
时间:2019-05-13 06:31:27下载本文作者:会员上传


主持生涯 英文介绍


Hello everyone, I'm malu,now ,The following period of time(The next few minutes),Please follow me with these videos and pictures to get to know my growing experience in hosting career.大家好,我是马路,接下来的这段时间里(接下来的几分钟),就请跟随我,通过这些视频和画面,来了解下我在主持生涯中的成长经历。

My career started on college campuse, when I was just 20 years old, a sophomore.Actually, my major was accounting and auditing.By chance, I picked up the Microphone and became an emcee, stepping on the stage that influenced my life.I know I was young and with no experience.So I study and practice very hard and cherish every opportunity that appears on the stage.I want to present myself perfectly , bring laughter to everyone, and make them remember my voice and words 我的主持生涯始于大学校园,那时我只有20岁,刚刚大二。其实,我的专业是会计和审计。很偶然的机会,我拿起话筒,成为了一个主持人,踏上这个足以影响了我人生的舞台。我知道我还年轻,没有经验。所以我很努力的学习和练习,珍惜每一次出现在舞台上的机会,我希望完美的呈现自己,把欢笑带给每个人,让他们记住我的声音和话语。

As time goes on, I become more and more mature, and confident, I believe that my efforts can make myself do better.随着时间的推移,我变得越来越成熟,也越来越有自信了,我相信,我的努力,能让自己做的更好。

Hosting the wedding ceremony can let me better understand the society and each different family, making me become more loving, grateful, and perceiving the world's well-being.Every couple has their different love stories, but as long as the love in the heart, the door of happiness will be opened for them.主持婚礼可以让我更好的了解社会和每个不一样的家庭,让我变得更有爱心,懂得感恩,感知人间的冷暖。每对新人都有不一样的爱情故事,但是只要心中有爱,婚姻这扇幸福的大门就会为他们打开。

Often I ask myself, what did I really gain in my experience as a host?(I often ask myself, as a host, what have I got?)Gradually, a few years of hosting, I find the answer-Constantly surpass yourself, overcome yourself, give yourself confidence, and give yourself more responsibility, the road forward will open for you

我时常问自己,自己到底从主持中获得了什么?渐渐的,几年的主持,让我找到了答案——不断的超越自己,战胜自己,给自己的信心,赋予自己更多的责任,前行之路才会为你开启.This is me, I am MaLu, These are the fragments I once hosted, a very precious time.So believe me, I will be your good friend, not just the host(more than a emcee).这就是我,我是马路,以上便是我曾经主持的画面,一段很珍贵的时光,相信我,我会成为你的好朋友,而不仅仅是主持人......



There are several Chinese saying: “In heaven, there is paradise.On earth, there are Suzhou and ”A very great and noble city...It has 1600 stone bridges under which a galley may pass.“;”Capital of Silk“, , ”World of Gardens”;” Born in Suzhou, live in eat in and die in

Now, Maybe you know the topic of my speech.Yes, I will introduce Suzhou to all of you.I am living there from my birth.Suzhou is in the province of Jiangsu, China.Suzhou is an ancient city with a long history.Built in 514 BC, Numerous changes have taken place in Suzhou through its vast history.Yet, in spite of repeated devastation, the city is still seated exactly on the original site as it was 2500 years ago, which is indeed an instance rarely found in the world.The unique characteristics of the past are still retained in present-day Suzhou.Suzhou has the remnants of this culture include the remainders of the 2,500 year old wall and the gate.From which, you can discover the legends of Suzhou and its people.In the course of the history of China, it has been a metropolis of industry and commerce in the south-eastern coast of China.Now the city is the first of 24 historical and cultural cities, China's key tourist cities, but also four key environmental protection cities in China。

Suzhou is conveniently located on the Jinghu Railway linking Shanghai and Nanjing, to both of which there is hourly railway service.Suzhou Railway Station is among the busiest passenger stations in China, having 139 trains stopping daily.T-Trains only take 45 minutes to Shanghai and an hour and half to Nanjing.Suzhou is located in water net, street according to river and then set up, the land-and-water proceeds together;you can find the special appearance of the small bridges, flowing water, the old-fashioned houses, the beautiful lakes with undulating hills.All these give Suzhou an image of City on the water.There is little pollution.Air is fresh and street is clean.Suzhou is famous as a scenic tourist city.The city is renowned for its beautiful stone bridges, pagodas, the classic gardens, silks, lakes, legends and so on, there is so much more!From natural and man-made heritage to modern creations;from cultural gems to natural oases;from great arts to daily lives, nothing is missed.Suzhou has also been an important center for China's silk industry, and continues to hold that prominent position today.You could pay a visit to the silk factories to see how the silk is produced.There are many of the famous private gardens.However, the city was to see a disaster in 1937 when the Japanese invaded.Many gardens were devastated by the end of the war.In 1981, this ancient city was listed by the State Council where the protection of historical and cultural heritage as well as natural scenery should be treated as a priority project.Since then, with suburban economic projects, Suzhou has developed into one of the most prosperous cities in China.Classical gardens in Suzhou were added to the list of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in 1997 and 2000.Now, these gardens are together the best of traditional Chinese architecture, painting and arts.These Gardens are celebrated for their artistic ways of dealing with the spaces between various kinds of architectural form.It is these pounds(围地鱼塘)that serve to focus the many elements of the garden within a small space.These gardens are fine examples showing how the natural landscape both inside and outside could be merged.The gardens are truly wonderful in design.It is open on all sides to the garden and many other pavilions, rockeries, and winding bridges.Come on!I urge you to dig a little deeper, and experience classic Suzhou.I believe the city’s fantastic features and classic lifestyle is unmatched in China.It is worth visiting and experiencing.I wish you can choose the city as your vacation destination.



I am living there from my birth.Chuzhou is in the province of Anhui.Compared with Nanjing, it is small but beantiful,which is located in the eastern Su Wan border region.Chuzhou is an ancient city with a long history.Built in 589AD, numerous changes have taken place in Chuzhou through its vast history.Yet, in spite of repeated devastation, the city is still seated exactly on the original site ,which is indeed an instance rarely found in the world.The unique characteristics of the past are still retained in present-day Chuzhou.In the course of the history of China, it has been a metropolis of industry and commerce in the north-eastern Anhui.Chuzhou is conveniently located on the Jinghu Railway linking Shanghai and Beijing, to both of which there is 2-hourly railway service.Chuzhou South Railway Station is among the busiest passenger stations in China, having more than40 trains stopping daily.T-Trains only take 20 minutes to Nanjing and an hour and half to Shanghai.Chuzhou is located in water net, street according to river and then set up, the land-and-water proceeds together;you can find the special appearance of the small bridges, flowing water, the old-fashioned houses, the beautiful lakes with undulating hills.There is little pollution.Air is fresh and street is clean.Chuzhou is famous as a scenic tourist city.Langya Mountain contributes to the province's great scenery, as the national key scenic area, national forest parkZuiweng Pavilion for the four most famous pavilions was built in the northern Song Dynasty periods ,one of the eight people by the Tng and Song Dynasty named Ouyang xiu and from the zuiweng pavilion.Langya is famous for its mountains, Ouyang xiu all by zuiweng pavilion, as well as the Song Dynasty in the writing of masterpiece the zuiweng pavilio Come on!I urge you to dig a little deeper, and experience classic Chuzhou.I believe the city’s fantastic features and classic lifestyle is unmatched in China.It is worth visiting and experiencing.I wish you can choose the city as your vacation destination.


Hello,everyone.My name is///.I'm twelve years old.I am a Middle school student.I was born in Panjin,It is an beautiful city.Now I study in Bohai No.1 Middle School.I'm in Class Three,Grade Two.There are thirteen-five students in our class.We have four classes in the morning and four classes in the afternoon.Our classes begin at 7:00 and end at 17:00.I love my teachers and my classmates.They are all very nice.There are three people in My family,my father my morther ang I.My father is a worker.He works in a factory.My mother is a worker,too.She works in Xinghai street.I like our family.I am good at math and Chinese.My English is so-so,but I often listening speaking reading and writing.I really like English very much.My favourite sport is football ang I like it very much.I'm good at computers.I hope to become a computer expert when I grow up.I will study hard to make my dream come true.Thank you!

Dear Sir or Madam,Thank you very much for reading my application and I am much honored to introduce myself here.My name is XXX.I am 24 years old and I come from ***, the capital of Hunan Province.I am seeking an opportunity to work with *** as a Engineer.My professional experience and my awareness of your unparalleled reputation have led me to want to work for your company.I have a bachelor degree with a major in Electronic field.I graduated from ***University-widely considered one of the most beautiful

universities of the world.During the 4 year undergraduate study, my academic records kept distinguished.I was granted scholarship every semester.Additionally, I applied a *** patent, it was authorized in 2005.In 2005, I got the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admission test.I selected Electronic Engineering of *** University to continue my study.In the passing1 year, my research and study dedicated to Linux.I applied another patent which was still in applying.I won the scholarship in 2006.Besides, I participated in many school activities, which widened my horizons and gave me many opportunities to do practical work in companies.All of that were very useful to my major study.During this period, I have learnt much.I learned the values of teamwork and commitment, how to win, how to work hard, how to concentrate and focus on goals, and how to balance my time and priorities.The passing years offered me a good chance to give full play to my creativity, intelligence and diligence.With a healthy body, with the solid professional knowledge, with the youthful passion, with the yearning for the future and the admiration of your company, I am eager to enter your company and make my share of contribution to it.Thank you for your patience.Best wishes.Sincerely yours,ABC

Any suggestion and the criticism.Thanks!




IReviewing Past Business

Reading the Minutes(notes)of the Last Meeting

Dealing with Recent Developments

IIIDiscussing Items

Introducing the First Item on the Agenda

Closing an Item

Next Item

Giving Control to the Next Participant

V-Finishing the Meeting


Finishing Up

Suggesting and Agreeing on Time, Date and Place for the Next Meeting

Thanking Participants for Attending

Closing the Meeting

The following pages focus on each part of the meeting and the appropriate language for each situation.用英语主持会议(2):主持会议

Opening 宣布会议开始

Good morning/afternoon, everyone.If we are all here, let's get started / start the meeting / start.Welcoming and Introducing 欢迎和介绍出席人员

Please join me in welcoming(name of participant)

We're pleased to welcome(name of participant)

I'd like to extend a warm welcome to(name of participant)

It's a pleasure to welcome(name of participant)

I'd like to introduce(name of participant)

Stating the Principal Objectives 阐明会议主要议题

We're here today to...I'd like to make sure that we...Our main aim today is to...I've called this meeting in order to...Giving Apologies for Someone Who is Absent 对缺席者表示遗憾

I'm afraid..,(name of participant)can't be with us today.She is in...Unfortunately,(name of participant)...will not be with us to day because he...I have received apologies for absence from(name of participant), who is in(place).Reading the Minutes(notes)of the Last Meeting 宣读上次会议记要

To begin with I'd like to quickly go through the minutes of our last meeting.First, let's go over the report from the last meeting, which was held on(date)

Here are the minutes from our last meeting, which was on(date)

Dealing with Recent Developments 询问近期动态

Jack, can you tell us how the XYZ project is progressing?

Jack, how is the XYZ project coming along?

John, have you completed the report on the new accounting package?

Has everyone received a copy of the Tate Foundation report on current marketing trends?

Moving Forward 转向下一个议题

So, if there is nothing else we need to discuss, let's move on to today's agenda.Shall we get down to business?

Is there Any Other Business?

If there are no further developments, I'd like to move on to today's topic.Introducing the Agenda 介绍议程

Have you all received a copy of the agenda?

There are X items on the agenda.First,...second,...third,...lastly,...Shall we take the points in this order?

If you don't mind, I'd like to go in order today.skip item 1 and move on to item 3

I suggest we take item 2 last.Allocating Roles(secretary, participants)分配秘书和出席者的会议角色

(name of participant)has agreed to take the minutes.(name of participant), would you mind taking the minutes?

(name of participant)has kindly agreed to give us a report on...(name of participant)will lead point 1,(name of participant)point 2, and(name of participant)point 3.(name of participant), would you mind taking notes today?

Agreeing on the Ground Rules for the Meeting(contributions, timing, decision-making, etc.)就会议程序(发言,时间,决策)达成一致

We will first hear a short report on each point first, followed by a discussion of...I suggest we go round the table first.Let's make sure we finish by...I'd suggest we...There will be five minutes for each item.We'll have to keep each item to 15 minutes.Otherwise we'll never get through.Introducing the First Item on the Agenda 介绍第一项议题

So, let's start with...I'd suggest we start with...Why don't we start with...So, the first item on the agenda is

Pete, would you like to kick off?

Shall we start with...(name of participant), would you like to introduce this item?

Closing an Item 结束一个议题

I think that takes care of the first item.Shall we leave that item?

Why don't we move on to...If nobody has anything else to add, lets...Next Item 开始下一个议题

Let's move onto the next item

Now that we've discussed X, let's now...The next item on today's agenda is...Now we come to the question of.Giving Control to the Next Participant 请下一位出席者发言

I'd like to hand over to(name of participant), who is going to lead the next point.Next,(name of participant)is going to take us through...Now, I'd like to introduce(name of participant)who is going to...Summarizing 总结

Before we close today's meeting, let me just summarize the main points.Let me quickly go over today's main points.To sum up,...,.OK, why don't we quickly summarize what we've done today.In brief,...Shall I go over the main points?

Finishing Up 结束今日议题

Right, it looks as though we've covered the main items.If there are no other comments, I'd like to wrap this meeting up.Let's bring this to a close for today.Is there Any Other Business?

Suggesting and Agreeing on Time, Date and Place for the Next Meeting


Can we set the date for the next meeting, please?

So, the next meeting will be on...(day), the...(date)of...(month)at...Let's next meet on...(day), the...(date)of...(month)at...What about the following Wednesday? How is that?

Thanking Participants for Attending 感谢出席人员

I'd like to thank Marianne and Jeremy for coming over from London.Thank you all for attending.Thanks for your participation.Closing the Meeting 宣布散会

The meeting is finished, we'll see each other next...The meeting is closed.I declare the meeting closed.



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