用在不同的时态中,可以后面直接接动词原形或放在另一个情态动词


如:I’m sorry I haven’t been able to play tennis with you recently.It’s nice to be able to attend the lecture.Wang Gong might be able to win the chess game.4)can的过去式是could,be able to的过去式是was /were able to 如:He could swim across the river when he was young.Mike was a good swimmer, so he was able to take first place in the competition.2 shall和 will 1)我们通常用shall来表达承诺,用will来表达决心或决定。

如:Don’t worry.You shall have the tickets for the games.Liu Mei will go and buy the tickets for the games.2)在疑问句中,shall用于第一人称或第三人称提供帮助或提建议,will用于第二人称和第三人称询问意愿。

如:Shall we go swimming this weekend? A group of students are waiting to see you outside.Shall they come in? Will you go hiking with me in the mountain? Will he pay for me? 3 mustn’t和needn’t Mustn’t用来表达让某人不做某事,needn’t用来表达做某事没必要。

如:You mustn’t miss this football match.It’s very important.You needn’t watch the game if you don’t want to.4 need和dare 当用做情态动词时,这两个词常出现在否定句和疑问句中。这两个词还可以当做普通动词来用。

如:You needn’t / don’t need to go training if you feel tired.Dare he/ Does he dare to dive into the water from the bridge?


一 被动语态

1.主动语态和被动语态在意思上没有太大区别,可以互换。在主动语态的句子中,我们用动作的发出者作为句子的主语;在被动语态的句子中,我们用动作的承受者作为句子的主语。如:Scientists designed a VR headset.A VR headset was designed by scientists.2 被动语态的基本结构是:be+-ed(动词的过去分词),在不同的时态中,be的形式是不一样的。例如,在一般现在时态中,be是is或are;在现在进行时态中,be是is/am/are+being;在现在完成时态中,be是have/has+been;在一般将来时态中,be是will+be。

如:Right now the new product is being developed in the laboratory.An agreement has been put forward.3.当用被动语态的时候,以下几点需要注意:

1)我们通常用by来引导动作的发出者,但当没必要提及动作的发出者或动作的发出者不重要,或很难说出动作的发出者是谁时,动作的发出者可以省略不提。如:he believes that VR films will be accepted by viewers.Both the headsets and the gloves are connected to the RealCine computer system.2)动词give,lend,offer,send,tell和show后面可以接两个宾语,分别指人和物。当这些


如:They are offered headsets and gloves in the cinema.Headsets and gloves were offered to them in the cinema.3)在主动语态中,一些动词后面往往接宾语和动词原形。在被动语态中,动词原形前面要接to。

如:I saw him go there.He was seen to go there.4)有时候,在被动语态中,get可以替换be。如:get changed, get dressed, get hurt 如:Please wait a while.I’ll just go and get changed.4)有些动词主动形式表被动含义。

如:This kind of computer sells well in China.Your article reads well.5)状态动词不能用于被动语态。如:I have many science books.VR films belong to the latest wave of new technology.4. 被动语态的其它特殊形式: 1)it+动词的被动语态+that从句

如:It is said that the technology behind RealCine is virtual reality.2)主语+动词的被动语态+to do 如:The technology behind RealCine is said to be virtual reality.类似的动词还有:believe, report, suppose, know, prove 等。

二 情态动词和被动语态

1.在被动语态中用情态动词来表达能力,可能性,责任,允诺等。如:Firefighter could be trained using RealCine.2.情态动词被动语态的形式是:情态动词+be+动词的过去分词

如:The position of the viewer can be calculated at any time.注意其它情态动词被动语态的用法: 主动语态 被动语态

Can touch can be touched May feel may be felt Might not impress might not be impressed Could use could be used Should use should be used Ought to develop ought to be developed Must wear must be worn 被动语态通常被用在科学报告中。

三 经常被用做被动语态的动词

1.一些经常被用做被动语态的动词可以充当形容词的作用.如:be bored with be born in/on be disappointed at /by be fascinated by be impressed at /by/with be interested in be set up by be situated in /on be surprised at/by 如:Andy was bored with listening to the same CD every day.I was born on a Wednesday.My dad was disappointed by my test results.People have always been fascinated by new technology.She was impressed at the number of points I scored.Some of my friends are interested in studying abroad.This new exhibition was set up by the Students’Union.Our school is situated in a quiet area.They were surprised at the possibilities of the Internet.这里的be都可以用become来取代。



一 动词不定式:带to的动词不定式

带to-的动词不定式的结构是to+动词原形,如,to do, to work.它可以单独使用,也可以组成动词不定式短语。

如:I was determined to be cheerful.1.带to-的动词不定式可以做: 1)句子的主语

如:To find a best friend is difficult.= It is difficult to find a best friend.2)句子的宾语

如:I need to sleep for eight hours every night.3)宾语不足语

如:I asked him to come over.4)定语

如:I have a very important meeting to attend.5)同位语

如:His intention was to cheer me up.6)状语

如:My dad arranged some swimming lessons to surprise me.2.带to-的动词不定式有进行时态和完成时态

如:Things seem to be getting better.John pretended not to have seen me.二 动词不定式:不带to的动词不定式

1.可用于不带to的动词不定式的动词有: 1)let make have(有时候)

如:I let her borrow my book.She made me promise to write every day.The teacher often has his students read aloud in class.2)感官动词:feel hear see watch 如:I saw her talk to her new friends.3)would rather had better why not 如:I would rather go swimming.You had better tidy your bedroom Why not visit your cousin in Japan? 注:感官动词后可以接v-ing 如:I saw her talk to her new friend.(见证谈话的整个过程)I saw her talking to her new friend.(见证谈话正在发生,但不一定见证整个谈话过程)2.当有and, or, except, but, than, rather than, 连接两个动词不定式时,后一个不定式往往省略to。

如:She told me to be cheerful and look on the bright side.Do you want to go shopping or watch a film? We had nothing to do but watch TV? I decided to write rather than phone.三 V-ing 作名词

1.V-ing可以充当名词用。可以被用做: 1)做主语(指一般性的动作)

如:Swimming is good for your health.2)做宾语(指一般性的动作)

如:I love swimming in the sea during the summer.3)介词之后

如:I keep fit by swimming every day.4)物主代词之后

如:Her swimming has improved since she started training every day.注:如果所谈论的人比较明确,那么物主代词可以省略。

如:Thank you for coming.5)组成复合名词

如:There is a shoe in the swimming pool.2.以下动词后面接v-ing

Admit dislike imagine delay consider mind understand avoid enjoy practice miss finish keep suggest 3.以下常用词组后面接v-ing Would you mind cannot help look forward to feel like cannot stand it is no use/good put off keep on 如:Would you mind helping me with my homework? I cannot help wondering why she does not like me.I look forward to seeing you at the party.I don’t feel like doing anything now.She cannot stand seeing that boy.I think it is no use crying about your exam results now.I had to put off shopping for a while.He kept on asking me for my phone number.4.以下动词后面可以接v-ing或to do,意思上几乎没有区别。Continue prefer begin hate like start 5.一些动词后面既可以接v-ing,也可以接to do,但意义和用法上有区别。在使用时要确保形式的正确。如,forget regret remember mean try go on forget+ to do(事情还没做)如:He forgot to close the door when he left.Forget+ doing(事情已经做了)如:I’ll never forget winning my first gold medal.第二单元

一 V-ing 充当形容词或副词

1.v-ing可作: 1)定语

v-ing 可以放在名词前,像形容词一样修饰名词。如:This will have a lasting effect.有时候会把一个副词放在v-ing前。

如:That was an extremely interesting speech.v-ing 可以和副词或名词构成复合词。

如:The fast-growing economy has caused environmental problems.A wood-burning stove is environmentally friendly.v-ing 可以放在名词后,像定语从句一样修饰名词,v-ing还可以被改成定语从句。

如:people running these factories are very concerned about the environment.= People who run these factories are very concerned about the environment.2)表语

如:This destruction is frightening.3)宾语补足语

如:We all found his argument convincing and interesting.2.v-ing可放在stand, sit, lie 的后面,表示动作同时发生。

如:They stood talking to each other.=They stood when they were talking to each other.3.v-ing有完成时态,如,having worked 如:Having worked side by side with many environmentalists, I know that a healthy environment and stable economy should be possible at the same time.二V-ing 短语

v-ing短语可以单独使用,后面也可以接宾语或状语。如:They sat there smiling.They sat there smiling at each other.1.v-ing短语可以表示: 1)时间

如:Asking around, I find many people willing to pay slightly higher prices for things that are environmentally friendly.=When I ask around, I find many people willing to pay slightly higher prices for things that are environmentally friendly.Having observed the problem for many years, he announced that we are now facing the biggest environmental problem of our time.= After he observed the problem for many years, he announced that we are now facing the biggest environmental problem of our time.2)原因

如:We are making bigger holes in the nets, hoping to avoid catching fish that are not fully grown.= We are making bigger holes in the nets, because we hope to avoid catching fish that are not fully grown.3)结果

如:The factory keeps releasing smoke, making the air dirty.= The factory keeps releasing smoke.As a result, the air is made dirty.4)条件

如:Preparing fully, we can achieve great things.= If we prepare fully, we can achieve great things.2.连词+v-ing 也可以来表示时间。常用的连词有:when whenever while once until 如:We have to take environmental protection into consideration when developing the economy.3.v-ing 从句的逻辑主语通常和主句的主语一致。

如:He traveled on the plane like this, keeping the tortoise in a blanket.= When he traveled on the plane like this, he kept the tortoise hidden in a blanket.4.否定形式是: not+v-ing 如:He sat there, not knowing what to say.第三单元

一 V-ed形式

v-ed在句中可以充当形容词和副词的用法。1.v-ed可以被用作: 1)定语


如:If I had the chance, I would have a cloned baby.= if I had the chance, I would have a baby who is cloned.大部分名词前的v-ed表达被动的含义。但有些v-ed 表达过去的含义,如,escaped retired fallen。比较下面的短语:

表被动:the highly praised scientist(The scientist has been highly praised.)表过去:the retired scientist(The scientist has retired.)有时候可以把副词放在v-ed之前。如:well-trained teachers v-ed 可以和副词或名词连用构成复合词。

如:underdeveloped region handmade furniture v-ed可以像定语从句一样放在名词后修饰名词。

如:I think the scientific advances mentioned in your article are interesting.= I think the scientific advances that are mentioned in your article are interesting.2)表语

如:My grandfather was delighted to hear I passed my exams.3)宾语补足语

如:After the robbery, they found the front windows broken.2.v-ed可以接在动词后面表示动作同时发生。如:stand sit lie 如:She lay trapped under the building for three days.(She lay there and was trapped.)

二 V-ed短语

v-ed短语可以是v-ed单独使用,也可以后面接宾语和/或状语。如:She left the restaurant, disappointed.She left the restaurant, disappointed with the bad service.1.表被动的v-ed短语可以表示: 1)时间 如:The scientist has copied a human cell, assisted by recent advances in medical science.= The scientist has copied a human cell, and at that time was assisted by recent advances in medical science.2)原因

如:Shocked by the article, the woman wrote a letter to the newspaper.= The woman wrote a letter to the newspaper because she was shocked by the article.3)条件

如:Treated with electricity, the cell tissue will split into several parts.= If it is treated with electricity, the cell tissue will split into several parts.2.v-ed形式有一个逻辑主语。在上述例子中,逻辑主语都是主句的主语。

如:the scientist who was assisted by recent advances in medical science the woman who was shocked by the article the cell tissue which is treated with electricity 所有这些主语都跟主句的主语一致。

三 V-ed和V-ing 都可以做形容词

1.v-ing形式用来描述某人或某物给人造成某种感觉,在意义上通常是主动的。如:I noticed an amazing difference.Some people find it exciting that they could make copies of themselves in the future.2.v-ed形式用来表达我们对某人或某事的感觉,在意义上通常是被动的,因为它表示我们被一个动作所影响。

如:I was surprised to learn that they had copied a human cell.The boy was more frightened than hurt.牛津高中英语-模块六




1.我们用一般现在时态来谈论: 1)现在或一直是正确的事情。如:I am at a comedy show.The sun rises in the east.2)经常发生的事情。

如:The Academy Awards show is on television every year.Every time a prop comedian tells a joke, he or she uses a thing, called a prop.2.我们用现在进行时态来谈论:


如:The audience is laughing at the joke.I don’t understand why I am not losing weight!2)现在正在被计划,但在将来发生的动作。

如:The Comedy Club is giving a lecture about stand-up next month.They are going to the Academy Awards show in February.3)重复发生的动作,和always一起使用,通常带有否定的附加含义 如:You are always making the same mistakes!Sue is always changing her mind.3.我们用现在完成时态来谈论过去和现在是如何联系起来的。它用于: 1)重复的经历。

如:He has hosted the show eight times.Billy Crystal has been in many films and television show.2)过去发生的事情,但对现在有影响的事情。

如:Doctors have found that people who laugh a lot live longer!Some stand-up comedians have become famous as television and film actors later on in life.3)过去开始,但现在仍在发生的事情。

如:People have always enjoyed laughing.Comedian have always told jokes and performed comic acts.4.我们用现在完成进行时态来谈论从过去开始,持续到现在,并且还有可能继续进行的事情。

如:Doctors have been researching that question.The curtains finally open—the audience have been waiting an hour for the show to start.第二单元


过去时态用来谈论过去的事情,包括一般过去时态,过去进行时态,过去完成时态等。1.我们用一般过去时态来谈论发生在过去并且现在已经结束的事情。如:Sang Lan was born in Ningbo, China in 1981.2.我们用过去进行时态来谈论发生在过去,并且持续了一段时间的事情。

如:She knew that in those years she was making her parents proud.3.我们用过去完成时态来谈论:


如:Instead of crying about what she had lost, Sang Lan thought abut what she could do to get better.2)在过去的一个动作发生的同时所发生的事情。

如:By the time she competed in the New York Goodwill Games, she had been a dedicated junior gymnast for eleven years.将来的时态用来讨论将来的事情,包括一般将来时态,将来进行时态,过去将来时态等。1.我们用一般将来时态来讨论将来将要发生的事情。

如:She will come with us to watch the football match tomorrow.一般将来时态的结构:

1)will shall(用于提供有关将来的信息)

如:I know I will think about her whenever my life feels unbearable.I shall work hard and learn to become a gymnast.2)be going to+do(用于谈论将来的计划和意图)

如:Today, I’m going to talk about how to find happiness.2.我们用将来进行时态来谈论始于将来并且要持续一段时间的动作。如:Dr Brain will be talking about success next time.3.我们用过去将来时态来谈论在过去的时间被提起的时候发生在将来的事情。

如:Before she went to the Goodwill Games, Sang Lan told her parents she was going to win her event.第三单元



1.我们用非真实条件句来阐述不真实的或想象的一个现在的条件。如:If I got married in the USA, I would expect a present.I could reach the book if I were a bit taller.If I had the chance, I might want to be a translator.2.我们用非真实条件句来指代一个想象的过去的动作。

如:If you had joined the chat room ten minutes ago, you would have known what we were talking abut!If the man had pointed with his first finger while he was in Brunei, everyone would have thought that he was very rude.3.我们用非真实条件句来谈论想象的将来的情况。

如:If I had time tomorrow, I would certainly help you.4.非真实条件句的构成:

现在 If… was/were/did… , … would/could/might do…

过去 If… had been/done… , … would/could/might have done… 将来 If… was/were/did… , … would/could/might do… 注:would,could,might经常可以互换,但在意思上有一些不同。Would表意图,计划;could表能力,可能性;might表可能性 非真实条件句还有几点需要注意:


如:If he was/were here, he would be able to help us.2.在表将来的非真实条件句中,还可以用were to/should

如:If I were to fail my Maths test, I would have to take it again at the end of the term.If he should come tomorrow, I would talk to him about it.3.在非真实条件句中,可以把if省略,把should,were,had放在条件句的前面。如:Should you make a mistake, you should not be embarrassed.Had you told me earlier, I would not have this problem now.Were you to take the train, you would be there much sooner.4.在if从句中还可以用到could+ have done 来表示非真实的条件。

如:If I could have told you about cultural differences between Italy and the UK, I would have.第四单元




如:If you had listened to the talk about the UN yesterday, you would know the answer to the question now.If Tang Ning were in town, I would have heard about it.2.我们用otherwise, or,及以with,without,but for 开头的短语来替代if条件句,来表达隐含的条件的意思。

如:With(if I had)more money, I could help more people in need.Without(If we didn’t have)the UN Goodwill, Ambassadors, people working on projects would not be encouraged.But for the(If there was no)help from the UN, those women would not have been able to set up their mind.I’m too busy now, otherwise/or(If I weren’t so busy)I would help you do the work.3.我们也可以用even if,as if,as though,if only 来引导非真实条件句。如:I would never go there even if I were given the chance to.Nicholas is smiling as if he knew nothing about.Mike talks as though he had been to the Great Wall before.If only I were a Goodwill Ambassador!4.Wish和would rather后面可以表达非真实的情况。如:I wish there were no wars in the world.I would rather you hadn’t told me about it.牛津高中英语-模块七


一 介词

介词可以放在名词或名词短语的前面来表达时间,地点,行动等等。介词也可以放在v-ing 的前面。1.时间介词

at, in, on, for, by 和since 可以被用来表示时间。At后接点时间,in后接段时间,on后接具体某一天。For用来表示某事延续了多长时间,by指的是不晚于什么时间(到 为止),since指从过去某个时间到稍晚的某个时间或现在为止。其它表示时间的介词还有during,after,before,between,from,until等。

如:At that time, the record player had to be wound up by hand.Regular public TV broadcasting first began in 1928.The first record players only played a record for two minutes.By 1967, most TV broadcasts were in color.Since the beginning of 1999, the popularity of MP3 has increased greatly.注:我们经常说in the morning/afternoon/evening,但当谈论具体的早上,下午和晚上时,th则要用on,如on Sunday morning on the afternoon of 5 June.2.地点介词

at,in和on是表示地点的介词。At后接小地方或一个场合,in后接大地方,on表示在某个东西的表面。其它表示地点的介词还有above, against, behind, between, by, near, opposite, under 等。

如:I’ll meet you at the department store.Wang Li is at a media and technology exhibition.Cable TV began in 1948 in the USA, but it took 50years before 66percent of USA families had it in their homes.This new type of TV can be hung on the wall.3.行动介词

介词to经常用来表示行动,意思是‚朝着方向‛。其它的介词还有across, along, down, into, off, over, out of, past, round, through, under, up 等。如:The invention of the transistor led to the development of cassette recorders.二 介词短语


许多介词可以跟动词连用构成词组,如:agree with, look for, look into, head for, stand for.如:Scientists agree with each other that the development of TV will not stop.I am looking for the most recent model.Do you have any in store? The British Association for the Advancement of Science will look into the case.The ship set sail and headed for Shanghai.MD stands for MiniDisc.2.介词与名词连用

介词可以跟名词连用,如:in time for, on time, by means of, by accident/mistake, for/on sale, on the market, in that case, up to date 如:We thought we would be late, but we were in time for the programme.The products were delivered on time.You can connect the CD player to the computer by means of a special jack.Be careful not to press ‚delete‛ by accident/mistake!When will the new model be for/on sale? There are several new model on the market.You want a TV linked with the Internet? In that case, get a Web TV!This technology is quite up to date.注:当up to date出现在名词前时,要用连字符,如:up-to-date products 3.介词与形容词连用

一些介词可以和形容词连用,如:good at, capable of, fond of, satisfied/happy with 如:I am good at science.The program is of capable of calculating our budget for the year.I am fond of watching black-and-white films.Su Mei is satisfied with her new job.第二单元



动词+副词:If you open up any medicine cupboard in the world, there is a high probability that you will find asprin.动词+介词:It was over a decade before someone else turned penicillin into the great thdrug of the 20 century.在使用动词短语时有一些规则需要注意:


如:Fleming tried out this mould on another bacterium.Fleming tried this mould out on another bacterium.注:如果宾语是代词,只能放在动词和副词之间。

如:Fleming tried it out on other bacteria.2.动词短语后面不一定要接宾语。

如:The fire broke out at midnight.Fleming did not give up.3.在有介词的动词短语里,介词的宾语总是放在介词的后面

如:Doctors are looking into the case for new treatment.Sometimes people ask for medicine that they do not really need.4.有时候动词短语里的副词后会接一个介词。

如:How can you put up with this for so long? It is not right to look down up those who have AIDS.5. 动词词组有特殊的含义,如:

动词词组 含义 例句

try out test Don’t try the drug out on animals.give up stop doing something Tell your father to give up.wash up clean plates, bowls, etc.after a meal She is washing up in the kitchen.talk over discuss thoroughly Let’s talk the issue over.set up create or start Dr Armstrong set up his own surgery in 2000.look after take care of I spent a whole day looking after my sick dog.turn up arrive They did not turn up until 10 o’clock.6.许多动词短语的意思不止一个,如,make out 就有许多不同的意思,以下列举其它三个意思:


如:It was too dark, and I couldn’t make out the words written on the wall.2)理解某事(用于否定句和疑问句中)

如:I can’t make out what the article says.3)阐述可能不是正确的事情

如:He made out that he was a famous doctor.第三单元


系动词是连接主语和说明主语是什么样状态的成分的动词。最常用的系动词是‚to be(be/am/is/are/was/were/been)‛

如:The information is true and acute.1.Appear, seem, prove, keep, stay, remain 是系动词。

如:Now it seems very common for families to spend a lot of time apart.They appear in favor of the Internet.The internet proved of great value to us during our project.You shouldn’t keep quiet in a debate.People stayed silent and listened to us, and applauded at the end.For these reasons, I believe the Internet remains a positive tool that helps make our lives better.2.感官动词是系动词,sound,taste,feel,look,smell 如:That sounds wonderful, but some people claim that the internet is a waste of time.If you always eat fast food, vegetables may not taste delicious to you.It feels good to sit in front of the TV after a hard day’s work.When he got up on stage, he looked a little nervous.The air often smells bad in Internet cafes.3.暗指变化的词是系动词:turn,go,fall,grow,get,become 如:Leaves turn green in spring.The boy will go mad if you don’t allow him to use the computer.Alisha fell asleep the moment she got into bed.Your son has grown much taller.John gets easily excited when he plays computer games.The amount of false information on the Internet becomes more of a problem every day.4. 大多数情况下,系动词后面接形容词。但有时也接名词或介词短语。

如:I feel it remains important for us either or limit our use of the Internet, or to learn how to solve the problems it has caused.He became a teacher after graduation from college.The article is about using the Internet to help people or all ages.第四单元

V-ed和V-ing v-ed和v-ing通常被称作分词。分词可以做定语修饰名词,或做时间,原因,结果和方式状语。



如:she sat beside the window, watching the falling leaves floating in the air.It was an exciting development.2)v-ed通常表达被动的含义,或指代一个完成的动作,或告诉别人我们对某事的感觉。如:The police found the stolen car.There was a thick layer of fallen leaves on the ground.Many excited wanted to travel on the underground.3)分词短语通常放在它所修饰的名词的后面。

如:The trains going to London stop at the edge of the city.In 1933, a public organization called the London Passenger Transport Board was created.2.v-ed和v-ing可以像副词一样使用。1)v-ed和v-ing可以用来表示原因。

如:Realizing he would have to take two different trains, he decided to take a

taxi instead.Encouraged by the success of the Metropolitan Railway Company, the Metropolitan District Railway opened another line in 1868.2)v-ed和v-ing可以用来表示时间。如:Traveling through the tunnel, the man felt uncomfortable because of the noise.When asked how old the underground system was, she made no reply.3)v-ed和v-ing可以用来表示方式。

如:The train headed for London, puffing and rattling.4)v-ed和v-ing可以用来表示条件。

如:Turning to the left at the crossroad, you will see the railway station on your right.注:v-ing也可以表达紧随主句动作之后的动作。

如:Arriving at the airport, he started looking for the tourist guide.3.v-ing有被动和完成形式。


如:The underground system being built in the city will be open next year.2)having+v-ed表示完成时态的主动形式:having been+ v-ed表示完成时态的被动形式。如:Having seen the situation , a wealthy American businessman, Charles Yerkes, tried to improve the system.Having been developed over many years , the underground system is now able to transport millions of people effectively.4.当v-ed和v-ing被用做状语时,它的逻辑主语就是主句的主语。如:Having been trapped in traffic, he was late for work.Given enough time, we will see the whole city.5.否定形式:not+v-ing/v-ed 如:Not knowing which line to take, she turned to me for help.牛津高中英语-模块八



否定句用来改正一个错误的观点。如:Money does not buy happiness.在这句话里,钱能买来幸福的错误观点被改正了。注:否定句有是表达肯定含义。

如:He didn’t leave anything to his son but a big library of books.我们有几种方式来表达否定含义。最常用的否定词有:no,not,never,和neither。

1.助动词+not 在最简单的否定句里,not或n’t放在助动词后表否定。

如:They might not(mightn’t)have been written last year.I do not(don’t)think so.2.Not和其它词连用


如:It is not uncommon to find her reading the newspaper.(It is quite common to find her reading the newspaper.)2)当not放在表示时间,距离,数量的短语前时,则起到了强调否定含义的作用。如:Not many people heard the speech.(Very few people heard the speech.)3.If-从句中额外的否定含义


如:I wonder whether /if I shouldn’t bring an umbrella.(I wonder whether /if I should bring an umbrella.)I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t move soon.(I wouldn’t be surprised if they moved soon.注:当表达有关自己的事情时,用I wonder whether/if… ,当表达有关别人的事情时,用I wouldn’t be surprised if… 4.还有许多其它的否定表达。一些常用的有hardly,far from,seldom, unless,free from, 和would rather…than。

如:Pip can hardly wait to begin his new life.The classic are far from disappearing.Pip’s sister seldom has a kind word to say.Unless you read the novel yourself, you will never know what happens at the end.The fortune sets him free from financial worries.Joe would rather die than se any harm come to Pip.第二单元





如:(I)Thank you very much.(You)Come here, please.2)答句,省略助动词后面的单词。如:‚Did you enjoy the opera?‛ ‚Yes, I did(enjoy it).‛ 3)动词不定式短语中,省略to后的内容。

如:Although he would like to(break his promise), the emperor cannot break

his promise.4)非正式英语中,省略句中的某些单词。如:(Are you)Ready? How(is it)about the result? 5)hence后

如:Hence(comes)the happy ending of the story.6)在介词或than之后。

如:Mum: Could you water the plants for me? Son: What about(watering them)after I finish my homework? The opera house now looks better than(it did)when I visited it last year.7)同一个句型和同一个动词后的两个从句中。

如:Puccini wrote Turandot and(he also wrote)Madam Butterfly.The actor was born in 1961, and his wife(was born)in 1964.2.为了节省空间和时间,一些单词被省略,包括: 1)标志和标签

如:No smoking(No smoking is allowed here.)2)报纸标题

如:Turandot on stage(The opera Turandot is being performed on stage.)3)说明

如:Do not bend(Do nor bend this envelope.)4)明信片和日记

如:Have not had time to write diary(I have not had time to write my diary.)5)笔记

如:Opera OK, costumes great(The opera was OK and the costumes were great.)




如:Did you go to visit the Louvre? What do you know about van Gogh? 2.在以下情况下,我们把助动词放在主语的前面 1)以否定词或短语开头的句子,如:neither, nor, never, not, at no time, seldom, hardly 如:He did not like the painting.Neither did I.Neither am I impressed by the paintings nor do I like them.Never in my life have I seen such wonderful pictures.Not a word did he say about his visit to the art museum.At no time during the tour was I bored.Seldom does he paint now.32

Hardly had I got to Amsterdam when it began to snow.2)以so和only开头的句子

如:Li Ming enjoyed the museum.So did his grandmother and aunt.So crowded was the art gallery that I could hardly move about.Only on such a trip can you learn as much about European artists.注:当only修饰主语时,不需倒装。

如:Only teachers went to the art gallery yesterday.3 在以下情况,主语放在动词的后面 1)句子是直接引语或部分是直接引语。

如: ‚I’d like to come back and see Monet’s garden,‛ said my aunt.‚This, ‚said the artist ‚is the most beautiful place I have ever seen.‛


如:Present at the party were a group of young people who called themselves pioneers of modern art.3)以here,there,in,out,up,down,on 等开头的句子。

如:Look!Here comes the bus.The door opened and in came Mr.Smith, the artist.Out rushed the children.Down came the water from the top of the mountain.注:当主语是代词时,不需要倒装。

如:Here I am in Amsterdam.There it goes.4)在正式的非真实条件句中,我们把should, were,had to 放在句子的开头。

如:Should you have gone on the trip, you would have learnt a lot about painting.Were the picture unique, it would be valuable.Had the museum been closed, we would have been upset.第四单元



1.强调句可以借助某些单词来表达,如:so,such,really,和just。如:Everyone was so excited about her speech.It was such an interesting television show.I really want to see it again.Actually, the festival in Venice doesn’t just feature Hollywood films.2.如果强调的不是动词,而是句子某一成分,我们可以用以下句型‚ It + be+强调部分+that从句。

如:It was because of his Hollywood background that he knew how many small, unknown actors were being ignored by Hollywood.33


如:Robert Redford took over the festival in 1981.强调主语:It was Robert Redford that/who took over the festival in 1981.强调宾语:It was the festival that Robert Redford took over in 1981.强调状语:It was in 1981 that Robert Redford took over the festival.2)当强调的主语是代词时,代词通常要用宾格。

如:It was me who represented the Toronto International Film Festival last year.注:当强调的是人时,引导词用that或who。3)强调结构还可以用语问句。

如:Is it the Cannes Film Festival that gives awards mostly to American films? How often is it that famous actors and directors come to Toronto? Who was it that told him what had happened? 4)我们用 ‚It was not until…that…‛结构来强调时间短语。

如:It was not until I spoke to Kathy that I knew how special the Sundance Film Festival was.3.如果我们想强调一般现在时态和一般过去时态中的肯定句中的动词,我们可以在动词前加助动词do或did。

如:Many of the films are from the USA, but we do give awards to films from other countries.We did want to have a festival that was fair.Do tell us a little about the festival you represent.牛津高中英语-模块九




1.状语从句可以表达时间,地点,方式,比较,条件,原因,目的或结果。它们由隐含这些意思的引导词来引导,如:when, where, how , although, if, since, because, in order that, so that.如:Because the population of Quebec is still over 70 per cent French, Montreal has wonderful mix of Old World and New World architecture and culture.2.名词性从句在句中充当名词的作用,可以做主语,宾语或表语。可以由that,或疑问词(what, which, whose, when, how, why, where, who)或if/whether来引导。当名词性从句作宾语的时候,that常省略,尤其是在口语和非正式的书面语中。

如:Montreal has colorful nightlife to ensure(that)no visitor is ever bored.当我们用名词性从句来陈述问句时,句子的顺序是陈述句的语序而不是问句的语序。

如:I do not know when she will travel.(NOT I do not know when will she travel.)3.定语从句就像形容词—它们为某物提供更多的信息。定语从句由关系代词(which, that, who, whom, whose)和关系副词(where, why, why)来引导。定语从句有两种,限定性和非限定性。


如:For those who love outdoor activities, it is possible to hike, sail, cross-country ski or travel for hours-or even days—without meeting another person.2)关系代词可以用来替换who和which。

如:It is good to learn about the cultures of people who/that come from other countries.3)如果关系代词做定语从句中的宾语时,关系代词通常被省略,在英语口语中由为如此。

如:The maple leaf is the pattern(that)you can see on the Canadian flag.4)非限定性定语从句用来提供额外的信息,它可以被省略而不会影响句子的语法结构,而且要放在逗号的后面。

如:Located in the heart of Toronto is the Canadian National Tower, which is often called the CN Tower for short.第二单元



1.分词从句可以作: 1)定语

如:The artist supervising the building of the Parthenon was the famous sculptor Pheidias.2)状语

如:Built of marble, the monument has lasted hundreds of years.大多数情况下,分词从句的主语就是句子的主语。否则的话,分词从句有自己的主语。

如:Time permitting, the restoration work could be done better.有时候主语可以是不同的。只有当没有误解的时候,主语才可以是不一致。

如:Knowing how badly the restoration work had been done, the unsafe structures did not surprise them.3)补语

如:I saw the Temple of Nike standing there on the hill.2.可以把现在分词或过去分词放在连词的后面,如:when, while, once, if, although.如:You will find the Acropolis very beautiful when visiting the city.35

While reading the article, I was thinking of the World Heritage sites in China.Once caught, people who deliberately damage the monument would be fined even imprisoned.If repaired well, the monument could be restored to its former glory.Although being conserved, the Acropolis is still facing serious problems such as deliberate damage and stealing of atones.第三单元


当两个名词短语一前一后出现在句子中并且指代同一个事物时,这两个短语互为同位语。如:The French flag, the ‚Tricolore‛, was first used in 1789, at the start of the French Revolution.The USA was also born from revolution, and its flag, the ‚Stars and Stripes‛, symbolizes this.1.当同位语提供更多信息时,第二个短语之前和之后有一个逗号。

如:The flag, a simple design of red over white, has a long history that dates

thback to the 13 century.2.当同位语是用来解释第一个名词短语时,同位语的前和后都不需要逗号。

如:The colors red, white and blue used on the flag are a visual reminder of the motto of the Revolution—liberty, equality and fraternity.3.我们有时侯用同位语来强调我们的观点。

如:We love our flag, our unique flag.4.名词后的名词性从句也是一种形式的同位语。

如:The news that France had a successful revolution had a big effect on many other countries, particularly those in Europe.The fact that some countries use the same colors on their flags can mean they share similar beliefs.同位语从句可以把两个句子连在一起。

如:The team has won the game.Everyone in the city is excited by the news.-----Everyone in the city is excited by the news that the team has won the game.5. 可以用在同位语从句前的名词还包括:truth,idea,hope,information 如:Many people are unaware of the truth that the USA was colonized by Britain.The idea the red represents bravery and blood is widely believed.I am reading this book in the hope that I can learn more about national flags.Did he give you the information that the meanings of different flags should be explained in your report?





如:Islam was started about 1400 years ago by a man called Muhammad.2.复合句


如:There are many idioms used in English and quite a few of them come from the Bible.‚By and by‛ now means ‚before long‛, but in the Bible, it was used to men ‚immediately‛.3.复杂句

复杂句是由一个主句和一个或更多的从句构成。它们由引导词连接,如:because, when, where, If, since, that , unless, whereas, whose, while, although.如:Unless you recognize when an idiom is being used, you can easily misunderstand the meaning of a sentence.There are lots of examples of idioms where animals are used to create an image.The text goes on to say that if salt loses its flavor, then it should be thrown away, meaning that if you are not honest, then you are worth nothing.This has meant that since the Bible was translated into English centuries ago, many Hebrew or Greek idioms have become part of the English language.An idiom is a combination of words, whose meaning often cannot be understood by looking separately at the meanings of the words that make it up.4.复杂复合句


如:People who follow this religion study Buddhist sutras and they follow the teachings of Buddha.37




连词用于连接句子。如果没有连词,读者就会弄不懂句子的意思。连词帮助读者弄清楚文章当中接下来会发生什么事情。句子间常用的连词有: 1.时间顺序连词显示观点或行为发生的顺序。常见的表达有:firstly, secondly, finally, now, in the end等。如:The programme has several aims: firstly, to help unemployed people find work;secondly, to teach new mothers about nutrition;and thirdly, to help young people develop problem solving skills.Geldof intended the concert to raise money for and public awareness of the famine.In the End, 100$ million was raised.2.原因和结果连词表示做某件事的原因或结果。常用的表达有:for one thing, therefore, so, as a result.等

如:Reporter: Why did you organize the concert? Bob: Well, for one thing, I wanted to raise money for the hungry people.Also, I wanted to raise public awareness of poverty and famine.Very often, people who receive food aid become lazy and do not want a job, so it is possible That the gift of a single meal sometimes causes more harm than good.These people will be given a chance to help themselves instead of being dependent on other people.As a result, they will enjoy a higher standard of living.3.对比连词也是连接句子的重要连词,用于引出与之前观点相对比的观点。常用的有:however, in contrast, instead, nevertheless, on the contrary, on the other hand等

如:Poverty is still killing people.However, these small victories are a good start towards a better future.Many people believe that hunger is only a problem in the developing world.On the contrary, it is a problem all over the world.4. 添加连词用于引出更多的信息。常用的表达有:also, on the top of something, above all, besides, furthermore, in addition, moreover等。

如:For example, the disease malaria, which is spread by mosquitoes, kills

over one million children yearly.On top of this, according to the United Nations, hunger and malnutrition claim ten million lives each year.Our organization is working to raise money for the local homeless shelters.Furthermore, we are collecting clothing to give to those in need.第二单元


段落在一篇段落中就像是楼房中的一层,用于在论文,故事或文章中组织信息。在写段落的时候,通常包括以下几个方面: 1. 主题句


如:Young adults give many different reasons for moving to cities.并不是所有的段落都有主题句,尤其是当一个段落是上一个已经有主题句的段落的延续的时候。


如:Older Americans are on the move.2.支持句


如:For decades, Florida has been attracting older residents.In fact, according to the national Population survey conducted in 2000, Florida was home to the largest population of people aged 65 and older.2)一个段落里的句子应该按一定的顺序列举出来。我们可以用一些过渡连词来连接这些句子。如:for example, for instance, furthermore, first, second, third, on the other hand, however, also.如:Florida is a popular choice for these people because of the climate and the state’s relatively flat landscape.However, as the number of older Americans moving there increases, more Changes are made to cater to them.For example, ambulance response time has decreased, And many houses have bathrooms designed for elderly homeowners, with things like walk-in bathtubs that reduce the risk of slips and falls.3)结束句


如:Across the USA, people are noticing the same thing: young people want to live in cities.第三单元


一篇文章应该让读者很容易的从一个观点领悟到另一个观点。要想是一篇文章具有逻辑性,应当注意以下几点: 1. 题目

题目不应该太长,但应该清晰并且简单(如: ‘Aids today’)2. 起始段落


如:When discussing the problem of Aids, we use a lot of technical and scientific terms on this websites.有时候主题句后面会跟一句话来起到吸引注意力的作用。




如:In an African village, eleven-year-old Ajani hears a far-off scream as he washes his little sister In a bath that leaks water.3.中间段落 1)主题句








正式 非正式

书面语 论文 给朋友或家人的信

报告 邮件

申请信 消息

跟熟悉的人谈话 口语 正式的演讲(家人和朋友)

跟陌生人谈话 1.正式的风格


如:Ordinary citizens are aware of the frequent computer-related crimes that happen since many computer users are affected by computer viruses.2)我们经常用抽象名词。

如:There has been an increase in the incidence of crime.2.非正式风格


如:People are worried about computer viruses.2)我们经常用主动语态。

如:You should go to the university and talk to the detective in charge of campus police about the theft.3)我们也会用许多口语,而且句子里有缩写。

如:We’ve heard lots of reports of financial fraud.41






5.there be+数词 采用“就近原则”。

6.a map of China 与a map of the world要牢记。

7.要用“on the wall”,不能用“in the wall”。门、窗在墙上才能用“in the wall”。


9.play+the+乐器 play+球类






(2)以不发音的“e”结尾的,去“e”+ing如:dancing making riding

(3)重读be音节,末尾只有一个辅音,双写末尾的字母+“ing”如:running swimming sitting putting

12.现在进行时的构成:be动词+动词ing形式。标志:now、look、listen、it’s time to


现在进行时的一般疑问句答Yes,he/she/itis/am/are.No, he/she/itisn’t/aren’t/am not.14.用Are you…?Yes, I am/we are.No,I’m not/we aren’t.15.动词后+人称宾格形式

16.一般现在是的构成:第三人称单数(三单)。要注意:后面的动词+s或es。特殊:havehasdodoesgo goes 标志:oftenusually。

17.有些名词变动词时要变形式,如:teacher teachdrive



目的状语从句及让步状语从句 限制性与非限制性定语从句

Which 引导的非限制性定语从句

非限制性定语从句 one of whom some of which





If 从句 条件转语从句

部分倒装 完全倒装

由that 及疑问词 及 whether 引导的名词性从句 上海教材牛津版高三英语语法条目

It 作为形式主语和形式宾语 方式 结果状语从句及状语从句小结 虚拟语气在if条件句中的运用




Unit 1 occupations Unit 2 Sccess stories Unit 3 English manners Unit 4 Holidays and festivals Unit 5 Animal friends Unit 6 Cartoons and comic strips Unit 7 Metropolises Unit 8 Hacking Unit 9 Personal hygiene Unit 10 School education Moudle 1 综合 Moudle 2 综合 Moudle 3 综合 高一下册

Unit 1 travelling around China Unit 2 travelling around the world Module 1 综合

Unit 3 English is changing Unit 4 A cushion or a kiss Moudle 2 综合

Unit 5 Classical and popular music Unit 6 Going to the Cinema Module 3 综合 Unit 7 Newspapers Unit 8 Magazine Module 4 综合 高二上册

Unit 1 Eating Around the World Unit 2 Global Drinks Unit 3 Sports Heroes Unit 4 Sports Around the World Unit 5 Animals Unit 6 The Environment Unit 7 Shopping Experiences Unit 8 Advertising Moudle 1 综合 Moudle 2 综合 Moudle 3 综合 高二下册

Unit 1 Words and their stories Unit 2 Using body lauguage Unit 3 On the friendship Unit 4 Moving stories Unit 5 Great scientists Unit 6 Amazing achievemtns Unit 7 Enjoying the classics(1)Unit 8 Enjoying the classics(2)Unit 9 Adventures Unit 10 Disasters Moudle 1 综合 Moudle 2 综合 Moudle 3 综合 Moudle 4 综合 Moudle 5 综合 高三上册

Unit 1 Our Common Home Unit 2 Limited Ocean Moudle 1 综合

Unit 3 Short Stories Unit 4 Drama Moudle 2 综合

Unit 5 Wonders in Architecture Unit 6 Moudle 3 综合 Unit 7 Unit 8 Moudle 4 综合 高三下册

Unit 1 Two Generations Unit 2 Growing up Unit 3 Our Space

Unit 4 Space Exploration Unit 5 Future Educations Unit 6 Career Preparation Moudle 1 综合 Moudle 2 综合 Moudle 3 综合



Unit 1 Body language Unit 2 Care for your hair Unit 3 Places of interest Unit 4 What should I do?

Unit 5 Surprises at the studio Unit 6 food for thought 高一下册

Unit 1 The phantom of the opera Unit 2 Two geniuses Unit 3 The weird world of plants Unit 4 Job hunter Unit 5 Points of view Unit 6 Friend or enemy 高二上册

Unit 1 Sporting events Unit 2 Continuous learning Unit 3 Contemporary style Unit 4 Big businesses Unit 5 Technology all around Unit 6 Space exploration Module 1 综合 Module 2 综合 Module 3 综合 高二下册

Unit 1 Suffering to be beautiful Unit 2 The many meanings of color Unit 3 Get the facts on wolves Unit 4 Father and son Unit 5 Green Orchids Unit 6 The Vincent Van Gogh Exhibition 高三上册 高三下册



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    Topic3 Bicycles are popular with people 一、重点词汇: (一)词形转换: 1. death (动词) die (形容词 )dead 2 slow (副词) slowly 3.crossing(动词)cross 介词) across 4. succes......


    各位领导,各位姐妹: 大家好!在这个春光灿烂的日子里,我们迎来了第101个国际劳 动妇女节,一个专属于我们女性的节日。它体现了社会对女性的关爱,对女性的尊重,对女性的理解。充满了......

    中考英语语法全套练习讲解四 数词 牛津译林版

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