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高二英语Unit19 The Merchant of Venice总复习单元教案

Section I 课前准备、听力、口语

1.Deny your father, and refuse your name„ 否认你的父亲,拒绝你的名字。(p.65 Warming up)▲ deny(denied,denying)(1)vt.否认,不承认Can you deny the truth of his statement? 你能否认他的声明的真实性吗? He denied telling me/that he had told me.他否认告诉过我。


(2)vt.不给;不准 I was denied the chance of going to college.不给我上大学的机会。

(3)vt.(正式)抛弃;背弃He has denied his country and his principles!他背弃了他的国家和他的原则1 ▲ refuse(refused,refusing)(1)vt.拒绝;不接受;不肯He asked her to marry him, but she refused(to marry him).他向她求婚,但是她拒绝了。She refused his offer.她不接受他的求婚。

(2)refuse还可跟动词不定式构成refuse +to do;也可用于被动结构。She refused to go home.她不回家。They were refused admittance.他们被拒绝入内。

(3)vi.拒绝 He can't refuse if you ask politely.你如果礼貌地请求,他是不会拒绝的。

注意:refuse只接不定式,不接动名词,不接不定式的复合宾语结构,也不接宾语从句,如:不说,He refused me to go(going)there.而应说:He didn't allow me to go there 或 He refused to let me go.他不让我去那儿。辨析:refuse与reject refuse和reject都有“拒绝”的意思,有时可以通用,有时用法又不同。refuse强调坚定地拒绝,后可接动词不定式。reject强调当前拒绝对方的请求、提议的情况,一般后面不接动词不定式。如:He refused to speak at the meeting.他拒绝在会上发言。He rejected my request.他当面拒绝了我的要求。

Section II 阅读

2.As far as I know„ 据我所知„(p.67 Useful expressions)as far as的用法和意思 ▲ as far as或so far as,此处意为“据”“就„‘尽”,常与动词know,see等词连用。如: ① As far as they know, the room is empty.据他们所知,房间是空的。② So far as I can judge, she is quite efficient.据我判断,她的工作效率是相当高的。③ There aye no mistakes as far as I can see.在我看来没什么错误。④ So far as I know, their work is far from satisfactory.据我所知,他们的工作并不令人满意。

【注】类似的用法还有:as far as sb./ sth.is concerned,意思是“就某人 /某事而言”“对某人/某事来说”。如:① As far as I am concerned, it's all nonsense.在我看来,这全是一派胡言。② This has been a difficult period as far as the country's economy is concerned.就我国经济而言,最近是其困难时期。

【注】也可以用as far as sth.goes。如:① so far as content goes, it is all right.就内容而言,这还不错。② It's a perfectly good law as far as it goes, but it doesn't deal with the real problems.该法就其本身而言非常不错,但是它未解决实际问题。

【注】 as far as的原意是“到达”“一直到”。如:① The flood waters came as far as the roof.洪水一直漫到屋顶。② They didn't go as far as we.他们走得不如我们远。3.The way I would go about it„ 我要做这件事的方法„(p.67 Useful expressions)▲ go about的用法

(1)go about此处意为“从事于„„” “进行„„”。如:① You are not going about it the right way.你的做法不对。② Peter has no idea how to go about finding a better job.彼得不知道怎样才能找到更好的工作。③ Bobby is going about his homework very seriously tonight.博比今天晚上在非常认真地做功课。④ How will you go about building the bird home? 你打算怎样着手建鸟舍?(2)go about可作“流传”解释,此时about是副词,后面不需要跟宾语。如:① There are a lot 0f colds going about now.目前感冒传染很厉害。② A story is going about that there will be another party on the 15th of August.据说八月十五日要举行另一次聚会。③ The rumor is going about that John and Mary are getting married.谣传约翰和玛丽要结婚了。(3)go about还有“到处走走”之意,此处about也是副词,相当于around。如:① People are going about more now that the weather's better.因为天气热些了,人们外出增多了。② Is it dangerous to go about bareheaded when it's mining? 下雨的时候光着头到处走有危险吗? ③ Mother is much better, thank you, she's able to go about a bit more.谢谢你,母亲好多了,她已能更多地走动了。

4.Have mercy on Antonio, Shylock.宽恕Antonio吧,Shylock.(p.67 Reading 第二行)have mercy on sb.宽恕某人 ▲ mercy n.仁慈、怜悯、宽恕 She has mercy on little animals.她怜悯小动物。They showed little mercy to their enemies.他们对敌人毫不仁慈。

(1)这一意思也可以用show mercy to sb.或give mercy to sb.表示。如:① Have mercy on me.饶了我吧!② They showed mercy to the defeated enemy.他们饶恕了被打败的敌人。③ In Iraq, the American soldiers had no mercy on the prisoners of war.在伊拉克,美军士兵对战俘毫无怜悯之意。④ The judge showed mercy to him.法官宽恕了他。(2)mercy也可作可数名词,这时意为“幸运的事”“值得感激的事”。如:① What a mercy he escaped the fire!他从火里逃生,真是幸运。② He is thankful for small mercies.他对小恩小惠也很感激。③ It was a mercy that she wasn't seriously injured.谢天谢地,她没有受重伤。

注意:表示被动意义时可以说:We were given no mercy.我们没有得到宽恕。No mercy was shown to the prisoners.对囚犯毫不宽恕。

联想:(复)mercies(同)charity, grace 拓展:at he mercy of 任由„„摆布,在„„掌握之中;have mercy on / upon sb./ sth.= show mercy to sb./ sth.对„„表示同情;对„„有怜悯之心;without mercy 毫不留情地

5.I’ve promised to take my pound of flesh.我说过一定要拿走我的那一磅肉。(p.67 Reading 第三行)▲ promise(1)vt.答应,允诺约定I don't remember I ever promised that.我不记得我答应过这件事。

(2)vt.promise + to + v.(原型)I never promised to obey her commands.我从未答应过要服从她的命令。

(3)vt.promise + n./ pron.+ n./ pron.She promised me a gift for my birthday.她答应送我一件生日礼物。

(4)vt.promise + that从句He promised that he would come.他答应来。

(5)n.诺言、约定Give me your promise that you'll never do that again.答应我你永远不要再干那种事。

联想:promise n.诺言、约定、预示;promiser n.做出诺言的人。

拓展:make a promise 做出承诺,允诺;keep one's promise遵守诺言;break one's promise


6.It’s useless trying to argue with Shylock.跟夏洛克讲理是没有用的。(p.67 Reading 第七行)▲ It's useless + doing是一固定句型,意思是“做某事没有用处”。

拓展:It's useless / no use / no good + v.-ing做某事没有用处(好处)It's no use quarreling with her.跟她吵架没有用。It's of no use arguing about it.争论这事没有用。It's no good crying over spilt milk.后悔是没有用的。(谚语)覆水难收。Is it any good just crying? 光哭有什么用呢? 7.You might as well go stand upon the beach and argue with the sea.你到不如站在海滩上跟大海讲理。(p.67 Reading 第七行)▲ may / might / just / could as well do sth.(as do sth.else)意思是“还是„„的好”“倒不如”“干脆”“不妨”。如:① If that's the case, I may as well try.如果真是那样的话,我不妨试试。② I may as well admit that I knew the answer all along.我干脆承认了吧,我早就知道答案。③ The weather was so bad we might as well have stayed home.天气这样糟糕,我们还不如呆在家里呢。④ Anyway, you're here;you might as well stay.反正你已经来了,最好还是住在这儿吧!⑤ I might as well tell you the truth.我不妨告诉你真相。⑥ I'll come with you if you like;I might as well.如果你愿意,我就和你一起去,我无所谓。⑦ If I've got to go somewhere, I may as well go to Birmingham.如果我非得到什么地方去的话,我还是去伯明翰的好。

8.Pass judgment on me and give Shylock what he wants.对我审判吧,把夏洛克想要的东西给他把。(p.67 Reading 第八行)▲ pass judgment(opinion)on sb./ sth.pass judgment(opinion)on sb./ sth.对„„进行评价(批评),此处表示“作出判决”。如:① It's very hard to pass judgment on yourself.对自己作出评价是很难的。② The voters will pass judgment on the government tonight.选民们今晚得对政府作出评价。③ It's difficult to pass judgment on the affair when we know so little about what happened.对发生的情况了解这么少,要作出判断是困难的。④ I can't pass my opinion on your works without examining it thoroughly.不仔细看,我不能对你的作品提出意见。

【注】 也可以说make one's judgment on / about / of sb./ sth.。如:① I shall make my own judgment on the matter when I see the results.看了结果后我将自作评价。② I don't really want to make any judgments on the decisions they made.我真的不想对他们作出的决定作任何评价。

9.If you offered me six times what you have just offered,„ 你愿意给我六倍于刚才你提出的那个钱数,„(p.67 Reading 第十行)▲ 动词offer的用法

(1)offer有“主动提出”“提供”之意,表示提供一种东西或提出一项建议。如:① The young man offered the old woman his won seat.那个年轻人要把自己的座位让给老大娘。② They offered him a job at the factory, but he refused.他们提出在工厂给他安排工作,但他拒绝了。③ They offered a reward for the return of the jewel that had been lost.他们悬赏寻找失去的珠宝。④ It began to rain, so I offered her my umbrella, but she would not take it.天开始下雨,所以我把雨伞拿给她用,但她不要。(2)offer表示“出价”,与介词for连用,后接某事物。如:① I offered him thirty thousand dollars for the house.我向他出价三万美元买这幢房子。② They offered their boat for sale for 2000 dollars.他们把船拿来出售,索价两千美元。③ They offered him 3000 pounds for the computer.他们愿意出三千镑来买他这台计算机。④ They offered two hundred francs for the right to reproduce the painting.他们愿意出二百法郎取得这幅画的复制权。【注】offer后接价钱,表示主语愿买;后接事物,表示主语愿出售该事物,请比较例句①~


(3)offer既可作动词也可作名词用,不论作何种词,后面均可跟动词不定式。如:① He offered to lend me some books.他主动提出要借一些书给我。② Thank you for your kind offer to lend me some books.谢谢你好心借给我这些书。③ Thank you for your offer to help us.谢谢你表示愿意帮助我们。④ He offered to drive us to the station, but we preferred to walk there.他说他可以开车送我们去车站,但我们宁愿走着去。

▲ 倍数的表示方法


(1)A is three(four...etc)times the size(height,length,width,depth,etc)of B。如: ① The new bridge is four times the width of the old one.这座新桥是旧桥的四倍宽。② The meeting room is three times the size of the classroom.会议室是教室的三倍大。③ The tower is three times the height of the building.这座塔是那座楼房的三倍高。④ The river is five times the depth of the brook.这条河是那条小溪的五倍深。(2)A is three(four...etc)times as big(high,long,wide,deep,etc)as B。如: ① Asia is four times as large as Europe.亚洲是欧洲的四倍大。② This box is three times as heavy as that one.这个箱子是那个箱子的三倍重。③ This new highway is three times as wide as the old one.新公路是旧公路的三倍宽。④ The classroom is four times as big as our dormitory.教室是我们寝室的四倍大。

(3)A is three(four„etc)times bigger(higher,longer,wider,deeper etc)than B.如:① The meeting room is three times bigger than our office.会议室比我们办公室大三倍(会议室是我们办公室的四倍大)。② Asia is three times larger than Europe.亚洲比欧洲大三倍。

【注】用times表示倍数,一般只限于表示基数在内三倍或三倍以上的数,表示两倍不用two times,而用twice或double。如:① My income is now double what it was.我的收入是以前的两倍。② Now the number of sheep is more than double that of 1990.现在羊的数目是一九九。年的两倍多。

10.„ I would still take my pound of flesh.我还是要拿回我应得的那一磅肉。(p.67 Reading 第十行)flesh:(1)肌肉,肉A fat man has a great deal of flesh.胖子肉多。(2)肉体 The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.心有余而力不足。辨析:flesh与meat的区别(1)flesh和meat都解释为肉,但涵义有所不同,flesh指人和动物身上的肉,如指食用肉,则来指兽类的肉,不包括鱼禽类的肉。如:① Mr Green is losing flesh.格林先生瘦了。② Have you ever tasted the flesh of the snake? 你尝过蛇肉吗? ③ You should get up early and do some exercise.Otherwise, you'll put on flesh.你应该早起锻炼,否则会发胖的。④ The Great Wall was made not only of stone and earth, but of the flesh and blood of millions of men.长城不仅是用石头和泥土砌成的,而且是由几百万人的血肉所组成的。(2)meat指供食用的肉,是兽类肉的总称;如pork,mutton,beef可统称为meat;有时也指植物的肉。如:the meat of an apple。① What kind of meat is it? 这是什么肉? ② I like meat while my brother likes fish.我喜欢吃肉,而我弟弟喜欢吃鱼。

【注】 meat是不可数名词,“一块肉”是a piece of meat;“一磅肉”是a pound of meat, 我们看到的meats是指多种肉。

11.Shylock, how can you hope for mercy yourself when you show none? 夏洛克,如果你对别人一点都不仁慈,你自己怎么能希望得到别人对你的仁慈呢?(p.67 Reading 第十三行)▲ hope for

hope for意为“希望”“盼望。如:① Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.抱最好的希望,作最坏的准备。② After this dry weather,people all hope for rain.经过了这段干旱,人们普遍希望下雨。③ We hope for better weather soon.我们希望天气尽快好转。④ This time they really hoped for better results.这次他们的确希望取得较好的成果。⑤ How I hoped for his speedy recovery!我多么希望他早日康复啊!⑥ That would be too much to hope for.那是期望过高了。

【注】hope后不能跟名词,但可以跟介词短语。如“盼望下雪”,不能 说成hope snow,而应该说hope for snow;hope可以跟不定式作宾 语,但不定式不能作宾语补足语。例如我们不能说I hope you to come soon,而应该说I hope that you'll come soon。辨析:hope for;wish for与long for 这三个词组都可作“希望、愿望”讲,但含义略有区别:

① hope for指盼望得到好的或有好结果,这种希望或能实现或实现不了。② wish for常指想拥有很难得到的东西。

③ long for指强烈的愿望或渴望,语气最强。

How I wish for a pair of wings!我多么希望有一双翅膀啊!How he longs for a sense of being able to do things!他多么渴望有能力办成事情啊!拓展:pay for 为„„付钱;fight for 为„„而战;for all 尽管;for good 长期地;for nothing 不收费

12.I desire my pound of flesh.我想要我的那一磅肉。(p.67 Reading 倒数第六行)▲ desire的用法

(1)desire意为“期望”“想”“希望”,后接名词或代词。如: ① All he desired then was some spare time for study.那时候他想的只是有些空余时间进行学习。② I desire rest after such a long walk.在那么长的散步后,我很想休息一下。③ The stranger said that he desired an interview.那个陌生人说他希望受到接见。④ He couldn't well express his feelings however much he desired it.他没法恰当地表达出他的感情,不管他多么想这样做。(2)desire后可跟不定式作宾语。如: ① She had never desired to do anything like that.她从来没希望做这样的事。② There are a number of things that I desire to say.有几件事我想讲一下。③ She desires to go south.她希望去南方。④ There's one small point which I should desire to clear up.有一个小问题我想澄清一下。

(3)desire偶尔也可跟不定式作宾语补足语。如:① What do you desire me to do? 你希望我做什么? ② They desired him to go there at once.他们希望他马上到那里去。

(4)desire也可作“请求”“要求”解释,后面接宾语从句。在从句中常用虚拟语气,即should + 动词原形。如:① He desired that all letters should be burnt after his death.他请求在他死后把全部信件烧掉。② She desired that you should go and see her at once.她请你马上去见她。③ The doctor desired that we should wait.医生请求我们等一等。④ The teacher desired that all the exercises should be handed in before school was over.老师要求所有的作业在放学前交出。

13.Enter Portia, dressed as the judge.鲍西亚走进法庭,穿着法官制服。(p.67 Reading 倒数第五行)▲ dress的一种用法: 在本课中作“打扮自己”解释,常用于短语dress up as sb.或 dress up for sth.。如: ① They all dress up as PLA men.他们都打扮成解放军模样。② The little boy likes to dress himself as a policeman.这小男孩喜欢扮成警察。③ They tried to dress him up as a “national hero”.他们想把他打扮成一个“民族英雄”。④ She dressed up in Elizabeth costumes for the fancy dress ball.她穿上伊丽莎白时代的服装去参加化装舞会。⑤ Mary Was dressed up to play Cinderella.玛丽化好装,扮演灰姑娘。

14.Greetings, learned judge!I do not envy you your job.您好,博学的法官,我并不

嫉妒您的工作。(p.67 Reading 倒数第四行)▲ greetings(1)greeting的意思是“问候语„‘招呼(或动作)”,包括Hello / Hi / Good morning(after noon,evening)/ Welcome / How are you等见面时的问 候,也包括在节日致以的问候,如Merry Christmas / Happy New Year /Happy birthday等,在本课中,直接用Greetings是一种非常正式的问候语,用在极为正式的场合说话者带有一种很恭敬的语气的情景中。如:① “Greetings, Reverend” he said respect-fully.他恭敬地说:“牧师,您好”。(2)greetings可表示“祝愿”“祝贺”“问候语”,如我们常看到的圣诞卡片上的词语Season's Greetings致节日的问候、birthday greetings生日贺词、Christmas Greetings圣诞快乐以及greeting card贺卡等。▲ envy(1)羡慕;嫉妒 My success excited his envy.我的成功引起了他的嫉妒。(2)vt.嫉妒;羡慕 常用予 v.+ n./ pron.或 v.+ n./ pron.+ n./ pron.(双宾)结构。John envied his friend's success.约翰嫉妒朋友的成功。I envy you your good fortune.我羡慕你的好运。注意:① envy后接两个宾语时,这两个宾语都是直接宾语,都可以直接和动词连用。② envy后不接从句。③ envy作名词时,其后接介词at或of。如:The boy’s new toy was the envy of his friends.这个男孩的新玩具是他的朋友妒忌的对象。▲ envy也可以作名词用,为不可数名词,后接介词at,of或toward。① They only say such unkind things about you out of envy.他们是出于忌妒才讲了你那么多的坏话。② He felt envy at my success.他羡慕我的成功。③ His envy of his brother soon turned into jealousy.他对哥哥的羡慕很快变成了忌妒。

辨析:envy与jealousy 这两个词都有“嫉妒”的意思。jealousy着重对别人占有的东西恼恨不满。envy着重由于别人获得了自己本想获得的东西或成就而产生不快。如:His envy of his brother soon turned to jealousy.他对弟弟的嫉妒很快变成了恼恨。

联想:admire 钦佩、赞赏;envious adj.羡慕的;嫉妒的;enviously adv.羡慕地;嫉妒地

15.This is a most troublesome case.这是一个非常麻烦的案子。(p.67 Reading 倒数第三行)▲ most(1)most adv.常与两个音节以上的 adj.或 adv.构成最高级;adj.最高级要加定冠词the,而adv.最高级前可加可不加the。如:This is the most interesting film I have ever seen.这是我所看到的最有趣的电影。She works(the)most carefully in her office.她是办公室里工作最仔细的。

(2)adv.最 What people like most about the doctor is his kindness.人们最喜欢这医生的一点是他很和蔼。

(3)(用于强调)非常;得 She was a most beautiful woman.他是个很美丽的女人。

(4)adj.几乎全部的,大多数的。He has visited most countries in Europe.他访问过欧洲大多数国家。

(5)n.几乎全部,大部分 I was in London most of the time.大部分时间我在伦敦。联想:mostly adv.大部分地;通常地、主要的

拓展:at most至多不超过,for the most part大部分,多半,most of多数的 16.Please be seated.请坐。(p.67 Reading 倒数第一行)▲ seat(1)seat是及物动词,后必须跟宾语或用被动语态形式。如: ① The young couple seated themselves upon a bench that stood by the lake.这对年轻的夫妇在湖畔的长椅上坐下。② He seated himself near the window and began to read.他坐在窗户附近开始读书。③ She was seated at the piano with her back to them.她坐在钢琴旁,背对着他们。④ Please be seated, ladies and gentlemen.女士们,先生们,请坐下。⑤ I seated him in the armchair.我使他坐在安乐椅上。⑥ Seat the telescope on the tripod.把望远镜安装在三脚架上。(2)seat可解释为“能坐„„人”。如: ① That big cinema can seat 2000 people.那家大型电影院能坐两千人。② There are seven waiting room there, seating 17000 people in all.那里有七个候车室,总共可坐一万七千人。

【注】seat与sit的区别在于前者是及物动词,后者是不及物动词,我们可以说sit down,但不可以说seat down,而应该说He is seated。

17.Do you still ask for this pound of flesh? 你还要求得到那一磅肉吗?(p.68 Reading 第八行)▲ ask for, ask about及ask after(1)ask for在本课中意为“要求(得到)”。如: ① After Oliver finished his bowl of porridge, he asked for more.奥立弗吃完一碗粥以后要求再添一些。② Everything that was asked for has now been sent.所要的东西现在全送去了。③ The workers asked for an increase in their pay.工人们要求提高工资。④ She walked up to the counter mad asked for a pound of sugar.她走到柜台前,要买一磅白糖。⑤ Mr Smith, a lady is asking for you at the door.史密斯先生,门口有位太太要找您。⑥ He is not the man you are asking for.他不是你要找的那个人。⑦ Has anyone asked for me during my absence? 我不在的时候有人找过我吗? ⑧ Just now someone asked for you on the phone.刚才有人打电话找你。【注】 ask sb.for sth.意为“向某人要某物”“请求给予”。如: ① Ask Xiao Lin for anything you want.你要什么东西,可以找小林。② They asked the waiter for their bill.他们向服务员要帐单。

(2)ask about意为“询问” “打听”。如: ① The commander asked about the wounded soldier's condition.指挥员询问了那个伤兵的情况。② He rang up the station office to ask about the trains.他给车站办公室打了个电话询问关于火车的事。

(3)ask after意思是“问候”。如: ① When I met Mrs Smith this morning, she asked after you and the children.今天早晨我碰见史密斯太太时,她问候你和孩子们。② They were all very concerned, and your health was asked after.他们都很关心,并问候你的身体情况。③ “My mother asked after you.” “Oh, how kind of her.” “我母亲问候你。”“多谢她的好意。”

18.„ and let me tear up this paper.让我把这张借条撕了。(p.68 Reading 第十九行)▲ tear up撕毁,撕碎 ① He tore up the letter angrily and threw it into the waste-paper basket.他气愤地把信撕掉,扔进废纸篓里。② He tore up sheet after sheet of music before producing the happy tune he wanted.他撕掉一篇又一篇的乐谱,最后才写出他想要的满意的调子。③ John tore up his test paper so that his mother won't see his low grades.约翰撕碎试卷,以便妈妈看不到他糟糕的成绩。④ Yuan Shikai openly tore up the constitution.袁世凯公开撕毁了宪法。

▲ tear up有“(完全地)拔起、提起”“撕开”之意。如: ① The wind tore up several trees.风把几棵树连根拔起。② Dozens of miles of railway track have been torn up.几十里的火车道被拔起。

▲tear up可作“撕毁(取消)协议、契约”解释。如: ① A contract cannot be tom up at will.合约不能任意取消。② He told the lawyer to tear up the old contract and to prepare a new one.他告诉律师撤消旧合同,制订一份新的。

▲ tear up也可引申为“飞快地跑上„„”之意。如: The sportsman tore up the stairs two steps at a time.那运动员两级一跨地飞奔上楼。

19.I declare the court allows it and the law gives it to you.我宣布法庭可以允许这样做,法律把他判给你。(p.68 Reading 倒数第一行)▲ declare一词的用法

(1)declare意为“宣布”“宣告”“声明”,后接名词或从句。如: ① Britain declared

war on / against Germany on 3rd, September 1939.一九三九年九月三日英国对德国宣战。② The colonies declared their independence from England.这些殖民地宣告脱离英国而独立。③ He declared to us that he bad done the work himself.他一本正经地向我们说他独自完成了工作。④ Charles declared the result of the election.查尔斯宣布了选举结果。⑤ Miss Alice declared that she had nothing to do with it.艾丽斯小姐声称她和这事无关。⑥ She declared that she didn't want to see him any more.她声称她再也不想见到他了。

(2)declare后面可接复合结构,该复合结构可由形容词、介词短语、不定式、分词充当。如: ① The teacher declared Tom chosen.老师宣布汤姆被选上了。② The chairman declared the meeting open.主席宣布开会。③ The boys declared themselves against cheating.男孩子们宣称他们自己也反对欺骗行为。④ They declared his story to be true.他们声明他的说法是真实的。

辨析:announce 与 declare ① announce 宣布(含有“预告”的意思)It was announced that there would be a celebration on Sunday.据宣布,星期日要举行庆祝(会)。

② 用announce说个人要做什么事时,常含有“郑重其事”的意思。The boy announced that he was going to try out his toy plane that afternoon.那男孩向大家宣布,他下午要试飞他的玩具飞机。

③ declare宣布(如:公开宣布战争、和平、中立、意见等)This power country declared war on that small country.这个大国向那个小国宣战。联想:declarer n.宣告者;declared adj.公然宣称的(同)announce announcement n.(可数)通告,布告 拓展:declare oneself 表明自己的立场;declare peace 宣布和平;declare war on(against)对„„宣战

Section III 词汇语法、综合技能 20.Antonio lost all his ship at sea „ Antonio在茫茫大海上丢了所有的船(p.69 Language Study Ex.2)▲ at sea及其他

(1)at sea表示“在茫茫大海上”,意指“离海岸很远”。如: ① Now his ships were all at sea.现在他的船都出海了。② The ship hit an iceberg and buried at sea.这船撞上了冰山,葬身海底。③ Several ships were lost at sea owing to the hurricane.由于飓风,好几艘船在海上失踪。(2)at sea前面加上all或completely时,引申为“茫然不知所措”之意。如: ① I'm all at sea.I can't understand that problem.我简直是一片茫然,我无法理解这个问题。② He was all at sea when he began his new job.他开始新工作时,茫然不知所措。③ Would you please explain it again? I'm all at sea.你能否再解释一下?我一点儿也不懂。④ The girl was completely at sea when her mother scolded her.当母亲责怪她时,女孩茫然不知所措。▲ 请注意by sea与by the sea的区别,前者表示“经海路”,后者表示 “在海边”。如: ① “How did you go there? By train?” “No, we went there by sea.” “你们怎么到那里去的?乘火车?”“不,我们乘船去的那里。” ② The Turners lived by the sea.特纳一家住在海边。

▲注意go to the sea与go to sea的区别,前者意为“去海滨”(度假或野餐),后者表示“去当水手”。如: ① Last Sunday, the students in Class Two went to the sea.上星期天,二班的学生去海边玩。② “I want to go to sea when I grow up.” said the boy to his mother.这小男孩对母亲说:“我长大了要去当水手。”

21.Shylock advances towards Antonio and prepares to use his knife.夏洛克朝安东尼

奥走去,准备割肉。(p.71 Integrating Skills 第一行)▲ 动词advance及其用法(1)advance在本课中意为“前进„‘发展„‘往前走”,相当于step forward。如: ① They advanced to meet the guests.他们走上前迎接客人。② About 80 percent of the graduates advanced to senior middle school.约有百分之八十的毕业生升入高中。③ We were ordered to advance on the enemy position under cover of darkness.我们得到命令,在黑夜的掩护下向敌人阵地进攻。④ The troops advanced rapidly to the village.部队迅速前进到那个村庄。

(2)advance可作及物动词用,意为“提出”。如: ① He was among the first to advance the idea that the earth was round.他是最早提出地球是圆的这一观点的人中的一个。② The proposal he advanced at the meeting was not accepted.他在会上提出的建议没有被接受。③ He had no chance to advance his opinion.他没有机会提出自己的意见。

(3)advance还有“增进„‘促进”“提前”“提升”之意。如: ① This will further advance the friendly relations between the two countries.这将进一步增进两国之间的友好关系。② The time of the meeting was advanced by an hour.会议时间提前了一个小时。③ He was soon advanced to the position of Secretary of State.不久他就被提升为国务卿了。④ Such books are likely to advance your knowledge of European history.这一类书可能会增进你对有关欧洲历史知识的了解。(4)advance也可作名词用,意思和动词差不多。如: ① The enemy couldn't make any advance, nor could they go back.敌人进不得,也退不得。② Great advances have been made in medical science.医疗科学取得巨大的进展。

【注】in advance意思是“预先”“在前面”,而in advance of意思是“在„前”“超过„”。如: ① The subject of the discussion is announced a week in advance.讨论的题目提前一周公布。② I had asked everyone to raise questions in advance of the meeting.我要求大家在会议前提出问题。③ He arrived half an hour in advance.他提前半小时到达。

【注】in advance of也可引申为“比„先进”。如: Our equipments are far in advance of theirs.我们的设备远比他们的先进。

22.If you let one drop of his blood fall, you will lose„要是你让他身上的血流下一滴,有就会失去„(p.71 Integrating Skills 第三行)▲ drop(1)n.滴, 点滴 There were a few drops of rain.下了几滴雨。(2)v.使滴下 The wet leaves dropped water.湿叶在滴水珠。

(3)v.使落下 Please drop it into the mail-box.请把它投到邮箱里。辨析:drop 与 fall drop 可作及物动词,而fall不能。表示无意或故意“掉下来”某一物体,或故意“跌倒”时,用drop,不用fall。drop 和 fall 都可作不及物动词,表示“掉下” “落下”。The Class 2 runner dropped his stick on the ground.2班的运动员不小心把接力棒掉在了地上。The glass dropped(或fell)out of her hand.杯子从她手里掉了下来。He dropped(或fell)to the ground.他摔倒在地上。

联想:dropcurtain 吊幕;droplight 吊灯;dropshot 扣球;dropsy 水肿 拓展:drop asleep 入睡;drop back 退后;drop across 偶然遇到;drop in 顺便走访;drop into 不知不觉地进人某种状态;have a drop in one's eye 有点醉意

23.You wanted justice, so you shall get justice, more than you wanted.你要求公正,那么就让你得到公正,比你要求的还要多。(p.71 Integrating Skills 第六行)▲ shall作为情态动词的用法

作为情态动词shall可用于任何人称,在陈述句中表示允诺、威胁、命令、决心、规定、要求等。如:(1)表示允诺。如: ① Tell her that she shall get the book tomorrow.告诉她明天就可以拿到那本书了。② I promise you shall see them again before long.我保证你不久就

会见到他们。③ Don't worry, you shall get the answer this very afternoon.别着急,今天下午你就可以得到答复了。④ You shall have higher pay if you work well.如果你工作得好,你就可以得到较高的工资。⑤ You shall hear everything directly you come.你一来,就什么都会听到。

(2)表示威胁、命令。如: ① You shall suffer for this!你会为这件事吃苦头的!② As a mall sows, so he shall reap.善有善报,恶有恶报。③ They shall suffer for this;they shall answer for what they have done.他们将没有好下场,他们要为他们的所作所为付出代价。④ “If you won't do as I tell you, you shan't get your birthday gift.” said father to Tom.父亲对汤姆说:“如果你不听话,你就得不到生日礼物。” ⑤ “You shall do everything as I do, so look carefully.” said the teacher to the students.老师对学生说:“你们必须照我做的去做,看仔细了。”

(3)表示决心。如: ① Everything shall be done to save the ship.必须尽一切力量来营救这艘船。② I shall never do such a thing, never!这种事我是绝对不干的,绝对不干!③ You shall not catch me so easily next time.下次你决不会那么容易赶上我。④ The enemy shall be wiped out.敌人一定会被消灭。

(4)用在条约、规则、法令等事件中。如: ① The new regulation shall take effect on June 1st.新章程六月一日起施行。② The National Party Congress shall be held every five years.党的全国代表大会每五年举行一次。(5)用在某些从句中,表示意图,要求,相当于should。如: ① We are anxious that he shall be given a chance to try it out.我们热切希望能给他机会试一试。② My demand is that you shall get it ready before five.我要求你在五时前把它准备好。③ I wish that you shall stay at home tonight.我希望今晚你会留在家里。④ I'm anxious that it shall be done in time.我急于要把这件事及时做好。⑤ My mother is determined that I shall stay on.妈妈决定让我待下去。

24.The law of Venice says that if anyone tries to kill or murder any citizen of Venice, „ 威尼斯法律规定,任何杀害或谋杀威尼斯公民的人,„(p.71 Integrating Skills 倒数第14行)▲ murder(1)vt.谋杀He murdered his rival in cold blood.他残忍地杀害了他的对手。(2)n.谋杀罪He was accused of committing murder.他被指控犯了谋杀罪。辨析:murder,kill与shoot ① murder 指谋杀 ② kill 笼统地表示“杀”的事实 ③ shoot 表示用枪或箭射杀 One day, a man was murdered in a small town.一天,一个人在一小城被谋杀。The polluted air killed the crops.被污染了的空气使庄稼死亡。He was killed in an accident.他在一次事故中死去。The prisoner of war shot himself.那个战犯自杀了。

联想:(派)murderer 凶手;murderess 女凶手

拓展:political murder 政治谋杀;a mass murder 大屠杀;get away with murder 逍遥法外;The murder is out 真相大白

25.His life shall be at the mercy of the Duke.他的生命全凭公爵来处理。(p.71 Integrating Skills 倒数第11行)▲ at the mercy of 这一短语的意思是“任由„„摆布”“在„„的掌握(支配)中”,相当于in the power of。如: ① The ship hit a rock and sank down, the crew were at the mercy of the winds and waves.船撞上礁石下沉了,船员在风浪中随波飘流。② People at Altorf would not like to be at the mercy of Gesler, the cruel governor.阿尔托夫的人们不愿意忍受总督盖斯勒的摆布。③ The dog's life was at the mercy of its master.狗的生命掌握在它主人手中。④ The mouse caught just now was at the mercy of the cat, his

cruel enemy.刚才被抓住的那只老鼠现在由它的残忍的敌人猫任意摆布。

26.Therefore, go down on your knees and beg the Duke for mercy.因此,快去跪下请求公爵宽恕你吧。(p.71 Integrating Skills 倒数第11行)▲ go down on one's knees 跪下、屈膝

此短语中的go也可以用get替代.即get down on one's knees。如: ① Never go down on one's knees before enemy.在敌人面前决不能屈膝。② He went down on his knees and begged for mercy.他跪地求饶。③ Father went down on his hands and knees and let his son ride on his back.父亲趴在地上让儿子骑在他背上。④ The young man went down on his hands and then stood on his bead against the wall.这年轻人双手着地,然后靠墙倒立。

【注】 go down on one's knees与get down on one's knees意思相同,但go down和get down意思不同。这一点请同学们务必注意go down作“下落”“减弱”解释,而get down作“放下”“打下”解释。如: ① On the third day, his fever went down.到了第三天,他的烧退了。② The prices of computers are expected to go further down.计算机的价格可望进一步下跌。③ The moon has gone down and it is dark around.月亮已经西沉了,四下里黑漆漆的。④ At night the north wind went down and the river froze again.晚上北风减弱,河里又结了冰。⑤ I couldn't get down what he said.我没能把他说的话都记录下来。⑥ They got down two enemy aircrafts last night.昨晚他们打下了两架敌机。⑦ The medicine was so bitter that I couldn't get it down.这药太苦,我吃不下去。⑧ Will you give me a hand to get this trunk down? 你帮我把这皮箱拿下来好吗? 27.My money and goods are as dear to me as life itself.我的钱财对我就像生命一样宝贵。(p.71 Integrating Skills 倒数第5行)▲ dear的几种用法(1)adj.亲爱的,可爱的 What a dear little child!多么可爱的小孩。

(2)dear此处作“珍贵的”解释。如: ① He lost everything that Was dear to him.他丧失了他所珍视的一切。② Fame and power are very dear to him.名誉和权力对他来说是非常珍贵的。③ To him very dear is the power by which he can control people and get money.对他来说,权力是非常珍贵的,通过它可以支配人并得到钱财。

(3)dear可以作“(价格)昂贵的”“索价高的”解释。如: ① It is too dear.这价钱太贵了。② It you want to make money, you must buy cheap and sell dear.如果你想赚钱,你必须便宜的买进昂贵的卖出。

【注】dear与expensive的异同点。dear与expensive都有“价格昂贵” 之意,都不能与price连用。例如我们不能说“The price of the motorcycle is too dear / expensive, 而只能说The motorcycle is too dear / expensive或The price of the motorcycle is too high.因为修饰price的只能是high或low。以上讲的是dear与expensive这两个词相同的地方。但这两个词也有不同的一面。dear所表示 的价格贵,是超乎常情的贵,讲得通俗一点,是指某个商品价格很贵,但实际不值那么多钱,而expensive所表示的贵,有“物美价高非购买者财力所及”之意,举例来说,如果一辆价值十万元的车卖十万元,就不能说dear,而只能说expensive;但如果一斤桔子通常卖一元,如卖一元五角,就应该说dear。

▲ dear还可用作感叹词,相当于汉语的“天啊”“哎呀”,表示伤心、焦急、惊奇、遗憾、同情等。如: ① Oh, dear!What shall I do? 噢!天啊!我该怎么办呢? ② ”Dear me“, said the old minister to himself, ”Am I foolish or unfit for my office?“ “天哪”,老大臣心里想,难道我也愚蠢或不称职了? ③ ”Oh,dear!How call you draw on the wall?“ “噢,天啊!你怎么能在墙上乱画?”

28.They are my only comfort.他们是我唯一的安慰。(p.71 Integrating Skills 倒数第5行)▲ comfort(1)n.安慰、慰籍The nurse spoke a few words of comfort to the sick boy.护士对


(2)n.舒适,安逸The news brought comfort to all of us.这个消息使我们所有人都感到安慰。

(3)v.安慰 He always comforts me when I'm in trouble.每当我处于困境时,他总是来安慰我。

联想:comfortable adj.舒适的(反义词)uncomfortable 不舒适的;comfort [U] 舒适(反义词)discomfort 不舒适

拓展:give comfort to 安慰;live in comfort 生活舒适;offer sb.comfort 给人以安慰

高二英语Unit20 Archaeology总复习单元教案

Section I 课前准备、听力、口语

1.Practise expressing curiosity.联系表达好奇心。(p.73 Goals)curiosity n.好奇心;求知欲;珍品, 古董;奇人[事、物] 奇特性 He is full of curiosity.他充满了好奇心。be on tiptoe with curiosity充满好奇心

from curiosity(=out of curiosity)在好奇心驱使下 in open curiosity 公然出头过问与自己无关的事 Curious killed a cat.好奇伤身。

2.Describe the life of people in China during the periods above.描绘一下上图那个时期中国人的生活。(p.73 Warming Up 1)▲ describe(1)vt.形容,描写

搭配:describe„as 把„„描绘成,把„„说成Words can't describe my joy.语言不能形容我的快乐。He described himself as a teacher.他说自己是老师。

(2)vt.画(图形),制(图)He described a circle within a square.他在一个正方形内画了个圆。

(3)短语 beyond description 无法用语言形容的

The play was boring beyond description.这出戏枯燥得难以用语言来形容。巧记:-scribe 动词后缀;-scription 名词后缀;-scriptive 形容词后缀

联想:(派)description n.描写,形容;种类,性质descriptive 描述的,说明的

3.„what did their homes look like? 你的家乡看上去是什么样子的?(p.73 Warming Up 1)▲ What...like? „„怎么样/像什么/什么样子? What is he like? 用来询问人的性格、能力、成就或给人的印象,亦可询问外表。

用于指物时,What is it like? 用来询问事物的性质、质量、特征等,有时候要求作详细的描述。What does he / it look like? 仅仅用于询问人或事物的外部特征。--What's her mother like? 她母亲是什么样的人?--Oh, she is quite nice.噢,她相当好。--What's the new teacher like? 新老师是什么样的人?--He's got a red beard and he makes stupid mistakes.他留着红胡子,犯一些愚蠢的错误。What is the tea like? 这茶怎么样?(指质量)--What was the concert like? 音乐会怎么样?--It was excellent.太妙了。What's the weather like this morning? 今天上午的天气怎么样?--What does it look like? 它是什么样子?--It's small and square.它很小,是正方形的。--What does he look like? 他是什么样的人?--He is tall and thin and very badly dressed.他又高又瘦,穿戴很糟。

注意:What is he? 用来询问职业、职务、社会地位等。How is he? / How are you? 通常对身体状况的询问。

--What is your brother? 你哥哥是做什么工作的?--He is a worker.他是个工人。--How are you? 你好吗?

--Fine, thank you.And you? 很好,你呢? 4.I’m curious about„ 我对„感到好奇。(p.75 Useful expressions)▲ curious adj.好奇的;有求知欲的 A good student should always be curious to learn.好学生应有求知欲。Don't be too curious about things you are not supposed to know.对于不要你知道的事别多去打听。It is curious that he should have failed to win the race.他竟然没赢得比赛,真是奇怪。

注意:be curious about 对„„好奇;It is curious + that...„„是奇怪的;be curious to do sth.渴望去做某事(强调好奇心态)辨析:curious,anxious 与 eager curious 强调好奇心态,anxious 侧重“忧虑”,eager作“渴望的,热切的”强调一种积极向上的心态。

The boy is curious about the origin of mankind.这个男孩对人类起源感到好奇。We are anxious about his safety.我们为他的安全而忧虑。He is eager to join the PLA.他渴望参加人民解放军。

联想:(派)curiously adv.好奇地 curiosity n.好奇(心)Section II 阅读

5.On May 3, 2002, archaeologists in England found a grave of a man dating back to around 2300 BC.2002年5月3日,英国考古学家发现了一座约公元前2300的男人墓穴。(p.75 Reading 第一段 第1行)date back to追溯到„„

▲date此处作动词用,意为“确定„„的年代”“计算„„的日期”通常与from或back to连用,意为“追溯到„„” 如:① The castle dates back to the 14th century.这城堡可以追溯到十四世纪。② The prosperity of the family dates from the war.这个家族的富裕可追溯到战争年代。③ This custom dates back to the Tang Dynasty.这习俗可追溯到唐朝。

【注】 date作动词时,可引申为“(开始)变得过时”之意。如:① Some James Bond films have dated more quick-ly than others.有些”007“电影比其他的过时得快。② This sort of style never dates.这种流行式样永远不会过时。

【注】 date还有“显示人的年龄”之意。如:That suit dates you so much.你穿那套衣服使你显得很老。

6.That would have made him a man of distinction.这能显示出他地位的卓越。(p.75 Reading 第二段 第3行)distinction n.区别;差别;不同之处;特征;特性;个性;优越;卓越;盛名;功勋;荣 誉;勋章

the chief distinction of Chinese food中国食品的主要特征

a writer of distinction 一位卓越的作家 academic distinctions学术上的荣誉

There is no appreciable distinction between the twins.在这对孪生子之间看不出有什么明显的差别。His distinc-tion of sound is excellent.他辨别声音的能力很强。His style lacks distinction.他的文体缺乏个性。

7.Next to them lay a cushion stone, upon which the man could work metal.在它们的旁边放着一块垫东西的石头,这个人有可能在上面锻造金属。(p.75 Reading 第三段 第2 -3行)▲本句是一个倒装句,主语是a cushion stone,谓语是lie的过去式lay,整个谓语都提前,为全部倒装。这种倒装结构主要是为了句子的平衡,在宾语中,有时句子的主语过长,又没有宾语,为了使句子较为平衡,同时也为了使句子更生动,常将状语提到句首,将主谓倒装,这

种倒装是直接把谓语动词放到主语之前,不需要加 助动词。请阅读下面的倒装句,体会这种倒装句的结构。① Over the wall came a shower of stones.从墙上飞来一阵石块。② On every-side stretched fields of green wheat.四周都是葱茏的麦田。③ At the top of the hill stood a tiny temples.在山顶上有一座小小的寺庙。④ Next to it stood a pile of paper cups.它旁边立着一堆纸杯。⑤ In the distance could be seen the green hills.能看到远处绿色的群山。⑥ In the doorway stood a man with a gun.门道里站着一个拿枪的人。▲ work在此处作及物动词用,意为“制作”“锻造”“塑造”。如:① He worked a silver dollar into a bracelet.他把一枚银元铸成一只手镯。② They worked a piece of copper into a tray.他们把一块铜铸成一个盘子。

【注】work作及物动词时有多种意思,请阅读下列句子,体会work的含意。① He worked his farm with success.他成功地经营着他的农场。② Our teacher works us very hard.我们的老师对我们抓得很紧。③ The wounded man worked his way across the fields on his hands and knees.这受伤的人靠手和膝盖爬过田野。④ Can you work the stone into place? 你能慢慢挪动石头使它就位吗? ⑤ The landlord almost worked his farmhands to death.那地主迫使雇农们累死累活地干。⑥ Do you know how to work the machine? 你知道这机器怎么开吗? 8.It was all that a person would need to survive – clothing, tools, weapons, pottery and spare materials to make new tools.这些全都是一个人赖以生存的必需品-衣服、工具、武器、陶瓷、以及制造新工具用的备用材料。(p.75 Reading 第三段 倒数第1行)▲ spare(1)adj.备用的 Please stay with us, we have a spare room for you.请住下吧,我们有给你的备用房间。Each car should have a spare tyre.每辆车都应有个备用轮胎。

(2)adj.多余的,空闲的What do you like doing in your spare time.在空余时间,你喜欢干什么? Have you got a spare moment? There is something I'd like to discuss.你有空吧? 我有事要跟你讨论。

(3)v.出让,抽出(时间)让给He said he could spare me 5 minutes.他说他能为我抽出5分钟的自由活动时间。Can you spare me this book for a while? 这本书你能让我看一会儿吗?(4)v.节约,省用We hope that readers will not spare their comments.我们希望读者无保留地提出意见。No trouble was spared to make sure the guests enjoyed themselves.不惜一切代价确保客人们玩得尽兴。(5)v.省掉,用不着We can spare you for tomorrow.明天我们可以不要你帮忙了。Use the telephone and spare yourself a visit.打个电话,用不着你亲自去一趟。

注意:spare no effort(s)不遗余力;spare no expense 不惜工本

9.The discovery is important for a variety of reason.这次发现非常重要,其原因是多方面的。(p.75 Reading 第四段 第1行)▲ variety(1)n.多样化,变化She doesn’t like the work because it lacked variety;she was doing the same thing all the time.她不喜欢这项工作因为它缺乏变化,她过去一直做同样的工作。

(2)n.种类Everyone arrived late at the party, for a varie-ty of reasons.由于种种原因,所有人到会都迟到了。

拓展:a variety of = varieties of 各种各样a lot of = lots of 大量,许多a mass of = masses of 众多,大量 都既修饰可数名词也修饰不可数名词

联想:(派)vary v.变化;改变 various adj.不同的,各种各样的 10.Archaeologists tend to believe that this man was a member of a powerful class „ 考古学家倾向于认为这个人是有权阶级中的一员。(p.76 Reading 第一段 第1行)▲ 动词


(1)tend在本课中作“倾向于”“有某种趋势”解,后接不定式。如:① My mother tends to get tired in the evenings.我母亲在晚上容易疲劳。② His novels tend to be pessimistic.他的小说有悲观倾向。③ A problem for manufacturers is that lighter cars tend to be noisy.制造商所面临的问题是较轻型的轿车往往噪音很大。④ It tends to rain a lot in summer here.这儿夏天常常下雨。⑤ I tend to think that members of parliament do a good job.我常常以为议员们的工作总是做得很好。(2)tend也可作“有助于”解。如: These measures tend to improve working conditions.这些措施有助于改善工作条件。(3)tend在正式用语中有“照管”“照例”“护理”之意,相当于look after。① He tends the flower beds and evergreens that he has planted in the driveway.他总是细心呵护着种植在车道边的花圃和常青树。② She tended her husband carefully during his illness.丈夫生病期间,她悉心照顾他。

11.But the smaller blue stones, still weighing four tons on average, came from west Wales.但是,更小的蓝石头平均都有四吨重,它们是从威尔士西部运来的。(p.76 Reading 第二段 第3行)▲ weigh(1)vt./ vi.称„„的重量,掂量„„的分量;重量为Have you weighed yourself lately? 最近你称体重了吗? The first man-made satellite of our country weighs 173 kilograms.我国第一颗人造卫星重173公斤。


(2)v.考虑,权衡 You have to weigh the costs of the new system against the benefit it will bring.你必须权衡新体系的花费和它将带来的利益。weigh the advantages and disadvantages 权衡利弊

拓展:by weight 按重量计算;put on weight 体重增加;lose weight 体重减轻; weight lifting 举重

They are sold by weight.它们是按重量出售的。

She's lost weight / put on weight since I last saw her.从我上次见到她,她已经变瘦/胖了。

12.It is not yet known how these were conveyed over a distance of 380 kilometres.至今还不知道这些石头是如何从380公里以外的地方运来的。(p.76 Reading 第二段 第4行)▲ 谈谈动词convey的用法

(1)本课中convey作“搬运”“运送”解。如:① This ship conveys oil from the Middle East.这艘船从中东运输石油。② This train conveys both passengers and goods.这列火车既载客又运货。③ A taxi conveyed us to the railway station.一辆出租车将我们载到火车站。④ A chimney conveys smoke to the outside.烟囱将烟排到室外。

(2)convey可作“表达”“传达(思想感情)”“转达”解释。① ”Really?“ I said, trying to convey that it did not really matter.“真的吗?”我说,意思是说那并非真的要紧。② Convey my congratulations to your brother.代我向你弟弟表示祝贺。③ His manner conveyed a slight nervousness.他的态度透露出一点紧张。④ I couldn't convey my feelings in words at that time.当时我的心情无法用语言表达。⑤ Words cannot convey how happy I am.言语无法表达我是多么幸福。(3)convey亦可作“传导”“传播”“传染”解。如:① Air is the medium by which sound waves are conveyed.空气是声波传播的媒质。② A wire conveys an electric current.导线输送电流。

13.It is possible that the King of Stonehenge was linked to the stones:„ 这可能

与巨石王有关„(p.76 Reading 第二段 倒数第2行)▲ link(1)v.用环连接;连接,联系The road links all the new towns.这条路联通所有新城镇。Our struggle against imperialism is closely linked to that of the world's people.我们的反帝斗争是同全世界人民的反帝斗争紧密联系的。

(2)n.环节,链环 Research has established a link between smoking and lung cancer.研究已确定了吸烟与肺癌的关系。The links in a chain of development.发展过程中的各个环节 Cultural links 文化联系Keep close links with the masses 密切联系群众

辨析:link(up)with,connect with 及 join(„to)与 adjoin to link(up)with = connect with 与„„相连接:通常“水域”相连用link(up)with,“车辆(道路,交通)”相连用connect with join(„to)指直接连接(两个以上的东西)adjoin to 与„„毗邻 There the irrigation canal links up with the reservoir.这条灌溉渠道在那儿与水库连接起来。The trolley bus connects here with a bus for the airfield.这辆无轨电车在这儿衔接去机场的公共汽车。The new highway has joined our commune to the city.这条新高速公路把我们的公社与城市连接起来了。The cotton field adjoins to the rice field.棉田与稻田相接。

14.„ he may have had a hand in planning the monu-ment , or in helping transport and pull up the stones.他可能参与策划建立这个纪念碑,或者帮助运输和竖起巨石。(p.76 Reading 第二段 倒数第1-2行)▲ have a / one's hand in(1)也可以用take a hand in,意为“参与”“介入” “对„负责一部分责任”。如:① I had no hand in arranging the meeting.我不负责安排这次会议。② I doubt John had a hand in this.我怀疑约翰参与此事。③ This matter is in Mr Wilson's charge.I can't have a hand in it.这件事由威尔逊先生负责,我不能插手。④ Tom has some difficulty in repairing his radio.Let's take a hand in it.汤姆修收音机时碰到了困难,让我们来帮他一下。(2)hand是一个常用词,可与很多动词或介词构成固定搭配,请记住下面一些常见的词组。如:in hand在手里(边),在掌握(控制)中,在考虑中;in sb.’s hands或in the hands of sb.在某人的支配(照顾,监护)之下;in good / safe hands在妥善的管理中;have one's hands full with无法分身;on hand出席的,随时可用的。如:① Don't worry--all the arrangements are in hand.别担心,一切已安排就绪。② Give them a call to let them know we've the matter in hand.给他们去个电话,让他们知道我们已处理了此事。③ There's no rush.We still have two days in hand before the deadline.别急,截止日期以前我们还有两天时间可用。④ It's all in Jenny's hands now.此事全归詹妮负责。⑤ The whole affair is now in the hands of the police.整个事情现已由警方处理。⑥ We left the project in the good hands 0f our manager.我们把这个项目交给经理去妥善管理。⑦ The nurse will be on hand if you need her.护士随叫随到。⑧ There was simply no cash on hand to meet the cost of food.只是手头上没有现钱来付饭钱。⑨ She had her hands full with new arrivals.由于要照料这些新生,她忙得不可开交。⑩ He has his hands full with the children and finishing his work in time.他又要照顾孩子们,又要及时完成工作,忙得不可开交。拓展:与hand构成的介词短语: hand in hand 手拉手;同时发生

from hand to hand 从一人之手转到他人之手 in(on)hand 手头上 out of hand 立刻马上

at hand 在手边;在附近;即将来临 hand to hand 短兵相接地 by hand 手工

on(the)one hand 一方面 lend a hand 帮助

on the other hand 另一方面


hand down(= pass down)把„„传下去 hand sth.out to sb.分配;发配 hand in 上交 hand back 交还

hand sb.sth 传给某人某物 ▲ pull up(1)此处意为“竖起”“把„„拉上来”。如:① She can't climb very well.We had to pull her up.她不善攀登,我们只得把她拉上来。② The boy pulled his sledge up the hill.男孩把雪撬拉上山来。③ I pulled him up out of the water.我把他从水里拉上来。④ We pulled up the weeds by the roots.我们把草连根拔起。

(2)pull up可作“(车子)停下”翻译。如:① We had not gone many miles when we were pulled up the police.我们还没走多少里就被警察拦住了。② The ear pulled up in front of the hotel.汽车在宾馆前面停了下来。③The policeman pulled up the motorist and asked to see his licence.警察让那个骑摩托车的人停下来,要看他的执照。④ He pulled up his horse outside the inn for lunch.他在旅馆外面下马,准备吃午饭。

(3)pull up还有“阻止”“斥责”之意。如:① Jack talked rudely to Mother, and Father pulled him up.杰克对母亲讲话粗鲁,遭到父亲的训斥。② You should pulled those children up about their table manners.那些孩子就餐时举止不好,你应该训训他们。③ The chairman pulled him up.主席制止了他的发言。④ I felt I had to pull her up on her lateness.我觉得我必须告诉他不要再迟到了。

(4)pull up亦可作“拉近”“追上”解释。如:① Pull up a chair and sit here with us at this table.拉张椅子过来和我们坐一张桌儿。② The boat pulled up alongside us.那条船赶上来与我们并行了。③ The second runner managed to pull up with the leading runner and finally won the race.跑在第二的人设法赶上跑在最前面的人,并最终赢得了比赛。④ If you can pull up your English grammar,you will stand a good chance of succeeding in the examination.如果你把英语语法赶上来,你就有希望在考试中取得成功。

15.In terms of technical development, people were going from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age.就技术发展而言,人们正从石器时代过渡到青铜器时代。(p.76 Reading 第三段 第3行)▲ in terms of 或 in„terms

(1)此处意为“用„„的话”“就„„而言”“根据„„”。如:① In their terms, cutting government spending is the most important thing.根据他们的意见,削减政府开支是最重要的事情。② In terms of inflation, the policy works.就抑制通货膨胀而言,这个政策是有效的。③ The work is not very profitable in terms of cash, but I am getting valuable experience from it.就收入而言这工作赚不到多少钱,但我会从中学习到有价值的经验。④ His sugges-tions were expressed in terms that were readily understood and accepted.他的建议的措词使人容易理解和接受。⑤ Our boss thinks of everything in terms of money.我们老板每件事都从钱的角度考虑。

(2)think in terms of意为“考虑(做某事)”。如: ① We are thinking in terms of moving to the south, as there are so few jobs in the north.我们正考虑移居南方,因为北方的工作太少了。② I was thinking more in terms of buying than renting.我更多考虑的是买而不是租。

拓展:in the long term 长远看来(= for the longer future);in the short term在目

前(= at the moment)16.At first it was thought that the skills to make copper and bronze objects spread to Britain was through war and armed conflict,„起初,人们认为,用铜和青铜制造工具的技术是通过战争和武装冲突传播到英国的„(p.76 Reading 最后一段 倒数第11行)▲ conflict(1)n.冲突,战斗;争论,抵触 Armed conflict could start at any time.战争随时都会发生。There is a possibility of a serious conflict in North America.北美可能有严重的冲突。Some people feel there is a great deal of conflict between religion and science.有些人认为宗教与科学之间有许多冲突。the familiar conflict between government and opposition 执政党与反对党之间司空见惯的争执

(2)v.冲突;争执;抵触 Do British laws conflict with any international laws? 英国法律与国际法有抵触吗? There is some research that conflicts with this view.有一些研究与这种观点相抵触。拓展:come into conflict 与(某人)发生争执;bring somebody into conflict 使某人与„„发生争执;in conflict with 与(某人)意见不一致;in conflict 有矛盾,不一致;Whites came more and more often into conflict with the islanders.白人越来越频繁地与岛上的居民发生争执。The two men were brought into conflict by their jobs.这两个人由于工作关系而发生了争执。John and Tom are in conflict with this.约翰和汤姆在这一点上意见不一致。

17.The King of Stonehenge came with the skills to make metal, and that would have given him a high status in the eyes of local people.巨石王带来了制造金属的技术这在当地人民的眼中被认为是出生高贵。(p.76 Reading 最后一段 倒数第7行)▲ in the eyes of意为“据某人看来”“在某人心目中”,也可以说in sb.’s eyes或to sb.’s eyes或through the eyes of sb.。① Her children could do no wrong in her eyes.在她看来,她的孩子是不会做错事的。② In the eyes of law, it is an offence.在法律上,这是犯罪。③ In your mother's eyes, you are still a child.在你母亲眼里,你仍然是个孩子。④ Some customs in Africa seem rather strange in the eyes of the Europeans.非洲的一些风俗在欧洲人看来相当奇怪。

18.It has been proved that the copper knives came from places as distant as Spain and western France.事实已经证明,铜刀是来自西班牙或法国西部那么遥远的地方。(p.76 Reading 最后一段 倒数第4行)▲ prove的一些用法(1)prove在本课中是及物动词,意为“证明”“证实”.用于被动语态。如:① It has been proved that the practice can only do good.事实证明这样做只有好处。② His guilt was clearly proved.他的罪行被清楚地证实了。③ That has got to be proved by further experiment.那还有待进一步的实践来证实。④ It was soon proved that he was a guilty man.很快证实他就是罪犯。

(2)prove作为及物动词时,可后接名词、代词、从句和复合结构。如:① We have proved our courage in battle.我们已在战争中证实了自己的勇气。(接名词)② Can you prove that to the court?你能向法庭证实那一点吗?(接代词)③ Who can prove it? 谁能证实这一点呢?(接代词)④ Look at these documents.They will prove that we are telling the truth.看看这些文件,它们可以证明我们讲的都是事实。(接从句)⑤ Can you prove what you were doing at 9: 00 last night? 你能证明昨天晚上九点钟你在干什么吗?(接从句)⑥ Time would prove me right.时间会证明我是对的。(接复合结构,形容词作宾补)⑦ One mad action is not enough to prove a man mad.干一件疯事并不足以证明一个人就是疯子。(接复合结构,名词作宾补)

(3)prove可作连系动词用,解释为“证明”“结果是”,后接形容词、副词、介词短语、名词或不定式to be。如:① The instrument has proved useful.这种仪器证明是有用的。(接形容词)② He proved an honest friend.事实证明他是一个诚实的朋友。(接名词)③ His effort, however, proved a failure.他的努力结果都失败了。(接名词)④ It will prove of little use.结果会证明,它没有什么用。(接介词短语)⑤ It has proved of great help in such training.事实证明,在这类训练中,它很有帮助。(接介词短语)⑥ She may prove to be the most suitable person for the job.结果她可能是最适合干这工作的人。(接不定式to be)⑦ It proved to be much more difficult than she had supposed.结果比她预想的要难得多。(接不定式to be)Section III 词汇语法、综合技能

19.The ivory and animal bones that were found will serve as important materials for the study of „所发现的象牙和兽骨将作为研究„的重要材料。(p.79 Integrating Skill 第一段 第4行)▲ serve as(1)意为“充当”“担任”“起„作用”,也可以是serve for。如:① She served as a nurse in a hospital.他在医院里当护士。② He served three years as an officer.他在军队里当了三年军官。③ The frozen river serves as a road throughout the bitter winters.这条结冰的河流在严冬时当作道路使用。④ This temple served for an operating room during the Anti-Japanese War.在抗战时期这座庙曾用来作手术室。⑤ This wooden box will have to serve for a table until the furniture arrives.在家具运到前不得不把这个木箱当作桌子使用。

(2)serve的原意是“为„„服务”“服役”。如:① Weather forecasts serve farmers, ships mid airplanes.天气预报为农民、船只和飞机服务。② He has served his time in the army.他在军队中已服役期满。③ The clerk served the firm for forty years.这个职员已在公司中工作了四十年。

(3)serve可作“招待(顾客)”“侍候(吃饭)”“端菜”“供应”解释。① There was no one in the shop to serve me.店里没有一个人招待我。② We are well served with gas in this city.在这个城市我们有很好的煤气供应。③ Shall I serve the meat? 要我把肉端上来吗?④ She served us a very good dinner.她给我们做了一顿非常好的饭。

(4)serve有“符合”“适合„„使用”之意。如:① This dictionary will serve your purpose.这本词典符合你的需要。② That excuse will not serve you.你的那个借口不能成立。③ My memory serves me well.我的记性不错。④ It isn't good but it will serve me.它不很好,但对我有用。

20.„ a gold mask and a bronze statue of a man remind visitors of the bronze masks and big bronze statues at Sanxindui„ 一个金面具和一个青铜人物雕像使参观者想起了三星堆的青铜面具和大青铜像。(p.79 Integrating Skill 第二段 第2行)▲ remind sb.of sth.(1)remind sb.of sth.意为“使人想起„”。如:① Thanks for your gift — it will always remind me of you.谢谢你的礼物——它将使我经常想到你。② This reminded them of the days when they were in the army.这使他们想起在部队的日子。③ What does the picture remind you of? 这照片使你想起了什么? ④ You remind me so much of your brother, especially when you smile.你真像你的哥哥,尤其是在你微笑时。

(2)remind可作“提醒某人”解释,可以跟of或about短语,也可以跟不定式复合结构。① Please remind me to answer that letter.请提醒我回复那封信。② Be sure to remind her to come back early.一定要提醒她早点回来。③ In case I forget, please remind me about it.我要是忘了,请提醒我。④ I reminded Xiao Li of his promise.我向小李提起他答应过的事。

(3)remind后可跟从句。① May I remind you that time will soon be off? 请允许我提醒你,时间快到了。② The sight of the clock reminded me that I was late.看到了钟提醒了我,我迟到了。③ That reminds me that I have a meeting to attend this evening.这使我想起今晚我还有一个会议要参加。④ I had to remind myself that being confident is not the same as being perfect.我不得不使自己注意,表现得自信并不等于完美。

21.Before the discoveries, it was believed that Sichuan only had a history of about 2,300 years.在这些发现之前,人们认为四川省只有2300年的历史。(p.79 Integrating Skill 第三段 第1行)▲ it was believed句型很常见,是一个以it作形式主语,真正的主语是一个从句放在句末,动词通常是表示思考、建议,要求,报道等意义的词。现小结如下: It is thought that...据认为„„ It is proved that...据证明„„ It is known that...众所周知„„ It is suggested that...据建议„„ It is believed that...据信„„ It is reported that...据报道„„ It is announced that...据宣布„„ It is said that...据说„„

It is requested that...据要求„„

It is demanded that...据要求„„

① It was reported that half a million workers were on strike in their country.据报道他的国家有五十万工人罢工。② It has been announced that their country will send up another man-made satellite next month.据宣布他们的国家将在下月再发射一颗人造地球卫星。③ It has been decided that the sports meet will be put off till next Thursday.据决定运动会推迟到下周四召开。④ It is suggested that they set out tomorrow.据建议,他们明天出发。⑤ It was demanded that the working conditions be improved as soon as possible.据要求工作条件要尽可能快地改进。⑥ It is required that we work eight hours a day.我们要求一天工作八小时。

【注】在动词require,demand,suggest,order等后的that从句中,谓语动词用原形或”should + 动词原形”,这是虚拟语气的一种形式,如例句④⑤⑥。

22.„ when his son dug up a round piece of jade.他的儿子挖得了一块圆形玉石。(p.79 Integrating Skill 第四段 第2行)▲dig up(1)dig up意思是“挖出”“挖掘”“翻挖”。如:① They dug up an old Greek statue.他们挖掘到一尊希腊雕像。② They are digging up the road behind the park.他们正在挖掘公园后面的那条路。③ These relics were dug up last year.这些文物是去年出土的。④ The archaeologists have dug up some interesting remains.考古学家挖掘出一些有趣的古物。(2)dig up可引申为“找出”“翻出”之意。① It's a lovely picture.Where did you dig it up? 这张画很好玩,你在哪儿找出来的? ② His description fits perfectly the evidence dug up by Henry.他的叙述与亨利找出的证据完全吻合。③ The fact is true, but where did you dig it up? 那事实不假,但你是在哪里发现的? 23....but none of them could say in which dynasty the jade objects were made.但是没有一人能说出这些玉器是产自哪个朝代。(p.79 Integrating Skill 第四段 第3行)▲ none(1)none主要用作代词,在这里表示“没有人”。如:① None of them could speak French.他们谁也不会讲法语。② A friend to all is a friend to none.和谁都是朋友的人和谁都

不是真朋友。③ None of her children has blond hair.她的孩子没有一个是金发的。④ None of the passengers were aware of the danger.旅客中无人觉察到险情。

(2)none也可以指物或动物,表示“没有一个”。① I like none of the books.这些书我全不喜欢。② None of the rooms are ready.房间一个也没准备好。③ “How many fish do you catch?” “None.” “你捕到多少鱼?”“一条也没捕到。”

【注】none常用在“none + of + 名词”结构中,而nobody, no one或nothing不能用于这种结构中。例如我们可以说None of the pens are / is his.没有一支钢笔是他的,但不能说No one of the pens is his.。

(3)none用作主语时,谓语动词既可用单数,也可用复数表示“所有的都不”时动词用复数形式。如:① None of us are perfect.我们都不是完人。② None of the answers are right.所有的答案都错了。

(4)若表示“其中一个也不”时,谓语动词用单数形式。如:① None of his friends has been to London.他的朋友中没有一个去过伦敦的。② None of them has any great ability.他们中间没有一个有大本事。

【注】但在很多情况下单复数的界限并不十分清楚,故常常用单数或复数均可。如: None of the telephones is / are working.电话机都坏了。

【注】none of后接的名词是限定性的。如: ① We saw none of the students whom we discussed earlier.我们早先讨论过的学生,一个也没见到。② We drank none of the wine that you brought.你带来的酒我们一点儿也没喝若是非限定性的,则应用“no + 名词”。如:① We saw no students.我们没有看到学生。② We drank no wine.我们没喝酒。

【注】另外当none代表“no + 名词”时,不可用no,nobody或nothing代替。如:① She has a tape-recorder, but I have none(= no tape-recorder).她有一台录音机,但我却没有。② Tom has a lot of friends, but Jim has none(=no friends).汤姆有许多朋友,但吉姆没有朋友。

▲ none有时可指不可数的东西,表示“一点儿都没有”。如:① “How much petrol is there in the car?” “None”.“车里还有多少油?”“一点都没有了。” ② I wanted some more coffee, but there was none left.我想再喝点儿咖啡,但一点儿都不剩了。

24.Yan Kaizong accompanied his grandfather when he gave the relics from the ruins to the state.严开中陪同他的祖父把从遗址发现的这些文物上交国家。(p.79 Integrating Skill 第四段 第4行)▲ accompany(1)vt.陪伴,陪同He accompanied a foreign visitor to the airport(station).他送外宾去机场(车站)。Let me accompany you to your hotel.让我陪你去旅馆。(2)vt.为„„伴奏The well-known singer was accompanied at the piano by comrade Wang.王同志为那位著名的歌唱家担任钢琴伴奏。翻译:坐在这儿陪我一会儿。

[误] Sit here and accompany me for a while.[正] Sit here and keep me company for a while.注意:keep sb.company才表示“陪伴”,和某人作伴的意思,而accompany表示“陪同„„去” 的意思。

[误] Our teacher accompanied us to go to the park.[正] Our teacher accompanied us to the park.我们的老师陪我们一同去了公园。

25.The Sanxingdui Ruins Site covers a vast 12 square kilometres.三星堆遗址占地面积广阔,约有十二平方公里。(p.79 Integrating Skill 倒数第一段 第4行)▲ cover

(1)cover此处意为“占地”“包括(多大范围)”。如:① The city covers an area of ten

square miles.该城面积为十平方英里。② His burnt area covered 70 percent of his body surface.他的烧伤面积达到全身的百分之七十。③ China stretches across a vast area covering the cold, temperate and tropical zones.中国幅员辽阔,包括寒带、温带和热带。(2)cover的原意是“覆盖”“布满”之意。如:① Water covers nearly third quarters of the earth's surface.水大约覆盖了地球表面的四分之三。② The mountain was covered with snow all the year round.这座山一年到头都被白雪覆盖着。③ We covered the machine-gun with branches to hide it from view.我们用树枝把机枪掩盖起来,不让人看见。(3)cover还有“走„„路”“看完„„书”“花„„费用”之意。如:① My Car covered 100 miles in an hour.我的汽车一小时开了一百英里。② Will 150 dollars cover the cost of a new bike? 一百元够不够买辆新自行车?③ How many pages have you covered today? 你今天看了多少页书? ④ Fifty dollars will cover my need for the journey.有五十元就够付这次的旅费了。

(4)cover亦可作“掩护”“控制”解释。如:① Two police-men covered the back door and two covered the front.两名警察控制住后门,两名控制前门。② Our task was to cover the units that were going to take the hill.我们的任务是掩护要攻占高地的部队。③ While we covered him he crawled forward and find at the enemy.在我们的掩护下,他匍匐前进,并向敌人射击。(5)cover还有“谈到”“涉及”之意。如:① The talks are expected to cover other topics.会谈估计还会涉及别的问题。② This dictionary does not cover all the English verbs.这本词典不包括英语的全部动词。③ Their studies cover a wide field.他们的研究范围很广。


新高二Unit10 New words: 1.frightening adj.fright---n.the feeling of fear 惊吓;恐怖

with fright =with fear

I was shocked with fright/ fear.frighten—vt.fill with fear 使吃惊;惊吓

frighten sb.sb.be frightened by


to do


You frightened me.The explosion frightened me.The child was frightened by the big dog.She was frightened by the height of the cliff.He was frightened at the thought of his coming examination.She was frightened to look down from the top of the tall building.The little girl was frightened that her mother wouldn’t come back.作定语:

He has had a ___(frightened, frightening)experience.He threw me a quick ___(frightened, frightening)glance.The ___(frightened;frightening)horse ran away from the fire.*frighten sb.into/ into doing 吓得某人做某事/不做某事

persuade sb.into doing argue sb.into(out of)doing He frightened the old lady into/ out of signing the paper.他吓唬老太太,让她在文件上签字/不签字。

*be frightened of= be afraid of She was frightened of police.2.hurricane—n.飓风

typhoon –n.台风

volcano –n。火山

earthquake—地震 tsunami—海啸 tornado –n.龙卷风


under threat of 在。。的威胁下

I obeyed, but only under thread of death.我仅仅是在死亡威胁下


make a threat 威胁

2)possible danger 可能的危险;凶兆(常用单)

The killer is a threat to everyone.The flood was a thread to our homes.3)征兆[c]

There is a threat of rain.The clouds brought a threat of rain.threaten –v.威胁;有。。的危险


to do

sb。with 威胁着要。。

She threatened to murder me.I was threatened with punishment if I don’t obey.如果我不服的话,就用处罚威胁我。

The clouds threatened rain.云显得要下雨了。4.on end –1)of time continuously(指时间)连续地

He sat there for hours on end.He studied for days on end.2)up right直立;竖起来

stand on end(使)竖起来

We had to stand the table on end to get it through the door.When he heard the strange cry, his hair stood on end.The sight of the dead man made his hair stand on end.*come to an end

*come to … end

* in the end

*make ends meet

*put an end to v.end in 以。。告终;结果。。

The plan ended in failure.The match ended in a win for us.The battle ended in a victory(in everyone going home.end up 最后(有某种结局);最后(成了)

If you drive your car like that, you’ll end up in hospital.If you go on doing that kind of thing you’ll end up in prison.end up with =close with


We started with soup, and had fruit to end up with.We ended the dinner up with fruit and coffee.5.terrify—vt.使害怕;使惊恐

Your views terrified me.be terrified by

She was terrified by his appearance.Terrified by the sight of lion, Bill climbed a tree.be terrified of 害怕

The old lady was terrified of crossing such a busy road.定语:The terrified girl ran home.That must have been a terrifying experience for you.6.bury—vt.埋葬put into the grave;掩藏hide away esp.in the ground

After the battle they buried the dead.He buried his head(face)in his hands.他用手捂住头(脸)。7.at hand


When he writes he always keeps a dictionary at hand.I haven’t my book at hand, but I’ll show it to you later.2)就要到来,不远了on the way;be upon sb.around the corner(同just连用)即将来临,在拐角处(Unit17SI)The examinations are at hand/ on the way/ upon us..Christmas is at hand./ upon us/ on the way

But changes were just around the corner.by hand手工(做的);送来的(不是寄来的)

My shoes were made by hand.The note was delivered by hand.from hand to hand 从一个人传到另一个人

give(lend)sb.a hand 帮一下忙

Could you lend me a hand with the parcel?

hand in hand

hands up

hands off不要碰;不要干预

on hand 手边(有。);手头(有事做)

I have no cash on hand to pay for the gas。

on the one hand…on the other一方面。。另一方面

On the one hand I admired his gifts, but on the other I distrust his

judgment.on the other hand(可是)另一方面

He is clever, but on the other hand, he makes many mistakes.8.flee/ fled/ fled –vi.vt.(正式)逃跑;逃走

=escape from =get away from

The frightened people fled from the fire.Over the years, thousands of citizens fled to the neighboring countries.The enemy fled in disorder.敌人溃逃。

He fled the kidnappers and phoned the police.They all fled(from)the burning ship.9.urge –vt.敦促;恳求;强烈要求 beg or strongly persuade


sb.to do sth.that


n.They urged us to go with them.My mother urged me not to tell you anything about it.He urged that they go to Europe.She urged that he write and accept the post.They urged prison reform.n.—强烈的愿望(要求)[c]

an urge to do

She felt an/ the urge to hit him.她感到一股冲动想揍他。

He a sudden urge to go to Italy.10.arrival –n.到达;到来[u]

upon arrival 后跟表动态的名词或动名词,表“ 在。。时;当发生。。时

Upon arrival, they went in search of a hotel.She was joyful upon seeing her child take his first steps.她看到孩子开始走路了,很开心。

They gave him a warm welcome on his arrival.On my arrival home, I was greeted by my parents.as soon as one arrives

on arriving

链接:refusal/ survival 11.bath –n.an act of washing one’s whole body at one time

take/ have a bath

bathe/ bathed/ bathing vt.vi

He is bathing the baby.12.immediately

at once

right away


without delay

We must leave without delay.in no time

I’ll come back in no time.In no time will I come back.13.board –n.船舷;木板;边缘

on board 上船(火车;公共汽车;飞机等)in or on(a ship or public vehicle)

They got on board the train.他们上了火车。

She enjoys life on board ship.她在船上过得很愉快。14.knock about接连的打击

knock about/ around 漫游(各地)

knock back狂饮,痛饮

knock sb./sth.down摧毁;拆除;推倒

Our house is being knocked down to make way for a new road.knock off 1)停止做(某事,尤指工作)2)削价

knock out 使某人睡觉

knock into把。。敲入;撞到某人身上

He walked in the dark and knocked into a man.15.all of a sudden

all at once

suddenly 16.live through度过;经受住

He managed to live through two world wars.live with 忍受;接受

I don’t enjoy the pain but I can live with it.17.aloud—adv.1)in a voice that may be heard出声;高声

The teacher asked him to read the poem aloud.2)in a loud voice大声

The pain caused him to cry aloud.loud—adv.in a loud way 大声地;喧闹地;响亮地

Try to sing louder.adj.noisy;not quiet响亮的;高声的;吵闹的 loud music

a loud radio

loudly –adv.18.swear –swore/ sworn

1)vi(at)use bad language咒骂;说脏话

Stop swearing in front of children.2)vt.发誓:cause to take an oath

I can tell you anything about it;I’ve been sworn to secrecy.3)宣誓:promise formally or by an OATH

swear to do/ that

He swore to obey.swear / take an oath 宣誓

Text: 1.frighten 使害怕



alarm—We don’t wish to alarm the child.make sb.’s hair stand使人惊吓得毛骨悚然

make one’s hair stand on end

panic—The crowd panicked at the sound of the guns.be afraid of / to do / that害怕

be frightened(to death)/ of / to do / by / at / that

be scared(to death)/ by / of / to do / that

be terrified by/ of / at

be fearful of / that 2….my mother drew my uncle’s attention to…我母亲让我叔叔注意 draw / attract(one’s)attention(to)(使某人)注意。。

He drew attention to the rising unemployment rates.I drew her attention to her dirty fingernails.call(one’s)attention(to)引起某人注意某事

He called my attention to some new evidence.他促使我注意到某些新的证据。

Before I closed I must call your attention to a problem we have to face.catch/ arrest one’s attention引起某人的注意

The bright light caught/ arrested the boy’s attention.明亮的灯光吸引了孩子的注意力。pay attention to

He didn’t pay any close attention to the details.devote attention to 关注;重视

Much attention has been devoted to the matter.对于这个问题已经给予了足够的重视。turn one’s attention to把注意力转向

His attention was turned to the pretty young girl.focus/ center/ concentrate(one’s)attention on 把注意力集中在。。

All his attention was focused on the stars.bring sth.to one’s attention 使某人注意到谋事

I feel it my duty to bring to your attention the following facts.我感到要你注意下面这些事实是我的职责。

3.The sight of it awoke the scientist in my uncle to go and see it from closer at hand.。一看到这种情景,叔叔身上的科学精神被唤醒了,他要靠近火山去看个究竟。(拟人,sight唤醒 the scientist in my uncle常见

The study says there must be a complete overhaul of air traffic control system.研究表明必须对航空控制系统作全面,彻底的修正。

Dusk found him crying in the street.4.way out(克服困难的)办法,出路

He was trying to think of a way out, but it was impossible to find one.它试图想出解决问题的办法,但不可能找到。

In fact, I’m sure that’s the only satisfactory way out.我肯定那是唯一令人满意的办法。5.at hand 在手边;在跟前

I haven’t the dictionary at hand, but I will show it to you later.I want you to be at hand during my interview with the applicants.申请人面试时我希望你在跟前。

6.call for 要求;需要

The workers are calling for strike action.工人们要求罢工行动。

The work calls for endurance and patience.这工作需要耐力和耐心。

7.darker and more, the closer they went

The more… the more

The more you practice, the more perfect you will be.你越练习就越熟练。

9.the other way 另一个方向;相反

He turned the other way when he saw the police coming.她看见警察后转向另一方向。

the other way around 相反地;从相反方向;用相反方式(Unit1SII)

Galileo’s observations show that Copernicus, another great astronomer, was right and that the earth moves around the sun, not the other way around.He thought it would be easier to go there than to come back, but it was just the other way.他以为去时用的时间比来时短,其实正相反。

right 径直地;立即地

The ship went right to the bottom.轮船直沉江底。

He turned on the TV right after he came into the room.10.a rain of 量词,表burning rocks 的量之多

a shower of rock 11.It was daylight now in other parts of the world, but there the darkness was darker and thicker than any night.注意:night前没有other.这是因为it 指daytime而不是night.如指night,就不能少other.12.Helped by two slaves he stood up, and immediately fell down dead.He returned home, full of fear.Strong, proud and united, the people of St Petersburg are the modern heroes of Russia.圣彼得堡的人民坚强,自豪,团结一致,他们是当代的俄罗斯英雄。(当主语比较短时,常放句首)

Confident,selfless and honest, she is my good role model.她自信,无私,诚实,是我的楷模。

Capable and warm-hearted, she is always helping my grandma with the housework.她能干而且热心,总是帮助我奶奶做家务。

He returned home, tired and hungry.(形容词说主语的状态,副词说谓语)

The old man went to bed slowly.13.more A than B与其说 B,不如说 A

A rather than B与其说 B,不如说 A

Don’t be too hard on him.He is more misled than stupid.不要对他太苛刻。与其说他傻倒不如说他是被误导了。

He is more an artist than a philosopher.=He is an artist rather than a philosopher.与其说他是位哲学家,不如说他是位艺术家。It was what he meant rather than what he said.14.You can pick out the important bits for it is one thing to write a letter, another to write history, one thing to write to a friend, another to write for the public.你可以从中挑选重要的片断。写信跟写历史是两码事,写信是给朋友的,而书是为公众的写的。

It is one thing to do…, another to do…


It is one thing for you to stay here, another for me to ask you to stay here.你要留下是一回事,我请你留下是另外一回事。15There is some dirt weather knocking about.坏天气马上就要来了。

knock about 漫游,闲逛,接连打击,(浪等)冲击,碰撞

He’s knocked about in Africa for years.他在非洲漫游了好几年。

As a young man he suffered a lot from poverty, He used to knock about at the market, trying to find a job for a few coins.年轻时他很穷,经常在市场里闲逛,找些零活挣些小钱。16.come on 开始

I can feel a cold coming on.The movie comes on at eight o’clock.17.incredible 不相信


unreliable 18.The hurricane, with its power to sink ships and to destroy strong walls, and found this little ship in its path.飓风威力无比,它能沉掉船只,推倒墙,飓风一路风驰电掣来到小船前。

with its power to sink…walls 是定语,修饰hurricane

see, find 等动词的主语有时是物:

This old house has seen better days.这些老房子曾有过风光的日子。

National Day found people singing and dancing happily in a street parade.国庆节时人们在街上的游行队伍里高兴地唱啊跳啊。


高二英语新教材Unit 11 some encourage pioneering work and accept phrases failure 1.重力原理

the Theory of Gravity 2.有共同之处 have anything in common 3.从事仙炎星发射载人飞船

work on sending a manned spaceship 4.必将发生

have in store for 5.很可能

it is likely that 6.作为经济特区被建设

set up as a special economic zone 7.中国科学技术的中心the new center for Chinese science and technology 8.中科院所在地

home to the Chinese Academy of Sciences 9.中国高科技产业的领头羊

the leader of China’s hi-tech industry 10.开办一所么人研究及发展机构open a private research and development institute 11.具有创新精神和科学技能share the spirit of creativity and scientific skill 12.使中关村成功

make Zhongguancun a success 13.抓住机会到国内来实现他们的理想grasp the opportunity to develop their ideas at home 14.实现梦想

follow one’s dream 15.在人所学领域与顶级科学家们共事

work with some of the top scientists in my field 16.我认为这在我看来很完美

I knew it was perfect for me 17.帮助安排回国事宜help arrange for his return 18.踏进

set foot in / on 19.对…有积极的影响 have a positive effect on 20.依靠科学技术和知识

rely on science technology and knowledge 21.发展经济实力 increase economic power 22.弄清楚

make it clear 23.鼓励创新,接受挑战


deal with and learn from failure 25.对……感到兴奋 be excited about 26.活跃起来

come to life 27.同时为祖国做出贡献

contribute to his country at the same time 28.硕士学位 a master’s degree

29.美国的硅谷 Silicon Valley in the US 30.达到……目标

achieve / reach its goal 31.对人类是一个很大的威胁 a big threat to mankind


mark the start of 33.展示中国高科技的成功

showcase China’s hi-tech successes

34.导致了科学技术的几项突破 lead to several breakthroughs in science and technology

35.背上长着人耳的小老鼠 a small mouse with a human ear grown on its back 36.贮存人体器官 restore human organs 37.最新成就 red hot achievements 38.充满伟大成就

be filled with great achievements

39.呈现出科技发展的繁荣景象enjoy a boom in scientific and technological development

40.提出计划 put forward a plan

41.科教举国rejuvenate the nation by relying on science and education

42.取得突破性进展make many breakthroughs

43.探索太空 explore space

44.中国航天局 the Chinese Space Agency 45.长征系列运载火箭 Long March rocket series


the first manned space flight

47.破解生命之谜solve the mysteries of life 48.目的在发展农业aim at improving agriculture

49.人体检测国际研究项目 the international human genome project 50.世界一流be among the world’s best 51.中国与计算机一见钟情It seems to be love at first byte for China and computers 52.高速宽带网

a new high-speed broadband network 53.创建了智能机器人

build the nation’s first humanoid robot 54.清晰陈述你的观点state your opinion clearly 55.用强有力的论点为之辩护 support it with strong arguments 56.最杰出的新突破

the most outstanding new breakthroughs 57.并非所有的都 not all 58.得满分

get full marks 59.免费七日欧洲双人游

a 7-day free trip to Europe for two 60.美国宪法

the Constitution of the United States of America



have no idea

8.爱上了戏剧 develop his live for the theatre


make a living 10.提醒某人某事 remind sb of sth 11.把……向前推进一步take… one step further


lay the foundation of modern science fiction

13.很久之后才…… long before 高二英语新教材Unit 12 some phrases

14.着手做 set out to do 1.大洋中最深的地方the deepest point in


in their efforts to the ocean

survive 2.航天飞机

a space shuttle



make a sketch of

find themselves on the surface of the 4.我们能战胜所有疾病的时候

monster a time when we can beat all diseases

17.结果是潜艇 turn out to be a submarine 5.找到使我们永远年轻的方法

18.越洋航行on a voyage across the oceans

find a way to keep us young forever


6.来自外部太空的生物creatures from outer give a view of the underwater world 20.穿着潜水服dressed in diving suits 21.发现自己被包围

find themselves surrounded by 22.所有的才在蓝色的海水中随波起伏,慢慢移动all waving and moving slowly in the blue waters 23.从……开始

begin with 24.进行冒险 go on this adventure 25.通过煤层和大理石层

pass through the layers of coal and marble 26.穿过森林 go through forests 27.受到古老海洋生物的袭击

be attacked by ancient sea creatures 28.最后,终于

in the end 29.被卷进急流 be drawn into a fast stream 30.水下旅行 underwater travel 31.沸腾的河

a boiling river 32.被冰川撞击后

after hitting iceberg 33.开始了第一次航行 set out on its first voyage


sink to the bottom of the sea

35.成为……一例 become an example of 36.成为人们心中永久的痛

become a permanent pain in people’s

hearts 37.过度工作

work too much 38.前总统

former president 39.对我祖父母的家心怀不轨

misbehave at may grandparent’s house

40.屏幕下端的字幕 subtitles at the bottom of the screen 41.被火车运送到目的地

be transported to the destination by train 42.多种情况下

in many cases 43.乘坐地铁

take the subway 44.整周超时工作 work overtime all week 45.穿着内裤当众行走

walk in public in your underpants


look for a road without having a map 47.开始进行结智慧的探索

enter the search for wisdom 48.使人了解

throw light upon 49.许多卓越科学家的著作

the works of many brilliant scientists 50.开辟一条新路

pioneer a new way 51.吸引我的注意力 attract my attention 52.把自然界最深邃的奥秘展示给世人

unfold to the world the deepest mysteries of nature 53.人体结构 the structure of the human body 54.梦想

dream of 55.身高八尺 about eight feet in height 56.切碎

cut up 57.在十一月的一个夜晚on a night in November 587.烧光

burn out 59.把床上的帘子打开 open the curtain of the bed 60.选词

make a choice of the words

高二英语新教材Unit 13 some phrases


cover with 2.把水和菜油倒入杯中

pour water and vegetable oil into a glass 3.把一支粉笔放入水中put a piece of chalk in water

4.把淡水装入杯子 fill one glass with fresh water

5.保护我们这个星球上的水protect the water on our planet

6.把杯子翻转 turn the glass upside down 7.提出

come up with

8.用这种方法使用水use water in this way 9.从中受益

benefit from


about three billion years ago


marine life is incredibly rich and varied 12.范围从微生物一直到巨物ranges from the tiniest plankton all the way up to giants

13.水的化学结构 the chemical structure of water


give water it unique properties

15.由两个氢原子和一个氧原子组成be made up if two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom


a polar molecule 17.分解固体和气体

break down both solids and gases

18.为其他生物所利用become available to other living creatures 19.水在室温下是液体

water is a liquid at room temperature 20.有一个相对高的结冰点

have a relatively high freezing point 21.与纯水混合 mix with pure water 22.一球上大洋的含盐量

the salinity of the earth’s oceans 23.每立米用公斤来衡量

be measured in kilograms per cubic metre 24.利用水的密度

take advantage of the density of water 25.能量

the amount of energy

26.把温度提高1℃ raise the temperature by one degree centigrade 27.释放出大量的热

give off a lot of heat 28.对温度的巨变和突变很敏感be sensitive to large and sudden changes in temperature 29.通过吸收和释放热量而保持稳定

keep steady by absorbing and giving off protect animals and plants

53.为人类提供休闲和教育的场所provide both recreation and education for human beings

54.在海滩上嬉戏 have fun on the beach 55.为研究各种生命提供情报无尽的机会

have endless opportunities to study a heat 30.给海洋中的生态系统增加能量 add energy to the marine ecosystems

31.没有任何东西像一滴水一样宝贵 nothing is as precious as a drop of rain 32.我们的未来取决于它our future depends on it 33.变成固体

turn into a solid 34.温度降到零度以下

the temperature drops below 0℃ 35.被加热到100℃以上 when heated above 100℃ 36.海洋中的生命大小各异l ife in the oceans appears in different sizes 37.给……打电话

give sb a call 38.继续在该公司工作

continue working at this company 39.捉弄你

play a trick on sb 40.叫来警察 call in the police 41.海洋是地球上一切生物的发源地

the oceans are the source of life on earth 42.河流与大洋交汇where a river meets the ocean 43.在河口相混合mix together in an estuary 44.制造出一种独特的环境 create a unique environment 45.陆地与海洋的衔接地带

a zone between the land and the sea 46.河口是自然界中幼小生命的繁衍地 estuaries are great places for nature’s young ones 47.三用面支很多危险

without having to face many of the dangers 48.生物的密集度

the density of living creatures 49.海洋哺乳动物

marine mammals 50.吸收营养物质和污染物

absorb nutrients and pollutants 51.对环境污染很敏感

be sensitive to environmental pollution 52.保护动物免遭风暴和洪水

variety of life

56.通过旅游业和渔业为经济做贡献contribute to the economy through tourism and fishing

57.那么多的物种生活在河口 so many species live in estuaries 58.按事情发生的顺序解释每一步

explain each step in the order it happens 59.给出新词的定义

define new words 60.把……与……相比

compare … to

高二英语新教材Unit 14 some phrases

1.获得诺贝尔和平奖receive the Nobel Peace Price


put … into prison 3.自由战士

freedom fighter 4.动摇国家的基

shake the foundations of the nation


judge by the color of their skin

6.根据性格的内涵 by the content of their character


walk together as brothers and sisters 8.当农民

work as a farmer 9.与……交朋友

make friends with 10.禁止人们帮助逃跑的奴隶

forbid people to help run away slaves 11.加入行动小组

join an action group


fight in the Civil War


be active in the women’s rights movement 14.黑人女孩不能嫁给白人男孩

black girls could not marry white boys 15.民权法案

the Civil Rights Act 16.给…发表演说

give a speech to sb 17.向华盛顿特区进军march on Washington D.C.18.使他们闻名全世界

make him famous all over the world 19.黑人受到不平等的待遇

blacks are not treated as equal citizens 20.奴隶制在美国结束

slavery ended in the USA 21.为黑人的政治权利而战

fight for political rights for black people 22.为…树立榜样

set an example to sb 23.应当像其他人一样受到尊敬

be treated with respect in the same way as other people 24.获得奖学金

win a scholarship 25.给他以…机会 give him the chance to do 26.可以如愿的自由生活

be free to live, and work as they wished 27.要求社会改革

demand changes in society 28.通过和平手段达到目的

achieve that goal by peaceful actions 29.在白人区坐下来

sit down in the White-only section 30.拒绝为白人让座

refuse to stand up for a white man 31.领导公交公司进行联合抵制 lead a boycott of the bus company 32.把黑人和白人分开是错误的

it was wrong to separate blacks from whites 33.金打赢了这场官司使他受到全国人民的重视

Winning this case gave King national attention 34.领导反种族歧视的非暴力游行

lead many non-violent demonstrations against racial discrimination 35.黑人就粘机会很少few jobs for blacks 36.激励各种族人为平等而战

inspire people of all races to fight for equality 37.有选举权 have the right to vote 38.随意表达我们想说的

be free to say whatever we want 39.任何的时候 of all times


in their choice of which god to believe in 41.法国大革命 the French Revolution 42.美独立战争

the American War of Independence 43.国际女权运动

the international movements for the rights of women


in modern times

45.同偏见作斗争 fight against prejudice 46.有共同之处

have in common 47.老百姓

he common people 48.要求受尊重

ask to be treated with respect 49.不理会种族、宗教和性别

regardless of race , religion or sex 50.为他们自己代言

have a voice to speak for themselves 51.要求黑人有更好的居住条件

want better housing conditions for black people


more than one family


a good way to come up with new ideas 54.使读者吃惊

surprise your readers 55.较开放地谈论话题

approach every topic with an open mind 56.作为平等公民对待

treat as equal citizens 57.被警察逮捕

be arrested by the police


be born as a slave 59.携手

join hands 60.乍一be amazed by

SBII Unit 15 some phrases


offer a free air ticket

2.沿途停靠5次 make five stops along the way


look into it immediately


for the first time 5.不时地

every now and then 6.有旅游的强烈愿望

get the itch to travel 7.如果你感到有迫切的愿望想打点行装 should you feel the urge to pack you bags 8.巴西第二大城市

Brazil’s second largest city 9.大西洋沿岸along the coast of the Atlantic 31.一饱眼福

a feast for the eyes 32.如果你有足够的精力

should you have enough energy left

33.到游泳池里泡一泡take a dip in the pool 34.在体育馆里活动 work out at the gym 35.在山村被扶养大

Ocean 10.使你看到

give you a glimpse of 11.他们以心胸开阔和友善而闻名

be known for their big hearts and friendliness 12.该市的历史文化中心

the city’s cultural and historical heart 13.挨着商店的舞厅耸立着

stand next to stores and dance halls 14.步行穿过商业区等于上了一堂历史课 a walk through downtown Rio is a history lesson 15.里约任何地方离海滩都不远the beach is n ever far away in Rio 16.从商业区乘公共汽车只有几站路 only a few bus stops from downtown 17.作为海洋公主而闻名

be known as the “princess of the sea”

18.庆百岁生日celebrate its one hundredth birthday 19.厌烦

get tired of 20.在大街上

on the main avenue 21.很少的游客会失望地离开里约

few visitors leave Rio felling disappointed 22.旅游旺季

the biggest tourism season 23.为期四天的节日

a four-day festival 24.尝试去……旅游

try a visit to 25.位于奥地利南部

located in southern Austria 26.是滑雪者的天堂

a paradise for skiers 27.世界级滑雪胜地

a world-class ski resort 28.参加速滑比赛 compete in the downhill race 29.没有必要担心there is no need to worry 30.广泛多样的娱乐

a wide variety of entertainment

be brought up in a mountainous village 36.在城里经营小公司run a small company in a city


take exercises 38.我们在闲聊

we are chatting 39.吸引世界各地的游客

attract visitors from all over the world 40.到遥远的地方去旅行

go on a trip to a far-away destination 41.避免最普通的问题

avoid some of the most common problems


a good way to save money 43.使预算持续更久

make our budget last longer 44.找到问题的答案

find answers to your questions 45.在两者之间选择

choose between different alternatives 46.喜欢自己安排

prefer to make their own arrangements 47.信用卡

credit cards


need to bring some cash


keep your passport and money in a safe place


make photocopies of all important documents


buy foreign currency

52.如果可能,轻装旅行 travel light if possible


exchange money 54.有经验的旅行者

seasoned travelers 55.留在家里

leave at home 56.在我们旅行的第一天 on the first day of our trip 57.旅行日记

a travel diary 58.做笔记

make notes of 59.为……留地方

leave room for 60.对……感到惊奇

be amazed by

17.目的是aim at

18.城市目击了一连串的冲突 the city saw a series of fierce fights 19.为悼念

in honour of 20.没有白费 be no in vain 21.崭新的黎明似乎就要来临

a new dawn seem to arrive 22.为……而骄傲be proud of 高二英语新教材Unit 16 some 23.奥运会的主办者the host of the Olympic phrases Games 1.被拒绝入美国

be refused entry into the USA 2.与……有关

connected with

24.骄傲地展示它的新形象 be proud to display its new image 25.繁荣的商业中心 a booming business 3.处理过去的麻烦事 deal with its troubled centre past 26.新南部的代表 4.土著美洲人

the Native Americans 5.被欧洲殖民者驱逐

be representative of the new South 27.下决心be determined to do be driven off their land by European 28.与老同学保持联系 settlers keep in touch with his former classmates 6.失业的艰辛 the hardships of 29.对钱很贪婪be greedy for money unemployment 30.总工程师 the chief engineer 7.战后国内的**civil unrest in the 31.吉尼斯世界纪录大全 post-war years the Guinness Book of World Records 8.大萧条

the Great Depression 9.伤口愈合很慢

be slow to heal 10.伤痕很深

the scars run deep 11.远远落后

far behind


disagree with him 33.解决问题

solve the problem 34.出售

go on sale


live by gathering 12.从过去的黑暗中走出come out of its roots dark past 36.大规模存在 exist in huge numbers 13.从毁坏中恢复过来 recover from the destruction 14.非裔美国人社区

African-American community


grow to a shoulder-height of 38.被除数用制成项链 be used to make necklace

39.从1830年起from about 1830 onwards 15.接近一半的人口

nearly half the 40.向西迁移

move westwards population 41.被迫做

be forced to do 16.种族隔离剥夺了他们许多权利


resist doing the segregation take away many of their 43.与土著首领达成协议 rights make agreements with Native American chiefs


in this way 45.在平原上修建铁路

build railways across the plains 46.切掉皮cut off the skins 47.改变平原上的野生动物

change the while wildlife of the plains 48.掉到地上

fall on the ground 49.靠……过活

live on 50.消失

die out 51.相反

in turn 52.对 ……有影响have an effect on 53.整个平原的野生动物链

the whole wildlife chain of the plains 54.放弃

give up 55.以……结束

end up with 56.利用野牛

make use of the bison 57.列出相似与区别

list similarities and differences 58.一点一点地

point by point 59.补上

make up 60.一件事,另一件事 one thing, the other Unit 17 some phrases 1.试图帮助

try to help 2.像孩子那样对待我 treat me as if I were a child 3.获小科学家奖win an award for young scientists 4.到处走动

get up to move around 5.很明显

it becomes obvious that… 6.没有用腿的能力without the ability to use her legs 7.腰部以下没有知觉has no feeling below the waist 8.在省科学展览中获奖

receive an award at her province’s science fair


give everybody a chance to do 10.身体的残疾

physical disabilities 11.开发他们的潜能

develop their potential


live a rich life 13.为社会做贡献

make a contribution to society

14.办所特教学院launch a special education college

15.有天赋的残疾学生 gifted disabled students


have no disability 17.不但…,而且

not only…, but also… 18.帮助残疾人

assist disabled people 19.合作以达到他们的生活目标 cooperate to reach their goals in life 20.在社会上起有价值的作用 play a valuable role within society 21.鼓励某人做 inspire sb to do


realize their dreams 23.克服困难 overcome difficulties 24.过有意义,有作为的生活 live a meaningful and productive life 25.大约1/3的文章

about one-third of the articles 26.第一个弱视中国人

the first visually impaired Chinese 27.学会忍受我的身体

live with my body 28.适应了自己的生活方式 adjust my way of life

29.习惯于 get used to sth/doing 30.不再

no longer 31.提供指导

offer guidance

32.同情残疾人 have sympathy for the disabled 34.阻止……做

prevent from doing 35.过正常的生活

live a normal life 36.照看自己 take care of herself 37.同她交朋友make friends with her 38.收到那个女孩的来信 receive the letter from the girl


belong to


conduct a survey of 57.经常,有时

at times

58.保持积极的态度 keep a positive attitude


complete a task 60.许多障碍

many obstacles 33.在绘画方面有天分 be gifted in painting 55.有同等接近…… have equal access to

39.出席国际会议attend an international meeting 40.就……道歉

apologize for

Unit 18 some phrases 41.智力残疾的运动员mentally disabled 1.扔掉throw away athletes 2.吃点心 have a snack 42.参加特奥会

take part in the Special Olympics 43.团结和友谊的强烈氛围

a strong sense of unity and friendship 44.看起来好像It seems as if 45.第一个冲过终点线

the first one across the finish line 46.尽你所能做得好about being the best you can be

3.发电 make electricity 4.厌烦 be tired of

5.沉重的笔记本电脑a heavy laptop computer

6.不及眼镜重weigh less than a pair of glasses

7.放出空气let the air out 8.给某人专利 give sb a patent 47.多方面的斗士

fighters in more than 9.纵观历史 throughout history

10.提出观点 come up with ideas one way 48.给…以尊敬和尊treat…with dignity and 11.有很多共同之处have much in common respect life 50.参加物奥会

participate in the Special Olympics 51.获得更大的自信心 gain greater self-confidence 52.参加三项竞赛

compete in three events 53.在世界范围内普遍 spread across the world

12.有很高的智商have a high IQ 14.练习做practise doing 15.框外思维think outside the box

16.考虑那些有创造性的解决办法allow for creative solutions

17.为某人提供provide sb with 18.被困住 get stuck

19.摆脱掉旧的思维模式break away from old thought patterns 49.改善生活质量 improve the quality of 13.通过思考 by thinking about 20.用尽可能多的方in as many ways as 44.数码相机

digital camera possible 21.仍然不可见remain invisible 22.正如……一样 as with 45.据说我们生活在信息时代

we’re said to be living in the Information Age.23.一系列不同的尝a series of different 46.处理,对付

do with attempts 24.与……相连be connected to 25.了解到 be aware of 26.反复试验的结

a long process of trial and error 27.强迫某人做

force sb to do 28.试用思维策略

try using the thinking strategies 29.努力避免失败try to avoid failure 30.相对论Theory of Relativity 31.手工地

by hand 32.把……换成exchange … for 33.被难题困住 get stuck in a difficult problem 34.台式电脑

a desktop computer 35.掌上电脑

a palmtop computer 36.中国古代四大发明

the four ancient Chinese inventions 37.在音乐方面展示才华show his talent for music 38.伟大的卡通制片人a great cartoon film maker 39.著名的物理教授

a famous professor of physics 40.著名的喜剧作家

a famous comedian 41.圣经中的人物

a figure in the Bible 42.假如给我三天光明Three days to see 43.越……越

the more…, the more…


be similar to


keep information in its memory


be clearly different from 50.毕竟,终究

after all 51.既然

now that


at such a high space 53.将来

in the future


scientific metaphors 55.把……比作

compare… to… 56.被用来学英语 be sued to study English 57.犯错误

make mistakes 58.知道,追踪

keep track of


learn from 60.把……翻译

SBII Unit 19 some phrases1.发生

take place 1.偿还债务 pay back the debt 2.偿清

pay off 3.在现代

in modern times 4.救命

save one’s life 5.做出重要决定

make an important decision 6.你当权时有最坏的敌人

had your worst enemy in your power 7.娶某人

marry sb.8.与…… 结婚

be married to 9.就我所知

as far as I know 10.开始干

go about 11.玩一个残酷的游戏 play a cruel game 12.放弃

give up 13.最后

in the end 14.对表示怜悯

have mercy on 15.答应割一磅肉

promise to take my pound of flesh 16.没人再相信你的法律

no one will trust your laws any more 17.尽力与…… 争论是无用的it’s useless trying to argue with 18.你还是做…的好

you might as well do 19.付……款

pay… for 20.希望

hope for 21.请坐

please be seated 22.使……就坐 seat sb/ oneself 23.与…… 的协议 your agreement with 24.根据

according to 25.撕毁文件

tear up the paper 26.对天发誓

swear to heaven 27.把胸部露出来offer up your breast 28.准备做这事

prepare to do the deed 29.称肉的重量

weigh the flesh 30.流血而死

bleed to death 31.准备好

be ready for 32.拿整个心脏来还债

pay him back with all my heart


take you in my arms 34.宣判

pass your judgement 35.喜欢做

prefer to do 36.面对铁石心肠的敌人

face an enemy with a heart of stone 37.失去了所有航海的船只

lost all his ships at sea 38.准时,按时 on time 39.像往常那样 as usual 40.出海

be at sea 41.一个条件

on one condition 42.当笑话对待 treat … as a joke 43.签协议 sign the agreement

44.我收到你的信 your letter reached me 45.研究法律书籍study many law books 46.站在我的立场 stand in my place


never knew so young a body with so wise a head

48.你会得到公正 you shall get justice 49.剥夺

take away from 50.任由…… 摆布 be at the mercy of 51.跪下

go down on one’s knees 52.讫求某人的怜悯 beg… for mercy 53.值得人发慈悲

be worthy of our kindness

54.像生命一样宝贵 as dear to me as life 55.死后把这钱留给女儿 leave the money upon

his death to his daughter

56.来找他帮忙 come to him for help 57.醒来

wake up 58.讲出实情

tell the truth 59.把孩子切成两半

cut the baby in half

高二英语新教材Unit 20 some phrases 1.石器时代

Stone Age 2.青铜器时代

Bronze Age 3.参观地方博物馆visit a local museum 4.很难找出来

be difficult to find out 5.度假

go on a holiday 6.对……好奇

be curious about 7.随葬

be buried with 8.追溯到…… date back to

9.下葬时左侧躺着be buried in his left side 10.在中欧度过他的青年时代 spend his youth in central Europe 11.骨针

a bone pin 12.或许来自

may have been from 13.两个金耳环 two gold earrings 14.两个陶罐

two pots made of clay 15.在他们旁边有一个垫东西的石头

next to them lay a cushion stone 16.赖以生存

need to survive 17.各种各样的理由 a variety of reasons 18.倾向于认为

tend to believe 19.巨石王

the King of Stonehenge 20.皮衣

a leather coat 21.重几乎20吨 weigh approximately 20 tons 22.平均

on average 23.还不知道这些石头如何运来的

It’s not yet lknown how these were conveyed 24.经过……的距离 over a distance of 25.很可能

it is possible that 26.与……石头有关 link to the stones 27.参与策划

have a hand in planning 28.竖起巨石

pull up the stones 29.欧洲大陆

have a hand in planning 30.就技术发展而言

in terms of technical development 31.用石头制成的 be made of stone 32.用铜和青铜制造工具

make tools of copper and bronze


it is thought that 34.武装冲突

armed conflict 35.通过学习贸易和文化交流

through trade and cultural links 36.在当地人的眼中

in the eyes of local people

37.远到西班牙 place as distant as Spain 38.金银珠宝

the gold jewellery 39.知道

have knowledge about 40.同欧洲贸易

trade with Europe 41.又圆又深的碗

a deep round bowl 42.穿着黑衣服

be dressed in black 43.把画钉到墙上 pin the picture to the wall

44.在苏格兰长大grow up in Scotland 45.闻名于中国

become famous all over China 46.建筑工人

construction workers 47.在泥土中发现了象牙和巨石

find ivory and jade in mud 48.(也)不有大量的象牙

as well as a large quantity of ivory 49.充当

serve as 50.古代

in ancient times 51.提醒某人某物 remind sb of sth 52.与……有贸易交流have trade link with 53.据信

It is believed that 54.挖出

dig up

55.热情接待 warmly receive them 56.属于

belong to

57.占地……面积 cover a vast area of 58.神秘的宫殿 the mysterious palaces 59.国王的坟墓 tombs of kings 60.弄清楚 make clear






M 7 Unit 1



M 7 Unit 2


测验。M 7 Unit 3

M 7 Unit 4

6---7 M 7 Unit 5


9---10 M 8 Unit 1

11---12 M 8 Unit 2

13---14 M 8 Unit 3

M 8 Unit 4

16---17 M 8 Unit 5






M 9 Unit 1

M 9 Unit 2

M 9 Unit 3

M 9 Unit 4 M 9 Unit 5

M 10 Unit 1

M 10 Unit 2

M 10 Unit 3

M 10 Unit 4


M 10 Unit 5

总复习M 1 Unit 1—2

M 1 Unit 3--4 M 1 Unit 5 M2 Unit 1

M2 Unit 2—3 M2 Unit 4

M2 Unit 5
































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