
时间:2019-05-13 06:38:06下载本文作者:会员上传




The City Mouse and the Country Mouse

Once there were two mice.They were friends.One mouse lived in the country;the other mouse lived in the city.After many years the Country mouse saw the City mouse;he said, “Do come and see me at my house in the country.” So the City mouse went.The City mouse said, “This food is not good, and your house is not good.Why do you live in a hole in the field? You should come and live in the city.You would live in a nice house made of stone.You would have nice food to eat.You must come and see me at my house in the city.” The Country mouse went to the house of the City mouse.It was a very good house.Nice food was set ready for them to eat.But just as they began to eat they heard a great noise.The City mouse cried, “ Run!Run!The cat is coming!” They

After some time they came out.When they came out, the Country mouse said, “I do not like living in the city.I like living in my hole in the field.For it is nicer to be poor and happy, than to be rich and afraid.” 【译文】













A man bought a Donkey at the market one day and took him home on approval.一天,有个人在集市上买了一头驴,把驴牵回家先试用一下。

Now the man owned several Donkeys already and he knew each one's character very well.这人已经有好几头驴了,深知每头驴的习性。

One of the Donkey was very strong and brave.Another was eager to please but quickly exhausted.有头驴又强壮、又勇敢;还有头驴急于讨人喜欢,可一会儿就累了;

One Donkey was very lazy.He hated going to work in the morning and he did as little as he possibly could all day long.另有头驴非常懒,它不愿意一大早就去干活,一整天它都尽可能地少干点活,别的驴载东西时,When the other animals were being loaded up he always tried to be the last so that he would get the lightest load.它总是尽量排最后一个,这样载的东西就会最轻。

The man led the new Donkey into the stable yard.For a moment he stood sniffing at his new companions.Then, without hesitation, he trotted up to the lazy Donkey and began feeding comfortably at his side.这个人把新买的驴牵进牲口棚的院子里。驴站了一会儿,闻了闻它的新伙伴们,然后,毫不犹豫地跑到懒驴跟前,在它旁边悠闲自得地吃起草来。

Though it was late in the day, the man immediately led the new Donkey out of the yard, straight back to the market.天色已经很晚了,这个人还是马上把新买的驴牵出了院子,径直回到集市上。

“You cannot have given him a fair trial yet, ”said the merchant.“It is only ten minutes since you bought him.” “你不可能已经好好试过了,”卖驴的人说,“你买了它才十几分钟。”

“I don't need to try him any more,” replied the man.“I know just what he is like from the friend he chose for himself.“我不用再试了,”这个人回答道。“从它自己挑选的朋友,我就知道它是头什么样的驴了。Take him away and give me my money back.I can do without Donkeys like him.” 把它牵走,把钱还给我。我没有这样的驴也能过日子。”


On a stormy day, the crab went strolling along the beach.一个暴风雨天里,一只螃蟹沿着海滩踱步而行。

He was surprised to see the lobster preparing to set sail in his boat.Lobster,“ said the crab, “it is foolhardy to venture out on a day like this.” 它着到龙 虾准备扬帆出海,很是吃惊。“龙虾,”螃蟹说,”在这样的天气里出海冒险,你真是太鲁莽了!”

Perhaps so, said the lobster, but I love a squall at sea!“ ”I will come with you, “ said the crab.I will not let you face such danger alone.” “或许吧,H龙虾说,可是,我喜欢海上的风暴。” “我和你一起去吧,一螃蟹说,一我不能让你独自面对这样的 The lobster and the crab began their voyage.Soon they found themselves far from shore.龙虾和螃蟹开始了航行。很快,它们发现离岸边已经很远了。

Their boat was tossed and buffeted by the turbulent waters.“Crab!” shouted the lobster above the roar of the wind.它们的小船被汹涌的海水颠簸着、击打着。“螃蟹!”龙虾的喊声压过了呼啸的狂风,” For me, the splashing of the salt spray is thrilling!The crashing of every wave takes my breath away “Lobster, I think we are sinking” cried the crab.had to admit that the day had been pleasantly out of the ordinary.对我来说,浪花的 飞溅使我兴奋不已,每一个浪头涌来都让我惊心动魄。”

“Yes, of course, we are sinking, ' said the lobster.“This old boat is full of holes.Have courage, my friend.Remember, we are both creatures of the sea.” “龙虾,我觉得我们在下沉。”螃蟹大喊道。-是的,当然,我们在下沉。“龙虾说,“这只旧船到处都是洞。

The little boat capsized and sank.” Horrors!“ cried the crab.”Down we go!“ shouted the lobster.The crab was shaken and upset.勇敢点儿,我的朋友。记住,咱们俩都是海里的动物。” 小船翻了,沉了下去。“太可怕了!”螃蟹大叫。

The lobster took him for a relaxing walk along the ocean floor.”How brave we are,“ said the lobster ”What a wonderful adventure we have had The crab began to feel somewhat better.“我们下去喽!”龙虾大喊着。这样东摇西摆,螃蟹很不舒服。龙虾拉着它放松地在海底 走着。_我们多勇敢啊,”龙虾说,这次冒险太棒了!” 螃蟹觉得好些了。

Although he uauslly enjoyed a quieter existence, he had to admit that the day had been pleasantly out of the ordinary 虽然它平时过着平静的生活,但是它不得 不承认,这一天过得异乎寻常的愉快。


It was a very foggy day in London.The fog was so thick that it was impossible to see more than a foot or so.伦敦的一个大雾天。雾大得伸手不见五指

Buses, cars and taxis were not able to run and were standing by the side of the road.公共汽车、轿车和出租汽车无法行驶,均在路边“抛了锚”。

People were trying to find their way about on foot but were losing their way in the fog.人们步行着,尽力摸索前进,但都在雾中迷了路。

Mr.Smith had a very important meeting at the House of Commons and had toget there but no one could take him.史密斯先生要到下院参加一个非常重要的会议,必须赶到那儿,可是没人能送他去。

He tried to walk there but found he was quite lost.Suddenly he bumped into a stranger.The stranger asked if he could help him.他试图步行前往,又发现自己完全迷失了方向。突然,他撞上了一位陌生人。陌生人问他是否需要帮忙。

Mr.Smith said he wanted to get to the Houses of Parliament.The stranger told him he would take him there.史密斯先生说,他想去下议院。陌生人对他说,他愿意领他去。

Mr.Smith thanked him and they started to walk there.The fog was getting thicker every minute but the stranger had no difficulty in finding the way.史密斯先生向他道了谢,他们就开始向下议院走去。雾越来越浓,但这位陌生人找起路来却毫无困难。

He went along one street, turned down another, crossed asquare and at last after about half an hour's walk they arrivedat the Houses of Parliament.他穿过一条街,拐进另一条街,通过一个广场,走了大约半个小时,最后来到了下议院。Mr.Smith couldn't understand how the stranger found his way.“It is wonderful,” he said.”How do you find the way in this fog?“ 史密斯先生不能理解这位陌生人是如何找着路的。“太神奇了,”他说,“这么大的雾,你怎么能找着路呢?”

”It is no trouble at all to me,“ said the stranger, ”I am blind.“ “对我来说,这根本不算一回事,”陌生人说。“我是个盲人。”


A Brahmin, a member of the Hindu priest, had a great reputation for holiness, and received many presents so that he became rich.一位婆罗门,印度僧侣之一,在圣洁方面享有极高的威望,所以他收到了很多礼物,也因此变得很富有。

One day, he took a fancy to dress himself as a poor peasant.一天,他突-然把自 己打扮成了一位贫穷的农民。

In this attire, he went into the market place but no one saluted him and no one gave him any presents.他穿着这身衣服去了集市,但是,没有人向他行礼,也没有人送他礼物。

The Brahmin then returned to his house and, dressing himself in rich garments, once more set out for the market place.婆罗门回到家里,穿上华丽的衣服,又去了集市。

This time, everybody saluted him and made way for him and many handed him presents.这一次,每个人都向他行礼,给他让路,还有许多人送他礼物。

This was the usual custom when a holy Brahmin happened to make his appearance in the market place.Once again, the Brahmin returned to his home and changed his clothes.按照习俗,神圣的婆罗门出现在集市上时人们通常都会这样做。婆罗门又回家换掉了这身华丽的衣服。

Then, taking the rich garments, he set them up on a shrine near the market.然后,他拿着这套华 丽的衣服,把它架在了集市附近的一个圣坛上。

As he prostrates himself before them, cried continually: ”O mighty garments, you are esteemed above all else in this world....他拜倒在衣服前 面,口中念念有词:“噢,伟大的衣服啊,你比世界上其他所有东 西都尊贵„„”

The people gathered round in wonder.And in time came to worship the clothes as this Brahmin was doing.人们好奇地聚拢了过来,最后也都开始朝衣服膜拜,因为婆 罗门在这样做。

This custom has spread farther and farther.Now in many countries around the world, trendy and fashionable people do the same thing, though not, perhaps in the way as the Brahmin did.现在这一习俗已经传播得很远很远。世界上许多 国家赶时髦的人都在这样做,尽管可能与婆罗门的方式不同。


Once upon a time the Frogs decided to ask Jupiter, the king of the gods, for a King of their own.Jupiter was amused.从前,青蛙们向众神之王丘比特请求,给他们分派一个国王。丘比特觉得很可笑。

“Here you are,” he said, throwing a log of wood with a splash into the lake where they lived.“ Here is a king for you.” “给你们,” 他说着向青蛙们生活的湖里扑通一声抛下一根圆木。“ 这就是你们的国王。” The Frogs dived under the water in fright, burrowing as deep into the mud as they could.After a time one of the braver ones swam cautiously to the surface to take a look at the new King.青蛙们惊恐地潜到水里,尽量往泥土深处藏。过了一会儿,一只勇敢的青蛙小心翼翼地游到水面,来看看他们的新国王。

“He looks very quite,: said the Frog.:Perhaps he is asleep.” “看起来他很安静,“这只青蛙说,”可能是睡着了吧。

The log stayed quite still on the smooth lake and one by one more Frogs came up to take a look.圆木静静地浮在平静的湖面上。青蛙们纷纷来看一看他们的新国王。

They swam closer and closer until at last they leaped right on top of it, quite forgetting that they had been frightened.他们越游越近,最后竟跳到圆木上,完全忘记了他们最初的惊恐。

Young Frogs began to use it as a diving board;old Frogs sat sunning themselves on it;mother Frogs taught their tadpoles their first, wobbly jumps on its bark.小青蛙们用它来作跳板;老青蛙坐在上面晒太阳;青蛙妈妈在树皮上教小蝌蚪们最基本的摇摆式跳跃的动作。

One day an old Frog said: ”This is a dull king of a King, you know.I thought we wanted someone to keep us in order.This one just lies around and lets us do what we please.“ 有一天,一只老青蛙说:”这个国王太迟钝了,我想,我们需要的是一个使我们守秩序的国王。这个国王只是躺在那儿,任由我们随意活动。“ So the Frogs went once more to Jupiter.于是,青蛙们又去找丘比特

”Can't you give us a better King?“ they asked.”Someone who will be a bit more active than the one you sent before?“ “您不能给我们派一个更好的国王吗?”他们问,“派一个比先前您派去的那个更活跃的国王。”

Jupiter was not in a good mood.丘比特情绪不好。

”Silly little animals, “he thought.”I shall give them just what they deserve this time.“ “愚蠢的小动物,”他心想,“这回我要把他们应得的给他们。” He sent a long-legged stork to the lake.他派了一只长脚鹤到湖里去。The Frogs were very impressed and crowded admiringly round.青蛙对鹤的印象极为深刻,他们羡慕地围拢过来。

But before they could even begin the speeches of welcome they had prepared, the stork stuck his long beak into the water and began to gobble up as many Frogs as he could see.可是,还没等他们致准备好了的欢迎词,鹤就把他的长嘴伸进水了,看见青蛙就大口地吞食。”That's not what we meant at all,“ gasped the Frogs as they dived once more into the mud.But this time Jupiter would not listen.“这根本不是我们的本意,”青蛙们喘着气,又钻进了泥土里。可是,这一次,丘比特不再理会他们了。

”I only gave you what you asked for,“ he said, ”Perhaps it will teach you not to complain about things so much.“ “我只是给了你们所要求的,”他说,“也许这会给你们一个教训,不要抱怨太多。”


A water bearer in India had two large pots, each hung on each end of a pole which he carried across his neck.印度有一个挑水工,他有两个大罐子,分别挂在肩上的扁担两头。

One of the pots had a crack in it, and while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water.其中一个罐子做工精细,从不漏水,另一个上面则有一道裂缝。

At the end of the long walk from the stream to the master's house, the cracked pot arrived only half full.每当挑水工回到雇主家时,罐子里的水就只剩一半了。

For a full two years this went on daily, with the bearer delivering only one and a half pots full of water to his master's house.这样过了整整两年,这个挑水工每天挑到雇主家的水仅有一罐半。

Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments, perfect to the end for which it was made.当然,那个完好的罐子为自己的成就甚感自豪。

But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection, and miserable that it was able to accomplish only half of what it had been made to do.而那个可怜的有裂缝的罐子却因自身的瑕疵而羞愧不已,为自己只能装一半水而痛苦不堪。After two years of what it perceived to be a bitter failure, it spoke to the water bearer one day by the stream.痛苦了两年后,一天,那个有裂缝的罐子在小溪边对挑水工说: ”I am ashamed of myself, and I want to apologize to you.“ “我很惭愧,想向你道歉。”

”Why?“ asked the bearer.”What are you ashamed of?“ “为什么?”挑水工问,“你羞愧什么呢?”

”I have been able, for these past two years, to deliver only half my load because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your master's house.“为这两年来只能让你挑回一半的水。因为我身上的这个裂缝,每次你回雇主家的路上,水都在漏,到家时就只剩下半罐了。Because of my flaws, you have to do all of this work, and you don't get full value from your efforts,“ the pot said.正是我的裂缝,你不得不多挑几次水,这样就浪费了你的部分劳动价值。”罐子说道。The water bearer felt sorry for the old cracked pot, and in his compassion he said, 挑水工对这个有裂痕的旧罐子感到很抱歉,他同情地说道:

”As we return to the master's house, I want you to notice the beautiful flowers along the path.“ “当我们返回雇主家时,我希望你能留心路旁那些美丽的花朵。”

Indeed, as they went up the hill, the old cracked pot took notice of the sun warming the beautiful wild flowers on the side of the path, and this cheered it some.的确如此,当他们上山时,这个有裂缝的旧罐子注意到了路旁的野花,它们沐浴在阳光中非常漂亮。

But at the end of the trail, it still felt bad because it had leaked out half its load, and so again it apologized to the bearer for its failure.它感到了一丝快乐,但到雇主家时,它又为自己漏了一半水而难过起来,于是,它再次为自己的失败向挑水工道歉。

The bearer said to the pot, ”Did you notice that there were flowers only on your side of your path, but not on the other pot's side? 挑水工对罐子说:“你注意到了吗?你这边沿路都有花,而另一边就没有? That's because I have always known about your flaw, and I took advantage of it.我早就注意到了你的裂缝,我就是利用这一点,在你这侧的路边种上花籽。

I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back from the stream, you've watered them.每天,我们从小溪回来时,你就给它们浇了水。

For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate my master's table.这两年,我就采这些漂亮的花朵来装点雇主的桌子。

Without you being just the way you are, he would not have this beauty to grace his house.“ 倘若你不漏水,他就没有这么美丽的鲜花来装饰屋子了。”


This happened many many summers ago.这个故事发生在很多很多个夏天以前。

There was a young flower in the desert where all was dry and sad looking...It was growing by itself...enjoying every day...在一个周围充满着干燥与衰落景象的沙漠中,有一朵小花正绽放着„„她孤单地生长着„„快乐地过着每一天„„

and saying to the sun ”When shall I be grown up“? And the sun would say ”Be patient“---Each time I touch you, you grow a little”...太阳回答说:“不要着急——我的光芒每接触你一次,你就会长大一点儿„„”她对太阳说:“我什么时候才能长大呀?”

And she was so pleased.Because she would have a chance to bring beauty to this corner of sand...小花听了非常高兴。因为她有机会为这片沙漠增添一处绚丽的景色了„„ And this is all she wanted to do---bring a little bit of beauty to this world.这就是她梦寐以求的——为这个世界带来一点儿美丽。One day the hunter came by---and stepped on her.---一天,一个猎人经过这里——并从她身上踏了过去。——

She was going to die---and she felt so sad.Not because she was dying---but because she would not have a chance to bring a little bit of beauty to this corner of the desert.她即将死了——她感到十分悲伤。她悲伤的原因,并不是因为她将要死去,而是因为她再也没有机会为这片沙漠增添一处绚丽的景色了。

The great spirit saw her, and was listening.---Indeed, he said...She should be living...And he reached down and touched her---and gave her life.一个伟大的精灵看到了她,并听到了她的哭诉。——事实上,他说„„她应该活下去„„于是,他来到沙漠上抚摸着她,并赋予了她生命。

And she grew up to be a beautiful flower...and this corner of the desert became so beautiful because of her.后来,她终于长大成了一朵美丽的花儿„„这片沙漠也因她的存在而变得格外美丽


One day a wealthy family man took his son on a trip to the country so he could have his son see how poor country people were.一天,一个富有的爸爸带着儿子做了一次乡村之旅,他想让儿子明白乡下人是多么的贫穷。They stayed one day and one night in the farmhouse of a very humble farm.On the way back home at the end of the trip the father asked the son, “What did you think of the trip?” 他们在一个农家的寒酸的农场上呆了一天一夜。在旅程结束回家的路上,爸爸问儿子:“你觉得这次旅行怎么样?”

The son replied, “Very nice, Dad.” 儿子回答:“非常好,爸爸。”

The father then asked, “Did you noticed how poor they were?” 爸爸接着问:“你有没有注意到他们是多么贫穷啊?” The son replied, “Yes, I guess so.” 儿子答道:“是的,或许是吧。”

The father then added, “And what did you learn?” 爸爸追问道:“那你都是学到了些什么?”

To this question, the son thought for a moment and answered slowly, “I learned that we have one dog in the house and they have four.We have a fountain in the garden and they have a stream that has no end.关于这一问题,儿子想了一会儿,慢条斯理地回答道:“我学到我们家只有一只狗,而他们却有四只。我们花园里有一个喷水池,而他们却有一条没有尽头的小河。”

”We have fancy lanterns in our garden, while they have the stars.Our garden goes to the edge of our yard, but for their back yard they have the entire horizon!“ “我们花园里有色彩夺目的灯笼,而他们却有无数闪亮的星星。我们院子的尽头就是花园,而他们的后院却有开阔的视野。”

At the end of the son's reply, the rich father was speechless.His son then added: ”Thanks, Dad, for showing me how poor we really are.“ 儿子说完后,这个富有的爸爸无言以对。儿子还说道:“谢谢你,爸爸,让我明白了我们是多么贫穷。”

Isn't it true that all depends on the lens you use to see life? 一切在于看待问题的方式,难道不是吗?

If you have love, friends, family, health, good humor and a positive attitude toward life, you've got everything!如果你拥有了爱情、朋友、家庭、健康、幽默和积极的态度,你就拥有了一切。

You can't buy any of these things.You can have all the material possessions you can imagine, provisions for the future, etc., but if you are poor of spirit, you have nothing!这些东西是金钱买不到的。你可以拥有你想象中的任何物质财富和为将来做的储备,但假若你精神贫乏,还是一无所有。


There was a rich merchant who had 4 wives.He loved the 4th wife the most and adorned her with rich robes and treated her to delicacies.He took great care of her and gave her nothing but the best.从前,有个商人,他有四个老婆。他最喜欢这小老婆,因此,他常常为她买来各种衣服,把她打扮得漂漂亮亮的,真可谓百般呵护。他对她如此疼爱,总是给她最好的。

He also loved the 3rd wife very much.He's very proud of her and always wanted to show off her to his friends.However, the merchant is always in great fear that she might run away with some other men.他也非常喜欢这第三个老婆。他常常以她为荣,总是带她出入各种社交圈子。不过,商人有个心病,总是担心有一天她会和别的男人私奔。

He too, loved his 2nd wife.She is a very considerate person, always patient and in fact is the merchant's confidante.他也喜欢这第二个老婆。这位夫人,善解人意,富有耐心,真可谓是商人的红颜知己。Whenever the merchant faced some problems, he always turned to his 2nd wife and she would always help him out and tide him through difficult times.每当遇到困难,商人总是找她帮忙,她也总能献出锦囊妙计,帮助商人化险为夷。

Now, the merchant's 1st wife is a very loyal partner and has made great contributions in maintaining his wealth and business as well as taking care of the household.话说商人的大老婆,她对商人忠心耿耿,不论在财务管理,商务经营,还是在家务料理方面,她的功劳很大。

However, the merchant did not love the first wife and although she loved him deeply, he hardly took notice of her.尽管如此,商人却不喜欢她。虽然她深深爱着商人,可商人几乎一点也不知情。

One day, the merchant fell ill.Before long, he knew that he was going to die soon.He thought of his luxurious life and told himself, 有一天,商人病倒了。不久,他知道他已来日不多。想到过去的奢华生活,商人不觉暗然神伤,独自感叹道:

”Now I have 4 wives with me.But when I die, I'll be alone.How lonely I'll be!“ “如今,我有四个老婆相伴左右,可一旦我死去,她们都将离我而去,我将是多么的孤独啊!” Thus, he asked the 4th wife, ”I loved you most, endowed you with the finest clothing and showed great care over you.于是,他首先问这小老婆道:“我最喜欢你,总是给你最好的衣服穿,也非常疼爱你

Now that I'm dying, will you follow me and keep me company “ ”No way!“ replied the 4th wife and she walked away without another word.如今,我将不久于人世,你愿随我而去,永不分离吗?”“没门!”小老婆斩钉截铁地回答道,然后,二话没说,扭头便走。

The answer cut like a sharp knife right into the merchant's heart.小老婆的话象尖刀一般戳进商人的心。

The sad merchant then asked the 3rd wife, ”I have loved you so much for all my life.Now that I'm dying, will you follow me and keep me company “ 商人很难过,于是又找到这第三个老婆,问她:“我一生都非常喜欢你,如今,我将要死去,你愿意随我而去,永不分离吗?”

”No!“ replied the 3rd wife.”Life is so good over here!I'm going to remarry when you die!“ The merchant's heart sank and turned cold.“办不到!”她也这般回答,一边又继续说:“人世的生活多美好!如果你死了,我会重新嫁人呢。”一听此话,商人的心一下凉了半截。

He then asked the 2nd wife, ”I always turned to you for help and you've always helped me out.于是,他又问这第二个老婆:“每次遇到困难,我总是找你帮忙,而你也总能帮我走出困境。Now I need your help again.When I die, will you follow me and keep me company “ ”I'm sorry, I can't help you out this time!“ replied the 2nd wife.” 如今,我想再一次请求你的帮助。如果我死了,你愿意随我而去,永不分离吗?”“真抱歉,这次,我帮不了你的忙了。”

At the very most, I can only send you to your grave.“ The answer came like a bolt of thunder and the merchant was devastated.她回答道,一边又继续说:“这次,顶多,我也只能送你到墓前。”夫人的话犹如晴天霹雳,商人一下子懵了。

Then a voice called out: ”I'll leave with you.I'll follow you no matter where you go.“ 正在这时,只听得有人声嘶力竭地说:“我愿随你而去,不论你到哪里。”

The merchant looked up and there was his first wife.She was so skinny, almost like she suffered from malnutrition.Greatly grieved, the merchant said, ”I should have taken much better care of you while I could have!" 商人抬头一看,是大老婆。只见她面容憔悴,瘦骨嶙峋,似乎好多天没怎么吃东西了。见此情景,商人悲从心头起,凄惨地说:“早知今日,何必当初。” Actually, we all have 4 wives in our lives 一生中,其实,我们每个人都有四个老婆相伴左右。

The 4th wife is our body.No matter how much time and effort we lavish in making it look good, it'll leave us when we die.这小老婆就是我们的肉体。不管我们如何呵护它,一旦我们死去,它就会远离我们而去。Our 3rd wife is our possessions, status and wealth.When we die, they all go to others.这第三个老婆就是我们的财产,地位和金钱。一旦我们死去,他们就会全归别人。

The 2nd wife is our family and friends.No matter how close they had been there for us when we're alive, the furthest they can stay by us is up to the grave.这第二个老婆就是我们的家人和朋友。在世时,无论彼此关系如何亲密,一旦我们死去,他们顶多也只能止步于我们的墓前。

The 1st wife is in fact our soul, often neglected in our pursuit of material, wealth and sensual pleasure.这个大老婆呢,其实就是我们的灵魂。平常,在追求物质财富,满足感官享受的同时,我们常常忽视了它们。

Guess what It is actually the only thing that follows us wherever we go.Perhaps it's a good idea to cultivate and strengthen it now rather than to wait until we're on our deathbed to lament.纵观所述,想一想,至亲者,谁?其实,至亲者,灵魂也!如今,一个不错的主意也许就是要善待我们的灵魂,而不是等到我们弥留之际再作无谓的叹息。




Ladies and gentlemen女士们,先生们,dear friends and dear kids亲爱的大朋友和小朋友们,good evening.大家晚上好!

People often said that July filariasisand in August is not over.人们常说,七月流火,八月未央。七月是绚丽多彩的,It’s gorgeous and fantastic in July, but if we wanna describe August, it must be “freezing”七月是灿烂夺目的,而八月,如果用一个词来形容,应该是“凝结”。’Freezing’, means a stop.凝结,意思是,凝固且完结。August is just like a pure cup of milk.八月,宛若纯纯牛奶,It would flow as it was, and could be made to any kind of shape.开始可以任意流淌,摆出各种惬意的姿态,is just like the shaking wine in a bartender’s hand像调酒师手里不断翻转舞动的什锦酒,映着游离的光晕,哗啦啦啦的。It would become thicker and thicker and finally be changed into cheese.可是会渐渐变浓变厚,化不开来,彼此偎依蜷缩,凝固成奶酪。瓷瓷实实。一些微妙的,小心翼翼的情感被裹在其中,就此完结。Luckily, life is endless to some degree, we’ll never give up.Day by day, year by year, we deserted those sadness, and just hold fast our gains, just try our best to move on.而所幸的是,人生不息,我们终不言弃。日复一日,年复一年,我们褪掉那些心酸、不堪和陈旧,盘算一年来的收获和成长,如此往复,轮回下去。

Today, we stand on this stage again, for all the students of our Disney , to declare that our school is 5 years old now.今天,我们又站在这里,代表所有迪士尼的学员们,荣幸地宣告大家,我们五岁了。Thank you for your company in those tough or shining days.五年来,感谢您与新动力风雨同舟,不离不弃。5 years, we are together, to create a fantastic condition for our students.五年里,我们共奋斗,同成长。We are here to celebrate the 5th anniversary of Disney.今天,我们在这轮回的八月再次迎来新动力英语硕果累累的第五周年校庆。We’ll present you a more professional and perfect self tonight.我们将向您展示一个更专业,更完美的自己。Now, we are in the name of Neijiang Dynamic Disney English to declare 下面,请允许我们代表内江新动力英语宣布“内江新动力英语五周年成果展示会”现在开始。

A:XXX, 作为新动力的学生,你觉得最大的收获是什么?XXX:我觉得最大的收获是沉浸在英语世界里的那种快乐。A:嗯,说得太好了。那你今晚一定会非常快乐。XXX:为什么?A:因为你会看到大家很长一段时间来坚持排练,并且把快乐带到英语的童话世界里,为我们演绎一段大家耳熟能详的故事。XXX:哦?那我们就拭目以待了。A: 嗯,那就不多说,赶快请出我们的小朋友们。。

The first one is also our routine, our opening show.Let’s welcome them.Look, they are coming.第一个节目依旧是我们的惯例,我们精彩的开场秀,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎他们,瞧,他们来了……


B: Wow, so wonderful!I think they would never forget their feelings and experiences of tonight.C:是的。每个人都有童年,我们都相信在新动力的日子里,大家一定留下了童年最美好的回忆,同时也感谢新动力的学员们给我们带来这么精彩的瞬间。再次感谢该组学员们给我们带来的精彩表演。B:Ok, now let’s welcome the next group from our Disney to present their beautiful pronunciations for us.They would give us a long but nice poem.Its name is .They have perfect intonations, impeccable body languages.So let’s appreciate it now.C:好了,下面请大家以热烈的掌声有请来自新动力英语的几位同学给我们带来的优美的全英文配乐诗朗诵。她们有非常漂亮的美式英文发音,而且用完美的肢体语言将整首诗诠释得淋漓尽致。好了,废话不多说,《 Forever Friends》。B: Welcome!C: 掌声有请。


D: Do you like fairy tales? E:Yes, of course.D: Do you know the famous fairy character Cinderella? E: Oh, I like her best, she is the most kind and lovely girl I thought.She is hard working and… D: Oh, please stop here, and let’s appreciate this fairy play with the audiences.E: Yeah, its name is , with a big hand.A: Most of us like singing, and the next program is a very cute song, come on, everybody, please sing with us, , with a big

hand.B: Wow, wonderful.Let’s cheer for them again.Everybody has friend.C: Yeah, everybody needs friends.B: If you are happy, you need a friend to share your happiness.C:If you are sad or in trouble, you also need a friend to stay with you and give you some help.B: Let’s welcome .D: Gorgeous!With a big hand.We have enjoyed so many programs from our schoolmates, and now, it’s our teachers’ turn, let’s welcome our dear teachers.They would present a short play for us.It would let us know the other aspect of them.It’s a comedy, its name is “Jenny and her dating.” Welcome.A: Let’s cheer for our respected teachers.B: With a big hand.A: So, XXX, do you like rabbit? B: Yes, of course.A: So the next short play is coming, its name is .B: Wow, I’m expecting it.Welcome.C: Bravo, with a big hand.Most of you have heard about the story of , but not everyone could understand it in English, and perform it in English.D: Huhhuh, yeah, but today, our schoolmates from Naxi branch would present a short play for us.Let’s welcome.E: XXX, we have so many excellent schoolmates, is it right? F: Yes, we’re so proud of them and our dear Disney.E: XXX, do you like

English songs? F: Yeah, I like them very much.E: So let’s appreciate the English songs brought by Huilong branch.F: Welcome.A: Gorgeous!B: With a big hand.A: We are so

A:We gathered together here today to celebrate for our Disney.B:今天,我们在丰收喜悦中,为我们迪士尼的生日欢呼雀跃!C:We know that today isn’t a stop, and next time when we meet, we’ll become better than now.D:我们都知道今天的相聚不代表结束,下次,当我们再次聚首,我们将会更好!

E:Dear friends, we’ll never forget your encouragement and your cheer.F:亲爱的朋友们,我们绝不会忘记您们对迪士尼的鼓励和喝彩。ALL:内江新动力迪士尼五周年成果展示会,现在结束,See you next year!See you!


stand out like a camel amongst a group of sheep


Ji Shao, an aide to Emperor Jin Hui during the Jin Dynasty, was handsome and talented.晋朝时,有一个人叫嵇绍,担任晋惠帝的侍从官。他长得仪表堂堂,而且才能出众。

Once, when his country was being invaded, he accompanied Emperor Jin Hui in defending the country, but, unfortunately, they lost the war.Most of the soldiers died or deserted, but Ji Shao stayed with the emperor to protect him.一次,有人侵犯京城。嵇绍跟随惠帝前去,征讨叛乱。不料打了败仗,随行的官员、将领以及侍卫死伤无数,还有很多人逃跑了,只有嵇绍保护着惠帝,始终不离左右。

Upon seeing this, the people were moved and said:“Ji Shao stand out like a camel amongst a group of sheep, preeminent and superior.” 看到嵇绍奋勇杀敌的情景人们都很有感触,说:“嵇绍就像一只鹤站立在鸡群中一样,仪表出众,气度不凡。”

This idiom is currently used to describe prominent people with good looks and impressive abilities among a crowd.这个成语如今用来形容一些相貌或者是才能特别出众的人。【文化链接】

成语“鹤立鸡群”既可以表面上形容“一个人因身高高挑在众人中显得突出”,也可以形容“一个人因为相貌或者卓越才能,亦或是出挑的行为在众人中显得突出”,英文中相应表达可以用“stand out like a camel amongst a group of sheep”,本意就是“像一只在羊群中站立的骆驼”。


Because all the other people were waiting in line, I did not want to stand out like a camel amongst a group of sheep, and I decided to wait in line as well.因为其他所有人都在排队,我可不想鹤立鸡群,所以我决定也去排队啦。

blessing or bane 塞翁失马

Near China's northern borders lived a man called Sai Weng.He raised a lot of horses.战国时期,靠近北部边城,住着一个姓塞老人, 他养了许多马。One day, he lost one of his horses.Everyone commiserated with him.一天,他的一匹走失了,人们听说这件事,跑来安慰他。“Perhaps this will soon turn out to be a blessing,” said Sai Weng.塞翁说:“没准会带来什么福气呢。”

After a few months, his horse came back, leading a fine horse from the north.过了几个月,丢失的马不仅自己回了家,还带回一匹匈奴的骏马。Everyone congratulated him.所有人都来祝贺塞翁。

“Perhaps this may turn out to be a cause of misfortune,” said Sai Weng.塞翁反而说:“这或许会带来不幸呢。”

Since he was well-off and kept good horses, his son became fond of riding and eventually broke his leg for falling from a horse.因为塞翁很富有,并且养马养得很好,所以他的儿子也十分喜爱骑马。但没想到有一次骑马时,他的儿子从马上掉了下来,摔断了腿。

Everyone commiserated with him.“Perhaps this will soon turn out to be a blessing,” said his father.人们于是又去安慰塞翁。但塞翁却说:“也许这次又会带来好运呢。” One year later, the northern tribes started a big invasion of the border regions.一年以后,匈奴入侵边境。

This man's son did not join in the fighting because he was crippled and so he survived.但是塞翁的儿子因为腿断了便没有被征入当兵队伍之中,而其他很多当兵的青年都战死在了沙场,塞翁的儿子因此保住了性命。【文化链接】

成语“塞翁失马”如果用于英文表达,可以使用短语“blessing or bane ”,“blessing”的意思是“好运”,“bane”的意思则是“厄运,祸事”,所以放在一起就可以表达“塞翁失马”的意思。

但是,英文表达“blessing or bane ”常会用来单纯的表示“是祸是福”的意思,比如:

Technology, a blessing or a bane? 高科技,是祸是福?

be tarred with the same brush


A wolf and a jackal often went hunting together.狼和狈经常结伴去伤害牲畜。

Once they came to a sheepfold, the walls of which were too high for them to get over.有一次,狼和狈一起走到一个羊圈外边,栅栏很高,进不去。

Then the wolf stood on the back of the jackal.In this way the wolf climbed over the wall to where the sheep were.狼就骑在狈的身上,终于爬进了羊圈。

This idiom is used to describe doing evil things in collusion with others.这个成语比喻坏人相互勾结起来做坏事。【文化链接】

“be tarred with the same brush”的英文解释是“sharing the same characteristic(s);having the same good or bad points as someone else.”(有着某种好的或者坏的共同点),所以它既可以表达“狼狈为奸”这样坏的意思,也可以单纯表达“有着某种共同的优点”这样好的意思。

这个短语的由来可能与“tarring of sheep”这个说法有关,牧羊人为了区分自己的羊,就会在羊身上用刷子刷上不同的标签以示区别。所以当说“两个人被同一个刷子刷过”也就是比喻“两个人狼狈为奸,或者有着共同的优点”。

desolate 门可罗雀

Duke Jai was a Han dynasty(汉朝)government official.汲黯是汉朝的一位名臣。

Because he held a very high-ranking and powerful position, many of his friends, relatives, and even acquaintances whom he barely knew often went to call on him.So all day long, horses and chariots were lined up in front of his house;it was really as if “the courtyard was as crowded as a marketplace.” 因为他位高权重,许多他的朋友、亲戚,甚至是泛泛之交的朋友都经常会来拜访他,所以他家总是门庭若市。

Later, however, Duke Jai had the sad misfortune of being removed from office.后来他不幸被罢免,废了官职。

His friends and relatives then stopped going to see him, and soon the only ones left in front of his house were flock of sparrows which would fly about and stop to rest on his doorstep.后来他的亲朋好友便渐渐疏远他了,很少再来看望他,他家的门前只剩下一群麻雀,在那里嬉戏。

Not long afterwards, Duke Jai was reinstated.As soon as his friends and relatives heard the news, they all once again began to ride their horses or drive their chariots back to visit him.不久,皇帝又下诏请他回去做官。过去常来的客人又纷纷来拜访他了。

Duke Jai, however, was now unwilling to see them, and door reproving those who would only associate with people of wealth and status.但是汲黯因看清世事,便不愿再看到他们。

Today, we can use this idiom to describe any place which has been deserted, or where people are few.如今我们可以用成语“门可罗雀”形容门庭冷落,冷冷清清。


单用英文单词“desolate”就可以表达“冷清荒凉”的意思,比如“冷清的街道”就是“a desolate street”。

下面我们来看一首小诗: Layin' in front of me are two roads: 在我的面前有两条路:

One flourished with multiple kinds of flowers and plants;一条花木丛生;

The other , just a scene of desolation.另一条门可罗雀,However,I choosed the latter one.但是我仍然选择了后者。

其中作者形容“人烟稀少的路”就用到了表达“a scene of desolation”,意思就是“另一条路有一点荒凉的感觉”。

run in opposite directions


Once a man went to the south, but his carriage was heading north.一次一个人想往南走,但是他的马车却是朝北走的。

A passer-by asked him: “If you are going to the south, why is your carriage heading north?” 一个过路人问他:“如果你想往南走,为什么你的马车却朝北走呢?”

The man said, “My horse is good at running, my driver is highly skilled at driving a carriage, and I am rich.” 这个人说:“我的马很能跑,我的车夫善于赶车,我又很富有,所以不在乎。”

The man didn't care the direction might be wrong;the better his conditions were, the further he was far away from his destination.这个人根本没有考虑到行进的方向也许错了;他的条件越好,反而会离目的地越远。This idiom came from this story tells that one's action was the opposite effect to one's intention.这个成语比喻行动和目的正好相反。【文化链接】

英文中若要表达“南辕北辙”的意思,可以用短语“run in opposite directions”,也就是“朝着相反的方向跑”,翻译美化一下就是“南辕北辙”或者“背道而驰”的意思了。


They wouldn't win at the end because they ran in opposite directions.因为他们早已南辕北辙了,所以根本不可能赢。












汉普森英语中外教1+1>2 课程,采用国际新型的教育模式,OTM教学法进行授课。中教老师会制定每节课周详的教学方案,外教课给予实践和练习,真实的语言环境,实地模拟情景对话,真正做到学以致用。学员可以当堂反馈学习效果,及时调整学习方案,有效促进学习效果。中教课程重视学员词汇、语法的讲解和补充,外教课程突出口语和听力的训练和强化,让学员在真实的语言环境中实战操练,潜移默化全面提高英文水平,实现素质教育与应试教育的完美结合。

文章来源:www.xiexiebang.com 外教一对一





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    五年级上册 一 编寓言故事 -------故事生动,道理明确 【习作内容】 编写一则寓言故事,把要说明的道理或哲理寄托在故事之中。 【教学目标】 1.编写一则寓言故事,把要说明的道理......


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    McDull is a male pig who can be distinguished by a birthmark on his right eye. He has a heart of gold, but he isn't very smart and ordinary in every way; nevert......


    writer named Wright was instructing his little son how to write Wright right. He said:" It is not right to write Wright as 'rite'-try to write Wright aright! xzh......


    EdelweissEdelweiss, Edelweiss edelweiss, edelweiss Every morning you greet me bless my homeland forever 雪绒花,雪绒花 Small and white, clean and bright 每天早晨......




    幼儿英语学习最佳时间幼儿英语什么时候开始最好呢?不少专家认为,幼儿期,特别是6岁以前,是获得外语的最佳期。 儿童心理学的研究表明,在幼儿知觉发展中,首先成熟的是形象思维能力。......


    2016少儿英语自我介绍范文 出入社交场合,免不了要自我介绍一番,或者引荐朋友认识。本文是学习啦小编为大家整理的少儿英语自我介绍范文,仅供参考。少儿英语自我介绍范文##第1......