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Essay of English Language Teaching

Abstract Much of human behaviours is influences by their experiences.The way language teachers teach in the classroom is to some extent influences by the way they learned language.This is especially true in foreign language teaching.Before we discuss language learning theories,let us first reflect on our own language learning experiences.Key Words Curriculum,management,pronunciation,grammar,vocabulary

Introduction One of the largest inhibitors for students is often mental block.While listening, a student suddenly decides that he or she doesn't understand what is being said.At this point, many students just tune out or get caught up in an internal dialogue trying translate a specific word.Some students convince themselves that they are not able to understand spoken English well and create problems for themselves.Body

1、Language and language learning The question that all approaches to language teaching should answer is,“What is language?” The answer to this question is the basis for syllabus design,teaching methodology,teaching and assessment procedures in the classroom.Different views on language generate different teaching methodologies.2、Communicative principles and task-based language teaching The ultimate goal of foreign language teaching is to enable is to enable students to use the foreign language in work or life when necessary.Thus we should teach that part of the language that will be used(rather than all parts of the language);and we should teach language in the way it is used in the real world.However this is not always the case in foreign language teaching.Very often there is a big gap between the language used in real life and the language learned in classroom.3、The national English curriculum Foreign language teaching in schools has enjoyed a long history in China.Since the early 1900s,the study of a foreign language has been regarded as one of the fundamental subjects in the curriculum of middle schools.However,due to political and social unrest,and the low living standards of the majority of the working people during the first half of the century,foreign language teaching had not achieved very much.4、Lesson planning Proper lesson planing is essential for both novice and experienced teachers.Although preparation does not guarantee successful lessons,walking into a classroom unprepared is more often than not the beginning of a disastrous lesson,Besides,students can immediately notice if their teacher is prepared or not.Unprepared teachers receive much less trust and cooperation from the students.A lesson plan is a framework of a lesson in which teachers make advance decisions about what they hope to achieve and how they would like to achieve it.In other words,teachers need to think about the aims to be achieved,materials to be covered,activities to be organised,and techniques and resources to be used in order to achieve the aims of the lesson.5、Classroom management Classroom management is the way teachers organised what goes in the classroom.It contributes directly to the efficiency of teaching and learning as the most effective activities can be made almost useless if the teacher does not organise them efficiently(Harmer,1983:200).Good managerial skills on the teacher are a very essential component of good teaching(Richard,1900),as the goal of classroom management is to create an atmosphere conductive to interacting in English in meaningful ways(Gebhard,1996).Efficient classroom management can be achieved.6、Teaching grammar In the teaching of English as a foreign language,discussions on pronunciation are not so much around the value of teaching pronunciation because pronunciation will take care of itself as the students develop overall language ability.However,there are people who assert that failure in pronunciation is a great hindrance to language learning.7、Teaching Vocabulary The value of grammar in foreign language teaching has been a focus of debate for decades and the focus of the debate has been on(1)the role of grammar in language teaching(2)the method in which grammar should be presented and practised grammar before we discuss methods for teaching grammar.8、Teaching listening Teaching listening skills is one of the most difficult tasks for any ESL teacher.This is because successful listening skills are acquired over time and with lots of practice.It's frustrating for students because there are no rules as in grammar teaching.Speaking and writing also have very specific exercises that can lead to improved skills.This is not to say that there are not ways of improving listening skills, however they are difficult to quantify.The key to helping students improve their listening skills is to convince them that not understanding is OK.This is more of an attitude adjustment than anything else, and it is easier for some students to accept than others.Another important point that I try to teach my students(with differing amounts of success)is that they need to listen to English as often as possible, but for short periods of time.9、Teaching speaking When we talk about speaking in class it is important to differentiate between the kind of speaking which occurs in mechanical drills and repetition, on the one hand, and situations where students use as much language as they can and where getting their message across is just as important as grammatical accuracy, on the other.In this article it is the latter kind of speaking that we are going to look at.There are three main reasons why it is important to encourage students to speak as fluently as possible.In the first place, speaking activities give them a chance for rehearsal-practising the real skill of speaking as a preparation for using it outside the classroom.Secondly, when students speak using all and any language they know, it provides valuable feedback about their language knowledge, for both them and their teachers.How well can they perform in spontaneous conversational situations? What do they seem to know? What are they finding difficult to achieve? Lastly, good speaking activities provoke genuine student engagement where they really get involved with the process of language learning in class.10、Teaching reading To accomplish this goal, instructors focus on the process of reading rather than on its product.They develop students' awareness of the reading process and reading strategies by asking students to think and talk about how they read in their native language.They allow students to practice the full repertoire of reading strategies by using authentic reading tasks.They encourage students to read to learn(and have an authentic purpose for reading)by giving students some choice of reading material.When working with reading tasks in class, they show students the strategies that will work best for the reading purpose and the type of text.They explain how and why students should use the strategies.They have students practice reading strategies in class and ask them to practice outside of class in their reading assignments.They encourage students to be conscious of what they're doing while they complete reading assignments.They encourage students to evaluate their comprehension and self-report their use of strategies.They build comprehension checks into in-class and out-of-class reading assignments, and periodically review how and when to use particular strategies.They encourage the development of reading skills and the use of reading strategies by using the target language to convey instructions and course-related information in written form: office hours, homework assignments, test content.They do not assume that students will transfer strategy use from one task to another.They explicitly mention how a particular strategy can be used in a different type of reading task or with another skill.By raising students' awareness of reading as a skill that requires active engagement, and by explicitly teaching reading strategies, instructors help their students develop both the ability and the ?confidence to handle communication situations they may encounter beyond the classroom.In this way they give their students the foundation for communicative competence in the new language.11、Teaching writing The most important factor in writing exercises is that students need to be personally involved in order to make the learning experience of lasting value.Encouraging student participation in the exercise, while at the same time refining and expanding writing skills, requires a certain pragmatic approach.The teacher should be clear on what skills he/she is trying to develop.Next, the teacher needs to decide on which means(or type of exercise)can facilitate learning of the target area.Once the target skill areas and means of implmentation are defined, the teacher can then proceed to focus on what topic can be employed to ensure student participation.By pragmatically combing these objectives, the teacher can expect both enthusiasm and effective learning.Choosing the target area depends on many factors;What level are the students?, What is the average age of the students, Why are the students learning English, Are there any specific future intentions for the writing(i.e school tests or job application letters etc.).Other important questions to ask oneself are: What should the students be able to produce at the end of this exercise?(a well written letter, basic communication of ideas, etc.)What is the focus of the exercise?(structure, tense usage, creative writing).Once these factors are clear in the mind of the teacher, the teacher can begin to focus on how to involve the students in the activity thus promoting a positive, long-term learning experience.12、Integrated skills One image for teaching English as a second or foreign language(ESL/EFL)is that of a tapestry.The tapestry is woven from many strands, such as the characteristics of the teacher, the learner, the setting, and the relevant languages(i.e., English and the native languages of the learners and the teacher).For the instructional loom to produce a large, strong, beautiful, colorful tapestry, all of these strands must be interwoven in positive ways.For example, the instructor's teaching style must address the learning style of the learner, the learner must be motivated, and the setting must provide resources and values that strongly support the teaching of the language.However, if the strands are not woven together effectively, the instructional loom is likely to produce something small, weak, ragged, and pale梟ot recognizable as a tapestry at all.13、Moral learning the coursework and the extended assignment, presentation and use of English are important.Care should be taken with punctuation, spelling and layout.Emphasizes principles and procedures of assessment that are of primary importance to educational practitioners.Includes construction of classroom tests, observation techniques, and performance measures;integration of assessment and instruction;norm-and criterion-referenced assessment;uses of standardized tests, current issues and controversies

14、Assessment in language teaching Teaching materials are any resources(traditional, electronic or digital)used for language learning and teaching purposes, including coursebooks, newspapers, recordings and videos.The following principles underlie the selection of materials.15、Learner differences and learner training

16、Using and creating resources To speak of the audio-visual method would be incorrect.Also in this case ,we are again dealing with a conglomeration of approaches which differ on from the other, and which have as their most important commons element that they all attend a great deal of important to the use of visual elements.As for as the objectives of FLT are concerned, these approaches also have a common interest.namely the fact that they reserve first place for oral skill.17、Evaluating and adapting textbooks

Conclusion As teachers, many of us have had the responsibility of evaluating textbooks.Often, we have not been confident about what to base our judgements on, how to qualify our decisions, and how to report the results of our assessment.It seems to us that to date textbook selection has been made in haste and with a lack of systematically applied criteria.Teachers, students, and administers are all consumers of textbooks.All these groups, of course, may have conflicting views about what a good/standard textbook is.However, the question is where they can turn to for reliable advice on how to make an informed decision and select a suitable textbook.The literature on textbook selection and/or textbook evaluation procedure is vast.Various scholars have suggested different ways to help teachers become more systematic and objective in their approach They have often offered checklists based on supposedly generalizable criteria.These sometimes detailed check-sheets use a variety of methods to assess how well a particular textbook under scrutiny measures up.Reference material

1、 by Wang Qiang Higher Education Press



摘 要: 大学英语教学方法多种多样, 但是各有优缺点。针对大学生的学习环境的变化和适应能力, 提出了根据不同学期采取不同的教学方法的建议。



其实, 每一种教学法都有它存在的原因和理由;当然,也有它的缺点和不足,正是所谓金无足赤、人无完人。比如说, 传统的大学英语精读教学方法—— —语法翻译法重视语言知识灌输而轻篇章结构分析, 重视语法解释而轻体裁把握, 重句子翻译而轻交际能力培养。结果导致学生对篇章结构一窍不通, 对文体知识一无所知;所学知识支离破碎, 毫无联系;形成了见树不见林的现象, 根语法分析和词汇解释, 而且还要分析作者谋篇布局的特点和遣词造句的手法, 以及传授有关社会文化知识。它不但注意语言形式, 而且还十分重视语言功能。强调社会环境对语义的影响, 更有利于培养学生的文化意识。语篇教学充分发挥了学生的主体作用, 使他们从单纯的词汇、句子中走出来, 从宏观角度分析文章的内容、体裁、结构, 培养了学生对语篇的分析、综合和逻辑思考能力,这无疑是培养学生具有较强阅读能力的一个可靠保证和主要手段。而且在英文写作方面能够指导学生掌握写作技巧和提高写作技能, 它也是指导写作实践的重要理论基础。此外,运用语篇教学还有利于提高学生的口头表达能力。这种教学方法有利于训练学生获取完整信息的能力和语言的交际能力。但是, 它在分析作者布局谋篇的特点时, 还要围绕语篇的中心思想来进行语法分析和词汇解释, 以及遣词造句的方法, 并且传授目的语的社会文化和各种知识。否则, 只是机械地讲授布局谋篇, 讲授文章的结构、中心句、写作方法、写作技巧, 学生掌握了这些技巧, 却不知道从哪里下手, 不知道如何运用。

二、四个学期, 运用不同的教学法

那么如何才能以最有效的方式来培养学生英语交际能力呢?在教学实践中,我深深体会到:仅仅严格要求、认真负责是远远不够的,必须注重教学效果,而教学效果的体现要付出辛勤的劳动,要踏踏实实地进行教学研究。根据学生的年龄和心理特点以及实际水平、学习方法和学习兴趣等,创造性地灵活使用教材,以学生如何学为着眼点,制定不同的教学方法。针对刚进校的一年级大学生, 我们可以采用传统的语法、词汇、翻译教学方法, 适当地讲解一些新语法, 帮助学生复习已经学过的旧的语法知识;同时, 应大量讲解单词的构词法,帮助学生记住每一课的生词;还要纠正那些发音不正确的学生的发音。进入第二学期, 多数学生已经适应大学里的生活了, 上课之前要预习, 课后要复习。而这时教大学英语的老师可以适当增加一些阅读技巧和写作技能的训练。阅读能力的培养在大学英语教学中一向被置于非常重要的地位,事实上,大学英语四、六级考试中阅读理解也占相当大的比重。

进入第三学期, 这时, 老师就要减少写作的讲解和训练,同时对语篇分析的力度也变小, 而注意讲解英语修辞的运用,让学生注意英语语言的优美, 注意英美等外国国家的文化背景知识、风土人情习惯。而学生将承担更多的学习责任,让学生对文章进行一些篇章分析的训练, 同时, 还要求学生课下准备一些谚语、笑话、幽默等等比较简单且又能激发学生兴趣的英语材料到课堂上表演, 为以后的英语交际打下基础。教师在课堂上的角色也逐渐改变,要从知识提供者转变成学习顾问。但是, 教师不是旁观者,教师的任务不是轻了,而是更重了。他是课堂活动的组织者与管理者, 既要放手让学生自己解决问题,又要适时地向学生提供学习资料,起到学习资源提供者的作用,以培养学生自主学习为主的课堂氛围。

进入第四学期, 可以说, 这是一个收获的时期, 一个各方面都日渐成熟、完美的时期。这时候, 多数认真好学的学生都能够分析英语文章的篇章结构, 欣赏文章的语言优美, 了解文章的写作技巧, 掌握了大部分的阅读技能, 能够用英语就自己熟悉的事物进行交流, 能够用英语写出一篇中心突出、条理清晰的短文来, 而他们也能顺利通过第四学期的四级考试了, 我们的目的也就达到了。这时候, 可以将课堂教学的中心由教师转向学生, 要求学生学会自主学习、学会自我监控、学会自我评价, 从而形成自主发展的学习习惯和学习策略。如独立学习、语言意识、自我导学和自学。因此,教师要善于引导学生主动学习,使他们堂内堂外都能猎取丰富的英语知识。这样, 即使进入三年级, 在没有外语老师的教育指导下, 他们也能继续学习外语。同时, 高校外语教学的目的是使学生最终能以英语为工具阅读国外各类参考文献, 获取先进的科技信息并参与国际交流, 因此, 学生必须培养自己的外语翻译能力。而培养外语翻译能力要求学生调动其全部潜能, 包括语言能力和非语言能力。语言能力指英汉两种语言的词汇、语法、语义、语篇知识等;非语言能力指背景知识、相关专业知识、逻辑分析、归纳推理的能力等。在当前大学英语教学当中, 非常重视英语阅读能力的培养。各种版段落和句子, 要求学生口头翻译或课后笔译。而学生要翻译句子就得了解全文内容,要熟悉所译句子的句法结构、句法逻辑, 把握词法语义、词语修辞及行文风格等等。这样学生在翻译过程中才能进一步巩固所学的语言知识, 扩大知识面, 提高学生对篇章的准确理解能力。

在口语教学当中, 采用翻译法引导学生说英文的方法, 当场就能检验语言的使用效果, 找出学生口语当中典型的中文式英语, 进行评讲, 当堂纠错, 避免再出现类似的错误。这样的教学给予了学生大量的实践机会, 锻炼了学生准确运用语言的能力。这是我对大学外语教学的一孔之见。当然, 在外语教学中, 我们还要因时、因地、因人而异, 因为, 时代在变, 环境在变, 人也在变, 我们的英语教学方法不可能一成不变, 而应该跟着时代、环境、人的变化而变化。但不变的是我们的宗旨: 就是想方设法把大学英语教好。







中学英语教学要给学生打好口头、笔头的方面的基础。学好语法有助于打好这两方面的基础。对学生进行听说训练不应视为只能听懂、会说现成的套句,要培养学生举一反三的能力。交际能力是一项包含 多方面、多层次的知识和能力在内的综合能力,在中学英语教学中不宜提倡培养学生的交际能力,应大力提倡 培养为交际初步运用英语的能力这一教学要求。我国的英语教学受制于我们的社会制度、英语的特点、教学目的、学生特点等因素。这些因素决定了我们 英语教学的特点。一 对中学英语教学目的的认识


英语的能力,激发学生的学习兴趣,养成良好的学习习惯,为进一步学习打好初步 的基础;使学生受到思想品德、爱国主义和社会主义等方面的教育;发展学生的思维能力和自学能力。对学生进行听、说、读、写训练,培养学生为交际初步运用英语的能力都是为了打好初步的基础。打好初步的基础,应包括打好口语和书面语两方面的基础。为此,要求学生要切实掌握英语的语音、语调和拼读技巧;掌握基本句型和习语;掌握基本语法知识和一定量词汇及其用法;掌握词的变化规律和一般构成 规律;掌握阅读技巧以形成语言能力(linguistie competence)和言语能力(speechcompetence)。打好初步的基础不能简单地理解为只会说几句装配好的现成的套话这样一个简单概念上。英汉两种语言不是同族同宗语言,有各自的发生发展过程,有各自的特点。两种语言在语音、语法、词汇三方面相差甚远,两种语言的形态、结构有很大差异。这导致学生在学习英语过程中难点多,形成语言能 力和言语能力的困难多。所以,为了打好初步的基础,对中国学生来说,必须学好英语的语言结构,这样才能 形成组词成句组句成篇的能力,这样才能形成举一反三触类旁通的能力。当前初中学生学英语,由于使用新教材,学生的听说能力有很大增强。但这种增强,似有些虚假成分。如有的学生的听说能力范围只限于书本上的话,把书上的话稍加变动便听不懂说不出来。产生这种现象的原因是语法问题没有解决。语言能力源于语法知识。语言能力包括理解和表达两个层次的内容。理解在先,表达在后。语言的理解能力是语言表达能力的先决条件。没有充分的理解,便不可能产生有效的表达。掌握一

门外语的关键是弄通和 内化这门外语的结构,而掌握语法是通向这一目标的最佳途径。

听、说、读、写全面训练,不同阶段略有侧重。在中学英语教学过程中,既要重视口头训练,又要重视笔头训练,二者应有机结合,综合训练,互相促进,不可偏废。学生在学英语时,口语和书面语符合几乎同时出现。这对培养学生听、说、读、写四种能力的均衡、协调发展很有好处。语言能力和言语能力的综合训练,口语能力和书面能力的综合训练,是语言教学成功的关键。我们的中学生一般在11-12岁间上中学,17-18岁间高中毕业。在这六个年级三个阶段里,学英语的特点各不相同。在初级阶段(初中1-2年级)学生年龄较小,模仿力强,语言的羞耻感差,是重点进行听说训练的好机会。在这个阶段把听说技能培养出来,就为进入中、高级阶段打下较好的基础。反之,在这个阶段如果放弃了听说 训练,在中、高级级阶段便不容易学下去。中级阶段(初中2年级——高中1年级)是过渡阶段。这个阶段除要继续抓好听说训练外,还要引导学生开 展阅读训练。与此同时还要逐渐完善语法教学内容,丰富学生的词汇量为进入以培养阅读能力为主的高级阶段打下基础。高级阶段(高中2-3年级),由于学生心理方面的微妙变化,他们非常重视语言的客观评价,不大愿意开口,怕说错让别人笑话。经验证明,在这个阶段才开始抓听说训练为时已晚,其效果往往不完全令人满意。这个阶段的重点应放在抓阅读训练和综合技能提高这两个方面,但也要注意学生的口语训练。二 尽量使用英语,适当利用母语。在英语课堂上师生要尽量多用英语。

教师说英语即为学生提供了听的机会;师生对话、学生之间对话,也 为学生创造了听说的条件。但在教学过程中并不排除必要时可以使用汉语。有时还可以采用英汉夹杂的办法讲课。如讲抽象词、复杂 的语法规则,用英语讲学生就很难接受,用汉语讲既可节省时间、分散难点,又有助于提高教学效果。为了实现原则上用英语讲课的要求,教师可以采用非语言手段引导学生听懂英语。在学生整个学英语过程中,母语对英语的干扰和促进作用是极为明显的。排除其干扰作用,发挥其促进作用,这是教师的经常性工作。三 发挥教师的指导作用,充分调动学生的主动性和积极性。在教学过程中,教师是时刻都在起作用的因素。教师的指导作用体现在对教学内容的安排,重点、关键的 确定,教学活动的组织与实施等方面。教师本人的品德、素质,如语音语调、语言的流利程度、书写的规范程 度等方面,对学生来说就是最有说服力的教材。课堂上教师要面向全体学生,关心全体学生的全面发展,培养学生学英语的兴趣,做到既教书又育人。教师要调动学生学英语的主动性和积极权性,使学生乐于参加言语实践活动,在教师指导下积极操练语言,成为课堂的主人。




发布日期:2010-04-13 浏览量:593 【字体:大 中 小】 课程编号:050246-050247 适用专业:英语 学时数:72学分数:4 执笔人:张爱春 编写时间:2009年 9月


《英语教学法》是研究中、小学英语教学理论和实践的学科,是师范院校英语专业的一门基础课。要求学生通过 这门课程的学习和实践,掌握本课程的理论与基础知识和技能,从而适应中、小学英语教学的需要。


1.教学法理论课:一般采用讲授、报告和分组讲座的形式。目地是让学生了解外语教学的普遍规律及其具体应用, 帮助学生熟悉国内外各种外语教学流派的基本教学指导思想和原则,以及教学过程。让学生学会分析课堂教学和根据 不同情况采用不同教学方法的能力。学生通过学习,应了解并掌握我国当前中小学英语教学的基本原则:A.交际性原 则;B.四会并举、阶段侧重原则;C.语音、语法、词汇综合教学原则;D.尽量使用目的语、适当利用母语的原则;E.精讲多练原则;F.以学生为中心的原则;G.趣味性原则。

通过本课程的学习,学生应掌握以下基本方法:(1 听、说、读、写四种语言技能的教学法;(2 备课(教材处理、教案编写、课件制作的方法;(3 授课(语音、语法、词汇、句型、对话、课文等各种课型的方法;

(4 教学效果检查(口试、笔试、提问的方法;(5 电化教学和教具使用的方法;(6 开展课外活动的方法。

为了适应中小学的教学实际,学生还必须了解中小学教学大纲、中小学教材的内容和组织、安排。课堂教学的程 序、教学效果评估以及测试的方法。

2.见习课的目的是加深学生对教学法理论课的认识, 初步了解教学理论在中学教学的应用情况, 培养学生分析和评 估课堂教学的能力。


4.教学实习给学生提供一个具体实践的机会, 让学生得以应用所获得的理论知识, 培养初步的独立上课能力, 并通 过教学实践加深对教学法理论知识的理解。


Unit One Language and Learning(4 hours 1.Basic Demand: To discuss some general matters about language learning and teaching, such as common views on language and language learning,;qualities of a good language teacher;the structural view of language;the communicative view of language;the interactional view of language.2.Teaching Content: 1.How do we learn Language 2.View s on Language

3.Views on Language Learning and Learning in General 4.What makes a Good Language Teacher 5.How One become A Good Language Teacher 6.An overview of the book 3.Focal point and difficulty: The qualities of a good teacher 4.Main Points for examining: how to become a qualified English teacher Unit2 Communicative Principles and Task-based Language Teaching(6 hours 1.Basic demand: To discuss one of the most important trends in second/ foreign language teaching in the past three decades, that is the practice of communicative language teaching and task-based language teaching 2.Teaching Content:: Language Use in real life vs.traditional pedagogy What is communicative competence? Implications for teaching and learning Principles of communicative language teaching CLT and the teaching of language skills

Main features of communicative activities Task-based language teaching How to design tasks Appropriateness of CLT and TBLT in the Chinese context 3.Focal point and difficulty: The practice of communicative language teaching and task-based language teaching 4.Main Points for examining: how to design tasks Unit3 The National English Curriculum(4 hours 1.Basic demand: to understand the goals and objectives of English language teaching;performance standards for different levels of competence and challenges facing English languages 2.Teaching Content: 1.A brief history of foreign language teaching in China 2.Designing principles for the National English Curriculum 3.Goals and objectives of English language teaching 4.Design of he National English Curriculum 5.performance standards for different levels of competence 6.Challenges facing English languages

3.Focal point and difficulty: performance standards for different levels of competence and challenges facing English languages 4.Main Points for examining: Goals and objectives of English language teaching Unit 4 Lesson Planning(4 hours 1.Basic demand: To understand one of the most important components of language teachers’ work, lesson planning and the principles for good lesson planning 2.Teaching Content: 1Why is lesson planning necessary? 2Principles for good lesson planning 3Macro planning vs.micro planning 4Components of a lesson plan 5Sample lesson plans 6Conclusion 3.Focal point and difficulty: Components of a lesson plan 4.Main Points for examining:

writing lesson plan Unit 5 Classroom Management(4 hours 1.Basic demand: To discuss how language teachers can manage the classroom more effectively and efficiently and how to deal with errors.2.Teaching Content: The role of the teacher Classroom instructions Student grouping Questioning in the classroom Discipline in the language classroom Dealing with errors 3.Focal point and difficulty: how to manage the classroom more effectively and deal with errors.4.Main Points for examining: deal with errors according differently.Unit 6 Teaching Pronunciation(4 hours 1.Basic demand: To discuss how to teach pronunciation.2.Teaching Content: The role of pronunciation The goal of teaching pronunciation Aspects of pronunciation Practicing sounds Practicing stress and intonation Conclusion 3.Focal point and difficulty: The goal and some aspects of teaching pronunciation 4.Main Points for examining: some aspects of teaching pronunciation Unit 7 Teaching Grammar(4 hours 1.Basic demand: To discuss how to teach grammar.Although grammar is usually integrated with the teaching of other language components, it is still necessary to introduce ways to “focus on form”.2.Teaching Content: The role of grammar in Language learning Grammar presentation

Grammar practice Conclusion 3.Focal point and difficulty: Grammar presentation methods 4.Main Points for examining: Grammar presentation methods and grammar practice Unit 8 Teaching Vocabulary(4 hours 1.Basic demand: To discuss how to teach vocabulary.Although vocabulary is usually integrated with the teaching of reading, it is necessary to introduce ways to learn and consolidate vocabulary.2.Teaching Content: Understanding vocabulary and vocabulary learning What does knowing a new word involve Ways of presenting vocabulary Ways of consolidating vocabulary Developing vocabulary learning strategies Conclusion 3.Focal point and difficulty:

Ways of presenting vocabulary and consolidating vocabulary 4.Main Points for examining: how to present vocabulary and help student develop vocabulary learning strategies Unit 9 Teaching Listening(4 hours 1.Basic demand: To discuss how to teach listening, to introduce types of listening ac tivities and the ways to improve students’ listening ability

2.Teaching Content: Why does listening seem so difficult? What do we listening to in everyday life Characteristics of the listening process Principles for teaching listening Pre-listening activities While-listening activities Post-listening activities Conclusion Principles for teaching listening and how to design listening activities 4.Main Points for examining: how to design listening activities

Unit 10 Teaching speaking(4 hours 1.Basic demand: To discuss how to teach speaking.From the characteristics of spoken language, to introduce types of speaking tasks and the ways to improve students’ speaking ability

2.Teaching Content: What are the characteristics of spoken language? Designing speaking tasks Using group work in speaking tasks Types of speaking tasks Conclusion 3.Focal point and difficulty: Designing and using group work in speaking tasks 4.Main Points for examining: How to design speaking tasks and ho9w to organize group work in speaking tasks Unit 11 Teaching Reading(4 hours 1.Basic demand: To discuss how to teach reading.Analyze some skills involved in reading comprehension and principles and models for teaching reading.Introduce some reading activities 2.Teaching Content:

Reflecting on your reading experience How do we read? What do we read? Strategies involved in reading comprehension The role of vocabulary in reading Pre-reading activities While-reading activities Post-reading activities Conclusion 3.Focal point and difficulty: Strategies involved in reading comprehension and designing of reading activities 4.Main Points for examining: how to design reading activities and how to help student develop reading strategies Unit 12 Teaching Writing(4 hours 1.Basic demand: To discuss the nature of writing in reality.Analyze problems in writing tasks and to introduce a communicative approach to writing.Why ,what and how do we writing The nature of writing in reality A communicative approach to writing Problems in writing tasks A process approach to writing Motivating students to write Designing writing tasks Using the internet to promote process writing

Conclusion 3.Focal point and difficulty: A process approach to writing and motivating students to write 4.Main Points for examining: how to motivate students to write and how to design writing tasks Unit 13 Integrated Skills(4 hours 1.Basic demand: To discuss how to integrated four language skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing and the implications for teaching the four skill 2.Teaching Content: Why should we integrate the four skills? How can we integrate the four skills? What are the implications for teaching? What are the limitations of integrating the four skills Conclusion 3.Focal point and difficulty: how to integrate the four skills.4.Main Points for examining: how to integrate the four skills.Unit 14 Assessment in Language Teaching(4 hours 1.Basic demand: To discuss assessment purposes, methods, criteria, principles and testing in teaching English 2.Teaching Content: 1Understanding assessment Assessment purposes Methods for assessment Criteria Criteria Assessment Principles Tests in assessment Conclusion 3.Focal point and difficulty: Methods and criteria for assessment 4.Main Points for examining: Methods and criteria for assessment Unit 15 Learner Differences and Learner Training(4 hours)1.Basic demand: To discuss learner differences and learner training in language teaching 2.Teaching Content: 1.Understanding learner differences 2.Learner training in language teaching 3 Conclusion 3.Focal point and difficulty: understanding learner differences and learner training in language teaching 4.Main Points for examining: How to train learners in language teaching Unit 16 Using and Creating Resources(4 hours 1.Basic demand: to discuss the resources available and the resources hidden 2.Teaching Content: 1 What resources are available for teaching? 2 Exploring hidden resources 3 Conclusion 3.Focal point and difficulty: the resources available and the resources hidden 4.Main Points for examining: the resources available and the resources hidden Unit 17 Evaluating and Adapting Textbooks(4 hours 1.Basic demand: To discuss something about valuating textbooks, selecting textbooks and adapting textbooks 2.Teaching Content: Why and what? Evaluating textbooks Selecting textbooks Adapting textbook Conclusion 3.Focal point and difficulty: Adapting , evaluating textbooks and selecting textbooks 4.Main

Points for examining: Adapting, evaluating textbooks and selecting textbooks

四、课程教学形式与安排 课堂教学以学生为主体,教师为主导,采用讨论式,启发式,研究式教学方法。充分发挥学生的能动性和创造性。采用深入中学课堂学习、调查。请优秀教师传授经验,观看优质课教学录相带、分备课组讨论、试讲等多种形式。

五、建议使用的教材与教学参考书目 教 材: 王蔷 《英语教学法教程》高等教育出版,2005 年,第二版














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