
时间:2019-05-14 11:07:18下载本文作者:会员上传


1.Danny:Aunt Cindy, do you shop online often? 辛迪阿姨,你经常在网上购物吗?

Cindy:Yes.It's very convenient and the price is even lower.是啊。这很方便而且价格还更加便宜呢。

Danny:Last week, I tried to buy some books online, but I didn't know how to pay for them? 上周,我试着在网上买几本书,却不知道该怎么付钱。Cindy:You should open an account at the online bank first.After that, you can buy anything online.你得先在网上银行开一个账户。然后,你就可以上网买东西了。

Danny:Are there many things online? 网上的商品多吗?

Cindy:Sure.You can find everything all over the world.Let's check it out online!(They log in a shopping web site.)当然了。你能买到全世界所有的东西。我们来上网看看吧。(她们点进了一个购物网站。)

Danny:Oh, what's this? Second-hand cellphone store? 哦,这是什么?二手手机商店?

Cindy:Yeah, this one is very famous with a good credit among on-line customers.It's like an open free market.If you want to change your cellphone for a new one, you can sell the old one here.是啊,这家店很有名,它在网上顾客中有很好声誉。它就像是一个开放的市场。如果你想换一个新的手机,你可以到这里来把你的旧手机卖掉。

Danny:Really? How to do that? 真的吗?怎么卖呢?

Cindy:Take some pictures of the thing you want to sell, then upload it onto line with a brief description about it and leave your connecting number.Then your stuff will be sold by auction.先给你要卖的东西拍几张照片,把照片上传到网上,再附上物品的简要说明和你的联系方式,这样你的东西就会按照拍卖的方式在这里出售了。

Danny:That's amazing.I'd love to try it later.Oh, an on-line virtual supermarket? 这真是太棒了。我以后一定要试一试。哦,有个网上虚拟超市? Cindy:Let's click to check it out.我们点击进去看看。

Danny:Oh, I got it.It simulates the real supermarket, which makes it feel so real.Mom will love it.She loves shopping in supermarkets.哦,明白了。它是仿照了真的超市,这使它像真的一样。我妈妈会很喜欢的。她最爱逛超市了。Cindy:No doubt about it.Shopping online will get more and more popular.It's a real revolution about people's consuming habits.毫无疑问。网上购物会越来越流行的。这是人们消费习惯上的一场真正的革命。Danny:Are there any disadvantages about it? 那它有什么不足呢? Cindy:It takes some time for the stuff you buy online to arrive.But I think this problem will be solved soon.你在网上买的东西需要一点时间才能到你手中。不过我想这个问题很快就会被解决的。

2.Shopping online 1.A:Do you prefer to go shopping ? 你经常逛街购物吗?

B:You’re really out, more and more people are prefer shopping online.你落伍了吧,现在都网上购物了。

A:Haha,so fashionable.哈哈,太前卫了。

B:Shopping online has its special characteristics.网购有着自己独特的优势。

A:It needs careful identification.那需要擦亮眼睛仔细辨别。

B:Come here,I will teach you how to do it.来吧,我来教你。

2.A: What are you doing?

B: I’m just looking for a nice pillow on Ebay.A: You are shopping for a pillow online? That’s absurd(荒谬的, 荒唐的)!B: Why? I don’t have to leave the house or browse(随意翻阅)a dozen stores to find what I’m looking for.This way, I just search for it online quick and easy.A: I see, but how do you pay for it? How do you know you aren’t going to be ripped off(欺骗,敲竹杠)by the seller? B: Well, the website handles a point system where if the seller does something wrong, people comment negatively and then you know that he or she may not be trustworthy.A: Wow, that sounds pretty safe.So how do you pay? Do you need a credit card? B: You can use a credit card or your debit card(借记卡).They also let you use the PayPal system(网上支付系统)which is really safe and fast.I have never had any problems with someone hacking my information or anything.A: Do you think I can find a sweater for my dog online? B: You can find anything!Are you sure you want to start shopping online though? Once you step into this world, there is no turning back!A: Let’s do it!


Danny:Aunt Cindy, do you shop online often? 辛迪阿姨,你经常在网上购物吗?

Cindy:Yes.It's very convenient and the price is even lower.是啊。这很方便而且价格还更加便宜呢。

Danny:Last week, I tried to buy some books online, but I didn't know how to pay for them?


Cindy:You should open an account at the online bank first.After that, you can buy anything online.你得先在网上银行开一个账户。然后,你就可以上网买东西了。Danny:Are there many things online? 网上的商品多吗?

Cindy:Sure.You can find everything all over the world.Let's check it out online!(They log in a shopping web site.)


Danny:Oh, what's this? Second-hand cellphone store? 哦,这是什么?二手手机商店?

Cindy:Yeah, this one is very famous with a good credit among on-line customers.It's like an open free market.If you want to change your cellphone for a new one, you can sell the old one here.是啊,这家店很有名,它在网上顾客中有很好声誉。它就像是一个开放的市场。如果你想换一个新的手机,你可以到这里来把你的旧手机卖掉。

Danny:Really? How to do that? 真的吗?怎么卖呢?

Cindy:Take some pictures of the thing you want to sell, then upload it onto line with a brief description about it and leave your connecting number.Then your stuff will be sold by auction.先给你要卖的东西拍几张照片,把照片上传到网上,再附上物品的简要说明和你的联系方式,这样你的东西就会按照拍卖的方式在这里出售了。Danny:That's amazing.I'd love to try it later.Oh, an on-line virtual supermarket?

这真是太棒了。我以后一定要试一试。哦,有个网上虚拟超市? Cindy:Let's click to check it out.我们点击进去看看。

Danny:Oh, I got it.It simulates the real supermarket, which makes it feel so real.Mom will love it.She loves shopping in supermarkets.哦,明白了。它是仿照了真的超市,这使它像真的一样。我妈妈会很喜欢的。她最爱逛超市了。

Cindy:No doubt about it.Shopping online will get more and more popular.It's a real revolution about people's consuming habits.毫无疑问。网上购物会越来越流行的。这是人们消费习惯上的一场真正的革命。

Danny:Are there any disadvantages about it? 那它有什么不足呢?

Cindy:It takes some time for the stuff you buy online to arrive.But I think this problem will be solved soon.你在网上买的东西需要一点时间才能到你手中。不过我想这个问题很快就会被解决的。


A: Do you know what is shopping online? B: Yes.I bought a lot of things from the Internet.A: Really? Could you tell me some advantages of it? B: Of course.Firstly, it is very convenient.You can buy anything you want and they will send it to your home or any place you want.A: Wow, that is great.B: Yes.What's more.It is much cheaper than the goods in big shopping mall.A: Ah, that is quite a smart way for shopping.What is its disadvantages do you think? B: Well, the biggest one is that I cannot see the true goods.I can only look at the pictures and some introduction of it.You can not try it on if you buy some clothes or shoes.Sometimes you may get the one not fit you from the Internet.A: I agree with you.How to deal with this? B: You can return them if you are not satisfied now.Thus, I think shopping online will be a trend in this age.It plays a more and more important role in our daily life.A: Thanks a lot for your introduce.It helps a lot!B: You are welcome.A;你知道什么是网上购物吗? B:是的。我买了一大堆东西从互联网。答:真的吗?你能告诉我一些优势? B:当然。首先,它是非常方便的。你可以买任何你想要的,他们就会寄到你的家里或任何地方你想要的。哇,太好了。

B:是的。更重要的是。它的成本远低于货物在大型购物中心。啊,这真是一个聪明的方式购物。它的缺点是什么你认为? B:嗯,最大的一个是,我不能看到真正的商品。我只能看图片和一些的介绍。你不能试穿一下如果你买一些衣服或鞋子。有时候你可能会得到一个不适合你的互联网。

我同意你的观点。如何处理这个问题? B:你可以返回他们,如果你不满意现在。因此,我认为网上购物将成为一种趋势在这个年龄。它扮演着越来越重要的角色在我们的日常生活。


Reception 接待

1.Do you find anything you like? 你找到你喜欢的吗? 2.What can I do for you? 你要些什么? 3.Can I help you? 我能帮你吗?(需要些什么?)4.Are you being helped?/Are you being served? 你需要帮忙吗? 5.Is there anybody waiting on you? 有人招呼你吗? Choosing and buying选择与购买 Choosing 选择

1.I want a pair of shoes/a jacket.我想买一双鞋/一件夹克。2.I’d like to see some towels.我想看看毛巾。

3.Show me that one, please.请把那个给我看看。手机找外教练口语,就用口语侠app。4.Let me have a look at this watch.把这只表让我看看。

5.Would you show me this cup? 你能把这只杯子让我看一下吗? 6.I’m interested in this new type of car.我对这款新车很有兴趣。7.I’m just looking, thanks.我只是看看,谢谢。

8.I’d like to have a look if you don’t mind.如果不介意,我想看一下。An attempt 试穿

1.Could you try it on please? How is it? 请试穿看看好吗?如何? 2.I like this one.May I try it on? 我喜欢这一种。我能试穿吗? Inquiry 询问

1.Do you have any on sale? 你们有什么特卖品吗? 2.Do you carry hundredpercent cotton pants? 你们有百分之百纯棉的裤子吗? 3.Can you get me one? 你们能补货吗? 4.If I orded a suit now, how long could it take before I got delivery? 如果我现在订一件西装,要多久才能接到货? Size and color 尺寸和颜色 1.The fit isn’t good.尺寸不太合适。2.It’s too big.太大了。3.Too small.太小。

4.It seems to fit well.好像蛮合身的。5.They punch my toes.把我脚趾夹疼了。

6.Can I have a size larger? 可以给我一个大一点儿的吗? 7.How about this blue one? 这个蓝色的怎样? 8.This color is very pupular.这个颜色很流行。

9.This blue color goes well with the light blue dots on the dress.这种蓝色和衣服上的淡蓝色小点很配。Price 价格

1.How much does it cost? 多少钱? 2.What’s the price for this suit? 这套西装多少钱? 3.How much do I have to pay for it? 我要付多少钱? 4.How much are these ties? 这些领带要多少钱? 5.I’ll give it to you for 5250.5250元美金卖给你。6.Can you make it cheaper? 你能便宜点吗? Check 付钱 1.How can I pay? 我要如何付钱? 2.May I write a check for you? 我能开支票吗? 3.Do you take traveler’s checks? 你们接受旅行支票吗? 4.Sorry, we don’t take checks.对不起,我们不接受支票。

5.How about 98 down and 100 a month? 先付头期款98美元,每月再付100美元,如何? 6.I’ll take this.我要这个。The others 其他

1.Take one’s measurement.为某人量尺寸。

2.I think we’re out of your size.我想你的尺寸(的衣服)已卖光了。3.Check back next Sunday.你下星期天再来看看。Dialogue 对话

1.A:Do you want any meat today, Mrs.Bird? 波德太太,你今天要点肉吗? B:Yes, please.是的。

A:This lamb’s very good.这块羔羊肉很好。

B:I like lamb, but my husband doesn’t.我喜欢羔羊肉,但我丈夫不喜欢。

A:What about some steak? This is a nice piece.来些牛排好吗?这块很好。B:Give me that piece, please.请给我那一块吧。And a pound of mince, too.我还要一磅肉糜。2.A:Can I help you? 您想要买什么? u B:I’d just like to have a look around.我只想随便看看。

A:Are you looking for some apples? 你想要一些苹果吗? B:I could also buy some apples if they’re nice.如果苹果不错的话,我也可以买一些。3.A:Do you like this dress, madam? 夫人,你喜欢这种衣服吗? B:I like the color very much.It’s a lovely dress, but it’s too small for me.我很喜欢这种颜色,这件衣服很好看,但我穿太小了。

A:What about this one? It’s a lovely dress, it’s very smart.Short skirts are in fashion now.Would you like to try it? 这件怎么样?这件很好看,非常时髦。短裙现在很流行。你想穿上试试吗? B:All right.好的。

4.A: Have you any shoes like these? 你们有这种鞋子吗? @ B:What size? 什么尺码? A:Size five.五号的。B:What color? 什么颜色? A:Black.黑色的。

B:I’m sorry.We haven’t any.很抱歉,我们没有。

5.A: How many do you need? 你想买多少? B:Two Kilograms.两公斤。

手机找外教练口语,就用口语侠app。6.A: Are these apples on sale? 这些苹果降价卖吗? B:That’s our rock bottom price.这是我们的最低价了。

7.A: That’s too expensive for us.We can’t afford all that money.对我们来讲,太贵了,我们付不起那么多钱。

B:This model’s less expensive than that one.It’s only twenty-eight pounds.But, of course, it’s not as good as the expensive one.这种型号比那种要便宜些,只要28镑。但是,当然,它不如那台贵的好。

A: I don’t like this model, the other model’s more expensive, but it’s worth the money.我不喜欢这种型号。那种型号贵些,但它值这些钱。A:Can we buy it on instalments? 我们可以分期付款吗? B:Of course.You can pay a deposit of ten pounds, and then one pound a week for sixty weeks.当然,你可以先付10英镑定金,然后,每月付1镑,一共付60个星期。|3.8.A: I think I prefer the blue one if it’s not too much trouble.如果不太麻烦的话,我想要那件蓝色的。

B:Not at all.I’ll get it for you.Here you are.This is our latest design.不麻烦,我去为你取来。给你,这是最新款的。A:Could I have a try? 我能试试吗? B:Certainly.The fitting room is over there.当然可以,试衣间在那边。B:It seems to fit you very well.u 这件衣服很适合你。A:All right.I think I’ll take it.行,我买了。9.A: Can you come down a bit? u 你可以便宜一点吗? B:That’s almost cost price.这几乎是成本价了。

10.A: Excuse me, I would like a blue shirt please.u 对不起,我想买件蓝色的衬衫。B:Yes, with pleasure.Here you are.很愿意为您服务,给您。

11.A:I’m looking for a pair of shoes.u 我想买双鞋。

B:Yes, sir.I’d be glad to show you some.好的,先生。很高兴拿给你看。

12.A: Do you have anything larger than this one? u 你有更大点的吗? B:Yes, we have.Let me show you.有,我拿给你。

13.A: Would you mind if I try this on? 我能试试吗? B:No, not at all.当然可以.手机找外教练口语,就用口语侠app。A:Give me a smaller size, please.请给我拿小一点的。

B:With pleasure.I’d be glad to show you some.很荣幸为您服务。

14.A: What can I do for you, Madam? 我能为您做什么,女士? B:I want to buy a suit of clothes.我想买身套装。

15.A: Is there anything I can do for you, Miss? 有什么我能帮忙的吗,小姐? B:I’m just looking.我只是看看。

16.A: I want to buy a camera.我想买架照相机。

B:I’m sorry.It’s out of stock.对不起,脱销了。

A:Are you likely to be getting any more in? 你们还进货吗? B:Look in again next Sunday.下星期日再来看看吧。17.A: How much is it? 这个多少钱? B:Sixty dollars.60美元。

A:How much does it cost?这个值多少钱? B:It costs one hundred Yuan.100元。

A:What’s the price of this one? 这个值多少钱? B:It’s priced at only eighty Yuan.只要80元。

A:How much does it come to? u 总共多少钱? B:It comes to two hundred and fourty dollars.总共240美元。

18.A: Can you come down a little? 你能便宜点吗? B:That’s the best I can do.这是最合理的价格了。

19.A: Halfprice computers? How do they do that? 半价计算机?怎么可能呢

B:I don’t know.Let’s read the fine print.不知道。我们来看看那个小印刷字吧!手机找外教练口语,就用口语侠app。


Yue Shopping around the World While Setting in Front of Your Computer

“Online shopping” is a magic term that describes a modish and powerful phenomenon.It is the process customers go through to purchase merchandise and services over the Internet.Virtual shops have come to be known as e-stores, e-shops, web stores or internet shops.These internet shops are another vision of bricks-and-mortar retailers.Although physical stores are vital in people’s lives, e-stores bring more benefits.Online shopping has three main advantages: convenient service, lower prices and more choices.An increasing number of consumers are choosing online shopping rather than shopping in malls because of the convenient service.First, internet shopping saves lots of time.Purchasers don’t have to get located stores by any vehicles.They also never have to deal with parking or crowds.Since purchasers do not deal with these trifles, they save lots of energy.Buying products while sitting in front of their computers with a fresh cup of coffee at same time is a very nice thing to do.Secondly, e-shops accept a variety of payment methods.Online shoppers commonly use credit cards or debit cards to make payment.They can also use other secure ways, such as Paypal, gift cards, postal orders, and electronic money.After buyers pay their bills by simply clicking a mouse, they can do other important things while they wait for their parcels.Time is money!

When it comes to economy, shopping online is cheaper than shopping in the physical stores.Online merchants often set lower prices because they can avoid the overhead.Leases, inventory and wages for salespeople cost thousands of dollars.Since merchants save lots of money on overhead, they can give consumers more discounts.Besides, many smart online traders provide free shipping.For instance, stawberryNET is a world famous beauty e-shop.It offers free shipping within 365 days.If customers buy more beauty products, they can get more discounts.Also, strawberryNet always gives amazingly low prices during special holidays.Why wouldn’t people buy the cheaper gifts online for Christmas?

Another important thing for customers is how to get the right products based on accurate information.When purchasers shop in physical stores, their options are limited.Unlike physical stores, e-shops have more options.Online shoppers can order products from anywhere around the world.They do not have to compare two products in a tiny shopping mall.Moreover, no salespeople try to pressure online shoppers to purchase their products.Most webstores have message boards for their customers.Customers can easily compare products by reading other customers’ feedback.If feedback does not satisfy buyers, they can do more research on the internet to find another product that has a good reputation.From what has been discussed above, there is no doubt that internet shopping brings more benefits to consumers.When people shop online, they save time and energies.They also get the lowest prices and have more choices when purchasing.So where are you going to buy things next time? The answer is in your heart.



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