
时间:2019-05-13 07:14:17下载本文作者:会员上传


查莉成长日记GoodLuck 人员介绍:


赵凯 Amy 艾米(妈妈)

赵彬 Teddy泰迪(姐姐)

王玉星 Bob 鲍伯(爸爸)



Gabe: Hey(喂,你们)

Gabe: Shouldn’t someone go tell Charile to shut up?(总该有人让查理闭嘴吧?)

Father:You know what? You give it a shot.We've been trying all night long.(我看还是你再去试试吧。我们都哄了她一晚上了)Mother:And by “we”,he means me.(说到我们,他指的只有我自己而已)Father:Come on.I got up that one time.(谁说的,我也起来了一次。)

Mother:And when you flushed,you woke her up.(然后你起来冲厕所,把她吵醒了)

Teddy:But why is she so fussy?(可这孩子为啥这么闹心啊)

Mother:We can’tfind her blankie.And we have looked everywhere.(我们找不到她的小毯子了,到处也找不到)

Gabe: Oh , that’s ridiculous.She shouldn’t need something to help sleep.(哎呀,真是可笑,她也不能总要抱个东西才能睡着吧)Mother:What about your stuffed monkey?(你不是也有绒毛猴子吗)Gabe: Coco’s diffrerent.(小可可是不一样的。)Teddy:Guys,what a horrible way to spend your anniversary.We should really get out of the house.(爸妈,这样过你们的周年庆也太磕馋了。你们要准备出门了。)Gabe: Ow , what are you doing ?(哎呦,你干嘛打我呀?)

Gabe: Oh.Mom and dad , on your anniversary.I’m talking you to lunch and a movie.My treat.Oh ,dad ,bring your wallet.(哦,对了,妈妈爸爸在你们周年纪念日这一天。我要带你们在外面吃饭和看电影,算我招待你们。爸爸,带上你的钱包。)

Father:You don't know what”My treat”Means,do you?(你不明白“招待”这个词是什么意思吧?)Mother:OK,we’d love to go to a movie,kids,but not when Charlie’s so upset.(好了,我们愿意去看电影,但不能在查理这么烦心的时候)

Teddy:I will find Charlie’s blankie and take care of her.Now you two go out and enjoy some alone time on your anniversary.With Gabe.(我会找到查莉的小毯子,照顾好她的。现在你们俩就出去好好享受一下独处时光吧,在你们的周年纪念日这天。还要带着盖比。)

Gabe: And I know the perject movie to see....“Star Exploders II : Ticking Asteroids ” in 3D.(我还知道该看什么最赞的影片呢,《星球大爆炸第二部:行星命运倒数》3D效果哦)Father:Hey,you know what? The critics hated that.That means it's gotta be good.(嗨,知道吗!评论家都不喜欢那电影,那一定就很好看)Gabe: Oh, yeah!(没错)

Mother:Or we could see “The Willow Wepps Tomorrow”.(或者呢,我们可以去看《为明天哭泣的杨柳》)Gabe: What’s that about ?(那部讲的啥呀?)

Mother:It’s a haunting tale of a young girl who liveson a farm,plants a willow tree.And grows up With dreams of becoming a ballerina.And then on the day of the big audition.Shw twist her.Ankle,goes back to the farm.Gets married and has a bady.And do you know what she names it?Willow.(它讲述了一个少女的传奇人生,她是一个农村姑娘,中了一棵杨柳树,之后她怀着成为一个芭蕾舞者的梦想渐渐成长,然后在一次重要的试演时,她扭伤了脚踝,回到了农村。结婚生子,你知道她为孩子起的什么名字吗?杨柳。)Gabe: I feel like we just saw it.(我感觉已经看完这部电影了)Father:And hated it.(而且味同嚼蜡)

Mother:Oh,come on,guys.It’s my anniversary too.(拜托,男子汉们,结婚纪念日也有我的一半啊!)

Father:No no no,you're absolutely right.Look,we don't have to figure this out now.We'll decide when we get to the theater.(好好好,你说的很对。我们现在先别决定吧。等到了电影院再想要看什么。)Mother:Okay.(行了吧)

Gabe,Father: “ Star Exploders ”(一定要看《星球大爆炸》)

Teddy:Charlie,I’m looking for your blankie.Please stop crying.Oh,look,it’s your favourite show.”The circles.”They’re the colorful singing shapes.That teach you about shapes.(查莉,我这不是在找你的毯子吗,求你别哭了。哎呀快看,开始放你最喜爱的节目了哟。“圈圈”节目呀,是那些会唱歌的五颜六色的圈圈哟。会教你各种各样的圈圈。)

Teddy:I am a red circle,yes,I am.I am big and round and red.Hey!Man,that is annoying.Oh,what’s this I found?Is this your blankie?I’ll take that as a no.Let’s take you on a walk.That’ll make you feel better.Yay!(我是一个红圆圈,我就是圆圈。我又大又圆又红呀。耶!晕,这太吵了。哦,看我找到了啥了,这是你的小毯子吧。看来你不满意呀。不如我带你去散散步吧。一定能让你好受些。耶!)



Give him dry food twice a day,And make sure his water bowl is always filled.每天喂两次猫粮,并确保它的水碗里总是加满水

Oh, and my sister Virginia is coming by later for a play date.还有我妹妹维吉妮亚稍后会过来一起玩

You want me to have a play date with your sister?


Not you--Caboodle.不是你 是卡不多

Virginia brings her cat Stanley over.维吉妮亚会带来她的猫斯坦利

What a ridiculous name for a cat.猫的名字这么滑稽啊





Oh, I should go.哦,我要走了

But so my little Caboodie won't make a scene,You need to distract him.但我的小卡不多多可就要不高兴了,你要逗逗他让他分心

Should I pretend to be a mouse?



I was joking.我是说笑的

I wasn't.我可不说笑

The cat seems fine to me.我看这猫现在就挺好啊

I'm paying you.我可是付钱让你干事的

Now put him down and act like a mouse.现在放下他然后去扮耗子吧

Squeak squeak.吱吱 吱吱

You can do better than that.你能扮得更像一点么

Bare your teeth, wiggle your nose,And act like you're eating a piece of cheese.要龇牙咧嘴皱鼻子扮成你正在偷奶酪吃

Now keep doing that for 20 minutes,And he should be fine.Goodbye, my Caboodle.现在继续这样扮二十分钟,他就会很安分的。再见了,小卡不多宝贝

Teddy honey, did you lose something?


Only my dignity.找我刚丢的尊严



Lucky Charlie 01 Teddy: hi, Charlie, there you are.Nine months old and look how cute you are.And look how cute l am.It‘s your big sister teddy here, and I‘m making this video diary to help you survive our special family.Oh,hey.looks like dad taught you how to eat bananas.Oh,and there‘s mom.looking lovelier than ever this morning.Mom: not in the mood.Okay.I think you‘ve had enough bananas.So we‘re switching to sweet peas.You‘re gonna love them.look.mommy thinks they‘re so yummy.Teddy: very smart.always make mommy try it first,okay? Oh, and there‘s your older brother PJ.Doing today‘s homework at the last minute as usual.PJ;it‘s not today‘s homework.this is yesterday‘s homework.Teddy:there‘s a chance you two will be in high school together.Oh,and there‘s dad preparing for another day‘s work.he kills bugs for a living.Dad: honey, come on, we‘ve been through this.I don‘t kill bugs.I‘m a pest control specialist.Teddy: either way So now you‘re met the whole family.Gabe:forgetting somebody? Teddy:gabe!no,no,no.I didn‘t forget about you.I was just saving the best for last.Charlie that was your younger older brother Gabe.You want to say something to Charlie.Gabe: you ruined my life.Teddy:okay,so it‘s taking Gabe a little bit longer.To get used to you,you were kind of a surprise.Gabe: I thought surprises were supposed to be good.Teddy: and----cut Mom: okay.gang, listen up.I‘m going back to work tonight at the hospital.For the first time since Charlie was born.So I want everyone to stay at home.And help dad with the baby.Teddy:wait ,no ,mom.I‘m not gonna be here tonight.I have a study date at the library.PJ: don‘t you mean ―studly‖date.With spencer? Teddy: oh,save it for your pillow.Mom:I‘m sorry,teddy,but you‘re just gonna have to reschedule.Dad:uh,dad‘s not available right now.Teddy:mom.,don‘t take this the wrong way,but why did you guys have to have another baby? Mom: well, because three kids was just too easy, three‘s for quitters.Dad:and teddy,you know better than to schedule.A study date with a boy I‘ve never met.Come on ,as dad,it‘s my responsibility to know every detail of my kids‘ lives.Gabe:oh yeah? What school do l go to? Dad: um—the one named after that president.Hey.you know what? I‘ve got to drive you kids to school.Let‘s go Gabe:wait,I haven‘t had breakfast yet.Dad:come on,let‘s go.Gabe:most important meal of the day.never got it.Dad:let‘s go l‘ve gotta you to Roosevelt? Gabe:Lincoln Dad:got it.Mom: Bob honey, I‘m leaving for work.Okay,honey,here‘s Charlie‘s schedule.It tells you when to feed her, when to change her and when to put her down.Dad: sweetheart, would you relax? Big daddy‘s got this all under control.Mom: okay just because that‘s on your barbecue apron.Doesn‘t make it true.Now if Charlie gets fussy, her rubber ducky will calm her down.They‘re all over the place, please be careful—they‘re all over the place.Dad: honey, you seem to forget I was fully involved in the raising of three kids.Gabe:oh,yeah? When‘s my birthday? Dad: July 12th Gabe: November 23rd Dad: got it.Mom: good luck ,Charlie.Gabe: heyday? I have a homework question Dad: okay, fire away.Gabe: can the average human lick his own armpit? Dad: so what was that, like a science question? Gabe: nope.Teddy: I‘ll get it, nobody else get it!Hi~!Dad: I‘m teddy‘s father Spencer: nice to meet you, sir Teddy:uh, spencer and l are studying for our biology test tomorrow Dad: are you, now? Teddy: Yes, yes, we are, so can everyone please leave? Not you.Dad: teddy.Teddy: yeah? Dad: I thought your mom said no study date.Teddy: yeah, at the library Dad: oh, right.Okay, so then you‘re talked to her about this? Teddy: of course I did.I mean , I‘m –I‘m pretty sure I did.It‘s just l talk to so many different people about so many different things.Spencer: why is there a giant bug in your house? Dad: that, my friend, is the Jerusalem cricket, better known to the layman as the Potato bug, I‘m an exterminator, Teddy: here we go.Dad: hey, have you seem my ad on local cable—― bob‘s bugs be gone‖ Teddy: yeah, how do we make bob be gone? Dad: okay, you‘ve got homework to do, I ‗ve got a diaper to change, hers.Not mine.I ain‘t that old.I‘m gonna be upstairs.Teddy: Gabe , out Gabe: okay, fine.But when‘s that hot guy getting here Teddy: out!Kids, Spencer: yeah, oh man , I left my book at school.Teddy: oh, that‘s okay, we can just share mine.Is that okay? Spencer: perfect.Teddy: good.Cause I‘m all about the learning Spencer: let me just grab a pencil, Teddy: oh, yeah, I might have one.I think l left my pencil at school.Spencer: me too.(Ladies and gentleman PJ and the vibe)Spencer: wow, sounds like you live right next door to that weird PJ kid.Teddy: hmm, yeah, he‘s not next door.He‘s downstairs.And he‘s my brother.Spencer: oh,oh ,I‘m –I‘m sorry.Teddy: yeah, me too.PJ: wait wait wait!Stop stop Emmett, you were supposed to open with the downbeat.Emmett: dude, I‘m percussion.Let me percush.Teddy: for crying out loud, guys!Emmett: what‘s up? Teddy: can you please turn it down? We‘re trying to study.PJ: no can do, sis, there‘s only one level in rock and roll And that is loud!Emmett: whoa ,whoa , I think we can accommodate your little sister.PJ: excuse me, but the band is called PJ and the vibe.Emmett: so what, the vibe doesn‘t get a say? I – I‘m the vibe.Teddy: yeah, I got that.Emmett: oh, so you got my vibe , huh? I‘m gonna be over here.Teddy: turn it down now.PJ: you will not censor my art.I will not be silent.Teddy: if I have come down here again, this gets plugged into somewhere else.Okay? Emmett: yo, who‘s she up there studying with anyway? Is there a second fine lady in the house? PJ: some guy she‘s totally into.Emmett: I can‘t believe she‘s cheating on me.PJ: she‘s not cheating on you.She barely knows you exist.Emmett: no, see, our relationship is just developing slowly.PJ: no, there is no relationship.Emmett: yes, there is.PJ: no.it‘s all in your head.Emmett: no, it‘s not, because even my mum knows about it.Teddy: now then.Where were we? You know , actually , I think you were a little bit closer.All right—cellular respiration.Spencer: do you mind? Teddy: not at all.While we‘re at it--Gabe: what are you doing? Teddy: oh, Gabe!What do you want? Gabe: dinner!Nobody‘s fed me all day!And I am still part of this family, right? Teddy: there‘s a half –eaten sandwich in the fridge.Knock yourself out.All right , now my brothers are all taken care of.Good, and there will be no more interruptions.Dad: teddy!Teddy: oh, god!What do you want?!Dad: I need you to watch the baby for a second.(No--------)Dad: nobody tells mom!Teddy: come here , Charlie Oh, yes, Charlie‘s fine.Dad: oh, but I‘m not.Uh ,teddy, tell PJ to fire up the bug truck , I think I gotta go to the hospital.Oh, and teddy , you‘re gonna have to watch the baby.Teddy: no!Okay.PJ: relax ,be the hospital in 10 minute.Dad: please, just please hurry.Oh.Wow , my butt is on fire.PJ: that is so weird.Last week ,Emmett and I wrote a song with that exact same title.Dad: that‘s great.Son , just please don‘t sing— PJ: my butt is on fire.Dad: stop it.PJ: it‘s the size of a tire.Dad: stop it.PJ: punch buggy.Dad: wow!What are you doing? Could you drive, please? PJ: hey , you want to play license plate game? Dad: no!PJ: Michigan.Spencer: maybe I should go.Teddy: no.um, she‘s almost done with bottle.and then she‘ll go right to sleep.Then we can studly--I mean study.Now ,uh, where were we? Spencer: okay , what is cellular respiration? Teddy: that‘s when glucose and other compounds oxidize to produce chemical energy, water and carbon dioxide.(mu-hmm)also known as poop.Dad: oh, boy PJ: hang in there, dad.Dad: wow!Butt fire spreading.Where‘s the doctor? PJ: I‘ll go see.Dad: okay, wait wait wait, wait ,wait ,wait.We don‘t want mom to know we‘re here, right? So please be careful.Just try and blend in.PJ: dad, come on.It‘s hard for this to blend in.Dad: just figure something out.PJ: “ figure something out‖ Mom!Little boy: you‘re the doctor.PJ: yes.I am.I am doctor-chandrasooleewan.Little boy: are you Indian? PJ: we prefer to be called Native American.Little boy: are you sure you‘re a real doctor? You look kinda young.PJ: you sound like my wife.Okay—uh—what seems to be the problem? Little boy: I have a fish hook in my lip!PJ: how‘d this happen? Little boy: my dad is not a very good fisherman.PJ: hey, mine‘s not a very good walking-down-the-stairs man.So---I‘m guessing you‘re a 97-pounder.Teddy: hush, little baby.Go beddy-bye.Teddy wants to kiss a really cute guy.Spencer: how‘s it going? Teddy: well, we‘re getting there.Emmett: well, well, well, what have we here? Teddy: Emmett, why are you still here? Emmett: well, I was looking for the kitchen.But I seem to have stumble upon the ballroom.Teddy: hello? Mrs.Dabney: teddy, its Mrs.Dabney from next door.Teddy: no, I have not seen your cat.Mrs.Dabney : I‘m calling about your brother, he‘s eating me out of house and home.Gabe!Step away from the pie!Teddy: okay, I‘ll be right there.All right, spencer.I‘ll be back in like two minutes.Don‘t go anywhere.Emmett, go somewhere.Emmett: so what do you think you‘re doing with my girlfriend?

Spencer: she‘s not your girlfriend Emmett: okay, maybe me and you need to step outside—so you can walk me to my bike.Patient: you here to give me my sponge bath? Mom: PJ ? PJ: hey, mom Mom: what are you doing here? PJ: I‘ll tell you what l‘m not doing here-giving sponge baths to big hairy guys.So mom, what‘s – what‘s the happs? Dad: hey , honey!Mom: bob!Dad: nice work, son.Mom: okay, what‘s going on here? PJ: dad fell down the stairs and broke his butt.Mom: you weren‘t holding the baby, were you? Dad: um---yes.Then no, then yes again.Mom: bob, you promised me you weren‘t gonna drop this one!Dad: honey, look, it was just a little accident.Oh, and by the way ,for the record---An amazing catch!Mom: l knew this was a huge mistake.I never should‘ve gone back to work.Dad: sweetheart, this is all gonna be okay.Mom: no, no , it‘s not.It‘s too hard, I can‘t do this.I mean , what made me think I Could go back to work full time and take care of four kids.I‘m a terrible mother.Dad: no, no ,you‘re not.Look, if anything, I‘m a horrible father.Mom: I know!PJ: would you guys chill? You‘re great parents.Teddy, Gabe and me turned out Pretty good.Dad: yeah.Come on.We‘re got to be doing something right.I mean , hey ,look At this---our son‘s a doctor.Mom: I‘m serious , with both of us working.Poor little Charlie doesn‘t stand a chance.PJ: come on , no one‘s going solo on this.All us kids are gonna help out.And if Charlie gets a little messed up along the way.We can all share the blame.(Dr Chandrasooleewan to the operating room)PJ: it never ends!Teddy: sorry about that , Mrs.dabney ,but you probably shouldn‘t let him in Mrs.: I didn‘t let him in.he crawled through the cat door.Teddy: Gabe, is there something you want to say to Mrs.Dabney? Gabe: yeah.What are you fixing tomorrow night? Mrs.: the cat door.Gonna make sure it‘s locked.Teddy: okay, I think we‗re done here.Good night.All right, let‘s go.What are you doing? Gabe: oh, so now you‘re suddenly interested in me? Teddy: Gabe, you‘re my little brother.I‘ve never been interested in you.I‘m kidding.What‘s going on? Gabe: ever since the baby arrived, everyone‘s been ignoring me.I feel like I‘m invisible.I‘m just the loser middle kid-like you.Teddy: just because I‘m a middle kid doesn‘t make me a loser.Gabe: then what does make you a loser? Teddy: l am not a loser, okay? And I was a baby once.And then you came along.And I was not happy about it.But then you peed on PJ and I thought.―hey, give the kid a shot.‖ Look , someday you‘re gonna feel the same way About Charlie that I feel about you, Gabe: well, how do you feel about me? Teddy: let‘s put it this way---the hottest guy in school is at our house right now.And I‘m here with you.Look how cute she is.Gabe: I am warning up to her already!Teddy: okay.Charlie‘s asleep, Gabe‘s playing a video game.And we are finally alone.Dad: hey, everybody!I have a bruised coccyx.Oh, come on.That‘s a funny word.Coccyx!PJ: the doctor gave him pain medication.Dad:Was that me? Sorry.I‘m a little numb down there.Spencer: uh, actually , that‘s my ride.Teddy: of course it is.Dad: it‘s good to meet you.Son oh, good night, sweetheart.Spencer: good night, sir.Teddy: so that‘s how dad got my first kiss.And how you flew for the first time.But the good news is—nah, there is no good news.I take that back!It‘s a Text from spencer!He wants to hang out with me tomorrow night.At his House.Oh , I‘ve gotta go wash your puke out of my jacket.Oh,and, One more thing—when you‘re my age and you meet a cute boy.Do not Under any circumstances, ever ever bring him home.Cause if you do, well---Good luck , Charlie.Patient: oh, that‘s wonderful.Thank you so much for doing this.PJ: hey, if I can‘t be there for my patients.What kind of pretend doctor am l? ,uh, do you ever think about shaving—like, everywhere? Patient: I did , last week.

第四篇:校训伴我成长 康莉

















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2011年10月20日 星期 天气:晴 心情指数★★★★★





六安二中高二理(17)彭行翠 指导老师:程明春



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