
时间:2019-05-13 08:27:40下载本文作者:会员上传



Permanent A:What’s your view on friendship? B:Well,I think friendship is one of the most important things in life-whateveryour status,married or single.C:OH,I feel the same way.But some people don’t know the real meaning of friendship.A: So, what’s the real meaning of it? B:I think a saying:A friend in need is a friend indeed.Don’t you think so? C:Yes,I do.A:Then, what’s your opinion? B:I think it is only partly true.As far as I’m concerned,a real friend should also be able to share your happy moments-without feeling jealous.C:You’re right.I’ve been promoted recently,but one of my good friends just pretended to be happy about my promotion.I could feel that he was actually very unhappy.A:It just goes to show that he is not your true friend.C:Maybe.B:I haven’t finished my definition of friendship.A:Well,tell us,we’re all ears.B:A good friendship is one where you accept and forgive faults,understand moods,and don’t feel like seeing you.C:Any more?

B:Honesty is also an essential part of any friendship.we should learn to accept our friends for who they are.A:You’ve got a point there.C:Will you just make female friends after you get married? A:Although family life is fulfilling,it isn’t enough.I can get tremendous satisfaction from my friends,male and female,married and sinfle.I don’t I will marry a boy who objects me making male friends.B:I have the same idea.C:You know, in China,many men will not have women friends after they get married.A、B:Why? C:There might be two reasons.First,their wives will not be happy if they continue their friendship with female friends.Second,probably,there is no true friendship between a man and a woman.A:Oh,But I hope we are friends forever.B、C:Yeah,so do we.


-Tim!Two months have passed since we met the last time!Where have you been during the summer vacation?

-Oh Ken, I've been to Shanghai for the 2010 World Exposition.It's really interesting!How about you?

-I've been to Sanya and enjoyed the beautiful seaside!It is worthwhile spending the whole summer basking in the sun!

-Sounds great!Oh the bell rings.Let's go to the classroom!


The Wedding(Tom and Mary)

Priest: Tom, will you give yourself to Mary,to be her husband,to live with her according to God’s word?

Will you love her, comfort her, honour and protect her,and,forsaking all others, be faithful to her,so long as you both shall live?

Tom: I will.Priest: Mary, will you give yourself to Tom,to be his wife,to live with him according to God’s word?

Will you love him, comfort him, honour and protect him, and,forsaking all others, be faithful to him so long as you both shall live?

Mary: I will.Priest: Families and friends,you are witnesses to these vows.Will you do everything

in your power to uphold Tom and Mary in their marriage?

All: We will.Tom: I, Tom, in the presence of God, take you, Mary,to be my wife;

to have and to hold from this day forward,for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer,in sickness and in health,to love and to cherish, so long as we both shall live.All this I vow and promise.Mary: I, Mary, in the presence of God, take you, Tom,to be my husband;

to have and to hold from this day forward,for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer,in sickness and in health,to love and to cherish, so long as we both shall live.All this I vow and promise.Priest: God of steadfast love, by your blessing,let these rings be for Tom and Mary,a symbol of their love and faithfulness through Jesus Christ our Lord.Amen.Tom: I give you this ring,as a symbol of our marriage.With all that I am and all that I have.I honour you;in the name of God.Amen.Mary: I receive this ring as a symbol of your love and faithfulness to the end of our days.Mary: I give you this ring as a symbol of our marriage.With all that I am and all that I have.I honour you;in the name of God.Amen.Tom: I receive this ring as a symbol of your love and faithfulness to the end of our days.Priest: Before God and in the presence of us all, Tom and Mary have joined hands and made their solemn vows, promising lifelong faithfulness to each other.In the name of God, I declare them to be husband and wife.What God has joined together, let no one separate.Tom and Mary: God of tenderness and strength, you have brought our paths together and led us to this day;go with us now as we travel through good times, through trouble, and through change.Bless our home, our partings and our meetings.Make us worthy of one another’s best, And tender with one another’s dreams.Amen.All: Grown our lives with your goodness;sustain us all our days with your love.Priest: Bless Tom and Mary with wisdom and pleasure.Be their friend and companion in joy, their comfort in need and in sorrow.And when this life is ended welcome them into your presence, there with all your people to praise your holy name:

All: Blessed be God;Father, Son and Holy Spirit, as in the beginning, so now, and for ever.Amen.The First Class 第一堂课

A: Today I had my first English class

B: How was it?

A: It was interesting.The teacher gave us three ways to help ourselves learn the language.First, stop talking anything except English.Then learn many complete sentences by heart.Finally, hav American friends tell us how they say things we have trouble with, and always imitate them.Notes:

by heart 默记

how they say things we have trouble with 我们感到难以表达的那些事物他们是如何表述的imitate 模仿





7.Hearing and Writing 听和写

A: Tell me about your English class, Mary.B: Well, yesterday the teacher wro-te some sentences on the board.The first was “if you can't produce the sounds of a langua-ge acceptable, then you can't really hear them when other people make them”.Next he worte, “if you can't hear the sounds of a language then you probably can't write the language well.Your inadequate pronunciation contributes to making your writing


A: Do you think that's right?

B: I don't know, Bob.I'll tell you when the course is over.Notes

Substandasd--unacceptable, inferior










8.Learning English 学英语

A: Ralph, do me a favor, will you?

B: That all depends on what it is.A: This is the proble, I'm still having trouble with my English.The instructor suggests that I ask an American to help me by telling me how he says the things I say which just aren't English.I wanted you to be the American.B: What good'll it do? You never speak English unless you absolutely have to.I'll help you if you promise to speak noting but English all the time.A: All right.Maybe I'll do that.It's the only way I'll be able to learn English fast enough, I guess.Notes

What good'll it do?to become understandable

Grade school(美国的)小学








A: Hi xiao yang

B: Hi xiao chen

A: The holiday is around the corner!How do you spend your holidays?(节日是在拐角处!你怎样度过你的假期?)

B: I will to meet my friends!I miss them very much!And there is a party between our classmates!


A:Do you have many friends? What kind of people you want to make friends?(你有很多朋友吗?你想要什么样的人交朋友?)

B:No, I only have a few best friend!I would like to make friend with the people who always talk with me.When I am worry he would encourage and help me.And we should share our happy and sad with each other!


A: Yes!A friend is another of ourselves and you buy is not worth the price!Friends always gave us a hand when we meet the hard!And what do you think is the most important thing between friends?


B:I think the most important thing is do not let our friends down!And we should keep our friendship alive.(我认为最重要的是不要让我们的朋友失望!我们应使我们的友谊还活着。)

A:You are right!Many friends can’t last their friendship long!Many reasons caused our friendship end.The common reason is we don’t keep in touch with each other!


B: Yes!We should always keep in touch with our friends.I always make calls for my friends and we meet each other regularly!


A: More friends, more ways!We should make more friends.Have a nice holiday!(更多的朋友,更多的方法!我们应该让更多的朋友。有一个愉快的假期!)B: The same to you!See you the next term!


A : See you!



A;Are you enjoying your time at university? B: It's okay, but not as much as I expected.C: Really? Why not? B: I thought that the subjects would be easy, and I would have lots of time to play, but actually I have many assignments.A: What type of assignments are you having problems with? B: I find my accounting assignments very difficult.C: Have you considered asking a tutor to help? B: Hmm, I guess I could.Where would I find one? A: You can often find them advertising on the notice board in the library.B: Thanks, I'll go and check that out.Provided I don't get distracted on the way and end up in the gym instead!A: Ha!Have you joined a sports team? B: Yes, I'm playing for the university basketball team.C: Hey, so am I!Which team are you on? B: I've joined the university basketball society, they've put me in the men's league.C.Ah, I guess that's why I haven't seen you.I'm playing in a mixed league.A: Cool!That sounds like a nice way to meet some new friends...maybe even make a new girlfriend...C.Hey, what time is your next class? I think I have to go now.A.I'm in no hurry, my next class doesn't start for a couple of hours.C.Lucky you, enjoying the university life!I'm off now, see you later.B.let's go to the library?.C Okay, 旅游

A: Hi, Dave.Long time no see.How are you?

B: Fine, thanks.I just came back from Guilin.I went together with my friend, Tom, in the summer vocation..C: Hi, Peter.It’s nice to see you again.A: Me too.Did you have a good time?

C: I think we did.The scenery there was so beautiful.The water was clear and the air was fresh.We went boating, swimming and eating.The food there was really delicious.A: Have you taken any photos? B: Of course.There are some in my mobile phone, see.A: That is really beautiful.C: Yes, it’s really an impressive experience and we really enjoyed ourselves.Then how is everything with you, Peter?

A: I am fine, too.Thank you.Oh, maybe you can help me with this.B: What can we do for you?

A: I am planning a trip for the national day.But I can't make up my mind as to which city I should go.It is really hard to decide.B: Hehehe...decision decision, ok.Maybe three heads are better than one..We can help you get more information through the Internet.You need to know all the details before setting out.A: That’s right.Thank you.C No thanks.That's what friends are for.Hope you have a good time through the national day.Take care.Bye.B:Bye 环境问题、(社会问题)A: the river of our school is too dirty.I can smell the stink long before I can see it.It makes me feel every day.B: Once, I went to visit my classmates.One of his friend known that I came from NFU, and his said to me:”because of the river, your school has left me with a deep image。And I want to what make the river so dirty?” C: now, environment is getting worse and worse.There are a lot of river like the river of our school.In my hometown, Many of the river has been polluted。In the river, I cannot find fish any more.A:oh.In recent years, China's reform and opening up promote economic growth, but our development is at the cost of our environment.And this situation makes me feel sad.The sky is gray, forest is less, and water is smelly.B: Nanjing was shrouded with the heavy fog a few days ago.It was made by burning straw.Burning not only polluted the air but also cause the waste of resources.Our government should take some action to recycle resources available.C: there are also many environmental problems, such as the white pollution, noise pollution and so on.The development of industry lack reasonable planning.It damaged our survival home.A: I think there is another important reason.People's environmental protection concept is not strong.People throw away rubbish everywhere.we should promote environment thought,call on people to protect the environment, to protect the home of human.B: as a college student, it is our duty to protect the environment.We can make our school beautiful at least.C: as a citizen, we should report pollution enterprise and supervise the government to take measures to protect the environment.A: you know, everybody want our environment better and better.Ty our best , and I think we will enjoy our life in the future.工作面试

[1]:Come in,please。

[b]:Good morning。Nice to meet you。

[1]:Nice to meet you ,too.Please Take a seat.[b]:Thank you very much.[1]: Please make yourself comfortable.First, tell me your number and name。

[b]: My number is 6 and my name is Mark.Smith, [1]:How old are you?

[b]:I’m sorry,it’s about my personal problems.Can we say something else? [1]:It’s my negligence.well.what is your major?

[b]: my major is business administration.(工商管理)I am especially interested in“marketing”。[2]:Which university are you attending?(学历)

[b]: I am attending Shanxi university.[2]:Have you received any degrees?

[b]Yes.first,I received my bachelor degree(学士)in English literature(英国文学),and then an MBA(工商管理硕士)degree [2]what course did you like best?

[b]Project management.i was very interested in this course when i was a student.and i think it‘s very useful for my present work.[2]what are your greatest strengths?

[b]I have studied this course in the international business training center of the company.[1]Why did you choose this corporation?你为什么选择本公司?

[b]It was well known for its great culture of keeping improving.I think this point is very important in the intense market competition.It is the infinite force to make the staff and the company move forward.[1]Well,How do you spend your leisure time?

[b] Generally,I like climbing with family or friends and go hiking.

第五篇:My dream 三人口语对话

My dream

A: Dream like a lighthouse.leading us to success.every time we talk about the dream ,there are a lot of things we could say.so ,what are your dream?

B: When you ask me this question.I don't know how I can tell you the answer.let me see.when I was a child ,I dream of becoming a millionaires that I can bought many junk food.C: Sounds interesting , oh ,what is then about next?

B: When I was little older, I want to be a singer, but now , my dream is travel around the world to see various of sightseeing and eat delicious food in different place.A: Oh, really? That is also my dream.I point that travel around the world.i dream of that thousands of times.C: If so , I think you can travel together.A: Maybe, how about you?

C:My dream is becoming a teacher ,from up to now, you know, I like children very much.every time I stay with them ,I feel very happy and relax, they also tought me a lot ,such as love.B: Great!It we want to make our dream be reality , we should study harder and harder ,work harder and harder.AC:Sure , we all agree that.



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