
时间:2019-05-13 03:30:45下载本文作者:会员上传




【英文摘要】Task-based teaching method is put forward in the 1980s an important teaching method.This paper in oral English class teaching Chinese as a foreign language, discusses the important position in foreign language teaching approach the application of oral English teaching.The task-based teaching research in our English teaching and teaching Chinese as a foreign language, the application and the achievements and combining with the teaching practice and foreign Chinese oral English teaching, according to the specific characteristics of task-based language teaching principle and model, analyzes the task-based approach in the junior high three stages

respectively in oral English class Chinese as a foreign language, the application of task-based approach to a more objective evaluation.The final paper is put forward to the task-based teaching method mainly spoken textbooks principles and suggestion.【关键词】任务型教学法 对外汉语 口语教学 任务设计

【英文关键词】task-based teaching foreign language oral English teaching task design





2二、国内同类课题研究现状及发展趋势第一章 关于任务教学法12-19


3第一节 任务教学法的产生和定义13-1614-1

5第二节 任务教学法的理论基础


第三节 任务教学法




二、针对对外汉语教学的任务型教学法研究第二章 任务型口语教学法的交际任务、原则及教学模第一节 语言交际任务及交际大纲19-2



2121-23原则23-24则24-2525-26模式26-27第二节 任务型口语教学原则23-26






一、Ellis 第三节 任务型教学的教学模式26-30


第第三章 任务型教学法在对外汉语口语教学中的应用30-43一节 任务教学法在初级汉语口语课的教学30-34语口语课的教学目标与教学内容30-31教学环节与教学方法语课的教学34-3734-3636-3737-4037-3838-40



二、初级汉语口语课的第二节 任务教学法在中级汉语口


二、中级汉语口语课的教学环节与教学方法第三节 任务教学法在高级汉语口语课的教学


二、高级汉语口语课的教学环节与教学方法第四节 任务型口语教学中教师的作用40-

41第五节 对任务型口语教学的评价41-43教材编写的一些建议编写原则43-47



第四章 对任务型口语

第一节 以交际任务为基础的教材





43四、科学性45第二节 教材编写建议47-49主线编排课文47









任务型教学(Task-Based Approach)是20世纪80年代外语教学研究者经过大量研究和实践提出的一个具有重要影响的语言教学模式。该模式以任务为中心,是20年来交际教学思想的一种发展形态,它把语言运用的基本理念转化为具有实践意义的课堂教学方式。任务型教学法产生于国外,始于1979年,N.S.Prabhu在印度高科技区进行了一项强交际法的实验(Bangalore Project)提出了许多任务类型,并把学习内容设计成各种交际任务,让学生通过完成任务进行学习。Prabhu的这项实验可以看作是把任务作为课堂设计的单元的第一次尝试,并引起了语言教学界的关注。任务型教学法以具体的任务为学习动力或动机,以完成任务的过程为学习的过程,以展示任务成果的方式(而不仅仅是以测试的分数)来体现教学的成就。在教学过程中,教师围绕特定的交际目的和语言项目,设计出可操作性强的、任务化的教学活动,运用学习任务组织教学,强化了语言实际应用的过程,充分体现了语言的交际本质;学生通过多种语言活动完成任务,达到学习语言和掌握语言的目的。近年来,国际上广泛采用任务型教学途径。我国的《英语课程标准》以学生 “能做某事”的描述方式设定各级目标要求。要求学生在教师的指导下,通过“任务型”学习活动发展他们的“综合语言运用能力”。它要求教师应该避免单纯传授语言知识的教学方法,尽量采用“任务型”的教学途径。教师应依据课程的总体目标并结合教学内容,创造性地设计贴近学生实际的教学活动,吸引和组织他们积极参与。学生通过思考、调查、讨论、交流和合作等方式,学习和使用英语,完成学习任务。这说明任务型教学途径是我国外语教育教学改革的一个走向。同时,现采用的人教版PEP小学英语教材,从内容的选择,层次的递进,课程的设置等各方面都很适合任务型教学的实施。为此,我们在课堂进行了任务型教学模式的研究,旨在构建小学英语任务型教学模式的课堂结构和提供一套相应的操作措施。













笔者认为,“任务型”教学活动中所设置的活动要有明确的目的性和可操作活动应以学生的生活经验和兴趣为出发点,设计出让小学生乐于参加的游戏、猜谜、小制作的小品表演等活动,使学生在学中玩,玩中学,紧紧地抓住他们的好奇心理,吸引他们的注意力,参与到活动中来,比如:学习第五册Unit 3时让学生为自己喜欢的食品制一份广告的活动,能大大调动学生的学习积极性,激发他们的兴趣,当他们能顺利完成任务感受成功的时候,就会树立起自信心,把兴趣化成动机,豪情满怀地参加到学习中来,在学习过程中遇到的困难也能克服。


任务型教学采取合作学习,注意组内的合理分工 任务型教学中所设计的任务大部分依靠小组活动来完成,小组的作用不仅体现在课堂上,它还可以延伸到课外,取得良好的效果。小组是一个密不可分的整体,是亲密的合作伙伴。采用合作学习的方式有利于学生共同提高。同时要确保每个学生都有事可做,这点非常重要。因此,学生在组内要有明确的分工。每组的组长要协助教师组织和监督任务的执行情况。教师的任务是:规定任务准备与完成的日期、任务内容、展示要求和注意事项。



第三篇:任务型教学法 论文



Abstract...................................................................................................................................i 摘要.......................................................................................................................................ii 1.Introduction.......................................................................................................................1 2.Literature review................................................................................................................2 2.1 Definition of a task......................................................................................................2 2.2 Task-based language teaching in reading ……………………………………………3

3.Application of task-based language teaching in reading.................................................5 3.1 Pre-reading stage..........................................................................................................7 3.2 While-reading stage.....................................................................................................7 3.3 Post-reading stage........................................................................................................9 4.Evaluation..........................................................................................................................9 5.Conclusion.......................................................................................................................12 Works Cited.........................................................................................................................13

On application of Task-based Language Teaching in English Reading in Junior High Schools

Wu Xiangzhen

Abstract: The teaching of reading in junior high schools is a crucial part of teaching English.The New English Curriculum, which advocates the method of task-based language teaching, has been carried out throughout China for many years.It emphasizes learning by doing and aims at providing opportunities for the learners to experiment with both spoken and written language through learning activities.The paper first analyzes some difficulties in teaching reading.Then it proposes the model of task-based language in teaching reading in order to overcome these difficulties.The third part explores its application at three stages: pre-reading, while-reading and post-reading.Finally it evaluates the effectiveness of the task-based language teaching.Key words: task-based language teaching;junior high schools;English reading



摘要: 初中英语阅读教学是英语教学中一个非常重要的部分。《英语课程标准》已经在中国普遍实施,并且它提倡任务型教学模式。任务型教学法提倡在做中学,并且通过活动旨在给学习者提供口语和书面语练习的机会。本文首先介绍了造成英语阅读教学的一些困难。然后提出了任务型教学英语阅读的教学模式为了克服这些困难。第三部分探讨了它在三个阶段的实施:阅读前、阅读中和阅读后。最后评价了任务型教学法的有效性。



On application of Task-based Language Teaching in English Reading in Junior High Schools


When I worked as an intern in a junior high school, many students have low reading levels and limited skills.There are some difficulties in reading.The main difficulty is their limited English vocabulary.Some students lack English vocabulary, so they cannot understand the connotation of reading materials.However, if we want to understand the reading materials, we must have sufficient vocabulary.In other words, sufficient vocabulary can help us have a good comprehension of reading materials.But the junior high schools’ students have limited English vocabulary, which affect the comprehension of reading materials.What’s more, students don’t know how to build up their vocabulary.Another problem is students’ bad English reading habit.The junior high schools’ students don’t have a good habit of reading English.First, students have a small amount of English reading.Students only read the text-books and do exercises, then they don’t read other English materials.Second, most students have no interest in reading English materials.Third, most students read the passage word by word, and they don’t understand the meaning of the passage as a whole.They rely on teacher’s translation and explanation.In addition, many students have poor English reading skills.Most students have not mastered basic English reading comprehension skill.First, when students do some reading comprehension, they frequently read the article first, and then read the title and the last part of the passage to find out the answer.This is not only a waste of time, but also there is no effect to read in this way.Second, a large number of students don’t pay enough attention to the topic sentence.They read the article word by word and cannot logically understand the passage.So teachers should develop students’ reading skill gradually because it is remarkably crucial for students to improve reading ability.According to the reading problems in junior high schools’ students, we can see the present situation of reading teaching in English clearly.In such a situation, is task-based language teaching effective in improving students’ reading ability? This is the issue the

paper is intended to explore.2.Literature review 2.1 Definition of a task

Before we want to know task-based language teaching, we should first know what the meaning of a task is.Many people have given a definition to a task.A variety of definitions of a task can be found as follows: According to Long, a task refers to the all kinds of things people do in their daily life, at work and at entertainment.A task is that when you ask some other people what things they do and they will tell those things to you.But they are not the applied linguists.(Chen Yajie 3)

In Crookes’s opinion a task is that the work is along with a purpose, and it is accomplished as a part of a course or work, or it is used to obtain the research data.Breen gave a definition to a task, any kind of language behavior that has been organized carefully, it has specific goals, appropriate content, specific teaching process and a variety of different results.So a task is considered as a series of work plan, whose overall goal is to promote the language learning, whether the practice is simple or the activity is complicated, such as solving the problem, make a decision through the group work.(Chen Yajie 6)

According to Bygate et.al., a task is a kind of activity that is influenced by the teaching in short or long term, it needs the learners to pay attention to the meaning of the language and use the language to achieve the goal.(Chen Yajie 6)

Willis thinks the task of language activities the learners use, they are not only to communicate objections, but also to achieve a goal.(Chen Yajie 6)

Prabhu thinks “[A task is] an activity which requires learners to arrive at an outcome from given information through some process of thought, and which allowed teachers to control and regulate that process.”(Prahbu 24).Nunnan thinks “a task is a piece of classroom work that involves learners in comprehending, manipulating, producing or interacting in the target language while their attention is focused on mobilizing their grammatical knowledge in order to express meaning, and in which the intention is to convey meaning rather than to manipulate form.The task should also have a sense of completeness, being able to stand alone as a communicative act in its own right with a beginning, a middle and an end.”


8).Skehan thinks “a task is an activity in which 1)meaning is primary 2)learners are not given other people’s meaning to regurgitate 3)there is some sort of relationship to comparable real-world activities 4)task completion has some priority 5)the assessment of the task is terms of outcome.”(Skehan 9).Ellis thinks a kind of work plan requires learners to deal with the language when they are using the language in real life in order to achieve an outcome, and the evaluation of the results can see whether it conveys the correct or appropriate propositional content.So, it needs learners to focus on the meaning of the language firstly and take advantage of their knowledge of the language, although the design of the task may lead them to choose a specific language form in advance.A task aims at using the language and this using may direct or indirect relate to the language use in real world.Like other language activities, a task can involve output and receptive skills, oral and written communication skills, as well as a variety of cognitive process.(Edwards & Wllis 18)

All the experts mentioned above had given their own definitions to a task on different aspects.For example, Breen sees a task as a work-plan, which have the overall purposes of facilitating language learning from the simple and brief exercise type.However, Skehan described the five key characteristics of a task.In my opinion, I think a task is that the teacher puts forward some requirements that you need to do some activities to accomplish by using some devices.A task is that people do some things in order to achieve some goals and the activities carried out by people become a necessity in the language using.2.2 Task-based language teaching in reading

Task-based language teaching is a kind of effective approach which was first started and radically established since 1980s.It is a development of Communicative Language Teaching.It is first put forward by Prabhus.Some experts had given other definitions of task-based language teaching.Nunan thought task-based language teaching is an approach to the design of language course in which the point of departure is not an ordered list of linguistic items, but a collection of tasks.(Nunan19-38)Jane Willis thinks task-based language teaching is an approach to language teaching which makes use of authentic materials in communicative tasks.These pedagogical tasks

reflect real-world tasks that the learners in a given situation would complete as a part of their daily life.Pedagogical tasks act as building blocks to an ultimate objective.Thus, TBLT relies both on the learner’s ability to learn analytically and on the teacher’s flexibility and creativity are demanded as he/she diagnoses the outcomes of each task and creates new materials in response to newly revealed learner needs.TBLT is a complex approach to language teaching, but in its complexity it responds to both current SLA theory as well as the practical needs of the classroom.(Willis72-75)

The task-based approach aims at providing opportunities for the learners to experiment with and explore both spoken and written language through learning activities which are designed to engage learners in the authentic, practical and functional use of language for meaningful purposes.(Hong Kong’s English Syllabus)

According to those definitions of task-based language teaching, a lot of scholars tend to put it into teaching reading in Junior English.In order to use it effectively, people do some many researches from abroad and at home.In other countries, Prabhu gave a definition to a task in his book Second Language Pedagogy.He carried out the famous Bangalore Communicational Teaching Project in India for around five years.He put forward a lot of task types, and designed the content into a variety of communicative tasks learning to let students learn by completing tasks.Prabhu’s Bangalore Communicational Teaching Project is a milestone in Second Language teaching and he has laid a solid basis for the further development of task-based language teaching.(Prabhu53-56)

Jane Willis and Peter Skehan put forward a model for achieving the concerned about the balance the communication on one hand, and form a general on the other hand.The framework of the model is pre-task, during-task and post-task.Willis emphasized a methodology for using tasks to combine naturalness of communication with opportunities to focus on form.Skehan made a similar attempt to show how balance between form and meaning can be achieved.In addition, he tried to link the methodology to the information-processing framework more explicitly.They put tasks at the center of Second Language teaching and learning, which gives opportunities to learn well.What’s more, they gave a clear, practical and ready-made framework for task-based teachers and researchers.This framework results from extensive trials of TBLT all over the world.Regarding the methodological procedures for implementing the task-based language teaching work-plan in class, Rod Ellis takes into two kinds of procedures: the lesson plan and participatory structure.The purpose of the task-based methodology is to give

opportunities for language learning and skills development by means of building the cooperation knowledge.According to these researchers and other researchers’ study, it contributes to the development of task-based approach.They give the direction of task-based approach in English teaching and learning as a foreign language.And also, they give a clue for our country’s study in task-based approach.In China, the research of the task-based language teaching started in 1990s.Xia Jimei and Wu Xudong firstly introduced task-based language teaching to China.And many researchers tend to put it into English teaching, especially in teaching the reading of English.With the carry out of The English Curriculum Standard, the study has developed furthermore.Nonetheless, their study is still at the beginning of the stage.In recent years, many scholars and English teachers strive to put the task-based language teaching into reading teaching such as Lu Li, Lin Lixian, and Ma Yinghua.Lu Li made an experiment of one-year task-based language teaching in the middle school and found that experimental class made more progress in listening and writing than the control class.Ma Yinghua analyzed the characteristics of the task-based reading instruction and made an attempt on the combination of task-based language teaching model with the traditional material.In her point of view, the effective integration of the task-based language teaching model with the traditional language-focused reading model brings about the improvement of students’ language comprehension ability.Their research enlightens, inspires and supports the task-based language teaching in English reading instruction.But it is a pity that their studies are only restricted to theory research or a separate lesson design.The research both at home and abroad shows that we should make more efforts on studying task-based reading instruction and put task-based language teaching into English reading class so that we can improve students’ comprehension ability, the talent of using language and some other capabilities.So we should use task-based language teaching in English reading class.3.Application of task-based language teaching in reading

This part will demonstrate the procedures to carry out a task-based language teaching in English reading.5

All the traditional models of teaching reading cannot improve students’ language ability, so many experts attempt to find another effective way.They find the task-based language teaching is useful in teaching reading.So many teachers try to apply the model to teaching reading in English class.In this part, I would use the example that I used when I was a practice teacher in junior middle school.I would use the example to present the procedure of task-based language teaching in reading.The example is from the English textbook published by Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.The lesson is Module 3, unit 2.The title is The Library is on the Left of the Playground.Before using the example, I will introduce some models of teaching reading in English.Firstly, the traditional model.Based on bottom-up model of reading, this model uses traditional Grammar-Translation Method to teach reading.It is teacher-centered model.During the learning process, the teacher acts as a dominator and the students are only like receptacles.The teacher talks from the beginning to the end through the whole class.The teacher explains the grammar rules, analyzes sentence structures, translates the passage sentence by sentence and explains the keywords and sentences to students.In this kind of class, students almost have no time to read, to think, to speak and to practice.They have no opportunities to express their own ideas to the whole class and the teacher.Students are totally ignored by the teacher and they have no chance to communicate with each other.As a result, the students lack the ability to communicate with each other and lack the comprehension competence, then they cannot use the English language well.But it also has some advantages.It improves the students’ writing ability as well as it enables the students to form a more solid knowledge of grammar.In this model, I will introduce some grammar to the students and when the students cannot understand my instructions or some explanations, I will use the mother tongue to explain the instructions, Secondly, Question-and-answer model.In order to change the traditional model in English teaching and improve the students’ ability to use language, then teachers adopt the ask-and-answer model to replace of the traditional model.I will ask some questions to let the students answer.Through the process of question-and-answer, the students improve the ability of expressing themselves.What’s more, the Presentation, Practice and Production model.Almost all the teachers are familiar with the Presentation, Practice and Production(PPP)model of teaching.A PPP lesson would be started by the teacher introducing a new language item

in context followed by some controlled practices, such as repetition, read the passage or dialogue and so on.Students then move on to produce the language in a more meaningful way, such as a role play, a drama, an interview and so on.After the students accomplishing the tasks, I will let the students present their achievements.Meanwhile, I will ask them to practice the language points they have learned in the class.I combine these traditional models with the task-based language teaching model.Then it improves the efficiency of teaching.3.1 Pre-reading stage

In this stage, I introduce some knowledge that is necessary to achieve the tasks, and some other skills.And I put forward some tasks for the students to complete.(1)At the beginning of the class, I present some pictures to let students guess the words according to the pictures.Show the pictures to the students, and let them know the words and phrases: dinning hall, playground, school office, classroom building, sports hall, science building, the library and school gate.Let the students master the basic names of the building in school.(2)Practice to use those phrases and words that have been learned last class: behind, front, in front of, on the right, on the right of, on one’s right, on the left, on the left of, on one’s left and between…and….And the students can use the phrases and words to describe the pictures.(3)Show the picture that the textbook used, let the students open the book and read the title together, then ask the students to get some information from the title and the picture.(4)According to the title, The Library is on the Left of the Playground, instruct the students to predict: what will the passage talk about? 3.2 While-reading stage(1)Skimming.Require the students to read the passage quickly and to find out the new words and phrases that they think important.List some questions about the passage on the blackboard to let the students answer after they reading the passage.① How many buildings are there in our school according to the passage? ② What are the names of the building? ③ Is the playground in the middle of the school?

(2)Scanning.Let the students read the passage again and understand the meaning of the passage.(3)Careful reading.Ask the students to read the passage carefully, and catch the key words.Firstly, the teacher should explain what the key words are to the students.Then let them read the passage carefully and concentrate on the key words.Secondly, ask some questions to let the students answer.④ What is on the left of the playground? ⑤ What things are there in the library? ⑥ Where are the school offices? ⑦ How many classrooms are there in the classroom buildings? ⑧ Where is the dinning hall? ⑨ Where is the sports hall? ⑩ Where is the science building? 11 Where are the science labs and computer rooms?(4)After the students answering the questions, I let them fill the blank on the blackboard.(4)Then read the passage again and check whether they have questions or not.8 Classroom building


School gate In this stage, I also use the Question-and-Answer model.By using the methods of questioning, answering, facilitating and directing, the information is presented in a variety of ways rather than in one way, in other words, the teachers’ instruction is merely changed into the communication between the teacher and the students.Thus, the students have the chance to take part in classroom activities, and the teacher can understand part of the students’ ideas.What’s more, the teacher dominates the class all the time, which results in the fact that the students cannot take turns to express their ideas.According to this model, it strengthens the interaction between the teacher and the students.What’s more, when the students cannot understand the questions or some instructions, I would use the mother tongue to explain it.By using the traditional model, it can use the task-based language teaching better and can help the students accomplish the tasks more effectively.In this stage, students understand and master the passage according to the questions and tasks the teacher puts forward.Through the pair work or group work, students develop the spirit of cooperation and they can express their ideas bravely.According to the processes of accomplishing the tasks, students can understand the passage better.3.3 Post-reading stage(1)Require the students to present their answers to the classmates.(2)Then according to the form on the blackboard, let the students retell the passage.Before retelling the passage, the teacher should give some minutes to the students to prepare and encourage them not to be afraid of making mistakes.(3)After retelling the passage, let the students use the words and phrases they have learned to describe our school.In this stage, students present their achievements.In addition, they apply the knowledge they have learned to the real life.Then they will master the knowledge better and they will apply the knowledge into the real life.4.Evaluation

According to the example, we find the task-based language teaching have some features.Firstly, it must have a clear goal.Secondly, we should use the examples which are close to the students’ life and the students are interested in them.Thirdly, this is the process of the students to obtain, dispose and communicate information.Fourthly, in this

model, the students must use the target language to do activities.What’s more, when the students use the language, they should pay attention to expressing meaning.At last, we must obtain a product from the activities.According to this example, there are a lot of advantages of the model of task-based language teaching.Firstly, task-based language teaching focuses on the real situation let students accomplish the goals to master the useful, meaningful language.It is a student-entered model, students have many opportunities to do things in class activities, which would help students improve their ability to use language and open up their thinking.In the example, the students have a number of activities to do.During the process of achieving the activities, they master the language points and know how to express their ideas and how to use the language.Secondly, in TBLT, there are many interactions between teachers and students, between students and students, it will provide an opportunity to develop students’ communicative skills and it can acquire various ideas of the topic from each other.In the example, according to the teacher asks the questions and the students answer the questions, the teacher understands the students’ ideas and the students can express their ideas bravely.Through the process, the students develop their communicative skills.Thirdly, in TBLT, students use group-work or pair-work, students will learn many things from others and feel at home in such an environment.Then they would like to study in this situation and build up their confidence.In the example, the students are fond of the model very much.They would like to express their ideas and they like to take part in the class activities.The atmosphere of the class is very good.And the teacher likes teaching in such an atmosphere.Fourthly, task-based language teaching presents the tasks at the beginning of the class, so the students would do the activities according to the tasks.So students would be interested in the class and arouse the students’ enthusiasm to study.It changes the students’ passive learning model.Fifthly, task-based language teaching has purpose, process and the comprehensive characteristics.According to deal with the problems in the process, the students develop their thinking and they learn to use different kinds of learning strategies to solve a variety of different kinds of problems.As for teachers, they may feel much happier in TBLT class than in traditional class because students like participating in the class and their performance are intensely active.10

They show much interest in reading.In TBLT, students may present a lot of strange questions, so teachers should broaden the scope of their knowledge to help students solve these strange problems.It can improve teachers’ skills.We can see the model of the task-based language teaching has so many advantages, but there are also some limitations.Firstly, it takes much time and many tasks cannot be accomplished well.There are many tasks to achieve, but the class time is limited, so teachers can not finish all the tasks, which suggests that teachers should find a better way to finish all the tasks efficiently.When I have a class with this model, because there are many interactions between the teacher and the students, and there are many activities, I cannot finish the class in time.As a consequence, I cannot accomplish the tasks very well.Secondly, the teacher cannot make sure that every student can efficiently take part in the tasks.Some students are poor in English, so they do not participate in the activities in class or they are only to be audiences and listeners.Because the class is very big and there are fifty-two students, when I have a class, I cannot pay attention to each student.When they do the activities, some students are only to have a chat.Thirdly, because of group-work or pair-work, students should discuss different ideas with each other, sometimes the discipline in the class will be very poor.The teacher can not manage the class effectively.Due to the big class, sometimes the class is very noisy and I cannot keep them quiet.So it may influence the effectiveness of the teaching.What’s more, because of the examination-oriented education, almost all teachers give up this teaching model.In spite of these limitations, the model of task-based language teaching is an effective way to teach reading in junior middle school.When I use the task-based language teaching to teach a passage, I find the students are more likely to study and they want to take part in the activities.They are brave enough to express their ideas.The atmosphere of the class is active Not only the students can learn things from the teacher and other classmates, but also the teacher can learn things from the students.What’s more, through the model of task-based language teaching, I also develop my communicative skills.And I am better at managing the class.Also, I can deal with the relationships between the teacher and the students better.So we should advocate this model and apply this model to teaching English reading.11

4.Conclusion The New English Curriculum requires teachers should use task-based language teaching in their classes.Reading plays an important role in teaching English.What’s more, to speak English clearly and make the pronunciation more standard is very important.At the same time, the ability of reading comprehension, creative thinking, solving problem and cooperative spirit has become the essential needs in today’s society, so teachers should use it to teach reading.The TBLT has many advantages, but it also has some limitations.So the teacher should continue to strengthen advantages and overcome limitations.In order to implement the task-based language teaching effectively in junior school English reading class, teachers need to further explore its implementation.But on the whole, the model of task-based language teaching is an effective and feasible approach to teaching reading in junior high school.12

Works Cited

Edwards,Corony & Jane Wllis.《任务型英语教学法:课堂研究与实践》,高等教育出版社,2009.[Edwards,Corony & Jane Wllis.Teachers Exploring Tasks in English Language Teaching, Higher Educational Press, 2009.] Harmer, Jeremy.How to Teach English, Cambridge University Press, 2004.Nunan, David.Task-based Language Teaching, Cambridge University Press, 2004.Prabhu N.S., Second Language Pedagogy, Oxford University Press, 2001.Skehan, Peter.Cognitive Approach to Language Learning, Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign

Language Educational Press, 2001.Willis, Jane.Framework for Task-based Learning, London: Longman, 1996.社,2011。


[Wang Qiang, A Course in English Language Teaching.Higher Educational Press, 2006.]




First of all, I would like to express my sincere acknowledgments to my supervisor Xu, for her detailed guidance, critical insights and great patience in the accomplishment of the thesis.Without her invaluable advice and help, the present thesis could not have come into being.Mrs.Xu always gives me precious, valuable and constructive suggestions.I am also grateful to my teachers for their enlightening courses during the undergraduate program and their great help at the thesis proposal stage.Finally my deep gratitude goes to my family and friends for supporting me with both understanding and encouragement throughout my thesis.14


广东河源市龙川县培英学校 张晓燕




新的《英语课程标准》明确指出“此次课程改革的重点是要改变英语课程过分强调语法和词汇知识的讲解与传授、忽视对学生实际语言运用能力的倾向……” 显而易见,“改变过分强调语法的讲解与传授的倾向”只是要求改变以前语法教学的教法,并不是要求放弃语法教学。










如新目标英语八年级(上),Unit 1的语法项目是频度副词的用法,若生硬地将所有的频度副词都罗列出来,让学生认读并记住它们的含义与用法,效果是可想而知的。教师可利用本单元的话题What do you usually do on weekends? 通过这种方式自然地引出频度副词:Do you watch TV every day? Oh, I see.You watch TV three times a week.How about you? How often do you watch TV? Oh, you hardly ever watch TV….一边与学生交流,一边板书含有频度副词的句子,并用彩色粉笔将频度副词three times a week, never, hardly ever, sometimes, often等标出来,让学生自己去观察、去总结新语言内在规律,这样的效果肯定会好些。



在总结“It’s + adj.+ for sb.+ to do”的句型时,借助图片进行教学,教学效果较好。首先呈现一幅小男孩在街上踢球的图,然后师生对话:

T: What is the boy doing? S: He is playing football.T: Is it dangerous? S: Yes.T: It is dangerous for the boy to play football in the street.(板书)然后再出示几幅图片,引出以下几个句子:

It’s bad for our eyes to read in bed.It’s good for our health to do sports.为了让学生更好地巩固所学的句型,还可以让学生以小组合作的方式,用所学句型造句。在以这种以图片创设情景的活动中,语法知识由抽象变为具体,从而使语法学习降低了难度,也激发了学生的学习兴趣,使他们学得快,记得牢,用得活。(3)利用表演创设情景

在学习句型结构“be + adj.+ enough to do sth.”和“be too + adj.to do sth.”时,教师可让班内一高一矮两位学生A和B站在讲台前,然后指着日光灯对他们说:“Try your best to reach the light, will you?”学生A很容易地触到了灯。教师便指着他说:“A is tall enough to reach the light.”

而学生B跳了几次都碰不到,教师可指着他说:“B is too short to reach the light.”在以上情景活动中,语法知识由抽象变得形象,从而降低了语法学习的难度,激发了学生学习英语的积极性,使他们学得快,记得牢,用得活。(4)利用实物创设情景

如形容词的比较等级时,可以拿三个大小不相同的东西(apple),一个比一个大。一边问,一边答: A: What's this? B:It's an apple.A: Which is bigger? B: The first one is bigger.B: Which is the biggest of all? B: The second one is the biggest of all.这种自问自答,可以让学生跟着老师重复几遍,直到他们自己能够独立进行表演为止,然后把这些句子写在黑板上,以加深学生的理解。最后可以再举一些例子,通过反复练习,学生对比较等级会有一个比较深刻的认识。



如:在教不定冠词a /an的用法的时候,先列举几个例子让学生观察他们: It’s a new book.I read an interesting story.Lily wants to buy an eraser.Tom is a clever boy.然后分小组讨论这些句子有什么共同点,学生马上就发现这些句子都用了不定冠词a /an;接着启发学生继续观察a/an后面的词有什么特点,通过讨论分析,学生很快就明白了a/an后面要跟可数名词单数。接下来可问学生为什么有些名词前用a,而有些却用an呢?让学生认真观察这些名词的特点,从而得出结论:以元音音素开头的名词前用an;以辅音音素开头的名词前用a。



如:树上有一个梨。There is a pear the tree.(on, in)学生通常会选择介词“on”来填空,这是对的;可是再来一题:树上有一只小鸟。There is a bird the tree.(on,in)学生还是选择介词“on”这就错了。学生说:“老师,不都是在树上吗?怎么会错?”这时,教师可以引导学生,让他们认真思考“a pear”和“a bird”跟“树”有什么关系。分析、讨论后,同学们就发现:原来“a pear”是“树”上本身长出来的,而“a bird”是外来的事物,不是“树”上长出来的。所以,虽然都是在“树”上,但是所选择的介词却完全不同。经过观察、对比、讨论和分析,问题一下就解决了。


教师可以利用教学游戏活化语法规则。设计精巧、难易适度的游戏活动会起到意想不到的教学效果。如:在教现在进行时态时,可进行“a guessing game”,请一些同学到讲台上表演一个动作,其他同学猜测。可以用What are you doing? Are you reading/writing/playing basketball…?这些问句对表演者进行提问,从而进一步掌握现在进行时态。


小组讨论能充分发挥学生的能动性,学生能积极参与,在交际中运用所学语言知识。如在教情态动词should 的用法时,可以先提出一个问题:I argued with my best friend.What should I do? 让学生进行小组讨论。学生经过讨论后,可能给出以下答案: You should say sorry to her.You should call her up.You should write her a letter.You should buy her a present.那么,通过讨论,学生将会更快地掌握情态动词should 的用法。


有些语法知识难以区分,运用图表就能一目了然,如在教a little;little;a few;few这几个词的用法时,就可采用图表,如:

可数名词 不可数名词

肯定意义 a few A little 否定意义 few little





【摘要】: 课堂活动是课堂教学的主要内容,传统的课堂活动以教师、教材为中心,学生处于被动地位,而任务型教学则是以学生为主体,以任务为中心,以话题为主线,发展学各方面的素质。在《新课程标准》指导下,将任务型教学运用到人教英语教材中,学生的英语能力能够得到很大的提高。







任务型教学模式(Task-based Learning)是20世纪80年代外语教学研究者经过大量实践和研究总结出的具有重大影响意义的语言教学模式。它将语言运用的基本理念转化为具有实践意义的课堂教学方式,其实质是交际教学思想的一种新的发展态势。

根据社会认知主义理论,学习语言的最终目的是在实际中使用语言,交流的过程与语言成品(Linguistic product)同样重要(张建伟、陈琦,1996)。语言学习是一个积极的动态过程。而以任务型教学活动为模式的英语课堂教学,其理论基础是“输入与互动”。强调掌握语言大多是在交际活动中使用语言的结果,而不是单纯训练语言技能和学习语言知识的结果。外语课堂教学中具有的“变化性互动”而形成的各项活动,即任务。学生通过可以理解的输入与输出的对话性互动,来完成老师设计的各项任务,进而产生语言运用的能力。简单的说就是“为学而用,在用中学,学了就用”。






英国语言学家 Jane Willis 于 1996 年提出任务型教学的基本步骤是任务前(Pre-task)、任务中(While-task)和任务后(Post-task)。我们认为它合理、简便、易操作,充分体现了学生自主学习、合作学习、创新学习的精神,体现了以学生为本的理念。我们在此基础上增加检查评价和家庭练习两步,形成了五个基本步骤:任务前、任务中、任务后、检查评价和家庭作业,使课上与课下浑然一体。具体步骤如下:











(GO for it!-(Book Two)-Unit Nine How was your weekend?)1.教学目标






(1)— What did you do last weekend?

— I played the soccer./We went to the beach.(2)—What did she do last weekend?

— She did her homework.(3)What did he do last weekend? —He went to the movies.(4)What did they do last weekend? ——They played tennis.3.单元任务

Task 1:哪些同学的周末过得有意义?并说出其理由。

Task 2:问每位同学的周末过的怎么样。

Task 3:怎样才能提高自己的英语水平?

Task 4:看哪位学生做得最棒!

Task 5:要求学生在网上搜寻国内外名人的周末活动和喜好。4.教学过程

Step 1.Pre-task:哪些同学的周末过得有意义?并说出其理由。Names Activities you guess Activities he / she did

Li Ming Went to the cinema Watched TV at home

①Lead-in Do you know your classmates / or your close friends well?

Do you know what did they do last weekend? ②在表中填写你的三个同学或朋友的姓名,先猜一猜他们在上周末做了什么事,然后分别去核实一下你的猜测是否正确(除了问他们上周末干了什么以外,还询问他们为什么要做那些事)。


● —What did you do last weekend? —I watched TV at home.● —Why did you like watching TV? —Because it's relaxing.● —How was your weekend? —It’s great!I went to the beach.It was OK.I did my homework and watched TV.It was not good.I cleaned my room and studied for the math test.Step 2.While-task: 多少量的课外活动是合理的?

① Lead-in 让学生说出上周末除了学习以外还进行的其它活动。例如:played computer games, did exercise, read books.②让每个学生填写以下表格: How was your last weekend?(Activity)It was great!Because…..It was OK.Because …..It was not OK.Because….Read English books

Listened to English songs Talked in English Wrote a diary in English




⑥完成任务所需的语言:What did you do last weekend?

How was your weekend?

Step 3.Post-task: 怎样才能提高自己的英语水平?


①If we want to improve our English, what can we do?(让学生就以上问题自由发言,教师帮助。)②把英语学得较好的同学分到各个小组,由组员分别对他们进行采访(采访内容见下表),了解他/她是怎样学习英语的。

注意:可根据实际情况替换动词或表示频度的短语。③让学生根据表格中填写的内容总结学习英语的有效方法。④完成任务所需的语言: ● What did you do last weekend?

● Did you listen to English on the radio every day? ● What else did you do? Did your parents help you with your English?

Step 4.Assessment 看哪位学生做得最棒!


(2)把评选出的方法形成文字贴在班级版报上进行展览交流。Step 5.Homework 要求学生在网上搜寻国内外名人的周末活动和喜好。根据课堂任务内容,让学生个人或小组在网上收集自己感兴趣的国内外名人,掌握如何用英语获取信息的能力。这些可以从介绍名人的文章或个人资料中查找,把各自的成果向班上报告,并完成一篇相关短文。












1.教育部.《英语课程标准》(实验稿).北师大出版社,2001 年.2.钟启泉,等.《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》解读.华东师大出版社.2001 年.3.章兼中.《国外外语教学法主要流派》.华东师大出版社.1982 年.4.教育部.《英语课程标准解读》(实验稿).北师大出版社.2002 年.5.Go for it.《新目标英语》.人民教育出版社.2006.6.鲁子问.《中小学英语真实任务教学实践论》.外语教学与研究出版社.2003 年.7.曹文山.简论任务型教学模式在基础英语教学中的实施.中小学英语教改与探索.2003,(1).



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