《紫色》书评 读后感

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第一篇:《紫色》书评 读后感

Reviews of The Color Purple

As a girl, Celie, struggles through life while she slowly matures into a woman, she discovers the irony and hatred associated with life.This woman's life — her personal journal forms the incredibly well written story, The Color Purple.However, this story's meaningful content comes with a price: graphic sexual content and inappropriate language.Putting this aspect aside, The Color Purple's interesting plot twist kept me hooked throughout the story;I wanted to keep reading, and read I did, until I felt too tired to keep my eyes open.The Color Purple informs readers of the harsh lives of African American women who lived in the early 1900's.Terrible examples of the discrimination they received permeate this story, but they help to convey the author's message: no matter what happens, if you have hope, you will get through the tough times.Celie, the protagonist in this book, sets an example for everyone in the world today.Her husband constantly abuses her mentally, physically, and sexually;yet she never gives up hope, never stops dreaming of a better life, and in the end she learns how to live, learn, and love.After I finished reading this story, I began to appreciate many of the possessions I once took for granted.I finally

realized the cold hard reality of pain in this world, and even though I may think I can't live through another day, compared to many other people, my problems are non-existent.09英语2班

邓楚欣 Chrisdina

第二篇:紫色 书评

Once upon a time, for thousands of years, the status of the women is in the bottom, whether in the family or society, gender discrimination has been oppressed women, deprived of their political rights, education opportunity and social life.However, from the beginning of the mid eighteenth century, feminism has been put forward, then women's liberation movement lift a burst of tide, women began to fight for the rights of equality with men.A lot of women go out of the society and enter into the political area.Finally, they play an important role in politics.The uneducated Celie and her sister Nettie lived with their stepfather in the south of the United States.Celie was raped by her stepfather and gave birth to two children, but the children were given others by her stepfather.Her mother also died of a broken heart.Later, her stepfather married her to a rude blackman Mr.Albert, and she continued to suffer persecution.Luckily, her sister Nettie companied her.However, her husband Albert coveted Nattie and wanted to rape her.In the end ,Albert evicted her because ofher resistance, which made the sisters apart.From then on, Celie’s world became even more miserable.Year after year, Celie waited for her sister's letter painfully , but under her husband's dominance, it’s impossible for Celie to get letters from the mailbox.Afterwards, Shug, a singer who is admired by Albert, wasbroughtback to his home.Under the good care of Celie, Shug gradually recovered and established a good friendship with Celie.With the help of Shug, Celie found that Albert hided all letters from Nattie, and she realized that women also had liberty as long as they fighted.At last, Celie left Albert for getting freedom.She also became confident and learned to appreciate herself.After her stepfather died, Celie inherited the house and shops that her biological father left.The end of story is Celie reunited with her sister and her own children.She not only won her liberty, respect and love, but also established a harmonious relationship with men.When I read she reunited with her sister and her own children, I was deeply touched, and also cheered for her final freedom.If there is no her consciousness and no fight, she won't get the final freedom.We live in a peaceful age, so we should also have the spirit of revolt.When we encounter unfair treatment, we should strive to fight;when we encounter setbacks, we should be more confidence to the life, just like Celie, no matter how much persecution she suffered, she never lost confidence.Therefore,she fighted for her own freedom that she wanted to get.The book names Purple, since ancient times, people praise of purple.Being beautiful and mysterious, purple is the symbol of dignity and able to deeply impress people.It plays important role in the book.Purple represents the womanist’s good ideals and expection to gender relations.Purple also stands forgood affection between Celie and Nattie.It symbolizes the spiritual sustenance of Celie and goodliness.Therefore, its vanishment is also the beginning of nightmare, and it foils the theme , characters and fate.So purple becomes the color clues throughout this book.曾经,千百年来,女性的身份位于最底层的,无论是在家庭或是社会,性别的歧视一直压迫着女性,剥夺了她们受教育、参与政治以及社会生活的权利。然而从十八世纪中叶开始,女性主义不断被提出,随后妇女解放运动掀起一阵又一阵的浪潮,女性开始为了能够与男性平等进行抗争,争取权益。大量的女性走出社会,步入政治舞台,占领半边天。


































第五篇:《红字》书评 读后感

Book Review Of The Scarlet Letter

The Scarlet Letter offered an extraordinary thinsight into the norms andbehavior of the 17

century in American Puritan society.The female who gave birth to a baby out of wedlock would be jailed for three months and sentenced to wear a symbol of her adultery—a scarlet “A” on her dress all the time.It concerned about the moral, emotional and psyschological effect of sin on people in general.It was not a simply love story but a story of sin.The Scarlet letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne used the scarlet letters to symbolize the harshness ofPuritan society, showing that how they branded sinners for life.thThe story happened in Boston in 17 century.It narrated love affairs between three person, One was the punished woman Hester Prynne, the other was his husband who called himself Roger Chillingworth.He was an old misshappen man and a doctor.Hester did not love him at all.Another man was a young minister, Dimmesdale, who had a high position

among ministers and was highly respected among his people in town.Hester and Dimmesdale loved each other.But their love was forbidden at that time.It was sinful.Due to this, Hester was punished by society with a letter A on her chest, which considered an evil and a shame.In this novel, the mainline seemd to be around the letter A.Hester was brave enough to face the cruel reality.She was always with a mind of courage.She had been alone with her child for so long, with little communication.Shame!Hopelessness!Loneliness!Hester had to wear the letter A day after day, seven years as for punishment and ill fame.When a woman had lived through a difficult experience, her character changed a great deal.If she been all tenderness, she would die.If she survived, the tenderness would leave her.Hester‟s charitable deeds and quite humility had earned her a reprieve from the scorn of the community.The letter on her chest represented

her work on earth, always helping others, without excepting any thanks.Never afterwards, did that scarlet letter leave her chest.The townspeople no longer view the letter as a punishment, but rather as representing her great strength and bravery and they said it means „Able‟.But Arthur Dimmesdale, his sin against Hester and Pearl was that he would not acknowledge them as his wife and daughter in the daylight.He kept his dreadful secret from mysterious heart trouble, seemingly caused by psychological distress, what's worse, he was an advisor to the townspeople about their sins.After Mr.Dimmesdale‟s death, no one changed more in appearance than Roger Chillingworth.All his strength and energy had been used to harm his patient.This unhappy man aimed to add to the suffering of the young minister.When the evil old man no longer had such a purpose, the devil took him back to the hell.It is a curious subject of observation,however, whether hatred or love are not of the same place.Each takes a great deal of emotion from one person.The two feelings seem basically the same, except that one is smiled upon by God, while the other is worshipped by the devil.The two lovers had ever decided to flee to Europe, where they could live with their daughter Pearl as a family.They felt a sense of release there.However, their plan failed.When Hester died, she was buried next to Dimmesdale.The two shared a single tombstone with a deep colored letter A shining brightly.What stuck me when I read this, and remains with me today,is that it is those who presume to punish sin who are the real sinners, Chillingworth‟s life is one devoid of human feeling, devoid of any real joy as he lies in the stone cold bed of hatred and revenge.And to a lesser extent so it is with Dimmesdale who cannot forgive himself, who secretly flagellates himself so that his life becomes a hell on earth.On the other hand there is Hester who finds forgiveness and love with good works and in the jioy of her beautiful and precious Pearl and in her unstinting love for Dimmesdale and her hope and faith that a better life will come.09英语2班


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