
时间:2019-05-13 02:42:02下载本文作者:会员上传





1.Jenny’s grandma wants to go to school everyday.()2.Jenny goes to school by bus.()3.Jenny’s grandma is good at dancing.()4.Jenny’s grandma has a good time at school.()5.Jenny’s grandma doesn’t want to learn new things.6.The children have fun in the Safari Park.()7.The monkeys are from Yancheng.()8.The monkeys live happily in the park.()9.The children are not afraid of the snakes.()10.The tigers are not dangerous.()11.The snakes are from Africa.()12.Tom’s father is buying some drinks.()13.Tom’s mother is buying some food.()14.Tom’s family don’t have a picnic at last.15.Everyone in the family likes eating cakes.()16.Grandma is buying some plastic plates and napkins.17.Susan is jumping.Her shadow is jumping too.()18.Paul is good at running.He can run quickly.()19.Paul is thirsty.He wants a hot drink.()()

20.we shouldn’t climb trees because it’s dangerous.()


1.How does Jenny go to school?()A.on foot

B by bus

C.by bike 2.Who goes to school together with Jenny?



C.mother 3.Does Jenny’s grandma have a good time at school? A.Yes

B No

C.I don’t know 4.What does grandma like? A.dancing


C.both A and B 5.Where are the Hippos from? A.Africa


C.Australia 6.Which animal is the tallest in the park?.A.tigers


C.giraffes 7.What do the giraffes eat? A.leaves from the tree


C.fish 8 what is hissing in the bushes? A.lions

B snakes

C.hippos 9.What animals are staying cool in the water? A.Hippos


C.giraffes 10.which animal can climb the tree? A.giraffes


C.monkeys 11.Everyone in the family likes _____.A.cakes


C.orange juice 12.What does Tom’s grandma buy?

A.plates and napkins


C.drinks 13.What does Tom’s mother buy?

A.plates and napkins


C.drinks 14.How many family members are there in Tom’s family? A.three


C.five 15.Why can’t Tom’s family have the picnic?

A.Because it’s raining

B.Because they don’t have time to go out

C.I don’t know

16.If you are running, your shadow will ____.A.jump


C.run 17.Did Lisa and Ann share the hot dog? A.Yes, they did.B.No, they didn’t

C.I don’t know.18.Is Tom naughty? A.Yes, he is.No, he isn’t.C.I don’t know.19.Susan is good at skipping.She can _____ very high.A.run


C.swim 20.What can the children see in the park? A.giraffes B lions

C.both A and B

三、填空(20)分 1.Please _______(not)climb, Grandma.2.Why is Jenny’s grandma ________(study)with us? 3.I can hear the lions.They ________.(roar)4.The e_______ are bathing in the water.5.The giraffes are eating l_______ from the tree.6.I want to buy some ________(mango)juice.7.All the food and drinks are ______(准备好了)but it’s raining.8.Paul is good at r_______.He can run fast.9.I’m really t_______.Can I have something to drink? 10.Lisa and Anna are good friends.They always s_____ things.参考答案



2-10 TFTFF





6-10 CABAC 11-15BABCA





3.are running

4.elephants 5.leaves



8.running 9.thirsty


第二篇:四下 朗文小学英语分级阅读4

朗文分级阅读4 Read and choose.1 The tomatoes are_____.A yellow B orange C red D green The oranges are _____.A red

B green C yellow D orange 3 The bananas are _____.A green B orange C yellow D red The pears are _____.A green

B yellow C orange D red The lemons are _____.A brown

B orange C yellow D red 6 The cookies are _____.A red

B brown C yellow D green The watermelons are _____.A orange B red

C green D yellow The chocolates are_____.A yellow

B orange C brown D green The carrots are_____.A red

B green C yellow D orange 10 The cherries are_____.A red

B orange C yellow D brown 11 Ollie never fixes __.A socks

B shoes C trousers

D clothes 12Mum usually makes

__.A breakfast B dinner C lunch

D cakes 13 Oggy always loses her __.A teddy bear

B toys C red skirt

D cars 14Mum goes to the gym __.A never

B usually C always

D sometimes 15 __ never _fixes clothes.A Mum B Ollie C Oggy 16__ usually makes dinner.A Ollie B Oggy C Mum Ting Ting and Ping Ping are meeting lots of___.A sea animals B monkeys C horses 18 The __is huge.It’s opening its mouth.A crab B clam C fish 19________ Christmas!.A Santa B Lovely C Merry 20There’s a_____ inside the clam.A mermaid B treasure C seahorse Read and judge.1 The tomatoes are yellow.2.Santa Christmas!3 The bananas are yellow.4 Mum never fixes clothes.5 There’s a mermaid inside the clam.6 The lemons are red.7 The watermelons are green.8 The chocolates are brown.9 The frog is huge.It’s opening its mouth.10 The cherries are green.11 The cookies are brown.12Mum sometimes makes lunch.13 Oggy sometimes loses her bear.Ting Ting and Ping Ping are meeting lots of horses..15 The pears are green.16 Ollie sometimes goes to the gym.17 Ollie always loses her teddy bear.18 Mum usually makes dinner.19 Kenji wants to read his new book.20 There are lots of tall buildings in Hong Kong.Read and write.1.The oranges are _____.2.________ Christmas!.3.The chocolates are_____.4.Ting Ting and Ping Ping are meeting lots of__________.5.Mum usually makes

__.6.Kenji wants to read his new_____.7.The ____is huge.It’s opening its mouth.8.There’s a_____(mermaid,seahorse)inside the clam.9.Oggy always loses her teddy_____.10.There are lots of _____buildings in Hong Kong.


Video Listening


Talia Santos works as a news researcher for Newsline, a TV news program.It's Tuesday morning.Amy Lee, another Newsline employee, sees Talia and greets her.Look at the picture.What do you think? Predict: How well does Talia know Amy

   She knows Amy very well.They are co-workers and friends.She doesn't know Amy very well.They are co-workers, but they aren't friends.She has just met Amy recently.Amy is a new employee.(一)1.What does Amy say to Talia?

A.You're trying too hard.B.You're working too hard.C.You're too tired.2.Why does Talia feel tired today? A.She was out late last night.B.She worked late last night.C.She didn't sleep well last night.3.What kind of class are Talia and Amy taking? A.a research class B.a journalism class C.an English class

4.When will Talia do her class assignment? A.She has already done it.B.She's going to do it during her lunch hour.C.She's going to do it after work.(二)

1.Tony is Talia's(select)boss

.2.Talia works hard, but(select)her boss doesn't know it.3.Talia's hair looks messy because(select)she didn't take the time to comb it.4.Talia is taking a class because she wants to be(select)a reporter.2.Listening for Information

Amy and Talia continue their conversation.Talia's boss, Tony, comes over to Talia's cubicle.He wants to talk to Talia.The following sentences are in Talia and Tony's conversation.Predict: Which sentences do you think Tony says?

I have something important to talk to you about.I'm researching the background information for that transportation story.I know you've been hoping for a break.By the way, you look different.Really? That's great!(一)1.What does Amy invite Talia to do? A.go to a party with her B.walk to class with her

C.meet Josh Taylor

2.What is Talia working on now? A.ideas for a new project

B.background information for a story C.plans for a party

3.What does Tony come to see Talia about? A.a big project B.a transportation report

C.her work habits

(二)1.Amy says to Talia, “Come on!Josh Taylor is having a party...You might meet someone.” Amy means that(select)Talia might meet a guy she likes

.2.Talia tells Amy “I'm too busy to go.” Talia probably feels(select)a little annoyed that Amy is trying to make her go to a party

.3.Amy tells Tony, “Talia is always working.” Amy says this because(select)she wants Tony to know that Talia works hard

.4.Tony says, “I have a big project for you.” Talia probably feels(select)little excited

.Vocabulary 2.How Do You Feel?

In the video, Talia says, “I'm in a bad mood.” The word pool below contains additional words and phrases that describe how people feel(their feelings and moods).Click on to see the meanings of these words.When you are sure you understand all the expressions, do the exercise.Click on the answer that means the opposite of each word or phrase.(一)cheerful

1.Nervous A.Tense B.laid-back 2.Energetic A.Exhausted B.Cheerful 3.in a bad mood A.Cheerful B.relaxed

4.Tense A.Exhausted B.Relaxed confident in a great mood

depressed in a bad mood

energetic laid-back


exhausted relaxed

tense 5.Cheerful A.Depressed B.Confident(二)Practice Complete the sentences.Click on the drop-down box.Then click on the answer.1.Be careful when you talk to Lucy.She's(select)in a bad mood today.2.Kyoko is(select)exhausted because she didn't get enough sleep last night.3.Bob is joking with everyone today.It's strange.He's not usually(select)cheerful.4.Sheila feels really(select)tense because she has too much to do at work.5.Arturo is(select)confident that he is smart enough to handle the big project.6.I'm(select)in a great mood!I just made plans to go out with my friends after work tonight.7.Kim and Rong are so(select)energetic!They never seem to get tired.8.Mrs.Montoya is very(select)depressed

these days.She's out of work and can't find a job.9.Pete is taking a class after work.Tonight is the first exam and he feels(select)nervous about it.8.10.Work was very stressful this week.I hope I'll feel more(select)relaxed after the weekend.





A 蜗牛遇到了哪些动物?圈起来。

兔子the rabbit

乌龟the turtle

青蛙the frog

狐狸the fox B 1.The snail 蜗牛loses her house.()2.The house is near the water.()3.The house is on the rock.()4.The tiger老虎 is near the house.()单词表


turn on _______ jump up and down ______ pipe _______

never mind _______ funny______so funny ______tap ______ homeless_______


look for_______





be careful______

Where are you going?______________

Why are you crying?_____________

How can I get it?_________________ 第二课


A 1.It is in the morning so the man男人 can't see the road.()2.The blind 盲人 has a lantern in his hand.()3.The man with a lantern 灯笼 is blind.()4.The man男人 carries a lantern for others.()B 写单词


失明的______ monster______ lantern________ others _______ dark_______ wait for______

slow ______






第三课 第26页

1The mouse is afraid of the cat 猫/the tiger老虎.2.The tiger老虎/The mice 老鼠 are having a meeting.3.没有戴帽子的老鼠/戴帽子的老鼠 has an idea of hanging a bell on the cat.单词表

gift______ love_______ Christmas________ but______ hang______

bell _______

deal with______

have a meeting______






be afraid of______ 第四课 第35页

The tiger老虎/The donkey驴 finds a lion's fur.2.The donkey wears a lion狮子/wolf 狼's fur.3.The sheep绵羊/The fox狐狸 runs away.4.The fox狐狸 /The deer鹿is not afraid of the donkey.单词表

butterfly________ can't find ______donkey______real______ fur______ everybody______

scared______ like ______



worse than usual ______


1.The fox/The lion falls down into the well.2.The fox/The goat wants to drink the water in the well.3.The fox /The goat gets out of the well.单词表 get into ______ well______ get out______ of course_______climb______pull up_______ back_________ silly______twins______ a toy plane______ 第六课 单词表

today _______Saturday ______school______angry ______repay ______ mean_______forgive ______talk about ______worry ______safe ______ told ______ 1.The mouse 老鼠/the cat falls dowm on the lion's head.2.The mouse 老鼠/The lion is angry.3.The monkey 猴子/the mouse saves the loin.第七课 单词表

leaves____phylliidaes______kites_____amazing____greedy____favourite______Wakeup______deer_____bigger____better____catch_____tired______giveup______lost_______both________ 1.The lion 狮子is very hungry.()2.The lion狮子 wants to eat the rabbit兔子.()3.The lion 狮子wants to eat the sheep绵羊.()4.The lion 狮子eats the deer 鹿for dinner.()狮子_____鹿______兔子______ 第八单元

in Tina's dress______crab______sideways______lookahead______ straight______try______watch______show______sure______ keep walking sideways______ 1.The baby crab螃蟹宝宝 walks sideways.()2.The mothet crab螃蟹妈妈 can walk straight.()3.The mother crab 螃蟹妈妈is proud.()丑小鸭 第3页

sit_____egg_______crack_________pretty________little_______peep_________quack_______ Who hatch from the eggs?


]The duckings.[

]The mother duck.第5页

last______big_______like_______other______ The last ducking is big and ____ [



]ugly 第7页

take______water_____swim______fun______but______playwith______too______want______ Do the duckings play with the Ugly Ducking? [

]Yes,they do.[

]No,they don't.第9页

farm______animal _______go away__________nobody_________cry_______run away______ T[

] F[

]The farm animals don't like the Ugly Ducking.第10页 A.写单词 1.游泳_____ 2.丑_____3.出壳_____4.漂亮_____5.小鸭______ B.选词填空

1.The little duckings_____from the eggs.(hatch,swim)2.The last ducking is big and ____.(pretty,ugly)3.The mother duck takes her ______.(duckings,eggs)C.用所给的词造句

1.hatch,The little duckings,from the eggs 2.big and ugly ,is ,The last ducking.3.The mother duck ,to the water ,takes her duckings.第13页

marsh______see______look like______ Where does the Ugly Ducking see the big marsh ducks? the marsh 沼泽



the house房子[

] 第15页

right______sigh______sad______ The Ugly Ducking ____the water.[

]looks like [

]looks into 第17页

house________live______dog______growl_____ Can the Ugly Ducking live in the house? [

]Yes,he can.[

]No,he can't.第19页

pond______beautiful_______swan______ T[

] F[

] The swans are Ugly.第20页



鸭______ 池塘_____


房子_____ B.1.“You don't look like us ,”says a big marsh _____.()swan()duck 2.“You can't live in the house ,”says a big ____.()dog()ducking C.仿照例句,用所给的词造句 marsh

The Ugly Ducking runs to a marsh.1.house

_________________________ 2.pond

_________________________ 第23页

very______cold______crack______ice______ T[


]The Ugly Ducking can swim in the water.第25页

The man will take the Ugly Ducking to his _____ house.[



]cold 第27页

freeze_______move______man______poor______warm______there_______ Are the children good to the Ugly Ducking ? [

]Yes,they are.[

]No,they aren't.第29页

children______good_______bad______tired_______ Where does the Ugly Ducking live? [

]The marsh.[

]The farm.第30页

home_____by______alone______ B.1.The Ugly Duckling can't ______(crack ,cry)the ice.2.The Ugly Duckling lives in a ______(cold ,warm)home by the water.第33页

soon______spring______bird______sing______sun______shine________still________ T()F()It is spring but the Ugly Duckling is still alone.第35页

look up_________sky______fly______spread________ wing________then_______rise_______higher_____ The Ugly Duckling wants to _____ like the beautiful swans.()fly



that_____happy______ Can the UUgly Duckling fly ?()Yes,he can.()No,he can't.第40页 A.写单词

翅膀_____ 春天______ 飞_____ 唱歌_____天空______ 跑______ B选词填空.sky



1.The Ugly Duckling looks up at the ______.2.“I want to _____ like them.” 3.The Ugly Duckling spreads his _____.第43页

1.The last duckling is little and pretty.T()F()2.All the ducklings have fun together in the water.T()F()3.The farm animals don't like the Ugly Duckling.T()F()4.The Ugly Duckling looks like the marsh duck.T()F()5.The man's children are good to the Ugly Duckling.T()F()6.The Ugly Duckling wants to fly like the swans.T()F()7.The Ugly Duckling becomes a beautiful swan.T()F()朗文 第一课

cookies______an ice cream___________jelly_______rice________salad_______ 填空 like hungry nice 1.I'm _______.May I have some salad,please? 2.Yummy!The rice is ____.3.I ____ milk.B.连线 1.Porky is hungry.a.吃饱的图 2.Porky is happy.b.吃饭的图 3.Porky is not hungry.c.快乐的图 C.把Porky吃的东西圈起来

1.rice 2.orange 3.ice cream 4.bananas 5.salad 第二课

a bone ________grass______a fish_______ A.bone _____fish____food_____grass____hungry____ice cream____ B.1.奶牛说I'm ______.2.鸭子说I'm _____.3.绵羊说I'm _____.4.小狗说I'm _____.C.1.farmer

grass 2.George

fish 3.Sheila

bones 4.Ronnie

ice cream 5.Milky 第三课

dry_______hot_____wet_______dirty________hungry______thirsty_______drink_______ swim______take a bath________a pool______a puddle_______water______ A.连线


Peter can swim in the pool.2.Peter

Candy can drink a glass of water.3.Bob

Bob can take a bath in warm water.B.连线


I'm washing.2.Bob

I 'm thirsty.3.Mum

It's too hot.4.flower

I don't like mud.第四课

run______jump______dance_______friends________yard______ running shoes______cut_____up______down______ A.连线


running 2.Marry

looking 3.Joe

dancing 4.Winnie



跳舞_______跳跃_______生日________喜欢______ 填空

1.Here you are,Winnie.Happy______.2.I ____ dancing ,too.3.Look at me!I like _______.4.She's good at _______,too.

第五篇:朗文小学英语4a第三课 一般疑问句过去式



I was in Beijing yesterday.We were in Beijing yesterday.否定句:I wasn’t in Beijing yesterday.We weren’t in Beijing yesterday.1.有be动词时,把be动词提前

句型:Was+主语+…? / Were+主语+ … ?

There were three cups of tea on the table just now.一般疑问句:Were there three cups of tea on the table just now?

Yes, there was.No, there wasn’t.2.动词是行为动词时,一般过去时的否定式是在动词原形前加助动词did not(didn’t).句型:主语+didn’t+动词原形

I told them the news yesterday.否定句:I didn’t tell them the news yesterday.Exercises(练习):()1.It ____________(not be)Ben's birthday last Friday.A.wasn’t



D.aren’t()2.These men_________________(not be)firemen a week ago.A.wasn’t


C.not be

D.aren’t()3.They _____________(not be)in Beijing three days ago.A.wasn’t


C.not is

D.aren’t()4.It ____________(not be)the 2nd of November yesterday.A.wasn’t


C.not are

D.aren’t Exercises(练习): 1.Miss Guo ______________(not get)up late the day before yesterday.2.We all ______________(not have)a good time three days ago.3.She _____________(not find)a beautiful butterfly just now.4.I ____________(not watch)a cartoon yesterday evening.5.Her father ___________(not read)a newspaper last night.行为动词一般过去时的疑问式 一、一般过去式的一般疑问句: 1.有be动词时,把be动词提前

句型:Was+主语+…? / Were+主语+ … ?

There were three cups of tea on the table just now.一般疑问句:Were there three cups of tea on the table just now?

Yes, there was.No, there wasn’t.1.There were some oranges in the cup.(变一般疑问句)_________ there ___________ orange in the cup? 2.It was Monday yesterday.(变一般疑问句)_________ it Monday yesterday? 3.Mary and Mike were in Shanghai last month.(变一般疑问句)_________ Mary and Mike in Shanghai last month.2.动词是行为动词时,在句首加助动词did Did+主语+动词原形+其他?

They finished their work at four.一般疑问句:Did they finish their work at four?

Yes, they did.No, they didn’t.Exercises(练习): 1._______ he ______(go)to that morning?

Yes, he _____.2._________your brother ___________(find)some meat in the fridge(冰箱).No, he _________.3.________ Mary _______(read)an interesting book about history? Yes, she __________.4.________ the students of Class Six _________(have)an English lesion the day before yesterday?

No, they didn’t.中译英 十年前有手提电话吗? 有的。2 你用过冷气机吗?没有。当我奶奶年轻的时候,她玩过弹珠。4 她上周没有吃肯德基。



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