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Egypt, officially the Arab Republic of Egypt, is a country mainly in North Africa, with the Sinai Peninsula forming a land bridge in Western Asia.Covering an area of about 1,010,000 square kilometers(390,000 sq mi), Egypt is bordered by the Mediterranean Sea to the north, the Gaza Strip and Israel to the northeast, the Red Sea to the east, Sudan to the south and Libya to the west.Egypt is one of the most populous countries in Africa and the Middle East.The great majority of its estimated 77.4 million[1] live near the banks of the Nile River, in an area of about 40,000 square kilometers(15,000 sq mi), where the only arable agricultural land is found.The large areas of the Sahara Desert are sparsely inhabited.About half of Egypt's residents live in urban areas, with the majority spread across the densely-populated centres of greater Cairo, Alexandria and other major cities in the Nile Delta.Egypt is famous for its ancient civilization and some of the world's most famous monuments, including the Giza pyramid complex and its Great Sphinx.The southern city of Luxor contains numerous ancient artifacts, such as the Karnak Temple and the Valley of the Kings.Egypt is widely regarded as an important political and cultural nation of the Middle East.Egypt possesses one of the most developed economies in the Middle East, with sectors such as tourism, agriculture, industry and service at almost equal rates in national production.[citation needed] Consequently, the Egyptian economy is rapidly developing, due in part to legislation aimed at luring investments, coupled with both internal and political stability, along with recent trade and market liberalization.埃及,全称阿拉伯埃及共和国,是东北非洲人口最多的国家,面积为1,020,000平方公里,人口已超过8000万。埃及是世界文明古国之一。地理上该国地跨二洲即亚洲和非洲,西奈半岛位于西南亚(西亚),而该国大部分国土位于北非地区。伊斯兰教为国教,信徒主要为逊尼派,另外还有基督教与其他宗教;官方语言为阿拉伯语,通用英语和法语。



An area of 1.00145 million square kilometers.Across Asia, Africa and the two continents, the west Libya, Sudan, the south east, the Red Sea, and with the Palestinians, the Israeli border and north to the Mediterranean Sea.Egypt most of the territory is located in northeastern Africa, only the Suez Canal to the east of the Sinai Peninsula is located in southwestern Asia.Egypt, about 2900 kilometers of coastline, but it is a typical desert country, 95 percent throughout the desert.The world's longest river Nile through Egypt from south to north, known as Egypt's “river of life.” The formation of the narrow Nile Valley and into the sea to form the delta, is Egypt's most fertile regions.Although this piece of the region accounted for only 4% of land area, but across the country inhabited by 99% of the population.Brief the Suez Canal Europe, Asia, Africa and three continents transportation hub, communication, the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, connecting the Atlantic and Indian Ocean, has an important strategic and economic significance.Major lakes large Bitter Lake, and Tim sah Lake, as well as the Aswan high dam formed by Africa's largest artificial lakethe Nile Basin and the Nile Delta region, the western desert regions, eastern desert region, the Sinai Peninsula.South of Cairo, is the width of 3 to 16 kilometers of the Nile green corridor, commonly known as Upper Egypt., North of Cairo, known as Lower Egypt.Alexandria and Port Said between the alluvial plain of the Nile Delta, an area of about 20000 ~ 40000 square kilometers.In the past, the Nile flood every year on a regular basis, to bring the fertile alluvial delta.Here is the birthplace of ancient culture of Egypt is the country's most important economic activities in the region, Egypt, most of the population is concentrated here, but also the world's most densely populated regions.The Nile to the west of the western desert called the Libyan desert.It is the world's largest desert-the Sahara desert as part of Egypt, an area of approximately 2 / 3.It is the south elevation of 350 to 500 meters, gilf kebir plateau about 1,000 meters above sea level, central and northern parts of

many depressions, in order to cover the largest area of Tara depressions.Groundwater depressions to form an oasis.Nile to the east of the eastern desert, also known as the Arabian desert.It is encroaching upon the Red Sea coast, the terrain slope from east to west, the Red Sea along the mountainous, about 1,500 meters above sea level.The Suez Canal to the east of the Sinai Peninsula, is located in southwest Asia, an area of about 64000 square kilometers, accounting for 6.38% of Egypt area.Mediterranean Multi-Sinai sand dunes, the northern lowlands is Tih desert, more than intermittent streams and dry riverbeds.East Plateau, St.Catherine Mountain 2637 meters above sea level, is Egypt's highest mountain, the legendary Moses by “Ten Commandments” place.埃 及 概 况

国名: 阿拉伯埃及共和国(The Arab Republic of Egypt)


国庆日: 7月23日(1952年)


国徽: 为一只金色的鹰,称萨拉丁雄鹰。金鹰昂首挺立、舒展双翼,象征胜利、勇敢和忠诚,它是埃及人民不畏烈日风暴、在高空自由飞翔的化身。鹰胸前为盾形的红、白、黑三色国旗图案,底部座基饰带上写着“阿拉伯埃及共和国”。



国家政要:总统穆罕默德·胡斯尼·穆巴拉克(muhammed hosni mubarak),1981年10月当选,1987年10月、1993年10月、1999年9月三次连任,2005年9月,穆巴拉克在埃及历史上首次有多名候选人参加的总统选举中赢得压倒性胜利,第五次当选埃及总统。总理艾哈迈德·纳齐夫(Ahmed Nazef),2004年7月任职。


人口: 6921.3万(2003年1月),其中绝大多数生活在河谷和三角洲。伊斯兰教为国教,信徒主要是逊尼派,占总人口的84%。科普特基督徒和其他信徒约占16%。官方语言为阿拉伯语,中上层通用英语,法语次之。

首都:开罗(Cairo),人口728.3万(2001年),是阿拉伯和非洲国家人口最多的城市。大开罗人口约1675万(2001年),夏季平均气温最高34.2℃,最低20.8℃;冬季最高19.9℃,最低9.7℃。网上游览:小世界 大开罗>>>

第二篇:埃及王子 观后感 英文

Question Religion influences culture and worldview.Think about how religion influences culture in terms of deep worldview assumptions(the origin of the people, their place in history and how they treat others).In the case of Moses and Pharaoh Rameses II, explain how their faiths influence their behavior and how it effects the lives of their followers.As for the origin of the people, Egyptian identity is closely tied to geography.The population of Egypt is concentrated in the lower Nilevalley, the small strip of cultivable land stretching from the First Cataract to the Mediterranean and enclosed by desert both to the east and to the west.This unique geography has been the basis of the development of Egyptian society since antiquity.If regarded as a single ethnic group, the Egyptian people constitute one of the world's largest.It is believed that the original shapes of the script go back to Egyptian hieroglyphs, though the phonetic values are instead inspired by the acrophonic principle.The common ancestor of Hebrew and Phoenician is called Canaanite, and was the first to use a Semitic alphabet distinct from Egyptian.As for their place in history The Delta posed problems of drainage and was difficult to settle as few regions were permanently above the level of the high Nile.The marshes along the northern coastline were much of the time water-logged.These problems were overcome to some extent by building dams and drainage canals.In the end the majority of the Egyptian population lived in Lower Egypt.As for how they treat others ,IPharaoh Rameses II sought to build an empire,the task for which his birth had had destined his the ancient traditions is to be the morning and evening star.If he said day is night, it would be written,and his people would be what he said they were.In his eyes,people from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were just slaves,what they should do is to obey and their lives deserve nothing.Moses respected his people and protected them.He thought he was sent by the god of his ancestors to deliver his people,leading them to good land flowing with milk and honey where everyone is equal and has right to poses happiness.So you see,these are how their faiths influence their behavior and how it effects the lives of their followers.


Hello,everyone.My name is///.I'm twelve years old.I am a Middle school student.I was born in Panjin,It is an beautiful city.Now I study in Bohai No.1 Middle School.I'm in Class Three,Grade Two.There are thirteen-five students in our class.We have four classes in the morning and four classes in the afternoon.Our classes begin at 7:00 and end at 17:00.I love my teachers and my classmates.They are all very nice.There are three people in My family,my father my morther ang I.My father is a worker.He works in a factory.My mother is a worker,too.She works in Xinghai street.I like our family.I am good at math and Chinese.My English is so-so,but I often listening speaking reading and writing.I really like English very much.My favourite sport is football ang I like it very much.I'm good at computers.I hope to become a computer expert when I grow up.I will study hard to make my dream come true.Thank you!

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Any suggestion and the criticism.Thanks!


The World Economic Forum(WEF), based in Geneva, is an international non-governmental organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging leaders in partnerships to shape global, regional and industrial agendas.The forum, initially known as the European Management Forum, was founded in 1971 by Klaus M.Its agenda now includes the most pressing problems facing the world, ranging from political, military and security concerns, to bilateral and regional issues.Since 1979, China has maintained good cooperative relations with the World Economic Forum.China's leaders participated and delivered speeches in the annual meeting on many occasions.They included Premier Li Peng, Vice Premier Zhu Rongji, Li Lanqing and Wu Bangguo successively.between 1992 and 2000, and Vice Premier Huang Ju, Zeng Peiyan, State Councilor Hua jianmin and Premier Wen jiabao.China has dispatched delegations to the regional economic summits organized by the World Economic Forum since 1993.Between 1981 and 2006, the World Economic Forum, in collaboration with China Enterprise Confederation, convened an “International Senior Management Symposium” in China(renamed the “China Business Summit” in 1996), which was suspended after the “Summer Davos” Forum was held in China in 2007.Usually the World Economic Forum convenes an annual meeting in Davos at the beginning of each year, so it is also called the “Davos Forum”.Klaus Schwab, Chairman of the World Economic Forum, raised the idea of a “Summer Davos China” in 2005.The Beijing representative office of the World Economic Forum was set up in June, 2006, and was the first representative body established outside Switzerland.The World Economic Forum has convened its Annual Meeting of the New Champions(“Summer Davos” Forum)each year since 2007, aiming to create a platform for “enterprises expanding globally” to discuss and share experiences with well-established enterprises.The first “Summer Davos” Forum was held in Dalian in September, 2007 with the same theme of the 2007 Davos Annual Meeting –“Changing the power equilibrium”.In September, 2008, the second Summer Davos Forum was held in Tianjin with the theme of the “Next round of growth”.In September, 2009, the third Summer Davos Annual Meeting was held in Dalian with the theme of “Relanching growth”.Premier Wen Jiabao attended the opening ceremony of the three forums and delivered speeches.In addition, the World Economic Forum lays stress on cooperation with Chinese enterprises.By September, 2009, the number of Chinese enterprises becoming members of the World Economic Forum had exceeded 60.The 2012 Summer Davos Forum, referred to as the “Wind vane of the world's economy”, was held in Tianjin from Sept 11 to 13.The number of guests set a new record.The elite and politicians from all over the world ran a brainstorming session with the theme of “molding the economy in the future”.On September 11, 2013, the Seventh Summer Davos Forum was opened in Dalian.Premier Li Keqiang attended the forum and delivered a special address.Edited by Wang Yifei and Brian Anthony Salter The Annual Meeting of the New Champions Schwab, Chairman of the World Economic Forum, raised the idea of a “Summer Davos China” in 2005.In September, 2008, the second Summer Davos Forum was held in Tianjin with the theme of the “Next round of growth”.The 2014 Summer Davos has brought about the concept of “Green Transportation, Green Theme activities, Green Dining, Green Accommodation, and Green Souvenirs”.The World Economic Forum Annual Meeting of the New Champions, also known as the Summer Davos Forum, will be held in Dalian, Liaoning Province, from Wednesday until Friday.This year's event will be on the theme of “Mastering Quality Growth.” About 1,500 participants from 90countries and regions are expected to show up during the three-day forum.




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We are doing everything to offer our customers with best services and best products.We promise that we’ll be responsible all the way to the end once our services begin.



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