Ascending the river on Qingming Festival is one of the ten most famous Chinese paintings that are regarded as a nation treasure, kept in the palace museum in Beijing.It is a typical genre painting of the northern song dynasty which was painted by a famous painter—Zhang Zeduan.It portrays the buildings and daily lives of people in the capital Bian Jing, in Northern Song dynasty.The first part of the scroll is the beautiful spring scenery in the suburb which includes several cottages, bridges, streams, old trees and small boats.This part presents the certain time and customs of Qingming and makes preparation for the following part.The middle part is the busy wharf of Bian river, the vital communication line in song dynasty.The third part is the crowded downtown streets where the buildings are arranged in order, including tearoom, wine shops, hotels, temples, moreover, there are medicine shops, fortune-telling booth, face-lifting booths and some other booths that are barely imaginable.The streets are filled with various people from various professions, wearing various clothes, doing various things.The picture seems alive and full of energy and vitality, just like the scenery is vividly in our eyes, you can see the people walk by and hear what they are talking about.Through the busy and prosperous life in the picture, you can gain a satisfying and happy feeling, and you may feel that even in different time about one thousand years apart you can know their lives and understand what they are doing.* They will never know people in future would appreciate them in picture and research into their lives.Maybe we live in today ,studying or working hard to find a good job to get what we think a better life, all these in the eyes of future’s people is just a subject to study, but the various inner sour, sweet, bitter, hot feeling ,who will know, only themselves.Just like in the picture, the person drinking a cup of tea may worry about the harvest of this year, the person who are speaking with others with smile may be annoyed and do not want to hear what the person opposite her said.I think appreciating painting is an interesting activity, especially the Chinese paintings which pay more attention to the spirit rather than the form.Zhang Zeduan planned the composition of persons, buildings, transportations, trees, streams subtly, achieving sense of three-dimensional space.Furthermore, He cultivated every person vividly so they have their own action and spirit.To sum up, the painting Ascending the river on Qingming Festival achieves the goal that all Chinese painters pursue—to capture the spirit as well as the form of subjects.It has a very high historical value and art level.
Qingming Shanghe Tu is the masterpiece of Zhang Zeduan,a Song Dynasty artist which vividly capture the thriving lif of people from the Song Dynasty of in the capital of Bianjing(today's Kangfeng)
The entire piece ,painted in hand scroll format, deployed the method of scatter perspective mapping,bringing in varied landscape and numerous human characters all dressed differently.它以长卷形式,采用散点透视的构图法,将繁荣的景物纳入统一而富于变化的画面中,画中人物神情各异,衣着不同。
And performing various activities forming a drama with a flowing rich rhythm 其间穿插各种活动,极富戏剧性,构图疏密有致,节奏和韵律变化丰富。
Beijing City,depicted in the scroll,was the hub of the land and water ways and the passageway of all transportations at that time.《清明上河图》描绘的北宋汴京,当时正是水道遍布的“水陆要冲,运路咽喉”.After being designated as the capital.Bianjing City saw further economic and culture development.With a population of more than one million, it was truly a metropolitan in all aspects.定都于此后经济、文化进一步发展,人口超过百万是当时名副其实的国际大都市。The scroll unfolds from right to left,moving from the countyside progressivety into the inner city.画面顺序从右到左,由一片郊野逐步进入都市。
From its unique angle,the painter illustrates people from all wails of life and their economic activities,giving the audience a much richer perspective than if he only depicted inner city life.画家慧眼独具,将当时丰富的市井生态全部涵盖与内。比单独绘制内域的场景更容易让人民了解到当时城市的全貌。What differented the Bianjing city in Song Dynasty from her predecessor was that all the street walls were removed.宋代的汴京,临街的坊墙被拆除,市民可以面街而居,临街开店。
Transforming the former feadal closed city with fortress like walls into an open commercial house.封建堡垒式的封闭性城市有此变成了开房的商业城市.Historical records tell us there were altogether mor 6,400 households involved in businesses of all kinds that recovered oer 100 sectors.汴京商业手工业的户数,据记载,总共有六千四百多户,将近一百几十个行业.Restaurants or eateries in particular,were the most thriving type of business.这其中尤以酒楼,各种饮食店最为旺盛.As depicted the hustling and bustling in front of “Sun Yung Shop” demonstrate that this restaurant is one with the highest standard.途中描绘的孙羊正店们前车来人往,熙熙攘攘,正店是规格最高的酒店.The other smaller ones were called “foot shop.” In addition numerous teahouses and cafes are scattered across all the streets.除了“正店”以外,汴京还有很多被成为“脚店”的中,小酒楼.此外,更有大批茶坊,食店散布于街头巷尾.The scroll also depicts other forms of commercial activities.An inn like the Home of Official Wang was a regular place to stay for scholars abound in the capital city for the imperial examinations.画中还描绘了其他商业形式,如这家“久住王员外家”是当时的一家客栈,有很多赶考的学子常住在此.Nearby, a labor market is naturally formed with a group of sedan carriers waiting to be hired.在此处,自然行成了一个人力市场,一群轿夫狙击在此等待被雇佣.The Bianhe River is indispensable to the economic and commercial development of Bianjing City,and therefore brought the city prosperity, which led to it being called the “Golden Waterway”.繁荣的商业离不开汴京的远河,汴河是当时名副其实的黄金水道,这对于当时汴京城市经济的发展和繁荣,具有十分重要的意义.Accordingly , the painter Zhang Zeduan spent one third of all effort to capture this thriving shipping business in the early 12th century.所以张择端在<清明上河图>中不借用三分之一篇幅和大量笔墨来精心描绘汴河的航运.再现了十二世纪初汴京水上最重要的交通干线的繁忙运输景象.There are two short and round shaped ships with a loading capacity of over 500 tons that are dorked along the river.这两艘停靠在岸边的船是一种形制图短的清船,载重量达500吨以上.The shipping industry thrived in the Song Dynasty, and grew to a great scale as early as the year 997 producing as many as over 3,000 ships.宋朝的造船业很发达,在公元997年,官方造船便达三千多米,宋朝的造船业很发达,在公元997年,官方造船便达三千多艘.This type of ship is more convenient to operate, with adjustable under the mast.这种船在栏杆下使用了转轴,能调整帆的角度,以迎合风向的变化.In the painting there is a big ship which faces great difficulty in passing through the bridge.Since it cannot be lowed by the boat trackers in the middle of the river.Only by lowering the must is the ship then able to be towed past the bridge with help from over and beside the bridge.此处一艘大船即将过桥,船到这里无法由纤夫牵引,只能放倒桅杆,靠着桥上与桥边的引导慢慢通过.However due to the fast current and the ships position the must falls to recline completely, and this chaos attracts the crowds attention.而因水势急,船身横直,桅杆也未能完全放倒,一片紧张忙乱,引得桥上众人关注.This scene or incident,illustrated right in the middle of the entire painting truly shows the painters magnifice skills.这事全图的正中位置,也是画家的神来之笔,以一个危机时间,汇聚了全图的焦点.The bride given its beautiful shape and design is fittingly named the Ranbow Bridge.要穿过的这座桥,形式优美,婉如飞虹,故名曰虹桥.The highty advanced architecture design at that time is fully illustrated by its entire wooden structure which has a thin shape and wide span.它全部以木石结构实现,如此浅薄的形制,如此大的跨度,足见该桥结构的先进.The Song Dynasty shipbuilding technology contributed vastly to the development of important and report trade.Merchant ships travelled East Asia , Southeast Asia,Arab and even the Mediterranean silk, poecelain and tea constitute the main export goods, water herbal, and jewelry are the major import.This herbal shop give s a glimpse of the prosperous trade during that period.事实上,宋代的造船技术,还成就了发达的海外贸易.上传活跃于东亚,东南亚,乃至阿拉伯.地中海等地区,主要出口丝绸,瓷器,茶叶等.进口主要哟香药,象牙,珠宝等,从这家香药铺便可窥见一斑.Land transportation much like the waterway in Bianjing City is developing as well.The painting actually shows cannel caravans moving slowly is developing as well fully loaded with Weaten goods, which are to have mome all the way from the Silk Road.除了繁忙的水道航运之外,汴京的陆路交通也相当发达.<在清明上河图>中的城门一侧竟然出现了一支满载这西域商货的驼队正在缓缓前行,据说他们是沿着漫漫的丝绸之路一路走过来的.As the Song Dynasty cities progress with prosperity , the social standing of the citizen is raised with aspiration for a richer cultural life.Correspondingly, arious street entertainment venues are formed to accommodate the citizen favourite activity, such as story telling , operation saying and many other types of performances for them to relax and enjo.宋代商业繁荣,城镇不断发展,市民阶层地位也日益上升,市民文化崛起.与此相适应,出现了很多切合市民阶层的娱乐场所,与符合其口味的表演艺术,旺旺有说书,评话,讲史,小唱,戏曲等表演.市民再次休憩,消遣.Alongside these economic and cultural advancements, the Song Dynasty also witnessed great progress in the areas of public health.宋代城市不仅在经济.文化领域成就巨大,在公共卫生与医疗领域也颇有建树.Zhao Taichengs Residence shown in the Zhao Taichengs Residence as shown in the painting is one such illustration.Taicheng is the abbreviation for imperial doctor.赵太丞家便是一列,太丞是太医丞的简称.宋代的医官可以从事第二职业,给普通百姓治病.The imperial doctor could his secondary occupation also treat ordinary people thus benefitting the citizens to leave both easy access us well as professional medical treatment.汴京人有所谓病揾之说,及时因为看病方便,而且医术也较高明.方井
In the painting, there is a specially shaped well outside the imperial doctors Residence with low walls built of rand earth , which serves to prevent dust from entering the well.There are many such wells in Bianjing City that leave standard shape and are under proper and unfied management.医铺旁有一口特殊的井,该井呈田字形,并台后有夯土筑的矮墙,防尘刮落井中.当时的汴京哟很多这样的井,形制统一,也有统一的管理.Befor the Song Dynasty, night markets were banned.However Zhao Kuangym, the first emperor of the Song Dynasty , ordered that there be no curfew before the three drum hour , thus making Bianjing a sleepless city.宋代以前,夜市往往被批禁.入宋以后,宋太祖赵匡胤顺应形式下令,京城夜市至三股以来,不得禁止,汴京由此成为一个不夜城.This animated ersion of the ancient painting not only reproduces the daily,daylight life of the city , but also Recreates the same scenes.Sing the night time lighting to bring out the charming and flourishing city in the night.此次感动<清明上河图>,以数字的方式不光重现了画中所描绘的日景,还创造性的重现了夜间的汴京.华灯初上,人流如织,夜里的汴京比白天更佳妩媚与繁花.There are countless such details to explore in this painting.The value of the work you have seen so far not only in depicting the urban life of an ancient Song Dynasty city, but also in demonstrating superb artistic skills and historical documentary value.The animated and moving
<清明上河图>中还有无数这样的细节可以探究.它的价值不仅在于对北宋汴京的城市生活的描绘.而且在于它饱含高超艺术的同时具备了极强的历史文献价值.此次感动<清明上河图>,历史的画卷,智慧的长河,是借由当今的数字化3D图像技术.Ultimately to present a vivid city life of the Northern Song Dynasty.最终呈现活灵活现的北宋城市生活.Thanks to today advanced technology , we have a chance to witness the lifestyle of the ancient Chinese people.通过今天的技术,使我们有机会重新看到古代中国人的生活.As well as draw transportation from it for ourselves through this meaningful dialogue which allows us to traverse the gaps of history.而这种穿越历史的对话,对我们今天的城市生活也充满了启示.
There is no doubt that the Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival is not only one of the most famous ancient Chinese paintings but also the world picture in the most outstanding art works.The Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival was painted by the Northern Song painter Zhang Zeduan who was good at the traditional Chinese paintings designed work with special techniques for representing places, tower, buildings and other topics.The Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival is 24.8cm high and 528.7cm long which describes the legendary northern Song dynasty tomb sweeping festival scenery of Pyankung, but, to our surprise in the painting there are a total of 1643 people from the whole social bracket and 208 animals.If you put your heart into the painting, you may find the people and animals alive and even can hear their talks.It is amazing.So, the painting is not our Chinese art treasures but also the world's.
“清明上河图”是一幅描绘北宋首都汴京的城市风光长卷,根据统计,画中总共有各色人物1659个,动物209只,比四大名著中任何一部所描画的人物都要多。如果我们要像外国游客介绍中国馆的这个镇馆之宝,应该怎样描述呢?首先,“清明上河图”的名称翻译就有许多不同的说法,然而也大同小异,如:Riverside Scene During The Qingming Festival;The Qingming Festival By The Riverside等,维基百科上的翻译则是:Along the River During the Qingming Festival。当然,对于这里的Qingming Festival,还是要做一点进一步的解释,说明一下清明节的性质,一般来说,清明节的通俗说法是tomb-sweeping day。
It captures the daily life of people from the Song period at the capital, Bianjing, today's Kaifeng.The theme celebrates the festive spirit and worldly commotion at the Qingming Festival 这幅画描绘了宋朝首都汴京(即今天的开封)中人们的日常生活,主题侧重于渲染清明节的节日气氛和喧闹景象。
The entire piece was painted in hand scroll format and the content reveals the lifestyle of all levels of the society from rich to poor as well as different economic activities in rural areas and the city.整幅画是在一张长卷上绘制的,画面上主要描绘了社会各阶层人物的活动,以及乡村城市间不同的经济生活。
The painting is famous because of its geometrically accurate images of boats, bridges, shops, and scenery.Because of its fame, it has been called “China's Mona Lisa”.这幅画以其对船只、桥梁、商店和风景的精确描绘而成名,被称为中国的蒙娜丽莎。
从清明上河图中我们可以一窥北宋时期繁华的城市风貌,连片的茶楼,tea house;酒肆,bistro;饭馆,diner;以及汴河上的拱桥arch bridge;成群结伴去进行spring outing踏青的人们;以及各色人物,有小商小贩,vendors and peddlers;街头卖艺者,jugglers;贫民和乞丐,paupers;游方和尚,monks,占卜算命者,fortune tellers and seers;旅馆老板,innkeepers;工匠,metalworkers and carpenters等等,令人眼花缭乱,目不暇接。北宋时的城市规模和繁华程度在世界上是其他国家所难以比肩的,本届世博会以城市生活为主题,展出这样一幅表现古代城市风光的名画,自然再合适不过了。