
时间:2019-05-13 15:28:59下载本文作者:会员上传


S: Hi Evan ,what’s up

E:not much ,what about you? S: Pretty good.The spring festival is coming soon.Do you know the origin of Chinese New Year.E: Yeah , a little.Spring festival starts from the beginning of the spring.It is the first term of the twenty-four in coordination with the changes of nature.the first day of lunar calendar.It is the most important and popular festival in China.S: Yeah , Spring festival is also my favorite.Because I could have a long holiday.As far as I know , Spring festival originates from the word “nian”,which in modern Chinese means “year”.Nian is a monster that start to prey on human at the night before the new year.So people putting up red paper and firing firecrackers to scare away the monster Nian.which lead to the birth of spring festival.E: What do you usually prepare for the festival.S:In my family ,we need to clean the house and buy enough vegetables and meat to guarantee having a good holiday.H:Yeah , we will do the same thing and I am asked to do the cleaning , because my mother said it could get rid of the ill-fortune.It is so boring.S:Oh , what a pity.What do you usually do at the new year’s eve.E:We usually have a family reunion dinner ,Of course , including, beef , fish ,chicken, and many delicious food.After that , we usually see the spring festival gala and stay up until the dawn.Then the first day of the new year coming and we eat dumplings for breakfast.What about you.S:The same as you , our family have supper together and play cards and talk all night.It is so impressive that I can remember it for long time.And the senior would give the junior the pocket money , which is my favorite time.After the new year’ eve , do you visit your relatives ? E: Yes , every year we dress new clothes and call on my grandparents a, uncles and aunts.I will acquire a lot of money, happy time.Do you have a plan this year? S: Yes , this year our family intend to travel to HaiNan island and celebrate the spring festival there.I am excited when my mother told me the decision.And you ? E: I have no plan.I think staying at home with my parents is better.Can you tell me something about the traditional custom of the spring festival ,such as pasting spring couplets , set off firecrackers and so on.S: of course ,there is a lot of fun when pasting spring couplets ,spring couplets are a pair of red paper with blessing characters.It can construct the cheerful atmosphere of the festival.E: I remember that our family ‘couplets was always made by my grandpa in the past.However, recently, we bought the spring couplets in the market.S: yeah, fire-crackers is a indispensible thing during the festival, which are meant to say goodbye to the old year and greet in the new year.The firecracker is an unique product in China.It can also foster a joyful atmosphere.It’s a wonderful invention , what do you think.E: Indeed good.eat and eat, As the old Chinese saying goes: food is everything.Because there are a plenty of delicious food waiting for you.The tradition is to have different main courses everyday from the 1st day of the New Year to the 15th day of the New Year, from Jiao Zi(dumplings), noodles, spring rolls, sticky rice cakes, and Tang Yuan(stuffed rice balls).Do you like the dumplings? S:oh, yes.I can`t wait.Dumpling is my favorite.You know? Besides the delicious taste, each food has a meaning as well: for instance, Jiao Zi looks like gold ingot, implying a wealthy year ahead.You cannot have a complete Spring Festival without having jiaozi!E:absolutely, the whole family will sit together to make jiaozi and celebrate the Spring Festival.Another tradition is staying up late on new year`s eve.However, now there are less and less people in cities who will stay up late to see New Year coming.S: I agree with you ,but a new habit has been fostered among the Chinese.watching the new year`s gala which is a variety show held by China Central Television(CCTV)since 1983..It brings laughter to billions of people and creates many popular words.What`s your opinion? E: en , there is no doubt that the gala has become one part of the new year`s eve.Everybody will talk about the show next morning.If you miss it ,you will be out.


-Tim!Two months have passed since we met the last time!Where have you been during the summer vacation?

-Oh Ken, I've been to Shanghai for the 2010 World Exposition.It's really interesting!How about you?

-I've been to Sanya and enjoyed the beautiful seaside!It is worthwhile spending the whole summer basking in the sun!

-Sounds great!Oh the bell rings.Let's go to the classroom!


The Wedding(Tom and Mary)

Priest: Tom, will you give yourself to Mary,to be her husband,to live with her according to God’s word?

Will you love her, comfort her, honour and protect her,and,forsaking all others, be faithful to her,so long as you both shall live?

Tom: I will.Priest: Mary, will you give yourself to Tom,to be his wife,to live with him according to God’s word?

Will you love him, comfort him, honour and protect him, and,forsaking all others, be faithful to him so long as you both shall live?

Mary: I will.Priest: Families and friends,you are witnesses to these vows.Will you do everything

in your power to uphold Tom and Mary in their marriage?

All: We will.Tom: I, Tom, in the presence of God, take you, Mary,to be my wife;

to have and to hold from this day forward,for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer,in sickness and in health,to love and to cherish, so long as we both shall live.All this I vow and promise.Mary: I, Mary, in the presence of God, take you, Tom,to be my husband;

to have and to hold from this day forward,for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer,in sickness and in health,to love and to cherish, so long as we both shall live.All this I vow and promise.Priest: God of steadfast love, by your blessing,let these rings be for Tom and Mary,a symbol of their love and faithfulness through Jesus Christ our Lord.Amen.Tom: I give you this ring,as a symbol of our marriage.With all that I am and all that I have.I honour you;in the name of God.Amen.Mary: I receive this ring as a symbol of your love and faithfulness to the end of our days.Mary: I give you this ring as a symbol of our marriage.With all that I am and all that I have.I honour you;in the name of God.Amen.Tom: I receive this ring as a symbol of your love and faithfulness to the end of our days.Priest: Before God and in the presence of us all, Tom and Mary have joined hands and made their solemn vows, promising lifelong faithfulness to each other.In the name of God, I declare them to be husband and wife.What God has joined together, let no one separate.Tom and Mary: God of tenderness and strength, you have brought our paths together and led us to this day;go with us now as we travel through good times, through trouble, and through change.Bless our home, our partings and our meetings.Make us worthy of one another’s best, And tender with one another’s dreams.Amen.All: Grown our lives with your goodness;sustain us all our days with your love.Priest: Bless Tom and Mary with wisdom and pleasure.Be their friend and companion in joy, their comfort in need and in sorrow.And when this life is ended welcome them into your presence, there with all your people to praise your holy name:

All: Blessed be God;Father, Son and Holy Spirit, as in the beginning, so now, and for ever.Amen.The First Class 第一堂课

A: Today I had my first English class

B: How was it?

A: It was interesting.The teacher gave us three ways to help ourselves learn the language.First, stop talking anything except English.Then learn many complete sentences by heart.Finally, hav American friends tell us how they say things we have trouble with, and always imitate them.Notes:

by heart 默记

how they say things we have trouble with 我们感到难以表达的那些事物他们是如何表述的imitate 模仿





7.Hearing and Writing 听和写

A: Tell me about your English class, Mary.B: Well, yesterday the teacher wro-te some sentences on the board.The first was “if you can't produce the sounds of a langua-ge acceptable, then you can't really hear them when other people make them”.Next he worte, “if you can't hear the sounds of a language then you probably can't write the language well.Your inadequate pronunciation contributes to making your writing


A: Do you think that's right?

B: I don't know, Bob.I'll tell you when the course is over.Notes

Substandasd--unacceptable, inferior










8.Learning English 学英语

A: Ralph, do me a favor, will you?

B: That all depends on what it is.A: This is the proble, I'm still having trouble with my English.The instructor suggests that I ask an American to help me by telling me how he says the things I say which just aren't English.I wanted you to be the American.B: What good'll it do? You never speak English unless you absolutely have to.I'll help you if you promise to speak noting but English all the time.A: All right.Maybe I'll do that.It's the only way I'll be able to learn English fast enough, I guess.Notes

What good'll it do?to become understandable

Grade school(美国的)小学







王 汉:Excuse me.my name is 王汗,i have an appointment with mr.吴顿and mr.王

霸天 at eleven.would you mind announcing me?


陶飞宇:: yes,mr.王,mr.吴,mr.赵 is expecting you.go right in.是的,王先生,吴先生,赵先生正在恭候你,请进。

王 汗:I have the pleasure of speaking to mr.王,mr.吴?


吴 顿:yes,i am mr.吴.是的,我就是吴先生

赵保研:yes, I am mr.赵是的,我是赵先生

王霸天:yes,I am mr王。是的,我就是王先生

I have read your letter of application.you don''t seem to have any working

experience.我已经看过你的 求职信 了。你似乎没有什么工作经验。王 汗: yes and no.yes,i just left college and i don''t have any working experience.however,the rigid training at my college should make up for my lack of working experience.可以说有也可以说没有。我才从学校毕业,还没有工作经验。但我在学校所受过的严格训练,应该可以弥补我工作经验的缺乏。

吴 顿:Can you sell yourself in two minutes? Go for it.(你能在两分钟內自我推


王 汗:With my qualifications and experience, I feel I am hardworking, responsible

and diligent in any project I undertake.Your organization could benefit from my analytical and interpersonal skills.(依我的资格和经验,我觉得我对所从事的每一个项目都很努力、负责、勤勉。我的分析能力和与人相处的技巧,对贵单位必有价值。)

赵保研:How do you rate yourself as a professional?(你如何评估自己是位专业人


王 汗:With my strong academic background, I am capable and competent.(凭借我良好的学术背景,我可以胜任自己的工作,而且我认为自己很有竞争力。)吴 顿:What do you think you are worth to us?(你怎么认为你对我们有价值呢?)王 汗:I feel I can make some positive contributions to your company in the future.(我觉得我对贵公司能做些积极性的贡献。)

王霸天:what do you expect for a starting salary?你心中理想的起薪是多少? 王 汗:: i''ll leave that to you,sir.i''m sure you know what is best for me.由阁下决定好了。我肯定您知道什么对我是最适合的吴 顿:what are your future plans,if you don''t mind my asking.你未来有什么计划?如果你不介意我这样问。

王 汗:i''m a doer,not a day dreamer.我是一个喜欢实干的人,而不是一个做白日梦的赵保研:okey,mr.王,we will let you know.王先生,我们会再通知你。王 汗:hank you,for giving me the time.i hope to see you again and soon.谢谢您给我这宝贵的时间,我希望很快能再见到您.



57、A: Excuse me.Are you Mr.Steven,the team leader of Australian delegation?

B: Yes, I am.A: Great!Let me introduce myself.We are volunteers sent by the Executive Board for the Shenzhen 26th Summer Universiade.My name is Li Gang.B: Oh,wonderful!My name is John Steven.Nice to meet you.A: Glad to meet you too,Mr.Steven.Welcome to Shenzhen.We are responsible for guiding you all to the designated hotel, the Pavilion Hotel.B: Thanks for coming to meet us.A: My pleasure.How was your trip?

B: It was pleasant all the way.A: That's great!So you have got all your team members here?

B: Yes.They are all here.A: OK.Everything's ready now.Let's get on the bus.We will drive you to the Pavilion Hotel.B: Well, where do we pick up the luggage?

A: This way, please.…Could you all please take your luggage and follow us?














58、A: Hi, Mr.Li?I come here to express my appreciation for your help all these days.I really enjoy my stay here.B: You're welcome.A: I'm returning to America today.So I thank you for all the time you've spent on my account during my stay here.B: Don't mention it.I was only too pleased to be of assistance.A: If there's anything that I can help you with in the future, please let me know.B: Thank you.Have a safe trip home.A: Sure.Take care.A:您好,李先生。我是专程前来对您的帮助表示感谢的。我在这里过得很愉快。







59、A: Excuse me.Are you a volunteer?

B: Yes, I am.What can I do for you, sir?

A: Can you tell me what's going on here? Why can't we go into the stadium?

B: I'm sorry, sir.Before entering the stadium, all spectators must go through the security check.And that takes some time.A: I see.It seems that we have to wait quite a while.B: I'm sorry about that.But this is a necessary procedure.A: But look at such a long line…

B: Please accept our apology.I hope you can understand.A: That's all right.You're doing what you have to do.B: Thank you for your understanding.I'm sure it won't take too long.A:打扰一下。请问你是志愿者吗?










60、A: Good afternoon, madam.Is there anything that I can do for you?

B: Oh, yes, please.Could you help me carry these baggages to the gate over there?

A: No problem.B: It's really nice of you.A: My pleasure.B: By the way, could you tell me how I can get to the airport?

A: You can take the bus to get there.The bus station is just around the corner.B: How long will it take me to get there?

A: About an hour, I think.B: My flight is at four o'clock.I'm afraid I won't be able to make it.A: If that's the case, I'd suggest you take a taxi.B: Sounds right.A: If you don't mind, you may stay here with your baggages while I go get you a taxi.B: That would be very nice of you.Thank you very much.A: You are welcome.A:下午好,女士。有什么需要我帮忙的吗?
















61、A:Excuse me, Miss.You look puzzled.Can I help you?

B: Oh, yes.I seem to be lost.Could you tell me how I can get to the Diwang Building?

A: Sure.You can take the subway to get there.B: I just can't figure out the subway system at all.As soon as I get underground I lose my sense of direction.A: Or you can take Bus No.12 to get there.The bus station is just across the street, see?

B: Oh, I get it.Thank you.A: And could you tell me the way to the nearest bank?I need to draw out some money.B: The bank may be far away from here.I would advise you to use ATM.There are some ATMs on the second floor of this building.You may take the escalator around that corner.A: Thank you very much.B: No problem.Have a nice day.A:小姐,您好。您看上去很困惑。需要帮忙吗?









62、A:What's the trouble with you?

B: I fell off my bike and hurt my legs.A: Where exactly does it hurt?

B: Right here.A: It's all bruised and swollen.Take it easy.I'm giving you a first aid right now.…

B: How do you feel now?

A: The pain relieves now.Can I go back to my game?

B: Maybe you should wait a few more minutes.But don't worry.You'll be alright soon.A:你怎么了?









63、A: Excuse me, madam.I am a volunteer.What can I do for you?

B: I'm looking for Gate F.My friends and I are supposed to meet there.But I seem to be lost.A: Don't worry.I'll show you the way.This way please.B: That's very nice of you.A: My pleasure.……

A: Here we are.B: Oh, I can see my friends there.Thank you very much.By the way, where is the nearest rest room?

A: Go to the second floor and you will find it on your right.B: Thanks a lot.A: Enjoy your game.A:您好,夫人。我是志愿者。有什么需要我帮忙吗?











64、A: Attention, please!There is a fire in this building.Every one must leave this building as soon as possible.Follow the escape signs and get out of here quickly and calmly.This is not a drill.This is a real emergency evacuation.B: Oh Gosh!How could this happen? I've got some very important documents in my office on the third floor.I have to get them!

A: No, sir!You mustn't go upstairs.It's too dangerous.Every one must be evacuated immediately.B: You don't understand.Those documents are extremely essential.I must get them!

A: I'm very sorry, sir, but no!I'm sure you don't want to jeopardize your life as well as others'.B: But …

A: Trust me.The fire engine's just arrived.The firemen will do whatever they can to put out the fire.Everything's going to be OK.A:请注意!本大厦发生火灾。所有人必须尽快离开。请按逃生标志迅速而冷静地离开。这不是演习,而是真的紧急疏散。







65、A:Ladies and gentlemen, this is the Security Check!Please show us your certificates before entering the building.B: Here is my certificate.A: Thanks.Please wait a second.……

A: Sir, the certificate you're holding is not valid.I'm afraid you can't get in.B: How's that possible? I got in with the same certificate last time!

A: I'm sorry.Please have a look at the date on your certificate.It's already expired.Please renew it.B: Oh…Well, it's been just one day.Can you just let me in?

A: I'm so sorry.But that's not allowed.B: Come on!You've seen me several times.A: Without a valid certificate, no one can get in this building.That's the regulation.I hope you can understand.B: Alright.A:女士们,先生们,这里是安检,进入大楼前请出示证件。














2009/08/31 1.請問您要參觀哪個展覽? Excuse me, which exhibition would you like to visit? 2.請問是要參觀食品展的嗎?麻煩到左邊櫃檯換證。如果是要參觀車展,請至右邊櫃檯做換證。Are you going to the Food Exhibition? Please go to the left counter and for your badge.For the Car Exhibition, please go to the right counter for your badges.3.請問是要參加研討會的嗎?麻煩請至二樓。Excuse me, are you here for the seminar? Then please go to the second floor.4.參加研討會者,請上二樓。需要換證者,麻煩請往前方的櫃台。The seminar is on the second floor.Please go to the front desk to get your badges.5.如果您想要知道研討會時間及場次,您可以到該研討會的教室門口詢問服務人員。If you would like to know more information about the seminar program(the time and the sessions of the seminar), you can go to the information desk at the classroom having the seminars.6.這場研討會需要付費參加,不接受現場報名。This seminar should be paid and registered in advance.Registering on the day of the seminar is not accepted.7.本次展覽只提供給相關業者入場。抱歉,它不對外開放。

Sorry, this exhibition is only open to businesses of related industries.8.請問需要換識別證嗎? Excuse me, do I need to change my badge? 9.請問有在網站上做過預先登錄嗎?或在網站上填寫過個人資料嗎? Have you registered for the conference on line before? Or did you fill out an on-line personal information form? 10.請到旁邊的寫字台先填寫問卷並準備好一張個人名片,如果你有攜帶名片,只需要勾選問題選項。Please fill out the questionnaire on that counter and bring your own business card.If you have your business card, you can just check these question items.11.問卷填寫完畢後,可至前方櫃檯做換證,謝謝。After filling out the questionnaire, please go to the front desk to get your badge.Thank you.12.請問是預先登錄者嗎?麻煩請在這邊入口排隊。

Excuse me, have you registered before? Please go to the entrance to line up.13.先生,抱歉。後方有人在排隊等待,麻煩排隊,謝謝。Excuse me, sir.There are still people waiting in line.Could you please go to the back of the line and wait? Thank you.14.麻煩請往前走。Please step forward.15.如果您要問有關於攤位位置或地圖,麻煩請到詢問台做詢問,他們會為您解答。If you are interested in the booths and the map of the room, you can ask for help at the information desk.16.詢問台的位置,您可以從這個門口出去後右轉,看到路口左轉,然後走到底,就可以看到了。Please turn right when you walk out of the door, turn left at an intersection ahead, and you will see the information desk located at the very end.17.廠商換證,麻煩請到另一個出入口換證。Buyers(Factory owners)please go to another entrance to get your badge.18.記者換證,麻煩請到二樓的2A19室。The press and media should go to the second floor, room 2A19 to get your badges.19.記者換證需要出示記者證及名片,麻煩請提供給我,謝謝!The press and media should show your press cards and business cards before getting your badges.20.你好,我們需要用名片做換證,名片要保留,無法退還給您。Excuse me, we need to give you your badge in exchange with your business card.We will keep the business card and it will not be returned to you.21.一館、二館、三館都有展覽。您可以搭接駁車前往參觀,接駁車站牌在大門口右側。There are exhibitions in Hall 1, 2 and 3.You can go by taking our shuttle bus.The bus stop is on the right side of the front door.22.每15分鐘就會有一班接駁車,它都會在每一館停靠。Each hall provides shuttle bus every 15 minutes.23.餐廳在2樓,便利商店在3樓。The restaurant is on the second floor, and the convenience store in on the third floor.24.您的識別證,謝謝。This is your badge, thank you.25.可從這個手扶梯上2樓,直走走到底再左轉,就可以看到另外一個手扶梯下1樓,然後往後方走就可以看到你要找的櫃檯了。You can take this escalator to the second floor and then go straight ahead, take a left down the hallway and you will see another escalator which will take you down to the first floor.You’ll see the counter behind you after a couple steps.26.早安,您好。請問有攜帶【確認函】嗎? Good morning, do you have your letter of confirmation? 27.不好意思,請問貴公司的所在地是位於哪個國家? Excuse me, which country is your company located in? 28.麻煩請將名片翻譯成英文。Please translate your business card into English.29.這是您的識別證及相關資料。This is your ID(identification)card and other related information.30.提醒你,展覽要到9點才開始。This exhibition will start from nine.31.展場入口麻煩請往左手邊進入。Please turn left at the entrance for the exhibition.32.祝您參觀愉快。We hope you’ll enjoy the exhibition.33.大會規定禁止12歲以下的兒童入場。我們無法提供換證給她。Children under 12 years of age are not allowed to enter this conference.We can’t provide her a badge.34.展覽第一天至第三天的時間為上午10點至下午5點30分。最後一天結束的時間為下午3點。The exhibition starts from 10:00 A.M.to 5:30 P.M from the first to the third day.The last day will end at 3:00 P.M.35.先生/小姐,抱歉。您不是相關業者,是不符合換證條件。本次展覽只提供給相關業者做換證。Excuse me, Mr./Miss.You aren’t from a related industry and do not conform to condition.This exhibition is only for related industries.36.抱歉你不是相關業者,請至購票處買票。Excuse me, you aren’t from a related industry.Please go to the ticket office to buy a ticket.37.請問,貴公司的行業別是什麼? Excuse me, what profession is your company? 38.請問您的職業別是什麼? Excuse me, what kind of profession are you? 39.您的名字不在電腦名單內,麻煩請重新填寫問卷及提供你的名片給我,謝謝。Your name isn’t on the name list, please fill in the questionnaire again and provide me your business card, thanks.40.小禮物只提供給預先訪客領取。This special gift is only provided for visitors who made an appointment in advance.41.因為手提袋數量有限,每日提供前100名的訪客。Because of the limited amount of bags, we provide these bags to the first hundred visitors every day.42.計程車乘車處,麻煩請搭手扶梯至B1。If you want to reach the taxi pick-up point, then please take the escalator to B1 floor.43.抱歉,您的手寫資料我看不太懂,能不能重寫或者這幾個字拼給我聽,謝謝!Excuse me, I don’t quite understand your handwriting, would you please write it again or spell the words for me, thanks.44.這邊有一份問卷,麻煩請幫我做填寫。This is a questionnaire, please help me fill it in.45.提醒你,參展廠商於8點30才可以開始入場。The buyers(factory owners)are allowed to enter at 8:30 A.M.46.進出入口,麻煩請刷條碼,以辨識身分。When you enter or exit the gateway, please swipe your Id card for identification.47.要往世貿一館的接駁車,請於大門出口右手方,即可到達。If you want to take the shuttle bus to The World Trade Center in Hall 1, please go to the right-hand side of the entrance door.48.您要到醫護室,請往一樓K區到底。If you want to go to the nurse's office, please go to the first floor.It’s at the end of area K.49.展場內部左右分別都有手扶梯,可參觀1樓及4樓的展覽。Escalators are situated on both the left and right side of the exhibition.You can visit the exhibition on the first floor and forth floor, thanks.50.廁所直走到底就可以看到了,謝謝!Please go straight ahead and you’ll see the lavatory.4



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